mamawasatesttube · 5 months
prompt 24: "you owe me a kiss" ?
There's someone leaning on the table next to Kon.
Approaching from the bar, Tim can't see his face, but the too-casual-to-be-casual pose, the posturing, the flirty gestures... The way he's leaning down over Kon as Kon sits, saving the table for Tim to get back...
Tim's eyes narrow. Kon's a snack at any given time, to be sure (and especially tonight, in that tight-fitting top and tiny little skirt), but seriously? Hitting on him when Tim is right here?
"—flattered, but I'm here with someone," Kon says, smiling politely. "Have a nice night, though!"
"Aw, come on," the dude cajoles. Tim mentally rebrands him as That Fucking Guy. His disdain mounts. "Oldest line in the book, babe! I don't see anyone here with you. You sure you don't wanna—"
Maybe it's rude, but whatever. Tim intentionally shoves past That Fucking Guy a bit roughly. Frankly, he should count himself grateful Tim doesn't "accidentally" dump a beer all over him.
"Oops!" he says with venomously false cheer. "Didn't see you there. Here, angel, I got you your raspberry mojito."
He sets the glass down in front of Kon, slips his arm around his shoulders, and shamelessly leans down to kiss him. Overkill? Maybe, but it's viciously satisfying to shut That Fucking Guy down so dramatically. Serves him right for not taking the first no as an answer.
Besides, Kon is all Tim's. Hmph. Who does that guy even think he is?
When he draws back, Kon grins at him, eyes dancing. That Fucking Guy is staring awkwardly at them both.
"Told you I'm here with someone," Kon says, and tugs Tim down into his lap. He's about to say something polite to dismiss the guy, but Tim cuts in.
"He's mine," Tim informs him, staring daggers. He offers a smile that's all teeth. "Also, next time someone says 'no', you should maybe consider backing off. Just food for thought!"
"Jesus, okay, I get it, sorry," That Fucking Guy mutters, thoroughly ashamed. Tim watches with vindictive satisfaction as he turns tail and flees back towards the bar.
Kon hooks his chin over his shoulder, grinning. His cheeks are pink. "Ooh," he giggles. "I'm yours, Mister Drake? Am I all yours and only yours?"
Tim swivels to pin him with what he hopes is an unimpressed stare. He has a feeling he's off by several orders of magnitude. (Can't blame him when Kon's sitting here giggling so cutely while dressed like that, okay? Cute and hot at the same time is a deadly combination.)
"Yes," Tim says. "You are."
Kon's flush darkens, his cheeks visibly rosy even in the dimness. "...Yeah." He grins, buries his face in Tim's neck, and then giggles again. His nose bumps Tim's collarbone. "I love when you go full bitch mode at people," he teases; Tim can feel the curve of his smiling mouth against his neck. "Don't tell me you're jealous. You know you're my one and only."
"I know," Tim assures him. Something warm settles deep into his chest. He rubs his thumb over the fuzzy shaved hair at the base of Kon's head, and Kon hums. "It's not jealousy. I just think everyone else should know, too."
Kon laughs outright. Then he lifts his head, his eyes dancing as he meets Tim's gaze. His lipstick is slightly smudged, the glitter on his cheeks glimmering in the low light. "You owe me a kiss."
Tim raises an eyebrow. "I just gave you one." A pause. "Not that I'm opposed to more. But why do I owe you?"
"You left me to sit here all alone, guarding our table." Kon brushes his nose against Tim's. "You owe me for the trouble and heartache. You left me all alone on date night..."
"What, valiantly rescuing you from That Fucking Guy wasn't enough?" Tim asks. His hand curves along Kon's jaw.
Kon snorts. "You named him that in your head, didn't you?"
Tim wisely says nothing.
"He said his name was Bradley," Kon informs him.
"Angel," Tim says, cradling Kon's cheek in his palm. Kon leans into his touch, eyes closing in bliss. "I don't give a singular shit."
Kon lets out another peal of gorgeous laughter. "Yeah," he says, as Tim leans in. "I know."
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snototter · 10 months
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A Seychelles fruit bat (Pteropus seychellensis) stretches its wings in Mahé, Seychelles
by Gary Faulkner
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mammalianmammals · 11 months
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Grey-headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus), mother with pup, family Pteropodidae, SE Australia
photograph by Doug Gimesy
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Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
A big nose just means more to love- especially when you’re a hammer headed bat. The males’ large noses act as resonating chambers, amplifying vocalizations during the mating season. In order to make sure their voices are heard, males also have vocal chords three times the size of the female.
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(Image: A male hammer headed bat (Hypsignathus monstrosus) being handled by a researcher, by Sarah Olson)
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podartists · 2 years
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Pteropus vampyrus | John Gould (1804-1881) | The mammals of Australia. v.3 (1863) | Flickr (Biodiversity Heritage Library)
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flittermousing · 2 years
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via lubeebatconservancy on Instagram
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birdblues · 1 year
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Grey-headed Flying Fox
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avalonjohnson · 1 year
Some dinosaur teas! (They're available as stickers on my redbubble.)
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
Both are descended from a powerful double-gendered monitor lizard and are believed to be hermaphrodites possessing breasts and a combined penis-clitoris.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
0 notes
mamawasatesttube · 4 months
“Wait! Please— I’m sorry, just— wait.” for the game?
"Don't"—Kon rips the last strip of medical tape and presses it into place against Tim's upper arm, his hands gentle even though his voice is furious—"ever do that again. Promise me."
Tim leans his head back against the headrest and closes his eyes. His shoulder throbs with pain; ibuprofen can't do that much against a bullet wound. It was a clean shot, though, just through muscle, not hitting bone, so it'll heal fine.
"I'm not making that promise, and you know it," he answers, a few seconds late.
Kon inhales sharply, as if Tim has just slapped him. Then—
"Fine," he hisses. Tim opens his eyes just in time to see him shoot back to his feet and whirl on his heel. He takes two furious strides towards the door before Tim's sluggish sense of alarm slams into action and adrenaline surges through his chest, because Kon's leaving and Tim can't—!
"Wait!" Tim pushes away from the wall and stands. He's a little woozy from blood loss, yeah, but that pales in importance when Kon's about to vanish. "Please—I'm sorry, just—wait."
But Kon isn't in front of him any longer. He was too late. Or maybe Kon was just too upset with him. And—
"Sit back down, idiot," Kon's voice says, behind him, and strong hands catch him just as he wobbles. When did Kon get so close? "You need to replenish your fluids before you go gallivanting off to be a self-sacrificial idiot again."
Kon eases him back down into the armchair. Tim pinches the bridge of his nose with his good arm, the world spinning.
"It didn't kill me," he mutters. "It's just a flesh wound. Why are you so worked up about it?"
Even dizzy as he is, he can still see Kon stiffen at his side. "Because—!" Kon jerks away, wrapping his arms around himself. "That was a fucking kryptonite bullet, Tim. That was meant for me. You shouldn't—why would you—"
"Because it was meant for you." Tim closes his eyes again. He's exhausted. He needs Kon nearby. Just... so he can be sure he's okay.
Kon lets out a distressed, unhappy noise. "That doesn't mean—it's still a bullet, you stupid little—"
"I know!" Tim bursts out. He opens his tired eyes to glare at Kon. "I know it's a bullet! I felt it go through my damn shoulder, Kon, I promise I know it's a bullet!"
Kon glares right back. "Then why would you—"
"Because I can't lose you again!"
The words hang in the air between them as heartbeats tick by. Kon's impossible, luminous eyes are wide, his lips slightly parted. His eyelashes are thick and dark; the shades pushed up into his hair are cracked. He's so beautiful Tim could weep.
How can he make him understand? He saw the green glow, he saw the gun pointed at Kon's chest, and he—it wasn't an active thought. He just saw a golden statue in his mind's eye, and he moved. He can't lose Kon again. He can't live through that again. He can't.
"Rob," Kon murmurs. His voice is gentle, all the frustration melted away. He reaches over, cradles Tim's cheek in a warm, smooth hand. Tim presses into his touch, his chest suddenly tight. "You're not gonna lose me."
"I can't," Tim repeats a little hoarsely. "So I can't make you that promise."
Kon blows out a deep, tired sigh. "We'll... talk about it later," he says. "For now, I just... I want you to drink that Gatorade I got you. Okay? You need fluids with electrolytes."
Tim chews at his lip. The bottle sits innocuously on the side table. "Okay."
Without being asked, Kon opens it for him. He presses it into Tim's good hand, and then—
He leans down, his shadow falling over Tim's face, and brushes a tender kiss to Tim's forehead. He lingers, as Tim's breath catches in his throat, his lips pressed to Tim's skin. He can definitely hear the way Tim's heart beats faster as Tim sits there, wide-eyed, as sparks shoot through his entire body and fill him with a strange, fluttery warmth.
Kon draws back and sinks to his knees. He leans against Tim's legs and rests his head in Tim's lap. None of his fury and dismay from just a few minutes ago remain; if anything, he just looks... melancholy.
"You're not gonna lose me again, Robbie," he says softly. "I'm here."
Tim takes a sip of his Gatorade to quell the lump in his throat. He carefully threads the fingers of his other hand into Kon's messy curls. "Yeah," he says, his voice a little smaller than he'd like it to be. "You are."
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snototter · 5 months
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An Indian flying fox (Pteropus medius) stretches on a branch in Fonimagoodhoo, Maldives
by Gary Faulkner
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mutant-distraction · 7 months
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Eastern tube-nosed bat (Nyctimene robinsoni) is a type of megabat (Pteropodidae) native to north-eastern Australia. Megabats don’t use echolaction like other bats but rely on vision and olfactory to locate food. The unusual protruding tube-like nostrils can move independently from each other, which aids the bat in determining the direction of food odours (stereo-olfaction) in the forest. The tube-nosed bat is unusual among the Megabats in that it usually roosts solitarily although sometimes they roost in small groups.
Photo by Solar Whisper Daintree River Crocodile & Wildlife Cruises
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weathereuphoria · 3 months
Malayan Flying Fox | #fruitbat #weathereuphoria #relaxingshorts #4knature #asmrnaturesounds #bats
The large flying fox, also known as the greater flying fox, Malayan flying fox, Malaysian flying fox, large fruit bat, kalang, or kalong, is a southeast Asian species of megabat in the family Pteropodidae.
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podartists · 2 years
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Pteropus conspicillatus | John Gould (1804-1881) | The mammals of Australia. v.3 (1863) | Flickr (Biodiversity Heritage Library)
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flittermousing · 2 years
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Nocturnal Bat Sticker - Vinyl Sticker 3x2 - Halloween Bat Sticker by KateOHaraArt
Current price: $3.15 USD
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The Flying Beast; Bathrata
Bathrata is a large basal bat that lives in cold swamps and ruined civilazations, they are fairly intelligent animals capable of massive problem solving skills and and work with each other cooperatively whenever danger is nearby so they can protect their youngs,these monsters eat large animals but often prefers small prey as its quite difficult to hunt large preys as always, interestingly these bats carry an infectious disease that infects dragons making them very tired and groaning in pain extremely quickly, no one knows what it is and it only seems to be infecting elder dragons as theres no signs of this disease infecting other monsters or even humans only in dragons suggesting that they use that disease as a defense against dragons, these bats are extremely dangerous only the bravest and most experienced hunters can challenge these beasts!
Classification; Fanged Beast Order: Chiroptera Suborder: Yinpterochiroptera Superorder: Laurasiatheria Family: Pteropodidae
Size; 38ft long Elements: none Ailments: Bleeding Weakest To: None
You can leave your thoughts down here on the replies i would love to see what you all think of this monster i made that would be appreciating ^w^!
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