#ps. i wont actually hit my head against a wall
capriclonus · 7 months
Time to bang my head against a wall and hope words fall out of it 😂
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scripts4dreamers · 6 years
All’s fair.
All’s fair pt. 1
AN: Maybe you’d been wrong about Theseus Scamander. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad guy at all.
Characters: Theseus Scamander, Newt Scamander.
Pairings: Theseus x reader Spoilers: None
Warnings: None Prompt: Could you do a Theseus x reader where he and the reader start out as really competitive (almost rivals) at the ministry but reader saves his life one day and idk he tries to protect her a lot after that and they fall for each other? (Also your Theseus series is SO GOOD OMG) for anonymous
(Ps. Thank you so much for that lovely comment! It’s messages like that that really give me the confidence to keep writing and posting, also oops! This is gonna be like twoish parts.)
You loved your job. You really, really loved your job. Every day when you woke up you were excited to go into the office, because you knew that what you were doing was important. You kept order, pursued justice and kept dark magic at bay. The night before your first day of auror training, you’d been so excited that you’d barely been able to sleep.
Now, nearly two years later, you were still every bit as excited.
“Hey, Y/L/N,” a voice called, distracting you from your work, “You ready to get your ass handed to you during assignments today?”
You sighed. Theseus Scamander, the one flaw in an otherwise perfect job. He was arrogant, ambitious and fiercely competitive. Unfortunately, he was also exceptionally brave, fiercely intelligent and very good at his job, nearly as good as you. He was leaning up against your desk with an infuriating smirk on his perfectly sculpted face.
“Charming as always, Scamander,” you sighed, ignoring his analytical gaze, “and I wouldn’t count your assignments before they’re handed out if I were you.”
Theseus opened his mouth, a retort ready on his lips, but the ding of the elevator cut him short
“Morning,” your boss, Avery Thicknesse, called as he swept through the room, “Y/L/N, have you got the Abbott case cleared up yet?”
“Yes sir,” you answered with a smile, jumping up to hand him the completed file, “I finished the paperwork last night.”
He scanned the page and gave a satisfied grunt, “Good work, very thorough. Scamander, same question. Have you finished the Avery case?”
Theseus blushed, and gave you a furtive look, “Uh-no, not yet, sir.”
Thicknesse gave him a disapproving look and sighed; turning back towards his office, “Get it done, Scamander. We don’t have all day here.” He chastised, “Aurors, be ready in ten minutes to receive your monthly assignments.”
The office buzzed with excitement and you turned back to Theseus with a smug smile.
“What was that you were saying about getting your ass handed to you, Scamander?” You poked, “Not so confident now, I suppose.”
“I was talking about assignments, Y/L/N.” he replied, “Being a pencil pusher is very different to actually being out there in the real world.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled, “Yeah, whatever. You’re just mad that Thicknesse is pleased with me instead of you for once.”
Theseus maintained a sulky silence next to your desk for a few moments longer, before stalking back to his own. You turned back to your work with a satisfied smile and started daydreaming about your upcoming assignments. Theoretically, no one assignment was any better or worse than any other but, in reality, the assignment you were given was generally a reflection of your standing in the office. Annoyingly, Theseus and Prewett generally got the best assignments (working in the field), with you getting the slightly more tame postings in either Observation or Research. Thicknesse said it was because he could trust Theseus to follow orders in emergency situations, while you….well, let’s just say that you’d always been more of an independent thinker.
“Alright, assignment time,” Thicknesse announced, “as you all know, we’re still focusing our attention on the apprehension of Gellert Grindelwald and his band of fanatics.” He reminded you, “So I’ll be assigning people to the Field Team, Observation, Research and Administration.” He paused, letting the suspense in the room grow, “The Field Team will, as always, be working in patrols and pairs. Patrol one will be headed by Deinard and will be made up of Deinard, O’gara and Smith, with Smith as second-in-command. Patrol two will be headed by Gibson with Dawlish as second and Bones rounding it out. Patrol three will be lead by Scamander and will include Prewett, Cattermole and Y/L/N, with Y/L/N as second-“
Your heart stopped and you instantly forgot how to listen. You’d done it! You’d finally made field agent, and as a second no less! You were so wrapped up in your little bubble of happiness that not even serving under Theseus could bring you down. You looked over to him and noticed that he’d crushed his mug. Your heart sunk a little bit at that. You knew that he didn’t like you, but you’d never thought he hated you enough to crush a mug just because you had to work together. Whatever, you thought, shaking it off. You’d made field agent and nothing he said could take that away from you.
When the assigning process had ended, you made your way over to the patrol briefing.
The senior auror, Alderon Deinard, stood and addressed you all, reminding you of your roles and assigning each patrol an area to take control of. You listened intently, soaking up every last bit of information.
“We’ve gotten word that Grindelwald has sent a signal to his followers telling them to cause mayhem tonight, which means we’re on high alert. We’re authorized to use maximum force and Travers expects results,” he explained, “so cast to kill.”
Your stomach pinched. You’d never killed another person before. You’d always found a way to take them down with non-lethal force and the idea of taking a life when there was another option unsettled you. Almost unconsciously, you looked to Theseus and saw, with a rush of relief, that he looked equally uncomfortable. He was sitting right at the front, biting down on the back of his jaw, his face stern. As though he could sense your gaze, he looked back and caught your eye. His gaze was dark and intense, completely different from the joking man who you were used to. Deinard dismissed you all and, as you made your way out of the briefing room, you felt a hand grab your elbow. Theseus Scamander was almost glaring you down.
“Can I have a word, Y/L/N?” he asked, pulling you the side before you could even answer, “Listen, I know that you’re probably really excited about finally getting in the field but this shit is real.”
“I know-“ you started, but he cut you off.
“I need to know that you’re going to listen to me,” he said, “if everything goes to hell, I need to know that I can rely on you to follow orders and get the job done.”
The look he gave you was so intense and serious that it made you swallow the sarcastic retort that you had had waiting in your throat. You had never seen Theseus so serious and, for the first time, you felt a flicker of fear in your stomach. You suddenly remembered Theseus’ first time in command. His patrol had been ambushed by a group of dark wizards and three of the five aurors had been killed, including his second. Theseus had faced an inquiry and had taken nearly a month off. You remembered how destroyed he looked when he’d returned, as though all the joy had been sucked out of him forever. He had been through hell, more than once, and yet he kept going, he kept fighting and you had to admire his strength.
With some difficulty, you met his eye, “You can rely on me Theseus,” you promised, “I know what’s expected of me, and I’ll get it done, I promise.” You maintained eye contact, hoping that he would be able to sense your sincerity, “I won’t let you down.”
In the ensuing silence, you felt a tenuous connection form between you and your workplace rival. Underneath all your mutual peacocking, there was an understanding. At your cores, you wanted the same thing, and you respected Theseus both as an auror and as a man. Theseus studied you intensely, searching for something in your eyes.
He must’ve found it because, eventually, he let your elbow go and gave you a curt nod, tucking his hands into his pockets, “I know you wont Y/N.”
You smiled, trying to break the tension, “Aw, sweet, you know my first name.”
“Oh ha, ha,” Theseus grinned, “don’t go getting a big head now. We’ve still got to work together and there’s not enough room in here for both of us and your inflated ego.”
You laughed and, for a moment, your rivalry seemed to fall away. It felt nice to be laughing together instead of at one another, you thought.
“Go home and get some rest Y/L/N,” Theseus suggested when the laughter had faded, “We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”
You nodded and worried at your bottom lip, the flicker of fear reigniting itself in your chest. Theseus noticed and gave you, what he hoped was, a comforting smile.
“It’s going to be fine Y/N,” he assured you, “chances are nothing will even happen.”
You hit the wall, ducking behind a corner as a burst of green light missed you by centimeters. Your heart was pounding and adrenaline was pumping through your veins at one hundred miles an hour. Grindelwald’s followers had, indeed, come out in full force that night and they’d quickly overwhelmed you with sheer numbers. The sound of rebounding curses and hoarse voices filled the night air, filling up the narrow street. You desperately searched for your allies with your eyes, catching sight of Helena Cattermole, hiding down an alleyway and Theseus crouched behind an overturned car in the middle of the road. Four patrols had started off the night together with fifteen fully trained aurors. From what you could see, only five of you were still in action. You’d helped three escape down the back roads, sending them back to the ministry for help. It had been nearly twenty minutes since then and the fanatics had you pinned down. You couldn’t even apparate out without exposing yourself to danger.
For a moment, there was silence. The remaining aurors had hidden themselves so well that Gindelwald’s fanatics had nothing to aim their wands at. In your mind, you heard Theseus’ voice as he’d grabbed you and shoved you behind him, once it was clear that you were outnumbered.
“Get out of here,” he cried over the din, “get the others and get out. I’ll hold them off.”
Your stomach pinched with guilt. You’d promised to obey his orders but, you were his second, you couldn’t just leave him there to drown, so you’d stayed and he’d noticed. From his position behind the car, you could feel his cool blue eyes on you. The dark wizards, led by Carrow and Kraw, started to advance slowly, searching for the remaining aurors. Their numbers were greatly depleted, credit for which both you and Theseus had a rather significant claim. They were slowly approaching the car, behind which Theseus was hiding, but you didn’t think they’d spotted him yet. Unfortunately, it didn’t look as though Theseus had noticed them either.
His eyes were still fixed on you and you could tell that he wasn’t at all pleased. You watched, horrified, as he raised himself, preparing to move to a more defensible position. He was still mostly hidden, but you shook your head frantically, knowing that any step he took would expose him to Carrow, who was making her way closer and closer. Theseus didn’t notice and he stepped out into the street, hunched over and still half in a crouch.
It was as though everything slowed down. Carrow’s face lit up, she raised her wand and began to mouth a curse that you knew, with overwhelming certainty, that Theseus would never have enough time to respond to and block. At the same time, you knew that you needed to be closer in order for your spell to be strong enough to override hers and that, as soon as you stepped out, you yourself would almost certainly be killed. There was no time for hesitation. You thought about Theseus, his joking smile and his commitment to justice and made your choice.
You stepped out from behind the corner. Theseus saw you and his eyes widened, he opened his mouth to call to you but, before any sound made it, out you screamed “Protego!”
Carrow’s killing curse rebounded, glancing harmlessly off the car, and giving Theseus enough time to reach his wand and disarm her. You felt a momentary pang of relief, heard a rough voice yell something twisted and cruel, saw a flash of purple flame, felt a sharp pain in your chest and the world went dark.
Your first thought was that death was extraordinarily comfy. Your second was that, to your surprise, you were breathing which meant that you couldn’t be dead. The third was that your chest felt like it had been kicked in by a hippogriff. Slowly, you opened your eyes and found yourself staring at a pristine white ceiling. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see someone hunched over in a chair next to your bed, his head hanging low and his hands clasped together as though he was deep in prayer. You were lying in a hospital bed at St Mungo’s, you realized, which meant that, somehow, you must’ve escaped from at alleyway. The battle, Theseus and the other aurors. You sat up suddenly and winced. Your body ached, as though you’d been crushed by something heavy. The noise had, however, made your visitor aware that you were awake. Theseus’ head snapped up and grabbed your arm, supporting you as you struggled into an upright position and fluffing the pillows behind you so that they supported your back.
“Thank God you’re awake,” he croaked, his voice hoarse, “I was starting to think-“
“Theseus?” You asked, still groggy from sleep, “What happened? How did we-“
He looked exhausted, as though he hadn’t slept in days, and his clothes were rumpled and untidy, but his eyes were alive with relief, “Help came. Ogden and Peakes made it back to the ministry and let them know that we were pinned down,” he explained, “Carrow and Kraw escaped, but we managed to round everyone else up without too many casualties.”
“Casualties?” you asked, your heart dropping, “who did we lose?”
Theseus’ face darkened, “Edgecomb, Fenwick, Suzuki and-“ he swallowed hard, “and Deinard.”
“Deinard?” you asked, tears welling up in your eyes, “No, no it can’t-he can’t.”
“Kraw got him in the chest with a killing curse,” Theseus explained, his voice dead, “he didn’t stand a chance.” You sat in silence for a moment, each of you lost in your own memories of the hardened auror who’d taught you both so much. Eventually, Theseus cleared his throat, and fixed you with an intense stare, prompting you you wipe the stray tears from your cheeks, “Y/N,” he started, “I told you to leave.”
“I know but-“
“I told you to leave,” he continued, “and you stayed. You disobeyed a direct order from your commanding officer and, because of that, I owe you an apology.” He said. You frowned, confused, but Theseus gripped your hand in his and squeezed it tight, “I’ve made your life miserable since the day we met and you still defended me. I was your commanding officer and I led you into danger and I’m so so sorry. If you hadn’t been there, I would be dead. You threw yourself into harms way, you risked your life and you saved mine.”
You blushed, oddly embarrassed by the intensity of the moment, “You would have done the same for any of us.”
Theseus shook his head but didn’t let go of your hand, “You could’ve died, all because I was too stupid to watch my own back.”
“Theseus,” you insisted, sitting up straighter, “we were outnumbered and pinned down, people were dropping like flies all around us, it was chaos. What you did was smart, you were trying to move to somewhere more defensible. Any one of us probably would’ve done the exact same thing.” He opened his mouth to argue but you cut him off, some of your old fierceness coming back, “No, Theseus, stop. You are a brilliant auror. I wouldn’t be surprised if they made you head of the whole department soon enough. You made one, simple mistake that anyone could have made and I will not have you beating yourself up for it, okay?”
There was a long silence, during which you noticed, for the first time, how startlingly blue his eyes were. Eventually Theseus nodded and you relaxed back onto your cushions, grateful for the reprieve. To your surprise, he didn’t leave, preferring to lean back in his chair and chat to you. Theseus stayed for hours, catching you up on the tings you’d missed and talking about everything and nothing, from school memories to his fears for his brother, until eventually the nurses had to ask him to leave because visiting hours had long since ended. Grumpily, he stood and pulled you into a gentle, but firm hug, thanking you again and promising to come back as soon as he could before waving goodbye and disappearing out into the world again.
You were stunned. Never before had Theseus Scamander had an actual conversation with you, let alone given you a hug. As you laid back down to sleep, though, and quietly grieve the loss of your comrades you realized that you’d enjoyed it. You liked him, when he was being himself and, as you drifted off to sleep, you wondered if, maybe, you’d made a new friend.
Theseus insisted on coming to visit you every day and bringing you a different present each visit, no matter how many times you told him that he didn’t need to. The nurses had asked you if they ought to tell him to back of, but you’d waved them away. Theseus was sweet and gentle with you and, as much as you hated to admit it, his visits had fast become the highlight of your day.
By the time you were discharged, nearly a week later, you were weighed down with gifts and, somehow, had acquired a new best friend, a best friend who, luckily, was there to help you carry your litany of gifts. Theseus was kind, you’d realized, and funny with a penchant for physical contact that made you laugh. You’d commented once, that you’d received more hugs in two days, from Theseus Scamander than you had from your mother in the past year. You remembered how he’d blushed and apologized, swearing to do that less, before you’d cut in and told him that you liked it, you thought it was sweet. Now, as he walked you back to your apartment, he seemed to be treating you with extra caution, insisting on holding your hand every time you crossed a street and double checking each side road for danger. You would never tell him, of course, but it helped. Ever since the night of the ambush, you’d been terrified of running into Grindelwald’s followers again and you’d started to have powerful, vivid nightmares.
Upon arrival, Theseus searched your apartment before letting you in and then helped you unpack and rearrange your belongings, so that your bed now faced the door, before giving you another hug and waving goodbye, apparating you and leaving you on your own. The second he was gone, you missed him terribly. You sat down on your couch and looked around your apartment. It seemed smaller, you thought, less vibrant, without Theseus in it and, for the first time since your accident, you felt well and truly alone.
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jasmine-jules · 7 years
Slave to the Game(A Jack the Ripper Story): Chapter 4
Word Count: 4900+
Warnings: Graphic depiction of violence(the murder), Murder, Mild language, Implied rape
Here’s our master list for the next chapters, and if you want more!
I’ve read plenty of crime novels in my youth, stealing moments at night to read The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allen Poe, The Rector of Veilbye by Steen Steensen Blicher or A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The one thing that is never actually discussed in these books is how dull and painstakingly long the interrogation process is - person after person going through the police department giving us nothing more than extra paperwork. To only give the department some gray hairs and the need to pull all nighters at the morgue.
In addition to the long nights, there was one other thing that seemed to cause my accelerated aging. The police station had recently had an accident in their crime lab, making it unusable, so they elected our morgue to do assist in the investigations. This means my alone space is constantly violated by the same three policemen, and each of them having an air of disapproval surrounding them. That not only means I don’t have my space, but my space is being filled with bigoted men who don’t think women deserve to be in the workforce, especially those of a higher class like myself. Bigoted men who think they know my lab better than I do. Bigoted men who clearly don’t deserve to be in law enforcement because they are idiots who don’t know how anything works.
“Are you sure that goes there?” a voice said from behind me.
“I’m pretty sure I am doing this right.” I said coldly as I was pushed aside from my work table by Mr. Arnold James. I mean seriously, even his name sounds bigoted, “I have worked here for nearly 3 years now, and I was practically raised here as my father owned this facility before he passed.”
Having elected to ignore me, he pushed aside the evidence that I had been working on, and replaced it with almost an identical piece of evidence then proceeded to use the tool wrong. I threw my hands up in the air and walked out of the morgue in defeat.
“Miss Bellaus! I thought you’d be working!” Archer exclaimed as I walked into his office area, where he was filing the reports to send to the police department. Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t trust him but I would rather be with someone who might be on the wrong side than those who <i>are</i> on the wrong side. Even if they are two completely unrelated topics.
“Can we kick them out. Please. Let them do things wrong at a different morgue. I cannot stand another moment of their bigoted...ness.” Archer chuckled at my comment.
“I wish, but if we don’t let them use our morgue then we will not be allowed to continue working on the Leather Apron murders and we really can’t have that happen.” I gave him an inquisitive look, “...with the murders being connected to your relationship with Jessamine? Now, how about you get back in there and show those bigots who’s the boss around here.” I grimaced at the thought but walked out of his office towards the morgue anyways. As I stepped down the stairs back to where the bigoted men resided, I couldn’t help but feel that something was off about that conversation.
“Oh, look! The little girl is back again.” Mr. Arnold James exclaimed and I nearly punched him in the nose right then and there.
“For one, my name is Miss Bellaus not little girl.” He looked indignant at the apparent disrespect I was showing him, but I barreled on, “Number two, you are doing that wrong. If you look at the piece of evidence I was examining and compare it with yours, you’ll see my subject will show quite a bit more of what you are looking for. Your subject, while it is bigger, it has less blood on it, while if you look at mine you can see a much larger amount of blood on it, allowing me to have an easier time of collecting the sample and twice as much evidence. Though that is not where your mistakes began. The first mistake was believing that everything I did was wrong and proceeding to re-do every experiment I had already completed only because I am a woman.”
Shock rose on their face and Mr. Arnold James looked ready to explode, his face turning more red than the crimson dress I was wearing, “Did you think I wouldn’t notice? I am quite a bit more observant than any of you pigs are,” I spat. “Which is why while you weren’t looking, I went back and replaced it with my specimen once again because you had even been using the microscope wrong while completing your experiment. I mean, how hard is it to use a microscope anyways??” I exclaimed.
I turned to the other two men in the room, having finished tearing Mr. James Arnold a new one. “Number three, you two have not been using gloves the entire process so there is a good chance that if I had used that evidence for a testimony in court it would be disbanded because we would’ve been accused of tampering with it. Now, if you would be so kind and start actually doing this right then maybe we'll get along or I am going to kick you out and have Mr. Clay report you to the chief of police for insubordination towards the head of the morgue.”
They didn’t bother me for the rest of the time they were there. I’m pretty sure they had asked Archer for my schedule of when I would and wouldn’t be there because I actually never saw them again. The only evidence that they hadn’t ran away completely was the crumbs of food left on the work tables. Which goes to show their incompetence once more.
Another highlight is that after my outburst whenever I walked into the police station to bring a report that Archer or I had filled, it’d get very quiet and the men would nearly jump out of my way to let me pass
That being quite a happy improvement, especially since Archer and I were present for many of the interrogations involved with the Leather Apron case. Although, all interrogations we were present for had quite similar results since most of them were only questioning the witnesses, not actually interrogating suspects. They all had the same thing to say about what they saw the night of the murders. The prostitute was seen entering her apartment with a young person, most likely a boy. The young boy wasn’t seen leaving the apartment but the next time someone went to find her, she was dead. Giving us absolutely nothing to go on. Then the police would find a lead from the thousands of letters sent into the police station, follow it, arrest someone and release the suspect within three hours because the police found they had a rock solid alibi.
Then came one letter. At first, it was just set aside as some person trying to rile up the police but then they sent it down to my lab for examination. They did this with every letter they got. They were trying to see if anything useful could come of it. Nothing ever did. They were all fakes and I could easily pull some fingerprints, which if the Leather Apron was as smart as we all thought, I wouldn’t be able to find any incriminating evidence. I also never read them, it would take up time that I really didn’t have. I don’t think the police read these letters either. Although, this letter was spotless. No fingerprints. No stains. Not even a spec of dirt that I could try to trace. Absolutely nothing. So I did read this letter.
Dear Boss,
I keep on hearing the police have caught me but they wont fix me just yet. I have laughed when they look so clever and talk about being on the right track. That joke about Leather Apron gave me real fits.
I am down on whores and I shant quit ripping them till I do get buckled. Grand work the last job was. I gave the lady no time to squeal. How can they catch me now. I love my work and want to start again. You will soon hear of me with my funny little games. I saved some of the proper red stuff in a ginger beer bottle over the last job to write with but it went thick like glue and I cant use it. Red ink is fit enough I hope
ha. ha.
The next job I do I shall clip the ladys ears off and send to the police officers just for jolly wouldn't you. Keep this letter back till I do a bit more work, then give it out straight.
My knife's so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away if I get a chance. Good Luck.
Yours truly
Jack the Ripper
Dont mind me giving the trade name
PS Wasnt good enough to post this before I got all the red ink off my hands curse it No luck yet. They say I'm a doctor now. ha ha
The letter slipped out of my hands and a thud echoed in the room as my back hit the wall. I clasped my hands against my mouth as a scream threatened to escape. It wasn’t even the fact that this letter was possibly the real thing but something about it felt familiar. But I had no idea what. My first instinct was to call out for Archer but if he was apart of this somehow then what would he do if I showed him this letter? Try to destroy it? If I left it here and he found it, would it disappear like that piece of cloth did? The letter did say to keep it until something else happened but should I even be listening to whoever wrote this letter? Was anything in this letter even valid? My train of thought was interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Hey Miss Bellaus, can you look over-” Archer’s voice abruptly stopped as his eyes fell upon me. He dropped the papers he had in his hands and rushed over to me. “What happened? Did something happen to Jessamine?” I shook my head.
“No. Nothing’s happened to Jessamine.”
“Well then what’s wrong?” he exclaimed.
“One of the letters the police sent to us just... caught me off-guard. It felt too real but I don’t think it’s gonna be anything to worry about.” I responded.
“You sure?” I nodded again. “Alright then.” Disbelief shone from his eyes but if I was truly in shock, I wouldn’t be in the best state of mind, right? “I just wanted you to look over a report I had written out for the police about the heart attack victim we had yesterday.” he said, changing the topic.
“Right. Sure.” I walked numbly over to the table where he had set the report. “What did you want me to look for?”
“Just double check I had everything right. It’s just been a hectic few weeks so I haven’t been completely focusing on wording.” I read over it and handed it to him.
“That seems fine.”
“Right. Thank you Miss Bellaus.” and after a few seconds, “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yes I’m absolutely fine.” I said sharply, “I’m just going to finish up testing a couple more letters before I head out.”
“Okay. See you tomorrow.” I nodded as he walked away. He paused and turned his head, “You know you can always talk to me. Right?” I smiled at him tersely. I took a deep breath and released it when he finally disappeared through the door. I don’t think our conversations have ever been like this. Even when we first met, our conversations flowed without any weirdness about it. I felt my shoulders slump with frustration. I really do hope he has nothing to do with the Leather Apron, or I guess Jack the Ripper now, because then once this is all over we can go back to how everything was before. Which would be nice. I sighed once again and walked back over to where I had dropped the letter. I slipped on some gloves - no point in contaminating it even more right? - and started looking it over again.
I wasn’t exactly lying when I told Archer I would be going over letters before I left. It just wouldn’t be letters, only one. I examined it and began writing down every little thing about it, the color of the ink, the material of the paper the letter was written on, the possible utensils used, really anything that could give me a lead on who wrote this. By the time I had finished, nothing stayed undocumented. That just left me with one thing. What to do with the report and letter. Logically, I should leave it here and file it away because that’s what would have done before all of this but every warning bell goes off in my head when I think that because if Archer is involved, then leaving this for him to find would possibly be catastrophic. So if I didn’t leave it here, where would I put it? My house? Where any of my servants or mom could find it? I do have a locked drawer where I keep all of my work related stuff, but that doesn’t mean someone could still get in. Though my room is the only place Archer wouldn’t go because even a serial killer has to follow proper manners in this era. My eyes flickered over the letter as I pondered what to do.
“I’ll bring it home with me.” I decided aloud. I slipped the letter and report into my handbag and made my way to the door. The carriage ride passed with little incident and by the time I got home it was almost dusk. I had decided to stop at a little sweet shop, I felt deserved something tasty.
“Good Evening Miss Bellaus, are you up for some dinner?” One of my maids, Elizabeth asked. I smiled sweetly as her,
“That would be amazing. Thank you Elizabeth.” She smiled at me and I walked to my room. I took the key that hung behind my dresses and opened up my drawer, sliding the letter and report in. Now I guess I just wait.
September 30th
I shuffled my legs beneath the covers before rolling onto my back. Sharp pain ran through my body and I shot up into a sitting position. I cursed under my breath as I twisted my arm around to my back and ran my fingers across. A hiss of pain escaped my lips as my fingers ran across already scabbing scrapes. What the hell. I rolled out of bed, stumbling as I hit the ground. I stripped off my nightgown and twisted to look at the scrapes on my back. I stared in horror at the reflection. Calling them scrapes was an understatement. They were more like gashes running in long streaks across my back. They resembled the kind of marks that were left on Jessamine’s back after one of the nights we had spent together, only a more extreme version. They were deep and they were colored a dark red, implying that whoever had given them me was in extreme pain...or in immense pleasure. I paused at the thought, <i>What happened to me last night. And why can I not remember.</i> I broke out of my train of thought as I heard footsteps approaching the door.
“Miss Bellaus? Do you need any help? I heard crashing.” One of my maids, Grace, asked through the door. I closed my eyes in annoyance. She must’ve heard me getting out of bed.
“I’m fine, Grace. Thank you.” It was a few seconds before I heard her footsteps leading away from the door and I let out a breath. My breath was sucked back in as an idea came to me. I rushed to the door and ran to catch up to Grace, not caring if the door slammed.
“Actually, Grace!” I reached her side, “I do have one question.” She dipped her head, allowing me to continue, “Do you know when I left the house last night and about what time I got back? If so, do you know where I was headed?”
“You only left the house for a short while, Miss, then you came straight back with a friend. But don’t worry, I won’t tell your mother.” she said with a small smile.
“No, no. I don’t worry about that. I can’t remember,” I spoke in a small whisper, my fear getting the better of me.
“I don’t understand, Miss. You don’t remember a single thing from last night?” I shook my head and I felt panic sweeping across me. Why don’t I remember anything? I have three gashes on my back. Surely I would have to remember getting those.
“Did I leave the house after I came back with the friend?” I asked, trying to get a better picture of what might’ve happened. Grace nodded,
“About two hours later when I was tending to the fireplace, you and your friend snuck out. I assumed you were going out to a pub or something. I don’t think you saw me. Then as I was heading to bed just a little after one in the morning, you came back to the house. I couldn’t see much as the lamps were all out, but you were staggering like you had been hurt. I went to bed shortly after that; I wouldn’t know if you snuck out again after that.”
My heart plummeted. I went out twice last night maybe more. Both of which I had a friend with me. Both of which I couldn’t remember a single second of. Grace seems to think that the friend I had with me was… but I would never cheat on Jessamine. At least… I had thought I wouldn’t.
“Thank you Grace. That’s all for now.” I said, dismissing her. She looked reluctant to leave me alone but she walked away after a few seconds. How do I not remember any of it? It was obviously a rough night, with the deep gashes on my back and my staggering in last night. My hands involuntarily gripped my head, pulling harshly at my hair. Why don’t I remember it. I <i>should</i> remember it.
Memory flashes took over my thoughts in a second. Days where I could remember waking up but don’t remember actually falling asleep. Moments halfway through the day where I lost hours of time, moments where I thought I just had gotten lost in thought or in whatever I was doing. Moments where I was in the middle of making dinner but the next thing I remember was getting ready to go to bed. Full nights missing and if I thought hard enough I would be able to line them up perfectly with the last two murders.
I let out a strangled cry. What the hell is happening to me. Filled with panic, I fumbled through my closet for something that I could get on easily. I tore off one of my dresses off the hook and put it on. I fumbled with my brush on the desk and the letter from Jack the Ripper floated to the ground. With shaking hands I lifted it up and suddenly I knew why it felt so familiar. I shook my head in panic. No No No No No. It can’t be. My hands blundered on my desk as I looked for something with Archer’s handwriting. With trembling hands I compared them.
They didn’t match.
I gasped in relief, my eyes filling with unshed tears. But why does this letter still spark recognition? There is no reason I should still feel this way towards the letter. I felt my chest start to constrict as I felt the now familiar symptoms of panic start to settle in.
In the throes of my panic, I shoved my feet into a pair of shoes, not even caring if it looked presentable and rushed out of my room. I almost crashed into Grace but I rushed past her, ignoring her cries of worry. I let my instinct lead me and I honestly had no idea where I was going, but the path I took felt eerily familiar. Only I did not remember ever going down this street. But that’s the problem, is it not? I can’t remember. How many days or nights have gone by that I don’t remember.
The scene that I came upon was swarming with policemen. I pushed my way through into the scene of the crime, bile rose in my throat and I could not push it down this time. I reached a wastebasket just in time as I retched. Her ears were missing. Just as the letter from Jack the Ripper said.
“Miss, you can’t be in here.” A policeman said with worry. I shook my head.
“I’m with the police department, head of the Morgue involved with the Jack the Ripper case.”
“Jack the Ripper, eh? Fancy new name you got there.” he replied cockily.
“It works better.” I whispered as I walked back over to the body. “What’s her name?”
“Catherine Eddowes.” I nodded and surveyed the body. From first glance her face had been mutilated, her throat severed, and a giant jagged wound in her abdomen. As I stepped closer I could tell that her kidneys and uterus had been removed, just like the last victims. Only in Eddowes case, the mutilations to her body were way worse than the others. Just like the last victims, I knew she would look similar the Jessamine even though I couldn’t actually see her features anymore. “We actually found a first body, just a few blocks from here. Although we don’t know if it is is connected to, what is it..Jack the Ripper?”
“Two murders?” I choked out in horror. The policeman nodded,
“The only thing we don’t know is if she is connected. Only her throat had been slashed. No wound in the abdomen, like the previous two and Eddowes.”
“Do you have a picture?” I asked, my voice a little stronger now.
“Of course.” He called over to a man with a camera and the man walked over. “I need the picture from Elizabeth Stride’s crime scene.”
“Did you just say...Elizabeth Stride?” I blurted out. The policeman sent an inquisitive look to me,
“Yes, why? Do you know her?” The man with the camera pulled a picture out of Elizabeth Stride.
“She is...was one of my maids. She’s usually the one that checks on me in mornings so that the kitchen maids can start with breakfast if I am up but...it was a different maid this morning. I mean I would normally notice if one of my maids are missing but...I wasn’t in the best mindset this morning.”
“That’s a start. We’ll need you to come in at some point for some questioning. You aren’t in trouble, but we need to know everything about Miss Stride. Do you know anything about Miss Eddowes here?” I shook my head reluctantly,
“Only that she looks like one of my friends Jessamine, as have the other two but I have already told the police this.”
“Thank you for all your help.”
“Much obliged. I will send in a report of Eddowes later today, same with Stride.”
“Thank you. I will call a carriage for you to head over to the crime scene.”
“I will not need one. I need to go somewhere first before I go see Miss Stride.” I walked out of the room as proudly as I could but the moment I got out of view from the scene I broke into a run with a destination in mind.
Robert James Lees. The clairvoyant Archer and I had run into almost three weeks ago, after we went to the first Whitechapel Vigilance meeting. I got to the edge of his street and paused. Do I really want to do this? Sink this low? I took a deep breath and walked the rest of the way there. I only hesitated briefly before knocking on the door. I saw a quick flash of someone looking into the peephole before it disappeared again.
“Miss Bellaus. I’m surprised to see you here.” he said, opening the door just enough so his face could look out. He was obviously opposed to letting me in.
“I need your help. I’m...forgetting things. Huge blocks of time.” I could still sense hesitancy, and I shared much further than I wanted to, “Time missing over the nights of the Jack the Ripper murders.” His eyes widened at the last phrase.
“Come on in.” He opened the door wider to let me in and as I walked through I felt a sense of finality as the door clicked shut behind me.
“I was hoping you would be able...maybe bring back up past memories or something. Or I don’t know, talk to the victims….I just need to do something.”
“Follow me.” he told me, leading me in his sitting room. “Now you need to know something Miss Bellaus, I cannot actually bring back memories for you. That is something you need to figure out how to do yourself. The one thing I can do is give you some insight for why you are having these blackouts.” He gestured for me to sit down, and as I did he walked over to a cabinet, opened it and pulled out a letter. “This is something I received from your father. Shortly before his passing.” He held it out to me and tears welled up in my eyes as I recognized my father’s handwriting.
Dear Mr. Lees,
I am sending this letter in hopes that you will be able to someday help my daughter understand. I know she will come into contact with what I am to share with you, and I wish you will share this when she asks about certain things.
There is a drug. Commonly known as the Devil's Breath but she will know it as Scopolamine.
I let out a sobbed breath as I read the last line. Scopolamine is a drug that if used correctly, can quite literally take the free will of any victim but if used another way, would be seriously addictive.
I became addicted to it after an unfortunate accident with the chemical. I never realized the effects until later. Major blackouts. Periods where I would make dinner and not remember eating it. Going to bed but not remember waking up. I don’t know what I did in the duration where I was on this drug.
I eventually rid myself of this illness but I never truly recovered. I still had frequent blackouts even after I stopped taking the drug and I began to notice not only my memory was affected, my physical health began to decline as well. I guess that is why I am on my deathbed now.
My daughter did come in contact with it once, but I quickly steered her away from it but even once can be the downfall of anyone.
One reason I am writing this letter is someone who had become like a son to me had taken an interest. One of my students wanted to do a research paper on it, I tried steering him away from it as well but once he had his mind set on something, he never let it go. I took this student under my wing in hopes of putting this mind of his to something useful, maybe one day taking over my morgue and in league with my daughter, I knew they could do anything if they had each other. Though every once in awhile I would find him back at his old reports with one of those wretched white flowers in front of him scribbling away and I knew I didn’t try hard enough. I only hope he doesn’t go any further with his research. Clay really did achieve anything he put his mind to.
I gasped at the revelation. Clay. Like Archer Clay. But a wave of doubt ran through me, Archer had never mentioned he knew my father, let alone having had him as a mentor or father figure. It couldn’t possibly be my Clay.
I wrote this letter with a second reason. To warn my daughter of the possibility Clay never stopped his research.
Don’t show her this, or let her know this letter even exists if she never asks. But if she comes to you with worries of blackouts, please show her this. I just want her to be safe.
Thaddeus Bellaus
P.S. I love you my dear Dinah Fae. Always live with love in your heart.
“Thank you for showing me this, Lees.” I told James with a sob, clutching the letter tightly against my chest, holding onto one of the last things my father made.
“Oh my dear. I wish you had never shown up on my doorstep and I wish I never had to give you that letter.” he murmured.
“Me too.” I whispered.
“Now be on your way. I’ve done all that your father wished me too. I hope you find your way in this mess.” he replied. I smiled sadly at him and dipped my head to him before walking out the door with the letter held tightly in my hand. I have some work to do.
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ahoyshippers · 7 years
Growing Family Montage
OK, so back story time. I'm on some good medication that is giving me some interesting dreams. Very vivid and they are playing out like movies. I am also slightly obsessed with Supernatural (like most of you sinners on this site) and I had a dream that played out like a movie montage, with music and scene changes and seeing the characters speaking with out hearing them and all! it was awesome and i felt like sharing, I also apologize if this sucks, this will be my first written post with any substance, but maybe this will give the the confidence i need to start writing fan fiction. The montage will be playing to Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. Lyrics are written out and the actions of the characters are in ( parentheses ). Enjoy. Ps I would listen to the song after reading and imagine everything playing out. ******** Girl reader X Dean X Sam X and Cas ******** INTRO: You have joined the boys a few months back. And as the new additions on Team Free Will, you kick ass. during your ass kicking, you and Sam hit it off (obviously cause Dean and Cas are an item.... Duh). Life with the guys is great, you and Sam always side together and shut Dean down when he argues that the Harry Potter movies are better then the books. You love showing Cas all of the fandom(s) you belong to and forcing him to watch your favorite movies and TV shows since he doesn't sleep, you also give him a wider view of music that he has been limited to. Dean hates that last part. You and Dean bicker over your taste of music, while you do like the classics that Dean cant get enough of, you have a special place in your heart for your "emo music". But by Chuck, one day you will make him show some respect for Panic at the Disco, 30 Seconds to Mars, My Chemical Romance, etc. Sam is head over heels for you. After many months full of love Cas makes both of you aware that you are carrying the next Winchester inside of you. The bunker becomes the home no one thought it could be, the guys are thrilled, Sam for being a father, Uncle Dean cant wait to teach him/her all sorts of skills for being a bad ass, and Cas has sworn to be his/her guardian angel. The following months seem to fly by, the baby has a bunker across the hall from you and Sam. The two of you want to keep the gender a surprise. Y'all paint the nursery walls with wardings, and it actually looks nice, very artsy. Sam and Cas go over board during baby shopping, buying EVERYTHING in bulk. Life is good. For so long smiles come easy and laughter echos down the bunker halls. Home Sweet Home. "Check this out, there have been five deaths in the past two weeks in Seattle. The vics are found drained of all blood and are dumped in ally ways." Sam says during breakfast " If its a nest the vampires are being very sloppy, we may have a rouge one running around" Sam looks at Dean with a questioning look on his face. "Cas and I can check it out Sam, its a days drive, we stake the vamp, will be back in five days tops." Dean says with a knowing smile on his face. Cas just nods his head. "Oh no! Sam you are going" you say waddling in the dining area. You feel like a beached whale and a turtle could beat you in a race at your top speed. You take a seat next to him and catch your breath. "You have been cooped up here with me for so long and you are too stressed. Get out there kill you a vamp or two and get some energy out. If I could right now you can bet your ass I would be packing my bag now." Sam tries to argue but you hold up your hand. " The fat lady has spoken, you are going. Dean make sure he leaves with you." you say to the older Winchester. Dean just laughs and shakes his head. " Y/N what if the baby comes while we are gone? Its too close to the due date for me to be running out and going hunting." Sam says almost pleading. "I don't want anything to happen to the two of you." You grab Sam's hand " Babe, all I can do at this point is sleep, eat, piss, repeat. Literally. I don't even have the energy to make it though a movie or book with out falling asleep. Please, for me, get out there kill some vamps in a very gruesome way so that you can come home with a story so I can live vicariously through you. You need this, and I need this. The baby wont be here for another two weeks. and if anything happens I will call. We also have an angel on our side." you turn and smile at Cas. "I will fly in if anything happens Sam, you have my word" Cas says. you turn back to Sam. "I love you, you are going and you are going to enjoy it damn it!" you finish with a laugh. An hour later the guys are loading up Baby and will be leaving soon. You made sandwiches for the road and promised Dean your famous homemade apple pie if he can get them back safely in four days instead of five. "Challenge accepted!" Dean says giving you a hug, he steps back and rubs your large tummy "Stay in there a bit longer Little Bad Ass, Uncle Dean will be back soon, You be good to your mother." As if responding to his words the baby kicks his hand. Dean smiles from ear to ear. He is going to be a great Uncle. Cas comes and places his hand on you tummy. "The child is eager to arrive. Healthy at the moment. It is happy as always." he smiles, removes his hand from your stomach and places it on your head. You feel a cooling sensation flow through your body. Chills run up your arms. You sigh in relief, he sensed your back aches and tense muscles. Using his grace he eased your aches. "Thank you Cas." you say with a sigh and pull him in for a hug. You love his awkward hugs. Sam pulls you in for a kiss, it is long and soft. "Last chance to change your mind, I could stay" he says in between kisses. "Not a chance Winchester, you are going" you say taking a step back holding his hand. He raises your hand and kisses it. "I love you, we will be back soon" with that he leans down taking your belly in his hands and kisses it all over " Daddy will be home soon" the little one kicks for his father too. Sam rises and kisses you once more. then they are off. Off saving people and killing things, the good old family business. A few hours have passed, the bunker is quiet and you find yourself in the kitchen eating Dean's "secret" ice cream stash. Rubbing your tummy you start to sing your favorite song in a soft almost lullaby voice. knowing the only one who can hear you is you child. When I was a young boy My father took me into the city To see a marching band He said, "Son, when you grow up Would you be the savior of the broken The beaten and the damned?" (Cut to a view of the boys driving in Baby, Dean at the wheel, Sam shotgun, Cas in the back, they are talking casually) He said, "Will you defeat them Your demons, and all the non-believers The plans that they have made?" (Dean says something that makes Sam smile, he is relaxing) "Because one day I'll leave you A phantom to lead you in the summer To join the black parade." (cuts back to you in the bunker, humming the lines again, eating spoon fulls of rocky road) (When I was a young boy) (My father took me into the city) (To see a marching band) (He said, "Son, when you grow up) (Would you be the savior of the broken) (The beaten and the damned?") Suddenly you feel a wet sensation trickle down your legs You look down at the pool building at your feet, you feel faint, you drop the spoon and brace yourself against the counter. You mouth "holy shit!" [ MUSIC KICKS IN] Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me And other times I feel like I should go (You scramble for your phone, it fumbles in your hands as you dial the number) And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets And when you're gone, we want you all to know (You put the phone to your ear, and you walk as fast as you can to your room) We'll carry on ( Cut to Sam: he answers the phone, his smile turns to a look of shock) We'll carry on And though you're dead and gone believe me (Dean glance over at Sam with concern) Your memory will carry on We'll carry on (Sam turns to Dean and mouths "Y/N's water broke") And in my heart I can't contain it (Sam doesnt even have to turn to see that Cas is already gone) A world that sends you reeling from decimated dreams (you are changing into clean clothes when you turn to see Cas in your door way) Your misery and hate will kill us all So paint it black and take it back (He grabs your already packed bags and leads you to the garage) Let's shout it loud and clear Defiant to the end we hear the call (seated in the car you wince at your first contraction, Cas holds your hand as he speeds off to the hospital) To carry on (cuts to you bursting through the hospital doors, your face shows you are in pain) We'll carry on And though you're dead and gone believe me (nurses put you in a wheel chair, take your bag and rush you behind large double doors) Your memory will carry on We'll carry on (Cas is stopped my a nurse from entering behind you, he stands and watches you disappear around a corner) And though you're broken and defeated (Cas pulls out his phone and takes a seat) Your weary widow marches (Sam is on the other line, worry showing on his face) On and on we carry through the fears ( you are in the hospital bed, white knuckling the sheets balled up in your hands) Oh, oh, oh Disappointed faces of your peers ( Sam is running fingers through his hair, feet tapping, he is so nervous) Oh, oh, oh Take a look at me cause I could not care at all (Dean looks over at his brother, he has a smile on his face) Do or die, you'll never make me (Sam and Dean crash through the entry doors to the hospital in a full sprint) Because the world will never take my heart Go and try, you'll never break me (Sam reaches the counter and you see him speaking to the nurse) We want it all, we wanna play this part (he turns and runs down the hall, not even looking back for Dean and Cas) I won't explain or say I'm sorry ( Cas grabs Dean's hand and they take a seat in the waiting room) I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scars (Sam runs into your room, you smile as he grabs your hand and kisses you forehead) Give a cheer for all the broken Listen here, because it's who we are (you are covered in sweat, and cry out in pain, still holding Sams hand) I'm just a man, I'm not a hero Just a boy, who had to sing this song (nurses and the Dr, surround you, you push) I'm just a man, I'm not a hero (Sam kisses your hand, brushes your hair our of your face) I don't care (you are panting, red faced) We'll carry on (Throwing your head back you cry out) We'll carry on (Sam looks at the Dr with a huge smile on his face) And though you're dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on We'll carry on (You too look at the Dr, the bundle in his hands, you start to cry tears of joy) And though you're broken and defeated Your weary widow marches (A nurse hands you a clean baby swaddled in a blanket) Do or die, you'll never make me (Sam enters the waiting room with a smile on his face and red rimed eyes still shimmering with tears) Because the world will never take my heart Go and try, you'll never break me (Dean strides over to him and pulls him into a big hug) We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on!) Do or die, you'll never make me (Your boys enter your room, they are ecstatic when they see you holding the baby wrapped in a light pink blanket) Because the world will never take my heart Go and try, you'll never break me (Sam takes his daughter into his arms and everyone gathers around her) We want it all, we wanna play this part (this small room filled with the love of a family) Carry On
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