#psych s7
arc-angel-o · 1 year
Does anyone know any Real Psychic Shawn fics that take place right after Juliet finds out he's not psychic? Like he only becomes a real psychic after that? I just rewatched Right Turn Or Left For Dead, it's such Real Psychic Shawn food.
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samwinchestercaps · 5 months
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sowhumpful · 9 months
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No. 2:  “I’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back.”
Thermometer | Delirium | “They don't care about you.”
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crownofbegonias · 7 months
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if i can’t draw my favorite detectives as ladies…what’s the point of living?
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ardentpoop · 5 days
sorry but “stop watching at s5” is such a stale and boring take on spn to me at this point. frankly (as a supernatural scholar) I don’t think you should trust that take on its face
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shmreduplication · 9 months
One pet peeve of mine with psych is how frequently they show the Pacific on the right, they never fucking do that with the Atlantic with b-roll of Manhattan
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
every time I rewatch Return of the Jedi and see Darth Vader save Luke I remember seeing someone say "that wasn't Vader choosing to save the galaxy, it was Anakin choosing to save his son" and I immediately explode into tears
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jackalopey · 2 years
honestly i think my autism is trying to kill me
yes it made me intensely interested in marvel. but the specific areas i was interested in were agents of shield and the unstoppable wasp, not the movies
yes it made me intensely interested in star wars. but the specific areas i was interested in were kotor and swtor, not the movies
yes it made me intensely in doctor who. but the specific areas i was interested in were the gallifrey audio stories
give me an actual mainstream special interest one day please
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ezvlli · 18 days
I was kinda thinking about the future of Tommy. We can be sure that the character will come back for S8. Tommy was supposed to be there for only 4 episodes and that he already has been there for more.
As for now, Tommy has been seen in 7x03, 7x04, 7x05, 7x6 and 7x9 and he also was in the Finale.
For one, Lou and Oliver did an interview together and we can assume it's not the only one. You don't ask your actor to do a 5 minute interview in which they barely talk about the show (also I think that the host made the interview awkward and both Lou and Oliver were picking a bad vibe.) Also, this interview was done late this season. Tommy came back in 7x03 and kissed Buck in 7x04. Yes, both Lou and Oliver did interviews but none of them were together and it wasn't on set. As for now, the Access Hollywood interview was the second interview that Oliver did on set, the first one being the Zach show. The rest were by zoom or other facecams ways. As for Lou, it's the only interview that was recorded. Everytime he did an interview, it was for an article and we never had the audio.
Also, Lou does cameo, and if you have a problem with the price I don't think it's his fault I think he put them at the lowest he can but the site up the prices because of the demands. Simple economy lesson, the more there will be demands the less the offer will meet the demands and so in order to change that the price changes. More on the cameo part, Lou has changed the way he does cameo. When he used to talk about Tommy, he would talk freely about him, his cameo would be pretty straightforward and he even made a backstory for Tommy, which I love because as someone who likes to do some deep dives on a character's psyche, the backstory explains a ton. But recently, his demeanor changed. He did a cameo in which he was more vague and kept looking to the sides as if there was something or someone reminding him to "behave".
Another thing, Lou was added in a video the cast did for Instagram. A video that had everyone, minus Peter and Angela, might be exempt from social media because Angela is less active than the rest and Peter is non-existent (Thank you Kenny for giving us proof that Peter is still alive with your Tiktok or Instagram posts). Also, Tim had posted a BTS that was just a frame of Tommy and that could mean something.
But I also want to talk about something, the contract. When Tommy came back, Lou said that he was only there for 4 episodes. And that might be right, at the time. Upon seeing the reaction about Tommy and maybe seeing how well the producers seem to like Lou, his contract for S7 has been extended for two more episodes, including the finale. It doesn't make sense for someone like Lou who keeps talking about how good he feels on the 9-1-1 set to not ask to extend his contract.
But then what would happen in S8? I don't think Lou would or should get promoted to the main cast, regular at least. It doesn't come from some kind of hate for Tommy or Lou, I really like them both, but more in a storytelling point.
The show is a workplace drama meaning that the job is not only important but also kind of its own character. 9-1-1 also focuses on three jobs instead of one as other shows, like The Rookie, Station 19, Grey's Anatomy for instance, tend to do. On 9-1-1 we mostly focus on the 118, LAFD but also on the 911 operator and the LAPD. The show is mostly focused on the 118. Having Tommy as main would shake things up, it would add another station to focus on or have drastically more calls that will need air support but we would also need to introduce other characters from Harbor and I think the show would be too stacked. The only way to properly focus on Harbor would be to maybe have a spin-off focus on them with either Tommy as main character or as regular. Having Tommy a main on his show would cut down on his timescreen on 9-1-1 and thus impact the Buck/Tommy relationship; we saw that happen with Carina/Maya on Station 19/Grey's for instance.
Also if you're one of these people that think that the cast hates Lou. Oliver has only said nice things about him in interviews, Tracie has told that Lou was lovely when she went on live on the 9-1-1 Instagram page and Kenneth has been good friends with Lou since he was in S2. And if you think that Oliver hates Lou because he doesn't follow him on Instagram that would mean that Oliver also hates Tracie and Anirudh because he doesn't follow either of them. On Instagram, Oliver follows only the main cast of 9-1-1 and he seems to use his Instagram as more of a professional account. His posts are mostly show related, contrary to his stories in which he shares mostly his dogs.
Now as the main cast the easier way for them to add a character in the main cast would have them to either work at the 118, the LAPD, or the Dispatch center. It would be less likely to have someone work for the LAPD, the focus is more on Athena and she said multiple times that she hates working with someone. The Dispatch center could work better and we could up certain characters, like Linda or Josh, as main. That would work better. They are already existing characters that the public loves. We need more of them. The last case would have someone from the 118. They could either introduce someone new or push Ravi to main. Which would seem less likely. Anirudh seems to be the busiest actor in the show. I think he also got cast in another show and is also doing other shows outside of 9-1-1. He also seems to keep time to travel outside of work. You go King. Ravi as main would be possible, but it would also shake a lot from Anirudh's busy schedule.
Now, another character that fans have been begging for as main character is Karen. That would be trickier. If we follow my logic, you are free to disagree but be nice! Karen is neither from LAPD, Dispatch or the 118. She's Hen's wife and a rocket scientist. But that doesn't mean we wouldn't see more of her. 9-1-1 always showed us the characters' life outside of work. But since Hen is the only one from the main cast who has no one from her family as main, we saw less from her which is criminal. Maddie is with Chimney and both are main. Same for Bobby and Athena. Eddie and Chris are also part of the main cast, and Gavin seemed to have been pushed a little bit more upfront since he was part of the group promo for the season. As for Buck, for a while he had Taylor who had kinda her own thing and Tommy who also has his own thing.
Buck and Hen are in the same case, they both have their love interests that are not part of the main cast. Buck only Abby back in S1 but it mostly feels like Buck was the love interest since he was nowhere as important as he is now, same for Chimney.
But one thing that we saw in S7 is that Karen can be more important. She was there for when Hen came home after being demoted. Also the Mara storyline felt like it was more of a Karen and Hen than a Hen and Karen storyline and I would love to see more of Karen in S8. Honestly, I feel like she was in more episodes this season than she was in any others.
So now that I shared my thoughts you can share yours. Be nice or you will be blocked. There is too much unnecessary hate in the fandom for any characters and actors. I'm not going to tolerate people's shits.
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silverskull · 28 days
Chenford and The Rookie S6
This is a post where I vent my frustrations with The Rookie season 6 and the Chenford breakup. I will take questions, but I do not guarantee an answer. Retain the fact that this is a TV show I am mad at, not someone/thing in your personal life.
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This month/few weeks haven't been great for me to absorb what happened in the last episodes of the season. Some of the reasons are listed below before I start sounding off.
-Unrelated but irritating:
Working 3 jobs, only 1 is paid. 
Crunch time at all 3 jobs
Visiting family expecting all of my time (same crunch weeks as work)
-Related and disappointing:
Cancelled cameo
Cancelled convention appearance
Sloppy SM and PR, frequently missing Melissa
Short S6
Late S7 renewal announcement
Delayed start S6 and extra-long hiatus before S7
Okay, so in 606 Tim lied - so did Lucy and Lopez. Why was there no IA investigation for them or concern about their honour? We were led to believe in 214 (Casualties) that everyone involved in an off-book mission could be compromised. So now why is the fact that Tim is lying more important than either woman compromising their career? Why is there no acknowledgement of THEIR discomfort? Lucy was already on shaky ground after he let her take the blame for SOME RANDOM SCENE COPS??!!? at the clown murder before her detective exam, but now I’m supposed to be worried about Sergeant Spotless-Record Bradford and his honour?! He could have just let that Ray guy go, or even fucking TOLD SOMEONE. He'd still have saved the Venezuelan, but it would have been above board.
And then, apparently the breakup happened over the aforementioned lying and Tim and Mark’s coverup of Ray’s misdeeds. We got no further clarification on this. And I really tried. I read deeply, DEEPLY into Tim’s reasoning (there are tumblr posts and twitter threads). I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I earnestly plead with people on twitter to give it time. But instead of that patience paying off, all we got was Tim trying to act normal, Lucy justifiably pissed, and generalised "things" opened up in (blackmail) therapy?
(Here’s where people have been coming at me too: I don’t really care about the therapy storyline. Honestly, if it’s not done well, I don’t know why we bother. I'm not out to get therapy, I just don't think it's working here. Just mention it and carry on like with Lucy after DOD, or show some scenes from the damn sessions. But turning the therapist into a blackmailer for Monica, who was selling to The Swiss?!?? or an Argentinian??? (I don’t even know and I do not care, and I will not listen if you try to explain, lalalalalala) How did we even end up here???)
And it PISSES ME OFF that we spent years building up the momentum for there to be turbulence in their relationship over Lucy going UC. We were ready. We were waiting. The traps were laid and baited. And they just went PSYCH! IT’S TIM’S ARMY DAYS THAT ARE THE PROBLEM, EVEN THOUGH WE LEAD YOU TO BELIEVE HE WAS WELL ADJUSTED BACK IN 214 WITH MITCH AND 311 WITH KATIE BARNES LOLOLOL
We have spent SO MUCH time on Tim's backstory. In fact, here's a list!
Isabel - wife -> ex-wife, UC drug addict, unfaithful
Tom Bradford - abusive father
Army - Let Mitch get his leg blown up; told Katie to let it go with a ladybird; unblemished record;
Cop Buddies - Wrigley -> lazy; Mack -> Addict;
Love Interests - Isabel, Rachel, Ashley
Family - Genny and Tyler (and some other nephew, and apparently a niece and a drunk uncle)
Here is what we know about Lucy:
Mother, Vanessa and father, Patrick, are psychologists and hard on Lucy
Mother had an affair with a patient (also named Patrick) who is Lucy's father, but - boo - he's dead. So is bff Jackson.
Aunt Amy and unseen Nana are nice.
Lucy's other love interests (206 ex, Emmet, Chris, TIMOTHY BRADFORD) have been assholes.
(sorry to those of you who have heard all this from me before, I am literally typing my sporadic thoughts with you guys into longform)
Look, no doubt characters on this show need therapy, but if we’re just gonna make it a vehicle for some random side-characters to have an entire story arc, then WHY? And like, we were misled with the Bailan getting-pregnant storyline too, only to end back up where we started with fostering - because it’s only worth second place if your ovaries are geriatric. LIKE? SO. MANY. PROBLEMATICS.
It’s as if The Rookie plotters were given the outline to the exam questions… then tried to make the answers fit all the WRONG QUESTIONS (I may be speaking from experience). If the cards are laid out one way, don’t struggle to make a different answer fit. Just use what you’ve got, and use it wisely. Especially when it’s been working so well.
And another thing!!! Canon is not fiction - we all know that. We’ve all seen the ones who get carried away with fanon Chenford and ‘Lucy is vegan’-type imaginings that were never actually true. But saying if we don't like canon then we should just write or read fiction to deal with it is only serving to send people deeper into denial. There is a point where you are not crazy, and the writers did something stupid and you start understanding what ‘jumped the shark’ actually means.
Speaking of outdated TV lingo, I saw a really good tweet from Brian_Cronin :
TV showrunners accepting the "truism" that getting "will they/won't they?" characters together hurts the show, always citing Moonlighting, is because they like "rules" that remove their responsibility, as "Don't write the show poorly once they're together" puts the onus on them.
This goes for Chenford. No, Eric Winter. No, Alexi Hawley. We don’t need to see a breakup because it’s more like ‘reality’. Here’s a shocker: we come to watch a COP show, in this age of police brutality, global dictatorships, internationally ignored genocide, timelines full of dead babies and the constant looming threat of utter climate destruction to ESCAPE from reality. We are not watching a COP SHOW - A SHOW ABOUT ONE OF THE MOST VIOLENT, ABUSIVE POLICE FORCES IN THE WESTERN WORLD - for “reality”. Get your fucking head in the game. We supported you through pandemics and strikes, and you pull this season of SHIT on us.
I love all the characters, but I’m hooked for chenford. And I feel really badly treated.
If I was marking your exam, you’d get a failing grade.
“Started off well - linked UC storyline to previously-hinted relationship trauma. Dropped the plot entirely mid-way and brought in a host of unknowns. Tried to blame breakup on army issues previously marked as ‘resolved’, instead of UC drugs and unfaithful wife/abusive father? Reused names multiple times. Confusing and inconsistent. Fatally underused Chen character - inexplicably failing downwards, while Nolan character inexplicably promoted upwards. Use basic research next time."
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unidentifiedprimate · 6 months
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Psych - S7 E5 - Office Space
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samwinchestercaps · 5 months
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Rick and Morty S7 Ep. 10: Fear No Mort
(A bittersweet end to a great season)
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If you are not ready to conquer your fear of spoilers, go no further…
My Favs
Overall, I’m pleased with how the writers handled the character of Diane and Rick’s interaction with her. They don’t portray either Diane or their marriage as flawless. There is definitely a bite to her personality and we see them have conflict like any married couple but there is still a lot of love and affection there, assuming Morty’s version of the relationship is accurate. It is certainly open to interpretation. In my mind, the only thing that was inaccurate is Diane’s disdain for her grandson. In actuality, I think she would have loved Morty to death and have absolutely spoiled him rotten as a grandmother should.
I also love that the writers confirmed that she was a scientist or was on the path to become one. She was definitely some sort of biologist, maybe a zoologist or a ornithologist. I don’t know about you but my heart went pitter-patter when Rick said her master’s thesis inspired him to create a ray to hear duck’s talk.
Lastly, I’d like to say that while I thought we might have somehow had the real Rick interact with the real Diane through some sort of sci-fi resurrection or afterlife break-in, I’m ultimately glad this is the work around the writers came up with. Anything else would have cheapened Diane’s death and Rick’s grief.
Rod Serling/Twilight Zone homage
Confession time. I’ve never seen the original Twilight Zone or the reboot, but I’m aware of the premise of the show and how it ties with this episode. I know I’m missing out and it’s on my list of shows to watch. Sometimes, I wish I could get a Night Person to watch all the television shows I don’t have time for in my waking hours.
Tide and Time
Really enjoy the newest Ryan Elder song. He is incredibly skilled at finding or creating the perfect soundtrack to convey the emotion we need for a particular episode.
Morty’s fear of relying on Rick
I will expound on this further in “My Thoughts”
Rick choosing Morty
Not only does he do it once, but twice. Once in Morty’s fear simulation and once in the real world.
Not my Fav
Product Placement
I know capitalism has got to capitalism, but could we please leave ads for shitty restaurants out of my story of a grandfather and his grandson navigating the human condition in a infinite, nihilistic universe that is incapable of caring! Thanks.
Besides, the fear hole should have been at a Shoney’s
My Thoughts
Morty’s codependency, fear of change, and learning to not live for the dead but to live for the living.
Seasons 6 and 7 has seen a gradual shift from Rick being a drunk asshole who is incapable of creating any real attachments because there are infinite versions of everyone (except for the one person he most cares about) to someone who is less drunk, ever so slightly less of an asshole, but a little more willing to open his heart to the version of his family he has chosen to live with. Unmortricken closed the chapter on Rick’s life purpose of getting revenge on Rick Prime and now with Fear No Mort we see Rick resist the temptation of clinging to the past and choose the grandson living in the present. The finale doesn’t give us much to chew on in regards to what is in store next for Rick, but in some way, I think the show is taking a bit of a pause on Rick as it shifts to Morty.
As the twist reveals, this episode focused exclusively on Morty’s psyche and his recognition and fear of his codependency with Rick. I recommend if you haven’t, to rewatch the episode a second time with this knowledge in tow. What sticks out to me is the antagonist relationship he has with Diane. They never speak to or acknowledge each other. I don’t think she even makes eye contact with him and in the scene at the school play, Diane belittles him and delivers an ultimatum to Rick. Choose her or choose Morty. Maybe the show wants us to take this literally, and it is really Diane he resents and that Rick will never choose the family in the present. Rick will never choose Morty. In my mind, I have a more metaphorical interpretation. I think Diane is symbolic of a future Rick that is, at last, happy and mentally healthy. Morty fears that if Rick gets better he will need his grandson less and that scares the shit out of him. He can’t imagine a life without Rick by his side, even envisioning a future where Rick follows him into adulthood, de-aging himself so he’s around forever. Both interpretations work and they both reveal the incredibly unhealthy mindset that Morty harbors.
We see a sort of ships passing in the night as Morty accepts that Rick will never see him as irreplaceable and he should just rely on himself at the same time Rick is finally ready to claim this Morty and only this Morty as his grandson and a legitimate part of his family on equal footing as Diane and Beth C-137.
The finale doesn’t give us much insight into what we might focus on in season 8, but I suspect it might be more Morty-focused. We have seen Morty start to develop some independence in the past, but it would be nice to see Morty develop an identity outside of Rick while also learning that Rick truly sees him as part of his family.
Also, the boy desperately needs some friends his age.
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is-on-its-way · 1 month
my problem with iwtb... I think?
Okay Im not sure Im eloquent enough to meta my feelings on this topic, I also havent seen enough past season 8s finale to really have perfect opinions on this, but from the clips I see on here and reddit etc. I have issues I need to work out…  
There is something about the characterisation of Mulder in IWTB that really annoys me. And please correct me if Im wrong on his motivations. Usually my protest is the mistreatment of Scully. But in this case I think theres a certain mistreatment of Mulder’s character that really irks the shit out of me. 
Firstly Mulder comes off as Tom Brady in this movie. So single minded and stuck in his ways he couldn’t possibly figure out how to live his life without the one thing that he thinks makes him successful or that he lives for. Two things... its the wrong obsession (more on that in a moment) and this is the opposite of where his character has been hurtling since he met Scully so as written it makes no sense.
The thing mulder was obsessed with and searching for since he was 13 years old was solved. He got his answer when he found out what happened to his sister. He was freed from his lifelong quest. He even was ready to give the agent thing up in the s7 finale, telling Scully the price had been too high and she needed to stop. Meaning he would also be stopping, bc he never wanted to do it without her. Sure he wanted to keep fighting in 8 to protect his baby, but they got rid of the baby atp, so Im not gonna get into that rn.
Turning him into the FBI agent ghost of Tom Brady was… a choice. Throwing away the love of his life, the one who believed him, the one who listened and supported him and loved him back endlessly for what? To help the organisation that tried to murder him? No. I just dont really believe it at all, because it's just not believable. 
Secondly, would he maybe have a midlife crisis? Sure. Would he be lost or depressed? I could absolutely see it, they lost a child found out the aliens were taking over earth. Would Scully commit him rather than leave him alone in that house? For sure. And it would’ve apparently been the culmination of the plot line Morgan and Wong had worked towards since the beginning... 
Realistically, he might've been lost for a while with the end of the quest for his sister. I get it, you work your entire life for something and its always just within reach and when you finally accomplish it, you think well what now? You’d thought, you’d held onto the fact that when you got to the top of the mountain you would feel happy and accomplished and relieved. But when you turn around at the summit from the horizon of the breadth of your work, youre met with yet another peak ahead. Some other goal, some other thing that occupies your mind because thats what your mind is used to.
You’re just going to have a really hard time convincing me for Mulder it was searching for proof of Aliens in random magazines, (when he knows there are aliens and they have invasion plans) instead of preventing the 2012 thing, publishing actual papers under his Luder pseudonym, and making sure Scully knew how much he loved her as his family had never done for him, making sure he made Samantha proud and lived the life she missed once he let her memory rest. 
Thirdly he is intelligent, a psych major with alien superpowers, who graduated from Oxford. Would he be bumbling around making paranormal magazine collages a la Charlie Kelly when he ALREADY knows the endgame? Would he be dealing with random cases and helping the FBI who betrayed him and put him on death row?
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Or would he be using Marita Covarrubias and his apparent new power to speak to the dead to try and stop the invasion by any means necessary? Would he be combing over Maritas paperwork, medical records, UN contacts, payment histories to find, like all those bees in Tunisia for example? Would he not be having Scully research this magnetite thing and getting papers written about its properties so that when the hybrids make themselves known there would be literature for people to find? or engineering an anti bee-virus virus? (damn those effing bees btw) Would he not be using every power of his beautiful mind to continue fighting in any way he could, fully of the reservation? 
And could Scully then rightly say don’t bring that darkness into our home? Because my answer would be no. Even if she did go back to being a medical doctor (Im going to ignore the surgeon part because its out of character and would take her redoing residency etc. lets labor under the impression she’s a family doctor or ER doctor). They were right about one thing, the darkness follows them, and would still even if they both stopped looking. Thats the show after all.
Would she maybe have wanted a vacation where he could row her to a deserted island in the adirondacks? Sure. Would she be okay with letting an alien invasion happen in 2012 and saying to Mulder stop fighting? No. When one of them quits the other supports and encourages them back to the mission. Thats the show. If anything Scully having the breakdown about that darkness would’ve made more sense.
Anyway my point being, the transition from Mulder fighting for the big picture to him being a sad shell of himself in his hoarder office, telling Scully they weren't meant to be together is... jarring to say the least, and nonsensical. 😔
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spiderlandry · 11 months
it’s a sad song (but we sing it anyway) — ethan landry
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Description: “Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story.” (Richard Siken)
Or, Ethan tells you his true identity.
Pairing: Ethan Landry x GN!Reader
Warnings/Tags: angst, no happy ending sorry guys (but i dont think it’s that bad tbf), canon typical violence, mentions of death, extra warning for those who have watched psych s7 ep7, unedited but i might edit soon
Word Count: 1.4k
Author’s Note: someone should hold me back from using hadestown lyrics as fic titles .
Ethan is going to hell.
He had never believed in the idea of righteousness or salvation, not even in karma or the rule of reciprocity. But you’ve broken down the walls he has worked years to put up, leaving him vulnerable and wondering how you managed to destroy his years of work in mere seconds. Now he doesn’t know what to believe.
There is no version of this story that goes well for him, he realizes. He has turned it over in his head a million times, and it ends with you—or him—leaving.
He hesitantly steps onto the crime scene. Though nervousness is part of his act, he can’t help but think it’s also because he’s afraid to face you. He ducks under the yellow tape and his eyes flit to your figure sitting at the edge of the curb a few feet away from the others, a blanket around your shoulders. You pull it taut, looking at the ground, shivering, no doubt in shock.
He blinks and then he’s pushed up against a van, his angry roommate demanding answers. Ethan gives his alibi mindlessly. He had practiced it, he doesn’t need to think. It’s not like he can think, because once his gaze lands on you, your eyes widened at Chad’s outburst, his mind clouds with you. Only you.
What’s worse is that once Chad is off him and Ethan is squatting in front of you, you look into his eyes without a hint of fear. Not even betrayal. Because you don’t suspect him. That’s what shakes Ethan—he lies to you, and you believe him without so much as a thought. Isn’t this what he wanted?
Then why doesn’t it feel right?
He reaches out to you, hand hovering over your shoulder, silently asking for permission. You nod.
You’re cold to the touch, even through the blanket he can feel the chill radiating off you. He ends up rubbing your back to help you get warm, and there is a split second where you’re searching his face.
You jump into his arms, and he stumbles onto the ground as you cling to him, not even minding the stares you’re getting.
He relishes in your trust, knowing you won’t be safe with him for much longer. Hell, you were never safe with him. The difference will be that you’ll know.
Shortly after getting checked out by the medics and exploring the abandoned theatre with the rest of the group, Ethan is surprised to hear you ask if you can go to his place for a bit.
Obviously, he says yes. He can’t possibly turn you down. But he has a bad feeling, maybe it’s intuition or something else.
The view is familiar. You’re laying on him, a hand over his heart, feeling its steady beat while he squeezes your side for comfort. If the comfort is for him or you, he doesn’t know.
You’re both supposed to leave in a few hours to meet up with Kirby and the others to hopefully track down ghostface through a phone call.
“You can’t leave my side,” You finally say after a long stretch of silence, palm still smoothed over his chest. If you feel the sudden change in his heartbeat, you don’t mention it.
“I won’t leave you. You know that,” And he means it. He hates that he means it. It’s not him. It’s not who he’s supposed to be. “We’ll get him.” He whispers, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, relieved from the comfortable sigh that you let out. It’s a promise he knows he will break. Kirby’s plan is bound to fail—it’s a heavy stone in his heart, and he keeps it there because he knows he deserves the burden of carrying it.
You get up to take a quick shower, he heads to the kitchen for a drink. His throat is dry.
For the first time in his life, Ethan is clueless.
About ten minutes later, he hears the shower shut off, and you exit the bathroom after a moment, wearing his clothes. He almost smiles, but you’ve got something in your hand. He doesn’t process it just yet.
He never saw it going like this. Not in a million years, not even in the scenarios he ran through in his head.
Your face is devoid of any emotion. Numb, as you throw the dagger at Ethan’s feet.
He stares at the weapon on the floor, a speck of blood on the otherwise shiny surface, a spot he missed. He recalls haphazardly throwing the knife under the sink to move for later, but it is that moment he realizes he’d forgotten.
His head snaps toward you, and it’s then he figures out you’re shaking. But you’re still emotionless—maybe that’s what scares him the most—you’re the easiest to read. He can’t possibly read you now.
“Explain this,” Your voice doesn’t falter, and there’s a brief staring contest between the two of you before Ethan picks up the knife.
His body carries him. He no longer controls himself. You step back, much to his dismay.
You watch while he runs it under the water, unable to look in your eyes.
“Ethan,” you call sternly. “Ethan, are you listening to me?” When your voice breaks—
He breaks, too.
There’s a loud clank that sounds when Ethan slams the weapon into the sink. It makes you flinch.
His jaw clenches upon seeing the tears in your eyes. “Falling in love with you was never part of the plan, okay?”
It’s the confirmation you were looking for. The actual name to his secret is not even uttered, the word never said. It hangs in the air.
“This all started because my brother died,” The venom rolls off his tongue. “But—but then I met you. You’re—you were—” As he struggles to find the right words, he expresses his anger through a shout. “You fucking broke me!”
“What are you talking about?” You stand your ground, to his surprise. “Are you telling me this is all a lie?”
“Please don’t make me answer that,” He whispers.
This whole time, he has carried the guilt of being the reason for the torment you’d experienced. He carried it, thinking it would be worth it, long as you never found out. The goodbye never mattered—long as the image you had of him wasn’t tainted.
But now it is.
Marching toward him, what hurts is that there’s no anger on your face. “Yeah,” you nod, voice finally tapering. “You broke me, too.”
He doesn’t register the slam of the door until seconds later.
This was originally going to be longer, but since I don’t think I’ll write the rest this is how it goes:
Ethan doesn’t tell his dad about you knowing he’s ghostface, he just shows up to the park like everything is normal, half expecting that there’s police waiting for him there but since he’s practically given up he goes anyway
He’s surprised to find that things are normal, you’re just avoiding him. You haven’t turned him in.
You take Mindy’s place on the train, you get stabbed by Quinn and get rushed to the hospital.
Ethan is forced to make the decision of staying at the hospital or going through with the plan. He picks the latter.
It could have gone one of two ways (I didn’t decide):
The plan is successful, the family manages to kill the sisters and the twins and Kirby.
Ethan knows what this means. The mission ends with you. Ethan and Bailey have this standoff where they exchange silent looks, Bailey is practically saying, If you don’t do it, then I will. ‘It’ referring to killing you.
Ethan chooses to kill you at the hospital, not wanting for his father to do it. It reminds him of his first kill—his mother. He lives with it for the rest of his life.
Or, alternatively:
It goes according to canon, Ethan dies. You’re still at the hospital, unconscious, unaware that Ethan died. When you wake up, your friends are at your side, and you’re conflicted on if you’re relieved—then flashbacks ensue of how real your relationship with Ethan felt. You’re alive but you’ll never be the same again.
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hearthouses · 9 months
hello!! happy wincest wednesday! I'm not great at coming up with questions but-- are there any aspects of wincest or any tropes or angles you've been thinking about recently that are making you go particularly nuts???
This is a good and fun question!
So... I'm kind of an intense nerd who has people pleasing syndrome as well as fun traits like issues with choice paralysis, so picking one of my many many many ideas is very difficult, so in order to keep track of things I am interested for me, I have a document that is called "iddy ideas" which are essentially concepts that speak directly to my id. I'm gonna use the headers as way to answer this because otherwise I will forget something and it'll bug me, so things that live in my psyche re: Winchesters are:
→ DEAN & GENDER: I have a few asks in drafts that need answering about this topic, so I will keep this sort of brief—I am really into how Dean and his relationship to gender, and how the roles he plays in life force him into one box or another. I tend to headcanon him on the nonbinary/genderfluid spectrum, even if he’d never personally identify as either. I love exploring how he often uses toxic masculinity as a shield and how he uses it to cover up the more vulnerable aspects of his desires and identity. As for the Sam/Dean angle, I really love Sam figuring it out and using lingerie kink and feminization kink as a way for Dean to explore in a way that doesn’t completely freak him out. There’s a long fic in my head that I’ve been too nervous to write about this.
→ OMEGAVERSE & PREGNANCY: I have come up with so many ways to get Dean pregnant because I think about this topic so often. I won’t bore you with the list. I am unfortunately a sucker for pregnancy and kid fics as a trope. I don’t often read them because I prefer realism in the sense that the kid has to feel like an actual kid to me and not a symbol of happiness and completeness. For Sam/Dean, I enjoy the fucked up aspects of having a kid with your brother and how they would be so into that because it’s combining themselves into another living being, that they made together, ultimate symbol of their intense incestuous love. I also think Dean very much wants kids, but didn’t think he could have them with Sam, while I think Sam would really only want to have kids with Dean. I have many AUs where it is also the worst possible time for this to happen because I live for the melodrama. I also like post-pregnancy and seeing the kids grow up to be fucked up in their own special and unique ways.
→ DOMESTICITY & DISABILITY: I am simple and sometimes I want to force Sam and Dean to retire and live in a little cabin or cottage in the woods somewhere so they can grow old. Often, I think for the only way that makes sense for them to do so is if one or both were physically incapable of hunting anymore. I love them being forced to slow down and take care of one another. Given their lives, permenent injury is pretty likely and I love exploring the ways in which they'd have to grow and adjust to their new realities. Also, I kind of just want certain ideas presented in canon explored? Like Sam's issues with his sense of reality and hallucinations, or both of them having chronic pain. Plus, there should be more finale AUs where Dean lives, but he has mobility issues now.
→ WINCHESTERS & RAPE RECOVERY: Both Sam and Dean are rape survivors who repeatedly are sexually assaulted throughout the narrative, but they both react so differently to similar traumas and I would like to have this explored since the show wouldn't. Hell trauma also goes under this umbrella. I am fascinated by the ways in which Sam and Dean are mirrors and foils, and would like to explore the interiority of that. I’m also very into concepts and ideas that explore how their respective trauma informs some of their kinks i.e. I think post-s7 Sam especially wants more pain kink and D/s where he submits to get out of his own head and Dean struggling with the dom role due to his trauma from hell where he was put into the position of torturer and rapist, and them having to figure out to make that work without sending Dean into a tailspin.
→ CONSENT ISSUES: I love fuck or die, sex pollen, curses, and all related tropes. I also like "dark" versions of Sam or Dean (Demon!Dean, Soulless!Sam, Shapeshifters, Leviathans, etc.) menacing and putting the other in situations. I will never tire of this.
→ BOY KING SAM & MAGIC: Sam should be able to always have his powers as a treat. He should be able to be a little evil as a treat. Sam should get to go full on witchy as a treat. I love the demon blood arc, I love psychic wonder Sam, I love Sam who puts hex bags in witches mouthes and tells them he learned from the best. I am from the ancient times and watched the season three finale live, so my formative years were shaped by so many Sam becomes The Boy King and rescues Dean from hell fix it fics and AUs, and so it's always a favorite. I am currently writing one that is very slow going, but as a general vibe check I am calling it Sam's Moving Castle and "suiteverse but nice".
→ WEREWOLVES & MONSTER WINCHESTERS: I love werewolves and I want Sam and Dean to be werewolves and be a pack of two. But I'm not picky and would like them to be any sort of monster. I think the show was too scared of upsetting the status quo and permanently transforming them into monsters, which is a shame, but now it is now my hyperfixation when it comes to fic for them.
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