#ps i am literally about to go to bed so my grammar/spelling sucks atm
coolunspokenforname · 2 years
I am genuinely unsure of the moon knight timeline, but I do have a headcannon timeline (definitely wrong) of what it is that I usually use in my fics.
1987:Marc is born
1997-1999: Steven and Jake show up
2003-2005: Marc leaves to join the military (the reason I put the 16-18 years range is because, technically, it is legal to get emancipated at 16)
2005-2007: When Marc is kicked out of the military (date depends on when he joined, I'm thinking 2 years between joining and getting kicked out)
2010: After getting kicked out I'd imagine that Marc spent a few years trying to maybe live a normal life. However, since he was kicked out of the military, it was pretty much impossible for him to find a job. So, by 2010, he has become a mercenary.
2014-2015:Harrow is no longer Khonshu's avatar (I feel like there would be a very short gap between Harrow quiting and Marc becoming avatar)
2015:Marc becomes Moon knight (+Layla's dad dies)
2016:Marc Meets Layla (instead of apologizing he falls in love)
2020-2024:Marc and Layla get married
2025:The events of the show happen
As mentioned before, this is just what my mind has come up with, and I wouldn't be surprised if it is disproved by the show. However, this timeline makes a lot of sense to me, so that's what I am using.
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