#and how the gap between leaving home and becoming moon knight worked
coolunspokenforname · 2 years
I am genuinely unsure of the moon knight timeline, but I do have a headcannon timeline (definitely wrong) of what it is that I usually use in my fics.
1987:Marc is born
1997-1999: Steven and Jake show up
2003-2005: Marc leaves to join the military (the reason I put the 16-18 years range is because, technically, it is legal to get emancipated at 16)
2005-2007: When Marc is kicked out of the military (date depends on when he joined, I'm thinking 2 years between joining and getting kicked out)
2010: After getting kicked out I'd imagine that Marc spent a few years trying to maybe live a normal life. However, since he was kicked out of the military, it was pretty much impossible for him to find a job. So, by 2010, he has become a mercenary.
2014-2015:Harrow is no longer Khonshu's avatar (I feel like there would be a very short gap between Harrow quiting and Marc becoming avatar)
2015:Marc becomes Moon knight (+Layla's dad dies)
2016:Marc Meets Layla (instead of apologizing he falls in love)
2020-2024:Marc and Layla get married
2025:The events of the show happen
As mentioned before, this is just what my mind has come up with, and I wouldn't be surprised if it is disproved by the show. However, this timeline makes a lot of sense to me, so that's what I am using.
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Moon Phase Series - Waxing Crescent
Summary: Moments in the life of the Moon Knight system.
I don't know how many chapters this will be. Not really connected so if you pick one up randomly you should be fine. Mostly feel good, maybe a little sad, maybe a little comfort. I wanted to explore little moments of them just being.
Warning: None yet.
Word Count: 932
Part 2: Simple problems. Grocery shopping can be a nightmare for any neurodivergent. Good thing this is not just any single Neurodivergent, but three. How does anything get done around here? 
Sometimes it was easy for Steven to forget to do things. 
At work, he used to get distracted by any new exhibit or display. He would walk by and notice a new plaque or new stand and immediately do a 180 to go investigate. First judging the display itself, taking in the location in relation to foot traffic and visibility, then he would take in the item of choice. Lastly, he would read the information plaque and judge it heavily to see if it gave enough info (it never did) or if it contained any typo errors or factual errors. 
By the time he was done analyzing the new item, he had forgotten why he was going that way to begin with and have to start his journey over again. 
Steven learned to make lists for important outings. Lists of places he needed to go and lists of things he needed to do at said places. Once done, he could check them off and feel accomplished. 
Marc did not make lists. Marc would focus on one important task at a time. He would mutter to himself “Bank” in the most assertive tone and then leave the apartment as if he was setting out on a tactical mission. 
Once the mission was done, he would return to the apartment to reset his mind and prepare for the next task. This resulted in many many unnecessary trips. If the mission needed more than one task, like a grocery store, he would become overwhelmed in what was presented to him versus what was actually needed. This often meant he would set out for orange juice and return with a bag of chips. 
Of the three, Jake was the most organized. He made lists of all the things needed and would leave the apartment whistling a calming tune. He saw the world as a driving map and knew the layout in his head. He would plot out the best route to take, the fastest route if there were more than one location, and all the possible shortcuts should the need arise. 
However, there were some things that Jake could not prepare for. Road closures and traffic jams always left him feeling irritated. He also never seemed to remember holidays and would often get to the store to find it closed. 
The most frustrating outing was when the grocery store was undergoing revisions and everything in the store had been moved around. The bread was no longer in aisle 14 and a familiar gap between aisles was now blocked by a row of fruit. 
When Jake became frustrated, it was fairly common for him to respond in one of two ways:
 He would give up and go home. If he didn’t leave right then and there, he was likely to lose his temper and then no one would be happy.
 He would decide he was done fronting for the day and shove someone else in place without so much as a how do you do, often leaving that person having no idea why they were suddenly standing in the bread aisle holding a bag of potatoes. 
If they were lucky, Steven would be the one to take front, see the shopping list, and go about finding the rest of the list. It would take him far far longer than Jake would have, but it would get done. 
If they were unlucky, Marc would be shoved to the front and stubbornly refuse to ask anyone for help. He would shove the list in a pocket and wander around the store picking random items that caught his attention and then they would go home with nothing that was needed, but a lot of items that no one actually wants. 
If they were very unlucky, Jake would have already lost his temper before pushing Marc to the front. Marc would already be in a bad mood and decide he was tired of Jake always shoving him into these types of situations and attempt to force Jake to finish the job. Steven, who would have been up all night studying his current fixation, would attempt to co-front in an effort to actually go home with the items that he really wanted, but the lack of sleep would only make the situation that much more confusing. 
This particular occurrence results in a two hour meltdown of them standing in the frozen section while Steven pleaded for them to just let him buy the bag of vegan burgers while Marc and Jake argued about the location of items they did and did not need. 
After that escapade, Layla introduced them to pre purchasing items online and picking them up in store. An agreement was made that Steven would order the items if Jake would pick them up. Marc was not to touch the computer as he tended to be won over by the many ads for bulk purchases. This was the reason for the gallon of mayonnaise that was currently in the cupboard. 
Of course there were still problems now and then, like Jake not wanting to front that day and leaving Steven and Marc to get the items, or the time that they found the order full of novelty items that Steven had decided he really wanted. Or the time Marc had insisted that the ten packs of steaks was too good a deal to pass up. 
With the groceries more or less taken care of, the next obstacle was trying to keep Steven from visiting the new bookstore down the street every day. 
They were not winning that fight. 
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writing-fanics · 3 years
[ Mamrou x Fem!Reader ]
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[ part nine ] 
[ ugh sorry my lazy ass it too lazy to write usagi and y/n getting a new upgrade they still get it, and i'm lay to write about the moonlight knight I had alot of history work today. so i'll mention the upgrade but the next chapter is babysitting then after is the makai tree. ] 
i'm adding future flashes but with the kids only and, a mention of saphir,.also sorry if saphir is ooc 
also Sejiro aka Ail also will develop a crush on y/n even though he likes usagi..
[Y/n] smiles, as she looks at Mamoru telling him the story. He's been asking about it for the past few days and, finally she decided to tell him the story. She has a little bit of hope, that maybe by telling him the story that he might remember. But if it doesn't work then, she'll just have to work for his love. And, hope that he falls in love with her. 
'Long ago, on the moon was a castle a big and beautiful one. And in this castle lived, the queen and her two daughters.' 
'And, the two princess were sisters, twins. Serenity and Y/n'
'The two princesses were protected, by the Sailor Guardians. Who had powers of their home planets.'
'But as you know; no one knew of the princess Y/n. And only of Serenity. Leaving, Y/n. Forgotten.'
'But... She wasn’t forgotten, for one day when visiting Earth for which she was fascinated with. Ran into him. Eventually leading to two them falling in love.' 
'The two would secretly meet, each-other when they could. It was a true story of Romeo and Juliet between royals.'
'Eventually, Serenity. Y/n's sister found out about the secret meetings and, told the Guardians. Even after she promised not to tell anyone she was worried about her sister.''
'Who was doing something, so dangerous like going to Earth. But of course, the Princess didn’t care she wanted to be with the one she loved. He proposed to her, giving her a ring that was so beautiful. They even talked about their future with a little prince or princess, talking about the moon and earth kingdom becoming one.' 
'But, not all good things last. The Dark Kingdom attacked, the Senshi where killed, and many of its people too.'
“And, sadly the Prince Endymion died protecting Y/n. Causing her to be grief stricken, taking her own life to be with the one she loves. The grief of losing her lover and, the father of her unborn child that she had found out about that day.' 
'The Moon Kingdom, was over the Dark Kingdom destroying it. Leaving no one alive, expect the Queen. She gave her life, to send everyone to Earth. And to be reincarnated, into Present Day.' 
[Y/n] looks at Mamoru and, he looks at her in shock. "Wow, I like it. That story was amazing." He says and, [Y/n] looks down. She felt as if she wanted to cry, not even the story worked. 
'It's you! You're Endymion you're Mamoru Chiba! The love of my life!' she shouts in her head. 
"A-and, I believe in the story. I think it's really..You can laugh at me if you want I wouldn't mind." She says and, Mamoru shakes his head and, places his hand on hers causing her to blush. As she looks at him, she smiles at him. They look at each other, 
"Mamoru.." She says, looking at him. She wanted so bad too tell him how she felt and, yet she was so scared of him telling him.
"Mamoru!" Natsumi shouted, sitting down at the table next to Mamoru. [Y/n] pulled their hands away from each other, they both look at Natsumi. Who had her arms wrapped around Mamoru's arm, 
"O-oh hi Natsumi.. U-um Mam-.." [Y/n] says, looking at her and, she looked at Mamoru not paying any attention to [Y/n]. 
"So~ Mamoru are you and Y/n on a date?" Natsumi asks and, [Y/n] and Mamoru look at each other blushing, it wasn't a date. Natsumi snuggles her head into Mamoru's arm, causing [Y/n] to sigh. She looks down and, plays with her fingers. 
"Actually, Natsumi Y/n and I, were in the middle of a conversation." He says, looking down at her but she obviously doesn't care. [Y/n] huffed sadly, looking up. 
"Oh, what were you two talking about." She asks, looking at the two. [Y/n] looks at her and, sighs. 
"A story, my mother would tell me when I was little." [Y/n] says, looking at her. Natsumi wasn't even listening looking at Mamoru, her arm still wrapped around his. [Y/n] sighs and, stands. 
She looks at both Mamoru and, Natsumi. "U-Um, I should probably get going.." [Y/n] says, them looking at them. She didn't know why she was feeling jealous, but you can't just come up to someone's table even if you know them and, just sit down. It's rude. 
She begins walking towards the door, "Wait.. Y/n.." He says, causing her to turn around to look at him she smiles as the two leave the cafe. Leaving Natsumi there of course jealous and, angry. Mamoru still had more questions about the story, 
"How did the Endymion and Y/n fall in love?" He asks and, [Y/n] smiles at him. She chuckles softly,
"Well, the princess was the one who actually fell in love with him first. She would secretly go to Earth, just to catch a glimpse of him. And, eventually he noticed her. And, it was as if they were meant to be." She says, looking up at him. 
As the two smile at each other, she looks down at the ground. 
'Say something you idiot!' 
'Tell him how you feel!'
'Just tell him! ASK HIM OUT!' 
[Y/n]'s thoughts, were screaming at her and, she looked up at Mamoru. A blush spread across her cheeks, "A-Ah, Mamoru. I-I was wondering.. U-um.." She says, blushing she looks down at the ground. 
'Ugh! Just say it!'
"U-Um so there's this Virtual Reality Theater.. A-and I was wondering if y-you wanted to go with me?" She asks, him blushing. Looking down embarrassed, 
"Sure." He says and, her eyes seemed to light up. A smile spread across her face as she looks up at him, he smiles down at her and, she giggles. Wrapping her arm around his arm, he looks down at her as the two walk.
Elara giggles, as she looks at the flowers and, bends down to smell the flowers. She smiles, smelling the white roses. She gasps, as she looks up and, sees someone looking at her. She turns towards them, smiling at him. 
"Hello." She says, looking at him. He looks at her at her in shock he was hiding, behind a corner. He looked at her holding a flower. 
She smiles at him and, looks down at the flower. And, back at him she chuckles. Slowly walking towards him, handing him the flower. 
"Here you go." She says, smiling he looks at her and, blushes. Taking the flower from her hands; holding it. She giggles at him, 
"My name is, Princess Elara Selene L/n." She says, to him curtsying. Her black hair fell in front of her face, she gasps. And, quickly fixes her hair. And, looks back up at him and, smiles. 
"My name is, Saphir." He says, she smiles at him and, he looks at her a blush spreads across his face. She chuckles, 
"It's a pleasure to meet you Saphir." She says, looking at him and, he smiles at her. He looks down at the flower, she smiles and, runs to get more flowers for him. She hands them to him, he looks at her in shock. 
"T-Thank you.." He says, looking down at the flowers and, she giggles. He looks at her nervously he didn't know why he was blushing at all. He didn't know her at all, he wasn't even supposed to be here. But he wanted to see the flowers and, here was a girl a princess handing him flowers. 
She takes his hands, "Come with me, I know where more flowers are." She says, running from the rose gardens his hands, in her own. He follows her holding her hand. She then shows them a beautiful flower garden with different kinds of flowers. 
Saphir eyes widened, she looks up at him. "I-It's beautiful." He says, he intertwined his fingers with her and, she giggles. They begin to walk towards the flower bushes, she shows him the flowers. 
"They're so beautiful." He says, smelling the flowers holding his new friends hand. She giggles at him, she picks a flower and, places it over his ear. 
"Yes, they're beautiful." She says, looking into his eyes. Blushing as she stares into them. He picks a flower and, places it over her ear as well. Causing both of them to laugh.  
[ Time-Skip ] 
Elara smiled, as she intertwined her fingers with Saphir. She sits on the ground making, flower crowns. She has many different kinds on the ground, as she shows him how to make them. He holds it up and, places it on his head. And, it falls apart. He groans and, throws the flower crown on the ground. 
She looks at him and, places her finished flower crown on his head. "There." She says, kissing him on the cheek a blush spread across both of their cheeks. 
He places his hand on his cheek and, blushes. She smiles at him, 
"You know, this is kinda like my mom and dad, they'd meet in secret." She says, to him blushing. Saphir places his hand on hers, she looks up at him. 
"In their past lives." She says, smiling at him. She intertwines her fingers with his. The two have only known each other for a few years meeting in secret and, already falling in love. Saphir looks at her and, the two lean into one another. Closing the gap between them, sharing a kiss. 
'it's like the story mom and dad told me about, them in their past lives.' 
Elara places her hand on his chest, his hands on her shoulders as the two share a kiss. She didn't want this moment between them to stop, 
"Elara!" Celeste shouted, causing both Saphir and Elara to pull apart, she gasps. As she shoves him behind a flower bush, he groans in pain. And, she quiets him.
"Yes, Celeste." Elara shouted, seeing her sister. Who had [h/c] hair and, [e/c] eyes. She acts like nothing happened, 
"What on earth are you doing?" Celeste asks, looking at her sister. 
"Nothing dear sister, just making flower crowns like always." Elara says, looking at her sister nervously. 
"Alright, but mother needs you now so hurry." Celeste says, turning away from the garden. Elara nods and, waits for her sister to get further away. She smiles when she is and, goes back towards Saphir. 
"Sorry." She says, to Saphir who looks at her. She pulls him up and, the two stare into each others eyes. As she pulls him up, the two share a kiss. She cups his face in her hands and, he places her hands on his shoulder. She pulls back and, snuggles her head into his chest. 
"I love you, Saphir." She says, to him. He wraps his arms around her, "I must go." She says, to him she looks up at him. And kisses his nose, he chuckles as he caresses her cheek. She smiles at him and, kisses him on the cheek. 
"I hope to see you again, Saphir." She says, smiling as she leaves the garden. A blush spread across her face, Saphir smiles at her. He watches as she leaves and, heads back to his home planet Nemesis. He looks down sadly, 
[Y/n] was holding Mamoru's hand, as they walked towards the Virtual Reality Theater. [Y/n] had a smile on her face, they were both so excited for this. "This is going to be so much fun!" She shouts, giggling. The two arrive and, see the long line. 
She looks at it and, shrugs. "Well, It's going to be worth the wait I can tell." She says, as the two get into line. [Y/n] looks over and, sees Usagi. Who was holding Luna, 
"Usagi!" She shouted, waving her arms in the air when she sees her. 
"Oh, Y/n hi!" Usagi shouted, seeing both [Y/n] and Mamoru.
"Oh, well isn't it little miss bun-head." Mamoru says, looking at Usagi who growls, in annoyance. 
"Hey! I have a name you know." She says, folding her arms. 
"Yes, I know and it's bun-head." He says, causing [Y/n] to stifle a laugh. [Y/n] gentle elbows Mamoru and, looks up at him.
"Come on, be nice." [Y/n] says, to him. Usagi then notices both [Y/n] and Mamoru holding hands, she looks up at them. She whispers into [Y/n]'s ear, 
'So does he have his memories back?' Usagi asks.
'No.' [Y/n] whispers to her.
'I'm just going to try to get back to where we were before.' 
"Why're are you two whispering?" Mamoru asks, causing [Y/n] and Usagi, to look up at him. And, for [Y/n] to just pat Usagi on the head like nothing was happening, 
"Oh, nothing just Bun-head asking for my mother's secret bun recipe." [Y/n] says, laughing and, Usagi looks at her in shock. 
"Not you too Y/n!" Usagi says, with a pouty face. 
"What do you think you're doing? I have no intention of going in there with you. You are not my date!" Natsumi shouts, at the creep in front of her who had a red hand mark on his cheek. From the slap she gave him just moments ago. 
"Yeah? You should be so lucky!" The creep says, turning to look at her. 
"Quit trying to pick up girls who don't want to go out with you." Mamoru says, looking at the creep. 
"It's really pitiful." He says. 
"What did you say to me?" The creep says, walking towards Mamoru and, getting up close into his face. The creep just grunts and, begins to walk away. But turns around, 
"Ahh! you have stupid-pants.!" The creep shouts, running away. Natsumi turns towards Mamoru, 
"Mamoru!" She shouts, hugging Mamoru. 
"I owe you such a big debt of gratitude! You really came to my rescue! And as my way of saying thank you, I'll be your date today!" She says, looking up at him. 
"Huh?" Mamoru says, looking down at her. He pulls away, 
"Actually, I'm already here with Y/n." He says, looking towards [Y/n] who was standing next to Usagi. 
"But, why don't you go with me instead. And, she can go with Usagi." She says, looking up at him, wrapping her arm around his arm. 
"Y/n already asked me. And, I said yes." He says, pulling away. 
"Natsumi, maybe you can go with Usagi." [Y/n] says, looking at her taking Mamoru's hand. Natsumi wraps her arms around Mamoru's arm, 
"Natsumi? What is going on here?" Seijiro says, his arms folded. Natsumi giggles and, pulls away. 
"Meet my brother, guys." Natsumi says and, [Y/n] looks over at him and, smiles. 
"Hello, my name is Y/n." She says, looking at him. And, he looks at her in awe. Usagi looks at Seijiro with hearts for eyes, 
"Hello, Y/n." He says, looking at her. 
"I don't believe you know Mamoru Chiba, though." Natsumi says, to him. 
"He really would like to come to join us for this event." She says, looking at Seijiro. 
"Mamoru and I are actually going together so," [Y/n] says, and Natsumi wraps her arms around Mamoru's arm. 
"I'm gonna join you two." Natsumi says and, [Y/n] sighs, 
"Y-You can't just invite yourself." [Y/n] says, to her wrapping her arm around Mamoru's arm. But Natsumi just seemed to be in her own little world and, didn't seem to care. 
"Come on, let's go in." Natsumi says and, [Y/n] just wanted to just tell her off. 
[Y/n] shouted in her head, as Natsumi had her arms wrapped around Mamoru's arm. 
"This was not what I had in mind." [Y/n] says quietly, looking down. Was it so hard to ask to have it be just her and, Mamoru. 
[ _ Time Skip _ ] 
[Y/n], Mamoru and, Natsumi. Were sitting on a platform in front of a giant screen, Natsumi had her head snuggled into Mamoru's arm. He had a confused look on his face, he was maybe a bit annoyed at this. Since he too only wanted it to be, him and [Y/n]. But of course Natsumi had to invite herself. Even though she was technically told no a few times. 
But [Y/n] and Mamoru, tried their best to enjoy it. Even with the unwanted guest tagging along clinging onto his as if for dear life, [Y/n] raised the laser gun and, shot at the monsters in the capsules. [Y/n] was completely in the zone as she shot, many of them. 
Natsumi let out an excited giggle, as she shot the monster. "I shot the monster!" She shouted, wrapping her arms around Mamoru's and, Seijiro's. [Y/n] grunts at this, and gasps when she sees Usagi's dad. 
"Um, isn't that?" [Y/n] says, and Usagi looks up at shouts. 
"Dad!!" She shouts, and he vanishes from behind the corner. 
"I asked him out for nothing..." [Y/n] says quietly, looking down at the ground. Usagi patted her back, 
"Don't let it get too you.. I'm sure Mamoru is as confused as you are, I can tell he really wanted it to be just you and  him. " Usagi says and, [Y/n] looks at her. 
"Really?" [Y/n] ask, and Usagi nods. [Y/n] then gasps, as she sees both Mamoru and, Seijiro having a little pretend shoot out with the monster in the capsules. 
"Awesome!" Usagi shouted, and [Y/n] has a smile on her face. [Y/n] runs towards Mamoru once it was over and, smiled at him. 
"That was so cool!" [Y/n] says, looking up at him. And, Mamoru blushes. Natsumi runs over shoving [Y/n] out of the way, causing her to fall to the ground. 
"Oh, this is so nice. I'd love to stay like this a little longer." Natsumi says, wrapping her arms around her. 
"Not gonna happen. Now go on." Mamoru says, pulling her away. And, helping [Y/n] up who smiles at him. He turns towards Natsumi, 
"You can't make people like you by forcing yourself upon them every chance you get." He says, to her and, Usagi pats him on the shoulder. 
"Well said. Good or you Mamoru." Usagi says, as a monster appears in the capsule behind her, causing her to turn around and, see it. She screams and, runs away. 
"Come back Bun-Head! You're gonna get lost in that maze!" He shouts, and, both Mamoru and [Y/n] run after her. 
"UsagI!" [Y/n] shouts, after her with Mamoru. Who takes her hand, causing her to smile at him. 
[ Time - Skip ] cause i'm lazy..
Mamoru had gone to help, Shingo save his dad from a monster. Leaving both [Y/n] and, Usagi there. 
'Moon Prism Power Make-Up!' 
'Lunar Prism Power Make-Up!' 
The girls transform and, follow where the boys went. The make their way and, see the monster. And Ail and An, 
"Hello Sailor Moon and Sailor Luna." Ail says, looking at her. 
"How dear you bully those who are dearest to me. I will not accept any of your apologies." Sailor Luna shouts, at him. 
"I am the Pretty Guardian Sailor Luna who fights for the stars above." 
'And now in the name of the moon 
'in the name of the stars we'll punish you.' 
"Silence you nuisance, Hellant, will you please just pound them into the ground!" An shouts, at them. Ant prepares to attack them when, 
'Moon Tiara Action!' 
Sailor Moon shouts but the tiara just falls to the ground.
"No way, my tiara," Sailor Moon says, in shock. 
"I don't know who you are, but if you're gonna fight, you gotta do better than that!" Mamoru shouts, at Sailor Moon. [Y/n] gasps,  "'Waxing Cresc-" [Y/n] shouts, but screams and groans, as the monster attacks them. Causing them both to fall back, onto the ground. [Y/n] looks back ready to attack but a white rose lands in between her and the monster, 
She gasps and, looks up and sees the Moonlight Knight. "Even in a world of wicked shadows, a beautiful flower of love will blossom." Moonlight Knight says, 
"Who are you?!" Ail shouts at him, 
"I am the white wind that brings color to the darkness. I am the Moonlight Knight!" He says and, Sailor Luna smiles up at him, but gasps seeing Mamoru right beside her. 
"Oh great, now another weirdo appeared." Mamoru says, 
'Huh? They're here together?! So Mamoru isn't the Moonlight Knight?'
[Y/n] looks back towards the monster and, stands in front of Sailor Moon. 
[ a/n; since y/n can fight the moonlight knight doesn't need to help also because i was too lazy to write when the others came in and so y/n defeated the monster ].... 
[ Time Skip ] ...
[Y/n] looked up at Mamoru, as they walked back towards his apartment. Both of them holding hands, "Even though it didn't go as planned, I still enjoyed it." She says, to him. And, he looks down at her. 
"I'm glad you're okay." He says, to her and, she blushes looking down. She leans her head and, places her head on his arm. 
"I'm happy you're, okay too." She says, looking down at the ground. She looks up at the sky and, looks back at Mamoru. 
"Mamoru, I had a lot of fun today." She says, and Mamoru smiles looking down at her. 
"So did I." He says, and she giggles. 
"I-I was wondering, i-if its possible. If you'd like to go on a picnic...W-With me underneath the stars?" She asks, looking up at him a blush spread across her cheeks. 
"Y-you don't have to of course. I-It's dumb really." She says, nervously looking up at him and, he chuckles looking down at her, 
"I'd think that be fun." He say and, she smiles at him, she giggles. She intertwines her fingers with her hands, 
"Okay so, I'll make the food though sandwich's, and the whole stuff. I'll make it all." She says,  to him smiling. 
"Have you gained the trust of the princess?" Wiseman asks, looking down at Saphir. Saphir kneels in down before Wiseman, 
"Yes, Wiseman. She suspects nothing, she's absolutely clueless." Saphir says, to him. 
Elara was walking back to the garden, a smile still on her face due to the kiss she and, Saphir had shared. She gasps, seeing Saphir again. She runs towards him snuggling her head into his chest,
"I didn't expect to see you this soon." She says, smiling at him. He looks down sadly and, she notices. Placing her hand on his cheek, she looks up at him. 
"What's wrong, Saphir?" She asks, looking at him worried. He places his hand on her cheek, "I'm sorry." He says, and she looks at him.
"Why are y-.." She says and, gasps as the sky turns black. Lightning strikes causing her to jump, she wraps her arms around Saphir. 
"What's happening?!" She shouts, looking up at the sky.
"ELARA!" Celeste shouted, running towards her younger twin sister. 
"Celeste!" Elara shouted, out for her sister.
"Ela-.. Get away from my sister!" Celeste shouted, seeing Saphir she holds up her Moon Star stick, ready to attack. 
"Celeste stop! He's okay." Elara says, but Celeste pulls her sister away from him. 
"He's with them..." Celeste says, pointing her Moon Star Stick at Saphir. 
"What do you mean? Elara asks, looking at Saphir who looked down ashamed, yes he was loyal to his older brother. But he was actually in love with Elara, he had actually fallen in love with her. 
"The black moon on his forehead.. He's with the people attacking Crystal Tokyo he's one of them!" Celeste shouts at her, and Elara gasps looking at Saphir. Tears brim her eyes as she looks at him, she shakes her head. 
"What are you waiting for Saphir kill them." Wiseman says, to Saphir who nods. Elara's eyes widened, as Saphir looked at them. Celeste stood in front of Elara, her stick in hand. 
Everything seemed to happen so fast, a strike of lightning from the dark sky seemed to come back and, hit Elara. She fell to the ground, Celeste eyes widened in horror.
"Elara!" She shouted, but Saphir attacked her. And, she dodged it. Celeste knew he'd be too powerful for even her to take on, she walks towards Elara's unconscious body. And plants the Moon Star Stick into the ground, closing her eyes and, creating a crystal barrier around them protecting them from the evil.
Elara opened her eyes slowly and, weakly reached out. "S-Saphir." She says, before passing out. Celeste looked at Saphir anger filled her eyes, "When I get out of here.. You'll regret breaking my sister's heart. And, aiding in this attack." She says, as the crystal surrounds them. 
The flowers around them began wilting, the once beautiful garden now destroyed. The flowers on the bushes having lost all their color, the life was completely sucked out of them. Elara laid on the ground, almost lifeless. In the crystal and, Saphir looked at the crystal and, looks down. 
"I'm sorry." He says, as he teleports away to where the others were. As he leaves a tear runs down the side of Elara's cheek. 
"Celeste stop! I'll never fall in love." Elara shouted at her sister, Celeste just looks at Elara and, sticks her tongue out. 
"Of course you will." Celeste says, folding her arms looking at her and, Elara shakes her head. 
"No! I won't!" Elara says, folding her arms and, looking away. 
"But, I thought you liked Saphir." Celeste says and, Elara's eyes widened as she runs after her sister, who runs away as Elara chases after her. 
"How do you know! Celeste get back here!" Elara shouts, running after her sister. 
"You say his name every night makes me wonder what you're dreaming about, unlady like things." Celeste says, causing Elara's face to go bright red. 
"Get back here!" Elara screams, as she tries to reach towards her sister. 
"Elara has a crush~ Elara has a crush~" Celeste shouts, laughing as she looks back towards her sister. 
"Do you wanna make him your prince?" She asks, teasingly. And, Elara folds her arms. 
"J-Just stop, he'll never like me back." Elara says, looking down. 
"Then why did I hear him call you his flower one day?" Celeste says, causing Elara to blush, her face bright red. 
"Stop it!" Elara shouts, looking down. 
"Hmm, wait what do you dream about?" Celeste asks, as she looks at her sister, and Elara covers her face with her hands. Blushing. 
"What are you two doing in the dream? Oh my sister has a dirty mi-!" She says and, Elara covers her sister's mouth. Celeste giggles, as she muffle talks.
"So how is he-"She says, and Elara covers her mouth once more. Celeste giggles, as she looks at her younger twin sister's bright red face. 
"Says, the person who has a crush on Aitne." Elara says, looking at Celeste who blushes. 
"Hey you promised not to mention that!" Celeste shouts, pulling her sister's hand off her mouth. Elara laughs, then gasps sensing Saphir's presence. She smiles and, makes her way towards him.
"Go get him sister! Don't let him take your innocence like he does in your dreams!" Celeste shouts jokingly, Elara snaps her neck back towards her sister. Who looks at Elara with wide eyes and, she runs away. Elara shakes her head and, sighs. Walking towards Saphir a smile on her face, she giggles as she sees him. 
She runs up behind him and, hugs him from behind. "Hello, Saphir." She says, smiling looking up at him. She smiles as he looks at her, 
"Hello, my flower." He says, to her placing a flower over her ear. Causing her to giggle looking up at him. She snuggles her head into his chest, 
'Celeste was right.. I was falling in love..' 
And, I don't care where he came from I love him and, trust him completely... 
[Y/n] smiled, as she leaned her head onto Mamoru's shoulder. The two looking up at the stars, this moment between them. Was just like it was so long ago, when they were in their past lives. And, before they lost their lives while fighting Beryl. 
The two were in their own world, Atlas looks at them from inside Mamoru's apartment. And, smiles seeing them together even if they weren't officially together. It was as if they were, Atlas was happy for [Y/n] who seemed to slowly, gain Mamoru's love. 
Atlas looks up at the stars as well, "I'll find you Adra..Wherever you are." He says, looking up at the stars, longingly for his lover. 
Mamoru looks over at [Y/n], who seemed to have fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiles as he looks down at her, hearing her tiny snores. "Sleepy-head." Mamoru says, smiling picking her up and, carrying her to the bedroom she was staying in. 
He places her on the bed and, pulls the covers over her. He looks down at her sleeping form and, kisses her on the forehead. She hums and, a smile spreads across her cheek. 
"Goodnight, N/n." He says, smiling as he leaves the room. 
"Goodnight, Mamo." She whispers, quietly when he leaves the room.
[ no he doesnt have his memories back but he will after the next chapter..] 
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jawritter · 4 years
When The Lights Go Out
Chapter 12 (Final)
Summary: Life hasn’t been your best friend lately, you lost your job, and are on the verge of losing your apartment. Who knew when you decided to join a Sugar Daddy app that your best friend suggested ina last ditch effort to save your apartment, and not end up on the street, your first and only client would turn your whole world upside down.
Pairing: Mobster!Dean Winchester x Virgin! Reader
Word count: 1306
Series Warnings: Mob level violence, injured Dean, description of injury, creepy Godfather John Winchester, John is pretty much a douche bag, escort services, virgin reader, lose of virginity and all the insecurities and fun stuff that come with it, age gap (23 year old reader; 40 year old Dean), angst, unrequited/requited love?, language, smut, unprotected smut.
Chapter Warnings: Smut, fluffy smut, mentions of character death, that’s about it. Maybe some language.
A/N: Beta’d by @deanwanddamons! Thanks so much love!! Please don’t copy my work!! Feedback is golden! Hope you all enjoy this one!! It’s gonna be a little bit of a slow burn y’all, but just hang in there!
(This fic is based on this request: Could you do a Dean x reader where she is 23 and lives alone in her apartment, she gets fired and can loose her house, her friend tells her about a sugar daddy app, she makes a profile and Dean 40, contacts her, she is virgin and don’t offers sex, Dean is billionaire business man and needs a girl for his business parties,the reader is really shy, blushes a lot, they fall in love, he takes her to a trip and makes love to her on a private island, could it be a series?)
Want more? Check out my masterlist!!
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18 months later
The warm water lapped against the ghost white sand as the light from the full moon stretched out  as far as the eye could see over the water’s surface. The warm, thick air seemed to hang lower, hugging your body better than any blanket or coat that New York City could provide you with. 
The sand felt warm under your feet as you made your way to the water's edge, even though the sun had gone down long ago, letting the waves wash up and lap at your feet as you stared out into the open. Your mind was on all the things that had happened to you this past year, and how it had changed you.
Sure, there were moments you weren’t proud of, hell that’s just life in general, but there were some moments you’d treasure forever. 
Like yesterday’s wedding for example. 
Yesterday you had finally taken that leap, and said I do to the man that had quickly become your best friend. 
Dean’s arms slipped around your waist, pulling you against his solid chest, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear in a way that sends sparks right down your spine.
“It’s so peaceful here. I wish we could stay here forever.” you tell him, leaning your head against his broad shoulder as his lips made a trail from your ear to the pulsepoint of your throat before nipping at the skin there.
“No rush to leave sweetheart. Sam’s got everything covered back home, and he needs the distraction right now, so let’s let him run things from there, and I’ll just give orders when I need to from here. That’s the beauty of being in charge, you get to do whatever the fuck you want.” 
Dean’s breath brushed warm against your overheating skin, warmth that had nothing to do with the warm weather as his hands tightened their grip on your hips. 
Poor Sam had been through a lot this last year. Jess’s passing in what was a freak accident involving a taxi cab, one that Sam still insisted had something to do with the remnants of The Knights Of Hell, even though there was no evidence to prove it. He had refused to take a day off since her funeral, always searching for proof that her passing was anything but accidental. 
There was nothing you and Dean could do to convince him otherwise, so you just left him to it. Running things while Dean was gone on his honeymoon might do him some good, give him something else to focus on.
One of Dean’s large hands made its way from your lips to your stomach, ghosting over the skin there, and making you shiver slightly. 
“Did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight princess.” Dean said, his lips traveling down your shoulder, leaving little love bites all along the way.
“Did I ever tell you that you need your vision checked?” you tease him, causing him to jab lightly at your  side, and you to fall into a cascade of giggles. 
“Get that sexy little ass inside baby girl, Daddy needs to tuck you in properly.” Dean growled in your ear, giving your hips a squeeze as your breath caught in your throat, his tone alone sending a wave of arousal soaring through your body, and landing somewhere deep in your core.
“Yes sir,” you tell him in your most innocent voice, pulling another deep growl from his chest as he lifts you into his arms as if you weighed nothing at all, carrying you bridal style across the beach, and into the house, laying you down on the bed where you first made love so long ago. 
His body came down over your own as clothes hit the floor, nothing at all left in between the two of you. 
His teeth trailed your throat before he made his way down your body, stopping at each breast, his lips sealing around each one, sucking and pulling with his teeth until you were a moaning mess underneath him, and he was just getting started. 
His lips brushed over the skin of your stomach, as he continued his way down your body, leaving little nips as he went, making his way down each thigh before trailing his tongue back up your body, purposely avoiding where you needed him most until you were practically begging for his touch. 
When his tongue finally made one swift pass through your soaking folds you all but came right there, his name falling from your lips like a prayer as he ate at you like a man having his last meal. Your fingers weave their way through his light brown hair as your body desperately tries to get him closer to you, needing more, until it was almost too much, and your legs were shaking around him. 
Slipping two fingers inside of you easily, Dean starts to slowly pump in and out of you, adding to your delirium until you went plummeting over the edge with a scream. By the time you came down from your high Dean was crawling his way back up your body like a predator stalking his prey, his muscles rippling just under the surface of his skin with every calculated movement. 
Soft lips meet yours in a kiss that was captivating, and intoxicating  as he lined himself up with your entrance, sliding home without resistance, both of you groaning as your walls flutter around him in the remnants of the release he’d just given you before Dean started to pump into you, slowly at first before pushing himself into you at a punishing pace.
This was how it always was you and Dean, so intense, so needy, too much and at the same time not enough. Fingers leaving bruises on your thighs as he grips you tightly, pulling your body as close to him as possible as he continues to collide into you. Nails leaving scratch marks over his shoulders and back as you desperately try to ground yourself as he works you higher and higher until you are teetering on the edge, begging him to take you over. 
When your orgasm finally hits you, you come with a silent scream as he fills you with his warm seed, your walls milking him until you both collapse on the bed. His body weight on top of yours, comforting you, grounding you to what matters, him. 
Sometimes in the life the two of you lived there were true horrors. There may have never been a boogie man in your closet, or a monster under your bed. Those were all things you imagined as a kid, those things you thought were evil. 
No these monsters come in the form of man, and they worked to take everything away from you as often as they could. 
Dean made sure they never got that far, protecting you and the rest of his family. This may have not been the life you had chosen, and the universe seemed to have brought you together against all odds, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
When you were a little kid you were afraid of the dark. Now you looked forward to when the lights went out, and it was just you and Dean, shutting out the world, and all it’s problems that went with it.
No matter what comes tomorrow, what problem, what disaster, whatever, you had tonight, and that’s what you would do. Just like Dean said after Azazel was dealt with, tomorrow’s problems could take care of themselves, as long as you had Dean, that’s all you’d ever need. 
As long as you had that man you could walk through fire together, you were sure of it, and that’s just how you will deal with whatever the future holds. 
Forever Tags: @deanwanddamons​ @rvgrsbrns​ @bi-danvers0​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @i-love-superhero​ @akshi8278​ @lyss-dw79​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624​ @busy-bee-angel-misska​ @justanotherwinchester​ @brilovesdeanwinchester​ @idksupernatural​ @lyarr24​ @amandamdiehl​ @love-jackles-37-blog​ @miraclesoflove​ @waywardsistershy​ @emoryhemsworth​ @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel​ @softsebastian​ @tatted-trina6​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @hayleeharling​   @flamencodiva​ @coldmuffinbanditshoe​ @bxbyizzy​ @rain-dance-goblin​ @itmejado​ @supernatural3002​
Series Tag List:
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recentanimenews · 3 years
J-Novel Club Anime Expo Lite 2021 Announcements
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  J-Novel Club took to Anime Expo Lite 2021 to announce yet another sizable slate of titles, many that will launch later today on the service digitally, from pulp novels to its light novel bread and butter and everything in-between, J-Novel Club’s latest slate has something for everyone. Without further ado, the slate of announcements.
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      Maddrax by Various Authors with Cover Art by Nestor Taylor 
When a comet struck Earth, Matthew Drax found himself sent 500 years into the future - only to find civilization in ruins. In a world filled with barbarians, hostile mutants, and lost technology, Drax and co. cross the globe in search of adventure. Having recently saved the world by restoring the moon from its falling orbit, an accident in proceedings causes pockets of parallel worlds to dot the globe. What new dangers await Matt and his travelling companion, the telepathic warrior queen Aruula, as they cross these strange gaps in time and space? 
A J-Novel Pulp title launching today with Part 1 of Volume 1!
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A Late-Start Tamer’s Laid-Back Life by Yuu Tanaka with Illustrations by Nardack
Old MacDonald had a...gnome?! The Law of Justice Online, also known as LJO, is the hottest new VRMMORPG of the season, and office worker Yuta Sasaki is one of the lucky few granted access to the official launch. After some careful research, Yuta is chomping at the bit to start his virtual life as a Tamer, a class that harnesses the powers of wild monsters. Luckily, upon building his character, Yuta manages to land not only his chosen class, but a heap of bonuses to boot! He soon finds, however, that his abilities are not all they're cracked up to be, and that the talents of the rare first monster he is granted lie not in combat...but gardening! Already well behind the other adventurers, and facing a long and slow progression path ahead of him, Yuta is left with two choices—start over from scratch, or make the best of what he has been given. For Yuta the choice is obvious: When life gives you manure...start up a farm!
Launching today with Parts 1 and 2 of Volume 1!
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Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers by Miya Kinojo with Illustrations by Katagiri 
The Magical Kingdom of Klyrode summons hundreds of heroes from other worlds every year to fight in their war against the Dark One and his army of powerful demons. Banaza is one of those heroes, summoned from the Royal Capital Paluma, but something’s not right—Banaza is only an average merchant. He has no magic, no fighting ability, and his stats are abysmal. Worse, a mishap leaves him unable to return home! Rejected as a hero and stranded in another world, abandoned to the far reaches of the kingdom by a cruel king who just wants him gone, Banaza’s fate looks pretty bleak. But what will happen once the failed hero candidate finds himself with super cheat powers once he hits level two? 
Launching today with Parts 1 and 2 of Volume 1!
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Min-Maxing My TRPG Build in Another World by Schuld with Illustrations by Lansane Commissioned in death to save a world in peril, a tabletop RPG fanatic is reborn as a humble farm boy with the rulebook for the universe at his fingertips! Young Erich’s quest for an invincible character build will require more than his decades as a number-crunching munchkin, though. Even with powerleveled skills, feudal life is no cakewalk—especially when you keep drawing more attention than you can handle…Can Erich adapt to his strange new world before his worst impulses take the campaign of a lifetime completely off the rails? Let the dice fall where they may! Launching today with Parts 1 and 2 of Volume 1!
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The Reincarnated Princess Spends Another Day Skipping Story Routes by Bisu with Illustrations by Yukiko 
After an accident, a modern careerist is reborn as Princess Rosemary Von Velfalt. She soon realizes that her new life is identical to that of a rival character in an otome game that she’d once played to “100%” completion. Luxury and magic abound in the Kingdom of Nevel, alongside a collection of attractive men. However, beneath the suitors' dazzling faces lie awful personalities: masochists, necrophiles, and perverts, oh my! But it’s not all bad news—the side characters are perfect, and Rosemary has fallen for the captain of the royal guard. 
Since the game offers no true route to happiness, Rosemary decides to forge her own path; to avoid marriage with the suitors, she'll have to skip their story routes and fix their deviance. She’ll navigate palace and marriage politics, kidnappings, and the threat of war, all while contending with a world that’s drifting further from the game she remembers. “100%” game completion isn’t all it’s cracked up to be— sometimes, “0%” is the route to a dream life! A J-Novel Heart title launching today with Parts 1 and 2 of Volume 1!
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My Instant Death Ability is So Overpowered, No One in This Other World Stands a 
Chance Against Me! —AΩ— (Manga) by Hanamaru Nanto, Based on the Novels by 
Tsuyoshi Fujitaka with Original Character Designs by Chisato Naruse
Awaking to absolute chaos and carnage while on a school trip, Yogiri Takatou discovers that everyone in his class has been transported to another world! He had somehow managed to sleep through the entire ordeal himself, missing out on the Gift — powers bestowed upon the others by a mysterious Sage who appeared to transport them. Even worse, he and another classmate were ruthlessly abandoned by their friends, left as bait to distract a nearby dragon. Although not terribly bothered by the thought of dying, he reluctantly decides to protect his lone companion. After all, a lowly Level 1000 monster doesn't stand a chance against his secret power to invoke Instant Death with a single thought! If he can stay awake long enough to bother using it, that is...Launching today with Chapter 1 of Volume 1!
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Reborn to Master the Blade: From Hero-King to Extraordinary Squire♀ (Manga) by Moto Kuromura, Based on the Novels by Hayaken with Original Character Designs by Nagu 
From his deathbed, Hero-King Inglis, the divine knight and master of all he surveys, gazes down on the empire he built with his mighty hand. Having devoted his life to statecraft and his subjects’ well-being, his one unfulfilled wish is to live again, for himself this time: a warrior’s life he’d devoted himself to before his rise to power. His patron goddess, Alistia, hears his plea and smiles upon him, flinging his soul into the far future. Goddesses work in mysterious ways—not only is Inglis now the daughter of a minor noble family, but at her first coming-of-age ceremony at 6, she's found ineligible to begin her knighthood! However, for a lady of Inglis's ambition, this is less a setback and more the challenge she was (re)born to overcome. “It's not the blood that runs through your veins that makes a knight; it’s the blood you shed on the battlefield!” The curtain rises on the legend of an extraordinary lady squire reborn to master the blade! Coming Soon to J-Novel Club!
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My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer by MOJIKAKIYA 
with Illustrations by toi8
The life of an adventurer isn’t always a glamorous one. 
Belgrieve finds this out the hard way when a deadly encounter robs him of his leg and the ability to pursue his dreams not long after setting off for fame and fortune. But fate isn’t finished with this retired adventurer! While gathering herbs in the wilderness, he discovers an abandoned baby girl and names her Angeline after deciding to raise her as his own. Angeline grows up to become a top-tier adventurer in her own right, yet after venturing out into the world and making a name for herself, fame, fortune, and power hold no allure for the accomplished S-rank adventurer: her heartfelt wish is for nothing more than to see her father again.
Launching today with Parts 1 and 2 of Volume 1!
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Dragon Daddy Diaries: A Girl Grows to Greatness by Ameko Kaeruda with Illustrations by Sencha 
“Daddy!” The dragon blinked as the wee little human called out to him. Him? Her “Daddy”? Powerful enough to have been venerated by humankind, yet warmhearted and even a tad ditzy, the dragon soon finds himself raising and doting on the precocious Olivia as if she really were his daughter in this touching tale. The toddler may be impossibly cute now, but just you wait—she’s a curious child and she’s growing up real fast. You can bet that one day, she’ll be the strongest human there is! But first, how will he handle little Olivia receiving an acceptance letter to a human school? Launching today with Parts 1 and 2 of Volume 1!
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Dahlia in Bloom: Crafting a Fresh Start With Magical Tools by Hisaya Amagishi with Illustrations by Kei 
After dying of overwork in Japan, Dahlia is reborn into a world filled with magic. Raised by a master of magical toolmaking, she develops a passion for the craft and becomes engaged to her father’s apprentice. Before her father can see her wed, however, he suddenly passes away. As if this weren’t enough, on the day before their wedding, her fiancé announces that he’s in love—but not with her! Dahlia finally realizes she needs to live for herself. She vows to be her own woman from now on and devote herself to her craft, even if it’s not quite the quiet life she was hoping for! From a chance encounter with a knight to starting her own company, there are challenges aplenty on the horizon. But this young craftswoman is no longer a shrinking violet—she’s Dahlia, and she’s ready to bloom. 
A J-Novel Heart title launching today with Parts 1 and 2 of Volume 1!
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  Hell Mode ~The Hardcore Gamer Dominates in Another World with Garbage Balancing~ by Hamuo with Illustrations by Mo 
“‘Level up even while offline’?! That’s not a game on ‘easy mode’—that’s just an AFK game!” The online game Yamada Kenichi had been playing religiously is shutting down its servers, leaving him with a void in his heart. He looks for a new game to fill it, but everything he finds is way too easy. The kind of game he likes—the kind punishing enough to make players want to spend thousands of hours on it—just isn’t around anymore. “What’s this? ‘You are invited to a game that will never end.’” Kenichi stumbles upon an untitled game, one promising incomparable challenge with unprecedented potential. Without hesitation, he selects the “Hell Mode” difficulty. Lo and behold, he finds himself reincarnated in another world as a serf! Now called Allen, he sets out to unlock the secrets of his mystery-laden Summoner class; without the convenience of walkthroughs, game guides, or online forums, he must grope his way to the top of his new world! Launching today with Parts 1 and 2 of Volume 1!
  By: Humberto Saabedra
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Where Time Takes Us
Destination - Part 1
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Watch the home while she is off to war
The Slumber King versus the rearing boar
Awake, arise, do not be blind
To tales and destinies entwined
In the world we said that we would leave behind
— excerpt from folk song, The World Behind, writer unknown, dated back to the Era of Myth
- - - - - - - - - - 
6 months, 3 weeks, and 3 days before the Hyrule Castle Slaughter, the Akkala Citadel Massacre, the slaying of the Champions, the death of the hero, and the rise of Calamity Ganon...
Her job ends on doomsday. 
She should be working, and truly she wanted to, but circumstances had led her to walk towards the echoing laughter.
Already trying to prepare the quip she would throw back at them, (as undoubtedly they’d complain about her being late again), the researcher weaved through the familiar roads of West Castle Town. Most of the houses were dark, with the only light source coming from the occasional flickering lantern, and the pale complexion of the midnight moon. Needless to say, it made the warm glow of The Adequate’s Tavern stand out all the more as she approached. 
Another roar of laughter and shouts escaped from an open window on the south side of the pub. The bags under her eyes curved with her smile as she recognized one of the voices. She absentmindedly traced her fingers along the outer walls of the tavern as she walked, loose chips of faded blue paint falling to the pavement below. The wooden sign above the door creaked with its askew weight. The Adequate’s Tavern was printed in bold, blue letters atop a faded yellow outline. The missing e’s and t’s gave evidence to the building’s true quality. 
Pushing open the door, the researcher was met with a swirl of familiar scents, ranging from alcohol, apples, bread, and leather, along with a smokiness coming from the fireplace near the back of the bar. 
Closing the door behind her, she walked through the entrance, passing under a wooden overhang, and alongside a long, stone-slated bar counter. She overheard a conversation between the barkeep and a waiter.
“Yes, they’re here again, so get out there already!”
“The scientists?” the waiter asked.
The man started shoving her towards the storage door behind the bar. “Yes, yes, now hurry up and stock up on that apple cider. I’ve already turned four full pitchers from the three of them, and the fourth is no doubt on the way. We can turn a bigger profit from those kids than any random alcoholic that stumbles in here tonight!”
The waiter disappeared into the back, and the barkeep was left muttering by the counter. Chuckling to herself, the researcher moved away, starting to search for the scientists in question. Other than a single, beige wall that separated the edge of the bar with a support beam in the middle of the room, the pub was very open and lively. Square and circular tables were littered across the floor in mismatched patterns, ranging from oak brown to birch white. Clearly, aesthetic was not the centerpoint of the place. 
She walked about the pub, scanning the faces of the men and women alike who crowded by the booths and tables. The tavern mainly housed a sea of Hylians, who let out the occasional drunken laugh, or hearty chuckle. It was a miracle she could hear her thoughts at all, as the air was rich with the sound of clattering dishware and the patter of dancing feet, as in a small corner to the left was a semi-circle stage housing a small band. A Hylian man with umber dark skin, much like her own, blew away at a Lurelin-made, seashell harmonica. To his left, a blonde woman extended her arm in quick and elegant strokes with a bow and fiddle. Two others struck away on small drums and bells, and the playful gig they performed had gotten several people up from their feet to dance for Hylia knows how long. The music wasn’t terrible, but she had heard better, from a certain Sheikah in particular...
As if fate had read her thoughts, she finally caught sight of her friends.
It hindsight, it was easy enough to expect the bard to be at the table closest to the stage. Yet, it was probably the three heads of cloud white, Sheikah hair that gave them away the quickest. A young teenage boy sat across a square table from two other Sheikah, a boy and a girl. He was looking at nothing in particular, as he plucked away at his lute, presumably tuning it. Wrapped around his head was a small cluster of green wooden beads, woven with brown string. They dotted like a line of stars in his fluffy, white hair, alternating between pine and sage shades. The knot tying the strings and beads around his head hung loosely like vines just by his right ear. He was just asking to look like a starstruck, homeless traveler, if it weren’t for the bright red cape pinned across his shoulders. The golden, Hyrulean emblem holding the crimson cloth together signified his status as an important worker of the palace. Although, no one would be surprised that this thin, skinny teenager was a bard and court poet, and not a royal knight. 
Suddenly, the bard looked up and met her gaze, a pair of warm, red eyes catching the light of familiarity. He patted the empty seat next to him and said something to the other two Sheikah in front of him. One of them looked back, a young man with storm wild hair that seemed to part like lightning. He had a beige, long sleeve coat over a red tunic, as was the classic Sheikah style. However, the style of his white jacket told of his rank as a scientist. With chocolate eyes and a contagious grin, he nudged the girl next to him and fake coughed.
The young woman wore roughly the same outfit, although she had a navy blue skirt and boots compared to the other guy’s black pants and shoes. Her eyes were also red, albeit, with a more striking scarlet color, compared to the other boy’s warmer wine shade. Looking back, she adjusted her bright, Sheikah red, round, sparkly, diamond decorated glasses, complete with white accents that matched her hair. It was pulled in a messy bun, a hairstyle that her close friends knew was less for looks, and more for practical purposes, as supposedly, “the stupid strands always find ways to bother my eyes. No, stop, I don’t need a comb! My eyeballs are just sensitive, okay?”
Pivoting past a waiter, the researcher finally moved closer to the trio, brushing her curly dark hair above her shoulders as she prepared for the sarcasm to begin.
The stormy eyed scientist spoke first.
“Purah, Purah! Is that...a ghost I see? It looks like Adello, but I feel like I haven’t seen her in a century, I surely thought her dead! Am I being…haunted?”
Purah turned in her seat and gave a fake gasp. She adjusted her red rimmed glasses at the sight of her. “You’re right, Robbie! I’ve heard about these spirits. They only come at midnight under a full moon, and they appear when you have friends that don’t know how to time manage and haunt you by coming to your birthday party with their terrible fashion sense 45 minutes late!” She clapped her hands along with the syllables of “45 minutes” to let her point be known.
Robbie awed at Adello in sarcastic wonder, and the boy across from him exhaled out of his nose with a smile. 
Adello put a hand on her hip. “Save your breath, I was just working a bit overtime on the Divine Beast sketches. You know, work? For the jobs that we all have? So we can pay our taxes and shit? Unfortunately, not all of us have fancy salaries Mrs. Royal Scientist.”  
Purah turned to Robbie, pulling down her glasses and looking at him sternly. “See, this is another trait of these kinds of spirits. They’re cursed to only say excuses for eternity.”
He shook his head. “Coupled with the fact that their fashion only ever consists of one color? Truly, a terrible fate for a ghost indeed.”
Adello narrowed her eyes. Smoothing out her juniper colored tunic, she said, “Okay, first off, green is a great color on me, it pairs well with my skin tone. You’re both just blind, no wonder you need glasses.” Purah put a hand on her chest dramatically, but she continued. “Plus, I’d really rather not get fired since that ceremony thing with those Champions is tomorrow and, as you all know, I just got that promotion.”
The researcher propped a black leather boot up on the empty chair by the table, flipping her jet black hair dramatically. “How does it feel to be in the presence of someone with an actual on-the-field career?”
Purah stuck out her tongue, and Robbie cupped his hands and booed. However, the boy sitting on the other side of the fourseated table gave a celebratory strum of his lute, giving Adello’s pose a bright background flourish with a few upbeat chords.
She winked. “Thank you Zimiri, at least someone can recognize skill.” The bard gave a little bow with his head, grinning. “A few chords is all it takes to enhance a dramatic, late night entrance.”
Adello chuckled, finally sitting down in the empty seat beside him. The old oaken chair and floor creaked under the new weight. Robbie let out a huff.
“You kids need to learn to respect your elders.” He announced the word “respect” with the tip of his tongue. The researcher rolled her eyes. 
“Ah yes, a whole one year gap between us. What astounding age and experience that these elders emit.” She gestured at Robbie and Purah with a sweep of her arm. 
“Uh, excuse me, but I believe in my case it’s now double that. A whole two years, my dear, naive child. For as of 4 hours ago, I now emit the knowledge of an existence spanning two decades!” Now it was his turn to pose dramatically, pointing towards the ceiling. 
Everyone at the table groaned, turning to occupy themselves with something else. Purah started writing in her journal which she pulled out from her satchel, and Adello started to become very interested with the ceiling. Zimiri continued to pluck nothings on his lute.
Robbies crossed his arms, his white long sleeves folding across the Sheikah red shirt underneath. “Oh I see! So when Adello brags, she gets a musical accompaniment, but when I do it, it’s suddenly annoying and embarrassing?”
Adello smirked to herself, and answered, “Yep, that’s how it goes!”
“Alright, you don’t get to speak, Miss I-don’t-know-how-to-be-punctuation!” 
Purah promptly smacked Robbie over the head with a pen. 
“Hey! W—”
“The word is punctual, you idiot.” 
Robbie slumped his shoulders and made a face. He tapped his thumb and fingers together, mimicking the opening and closing of a mouth while he muttered mockingly in Purah’s tone under his breath. 
Purah finished off a note in her journal before turning to the rest of the table. “Alright Adello, time to catch up. We’ve been playing ‘Till You Spill and I’ve already got some juicy stuff in here!”
Turning the pages of her journal towards Adello, she gave a chaotic grin. “Last round, Zimiri revealed that he once got teary eyed in front of the King himself after reading a poem about clouds.”
Zimiri raised his hands in defense. “Look, the clouds were an analogy for lost childhood innocence and I got choked up with that author’s amazing choice of imagery and descriptions, okay?”
Purah pointed her pen at him to hush, and continued. “Of course, him being a sentimental dork isn’t anything new, so he lost that round to Robbie who revealed the identity of his first crush.”  
Zimiri muttered something about the game being rigged towards the birthday boy, but Adello talked over him, excitedly.
“Ooohhhh? Robbie?? Who are they?” She propped up her elbows and cradled her chin in her hands, excited at the prospect of more embarrassing information she could hang over his head.
He mumbled, looking to Purah for assistance, but she only cupped a hand over her ear, waiting for him to respond. “You all fuckin—” he sighed, “it’s…she’s…c-ch…” he avoided everyone’s gaze, “her name is...Cherry…”
Adello gasped, gleefully. “That girl from your old university?? The writer you hung out with!?”
Purah beamed, shaking Robbie’s shoulders excitedly. “I know right???” She loosened her grip and allowed him to wiggle out of her grasp for a moment. “Oh sweetie, campus days may be long gone for all of us prodigies and geniuses,” she flipped a few strands of her white hair with a turn of her head, “but I’m sure you’ll get her someday. You just gotta turn up the charm, find a way to woo with words. I’m sure writers love that.” Purah pulled down her glasses and gave a forced wink at him.
Adello tried to hold her tongue to no avail. “Pffft. Yeah, you can try wooing her with your punctuation.” This got a snicker out of Purah, and caused the birthday boy to blush furiously and slump further in his seat. Zimiri finally spoke up.
“Now, now, let’s all play nice. We don’t need to pester him further about it, he did win the round after all.” 
“Uh, yeah. Speaking of the game, you still need to drink up, mister.” Purah slid a tan brown cup of apple cider towards him, the translucent contents sloshing around like muck in a gutter.
He leaned on the back two legs of his chair. “Isn’t it punishment enough to smell it? The cider isn’t even near my face and my mouth is already burning.”
She shrugged. “Them's the rules of ‘Till You Spill. Your secret sucked, so swig!”
The poet groaned, but complied. Tipping the cup towards his lips, Zimiri took a hearty slurp of the cider, much to everyone’s amusement. It felt like hot, molten copper mixed with old apple skins. How could something both burn and freeze your throat at the same time? He let out a gag, to which Adello patted him on the back with a short laugh.
Raising his posture, Robbie crowed, “When we finally have Zimiri’s birthday maybe then we’ll actually upgrade to the alcohol.”
Adello raised an eyebrow. “Uh, right, because the upgrade from disorientingly strong, smelly apple cider, is you two being flat out drunk. Right...” 
Purah slammed both her fists down with pride, letting the cups and pitchers slosh a few amber colored drops onto the worn wooden table. “Bold of you to assume I’d drink at all, considering I’ve never lost a round! Mwahaha!” She blew a raspberry at her. “This tongue is apple free, baby.”
She gestured with her pinky and index finger at Zimiri and Adello. “Now, you two! The late combatant and the latest loser shall spill next. Give us your juicy gossip!!”
The bard, still reeling from his drink, leaned back in his chair and gave a nod toward Adello. “Ladies first?”
While she wasn’t undefeated in this drinking game, she sure as hell was playing to win. Especially since somebody needed to knock that smug expression off of Purah’s face. Adello thought to herself quickly. 
Zimiri, no doubt, is probably gonna say something self-deprecating again, as he’s too nice to actually reveal anything embarrassing about anyone else. So...I just need to say something unexpected and interesting...perhaps something embarrassing about...hmm, I’ve already exhausted all my info about those cushy nobles and guards in past rounds…
Suddenly, she snapped her fingers. “The princess has a secret stuffed animal collection.” Seeing the light in her co-workers’ eyes twinkle, Adello knew she had chosen her words well. Purah leaned in. “Ooh? And how did you come across this juicy piece of information?” She rested her chin on an arm with an innocent smile.
“When I sent my application for the new job a few weeks ago, I gave it to the princess directly. It was late at night, and I bumped into her as she just left her room. The door was cracked open for a few seconds, before some royal, pompous guard slammed it right in my face. Yet, it wasn’t before I saw the pile of,” she counted on her fingers,  “cow, sheep, bird, dog, and several horse stuffed animals piled high by her big, blue bed. I bet if I peeked for just a few more moments I could have found enough to pin her as a true horse girl.”
Robbie shrugged his shoulders, unconsciously rapping the table with his finger. “Well, speaking as a horse guy myself, I can attest to the fact that the childhood horse obsession phase never leaves, so I find Princess Zelda’s collection quite admirable.” He gave a nod towards Zimiri. “Either way, it’ll be tough to top that, Zim. Cute, yet slightly concerning, fact about our future queen? Quite the competition. Shall I signal the waiter for a refill now?”
Zimiri plucked a few more strings from his lute, before finally setting it down on the floor. He tilted his head, playfully. The string with sage green beads seemed to sway with the tavern’s music, and he spoke with a glint in his eyes. “Well, I might be faced with impending failure and ultimate defeat, but hells if I’m not one to try instead of mope.”
He combed his fingers through his messy, white hair, pondering his next choice of words. Fiddling with the beads and strings wrapped around it, he thought out loud.
“Let’s see...to top out on an embarrassing fact about a respected princess...it's natural to combat it with something...personal? That always seems to be the more valuable information in this game…” Adello shook her head. He was playing right into her hand.
“Well...Robbie won last round with the identity of Cherry...so, how about I dish out something similar. See, I’ve...uh…” he rubbed the back of his neck, “Oh! Well. Court poet, shrine researcher, the job gets you close with the princess...kinda...I’d like to think we’re close anyhow…” He mumbled the last part of his sentence and let out a short cough. Then, he went back to fiddling with his short, messy hair.
“So… ever since I moved into the castle, When did my mom move… five years now? I’ve, uh… had a crush on... Zelda…” He gave an uncertain grin, and raised the palm of his hands as if to ask, “well?”
At first he was met with silence. In his head, he started to celebrate the victory of his first ‘Till You Spill round in literal months. That was until he was met with groans and pitiful mutters. 
“Oh Zimiri,” Purah sighed, “I was rooting for you too.” Seeing the bewilderment creep onto the poet’s face, Robbie answered the question before it even escaped his lips. “Literally everyone here knew that bud, it’s not a secret.”
The bard started to sputter, moving his hands in wild, questioning motions.
“But? Wha— I? You!? Didn’t you— I… W-Well I mean, I know Adello knew, I told her years ago, but you guys—”
“Oh my gods. Zimiri, you literally talk about her all the time, you’re totally in love. Given that we’re also the recipients of your long spiels and ballads about how ‘intelligent and thoughtful and amazing Zelda is,’” Purah said the words to mimic the tone of Zimiri’s honey sweet voice, “it’s exceptionally, extremely, very, very obvious.”
“R-Recognizing a person’s positive traits doesn’t instantly mean in love!”
The royal scientist leaned across the table and patted his head. “Right, but you also started attempting love songs a coincidental 2 weeks after starting your job of shrine research with her. Your eyes are already red, so whenever she passes by it’s like your pupils magically form into adoring hearts. Try to stay away from poker, it’s for your own good.” 
Zimiri continued to sputter, his cheeks becoming roser by the second. Robbie turned to Purah. “So, all in favour of finding Adello’s spill better than Zimiri’s?” The two of them raised their hands in unison. “Alright buddy, secret sucked, so swig! WAITER PLEASE!”
Adello watched as the same woman she had seen near the bar earlier made her way to the table. Picking up a pitcher, she poured out a fresh cup of Adequate’s Apple Cider. The four of them had been here so many times, they didn’t even need to verbally ask for the order.
Before he could even start to reach for the cup, Adello snatched it out of the way. “Nah, it’s okay. I’ll do one for you, Zimiri. These two monsters have already tore you to shreds, and I’m sure I need a punishment anyway for coming in so late.” 
He started to protest, but after catching the look in her dark, iron eyes, he relented. “Well, I thank you for your generosity.” The other two, however, were not as compliant.
Purah cupped her hands around her mouth, yelling, “Booooo... Boo to pity! Boo to generosity!” Robbie mimicked her. 
“Yeah you have to respect your elders’ wishes. We demand blood! Suffering!” 
Adello cracked her neck for show, before downing her glass of cider in a few gulps. The stench and tingling sensation seemed to stick to the sides of her throat. It would take more than water to clear that out. “Adequate” was being very generous when describing its quality.
“Mmmm. The cider’s weirdly salty tonight, I think your attitudes got mixed in here.”
Purah blew another raspberry at her.
They played for a few more rounds, the clatter of cups and breaths of laughter decorating the hours. Much to everyone’s distaste, Purah continued her winning streak, getting by with unbeatable information about the King, royal guards, and one embarrassing anecdote about how her little sister, Impa, had caught her writing an interesting letter to the “local archery hunk.”
Yet, Purah laughed along with the rest of them, the eyes behind her red rimmed glasses held no shame, which Adello envied. Of course that sort of attitude would make you a master at this game. Robbie and Adello attempted to team up and be biased towards Purah in an effort to get her to lose, but either Zimiri didn’t take the hint, or he just really liked playing fair which wasn’t exactly out of character, even if it meant more drinks for him. 
Suddenly, a bell towards the back of the pub rang, signifying the end of the band’s gig. The dancing paused, as people gave their thanks, varying from politie applause to drunken yelps. Robbie then rapped the table with his hands, excitedly.
“You know what else tonight needs? Some amazing music, eh Zimiri?” He bounced his eyebrows up and down at him, and gestured towards the lute leaning on one of the table legs.
“I don’t know,” Zimiri replied, “I’ve only a part-time hire for the weekend rush hours, and I wouldn’t want to blindly get on stage and sing without being given permission.” 
Adello scoffed. “Uh, are you kidding? The owner would love for you to play without paying you. Haven’t you heard the talk around town? The Adequate’s Tavern: Home of alright food and acceptable ale, but an outstanding  bard!”
He fiddled with the string in his hair again. “Oh yeah? I’d love to meet him someday.” At this, Adello clicked her tongue and promptly shoved him out of his chair with her hip. 
He laughed to himself as he stumbled aback. “Alright, alright, but only because the birthday tyrant requested it.” Robbie clapped his hands in a “chop-chop” fashion, to truly signify his role as the newly dubbed tyrant.
Suddenly, Zimiri perked his head. Stepping back towards the table, he reached for his cup. “Oh wait, I just lost that round. I still need to drink my—”
Adello grabbed the cup right out of his hands. She tipped it 180 degrees and let the cider spill completely onto the wooden floor. He hopped back, and Purah let out a surprised yelp, saying something about letting the stench seep into the floorboards. Robbie just started to laugh, wildly. Noticing the small commotion, a few other guests looked back at them and started to snicker to themselves.
Setting the cup back on the table, the researcher said, “Great, now you don’t need to ruin your voice any longer. Now get up there and one-up the last band.” 
The bard pushed his chair under the table. Picking up his lute as he stood and faced Adello, a charming smile on his face. “Heh, well. My singing voice is grateful. I suppose now I’m in debt to comply.” He gave a curt bow.
Robbie clapped his hands again. “Great, great. Now quit the manners and let’s go already! I still have to order the cake pie!”
Both of the girls rolled their eyes in unison. Zimiri shrugged and started to walk through the small crowd of standing Hylians, and towards the small stage. 
A few of the regulars who recognized him let out whoops and whistles, yelling out “Bard!” or “More music!” in support. It seemed that no one really knew his name, but it was nice enough to know that even working here part time would grant you the honor of being recognized by a bunch of random folk. One confused patron, who only associated him with “z” yelled out “Yeah, Zelda!” before promptly slumping under the table. Looking around, a blonde girl caught his eye, as it seemed she was staring at him. He waved, and her cheeks, much to Zimiri’s confusion, turned pink at his gaze and she turned to her friends who started giggling. 
Moving past the last of the Hylians with an, “excuse me, sorry!” he finally stepped on the stage. The bard pulled up a small stool to the stage, leaning against it. Most of the folks continued to whoop in approval, seemingly eager for another chance to start dancing. Even the barkeep clapped his hands, probably excited at the thought of a free gig.
I guess, if no one is stopping me…
It was a rowdy bunch, but not a new one. Zimiri had played for these kinds of audiences before. 
“I see that quite a few people are itching for a new tune. So, uh, any requests?” he announced as he strum a chord on his lute. 
A mass of different voices bounced around the tavern, requests ranging from The Babbler’s Jig, Misko’s Tale, The Eldin Bluffs, and Can I Get More Ale? Although, Zimiri wasn’t quite familiar with the chords of that last song. 
He couldn’t stop himself from being biased towards the request of a certain dark skinned girl to his left.
“The World Behind!” Adello said. “Enough with those new ballads, I demand a classic!” 
Robbie pumped an arm in the air. “Yes!” he shouted. “I second that! So is my decree as birthday tyrant!”
The bard smiled, preparing the fingering on the neck of his lute. He turned towards the audience. “Well, I’m afraid I have no choice but to heed to such authority.” He began to pluck the beginning notes, tapping a tempo with his boot against the stage. “Now then, a beat, if you all would be so kind?”
The tavern chattered in approval, before piping down. There probably weren't more than 30 people, but the beat they made was definitely sufficient. The sound of stomping, banging mugs, and clapping filled the room. The tempo didn’t even need much adjusting, as The World Behind was pretty familiar around Castle Town. The beat was like a child pretending to be a marching soldier, unconcerned and playful.
Zimiri’s smile widened. A lively crowd indeed, this will do nicely. 
With that, he started to sing. His silvery voice echoed across the tavern, as he closed his eyes and began to play.
The boys have gone out to the wishing well
Will they come back? Oh only time will tell
A rupee for a life refined
But time and dreams never align
So tell the world we’ll leave it all behind 
Many of the guests had started to dance again, while the rest continued the beat of the song. As Zimiri plucked rapid notes on his lute, he heard a supporting holler from Purah. Next to her, Robbie was slamming his fist to the beat, clearly enjoying himself.
Have you seen the soldiers’ drinking ale?
They wish to sing along with nightingales
To dance on home with songs and rhymes
To banish all the fears from mind
Yes tell the world we’ll leave it all behind
Another pause between the verses, and the bard played the “decorative” rapid notes in between. He didn’t mean to seem like he was showing off, but Adello would attest to the fact that this happened whenever he got too into the music. Looking towards her, Zimiri saw her give a double thumbs up. 
Of beasts and men and all atrocities
The damn-ed fate, she owns all that you see
To a better day of new design
Forgot about the gods divine
Oh tell the world we’ll leave it all behind 
At this point, some of the guests were singing along, though not to the point of overpowering his own alluring voice. Laughter rang out around the warmly lit room once again. Zimiri looked out at the dancing patrons and smiling guests, grinning at the feeling in his chest this brought. He continued the last verse.
Watch the home while—
The sudden gruff voice startled the bard to the point where he nearly slipped off the stage.
Lumbering through the double doors, three guards entered the tavern. The one in front, who had interrupted the music, wore a typical knight’s outfit, the same as his male and female coworkers behind him. However, the black hooded cape he wore atop his metal armour swayed with every step he took across the floor, his supposed rank silencing the room. 
Well, mostly, silenced the room. A few ticked off guests were booing, groaning, and mocking him for ruining the entertainment. 
“Oh would you lot shut up for 2 seconds?!” he said, his voice booming across the tavern. “Listen, I’ll be blunt. I gotta give two messages for this establishment.”
The guests shook their heads, mumbling. Their booing and insults continued, but their volume quieted, it was too early to be getting cross with a couple of knights. Even Zimiri quietly slipped off the stage back towards his friends so as not to be at the end of the knight’s intimidating voice.  
The female guard behind the knight handed him a slip of parchment. Unfolding it, the guard cleared his throat.
“Firstly, your music and pounding is disturbing the noblemen next door. He’s staying at the inn or something and wants you to, quote,” he read from the paper, “quit the mindless thumping, for Castle Town is a place of serenity and peace, not of nonsense jigs and banging.”
The groaning and insults started up again; the man gave a shrug, stating something about how he was just following orders. 
Adello couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “HA! Well, with an attitude like that, this’ll probably be the first and only time he’s been banged— he should be grateful.”
The room exploded into a mess of laughter and whoops. Even the guard smirked to himself, but attempted to hide it with a shake of his head, saying “Watch the mouth, girl.” Although, his stern tone wasn’t in it.
After a second, he cleared his throat again. With a stomp of his boot he regained the pub's attention, the laughter suffocated out.
“Now, we’re also here looking for a Dr. Robbie Kimura? I received word they might be around here?”
With the attention now towards a single table, most of the guests went back to their idle banter. A few waiters nodded their head towards the table in the back, and the man caught sight of three, white haired teenagers, who were sitting with the dark haired girl who had quipped out earlier. 
The scientists turned around too late, in an effort to avoid the knight’s gaze. “Gee, what a bunch of snitches,” Robbie mumbled. The three guards started to walk over to the table. 
“Who’s asking?” Robbie squinted with his dark brown eyes.
“Doctor? Really? Is this some kind of prank? You and your friends don’t even look old enough to drink.”
He scoffed. “Okay, first, yes I am a doctor! I didn’t fly through all those courses over four years just to be called, ‘Mr.’ And secondly, I’ll have you know that I am a ripe 20 years of age today, and I’m here drinking expired apple juice with my associates. So take that, pal!”
Beside him, Purah gave a proud nod in agreement. Zimiri started to wave politely at the guard, but Adello grabbed his arm before he could finish the movement. The guard was a bit unsettled with the way that girl was glaring at him. What was some random Hylian doing hanging out with a bunch of Sheikah anyway?
“Right, well, look here, son. Some curious aristo-brat snuck into the courtyard and caused one of those flying, metal Sheikah things to fall apart. My boss said that it was your prototype so you should come back and clean it up before something explodes, and possibly give a sincere apology to the meddling kid who got a few scratches.”
Robbie threw his hands in the air, exasperated. “You’re really gonna pull me out of a birthday just so I can go apologize to a spoiled kid for breaking in and ruining my Guardian?”
“If it lets me keep my job, then yeah.”
Robbie mumbled something about not getting a slice of the apple cake pie. 
Suddenly, Adello got up and pushed her chair in, smoothing out the belt around her tunic as she walked towards them. 
“Ah yes, well, thank you my dear assistant for the assessment but I’m capable of taking it from here.”
The guard raised a bushy, black eyebrow. “Sorry, wha—”
“You said you only wanted Dr. Robbie? Well great job, you found them. Now let’s get going, I need to finish up a new design anyway.”
“You’re...Robbie? You’re a... clearly not—”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I should have had my mother consult you for your opinion before I was given my name.”
This time, the guard didn’t smile along with her quip. “This is not the time for—”
She held up a finger to silence him, and glared at the three guards with her iron eyes.
“Look, I’m not a nobody. I’m more than capable of fixing up the guardian and any other disasters you might have left lying around the castle grounds. If I’m feeling generous, maybe I’ll even lick the kid’s boots, it’s not my first time dealing with this, alrighty?”
The knights looked at each other, quizzically. The researcher crossed her arms. 
“You’re still following your precious orders, aren't you? How would you know what Dr. Robbie looks like? You can’t be faulted for not knowing someone you never met. So, you’ll just have to take my word for it.”
The blonde man behind the gruff, black caped guard, whispered something to his female coworker. Her gaze switched between the girl and the man. Still seeing the uncertainty in their eyes, Adello leaned closer to the knight and lowered her voice. “Come on, have a little heart, it’s his birthday.”
A beat of silence sat, only filled by the mild mumbling and chatter of the tavern. Finally, the guard let out a sigh. 
“Alrighty Dr. Kimura. I’ll help escort you to the site.”
Robbie started to protest, but Adello quickly silenced him with a wink. The guard turned towards the rest of the room, yelling, “The rest of you, the sun is gonna rise in a few hours so save your rioting for then! Am I clear?”
The patrons just responded with stupid groans and half-hearted agreements. They started walking towards the door. The female guard started to put a hand on Adello’s shoulder, but she brushed it off, saying something along the lines of “I can walk on my own two feet, thank you very much.”
Purah turned in her seat. “I’ll save a slice of cake pie for you!” Adello turned her head and responded with a two fingered salute, before disappearing out the door with the guards. 
The tension in the tavern was almost immediately cleared, the moment the knights left. Most of the people went back to their normal conversational volume, and the waiters began to patter about with more confidence. However, Zimiri slumped in his seat, letting out a sigh. 
“Why does she always do things like that?”
Robbie fiddled with the edge of his cup, tracing his finger around the rim. “Well, you know her. Undermining authority? Check. Insults and quips? Check.”
Robbie continued to list off more traits, but it faded out of Zimiri’s ear. Always jumping onto other’s burdens. Ah, that idiot. I bet she hasn’t slept for the last two days. 
Purah suddenly piped up, taking out her pen and rapping it against the table. “Alright you two, let’s not let the sacrifice be in vain. Pool your rupees, we’re getting Robbie the fancy cake pie.” 
The clatter of a few red and blue rupees echoed on the wooden table, although Zimiri knocked Robbie’s share aside, saying how the birthday tyrant shouldn’t have to pitch in. Purah turned in her chair and started to wave her hand, in order to get the attention of a waiter. The bard watched as a woman with a tray started to walk over to the table. Then, he turned to Robbie. 
“So what should we do while we wait?” Zimiri asked. Robbie stroked his chin, looking around the room. 
“I think...the people could still use some music.”
Looking out at the crowd, Zimiri noticed how the guards' interference had really dampened the atmosphere. The warm and lively laughter that was present just a few moments earlier was now replaced with more monotone chatter.
He nodded his head in agreement, putting on a charming smile. The place needed a new pick-me-up, did it?
Well, what else is a bard for?
Stepping back onto the stage, he strummed an open chord, double checking the tuning. The whooping and clapping started to return, much to his delight. Plucking a familiar melody, the warm feeling in his stomach returned as he watched the new smiles that started to fill the room. However, before he began to sing, Zimiri first focused on craning his neck to look out a window, trying to catch a glimpse of a certain girl in the night. 
It seemed the moon and sun were balanced on the edge of the world. The night had started to submerge behind the walls of West Castle Town, with only the brightest stars still perched upon the ink of the navy blue sky. The silver lining of greying clouds just barely glowed from the faint light of the day, still trying to break out of the eastern waters. 
Adello’s footsteps echoed through the cobblestone streets, but she could barely hear it against the shifting of metal plates from the guards in front of her. 
The gruff man looked back, scratching his peach fuzzed chin as he spoke. “Listen, if you finish your work quick I might be able to escort you back here.”
Adello shook her head. She turned to retrieve a journal from the pouch on her belt, opening its pages as an excuse to avoid his gaze. “No, it’s fine. I still have some more work I should be finishing up at home anyhow.”
“You...live at the castle?”
The guard took her blunt response as a sign to not continue with the niceties, much to Adello’s relief. Looking up, she gazed at the looming castle. Its towers were like mountain peaks, sitting above the blurred silhouettes of the buildings of Castle Town. 
Taking out a bit of charcoal, she started to sketch its outline on a fresh page in her journal. While she only had one color, she tried to capture the shadows and lighting that cascaded on one side of the castle to the other. 
The female guard slowed her step, starting to walk alongside the researcher. 
“Already working?”
Adello didn’t look up from her journal. “Uh… you could say that.”
She laughed. “Well you best hope you know what you’re doing. This kid’s father has been yelling at Her Highness all night. Supposedly because she’s helping to lead Sheikah research, so everyone associated with guardians is at fault.”
Adello finished up the tower of Princess Zelda’s study in her sketch. She smiled to herself at the finished work. It was one of her better pieces. Putting the journal away, she turned back to the guard and scoffed. “Is that so?”
The guard hummed a yes, her blonde braid swaying to each side as she walked. “Apparently, the kid is the son of some visiting nobleman from the East Post. It’d be in your best interest to apologize profusely if you still wanna walk around alive.” 
Adello shook her head. She didn’t know it then, but looking back, many moons from now, she would laugh at the irony of her response.
“I’d rather die.”
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Two Sides of the Coin (4)
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Chapter 4: Target Acquired | Jidné Sheedra x Cal Kestis
Summary: Hell-bent on exacting revenge and retrieving the Holocron, the dreaded Darth Vader is now on the hunt for the young Jedi Knight, Cal Kestis. Under the assumption that he still possessed the artifact, while fueled by the intrigue of the boy’s strength and skill with the Force, the dark lord hires the bounty hunter, Jidné Sheedra, to track him down and have him delivered alive. However, the task becomes a trial for young Jidné, as she faces a conflict that tests her beliefs of a scarred past she had hidden for so long.
Also in AO3
Tags: Fem OC, Jidné Sheedra, Force-Sensitive! Fem OC, Bounty Hunter! Fem OC, Jedi! Fem OC
Chapters: 1 – 2 | Previous: Part 3 | Next: Part 5 | Masterlist
4 of ?
Jidné has finally flew out of Ordo Eris’s orbit, back into the deep black vacuum of space she goes. She was still within the same system as the Haxion Brood’s outpost, although she was closer to the planets neighboring one another. While the Scarab cruises leisurely in space, she tried to tweak the satellite’s range in the hopes that she would pick up the said S-161’s signal—it wasn’t impossible, though it’s very unlikely to get good results out of it.
“It’ll take a miracle for us to find them, ID,”
ID-3 trilled in agreement, although despondently.
She leaned against the pilot’s seat, tapping her fingers in a beat on the cushioned armrests, she tilted her head back. The bounty hunter was running out of ideas, the first suggestion she gave herself was to scour the surrounding planets around Ordo Eris.
Ironically, she looked for answers from within herself.
“Now, if I was a Jedi on the run…” she muttered to herself—a short-lived smirk played along her lips to acknowledge the irony—absentmindedly stroking the dashboard screen as she thought of the possibilities. Her eyes shifted around the cockpit, as if searching for the next words.
“Someplace not densely populated—but that would make one easy to find, less people but more natural camouflage. Densely populated—it’ll be too… people-y outside, but makes you lost in the crowd, hard to spot with a lot of people all around you, but would make a scene if you do get caught.”
She drew her leg up and rung her around her shin. She bowed her head and rubbed her chin, pondering hard on similar theories and assumptions that are likely realistic. It appeared like she’s meditating in her own way.
The hours dragged on as Jidné squeezed her brain for more realistic ideas while the Scarab floated past the planets. She rubbed the bridge of her nose, thinking of more ways to get by—until one came to mind and it was actually the last thing she wanted to do, so she set it aside for the moment.
“Haxion’s out to get Redhead, too,” she recalled the fact that the Brood had their hunters scattered across the planets in search of Cal, even prior to Vader hiring her.
Giving up, she decided if gathering more intel was the best first step in this plan—just so she can piece together what her sources tell her, starting from what Sorc has told her so far, she listed all of the planets where she could get better intel on the top of her mind.
Minutes later after brainstorming by herself, her dexterous fingers danced across the dashboard buttons until a map reflected on the black screen, presenting the holograms of the surrounding planets within her current location.
“Too near Ordo Eris, they wouldn’t want to get close,” presumed Jidné, peering over a green planet with three moons on the hologram; she then turned her attention back to the computer, entering another system’s coordinates. “This one? Not too near, not too far either.”
Her scanning of the current map was cut short when the secondary monitor on her dashboard blinked a huge red circle in the radar. The droid croaked a high-pitched chitter—in droidspeak, it’d be a panicked screech—alarmed by the sudden appearance of big red blip. Quickly, she paid attention to that blip, as it may be a hostile—as she always does. She brought her leg back down, returned her grip on the steering wheel and buckled up in her seat.
“ID, see if you can amplify the scanners and satellites, I wanna take a good look at that ship,” Jidné clearly and sternly commanded, but she wasn’t in full panic mode yet unlike her little, hovering friend.
ID-3 obliged, regardless; from one of his metal pincers, a data port plug connected with the dashboard, he relayed the information from his databank to the screen where Jidné can see. The former Imperial droid gave a full view of the ship, its model and serial name. The pilot’s eyes widened as she read the jumble of characters that is its model name.
“Well, I’ll be goddamned.” She expressed in full disbelief rather than enthusiasm.
It was the Mantis!
She cranked the gears of the Scarab and tailed the target. Her fingers tensed around the wheel.
“ID, get ready to mask the Scarab’s signature when we get in closer range,”
Apparently, ID didn’t need to do much work in scrambling the Scarab’s signal. The sudden turbulence that she and her droid were experiencing were due to the incoming meteor shower that the two ships are bringing themselves in are doing that for them.
“That is one crazy pilot,” Jidné quipped after witnessing the Mantis zip through the barrage of nearly-molten rocks shooting in their direction like cannon fire.
The Mantis and Scarab were complete contrasts to one another in terms of shape and size. The Mantis was narrow and thin like a needle, while the Scarab was curvy and wide—but when maneuvered vertically, it can pass through the gap of a trench. In this case, both ships were doing their own evasive maneuvers to survive the hailstorm of rocks.
A few smaller rocks have scraped and dented the exterior of the Scarab, but the gravitational pull of the phenomenon caused the ship to rumble so much that it’s starting to make Jidné nauseous. All of the debris that passed by scorched the exterior of the freighter, leaving loud bangs against the metal as they fleeted away.
“This certainly isn’t how I planned my day to go!”
She swept through the meteors and gained on the Mantis, with the Scarab masked—amplified by the shower interfering with the clarity of signals—the other ship didn’t exactly put all of their attention to her, but she sensed that they got the hint. She pushed the pedal to the metal in order to get at least neck-and-neck with her target, she flicked the clear glass cover of a red switch atop the shaft of her steering wheel.
Due to the rocks that literally scrape by the sides of the Scarab, constantly making the vessel quake, Jidné’s thumbs always strayed away from the button.
“I’ll never get a clean shot at them!”
Her eyesight narrowed, she sets the targeting device dead-set on the Mantis. The grid swerved as it followed the Mantis real-time, Jidné glanced at the targeting monitor every once in a while as she tries to accelerate to a greater speed.
“Almost there,” she rasped.
Her thumb hovered over the red button, impatient and eager to punch it, Jidné insisted to close a few more miles between the Scarab and the Mantis before she could fire the shots.
A single shot darted out of the barrel—the bullet was a homing beacon not bigger than a land mine—and adhered to the exterior of the Mantis.
Good, they’ll never seen me coming. She thought triumphantly.
She flicked back the glass cover down and pressed a series of buttons on her dashboard. A small circular screen on the dashboard glowed blue in the corner of Jidné’s eye.
“We got them on our trail, ID!” she celebrated, smirking as she slowed down, withdrew from the dogfight and watched the Mantis weakly swerve as it tried to hold itself together while trying to get through the meteor shower.
Meanwhile, Jidné also tried to find her way out of this infernal shower of rocks. As much as she wanted to keep an eye on her target, she had to put her faith on the homing beacon—hoping that it doesn’t get cooked if they ever crash land into that beige planet.
She pulled the ship up, gaining altitude and placing her freighter above the meteor shower’s path. She detours from the planet floating right in front of her and ID-3 to give the Scarab a rest. The bounty hunter peered at the monitors again, but mostly focusing on the screen that shows the diagnostics of the ship’s internals.
“Integrity at 85%, I think we can stabilize that when we land,”
“Be-beep, chitter?”
“ID, see if you can analyze that planet they’re crash-landing into. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before,”
The ID seeker droid happily obliged this time, linking the arm with a built-in data port connector. Fishing from his databanks, he relayed the information to Jidné’s screen.
“Thanks, ID—knew I could count on you always!” she beamed, and then read the data that ID encoded on the monitor. “Ombari, huh? Well, I hope Redhead wished upon a star that I wouldn’t find him when we get there.”
“Chitter, trill!”
“Yeah, I’d say it’s worth a shot too,” Jidné snickered.
She set the acceleration to a high, passing Ombari’s asteroid-ridden ring and finally prepared herself to cut through the atmosphere before she could lose sight of her redheaded target.
Ombari was a tropical landmass. On one side, deltas and rivers sustained the lush jungles until the water stretched thin and ran dry beyond it, creating the desert badlands where the greenery is sparse but the villainy dense. Jidné was no stranger to such setting—she practically spent her second childhood in a similar environment.
Jidné wanted to keep her profile low as well, so she docked the Scarab in the deeper part of the jungle—she’d be in the border between the rich jungles, civilization, and the badlands. Finding the Mantis in space was easier said than done, however, finding the passenger of the Mantis was basically finding the hay in a needle stack.
“Come on, ID,” she beckoned as she marched through the narrow hall of the freighter, she headed to the compartment where she kept her weapon.
The narrow door hissed open, revealing her customized electropike-rifle hybrid leaning against the door. Jidné took it out of the compartment and studied the matte finish of the handle, some parts already have its paint job chipping due to time and usage; she weighed it on her arms and made a shooting position to get a feel of it again. She slid her hand up to the mandibles at the very end of the weapon, examining the conduits where the electric charge will run.
“Still mint, aren’t ya?” Jidné cooed and then slung the weapon’s strap against her chest.
She patted the holster on her hip one more time, reassuring herself that the saber is still safe and sound inside the leather pouch. By rote, ID hovered close to his owner, folded all of his tentacles and tucked it close to its disc-like body before latching onto the body harness that Jidné wears.
To conceal her droid and save herself the trouble of being accused of stealing Imperial property—which ID-3 obviously isn’t anymore—she donned a light tan cowl that wrapped around her shoulders, covering most of her jacket’s top portion. She asks if ID-3 is ready to go, to which the little dark droid responded with a low-volume chitter, and the duo leave the Scarab in search of their redheaded target.
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serpent-craft · 4 years
 A ribbon of smoke wound its way through the holes of an antique Quel’dorei incense burner. Sandalwood and citrus cleansed the old house of its musty smell that lingered from years of neglect. A month in, and the process of refurbishing the Goldenheart estate was slowly coming together like pieces of a puzzle; riddled with memories of sordid and pleasant experiences coiled into one. Rhythmic music filled the small gaps of silence that the pair of Sin’dorei had between them as they continued to bring the house back to life . It wasn’t an artist that the two recognized, but the record player proved to be an interesting find at the festival in the Jade Forest.
Aendonys reclined into a pile of ornate pillows and blankets, more goods acquired from the markets to serve as a makeshift bed. He caught a few last rays of sun before it fell below the horizon, reflecting off the polished tiles on the balcony. It was a domestic deed he did himself, taking a cloth and solvent to the grime until the surfaces felt smooth to the touch. The demon hunter was quite proud of himself for this, and for that he decided to take a break while Micael finished unboxing the decorations and momentos.
“Hm...retiring early?” A golden light neared close, speaking in a baritone voice. The details of Micael’s face were visible in the demon hunter’s vision, like a sketch or a watercolor painting that grew in detail the more he focused. He was a broad shouldered, muscular framed Sin’dorei with soft androgynous facial features that suited him well. Even compared to Aendonys, Micael easily showed far more physical strength. “Well, I suppose you did a decent job.”
“I did a damn good job.” Aendonys quipped, running his claws over the pristine grout and tile. The paladin gave a throaty laugh, the light in his chest grew like a tiny sun.
“You did well above my expectations, Aendonys.”
The two exchanged prideful smirks, intertwining fingers as the hanging crystals projected dancing lights from the sunset. In the distance the spires of Silvermoon created a black backdrop against the purple and orange sky. It was a welcome sight as the world withdrew into an hour of peace. For however long it would last--one could not discern, but for this moment the defeat of an old god and the pause of war could serve as a brief respite. It was a good time for them to settle into a relaxed life, or at least make a nest to come back to when they were off on another adventure.
The paladin’s hand gently slipped away as Aendonys heard the clatter of Micael’s armor being slipped off the manikin. A subtle expression of concern was painted upon the demon hunter’s face, he reached over to remove the needle from the record.
“I’ll get my glaives.”
Micael cut him off before the other sat up. Placing a metal hand firmly upon Aendony’s shoulder. He was becoming accustomed to the prosthetic.
“I am just preparing for the night watch. I’d rather you stay here to keep the place guarded.” There was a sense of assurance in the tone of his voice, a stubborn self-reliance that Aendonys grew fond of in this man. He huffed in a mildly annoyed retort, sticking his tongue out far enough that the gold piercing glinted in the light.
“Suit yourself, Goldilocks.”
The galloping hooves of holy knights took off into the night, clearing whatever undead still lurked in Tranquillien. To this day, the Ghostlands still remain a threat, but the undead have thinned out in numbers. The borders of Eversong grew as patches of verdant grass returned, and the wildlife no longer feared the remnants of the Dead Scar. Perhaps one day it would only serve as a memory and nothing more. The Goldenheart estate was a starting point, at least.
Aendonys drifted into a brief sleep--a couple hour nap that the night owl had before midnight. He had yet to light the sconces as the burning embers of incense glowed inside copper chambers. He wouldn’t need light to see anyways, but it was courteous to Micael for when he came home. They still had so much unbuilt furniture and decor strewn about the room like booby traps in the dark--and speaking of, Aendonys’ ears twitched at the sound of footsteps in the house. A hard clacking like that of an armored foot...was he back already? The demon hunter blinked sleepily, a pair of violet glowing eyes piercing the darkness.
“Micael? Is that yo-”
A hand clasped over the demon hunter’s mouth, claws digging into his skin as slender fingers wrapped around his neck. He failed to react in time as a paralysis took over his body.
“Hmm. just like old times, Aendy.” The sinister voice of a woman filled his mind. It was harrowingly familiar. He saw her silhouette clear as day, the curvaceous demoness with her upright horns and outstretched wings that seemingly dripped with shadow magic.
“I’d bite you if you weren’t into that, Bryketh.” He snapped a muffled reply. The succubus removed the hand over his mouth to dig her stiletto claws into Aendony’s shoulder as she straddled him.
“Oh, we know each other so...so well.” She hummed. “It’s sad to see you so...hm--domesticated. That’s what paladin’s do after all, they take our gifts from the void and stomp on them with their big, obnoxiously shiny boots.”
Aendonys sneered, struggling against her magic to reach for the dagger he buried into his pillow. The hilt brushed against his fingertips.
“Heh…maybe I’m into that. Not like you’d know since you're a heartless bitch.” He paid the price for that quip, feeling her claws dig through his demonic skin. Blood was certainly being drawn, but her spell was slipping.
“Did you tell him what you did to me, Aendonys? How you made me love you for your own gain?” She whispered in an aggressive trill. “Does he know what kind of treachery you are capable of--my dearest demon-hearted bastard?”
He reached for the blade, he fingers wrapped around the hilt. He waited for Bryketh to slip up enough that he would slit her throat--but suddenly he felt a pressure on his hand. The succubus disappeared in a plume of smoke as Aendony’s eyes snapped open with a burst of violet flames.
“It’s just me.” The voice was similar to Micael’s but in a monotone drone. Aendonys saw a man with outstretched feathered wings and long stark white hair. His foot was over the dagger that he reached for. Red curtains ominously flowed over the open balcony that he entered through as a cool breeze entered the room.
“Gabe?” The leaves outside rustled as the twin brother’s wing’s disintegrated from sight revealing the full moon behind him. He could feel the gaze of the other’s spectral sight piercing him. Gabriel was best described as an icy dagger compared to Micael’s warmth. 
“I wanted to see if it was true. That you and my brother are going to live here now.”
Aendonys was quiet for a moment. He still hadn’t recovered from that nightmare, but this was certainly reality now. He ran a hand across his shoulder as if expecting to feel blood there, but it was dry.
“Yeah. We’re going to at least try.”
It wasn’t uncommon for a moment of silence to linger between them. Aendonys knew Gabriel far longer than he had known Micael. They both witnessed each other’s sacrifices and betrayals as Illidari, in a way he always saw him as a brother like Asmodan. A cold and distant--soon to be step-brother--who cared far more than he ever wanted anyone to see. Even his spectral vision worked differently than others. He would see the emotions Aendonys was feeling like they were painted on his face in clear view. The discomfort and fear he always masked.
“He proposed the idea, didn’t he?” Gabriel spoke.
Aendonys smiled a bit more genuinely than he usually did. “He did. It’s because we are getting marr--”
“I know.”
Gabriel strode over to the closest sconce on the wall and lit it, illuminating the two in a arcand light. He sensed where each one was by memory. This was once his home too.
“Goldilocks can’t keep his mouth shut, huh?” Aendonys kicked the covers off and rolled onto a cross-legged sit. He chuckled a bit at that before his smile faded, watching the white-haired man select and open a book from a nearby shelf. It wasn’t as if he could read it but the texture of the pages was pleasing, perhaps. This suddenly didn’t feel right. “So...which one of these rooms was yours?”
The white haired illidari pointed to the ground where Aendonys was sleeping.
“This one.”
Aendonys pursed his lips awkwardly. Straightening up a pillow like it didn’t even belong to him now. He wasn’t entirely sure why he was acting like this. “Oh, I see. Well it’s now your guest room for whenever you stay here. Unless you wanna move in with us.”
“I don’t.” He replied in an eerily calm manner. Shutting the book he inspected.
Aendonys sighed and adjusted his posture having nothing to say to that. He might have understood why Micael didn’t speak with his brother about this, but it wasn’t done so out of ill will.
Gabriel wandered into the other rooms for a moment, reminiscing quietly as he somberly lit the hallway for Micael’s return. Aendonys quietly followed after as if expecting the brother to speak about his past here like Micael did. He did not.
“Have you told him about Bryketh?” Gabriel suddenly questioned. Aendonys slapped a hand over his face in a disgruntled display.
“For fels sake, Gabe. Not you too.”
The white haired Sin’dorei suddenly snapped his gaze towards the other interrogatively.
Aendony’s waved his hands dismissively with a sigh. “--nevermind that. No. I have not. Why should I? I wouldn’t ever treat Mike like that anyways so it doesn’t matter. I know I’ve done some people dirty in the past to survive, but I’m especially not going to sit in a confessional booth over betraying a demon.”
Gabriel turned himself to face Aendonys. His bangs fell over the wraps that covered his eyes but a dim white glow shone through. “I told him my secret. Now you tell Micael yours. It doesn’t matter that you wouldn’t do the same to him. He should still know for your sake.”
Aendonys scratched at the stubble that began to grow in on the sides of his scalp. He would ask Micael to shave it for him soon, maybe that would be a good time to talk about his both figurative and literal demon. It wouldn’t be like his fiance would turn the blade on him in that moment...or at least he hoped not. Gabriel did have a point however, keeping this from Micael would only give whatever was left of Bryketh ammunition to torment him. It took him a while to fully admit that, but somehow Gabriel’s bluntness was something he needed at this moment.
“Alright. Bet.” He replied. “...but also I wanted to say that we didn't a day for the ceremony yet. When we do though, you should come. Micael really wants to see more of you, ya know?”
Another moment of silence lingered between them. Gabriel didn’t answer that as the sound of hooves thundered close. He instead walked back to the balcony and rematerialized feathers. The moment another cool breeze passed by, the estranged brother beat his wings. Ribbons of smoke danced and the parchment rattled as he took off like a shadow in the night. Aendonys didn’t even bother to offer a farewell, he knew Gabriel well enough.
The front door opened as Aendonys spied Micael’s golden light. The paladin’s helm gently clinked onto the floor as he sauntered in; the image of pomp and glory himself had arrived with his job done.
“Oho, you’re certainly feeling better lately.” The demon hunter leaned against the hallway with a sultry grin.
“.--and you’re awake early for your late evening nap. A shame...I wanted to surprise you.” Micael passed by Aendonys, swiping his armored fingertips across his chest. He hung his sword upon the wall.
“Yeah, well maybe I couldn’t wait for you to get back?” Aendonys followed after as the paladin unfastened his armor piece by piece.
“Hoh? Do you care about me that much? How endearing.” For a man who wielded holy power Miceal sported a devilish grin. The other Sin’dorei took a seat next to him, he couldn’t witness his partner undressing with his lack of eyesight but he could hear the armor falling unceremoniously to the floor. The spring air brought another brisk breeze through the room as Aendonys ruminated on the dream and Gabriel showing up. He could sense Miceal’s attention being drawn to the corner of the room with the bookshelf. The curtains swaying as they did earlier.
“Aendonys, one of the books is gone from the shelf. The one Gabriel always liked to read.”
The demon hunter turned towards the paladin, he took in a deep breath.
“Micael. I have something to tell you.”
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dawnoftime21 · 6 years
To the Galaxy and Back (Luke Skywalker x reader)
Helloo! this is for the 2k Challenge I'm doing alongside @tom-parkers-girl and I hope you guys enjoy it! They came to me with the challenge of writing a 2k word piece with a prompt of the others choice in 24 hours! (Let's just say I have less than half an hour left aha)
Prompt: Friends to lovers on Tatooine
Warning(s): fluff, smut, angst
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You and Luke had been friends for what seemed like forever, but things came to a stand still when he met Ben Kenobi, also known by his more famous name, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke had found out that his father was once a Jedi Knight and after hearing that, Luke made it his mission to become one as well. That's when he set out to leave Tatooine in search of the great warrior who calls himself Yoda, one thing led to another and you were hugging your best friend tightly, tears staining your cheeks, refusing to let him go but.. you knew this is what he wanted to do and you couldn't keep that from him, you just couldn't. So there you stood, watching the Millennium Falcon shoot off into the Galaxy around you.
To say you missed him was an understatement, it was as if he was a part of you and a that part felt missing but, you couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same.
What you didn't know was that he felt the exact same, he wanted nothing more than to see you but he wanted to prove himself to be a great Jedi like his father, he wanted to show you that he was so much more than a simple pilot. He wanted you to see that he was strong and was capable of things people said he wouldn't be able to do… you always believed in him and he felt it was duty to show you that you were right to do so but, he felt there was something more to the reason why he was doing all of this. But, he had to find Yoda and begin his training.
It had been months since Luke left and you couldn't help but feel a little empty each passing day, you would not longer rush to his parents little home to see him, exploring the sandy ruins of Tatooine. Smiling at each other and joking, dreaming what you'd do when you were to finally leave Tatooine… you always wanted to explore the Galaxy in all of it's beauty while Luke wanted to be a part of the Rebellion, become a fighter pilot, he wanted to make a difference, a change and you couldn't help but admire him for that.
Now you came to his parents hut, everyday to only find his parents, dreams of finally seeing him sitting there in his chair, to tinkering with his R2 unit, his blonde locks sticking to his forehead in the heat as he looks up to you with his beautiful blue eyes, then to smile and ask for his tools, you'd mess with him and pretend you didn't know what was what but you could find them with your eyes closed, you just wanted to his voice and see the soft smile on his face when you ask him to show you how something works.
Everyday was spent at the table with his parents, eating and talking, they supported Luke, they thought it was time he leave and discover himself and so did you but, you just wished you weren't left behind so easily.
Luke was hurting just as much as you, he had new found companions like Han, Chewbacca, and Leia, they had conquered so much together but nothing compared to seeing you by his side, looking up at him as you spoke to him, a soft smile grazing your lips. Your (E/C) eyes, meeting his, it always felt as if time slowed down when your guys’ eyes meet, he felt that you two were the only ones in the galaxy.
After meeting his father, who turned to the dark side, who was the infamous Darth Vader… he had to head back home, he had to head back to you. You were his home.
It was another day of strolling around Tatooine, there wasn't much to see what there was also nothing much to do so you just walked around hoping to come across something. You walked around until dinner time, which you always spent with Luke's family, walking into the small home, you gaze was focused on the ground, bringing in your contribution to dinner, which was just a small thing of bread. “I'm here, I didn't bring much bu-” your gaze raised and met the blue eyes you so loved since you were children. You could feel your eyes sting with tears as they threatened to fall, it had been what feels like forever and now here he was, standing in front of you with that smug smile on his faces, eyes glossy with tears.
Putting the tray down you dash over to the tall blonde and wrap your arms around him, jumping into his arms “Luke!” You were sure he could hear the strain in your voice due to choking up on tears but you didn't care, you were beyond happy to the moons and back. He was home. He was finally by your side again.
“Hey (Y/N)” he laughs, a sniffle soon following. You had to of been hugging for a long time, because by the time you let go, you could feel your arms cramping. But neither of you seems to notice, instead you smile at each other like a pair of idiots.
“I never thought I'd see you again, I thought you left for good” your smile softly drops at the thought of him leaving forever, it crushed you.
“hey hey, I'd never leave you behind, from now on, wherever I go, you're coming with me-” his hand meets your chin and lifts it up so you're looking at him “-you're not getting rid of me that easily” he laughs, this brings a smile back to your face.
After a moment, you notice throat clear from behind you, you turn and see Chewbacca and Han, smiling softly at you and next to Han you see a female, who seems to have a bigger smile on her face. Is this Luke's girlfriend, she's beautiful...I can see why. “Ah, guys! (Y/N) I want you to meet everyone, as you know Han and Chewy” you smile and nod “I do” Luke's smile widens “and this is my sister, Leia” you could feel your eyes bulging out of your head, “You have a sister?” You ask in disbelief, “Yeah! I didn't think I had any siblings but… you know what, I'll tell you later, let's enjoy ourselves, but first let's eat dinner!” Luke was as cheerful as always, always loved eating dinner. You took your place next to him and coincidentally at the same time reached for a piece of bread, your hands touching slightly. It sounded cliche but you could have sworn you felt something there, a spark some would call it. Your guys’ hands both retract in embarrassment and soon burst out into a back and forth of “You can take the bread first”... “No, it's okay, you go”... “You go”... “No, you go”... But unfortunately by the time you settled it, you both look over to see the bread gone, instinctively, your gazes shift to Han, halfway done munching through the last piece of bread.
“I'll never understand you Han” you laugh slightly, “I don't even think Chewbacca understands h and they've been partners for almost ever.” Han smiles and continues to eat.
After eating, you and Luke decide to head out for your routine walk, looking at nothing but the sandy horizon, and not only that, you brought a blanket to sit on and look at the time of day change. Smoothing the blanket, you lay down, looking up at the sky while he sits, looking down at you.
“I still want to explore the Galaxy you know, see things, everything out there seems so beautiful” you think out loud with a soft sigh.
“Yeah... beautiful” Luke's soft voice, causes your head to lull to the side, making eye contact, you could feel your cheeks start to heat and a smile form.
“What? Luke why are you looking at me?” A giggle escapes your lips as you laugh at you spacey friend.
“you, you're beautiful (Y/N), stars your beautiful” you can feel the gap closing between you two and you lips touch for the first time. Your stomach feels like it's on fire… you've been waiting for this moment for what feels like forever and here it is, only...it didn't stop at a kiss.
You feel Luke's hand softly run up your inner thigh, rubbing his thumb across the fleshy area.
“Is this...is this okay?” He was so confident two seconds ago and now he just turned into his usual awkward self, how could you not love him. Love... that's what you felt for him, love and you were positive he felt the same for you.
You give a quick nod, “this is more than okay” you breath softly as your hands reach for the bottom hem of his shirt, grabbing the fabric and lifting it over his head, throwing it aside in the sand as he went to do the same to you. You two kept going back and forth taking off each other's clothing until you were left in nothing but your undergarments, and you could very well see Luke through his, he was very gifted you had to say.
Laying back down on the blanket, Luke hovers over you, his lips exploring you everywhere from your neck to your ankles, he wanted you to know that he was never going to leave you and he was going to make you forget about the thought of it. As his lips traveled to your breasts, you lifted yourself up a bit and took off your bra, casting it aside. When that bra hit the ground, he went straight towards your breasts, your hardened nipples being abused blissfully by his tongue and teeth, his mouth was heaven and you wished you could feel it somewhere else but right now, you needed him. You run your fingers through his hair as he nips and tugs at your breasts, breathy and soft moans escaping you. Music to his ears he'd say.
After enough time has passed you take your hand, palming him through his underwear, feeling his dick grow harder under your touch made you so much more excited, especially when you could feel his hips jutting forward with need.
“I need you Luke...please” you say softly, a hand gently placed on the side of his face, he nods slightly and removes both of your guys’ underwear and with doing so, you could feel the head of his dick against your clit, softly rubbing in random circles. Involuntarily your lower body jolts slightly in pleasure and a whimper leaves you.
He loved seeing you under him, whimpering for him, moaning for him… your body was so responsive to him and he couldn't get enough of it. Slowly he slides in and you pull him closer to you, almost chest to chest but your back arches with the entrance, pressing your bodies entirely together.
He slowly starts to move in and out, careful not to hurt you. “You can go faster Luke, you won't break me” you purr, running a nail down his back, leaving goosebumps in their wake. With that his speed increases, not ungodly but not at a tortoise pace, it was just right, you could feel every inch of him inside of you, stretching you and filling you up.
Your legs wrap around the young Jedi pulling him close as you kiss him deeply, only to soon kiss and suck his neck. His name leaving your lips in soft whimpers and moans every few seconds, this was clearly egging him on, his speed increased and you could feel how close he was, you could feel his dick pulse slightly and his thrusts become sloppy, your name was coming out of his mouth like a montra now “(Y/N)...(Y/N)...(Y/N)...” You knew he didn't want to come without you but you didn't care, you wanted him to be satisfied and happy.
“Cum for me Luke” you moan, head lulling to the side, looking off into the horizon ahead, you were drawn back however when he slowed down and continued with hard thrusts, his moans growing in volume.
Your nails dig into his back as he still and releases himself inside of you, your release not to far after, your toes curl and your back arches as his name slips from your mouth like a prayer, as he had done for you. After catching your breath, you looks up to the blonde haired boy you'd known forever and smile.
He looks down at you and smiles back “I'm not going anywhere else without you...I promise.”
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pippytmi · 7 years
Hi, for the drabble thing: The Last of the Real Ones by Fall Out Boy Supercorp, please And if I may... I feel that the first part is lena's pov and in the second it swichs to kara's But feel free to do whatever. Thank you so much
this song deserves so much more backstory ahhh but thank you for sending me this prompt!
The leaves of the trees are just beginning to fall when Lena loses her mother.
The cold of the air is turning her cheeks pink, and even the scratchy wool blanket Kara has draped over her shoulders offers little solace. Eventually Kara emerges from her home, carrying a cup of something hot, and Lena feels relief flood through her.
“You’ll catch your death, of cold,” Kara says, and she cups Lena’s face in her warm hands.
Lena swallows as though there is something lodged in her throat, her sorrow resurfacing at the soft sympathy in Kara’s eyes.
“Is she,” she tries to ask, and Kara’s sad smile is answer enough. Lena takes a cautious drink out of her cup as to avoid saying much else. The murky tea is something Kara’s mother always makes for those with upset stomachs, and it is just right for now.
Over the edge of the tin cup, Lena quietly watches the horses lined up by her home and wonders how, in such a short span of time, her life has changed so drastically.
Kara follows her line of sight. “I always did say you were meant to be a princess,” she says, perhaps to distract Lena as her mother’s body is carried out by soldiers. “One day, you will be queen as well.”
The thought makes Lena’s stomach churn. “I am not equipped to rule,” she says, dropping her gaze to her tea. “I find myself wishing that this is all a bad nightmare I have yet to wake from.”
“Do not count this as a complete misfortune, my friend,” Kara says gently, and she guides Lena’s head to rest atop her chest. “You will have a new family by the morn, and you will be in the palace walls, free from cold and hunger.”
“I will not have you,” Lena says. She has known Kara her whole life, and yet she is bashful in a way she does not understand now, cheeks pinking for a reason beyond the cold.
She cannot fathom why she has been the one chosen for this now, when there are others who deserve it more than she. Kara is one of the people who never seeks glory, but deserves it most of all; she is kind, and she is selfless, and has a heart so golden that Lena has always felt as though she is undeserving of such a friend.
Kara has a smile Lena would never tire of, and she shows it now. “You will not lose me,” she says. “I will write you, so you may tell me all about your father.”
The father she has always assumed has been dead, suddenly alive. A brother Lena has never known existed, suddenly dead on the brink of taking over his father’s place. Lena has gone from a tame life of a peasant to a sudden, overwhelming new one of a missing princess destined for the crown.
“Promise?” Lena asks, quietly, and Kara nods against the top of Lena’s head.
“I will always protect you, Lena. You have my word.”
Kara has not heard from Lena for many moons.
Alex rides with her all the way to the castle, and they deliver the letters Kara writes, but no letter ever comes back. Kara suggests they move closer to the palace, for it may be an issue of distance. Realistically, she knows she cannot uproot her mother, and they do not have the money to move as it is; eventually, she stops writing.
She does not banish Lena from her thought entirely, however, for she knows how afraid Lena is bound to be. She takes a position as a squire in town, and rides out daily to work every morning. Her hope is to become a knight, to keep her promise and protect Lena as best she can outside the gates of the castle.
“The new queen’s coronation shall take place in the summertime,” Alex tells Kara one day as they chop wood, one rare afternoon when Kara is not needed by her knight. “Mother has insisted on going.”
“So soon?” Kara asks, and she thinks of Lena, of her old friend who she has not laid eyes on for quite some time. “She is unwed still, is she not?”
“She will be wed before then, or so I have heard,” Alex says. “To a Lord Jackson. You know how much of a gossip Winslow is, he could hardly wait to tell the news.”
Kara knows not why the news gives her pause, but it does. “Lord Jackson will be a fortunate man, then,” she says, and swings her axe next a bit harder than before.
“From what he’s heard, Winn swears it is an arranged marriage,” Alex says. She looks over at Kara and gently smooths the crinkle of Kara’s brow with her thumb. “I miss her myself. Do not count this as the end quite yet.”
“She has moved on, Alex,” Kara says. “I do not fault her for it. It is her duty.”
“Matters of the heart have never concerned those with power,” Alex says, and it sounds as though it is an apology. “You needn’t concern yourself with them either, if you truly hope to one day be her knight.”
“You are entirely too cynical, sister,” Kara says, and she tries to smile a bit. “Have you no wish to follow your heart’s desires?”
“No,” Alex says, her eyes full of nothing but pity. “I fear, however, that you do, and that one day you will suffer for it.”
Lena does not wed.
Lord Jackson, who prefers to be called Jack, is a very kind man. He is honorable, and handsome, and though Lena knows she cannot love him, she imagines she can bear this marriage as best she can.
But her father dies before the wedding is set to take place.
Her stepmother, who has never been particularly warm to her new daughter, becomes even colder. She does not want to step down from the throne, but any queen who has just lost their husband is expected to be torn apart with grief and unable to reign any longer; even though that is not nearly the case, Lilian Luthor is counseled to step down lest she gain a reputation as a heartless monarch.
Lena assumes the throne unwed. Her first decree is that she will not wed, for she owes it to herself to find love just as anyone ought to.
“Do not be foolish, Lena,” Lilian says, repeatedly. “You will be assumed weak.”
“I will not marry someone I do not love,” Lena says, and she raises her chin in quiet defiance; Lilian dares not to challenge her, now that she is queen.
“Your foolishness will be your undoing,” Lilian swears, and she storms out of the throne room.
Lena is left with her guards, the two knights she trusts more than anyone else.
“Call for my council,” she tells Clark, who nods at her. “We have much to discuss.”
“Of course, my queen,” Clark says, but before he can move to do so, the doors of the throne room burst open.
Lena rises for that is all she is compelled to do, her jaw slackening in nothing but shock as Kara Danvers enters. She is disheveled, and her blond hair dirtier, longer, but she stands as strongly as she always has.
“Forgive me,” Kara says, immediately ducking into a bow. “Sir Kent, Lord James requests your presence. He says it is a matter of urgency.”
“Kara,” Clark says. “You know you must never enter the palace.”
Kara’s face falls. “I know, Sir,” she says. “I apologize.”
Lena is unable to keep quiet any longer. “Sir Kent,” she says. “Who is this?”
“Apologies, my queen,” Clark says. “This is Kara Danvers, my squire. I will leave with her at once.”
“No,” Lena says, and she looks at Kara, who refuses to meet Lena’s eye. “Please, leave us. I shall talk to your squire alone.”
Clark bows. “Of course,” he says, and he and his fellow knight take their leave; Lena sees him cast a warning glance at Kara as he goes.
Kara does not move any closer. “I apologize, my queen,” she says. “I meant no harm.”
“Kara,” Lena says, stepping down from her throne so that she may be the one to bridge the gap between them. “You needn’t be so formal with me.”
Kara’s jaw tightens. “I would not dare to disrespect you.”
“Are you not still my friend?” Lena asks softly, and Kara looks down.
“I know not, my queen,” she says. “I have not seen you for many winters, now.”
Kara has always been as brilliant as the sun, as warm and inviting as its rays, and Lena has always been unable to resist her. Now, however, she seems more guarded, formal, as though her light has dimmed.
“I received your letters,” Lena says. “I was not permitted to return them.”
Kara’s eyes snap back, as if surprised. “No?” she says. “I feared you had forgotten me.”
“That could never be true,” Lena says. “I have missed you dearly.”
She is shyer than she hopes to be, more hopeful than necessary perhaps, but it is worth it all to see Kara softening, slowly.
“I train to be a knight,” Kara says. “For the sake of the kingdom, as it is my duty. But also,” said quieter, more bashfully, “for you.”
“Oh, Kara,” Lena says, and her heart aches for her friend. “I fear I will be selfish when it comes to you, if that is the case.”
“You are allowed to be selfish,” Kara says, and she gently takes Lena’s hand. “You deserve it, Lena.”
The  sound of her name, so simple and yet not my queen, is enough to make tears spring forth.
“I have missed you,” Lena says, tearfully. “So very much.”
Kara wraps her arms around her, and it is as comforting as Lena remembers; Kara’s body is a bit leaner, but nothing else has changed.
“I have missed you, too,” Kara breathes against Lena’s neck, and the words make Lena’s heart pound in desperation.
She does not dwell, of course. “Come,” Lena says, untangling herself from Kara and urging her towards her quarters. “You must tell me what has happened since I have been gone.”
Kara smiles. “So long as you return the favor,” she says, and it sounds like a promise; Lena takes Kara’s hand once more.
(This time, she knows she cannot let go.)
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typewriterbot · 7 years
roksana’s timeline is way long, this woman is so old i love her
u want someone to protect u then u came to the right guardian
- Roksana is risen when Warlords were scrambling for land and power somewhere deep in the northwest highlands of scotland. she names her ghost Daiquri and doesn’t really know why
- she kept to herself mostly, sometimes fighting other Risen for armor and weapons, but mostly she fought against Fallen alongside humans
- along the way, she meets Apollo. he’s not Apollo-99 just yet, and she thinks, two Risen is much better than one
- besides, he watches her back, what more could she ask for?
- in her travels, she met the Rangers, and was taught how to fire guns, how to set traps, and how to use the earth to her advantage. the experience and information helps her save lives
- when a life is lost though, it cuts her deeply
- she could come back to life, these people could not, and so she made herself the shield that wouldn’t break in order to protect them. and when she looked at the children in the groups she was with, her heart warmed and she promised each and every one of them that she would be their first and last defense
- Roksana is, essentially, one of the first Titans in the Pilgrim Guard
- her travels allowed her to meet the Iron Lords. initially she’s not that thrilled with them, she thinks they’re just gonna take over what the Warlords started, and she’s not about to rule over people like that. not when she’s already sworn to protect them
- in exchange, because the Iron Lords to know that they can’t just leave humans unprotected while they go off and deal with Warlords, they teach her how to fight as a proper Titan
- Jolder is easy to make friends with, and her and Roksana become friends who kick ass and tease Saladin for being so serious all the time
- she is also friends with Vell Tarlowe, and their wrestling matches are legendary
- it’s easier to get Saladin to relax when he’s swarmed with dozens of children asking to play, and yes, it was all Roksana’s doing
- but what can she say? she loves his smile
- Roksana was one of the first people to greet Zavala when he arrived to the City
- they bond over playing and taking care of children when they have time off
- (and you can bet she gave him pointers on how to make the best damn Ward of Dawn ever)
- she bears the title of Guardian proudly, and helps keep the Faction Wars from reaching civil war status. she knows that the City wouldn’t survive being torn apart from the inside
- after this, she’s not that interested in the Factions, but listens when Apollo maps their allegiances
- Apollo introduces her to Hemlock-2, a hunter who is probably as interested in keeping the City safe as she is. (“every hunter needs a place to rest. might as well be the one place where the Traveler hangs.”) (but she knows that hemlock loves being in the markets among crowds of people)
- she helped build up the walls of the City, laying the foundations that would hold for years. a feat she is proud of
- word of the Hive reaches the City when Guardians find a seeder in the eastern flood zone
- Hemlock gains an apprentice, a new hunter named Ronin, a master of scoped weapons, and someone who loves to gamble. Roksana knows better than to go against her in a card game, and loves watching this new hunter win game after game
- during the battle of Six Fronts, she rallies the Pilgrim Guard to stand against the Fallen. nothing gets past her Ward of Dawn or her fists
- Roksana is given the title of Lady by Jolder. she does like the sound of Lady Roksana, but unless the situation calls for formality she preferred her first name by itself
- instead of following the other Iron Lords to find SIVA, Roksana stays behind in the City. her loyalty has always been to the people she protects, not some far flung hope of Golden Age technology
- (though that doesn’t stop her from wondering. the what ifs plague her for many, many years until she realizes that there was nothing to be done. she would have died as well, among her comrades. the title of Lady is so heavy, she puts it away and becomes just Roksana once again)
- it’s much harder to get Saladin to smile, and Roksana gives him space to mourn
- she still tries, but she doesn’t wait for him either. her happiness has never hinged on anyone but herself and what she does. she’s frustrated with how Saladin holds onto his grief
- she finds an apprentice in Sadik, a fairly new Titan who stumbled in from Europe. he’s more of a striker than a defender though, but he’s a quiet man, and eager to learn, and she’s proud as she watches him join the Firebreak Order
- battle of the Twilight Gap happens, and Roksana watches as Guardians die in great numbers. for a moment she wonders if this’ll be how the City falls before she pours all her strength into her Wards. if the Fallen wish to take the City then they’ll have to go through her first
- Ronin is always on a ledge above her, and there’s a new Warlock, calls himself Ira, and he’s a crackshot with a sniper rifle, though doesn’t offer much in terms of other skills
- while not necessarily glad that Shaxx went against orders, she’s proud that his tactics worked. she’s always known he was more than just a loud Titan who really liked hitting things. (she said this away from Saladin, not wishing to add fuel to the fire between the two of them)
- the City is safe, and Roksana allows herself to leave for longer patrols with Apollo and Hemlock. there are worlds to experience and discover, but her heart always leads all three of them home
- she is among the Guardians in the Battle of Burning Lake, disturbed by the Hive and fearful of what they could do to the City if the Vanguard isn’t careful. she’s glad that Shaxx shares this sentiment
- Sadik and Ronin return to the City with a Warlock in tow, his name is Jai, and she watches as Apollo practically adopts the kid
- in order for Shaxx to study Hive blades, Roksana takes swords from Knights she kills out in the field
- The City is unprepared to retake the moon, Roksana knows this in her bones, but she goes anyway because Guardians will need a wall, and she is immovable
- she saves less than she wanted, and watches as more Guardians die than she ever has before. the numbers stack up to be worse than the Gap, or when raid teams would be wiped out, and it hurts because she couldn’t protect them
- Crota is a thing of nightmares, and in the retreat, Roksana physically picks up Guardians to and throws them to get them out of the way, to make them move. she is one of the last to leave the moon, picking up the rear like she would when she would protect people before the City
- Apollo is put through a reset that makes him Apollo-99, and she must relearn how to befriend this new Apollo
- (she watches Hemlock struggle with this new Apollo, and it hurts)
- (Jai struggles with him too, but perhaps it’s a little easier for him because he hasn’t known Apollo for so long
- she is heartbroken to learn that Vell Tarlowe was part of an unauthorized raid team on the moon, and resigns herself to mourning another friend
- life goes on, and so does she. Apollo-99 finally gives in to her extended hands of friendship after she explained that she knew that he was not Apollo-98 and didn’t expect him to be. she is wants to know this new Apollo
- (Apollo-99 is different from Apollo-98, but not by much. he still burned with radiances and took four or five tables in order to work on his notes, he still helped new Warlocks interested in becoming sunsingers, and he still looked at Hemlock like the hunter hung the stars just for him. it tickled Roksana pink)
- Roksana’s not so surprised that Ira gets Rasputin running (because if anyone could do it, he could. other than Jai, maybe), she’s more surprised that he brought a brand new hunter with him
- really, she’s impressed at how much shit Ira and Guardian are getting themselves into. it certainly gives Apollo something to rant about
- Eris returns to the Tower, and Roksana feels sympathy for the lone survivor, but something tells her that Eris would only take it as pity
- but this is her chance. her chance to do what Vell Tarlowe could not, and kill Crota for all he’s done to the Guardians
- between her, Ronin, and Jai, they complete what’s necessary to descend into the Hellmouth. the team is: Roksana, Ronin, Jai, Sadik, Apollo, and Hemlock
- the raid wears on everyone. Roksana, in all her years, has never been in a place so dark for so long, but she keeps going. she is the first and last defense for her team. the Darkness will break on her shield, she wills this to happen
- Jai is disturbed by the time the raid is over and Crota is dead. Roksana allows herself to cry in Vell Tarlowe’s memory before she picks Jai up by his collar and carries him away. she’ll let Apollo, Sadik, and Ronin take care of him when they return to the Tower
- victory is bittersweet, and she sits with Eris on the night she returns. they curse the Hive and all they had taken from them. Eris, her team. Roksana, the Guardians she had known and couldn’t protect
- Ira formally introduces her to Guardian, and the constantly swaying hunter with a croaky voice and sweet demeanor makes her love them
- she sticks to patrols and bounties on earth, venus, and mars while guardians go off to the reef
- Hemlock does talk her into doing some prison challenges tho
- Oryx arrives
- she’s a little tired at this point. all this Darkness happening in rapid succession is almost too much. almost. but she is a line in the sand, and she will meet these challenges head on
- especially when Guardian is the one spear heading missions on the Dreadnaught. they had shown her their eye as it was slowly taken over, and resolved to let them and Ira face Oryx alone
- the team to kill Oryx consists of herself, Ira (to replace Jai), Guardian, Apollo, Hemlock, and Sadik
- if she has to do anything with the Taken again, it would be too damn soon
- she is among the Guardians who gets infested with tech mites, but handles being stuck in the Tower better than most
- Saladin contacts her. he needs her help with SIVA, and she agrees. she doesn’t regret leaving with the Iron Lords the first time (anymore), this will be the well timed vengeance for the old Lords, and she will be the first fist against them
- Ira tags along with her after he tells her that he had seen the House of Devils on mars but didn’t say anything
- then she thought, what the hell, might as well bring Guardian because they haven’t done anything in a while
- between the three of them, the Plaguelands aren’t difficult
- and she finds herself actually having conversations with Saladin again. there’s something there in those conversations, but she doesn’t pursue them. not yet anyway
- Roksana presents him with Jolder’s helmet, scarred by burnt SIVA, and dons her title of Lady once more
- she teases him about all his brooding, tells him that Zavala does the exact same thing, and grins when she catches him smirk
- it’s not much, but it’s something
- Roksana leads the raid team to kill Aksis with Guardian, Jai, Sadik, Hemlock, and Ira
- she absolutely pushes Ira off the road
- for the first time in what feels like forever, the City is safe, and she has succeeded in her duty. she couldn’t ask for anything more
- and then she’s crushed by the Red Legion, but people need her once again even without her Light and she refuses to go down
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