janmisali · 1 year
Have you heard of :David-Wynn: Miller's "quantum grammar"? If so, what is your opinion on it as a conlang, divorced from its pseudolegal applications?
this guy's named like a discord emote
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 months
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inversionimpulse · 5 months
there's something funny about how in movies the reason the bad guys beat the legal system is usually loopholes and corrupt lawyers
which certainly is how the cops would tell it
but my (mostly second-hand) experience has been that it's mostly because the cops go "the laws that are meant to protect innocent people from us don't apply this time because we know this person's guilty!" and then they commit a bunch of crimes to get evidence that then can't be used. Because they committed a bunch of crimes to get it. Or they just didn't get any useful evidence at all and think that they can convince a judge/jury that someone's guilty because, uh, they were walking around at night or something - and when the prosecutors inevitably discard the whole thing because there's no case, the cops convince themselves that it's corruption.
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domesticmail · 11 months
i am going to go home. get super high. put a good show on. and immerse myself in the schuylkill notes mystery until i pass out
#YES YES I KNOW ITS ALL CONSPIRACY PSYCHOBABBLE#my interest is 1. what the conspiracy psychobabble says#2. what it means/what message the author is trying to get across#3. why do they write in the specific language they do? i haven't taken the time yet to go through the notes and see if there's a pattern to#the strange grammar/missing letters/etc but i will at some point and WHEN I DO you bet i will be a fucking pattern-seeking missile#i think it HAS to be Qanon related (cleary not qanon inspired because the earliest sighting of the notes is 2015)#there are just SOOOO many dogwhistles. JFK#the 'surveillance state'#satan/god/biblical references to 'the enemy' and 'the end'#the end reference to the movie 'They Live' which is very popular in conspiracy circles#someone on the subreddit said the writing pattern is very similar to Millerese (a pseudolegal language claiming to be the most objective#English language [or maybe it was just language; either way it was based off English and USES ENGLISH so i don't care])#(david wynn miller is the man who created millerese. he was not a lawyer#people just thought he was#he was in fact one of those people who buy into the sovcit ideology#being a sovcit is like being a braver Qanon follower#they are significantly more combative (from what i've read) and tend to get into many more conflicts with the government because they#oppose the federal government as a whole#whereas Qanon followers oppose any non-Trump-centered government#someone who falls into either has been manipulated by misinformation tactics and is grossly misinformed#so anyways i think they're similar and it's an interesting connection#woo#personal
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allthecanadianpolitics · 11 months
Over one hundred conspiracy theorists have been camping out in a farm field 40 minutes east of Ottawa for three weeks plotting to replace Canada’s government.
Not only has the group staged daily protests near Parliament Hill, resulting in several criminal charges and one man getting tasered by police, a dozen members of the group were recently invited into the House of Commons by one of Pierre Poilievre’s Conservative MPs.
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masgwi · 9 months
Vancouver lawyer suspended after accusations of pseudolegal 'paper terrorism' over neighbour's deck
lol wtf though
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captaindibbzy · 2 years
I think one of the weirdest things that happens on the world stage is the theatre of legitimacy . Lady in the news just called it "pseudolegal" which is another good word for it.
Like fake elections and votes is a big one. "This is the will of the people" this ain't shit. Why are you pretending? Why are you lying? Litterally zero people believe this, and on the off chance they do then what are they to you?
It's fascinating and frustrating.
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jebemtikosti · 7 years
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canadianabroadvery · 4 years
Nice look at the Libertarian lunatic fringe in Canada.
A pox on all out lives!
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sataniccapitalist · 4 years
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 months
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rhiannonforall · 3 years
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A Vancouver lawyer accused of filing a groundless pseudolegal lawsuit against her neighbour over a glass deck divider has been banned from practising law in British Columbia while the province's law society investigates a complaint. Naomi Arbabi was temporarily suspended on Dec. 28 after an interim action board of the Law Society of B.C. "determined that extraordinary action was necessary to protect the public," according to an email sent to CBC News on Tuesday.
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labrat1952 · 4 years
ANTI-MASKERS’ DUBIOUS ‘LEGAL’ ARGUMENTS DEBUNKED — FREEMAN DELUSION: The Organised Pseudolegal Commercial Argument in Australia
ANTI-MASKERS’ DUBIOUS ‘LEGAL’ ARGUMENTS DEBUNKED — FREEMAN DELUSION: The Organised Pseudolegal Commercial Argument in Australia
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ANTI-MASKERS’ DUBIOUS ‘LEGAL’ ARGUMENTS DEBUNKED By Nic White for Daily Mail Australia Groups…
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mrsparklesparkle · 6 years
wrt that TIL, & the presence of canadian banks in tax haven nations, global stock manipulation, and the pseudolegal nature of the canadian “state”. i dont think americans understand a tenth of how fucked up the north is as a colonial enterprise, the hudson bay company has been paying in bitcoinesque tokens for time. the only true currency is now and has always been labor power
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A Court Case Involving A Sovereign Citizen
I.         Introduction to Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Argument [“OPCA”] Litigants
[1]               This Court has developed a new awareness and understanding of a category of vexatious litigant. As we shall see, while there is often a lack of homogeneity, and some individuals or groups have no name or special identity, they (by their own admission or by descriptions given by others) often fall into the following descriptions: Detaxers; Freemen or Freemen-on-the-Land; Sovereign Men or Sovereign Citizens; Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International (CERI); Moorish Law; and other labels - there is no closed list. In the absence of a better moniker, I have collectively labelled them as Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Argument litigants [“OPCA litigants”], to functionally define them collectively for what they literally are. These persons employ a collection of techniques and arguments promoted and sold by ‘gurus’ (as hereafter defined) to disrupt court operations and to attempt to frustrate the legal rights of governments, corporations, and individuals.
[2]               Over a decade of reported cases have proven that the individual concepts advanced by OPCA litigants are invalid. What remains is to categorize these schemes and concepts, identify global defects to simplify future response to variations of identified and invalid OPCA themes, and develop court procedures and sanctions for persons who adopt and advance these vexatious litigation strategies.
[3]               One participant in this matter, the Respondent Dennis Larry Meads, appears to be a sophisticated and educated person, but is also an OPCA litigant. One of the purposes of these Reasons is, through this litigant, to uncover, expose, collate, and publish the tactics employed by the OPCA community, as a part of a process to eradicate the growing abuse that these litigants direct towards the justice and legal system we otherwise enjoy in Alberta and across Canada. I will respond on a point-by-point basis to the broad spectrum of OPCA schemes, concepts, and arguments advanced in this action by Mr. Meads.
[4]               OPCA litigants do not express any stereotypic beliefs other than a general rejection of court and state authority; nor do they fall into any common social or professional association. Arguments and claims of this nature emerge in all kinds of legal proceedings and all levels of Courts and tribunals. This group is unified by:
1.            a characteristic set of strategies (somewhat different by group) that they employ,
2.            specific but irrelevant formalities and language which they appear to believe are (or portray as) significant, and
3.            the commercial sources from which their ideas and materials originate.
This category of litigant shares one other critical characteristic: they will only honour state, regulatory, contract, family, fiduciary, equitable, and criminal obligations if they feel like it. And typically, they don’t.
[5]               The Meads case illustrates many characteristic features of OPCA materials, in court conduct, and litigation strategies. These Reasons will, therefore, explain my June 8, 2012 decision and provide analysis and reasoning that is available for reference and application to other similar proceedings.
[6]               Naturally, my conclusions are important for these parties. However, they also are intended to assist others, who have been taken in/duped by gurus, to realize that these practices are entirely ineffective; to empower opposing parties and their counsel to take action; and as a warning to gurus that the Court will not tolerate their misconduct.
[7]               As a preliminary note, I will throughout these Reasons refer to persons by their ‘normal’ names, except to illustrate various OPCA motifs and concepts. OPCA litigants frequently adopt unusual variations on personal names, for example adding irrelevant punctuation, or using unusual capital and lower case character combinations. While OPCA litigants and their gurus put special significance on these alternative nomenclature forms, these are ineffectual in law and are meaningless paper masks. Therefore, in these Reasons, I will omit spurious name forms, titles, punctuation and the like.
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