tryskomys · 7 months
Wet Sand
Stone Gossard x OC
Chapter 3 - For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her
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Summary: there’s a first time for everything.
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notes: chapter three is go! hope you enjoy the voyage through the start of the weird relationship between these punky dummies - you met a day ago, it’s not that deep. right? right?!
tw: weed, virginity talk, allusions to the word that rhymes with eggs. dreamy pining psychedellia.
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“Morning! What can I help you with?”
“I’ll have a latte, please. Do you have something else than milk, though?”
“Jeff? Do we have any oat milk left?”
“Yep, I just opened a fresh carton.”
“There you have it!”
“Great, I’ll take that, thanks.”
“That’ll be a dollar in total, please. One oat milk latte, Jeff!”
“Coming up, Keeks.”
Just as Keeva took a dollar bill from the cute ginger girl in front of her, the front door swung open, sending in a swift of cold air.
It was Stone, excitedly waving a paper bag in the air. Her jaw dropped and she shook her head with a huff. Stone seemed out of breath as he ran up to the counter, fog still puffing out of his mouth.
“Here it is, milady, it’s still warm. My apple turnovers will burn if I don’t come back in ten minutes, so make it quick, please,” he spewed, leaning against the counter as he tried to catch his breath.
“You’re so weird,” was all Keeva stuttered out through giggles. That made a huge smile appear on his face, his eyes twinkling. She took the paper bag from him and peeked inside, sighing with contentment when the scent of freshly baked pastry filled her nose.
“Jeff! One cappuccino with an extra shot of spit, please,” Keeva called over her shoulder and Stone’s Cheshire cat grin grew even wider, chuckling. She scratched her forehead to hide her raging blush with her hair.
Jeff shook his head as if he was already over what he called ‘the Tom and Jerry on crack routine’ earlier. He gave her the ginger’s order and as Keeva handed her the oat milk latte, she noticed that the girl checked Stone up and down. And he gave her a little side-eye, smirking.
“Oh! Oh hey, Stoney! Haven’t seen you in ages, almost didn’t recognize you! Great hair,” the girl blurted out and went in for a hug. Stone seemed to know who she is, but Keeva could notice that he tensed up, clearly not too keen on hugging everyone he bumps into.
She felt some sort of twisted satisfaction when he awkwardly gave her a half-assed hug, but as soon as the girl let him go, it was as if a switch flipped in his brain. He eased again and folded his arms, as cool as ever.
“Mel, Mel, Mel…fancy seeing you here. Thanks, there was a sale on red box dye in CVS. Not like you need that,” he chirped and reached out to flick a strand of her hair, a sly smirk plastered on his lips. "You might find a few of us strolling around town."
Mel’s airy giggle rang through the room and Keeva darted between the two of them. The dynamic seemed to be slightly similar to the one she’d seen with the blondie last night. And once again, she couldn’t help but feel awful.
‘Kay, mate, I get it, you enjoy flirting with everybody else, but do you have to fling it in my face?
“There’s a rumour going around that you’ve dropped out and ran off with a travelling circus show. Disappeared for, like, what…” he continued, scratching his chin.
“I don’t know, five months? I just had tons of work for school so I wasn’t out much,” she shrugged. “I’m back now, though, Christmas break. So we can get the party started right where we left off,” Mel quipped and took a sip of her coffee, leaving a lipstick stain on the lid.
She looked at him through her lashes to emulate a ginger Bambi and he smirked, but his words were seeping with sarcasm.
“Can’t wait.”
Oblivious to his jab, she took another sip and asked Keeva for a napkin. Without leaving Mel out of her sight, she blindly reached under the counter, whipping out a tissue box.
Stone carefully observed the shorter woman in front of him, biting his cheek when Keeva put on a fake smile and theatrically presented the box to Mel.
“Hate to barge in on your planning session but I might need to serve another coffee, so I gotta ask you to move slightly to your left or right, depending on your preference,” she explained, moving her sardonic gaze to Stone.
He was already darting across her face with a cocky grin and he didn’t seem too phased. On the contrary, his scoff indicated that he was amused by her acidity.
“You still have my number, right? So that’s sorted,” Mel said after patting her lips dry as they shifted to the side.
Nobody was behind them, but Stone knew better than to comment on it. He knew Keeva’s frigid response would provoke another war for the last word.
“I keep it in a heart-shaped locket next to my bed, no worries,” he retorted and Mel blushed a little, putting a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
“Always the tease. Let me know then and we’ll figure something out,” she purred and took a look at her wristwatch. “Oh, gotta run. My class starts in half an hour. See ya, Stoney!” she went in for another hug and he lousily put his arm around her shoulders, his smile once again twitching with an uncomfortable cramp.
“Yeah, see ya,” he mumbled, giving her a jittery wave.
“Cheers, have a great day,” Keeva called after Mel as she walked away, narrowing her eyes at Stone when he turned back to her.
She took a big bite of her croissant, humming when Stone raised his eyebrows in question.
“Hm, it’s digestible.”
“Excuse me? We at Grand Central Bakery pride ourselves in the best pastries in town,” he shot back, shaking his head as he leaned on the counter. “I chose the crispiest one I had, don’t be a brat.”
Keeva dusted off a fleck of puff pastry that settled in the corner of her lips, ignoring the rush of blood that crept up her neck. She scoffed.
“You don’t strike me as a locket kinda guy.”
“I had to think of something,” he shrugged, fiddling with little clumps of wool on his left glove. She raised her eyebrows with a dramatic gasp and clutched her invisible pearls.
“So you’re saying you don’t have it?”
“The only things I keep next to my bed are a grass pipe and a mug that’s been collecting coffee debris for two months.”
That’s, uh…not surprising. Somehow. What the -
“I’ve seen her once at the Ramp and didn’t have the heart to turn her number down. She had cute handwriting,” Stone shrugged again, biting his lips to contain a grin when she let out a loud annoyed sigh.
“How chivalrous of you. Your turnovers are burning as we speak, so you should make like a Mel and disappear,” Keeva said as she took the coffee Jeff handed her. “One spit cappuccino to-go, that will be fifty cents.”
“It says a buck on the board,” he squinted at the menu and grabbed his cup. His freezing fingers brushed against Keeva’s knuckles and she stifled a cough before taking another big bite of her croissant.
“You paid the other half in material goods,” she mumbled with her mouth full and stuck out her palm. Stone chuckled and fished a half-dollar coin out of his back pocket, theatrically slapping it on top of her palm.
“Should I make like a Mel and give you my number? As a little tip?” he grinned, taking a sip of his coffee as she raised her eyebrows.
“Tempting…but, no,” she gave him a mocking smile and tossed the coin into the cashier drawer. “I don’t have a locket to store such a valuable thing.”
Stone scoffed and mirrored her sarcastic smile, reaching over the counter to flick her nose. She slapped his hand away and tapped on her watch to remind him to leave.
“Touché. I’ll be waiting ‘til you get one,” he gave her a silly wink and whistled to get Jeff’s attention. “See ya at lunch, Ames.”
Jeff just quickly looked over his shoulder and continued to wash his hands in the sink.
“See ya, now go before they sack you,” he mumbled with a grin. Keeva gasped.
“Jesus, don’t give him ideas or we'll never get rid of him.”
Stone was already half out of the door when he gave her a middle finger, leaving his arm between the doorframe. He held it there until the door squished him and then snaked out, once again disappearing into the icy fog outside.
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Precise like a Swiss clock, he came back to the café exactly at half past noon, just as Jeff reached the door to lock it for the lunch pause. He let Stone in, eyeing the bag in his hand with a gulp.
“I have arrived, children. Turkey salad sandwiches from Cyclops, fries to share,” Stone sharply exhaled when he walked in, slightly out of breath, and shook the plastic bag in the air. His hair was tied up in a neat ponytail, pointy ears red and tender from the frosty wind.
Keeva’s stomach growled on cue at the whiff of fries and Jeff whistled, reaching into the bag like a starved raccoon.
“Woah, fancy. Got your allowance, buddy?” he mused, chuckling when Stone softly slapped his cheek.
“Fuck off. Took three extra shifts last week to pay you back for the weed, asshole. You’re a spendy date,” he hissed and walked away from Jeff before he could finish taking his food.
He came up to Keeva and reached out to ruffle her hair, throwing his arm around her shoulders. As he led her to the back door, he called after Jeff. “Baby didn’t even want me to buy her a beer yesterday, you should take notes.”
Keeva chuckled and grabbed her leather jacket as they walked past the coathanger. A picture of his awkward wince at Mel's hug flashed through her head when he tugged on her hair as if it was the most natural move in the world, his cold fingers grazing her neck.
“Like a wolf,” she quipped back, chuckling when Jeff mocked Stone’s hair tug and yanked the bag out of his hands. He reached inside and chomped down a bundle of fries.
When they walked out, the cold air felt refreshing, in stark contrast to the overheated café. There was a small roof over the short staircase as well as a part of the patio.
It was quite clean and without any snow, so they all sat down in a circle and took their food, plopping the fry basket in the centre.
When Keeva took the first bite, it was a heavenly sensation. After days on crusty bread, the juicy salad and grilled turkey hit just the right spot. She closed her eyes and hummed, dipping a few fries into the signature Cyclops spicy mayo dip.
“My, my, Ames, I think she likes it,” Stone mused and she rolled her eyes, scoffing.
“I shall die and go to heaven, now. Bye,” she mumbled with her mouth full, resting her head against the brick wall.
Jeff laughed and reached into the inner pocket of his windbreaker. He grabbed a cigarette pack with three blunts and a lighter inside and offered it to Stone, who took one out and lit it. After he took a long drag, he handed it to Keeva, who just took a bite of her sandwich.
“I told you, it’s like sticking your head into a fratboy’s gym locker,” she shook her head and pushed his hand away.
Stone exchanged an amused look with Jeff as he passed him the joint and chomped down a bunch of fries.
“Oh, and I can’t jam today, gotta go get the knee checked for the last time,” Jeff shrugged and Stone shook his head. He wiped his hands on his jeans and loosened his scarf to scratch the back of his neck, just where the tips of his ponytail tickled him.
Jeff did a quick double-check between Stone and his food as he passed the joint back and prepared to take the first bite.
“Stoney. My dude. Is that a fucking hickey?” he gasped, breathing in a bit of toast.
Stone's eyes popped open as if someone dumped a bucket of cold water down his jacket and started feeling around his neck in panic.
“Huh? Where?”
“Holy shit, how old did you say you were?” Keeva scoffed, slapping her forehead when she leaned over to take a peek at the small purple bruise under his ear. “Fifteen?”
They spoke at the same time and Jeff started laughing at Stone’s sudden defensive body language, choking on his sandwich.
“I’ve seen worse, Keeks. One time, he ca-“
“Okay, okay, okay. Chill out or I’ll tell her why the hat stays on when you fuck,” Stone reached over to Jeff and slapped the back of his head, forcing the blunt into his mouth.
Jeff was still trying to cough out the piece of bread stuck in his throat, so he started wheezing even harder.
When Stone guaranteed that Jeff was properly shut down, he finally let him go and slapped his back a few times while taking a puff. His brawny friend finally calmed down after a minute of furious coughing, but he still didn’t lose the wide grin on his face.
“Jesus fuck, I need water. Be good,” Jeff stuttered and hopped up, disappearing behind the staff door.
A moment of slightly awkward silence passed as they exchanged a look, both eagerly trying not to burst out laughing. Stone tried to offer her the blunt once again, but Keeva took a bite of her sandwich instead.
With a little bit of luck, I’ll choke too and won’t have to look at you anymore. That would be cool.
“Pussy,” Stone huffed and broke into a wide grin when she gave him the finger. He sighed and leaned his back against the cold brick wall, crossing his legs as he chomped on a fry.
“So, you came here all alone?” he questioned, his face clouded by remnants of smoke.
“Yup. Free as a bird, I guess. Weehoo,” Keeva chuckled, wiping toast crumbs from her cheeks with the back of her hand.
Not getting into that right now. Not when I have this glorious toastie in my hand.
Stone whistled.
“Left a strapping young lad named Arthur behind, I presume?”
“Do I really seem like a desirable object of attention?” she huffed, softly tugging on her freckled cheeks and pointing at her mismatched irises. He gave her a side-eye and took another fry.
“I mean…”
Stop taunting, asshole.
“Shut it. No, there was no Arthur to leave behind.”
“No, there were no Tommies or Charlies or Henries, so save that.”
Stone shut his mouth and his eyes slowly widened as he sat up straight, taking the half-eaten fry out of his mouth. He stared at her for a few seconds before raising his eyebrows as far as they could go, his hand still hanging in the air.
“Uh, wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. You mean…I’m sitting in front of a real, unadulterated Virgin Mary?”
“I’m not -“ Keeva interrupted him way too abruptly and shrugged so hard that a piece of turkey flew out of her sandwich. When his overwhelming stare grew even wider, she lowered her voice. “I’m not a virgin, okay?”
“Sure. And I am,” he snorted out a laugh and slapped his knee as if it was the most amusing information he’d ever learned. “Bet you never even kissed a guy, Mary.”
She kicked his shin as hard as she could, adding a weak punch to his bony shoulder. Stone just giggled again and his freckled nose scrunched.
Irresistibly irritating.
“Leave me alone! I have! I have kissed a guy, okay? Once or twice…or once,” she mumbled, getting more quiet as her excuses ran out. His jaw dropped.
“Holy. Shit.”
“Fuck off! It’s not fair to compare me to you, you’re a little whore!” she shrieked, her voice jumping a few octaves higher than usual. That made him laugh even harder.
“I’d take a whore over a Mother Theresa,” he shrugged and finally ate the cold fry he’d been squishing between his fingers. Keeva shook her mop of curls, trying to curtain her patchy cheeks.
“You know, Stoney, you talk a lot for someone who’s at an arm’s length from my virgin fists. So watch your mouth.”
He raised his hands in defence and bit his lips to contain the laughter. She threw him a scolding stare and took an angry bite of a big bunch of fries.
Stone inhaled to speak and she already raised her finger to shut him up, but he just wouldn’t let it go.
“You know, there’s two things I can’t stand in my proximity. Girls with freckles and virgins. And you’re sitting right in front of me.”
“Yeah? Tough shit, can’t do much about that,” she shot back, her mouth full of potatoes. He raised his eyebrows again, breaking into a poorly contained grin.
“Uh…I have a few ideas.“
Okay, now you’re crossing a line.
“You disgust me,” she coughed out after a few moments of chewing.
Stone just slowly took a big hit and lazily leaned closer to her. He puffed the thick cloud right into her face and a tingle ran through her vertebrae as if he shocked her with a taser.
Fuck. That’s impossible. He knows. He must know.
“Do I? Why are you blushing?” he added, voice hoarse from the smoke.
Keeva took a moment to compose herself, suppressing a sneeze that tickled her nostrils. She gulped down the fries, mindlessly staring at his smirking lips as she recalled her dream.
“Fucking hell. Your hubris is baffling, mate,” she muttered and cleared her throat to get rid of the strain in her vocal cords.
“My hubris is baffling? Golly gee shucks. I shall dub thee ‘granny’ instead of ‘baby’ if you keep talking like it’s the eighteen hundreds,” he calmly retorted, tipping his head to the side. “I’m just saying, if you ever need a friend to help out…”
Keeva scoffed.
“You know, this whole ‘sarcastic lanky stoner punk‘ shtick you got going on might work on girls around here, but I can see right through you,” she sneered, trying to show confidence in her words. “You’re like an annoying old book I’ve read ten times over. I’m in your fucking head, beanpole.”
“Yeah, you are,” he quietly quipped, tipping his head to the other side. Keeva raised her eyebrows.
“Stop staring at me like that.”
“Why?” Stone tipped his head again and put on an innocent pout, his eyes gleaming as if he flipped a light switch.
How the fuck does he do that?
“Because I don’t like it,” she weakly shot back.
“Somehow, I don’t believe you.”
Neither of them moved an inch, though. And after a few moments of tense silence, she finally thought of an answer worthy of the personified mischief in front of her.
Payback, beanpole. Payback.
“Stoney, Stoney. My great-great-grandma used to have this saying. You know, in the eighteen hundreds,” she nonchalantly waved her hand and tipped her head as well, carefully taking the joint from his fingers.
“It went ‘Never trust a guy with a hickey,’” she mumbled and raised it to her lips. “‘…especially when he says he wants to fuck you real bad.’”
She finished by taking a deep hit and without a single blink, she blew the smoke in his face.
“And I’ve lived by that ever since.”
Before he could respond, she stuck the blunt between his lips, backed away and took another unassuming bite of her sandwich.
Stone’s eyes fluttered closed for a split second before he raised his eyebrows and cleared his throat.
Just as he took the joint out to shoot back at her, the metal door swung open and Jeff hopped off the small set of stairs, landing right between them.
“Ah, I could’ve died back there and you didn’t even come to check on me! Bet you were talking shit,” he chuckled and scooted over to his food, chomping on a few fries. “What did I miss?”
Stone stared at Keeva and she just shrugged, challenging him to answer. He blinked and then finally eased back into his immovable cool facade, scoffing.
He took a quick look at his watch and got up, unceremoniously putting the joint out on the door before slipping inside.
“Keeva is a virgin.”
She was carefully scanning the empty street for any signs of human appearance, but it seemed like this ghost town was empty.
What a haunting feeling.
She was evidently waiting for something - someone, anxiously tapping her foot in a steady rhythm.
It was the dead of night, soft snowflakes soundlessly floated around her and muffled all sounds of the darkness like weightless cotton balls. As if she was stuck in a crystal snow globe filled with ink.
Warm lamps stood along the pavement of what was eerily similar to Pioneer Square. They emanated a beautiful amber glow, making the white flecks seem almost like fire sparks.
The entry signs of all surrounding shops were written in unreadable letters that moved and changed time and time again, appearing and going as they pleased.
A clump of snow glided its way to the tip of her nose. She crossed her eyes to look at it and tried to blow it away, but she accidentally breathed it in instead.
She let out a suppressed sneeze and rubbed the melting flake away, her fingertips freezing.
Looking up from the sparkling gravel under her feet, she scanned the starry sky with childlike wonder. She couldn’t exactly tell the stars from the snowflakes. Both twinkled similarly, illuminated by the full moon that hung right above her.
The light mirrored in his peculiar eyes, making them seem like glowing gems from afar when he emerged from the surrounding fog on the opposite end of the street. He made his presence known with a soft whistle.
She already knew he was there, though. The air shifted around her just as he appeared out of nowhere.
She turned her head to look at him, breaking into a wide grin when he took his hand out of his pocket and gave her an endearing wave.
He skipped along the road in long hops, nearing her a lot quicker than the distance seemed to be. As if he was skipping through time as well.
He wasn’t leaving any footsteps behind, he didn’t have a shade. But then again, neither did she.
Sprinkles of snowflakes fell on his messy red hair, tied into a tangled bun on top of his head with an outrageously pink scrunchie. Here, though, the fabric seemed to be muted and warm, surprisingly soft. Just like him.
“Oh, look who’s here! You were waiting for me in this weather? I’m blushing,” he mused, putting his arm around her as soon as he reached her.
He gave her what would normally be a bone-crushing squeeze, but in this place, it felt like catching fog with bare hands.
“You told me not to forget. You’re more intimidating than you think,” she mumbled and folded her arms to warm her hands in the armpits of her leather jacket. He grinned.
“Well, I think pretty highly of myself, so…”
“Yeah, I figured,” she squinted at him, curiously studying the red frostbitten patches on his cheeks with a sly smile.
“Wanna take this? It’s fucking freezing out here,” he mumbled when her teeth started chattering and began to take his suede jacket off. But she shook her head, holding his arms in place.
She ran her hands through thin air.
“Nope, I’m fine, ta. Did you make this weather up, Stoney? Like a weird yawn-to-put-your-arm-around-a-girl type deal?” she nonchalantly chuckled and blood quickly rushed to her cheeks when he unexpectedly took her fingers in his palms, rubbing them together to melt the freezing sensation.
It was eerie, to suddenly feel his skin on hers. Icy and silky, like a soft breeze tickling her pale knuckles. The intensity of her blush was painful, stinging and scratching her cold flesh from the inside.
He lifted her hands to his lips, softly blowing on them. His breath was balmy and caressing, like running one’s hands through a bowl of honey.
“Maybe I did. Twenty-one years alive and I’ve never seen as much snow as this year. It’s like you brought it with you, like a little punky Jack Frost,” he mumbled into their intertwined fingers. “I’m not complaining, though. Feels like we’re in a song or something.”
“Why do I have the feeling that you’ve already used that trick a couple of times?” she playfully lifted her index finger to nudge his aquiline nose, but once again, she only poked air.
Like she was able to touch him only when he permitted it. Manipulating the matter of her body, the sole sovereign of this bizarre world, above the limits of time and space. The look he gave her wasn’t as mischievous as she’d expected.
“Would it hurt you to stop being bitchy for just a couple of seconds?” he raised his eyebrows but continued to softly caress the back of her hands.
Silence hung in the air as she averted her eyes, embarrassed by his sudden crassness.
“I never dream,” he added and waited for her to look at him. His eyes were brutally honest. Older, wiser, burdened with something she wasn’t able to decipher. “But when I see you out there, I can’t tell if I’m awake.”
She opened her mouth to say something, but she wasn’t able to find words that would describe the feelings running through her head like a freight train.
Instead, she opted for carefully loosening her hands out of his grip and then took his fingers in hers, now returning the favour by blowing on his red knuckles.
His expression softened a bit as he watched little puffs of fog leave her lips, eyes dissociating when she gathered the courage to plant a feather-light kiss on his fingertips. Then, she gently pushed the hand back to his face, pressing the fingers against his lips.
They were still warm.
His eyes fluttered closed because somehow, he could still feel the soft skin of her lips on them.
Without thinking, he mirrored her action and returned the roundabout kiss by reaching back down to her, lingering on her lips for a fleeting moment before finally slipping his hands back into his pockets.
After what felt like hours in a maze of his strange gaze, she gathered enough strength to steady her breath and finally spoke.
“Let’s not wake up, then.”
And as if on cue, the shriek of an alarm clock disturbed the ghostly silence. It seemed to be slightly muffled by the glowing fog around them, but it still pierced her heart like a scalloped knife.
His murky voice washed over her like a warm ocean wave, spilling into her veins. Slowly, calmly, somberly.
And as always, crowned by a daring smirk.
“Tomorrow, same time, same place. Don’t you forget…”
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oldshowbiz · 6 years
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LSD-payola at Santa Barbara radio station
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an-album-a-day · 3 years
April 10th - Pretty. Odd. by Panic! At The Disco
Genres: Psychedelic Pop, Psychedelic Rock, Baroque Pop, Pop Rock, Folk Rock.
This is the second album by Panic! At The Disco, and it's a really distinct genre change from their previous album (That is a common theme with P!ATD's music). I still love it.
Favourites: Nine In The Afternoon, Do You Know What I'm Seeing?, That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed), Northern Downpourm, and Behind the Sea.
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pornfornarcissus · 8 years
Dailys Project: Day 52
Experimental Literature THE WEARY MAN #writing #books #creative #art #psychedelic #magicbook
For friends following the Dailys Project, you may have noticed a slight gap. Im still making, but recently had some trouble getting things posted. I’ve also had some other projects taking time and attention. As such, Im going to do some cross pollination today, and offer as the Daily the first 15 pages of a work of experimental literature I’ve been writing. Currently, it sits about 50 pages and…
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thenumber60 · 5 years
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Patt Abutog’s works have always been about heavy illustrations with bright colors. A feeling of psychedellia and a sense of motion when you see her art. The motion of strokes and the feeling her art gives sends a vibe you can relate to. Here she creates her own work of a Jaguar where they show a strong camaraderie and a sense of brotherhood. We’ve always been a fan of her work and since it’s art month, send some love to her @pattpiha and see more of her illustrations. . . . . . . . #theno60 #design #art #graphicdesign #streetwear #artist #collab #tees #everydaycarry #artistseries #essentials #tshirt #tees #hype #artmonth #artfair #style #craftsman #craft #craftsmanship #vsco #streetwearph #artist #type #typography #designer https://www.instagram.com/p/B80sA1FHf6e/?igshid=195ocbuvy6q24
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wat-the-cur · 7 years
South Park Headcanons: Mike “Vampir” Makowski
Appearance Headcanons: 
- Mike is a pudgy boy. He is naturally soft and no amount of weight loss would diminish the rounded look of him, while he does his best to eat organically, he is partial to sugary and fried food. This bloats him quite a bit as a youngster, he puts on weight quite easily. 
- His chin is weak, causing a bit of an overbite. His lips are also quite puffed. These thing should make it near impossible for his plastic fangs to sit comfortably in his mouth. Their always laying unevenly on his upper set and pressing on his lower lip. When his fangs are in, his entire face revolves around them. He is always sucking them into place, smacking his lips, creasing up his face as if he is cringing. His lower lip is often scabby from wearing them, and a red, raw ring spreads nearly to his chin on some days. His mouth is frequently shimmering with some soothing balm or antiseptic. 
- His eyes are basset-like. His upper lids appear heavy and his brow is prominent. When his teeth allow him rest from their discomfort, he appears very sedate. His nose is oddly long and pointed. 
- He is tall for his age, though, not as tall as Michael. 
- He is naturally a strawberry blonde, but his brows have always been dark brown. He was mocked for it, before he started dying his hair. 
General Headcanons:
- Mike is very compassionate towards animals. After he finds out that Clamato juice is not animal friendly, he starts drinking red fruit drinks, or cold tomato soup instead. I can see him making the decision to be a vegan early I need life. 
- Nearly all of Mike’s ‘vamp’ clothes, are DIY. He has always been heavily involved in creating art and craft projects, so a lot of his clothes are made or altered to suit him. The reason he takes his new minions to Hot Topic, is because a lot o for them have not technical skills to make their own vampire accessories. He does not mind.
- Mike is not very good at doing his makeup, his eyeshadow is very shapeless. 
- I can completely see Mike incorporating hippyish influences into his style, as he ages. He starts to get a taste for childlike ‘night sky’ patterns on loose, black clothes and headbands and great weights of skeleton beads. I like to think that Mike was raised by hippy parents, as opposed to clean cut types, as the Goth Kids believe. Before he was a Vamp Kid, he wore a lot of colourful pieces that his Mother made. 
- In the same vein, Mike really likes psychedellia and folk music. He becomes less embarrassed about this as he gets older, as he knows that there are probably a lot of vampires who listen to chirpy tunes.
- He sways and rocks and drums on his legs excessively when he’s caught in a song he likes. 
- Mike’s favourite animals are pigeons. He thinks the way they move is charming and funny and he loves the sounds they make. 
- When he’s forced to remove his fangs for anyone’s reasons, other than his own, it makes him rather cold and serious. He takes great joy in his persona, it makes him feel confident and detached from expectations. When he’s dragged out of the fantasy, it unsettles him. 
That is it for now! I shall probably have more for this Guy in the near future. 
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abyssdivide-blog · 7 years
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davidcwbriggs · 7 years
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CDr and download of DCWB album ‘I wasn’t there’ available now from Folk Archive records.
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an-album-a-day · 3 years
June 4th - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
Genres: Rock, Pop, Psychedellia, Art Rock.
This is the eighth album by The Beatles, it's a pretty good one.
Favourites: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Fixing A Hole, She's Leaving Home, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) and A Day In The Life.
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Ancient medicine 🌵
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lucyfrijolitotj · 8 years
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We are one, and everything is beautiful! 
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darrellio · 9 years
When the power of love overtakes the love of power. Things will change.
Jimi Hendrix
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togif · 10 years
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mellomymind · 10 years
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Listen to Pink Floyd's rare single Point Me At The Sky // Via Dangerous Minds
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lucyfrijolitotj · 8 years
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I ate an Altoid mint and lost my mind for 6 hours. 
Acrylic and marker over tanned paper.
Wanna see more?
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