#providing each other with unlimited emotional support
andtheirmoonlight · 1 year
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 2 years
Honestly love how much Setheris Nelar totally screws things up for himself.
I mean, he was the primary caretaker for the future emperor from when he was eight years old. That's huge! If he had been even slightly less of an absolute dick, he would probably have ended up running the country.
Like, no offence to Csevet, but the first courier who stumbled into Edonomee at 4am with the message about Maia's ascension literally ended up being named Imperial Secretary and granted seemingly unlimited influence over the Emperor and his government. Within less than 24 hours.
That is how desperate Maia was for somebody to hold his hand through this. That could have been you Setheris!
And even if we assume that a version of Maia raised by a version of Setheris who actually gave a shit might have had the additional confidence and education necessary to stand on his own two feet more at the beginning, the Emperor's closest relative/friend/basically dad is still not to be sniffed at!
Again, Setheris raised Maia. He was seemingly the only adult at Edonomee who was tasked with taking care of him (beyond the servants, who seem to have been more involved with the practical stuff than providing any kind of emotional support). Endearing yourself to an eight year old boy, when you have ten years and total isolation to do so, shouldn't be this hard.
If Setheris was even vaguely nice to Maia, he'd have probably ended up forming some kind of strong emotional bond with him just by virtue of there being no other potential parental figures in the vicinity.
(Worth noting that the noblewoman hired to look after him for the funeral was vaguely nice to him for like a week, and Maia remembered that one week for ten years and then sought her out to offer his thanks and financial aid to her family virtually the moment he became emperor. This wasn't a hard kid to make a good impression on, is what I'm saying.)
Hell. If Setheris had managed to hire a nanny/tutor to take care of the bulk of Maia's day-to-day care, and just made the effort to be halfway decent when they passed each other in the hallways of Edonomee, Maia would still most likely have had a better relationship with him than with Varenechibel.
He could have been the slightly less distant father figure who ended up becoming chief advisor. It would have been so easy!
But no. Setheris instead chose to be an abusive shitheel for ten years straight, and now not only is he not trusted, but the Emperor literally cannot stand to be in a room with him without experiencing symptoms of panic attack. Setheris gets basically banished at the first excuse because his very presence at court is just that triggering for Maia.
Like, leaving aside how obviously shitty for him to have treated Maia (a literal child at the time) so badly, this is such a cock-up from a political perspective.
He was given a golden opportunity to mould the next Emperor's entire personality, and he blew it so hard that the Emperor now instinctively frames his likes and dislikes around what he knows Setheris wouldn't have approved of.
This should have felt like a reward, y'know? The return to court after all this time? The seemingly friendless kid you spent ten years caring for ending up being the fucking Emperor?
I mean, just imagine getting basically everything you ever wanted served up to you gift wrapped on a silver platter, only for it to be immediately snatched away because you are just such an utter repulsive cunt of a human being. Imagine having to admit out loud in front of several witnesses (including the main victim of your abuse and your own beloved wife) that you 100% deserve this because you are just that shitty.
Honestly couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
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thisismisogynoir · 3 months
No, but can we talk about how, despite allegedly being a "feminist" movie, Barbie 2023 actually mocks the idea of a female fantasy and Barbie being an inspirational role model for young girls?
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It's so upsetting that not enough people bring this up, even the other haters of Barbie, but it needs to be addressed. Barbie was meant to provide an empowering fantasy for young girls. A lot of people have differing opinions on whether Barbie is feminist or not and what she represents. But at the end of the day, Barbie was designed to give girls a role model to see themselves in, to show them that they could pursue any career, that they can be the heroines of their own story, and reach their fullest potential. She was meant to tell girls that anything is possible. And the movie not only shits all over that, it makes that feminist message out to be something unrealistic and bad, and even worse, portrays it as something that oppresses men and makes THEM victims, because everything needs to be about men. And it's fucking disgusting. Allow me to explain how.
(spoilers for the Barbie movie below...I mean, if you even care, lol.)
We start out at the beginning of the movie with an introduction to the magical world of Barbieland that our well-known and universally familiar dolls live in. Barbieland is a feminist utopia, one that many women would be eager to live in. Women have all the power, are well-respected, can and do pursue any career, and support and uplift each other rather than tear each other down over their differences(aside from Weird Barbie, who they do apologize to in the end). They are happy and free in their female-empowering land, they don't fear the leers and catcalls from men as they walk down the streets, they dance together happily late at night, and they are confident in their bodies. There is diversity in the Barbieland. There is a plus-sized Barbie, a transfem Barbie, a wheelchair Barbie, and plenty of Barbies of color. The President of Barbieland is a Black woman. And none of these differences hold the Barbies back from being able to have power and they are not treated any differently from the other Barbies.
Femininity isn't seen as a weakness. Neither is expressing emotion, and in fact the fat Barbie even has a miniature speech about how she can balance her emotion with her logic and this makes her a smarter person, which the other Barbies support. It's a world where women are empowered and have unlimited potential to achieve their dreams and live freely without fear of their oppressors. Stereotypical Barbie isn't even afraid to reject Beach Ken's advances, she doesn't fear being stalked, raped, or killed by him for saying no. She just turns him down, and not only that, but she turns him down in favor of having girls' night, showing that in this world, girls support each other and value their female friendships over heterosexual relationships with guys(I'll touch on this point again later). I don't know about you, but that sure as hell does sound like a world that I dream of living in. Minus the fact that all the food and drinks are fake.
But the story doesn't frame this matriarchy as empowering, like they should. It portrays it instead as something ridiculous and far-fetched, something that the audience is meant to laugh at rather than support, which becomes more blatant as the movie progresses.
And then we get to the "real" world. Where men instead rule over women in a patriarchy, and we see Barbie experience misogyny for the first time. And this was the moment I started fully hating the movie, and realized it for the sloppy, anti-feminist mess that it is. The first part of the movie set in Barbieland was campy and fun and happy and feel-good, providing the exact type of feel that Barbie brings. But the moment she steps into the real world, everything becomes sad and hopeless and cynical.
And I get that the patriarchy does exist and women are oppressed by it every day, but the way the movie executed this was really overexaggerated and cringeworthy. They made it seem as if women are constantly and completely powerless in every aspect of life, like seriously they didn't even show ANY women in positions of power and the only women we did see with jobs besides a female doctor, were Gloria who works an office job at Mattel and Ruth who is already dead and is for all extents and purposes relegated to the fucking kitchen. They made the world out to be a complete and total dystopia where women aren't capable of achieving anything and the only two women of importance who are from the real world are Sasha and her mother Gloria, the former is portrayed as bitter, cynical, and constantly angry, the latter is portrayed as stressed-out, depressed, and somewhat suicidal with her thoughts about death. Is this all that the Barbie movie thinks that women can achieve in our world? Being miserable and frustrated with no hope of achieving our dreams and desires? With no power or satisfaction in our day to day lives? Is this all that this shithole movie thinks that women can amount to?
And the worst part is how Barbie is derided and mocked for thinking that she has provided a female role model for women and girls. The start of the movie mocks Barbie for thinking that it solved all women's problems and completely advanced women's rights/feminism, even though Barbie/Mattel has never claimed that. Yes, she was meant to be a role model. But she was never portrayed as the be-all, end-all of feminism. Even people who look up to Barbie and were encouraged by her aren't naive enough to think that a twelve-inch tall plastic doll is enough to smash the patriarchy. The movie makes this up solely so they can tear down Barbie for something that it never claimed to do in the first place. When our main Barbie leaves to go to the real world, the other Barbies encourage her(as Barbies tend to do) by saying that they bet all the women in the real world will thank her for giving them rights. Which is obviously meant to be an overexaggerated and satirical jab at Barbie once again, for thinking that it has created feminism or whatever, and that sexism is over solely thanks to the Barbie franchise. Cute. Too bad no version of the Barbie brand has ever claimed that in the first place. Again, it's a ridiculous and false claim that only exists to further unnecessarily jab at Barbie and propel this backwards-thinking message.
And then when she gets to the human world she is mocked even more. Sasha and her friends laugh at her when she claims to be Barbie and asks them to thank you for inspiring them, and then when she says she loves and wants to help women, Sasha aggressively informs her that EVERYONE hates women. This movie actually has a pretty nihilistic view of womanhood, when you think about it. The Barbie world is portrayed as an empowering world where women can achieve anything that they set their minds to, and aren't held back by sexism, causing them to have full power, reflecting the female fantasy that Barbie was always supposed to represent. But that's just a fantasy land, and is portrayed as cheesy and superficial. When Barbie gets to the real world, she is confronted with the supposed "reality" of being a woman, and comes to realize that it's not actually about empowerment and being smart and capable after all, but about suffering and never having your voice respected, and never having any power and freedom but instead losing your idealism and optimism as you age, causing her to break down in tears upon realizing how stressful it is to be a woman and that she never actually empowered them like she hoped. Seriously, whose idea was it to make Barbie constantly crying and miserable and incapable of doing anything on her own? Is this the Barbie I know? No, it's a pathetic, nonsensical knockoff. I'm telling you, they were TRYING to tear Barbie down.
This is especially true when Gloria gives her entire speech to Barbie about how contradictory and painful being a woman is, ending it with "not only are you doing everything wrong, but also, everything is your fault!" Come on! What is this? It's such a painful and harsh message to try to send through BARBIE of all things, that the essence of being a woman is just pain, pain, pain and guess what else? More pain! How being a woman sucks because all you do is get hated by everyone and treated as an object worthy of scorn and ridicule. It's just so unnecessarily cruel, how they violently ripped away any feminist empowerment Barbie was meant to possess in favor of forcing her into a depressive world where women have no rights or value, and had the nerve to portray this as "realistic", because obviously more negative automatically means more realistic, right?
Rather than provide a middle ground where women face hardships and adversity but are still capable of rising above their struggles and finding the strength within them to make their voices heard and get what they want in society, they opt instead for a stupid false dichotomy: the world is either a stupid frivolous Amazon utopia wrapped in pink and glitter with girl power up the wazoo or a bleak, heartless, and grey dystopia where nothing good ever happens to a woman and only men can do anything important. And it portrays the second one as clearly more realistic and the "better" option. Which, in doing so, sends the message that a world where women rule and are respected and have power and are encouraged to have ambition and pursue any goal they want in life...is unrealistic and impossible, if not outright deserving of scorn. It's so miserable and aggravating. When Barbie said "the cognitive dissonance required to be a woman under the patriarchy" I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes. THAT'S how badly the movie annoyed me with its nihilistic and negative preaching. I watched the movie in two days and when I stopped watching it on the first day I felt such a frustrated, hollow feeling in my stomach. I felt so unsatisfied. Like, is this it? Is this all I can dream of having as a woman? All that praise this shitty capitalist crapfest received for being so feminist and eye-opening, ultimately led up to this? For real? So disappointing.
But that's not even the worst part. The worst part is when the movie introduces the KENdom, aka, when Ken brings about the patriarchy...and if the movie hadn't already been hot stinkin' ASS, this is when it would've REALLY started to drag, and where it REALLY reinforces the idea that women can never have any actual power and authority and must instead constantly suffer under the patriarchal status quo.
Ken comes back to Barbieland and introduces the other Kens and Barbies to the patriarchy and horses(ig no one told him that horses are a matriarchal animal, but whatevs), and within hours, revamps the world into a patriarchal hell, just like the real world(except it's portrayed as very childish and simplistic because the witers don't actually take the patriarchy seriously and think it's just "boys think girls have cooties".). And the other dolls instantly buy into it? First of all, am I really expected to believe that the Barbies, who have been established as champions of strength, power and dominance, and who have always ruled the Barbie world, would instantly and easily give in to Ken's brainwashing and allow all of their power to be ripped out of their hands, becoming the happy devoted sexy slaves of the Kens? You think they would casually be like "I for one, welcome our new male overlords!" and let the Kens have all the power? Am I really supposed to accept that shit? And am I also supposed to accept that the other Kens in Kenland, including the Asian one who competes with the white Ken over Barbie, would easily leap at the chance to oppress their female counterparts, rather than laugh at Ken for being silly and tell him to sit his ass down somewhere? Really? Don't piss me off.
The only way you could accept this series of unfortunate events as plausible is if you accept the fact that we're supposed to laugh at Barbieland for being a girl power feminist matriarchy in the first place. If we're meant to laugh at the women for being in power and at this imagined society for being so gynocentric and girl-positive, then of COURSE we're meant to laugh at them for getting their power ripped away that easily, as women could never hold power for so long realistically! Eventually the men would realize their true potential and make society work in favor of them! It's natural and inevitable! The Barbie movie said so!!! And so we watch as the intended "humorous" scenes go on and on, of the men happily running around, flaunting their muscles, and chugging down beers like it's going out of style, while the women happily submit to this newfound male authority, massaging men's feet and serving them drinks. Because obviously a matriarchy could never last long, women are so weak and fragile that any sense of power that they think they possess could easily be ripped away from them within a moment's notice. Peak feminism, everybody.
But it's cool, because eventually the Barbies prove me wrong. They DO get their power back, and establish their rights again. But how do they do it? Do they stage a coup and violently and angrily fight the Kens? Do they march for their rights, as real life feminists have done? Do they balance logic and emotion, as fat Barbie praised herself for doing in the beginning of the movie, and reason with the Kens that oppressing the Barbies is not the right thing to do? No, no, they...put on sexy skimpy outfits and pretend to be dumb bimbos so as to lull the Kens into a false sense of security and think that THEY are in control. And later on they let the Kens sing to them a song about how they want to control women, before turning them against each other by pretending to be in love with different Kens than the ones they were originally listening to. Are you kidding me? This is supposed to be a feminist revolution! But instead of actually using their genuine power to put the men back in their place, they instead use their feminine wiles and dumb themselves down so that the men can feel strong. It is literally leaning into the sexist trope that the only weapon women have, especially against men, is their sexuality, and that this is the only way that women can get their way. Despite this going against EVERYTHING that Barbie stands for! She is supposed to be a strong, smart, and capable woman who can do it all and look glamorous while doing it! She is NOT supposed to be a fucking femme fatale, vamp, or sex object!
So not only do they have their matriarchy easily ripped away from them, but they also are forced to abandon their actual female empowerment and instead conform to the patriarchal status quo to get ahead. By using their bodies, stroking men's egos, and allowing men to mansplain to them. Because the only weapons women are capable of using are the ones men gave us. Because women are just bodies. And this is portrayed as a GOOD thing. Seriously, two of the Barbies even high five each other as they trade Kens at the fireplace, as if to say, "go girl, you are doing it!" Like, seriously, are we supposed to see this as a girlboss moment? Because I sure don't. It's giving "weaponized femininity". It's giving "eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man". It's giving "men are visual creatures." It's giving "kill me with a chainsaw right fucking now because I'm done with this shit." Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on how the Kens have a violent manly war, while the women only get to flutter their eyelashes and use their sex appeal. Because men are strong, women are pretty. Of course.
And then the worst part in the entire movie, the part that really infuriated me and let me know that this movie was the antithesis of feminism, arrives...the Barbies get their matriarchy back and are in power again, and everybody cheers and is happy, except for Beach Ken, who runs away to go sulk. And then...Barbie...fucking apologizes to him. She apologizes to him for casting him aside and making him feel unwanted and unvalued, and even says outright, "not every night has to be a girl's night." Why the fuck, movie? Do you remember earlier in this post when I mentioned how Barbie blows off Ken to hang out with her female friends, because it's girls' night, and female friends matter more than a guy? Sisters before misters, and all that jazz? Well, fuck that. Near the end of the movie, Barbie ends up apologizing to Ken for having a girl's night all the time, as if she was a bad person for not seeing how much she owed him and not hanging out with him all the time when she simply didn't want to. Here we have a woman apologizing for putting her girl friends over a man. The man doesn't apologize for making women his and his brethren's personal slaves. The woman apologizes for making him feel the need to go there by not catering to him, by being too focused on herself to the point where she ignores him, by being so empowered and strong that she makes him feel overshadowed, dare I say, emasculated, and thus need to reassert his fragile, threatened masculinity.
Because this isn't a feminist movie, not really. This is an MRA movie. This is a movie that, rather than focus specifically on the women and their problems, brushes their problems under the rug so as to remind the audience that "men matter too" "men have issues too" "men also suffer under the patriarchy!" And other such claptrap. I don't understand why the fuck cishet Reddit incels/conservatives/right-wingers/other such reactionary groups hate this movie and think that it's anti-men when actually it is pro-men and aligns fucking PERFECTLY with their bullshit line of thinking. That feminism oppresses and victimizes men, that men are the REAL victims of sexism/oppression, that women being granted rights is ultimately more harmful to MEN, that women need to be nicer to and pacify men and apologize for having too much power, that we all need to be quiet and listen to MEN and their experiences more. And I FUCKING HATE that. MEN have been listened to ENOUGH. And I am SICK of being forced to include them and their viewpoints more. How about instead of centering the Kens, we focus more on the Barbies and exploring THEIR issues, and using THEM as templates to convey issues about misogyny? Instead of focusing on Ken and his issues and his unrequited love for Barbie??? Instead, it was made all about the Kens and how oppressed they feel because the women are at the top of the hierarchy, to the point where THEY got the fun little dance number near the climax, RATHER than the actual fucking BARBIES that this movie was NAMED after. Because last time I checked, this WAS the BARBIE movie. NOT THE KEN MOVIE!!!
Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on that shitty ass parallel the movie tries to pull between the Barbieland matriarchy and the real world patriarchy. The movie tries to make the claim that the Barbies being dominant and the most powerful in the Barbie world is just the same as men being dominant and the most powerful in the real world, because the Barbies oppressed Kens just like men oppress women in our world. It also tries to raise the point that the Kens felt insecure and overshadowed by the Barbies and were treated as second-class citizens, thus they installed the Kendom. AND I FUCKING HATE THAT comparison for two reasons. The first is that the Barbies never oppressed the Kens or treated them as inferior in any way. They were simply more important because...it's the BARBIE company. Not the KEN company. Barbies are toys meant to be sold to little girls to inspire THEM. So of course the women are going to be the ones in charge! Why is that such a bad thing?
And the second reason is because I haaaaate the dumb fucking trope of "matriarchy bad because woman oppressing man is just as bad as man oppressing woman!" that this movie and countless, endless other pieces of media also try to push. Like, do you know why female-dominated societies(particularly utopias/positively portrayed ones) are so often represented in media??? Because the world we live in is so heavily male-dominated in almost every society and culture, and has been this way for centuries!!! Sure, there are and have been a few matriarchal cultures in society, but they are few and far between. The overwhelming majority of the world is run by men! Sad but true! And this allegedly feminist movie is for real gonna sit down and tell me "okay, but we can't allow ourselves to dream of a world where women are the ones with positions of power and men are not the privileged ones"? Hell no, fuck that. This movie is giving multiple people, both men and women alike, the opportunity to argue that sexism against men is "just as bad".
But women should be allowed to dream of our matriarchy. We should be allowed to fantasize about a world where we are in charge. We should be allowed to dream about a world where we are protected, respected, and catered to, and can live freely and without fear and oppression, without being told to "think of the men." It doesn't mean that men should be abused, mistreated, or oppressed just like women are and have been. But then again, the Barbies didn't even do that either, like I said. This movie, in its shallow attempts to "critique" the matriarchy(lol) ends up reinforcing exactly why the two aren't comparable in the first place. When the Barbies were in charge, they didn't oppress the Kens or treat them as second-class citizens. They simply lived their lives, going about their day and having fun while pursuing awesome careers.
The Kens, on the other hand, actively oppressed Barbies when they were in charge. The second they were given power, they leaped at the chance to treat Barbies like garbage, the same way that they somehow believed that they had always been treated. They treated the Barbies worse than the Barbies ever actually treated them, to be quite honest. They were the real oppressors, not Barbies. It ironically enough sends the accidental message that the world actually IS better off with women in charge. Can you really blame the Barbies for taking their matriarchy back again(I certainly was happy when they did!)? But no. Instead, the movie expects us to sympathize with the Kens, after everything they've done, and tries to portray the idea of a matriarchy as "just as bad" as a patriarchy. And if that's not an EXCELLENT example of a false equivalence, then man, I don't know what is. Don't even get me started on the audacious slap in the face that was "the Kens will one day have as much power as women do in the real world." As if women got rights and seats in high office because they asked the men kindly? Barf.
And then at the end of the movie, Barbie of course leaves the false, silly matriarchal utopia to live as a boring ass regular human in the "real" world. She no longer gets to live in a world where she is fully liberated and empowered and not relegated to a lesser human being with lower status. She now must live in the "real" world, the hopeless, bleak, and oppressing real world where she will be faced with relentless misogyny and looked down upon by men and society. The movie could have had her form a bridge between the Barbie world and the human world, trying to mend the problems in both worlds while still staying true to who she is at her core. But instead, she is forced to say goodbye to her past life, abandon all her female friends and her old home, in favor of living in a world where she is denigrated to a second-class status in society. Because the female empowerment Barbieland trumped? Is a lie. Nothing short of a sweet, comforting lie designed to shield girls from the bleak and cynical realities that womanhood actually entails. Real womanhood is adorned with thorns at every corner.
But it's all right, because at least she gets to see the gynecologist! That's her ultimate ending. Not actually improving life for others and herself and making the world a more equitable place for women with the help of the other Barbies, as well as Gloria and Sasha. It's going to the gynecologist. Because having a vagina makes you a woman. Yay! Some people have tried to reclaim this as a trans metaphor, but I highly doubt a movie as shallow and lacking in intersectionality as this was aiming for anything near close to that. And it's a crying shame that this is what the movie thinks is an empowering and satisfying ending to Barbie's arc. How pitiful, sad, and pathetic.
It's such a shame, as well, because the Barbie movie could have actually had genuine critiques of the patriarchy and how it affects women without making everything out to be pessimistic and dreary, and without trying to center the Kens and coddle their male fragility. It could have discussed beauty standards and the expectations to always be conventionally attractive and perfectly presentable to a tee for women(something that Barbie has oft been criticized for, and with good reason, and has also been brought up in the movie too, but of course got dropped and barely mentioned again). It could have tackled gender norms and compulsory femininity, and showed Barbies who subvert or have complex/unique relationships with femininity(esp women of color and queer Barbies, who have different relationships to femininity than white and/or cishet women), even include some masculine/tomboyish/butch Barbies who aren't portrayed by the narrative as the butt of the joke. It could have used Weird Barbie to portray both of these messages and given her a more complex arc and concrete role in the narrative besides being just a comic relief character who gets called ugly all the time(by both other Barbies and herself, which is just sad, self-deprecation much?) and then at the end of the movie gets an apology thrown at her by President Barbie(and also, who was she before she became Weird Barbie? The movie doesn't say, and that is such a let-down, that we never get to know who she was before.).
They could have showed lesbian and sapphic and aroace Barbies, whose characters could be used to challenge amato/heteronormativity and compulsory heterosexuality. They could have explored what Barbie meant for women of color, trans women, fat women, disabled women, and mayyybe not? Cast a conventionally attractive white cis thin blonde woman as the main/regular Barbie? Especially if they were going to make that joke about how a woman who looks like that shouldn't be casted for a character who cries that she's ugly(which raises unfortunate implications as to what type of woman would be correct to cast in that role...but like every other genuine aspect of feminism in this movie, it gets forgotten about and erased as soon as it's brought up.) But they didn't do any of that. Because this is a white "feminist" movie written by a white woman and created in partnership with a capitalist company for one specific purpose: To sell toys.
Which wouldn't be as much of a problem if they didn't try to slap a feminist message on top of that, and then fail at delivering their message, hard, so hard in fact that they sideways-shuffle all the way into (trans)misogyny. For all the hype this movie gained(from the same people who will then turn around and silence genuine critique of the movie's shallow portrayal of feminism with "it's not that deep, it's just comedy, you shouldn't have expected Barbie to ACTUALLY be introspective and profound despite everyone claiming that it was!"), the actual contents therein gave us NOTHING to chew on. Just an empty parody of feminism that was more about the Kens than the actual Barbies, and portrayed suffering in silence and manipulating men with your looks as the ultimate pinnacle of womanhood.
I can't say I'm surprised. I'm just disappointed.
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pagesandpothos · 6 months
Whisper Wells by Ali Woods
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Whisper Wells is the first in an upcoming series called "Legends of the Whisper Woods" by Ali Woods. It's a romantasy debut novel set in a world that feels contemporary (cars and cellphones exist) but beings of all kinds (witches, vampires, dragons, centaurs...) are real. Some magical beings have integrated into human society, but many live secluded within a vast woodland known as Whisper Woods. The two main characters are Caelan and Tor. Caelan is part-Shifter (but mostly human) and lives in a homestead on the edge of Whisper Wells, a small town that borders Whisper Woods. Tor is Fae and lives in the large city of Loqueaur. Caelan and Tor meet on a dating app and develop a meaningful friendship until a disappearance brings the two together on a journey into Whisper Woods.
The story is light and reminds me a little of the cozy fantasy books I've read. There is that mystery but nothing is too dark and the stakes are low overall. The spice level, however, is high! Caelan and Tor are smitten with each other from the beginning and the story mostly focuses on their developing relationship as they adventure through the various perils of Whisper Woods.
The story is also filled with a host of really great characters. Tor and Caelean are, of course, fantastic, but they also encounter a lot of other fun characters during their journey. Towards the end of the book, there is even some potential setup of Book Two with two of the supporting characters!
Whisper Wells is perfect for any m/m romance fans who are looking for a lighter, fluffier story with a quest-style plot and great characters. The book is enjoyable, smutty, and funny. The main relationship is charming and has a lot of depth and emotion along with the spice. The ending is satisfying and the setup for future books left me excited to read all upcoming additions to the series. I'm especially hoping for a future book about Seff!
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Tropes/Tags: Achillean, queer, romance, romantasy, spicy, Fae, Werewolves/Shifters, Fated Mates, jealousy, protectiveness, found family
If you liked this I think you will like Whisper Wells: I think fans of Lily Mayne's "Monstrous" series will enjoy this. It reminded me a little of Soul Eater but with a cozy fantasy background instead of a sci-fi dystopia background.
Whisper Wells will be available on Kindle Unlimited on April 3, 2024 and is currently available for pre-order!
This book was made available to me in advance thanks to BookSirens! I received a free digital copy of this book in exchange for this review. The above are my honest feelings on the provided book.
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pinkseraphuniverse · 9 months
Exploring the World of Leisure Activities: Release Your Passion and Boost Your Well-being
Leisure activities are not just leisure activities; they are home windows into the heart. They offer an escape from the dullness of day-to-day life and enable us to discover our enthusiasms and interests. Whether it's painting, gardening, creating, or playing a musical instrument, pastimes have a profound effect on our psychological and emotional well-being. Taking part in tasks that bring us pleasure and contentment can lower stress and anxiety, enhance focus, and improve our overall sense of gratification. In this blog site message, we will certainly look into the world of leisure activities, exploring their countless benefits and uncovering exactly how they can enrich our lives.One of one of the most remarkable elements of pastimes is their ability to bring individuals together. They create possibilities for social communication and link, promoting a sense of belonging and neighborhood. Whether it's joining a publication club, participating in a food preparation course, or participating in a sporting activities league, pastimes provide a platform for like-minded individuals ahead with each other and share their passions. Furthermore, pastimes can also act as a way of self-expression and personal growth. They enable us to take advantage of our imagination and uncover surprise skills and capabilities. By committing time to our leisure activities, we not only support our very own wellness yet additionally add to the improvement of society by sharing our distinct perspectives and creations. So, why wait? Dive right into the globe of hobbies and unlock a globe of unlimited opportunities.
Read more here https://naturesincredible.com/butterflies/nick-bakers-my-living-world-butterfly-world-review/
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anangkaaa · 10 months
Denny Ja: Exploring the beauty of Frida Kahlo’s paintings through the latest AI technology
Throughout the history of art, many artists have described beauty in a unique and interesting way. One of the highly respected artists in the art world is Frida Kahlo. His paintings that reflect his personal life and struggle have inspired many people around the world.    In an effort to explore the beauty of Frida Kahlo’s painting more deeply, a prominent artist, Denny JA, has used the latest artificial intelligence technology (AI). In an interesting collaboration between art and technology, Denny JA has created a project that combines the beauty of painting with unlimited AI potential.    In a project entitled “Exploring the beauty of Frida Kahlo’s painting through the latest AI technology”, Denny JA has combined AI’s ability to analyze and understand the elements of art in Frida Kahlo’s paintings. By using a sophisticated algorithm, this AI can extract the feel and emotions contained in each brush stroke and the color combination chosen by Kahlo.    One example of the application of this AI technology is through digital reconstruction of damaged or lost frida kahlo paintings. By utilizing AI, Denny Ja can reconstruct the paintings based on available information, including detailed images and descriptions. This allows us to admire and study the works of art that may have been lost forever.    In addition, Denny Ja also uses AI to analyze every painting of Frida Kahlo in depth. By identifying certain patterns in the journey of Kahlo art, this AI can help us understand better about the inspiration and meaning behind every work of art produced by Kahlo. This gives valuable insight for art fans and researchers to see and appreciate the beauty from the new perspective.    Not only that, Denny Ja has also created a mobile application that allows users to explore the works of Frida Kahlo’s art interactively. Through Augmented Reality (AR) technology, users can “enter” the paintings and interact with elements in paintings. For example, they can walk along the way in the painting, pose in front of the characters in the painting, or even change the color palette of the painting according to their own preferences. This provides a unique and in -depth experience for art fans to feel the beauty and messages contained in every painting of Frida Kahlo.    In addition to exploring the beauty of Frida Kahlo’s paintings, this project also aims to inspire young people to be interested in art and technology. Denny Ja hopes that by combining these two fields, there will be many new opportunities that are open to creative exploration and innovation in the future.    In conclusion, the project “Exploring the beauty of Frida Kahlo’s paintings through the latest AI technology” carried out by Denny Ja is an extraordinary example of how art and technology can support and inspire each other. By utilizing AI’s sophisticated abilities, we can explore and understand the beauty of Frida Kahlo’s paintings in a new and interesting way.
Check more:
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phonologix-1 · 11 months
A guide for new parents navigating the autism journey and finding speech therapy for their child
Embarking on an autism journey can be both overwhelming and transformative. As you navigate this uncharted path, managing your emotions and finding support is essential for your and your child's well-being. In this blog, we'll provide straightforward advice for parents new to the world of autism, focusing on speech therapy for children.
1. Acknowledge your feelings:
Realize that it is normal to feel a variety of emotions, from insecurity and anxiety to love and joy. Acknowledging your emotions is the first step to understanding and managing them. Give yourself the opportunity to experience the ups and downs without judgment.
2. Seek professional advice:
Consider hiring a speech therapist who specializes in working with children with autism. Speech therapy is a valuable resource to support your child's communication skills. A speech therapist can provide appropriate strategies and exercises to improve your child's language development.
3. Connect with other parents:
Building a support network with other parents who have been through similar journeys can be incredibly comforting. Join local or online support groups where you can share experiences, ask questions, and get advice from people who understand the unique challenges and joys of raising a child with autism.
4. Make self-care a priority:
Self-care is important so you can support your child effectively. Take time for self-care, whether it's taking a quiet walk, reading a book, or drinking a cup of tea. By improving your health, you will be better equipped to meet any challenges that may arise.
 5. Educate yourself:
Knowledge is power. Learn about autism, speech therapy techniques, and available resources. Understanding your child's unique needs will help you advocate for them and collaborate more effectively with therapists and educators.
6. Celebrate small victories:
In the midst of challenges, celebrate each small success. Whether it's a new word spoken or a successful interaction, these milestones are important victories in your child's developmental journey. Cherish these moments and acknowledge the progress that has been made.
7. Open communication with the therapist:
Maintain open communication with your child's speech therapist. Share your observations, ask questions, and actively participate in therapy sessions. A collaborative approach between parents and therapists is essential to creating an effective and supportive environment for your child.
8. Foster a positive home environment:
Create a home environment that encourages positivity and encourages communication. Integrate speaking exercises into daily activities, participate in interactive games and surround your child in a supportive and loving atmosphere.
9. Appreciate your child's uniqueness:
Celebrate the unique qualities and strengths your child brings to the world. Accept their individuality and realize that each child's journey is unique. By focusing on their strengths, you can help build confidence and resilience.
10. Take it step by step:
Remember that the autism journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Take it one step at a time and celebrate progress, no matter how incremental. With patience, perseverance, and a support network, you and your child can navigate this journey together.
Parents, you are not alone on this journey. By managing your emotions, seeking professional support, connecting with others, and accepting your child's unique qualities, you are paving the way for a future filled with growth and progress and unlimited possibilities.
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sasmito-dwi · 11 months
Exploring the meaning of the heroes of the Pandemic era through Denny JA poetry: vibrant inspiration
Pandemi Covid-19 has shook the world widely, with millions of infected people and thousands who lost their lives due to this deadly virus. In the midst of concerns and uncertainty, unexpected heroes emerged who struggled persistently to protect and save the lives of others. In situations like this, Denny JA's poem emerged as a source of vibrant inspiration, exploring the meaning and strength of the Pandemic era hero. Poetry is a strong and expressive form of art, able to convey emotions and messages with unmatched smoothness. Denny Ja, a famous poet and culturalist from Indonesia, has created poems that inspire and photograph the state of the Pandemic era with extraordinary expertise. Through his works, he is able to explore the meaning of the heroes of the Pandemic era and inspire many people. One of Denny Ja's stunning poems is "Pandemic Heroes". This poem highlighted the struggle and sacrifice of unknown heroes who were at the forefront against COVID-19. In this poem, Denny JA describes the strength and resilience of these heroes, as well as a strong determination to fight Pandemic who threatens the health and lives of all of us. With stunning words and the use of rich language, this poem inspires us to respect and respect these heroes. Denny JA's poetry also explores the meaning of the heroes of the Pandemic era through inspirational individual stories. In poetry like "the story of the mother in the Pandemic substation" and "the last seconds in the isolation room", Denny JA described the experience and struggle of individuals who were directly affected by this Pandemic. Through words that are shaking and inspiring, he highlights their courage and fortitude in dealing with difficult and alarming situations. These poems give us a deep perspective on what the real heroes faced in this Pandemic era. Heroes of the Pandemic era were also found among medical personnel who struggled hard to save lives. In Denny Ja's poem entitled "Doctors Who Never Give Up", he described the unlimited dedication and sacrifice of doctors and nurses who were at the forefront. This poem paid respect to those who endlessly work hard to treat patients and fight this virus. Denny JA's poetry is able to summarize our feelings and appreciation for these heroes very beautifully. In exploring the meaning of the heroes of the Pandemic era through Denny JA's poetry, we also find a message about solidarity and unity. In poetry like "one heart against Pandemi" and "with us can", Denny Ja invites us to unite and support each other in the face of this crisis. These poems remind us that we all have an important role in fighting this pandemic, both by following the designated health protocols or by providing support to those in need. These poems become whips and inspiration for all of us to stay strong and unite in facing this challenge. In conclusion, Denny JA's poetry is a source of vibrating inspiration in exploring the meaning of the Pandemic era hero. Through strong words and beautiful language, these poems photograph the situation and struggle of unexpected heroes who struggle against Covid-19. Denny JA is able to convey emotions and deep messages, inviting us to respect and respect these heroes. These poems also remind us of the power of solidarity and unity in dealing with this crisis. In this difficult situation, let us together take inspiration from Denny JA's poetry and become a hero in our own way. Unite and fight together, we will surpass this pandemic and face a better future.
Check more: Exploring the meaning of the heroes of the Pandemic era through Denny JA poetry: vibrating inspiration.
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lets-misa-blog · 11 months
Checking out the World of Leisure Activities: Release Your Interest and Increase Your Wellness
Leisure activities are not just pastimes; they are home windows right into the soul. They offer a retreat from the dullness of everyday life and permit us to explore our enthusiasms and rate of interests. Whether it's painting, gardening, creating, or playing a music tool, hobbies have a profound effect on our mental and emotional health. Taking part in tasks that bring us pleasure and fulfillment can decrease stress, boost emphasis, and boost our total feeling of fulfillment. In this blog site post, we will certainly explore the globe of pastimes, exploring their numerous advantages and finding how they can improve our lives.One of one of the most amazing facets of leisure activities is their capacity to bring people together. They develop chances for social communication and connection, cultivating a feeling of belonging and neighborhood. Whether it's joining a book club, attending a food preparation course, or joining a sporting activities league, pastimes provide a platform for like-minded people to find with each other and share their enthusiasms. Moreover, pastimes can also function as a way of self-expression and personal growth. They allow us to tap right into our creative thinking and uncover surprise abilities and capacities. By committing time to our pastimes, we not just support our own health but likewise add to the improvement of culture by sharing our unique viewpoints and creations. So, why wait? Dive right into the globe of pastimes and unlock a globe of unlimited possibilities.
Read more here https://naturesincredible.com/ants/ant-world/
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arisawati · 11 months
Reviewing the beauty and meaning behind the 52nd Denny Ja chosen work: "God's love alone"
This year, Indonesia was again presented with a spectacular work from one of the leading artists, Denny JA. His chosen work entitled "LOVE LORD MANE" managed to captivate the hearts of art connoisseurs throughout the country. In this article, we will review the beauty and meaning behind this spectacular work. "God's Love alone" is one of Denny JA's latest works presented at the 52nd art exhibition. This work illustrates the spiritual journey of humans in seeking love and relationships with God. Through the painting medium, Denny Ja invites the audience to reflect and dive into the experience of deep spiritual experience. One of the main attractions of this work is its stunning beauty. This essay poem combines bright color and contrast with a soft and detail touch. Denny JA is able to create a visual harmony that attracts the attention of the audience. In terms of technical, the use of precision brushes and layering techniques provides a real and charming nuance of work. However, visual beauty is not the only one that makes this work so interesting. Behind a beautiful canvas, there is a deep and philosophical meaning. "LOVE LORD only" invites the audience to reflect on the importance of relationships with God in everyday life. Denny JA uses various symbols and metaphors in his essay poetry to describe human spiritual journey. One of the symbols that often appears in this work is pigeons. Pigeons have long been considered as a symbol of peace and relationships with God. In this work, pigeons are described as flying free in space, symbolizing unlimited spiritual search. In addition, Denny JA also uses natural elements in this essay poem. A strong trees and strong roots symbolize the power of faith and belief. On the other hand, the waterfall that flows calmly and the bright sky reflects the beauty and peace found in relationships with God. This work also describes human emotional journey in seeking love and peace. By using intelligent color and composition variations, Denny JA managed to describe feelings of joy, sadness, and happiness in this work. Each stroke of the brush contains strong emotional power, allowing the audience to feel and live the experience described in essay poetry. In addition to visual beauty and philosophical meaning, the work of "God's love alone" also succeeded in presenting an impressive multisensory experience. This art exhibition is designed in such a way as to create an atmosphere that supports art connoisseurs feel spiritual presence in the work. Soft music and adapted lighting gives a magical touch to the essay poetry, strengthening the audience's experience. Not only capturing the hearts of art lovers, this work also attracts the attention of art critics and cultural observers. Many admire Denny JA's expertise in delivering deep messages through painting. This work has inspired many people to reflect and explore the meaning of deeper life. As one of the works chosen in the 52nd art exhibition, "God's love only" proves that painting is still a strong medium to convey messages and affect human feelings.
Check in full: review the beauty and meaning behind the 52nd Denny Ja selected work: "God's love alone"
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fitaamel · 11 months
Revealing the story behind Denny JA's selected work 49: "Hold on an inch again"
Revealing the story behind Denny JA's selected work 49: "Hold on an inch again" On this occasion, we will discuss a work that has its own uniqueness. The work is "Surviving in Overcome again", the 49th selected work of Denny JA. In this article, we will reveal the story behind the work and explore the meaning contained in it. "Hold on an inch again" is a work that describes a person's struggle and courage in facing various challenges of life. In this essay poem, Denny Ja tells the story of a man named Adi, who must struggle to survive in the midst of the limitations he faces. In this work, Denny JA invites readers to see the world through Adi's eyes. Adi is a man with paralysis on his legs, but he still has a strong enthusiasm and determination to live his life. Denny Ja described Adi's journey full of obstacles and trials, but also full of hopes and courage. Through Adi's character, Denny JA wants to teach readers about the importance of determination and perseverance in dealing with all obstacles in life. Adi did not give up on his condition, he still tried to achieve his dreams and goals. Despite having physical limitations, Adi has an unlimited soul wealth, which makes him able to see the beauty of life in the midst of all difficulties. In "Hold on an Ochoral again", Denny JA also raised a strong theme of friendship. Adi has a friend, named Rudi, who always supports and inspires him. Rudi is a figure who plays an important role in Adi's life journey. They provide mutual support and become a source of inspiration for each other. The message to be conveyed by Denny JA through this friendship is that we have never been alone in facing difficulties. There are people around us who are ready to help and support us in every step. Not only through stories and characters, Denny JA also uses a typical writing style to add to the uniqueness of this work. In describing the beauty of nature and Adi's feelings, Denny Ja uses poetic and flowing language. Read each sentence with an open heart, and you will feel the emotional power stored in it. This work also managed to steal the attention of critics and literary fans in Indonesia. "Hold on an inch again" has received a lot of praise for his strong narrative, strong character, and a deep message. This work invites the reader to reflect and understand the true values of life. In his conclusion, "Hold on an inch again" is an amazing work from Denny Ja. With a touching story and inspirational story, this work succeeded in presenting a picture of the power of enthusiasm and courage in facing the challenges of life. Through Adi's character, Denny Ja invites the reader to see life from a different perspective, and find the meaning behind each struggle. So, let's take time to read and enjoy this work. "Hold on an inch again" is a work that will leave a deep impression in our minds and hearts.
Check in full: Revealing the story behind the 49th selected work of Denny JA: "Hold on an inch again"
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mrkhan75090 · 1 year
VideoGlories Pro Review-Full OTO Details + Bonus
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VideoGlories Pro Review - Product Overview
Supplier: Bayu Tara Wijaya
Item: Videoglories Pro
Release Date: August 27, 2023
Release Time: 10:00 AM EDT
Initial Cost: $19-$27
Reimbursement: Affirmative, 30-Day Money-Back Assurance
Type of Offering: Comprehensive Self-Care Manual
Assistance: Rapid and Effective Support
System Compatibility: PLR Compilation
Suggested: Strongly Recommended
Required Skill Level: Suitable for All Proficiency Levels
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VideoGlories Pro- What is Ai Graphics Factory?
VideoGlories is an animated video creator with sophisticated, Hollywood-style, 3D text effects, & full fantasy-animation.
It's a NEW & FRESH Video Suite with DFY high-quality video templates, 150+ 3D text effect animation assets, 25+ Comic Label Element for promotion, 140+ Hollywood Luts Color-grading, and more valuable others with the MYRIAD of creations for ANY projects, especially video projects.
Video Suite Sets ware created and editable in PowerPoint. The best, our sets conjugate with your favorite video software. Simple drag n drop video editor, 1-click green screen remover.
How Does VideoGlories Pro Work?
 In Just 3-Easy Steps You Can Create Engaging
Animated Videos that Will Amaze Your Audience.
Step #1 CLICK
Click to open our video templates. Then, simply find an amazing design you like among our dozens of amazing templates
Step #2 EDIT
Edit your text and add your images, video, and/or audio onto your chosen template.
Step #3 DONE
Check out your own amazing, unique, and original 3D, cinematic, Hollywood-style video.
Features Of VideoGlories Pro
Features :
This product offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features that empower users to create a diverse range of videos with unlimited possibilities. Let's break down each element:
Hollywood-Style & Fantasy Animation
The product offers features that enable users to create videos with captivating Hollywood-style and fantasy animations. This can add a touch of cinematic magic to the videos, making them visually appealing and engaging.
3D Title Cinematic Video
Users can craft videos with 3D titles that have a cinematic quality. This feature adds depth and sophistication to the videos, making them stand out and grab viewers' attention.
3D Motion Slideshow Video
The ability to create dynamic 3D motion slideshow videos enhances the visual storytelling aspect. Users can showcase their content in a visually compelling and engaging manner.
3D Promotion Video
This feature allows users to design promotional videos with a 3D dimension. These videos can effectively convey marketing messages, making them more impactful and memorable.
3D Text Animation w/ Greenscreen
Users can add 3D text animations to their videos while utilizing greenscreen technology. This means they can overlay text onto scenes seamlessly, giving a professional touch to their videos.
Comic Label Element w/ Greenscreen
The inclusion of comic label elements with greenscreen functionality provides a creative option for users to incorporate playful or informative labels within their videos.
Hollywood Luts Color Preset
"Hollywood LUTs" refers to color presets commonly used in the film industry to achieve certain visual tones and moods. By incorporating these presets, users can give their videos a cinematic and professional look.
Cinematic Color Grading
Color grading is the process of enhancing and adjusting the colors of a video to create a specific atmosphere. With cinematic color grading, users can evoke emotions and set the tone of their videos effectively.
Pattern Film Filters
The availability of pattern film filters allows users to apply unique visual effects and filters to their videos, giving them a distinct and artistic appearance.
Commercial Rights License
The product comes with a commercial rights license, which means that users have the legal permission to use the videos they create for commercial purposes. This is particularly valuable for businesses and marketers.
Who Can Use VideoGlories Pro?
Content Creators: Whether you're a YouTuber, vlogger, or social media influencer, VideoGlories Pro provides the tools to create captivating videos that stand out in crowded online platforms. You can use it to produce video content that keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more.
Marketers: Marketing professionals can leverage VideoGlories Pro to create eye-catching promotional videos, advertisements, and product demos. The platform's features, such as 3D promotions and Hollywood-style animations, can help marketers drive brand awareness, engagement, and conversions.
Businesses and Brands: Businesses of all sizes can use VideoGlories Pro to enhance their video marketing efforts. From startups to established brands, the platform's features enable you to create videos that communicate your value proposition, showcase products, and tell your brand's story.
Freelancers: Freelance video editors and designers can use VideoGlories Pro to streamline their workflow and deliver high-quality videos to clients. The platform's pre-designed templates and easy-to-use features can save time while maintaining professional standards.
Social Media Managers: Social media managers can use VideoGlories Pro to create engaging content for various social media platforms. The platform's ability to create attention-grabbing videos can help boost engagement and followership.
Personal Projects: Even individuals with a passion for video creation can benefit from VideoGlories Pro. Whether you're making videos for personal blogs, family events, or creative projects, the platform provides the tools to make your videos visually appealing and memorable.
How Does VideoGlories Pro Help You in Your Business?
Professional-Quality Videos: VideoGlories Pro enables you to create videos with Hollywood-style animations, cinematic color grading, and dynamic effects. This professional touch enhances your brand's image and helps you stand out from competitors with visually appealing content.
Engaging Marketing Content: With 3D promotions, motion slideshows, and other attention-grabbing features, you can create marketing videos that captivate your audience. Engaging content is more likely to be shared, increasing your brand's visibility and reach.
Effective Product Promotion: VideoGlories Pro allows you to showcase your products in 3D and with captivating animations. This can result in more compelling product demos and presentations, making it easier to communicate the value of your offerings to potential customers.
Cost-Effective Solution: Creating professional-quality videos traditionally requires substantial investment in software, equipment, and editing expertise. VideoGlories Pro offers a cost-effective alternative by providing pre-designed templates and user-friendly editing tools.
Time Savings: VideoGlories Pro's templates and user-friendly interface streamline the video creation process. You can save time compared to starting from scratch or outsourcing video production.
 6.Brand Consistency: VideoGlories Pro allows you to create videos that align with your brand's visual identity and messaging. Consistent branding across videos enhances brand recognition and reinforces your business's values.
My Special Bonuses For VideoGlories Pro
I'm Also Including These Exclusive Bonuses Absolutely FREE with Your Investment in VideoGlories - Only If You Act Now!
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Transition Package
HD Video Background
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Frequently Asked Questions On VideoGlories Pro
How do I use/edit it? and How's about compatibility?
You can use Microsoft PowerPoint to use/edit high-end video templates, click and replace with your own content. For Video Assets (3D Text Effect Animate, Luts-Color-Grading, and more assets), you can use it for any software with simple Drag n Drop, 1-click greenscreen remover.
But you need to know that powerpoint for mac is not as good as ppt for windows, because ppt for mac can't set the time for rendering. And still good in graphic design.
If you want to work best with export video, you need at least powerpoint 2013. Powerpoint 2010 and 2007 still works for graphics, but for videos some effect, transition, motion, and layout will not working perfectly. Our product using 100% powerpoint.
How do I download it?
After successfully payment, you will received email to customer page from VIDEOOWIDE Membership, and you'll be directed to the download area VideoGlories.
Do You Provide Training on The Use It?
YES! You will find HD tutorial for use in our fully featured member's area. We show you exactly how to use VideoGlories. And we have group private only for members, and you can learn and discuss there.
Are there any One-Time-Offers or Upsells?
YES, it does. We have supersize with big double your package and extra bonuses. You will get new templates upgrade VideoGlories PLATINUM, and get more variety Business Templates for Your Companies with Grab Supercharged 1600+ NEW Unique Animated Video Templates, and Get EXTRA BONUS, plus Get EXCLUSIVE DEVELOPER / COMMERCIAL License to Entire Package. So, you can start make money from creating business marketing for you and your client's!
From my own personal experience, buy the product and you will benefit a lot.
Grab VideoGlories Pro
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paulthinkgrow · 1 year
Mission Statement:
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At AllHelp.com.au, our mission is to be the leading platform that provides one-stop access to a diverse range of wellbeing professionals while empowering these professionals to market and highlight their offered services effectively. We are committed to fostering a thriving community that promotes holistic well-being, personal growth, and professional success for individuals and professionals alike. Our Executive Director, Paul Davis, brings to the table over two decades of expertise as a successful Trainer/Assessor and Life Coach. Paul's passion for helping others succeed and his elevated level of emotional intelligence and team building skills drive our mission to create an inclusive and supportive environment for both wellness seekers and professionals.
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Photo by Tara Winstead Pexels.com As a comprehensive platform, AllHelp.com.au is dedicated to offering unlimited opportunities for wellness professionals to promote their services and connect with a vast audience of wellness seekers. By providing a user-friendly interface and advanced IT tools, we empower professionals to showcase their expertise, highlight their unique offerings, and effectively reach their target audience. We understand that the pursuit of holistic well-being is a lifelong journey, and AllHelp.com.au is committed to being a trusted partner in this journey. Through our platform, wellness seekers can access a wide range of services, including counseling, life coaching, therapies, business coaching, psychologists, massage therapy, and many others. Our goal is to simplify the process of finding the right professional help and support tailored to individual needs. AllHelp.com.au is also dedicated to fostering a community where professionals can support and learn from each other. As we evolve, we are working on adding a social community component that encourages collaboration, knowledge sharing, and personal development among our valued members. Our platform is designed exclusively for users and professionals in Australia and New Zealand, ensuring a localized approach that understands the unique needs and aspirations of our community. We offer a range of membership options, including a free package with full functionality, as well as premium packages with additional features for professionals seeking to enhance their reach and impact. At AllHelp.com.au, we strive for excellence, transparency, and integrity in all our interactions. We are committed to being a catalyst for positive change, connecting people with the right professional services, and contributing to the overall well-being of our society. Join us on this transformative journey, where wellbeing professionals and seekers come together to create a brighter and more empowered future. Read the full article
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datalabeler · 1 year
How Computer Vision is aiding the Image Segmentation & Data Labeling Industry?
The size of the global market for computer vision was estimated at USD 11.22 billion in2021, and it is anticipated to increase at a 7.0% CAGR from 2022 to 2030. Computer vision systems utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming more and more common in a range of applications, such as consumer drones and fully or partially autonomous vehicles.
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The Role of Computer Vision in Image Segmentation
Recent developments in computer vision, including image sensors, sophisticated cameras, and deep learning methods, have increased the potential applications for computer vision systems across a range of sectors. Sectors include education, healthcare, robotics, consumerelectronics, retail, manufacturing, and security & surveillance, among others.
The partition of a digital image into several segments (objects) is known as image segmentation. Segmentation aims to transform an image’s representation into one that is more meaningful and understandable.
Various Image Segmentation Types
Based on the quantity and type of information they communicate, image segmentation tasks can be divided into three groups: semantic, instance, and panoptic segmentation. Semantic segmentation (not instance-based)
The process of semantic segmentation, often referred to as non-instance segmentation, aids in describing the location of the items as well as their form, size, and shape.
It is primarily applied when a model needs to know for sure whether or not an image contains an object of interest and which portions of the image do not. Without taking into account any further information or context, pixels are simply labeled as belonging to acertain class.
Segmentation by Instance
The practice of segmenting objects by their presence, position, quantity, size, and shape is known as instance segmentation. With each pixel, the objective is to better comprehend the image. To distinguish between objects that overlap or are similar, the pixels are categorized based on “instances” rather than classes.
Pan-optic segmentation
Since it combines semantic and instance segmentation and offers detailed data for sophisticated ML algorithms, panoptic segmentation is by far the most informative task.
Popular Image Segmentations with Computer Vision in Various Sectors Due to the complicated robotics tasks that self-driving cars must undertake and the need for a thorough grasp of their environment, it is particularly well-liked in the field of autonomous driving. Geosensing for mapping land use with satellite imaging, trafficcontrol, city planning, and road monitoring are further geospatial uses for semanticsegmentation.
Precision farming robotic initiatives are aided in real-time to start weeding by semantic segmentation of crops and weeds. With the use of these sophisticated computer vision systems, manual agricultural activity monitoring has been greatly reduced.
Semantic segmentation makes it possible for fashion eCommerce firms to automate operations like the parsing of garments that are traditionally quite difficult.
The recognition of facial features is another popular topic of study. By analyzing facial traits, the algorithms can infer gender, age, ethnicity, emotion, and more. These segmentation tasks get more difficult due to elements like various lighting conditions,facial expressions, orientation, occlusion, and image resolution.
In the context of cancer research, computer vision technologies are also gaining ground in the healthcare sector. When examples are used to identify the morphologies of the malignant cells to speed up diagnosis procedures, segmentation is frequently utilized.
Are you prepping to begin your Image Segmentation Use case?
Reach out to our professionals in Data Labeler, so they can assist you in quickly and efficiently producing data that is appropriately labeled.
Data Labeler increases your competitive advantage, provides you with Unlimited support, and helps you grow exponentially.
Contact us now!
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Unleashing Your Potential: The Power of Hustlers University 2.0
I. Introduction: A Gateway to Unlimited Potential Hustlers University 2.0 serves as a gateway to unlocking the boundless potential within individuals. This article explores how the institution harnesses its power to empower students, ignite their passion, and unleash their fullest potential.
II. A Transformative Learning Environment: Nurturing Growth and Development Hustlers University 2.0 creates a transformative learning environment that fosters personal and professional growth. This section highlights the institution's commitment to providing a supportive, inspiring, and innovative ecosystem where students can explore their strengths, overcome challenges, and realize their true potential.
III. Holistic Approach to Education: Balancing Mind, Body, and Spirit Hustlers University 2.0 recognizes the importance of a holistic approach to education. This section delves into the institution's focus on nurturing not only intellectual growth but also physical well-being and emotional intelligence, enabling students to thrive in all aspects of their lives.
IV. Personalized Development Plans: Tailored to Individual Aspirations Hustlers University 2.0 acknowledges the unique aspirations and talents of each student. This section explores how the institution creates personalized development plans that align with individual goals, helping students leverage their strengths and pursue paths that lead to personal fulfillment and success.
V. Mentorship and Guidance: Fueling Growth and Inspiration Mentorship plays a vital role in unleashing one's potential. This section highlights Hustlers University 2.0's robust mentorship program, connecting students with experienced entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and mentors who provide guidance, support, and inspiration throughout their educational journey.
VI. Empowering Experiential Learning: Real-World Application of Knowledge Hustlers University 2.0 believes in the power of experiential learning. This section emphasizes the institution's commitment to providing practical experiences, internships, and hands-on projects that allow students to apply their knowledge, develop critical skills, and gain valuable insights into the real world of business.
VII. Cultivating Leadership Skills: Shaping Future Industry Leaders Leadership skills are essential for unleashing one's potential. This section explores how Hustlers University 2.0 nurtures leadership qualities in students through leadership development programs, team-building activities, and opportunities to take on leadership roles, preparing them to become influential industry leaders.
VIII. Entrepreneurial Mindset: Thinking and Acting like a Hustler Hustlers University 2.0 instills an entrepreneurial mindset in its students. This section discusses the importance of entrepreneurial thinking, creativity, resourcefulness, and the ability to seize opportunities, empowering students to think and act like hustlers and navigate the dynamic business landscape.
IX. Network of Hustler Community: Collaboration and Support The power of a supportive community cannot be underestimated. This section highlights Hustlers University 2.0's vibrant network of students, alumni, and faculty who collaborate, share ideas, and offer support, fostering an environment where students can learn from each other and thrive collectively.
X. Celebrating Success Stories: Inspiring Others to Reach New Heights The success stories of Hustlers University 2.0 alumni serve as inspiration for current and future students. This section showcases the achievements of past graduates, their entrepreneurial ventures, and the impact they have made, inspiring others to believe in their own potential and strive for greatness.
In conclusion, Hustlers University 2.0 unleashes the potential within each student, providing a transformative learning environment, personalized development plans, mentorship, experiential learning, and a vibrant community. By fostering a holistic approach, cultivating leadership skills, nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset, and celebrating success stories, the institution empowers students to unlock their fullest potential and embark
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Singing classes near me: A Guide to Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Kids
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If you're looking for singing classes near you for your kids, you're in luck. Singing is a fun and rewarding activity that can help your child develop confidence, creativity, and self-expression. However, with so many options available, it can be difficult to find the right singing classes for your child. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of singing for kids and provide some tips on how to find the perfect singing classes near you.
The Benefits of Singing for Kids: More Than Just a Beautiful Voice
Singing offers numerous benefits for kids beyond just having a beautiful voice. Here are some of the many reasons why singing is great for kids:
Develops Vocal Skills
Singing classes can help your child develop strong vocal skills, such as pitch, tone, and breathing techniques. These skills are essential for singing well and can also be applied to other forms of communication.
Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem
Singing can help boost your child's confidence and self-esteem. As they learn new songs and techniques, they'll gain a sense of accomplishment and pride in their abilities.
Enhances Creativity and Self-Expression
Singing is a great way for kids to express themselves creatively. It allows them to explore their emotions and feelings in a safe and supportive environment.
Improves Memory and Concentration
Learning new songs and lyrics can help improve your child's memory and concentration skills. It also helps them develop their language and communication skills.
Promotes Socialization
Singing classes offer kids the opportunity to socialize and make new friends who share a similar interest. They'll learn to work as a team and support each other as they learn and grow.
How to Choose the Right Singing Classes for Your Kids
Now that you know the benefits of singing for kids, how do you go about choosing the right singing classes for your kids? Here are some things to consider:
Age and Skill Level
When looking for singing classes near you, consider your child's age and skill level. Many classes are designed for specific age groups and skill levels, so be sure to choose a class that's appropriate for your child's abilities.
Class Size and Instructor Ratio
The size of the class and the instructor-to-student ratio are also important considerations. Smaller classes and a lower instructor-to-student ratio can offer more personalized attention and instruction, which can be especially helpful for younger or less experienced singers.
Location and Schedule
The location and schedule of the singing classes are also important factors to consider. Choose a class that's convenient for you and your child's schedule, and make sure the location is safe and easily accessible.
Teaching Methodology
The teaching methodology of the singing classes is also an important factor to consider. Do they focus on a specific genre or technique? Do they incorporate music theory or sight-reading? Consider your child's interests and learning style when choosing a singing class.
With these considerations in mind, you can find the perfect singing classes near you for your kids.
Where to find top Singing Classes nearby for kids
Nowadays finding nearby classes on Google is tough especially when you have to check each and every Activity Center website to check their location prices.
Now we have a solution to this problem, at Taabur.com, they have the details of more than 5000 centers in Delhi NCR, you can find classes according to your preferred location, price, and child age.
Taabur also has a membership Card named Taabur Play Card, which gives you free unlimited access to Swimming and 30 other activities at 100+ centers. Currently, they have more than 3000 Active users in Gurugram with a 4.8 Star service Rating.
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