#ptn interrogation
ptn-archivist · 6 months
Garofano Interrogation -Phase 01-
You peruse through the file in your hands. It's about a homicide case caused by inheritance disputes.
Technically, this isn't the MBCC's responsibility, but because the accused is a Sinner, she has been transferred to your care before the trial.
After carefully reviewing all the information, only one thought pops into your mind: this case has been handled too hastily.
Whether out of routine or your responsibility as caretaker, you decide to conduct an interrogation to understand the details of the case.
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-Interrogation Starts-
Chief: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Garofano-Braun. I'm the MBCC Chief, [Name].
Garofano: Hello, Chief. Please, just call me by my first name. I never actually changed my surname.
The widow before you looks somewhat frail, but even though she's incarcerated and burdened by her husband's murder, a soft, gentle smile still graces her face.
Chief: I see. All right then, Garofano. Please relax. I'm just here to... ask you a few questions.
Garofano: I promise to tell you whatever you want to know.
-Submit Evidence [Inheritance Dispute Case File]-
Chief: Let's review the case first, Garofano.
You pull out the documents from the file folder, laying them out one by one.
Chief: After Mr. Braun's sudden death from a critical illness, his will stipulates that all his wealth should go to you, his widow.
Chief: However, at this juncture, someone not only anonymously reported you as a Sinner, but also accused you of murdering your husband for his wealth in court.
Chief: At their strong insistence, the authorities conducted an autopsy on Mr. Braun's body.
Chief: According to the autopsy, an unidentified puncture wound was found in a hidden part of the deceased's body. A lethal, slow-acting poison was extracted from it.
Chief: Subsequently, they sealed off your tailor shop and found the murder weapon that matched both the wound and the poison. You were arrested based on this evidence. After that…
Garofano: After that, I ended up here.
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A hint of melancholy tints Garofano's smile.
Garofano: Chief, you've been very thorough. You've read all the information carefully.
Garofano: But that... isn't the whole truth.
Garofano: I'm not the one who murdered Mr. Braun.
Her voice trembles, but her tone is firm.
Garofano: But as soon as they found out that I'm a Sinner, they jumped to the conclusion that I was the culprit, without giving me any chance to prove my innocence…
Chief: The sentencing was too swift, and there was practically no procedural process. They even let someone anonymous who wasn't family to ask for an autopsy. It was like... they were playing some childish game.
Chief: It makes no sense to sentence someone on such scattered evidence.
Chief: I don't think that being a "Sinner" should automatically condemn someone to guilt.
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Garofano then says something somewhat unexpected.
Garofano: I thought you were also here to persuade me to accept my sentence…
Chief: The truth of the matter will ultimately be revealed. I don't categorically believe or disbelieve you. I just think that only after knowing the full picture can one make the final judgment.
Chief: So, I'd like to hear your side of the story before making my judgment.
She gently nods, then starts to speak.
Garofano: All right, then... here is my side of the story.
Garofano: In reality, Mr. Braun and I weren't married in a legal sense.
Garofano: We were more like brother and sister than husband and wife.
Chief: A de facto companionship?
Garofano: Yes, you could say that.
She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, immersing herself into deeper memories.
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Garofano: Mr. Braun was passionate about charity, and I was an orphan girl he helped.
Garofano: I lost my whole family in a Mania attack. I was the only one left... I barely survived.
Garofano: Although I also became a Sinner because of this, at least... I didn't turn into... a monster that can't even recognize its own family.
A trace of pain flashes across her face, but she quickly suppresses it.
Chief: Sorry, I didn't mean to make you remember these things.
You gently hand a tissue to Garofano. A faint smile surfaces on her face.
Garofano: I know, Chief.
Garofano: At the time, I felt helpless, and almost lost the will to live... but fortunately, I met Mr. Braun.
Garofano: He didn't care that I was a Sinner, and gave me a lot of earnest help. He even funded me to open a tailor shop, which got my life back on track.
Garofano: I was very grateful for this and always wanted to repay him.
Chief: Is this why you had a sham marriage with Mr. Braun?
Garofano: Yes. Mr. Braun was sickly and needed someone to take care of him all the time. I always helped Mrs. Braun with housework when I had time…
Garofano: Later, Mrs. Braun fell ill. Before she passed away, she asked me to move in to keep taking care of Mr. Braun.
Garofano: As his wife, I also went to burdensome social events in his place. All of this was voluntary.
Garofano: We lived like family, watching over and caring for each other. I thought that life would always be so calm and cozy, until…
Garofano can't help but let out a sob.
Garofano: ...Sorry about that.
[Option: “No worries.”]
Chief: I understand... it's not easy to lose a family member.
Garofano: Then you should also understand... having lost my family once, I couldn't bear that kind of heart-wrenching pain again.
Garofano: I... cherished them very much. I would rather die myself than see my family leave me…
Garofano: That feeling is like.. being abandoned to be all alone in this world…
She pauses for a moment, unable to suppress her sorrow any longer... Tears trickle down her cheeks, leaving a faint shining trace.
[Option: Give her a tissue]
Garofano: Ah... Thank you.
As Garofano takes the tissue, you brush against her icy fingertips, which feel somewhat rough and callused.
After a moment, she collects herself, and slowly raises her head to look at you seriously.
Garofano: I know... everyone thinks I'm the cruel murderer, but I…
Garofano: ...would never harm my own family.
Garofano's immense grief pours into your consciousness through the shackles... but beneath that tide of pain, there is resolute determination.
You don't want to believe that someone so passionate would lie about her innocence.
Chief: But, given the current evidence, the odds are stacked against you.
Garofano: Hmm, I know.
Garofano flashes a bitter smile.
Garofano: If you think I was after his money... I can tell you, we had an agreement. I wouldn't inherit any property from Mr. Braun.
Garofano: Besides, even if that agreement is non-binding, the order of inheritance stipulates that his younger brother—the younger Mr. Braun—would be the one to inherit his estate.
Garofano: As for his will... I only found out about it after his death.
A younger brother...? You recall the case file you saw, which didn't mention Mr. Braun having a younger brother.
But the file was vague about the complainant from start to finish. You thought it might have been a neighbor who was unwilling to disclose their personal information. But now that you think about it, it seems…
You need to find a way to investigate this.
Seeing you fall silent, Garofano lowers her eyes and speaks softly.
Garofano: But actually, I no longer have any hopes about correcting this misunderstanding.
Garofano: As long as someone can listen to my story, I'm happy.
[Option: “I can help you if you want.”]
Chief: Although the truth about the case is still unclear, I'm willing to trust you this once. I'm willing to believe how much you cherish your "family.”
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Garofano stares at you in surprise.
Garofano: So you mean... you're willing to believe I'm innocent?
Chief: I can only promise you that I will find out what really happened.
Chief: Plus, I know the public is biased against Sinners. But we can't rush to conclusions and ignore the truth.
Chief: So, I will apply to defer the trial and look for evidence that can clear your name. This is the only way to prove your innocence.
Chief: Before that happens, I hope you can trust me too.
Garofano freezes. She seems to be stunned to hear you say this. After a moment, she begins to speak softly.
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Garofano: Chief, you... remind me of someone.
An emotional, nostalgic look crosses her face. You instantly realize something.
Chief: ...A family member?
Garofano nods slowly.
Garofano: My younger sister.
Garofano: She was just like you, kind and righteous…
Garofano: She always wanted to be like our father, a proud and selfless member of the FAC.
Garofano: Such a pity…
Her voice trails off, the unfinished words dissipating into the air.
Garofano: I'm lucky to meet someone as righteous as you…
Garofano: I am really... grateful that you are doing this for me.
Chief: You are my Sinner. It is my duty to investigate everything about you.
Chief: This is my responsibility. So, you really don't have to thank me.
Garofano nods in agreement and laughs lightly.
Garofano: ...All right, dutiful Chief.
Chief: For now, just rest at ease at the MBCC.
Chief: I won't let those people bother you.
Garofano: Understood. I will just stay here…
She gives a gentle but formal bow.
Garofano: ...and wait for you patiently.
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roysristi · 1 year
Only Character with so many emotions. Summer.
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sinful-lanterns · 4 months
Werewolf Zoya fucking the absolute shit out of Reader while reading her entry on werewolves she tried to use Rahu for(there’s some inaccuracies from reader trying to document Rahu and Shalom at the same time) and Zoya’s just looking at it and going “🤨 well that’s bullshit” while reader’s desperately moaning and reaching for the book that was snatched from her in whatever position She’s in.
Werewolf Zoya is amused, yet somewhat displeased at the inaccuracies of your werewolf chapter. She is especially displeased at how small the drawing was of Rahu’s knot, as it was barely accurate at all thanks to you documenting a domesticated werewolf, rather than a wild one.
In order to “help” you get the most accurate information as possible for your little guidebook, Zoya makes quick work in folding you in half, pressing you down in a mating press as she shows you what a real werewolf knot can do. Rahu was big, but in comparison to a wild werewolf, Zoya was much, much bigger. Stuffing you full with a cock you could barely take, as it had you scrambling for something to hold onto in order to keep your sanity in check. (It also does not help that Zoya was able to pump more seed into you than Rahu, which lead to you walking back to your tent with cum dripping down your thighs…)
…Maybe you should start working on different subcategories for the werewolf chapter. One for wild werewolves and one for domesticated ones 😨
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veraberetta · 6 months
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"Oh, right, how could I forget my favourite teddy bear and drumming monkey! They were thank-you gifts I received for helping a toy store owner move his storage all day!"
She wished she could play a duet with the monkey so i repaired it for her 🎷🫂🐒 her design is very dainty, the harsh contrast is great, i feel like she's a very well constructed character.
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airdst · 1 year
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"I trust you. As long as you're still here... I know you'll save your treasure, as well as mine."
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nothing says hot sinner summer like a very intense and soulful feast – happy summer chiefs!
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ok-rookie · 20 days
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Cabernet's kinda 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔃...
She's been eyeing the Chief like candy the entire interrogation. Chief's so much better than me, I'd fold on the spot
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fissure-creature · 3 months
Angell Interrogation highlights (spoilers)
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I would kill for her, she’s everything to me
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blublublub · 11 months
Shalom when she finds out the chief she tried to desperately free is return to MBCC again
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tackypies · 2 years
i cannot emphasize enuf how path to nowhere lures you into being a parent. yes it does have hot women. yes the women are well-written and multifaceted and are great to look at. but the moment you step thru the bureau's doors you are also now in charge of at least 5-20 children. and you love them with all ur heart. they r now ur kids. YOU are the milf now.
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nono-uwu · 9 months
Started playing ptn, let's just say I'm hooked
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Anyways Wolverine is my favourite
Also expect more ptn art
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okiankeno · 9 days
Hella is my sweet baby girl and I will let no harm come across to her ever again
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sinful-lanterns · 4 months
kraken hamel⁉️ what i would do to get her inside of me ASAP is heinous,,,
Kraken Hamel who climbs into the Researcher’s little rowboat one evening and accidentally makes her scream because she wanted to get closer to the little human sailing by herself at night. While the Researcher is busy panicking about what to do, Hamel would wrap her thick, slimy tentacles around you and gently clasp the tips of them over your mouth, effectively shutting you up. “Oh, please don’t scream,” she’d say in such a gentle voice, leaning closer to you to get a good look at you. “You’ll attract other monsters to your boat. Many dangerous ones in fact…”
Kraken Hamel, who; despite being a very scary looking monster girl with her lower half comprised of tentacles, was actually quite the gentle one in comparison to the other monster girls you’ve encountered. She’d keep you safe, her bioluminescenct body glowing like a nightlight as she helped you with your “studies” in researching monster anatomy.
Oh, and by studies I mean she gave you a very thorough, hands on demonstration of how her tentacles functioned. Your body would be like jelly in her arms, as she moved her thick, girthy, lubed tentacles in and out of your holes like it was nothing, allowing you to feel the stimulating, soft bumps of her suckers rubbing up against your walls, so you could make a mental note to add that later to your guidebook…
Your notes thanks to your encounter with Kraken Hamel include:
- Krakens have a girth of 4-8 inches for their tentacles, with lengths varying in size depending on the kraken itself.
- Krakens have a bioluminescent glow that can shine very brightly even when buried within something (or someone). Their glow can even be shown through human skin.
- Krakens are naturally very slick and lubed. Especially the tentacles as many were able to fit in small crevices and holes.
- Kraken Hamel is very good at aftercare.
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lanibijou · 11 months
If the Chief is gonna do anything for their sinners its gonna be understanding them and making them know theyre loved. Just did Deren's interrogation and it's so sweet of what she's going through—also just Chief doing what Chief does and pulls
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As sweet and heartfelt as Deren's interrogation is we are lowkey flirting with her 😭 this is one of my favorite interrogations tho—esp since Chief does what Chief does and enables her sinners for some mischief
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holyhomo · 3 months
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In case people don’t believe how thirsty I am.
I actually gave constructive feedback
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Seriously besides this my one major complaint is that very few characters actually get a story outside of the event they were introduced in. I don’t care if people haven’t pulled those sinners yet, so late in game you can assume they got quite a few even if they are F2P. Which I am absolutely not tbf.
AISNO you better give me more Deren and Angell and a shit ton of other characters or else…
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veraberetta · 9 months
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Short in celebration of Oliver's brand new INTERROGATION 🥺💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝
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killuaightning · 1 year
spoiler warning: enfer interrogation
man I really CANNOT stop thinking about enfer's interrogation. this woman went through so much misery to become who she is as both a person and an artist.
imagine you have to witness your own father murder your mother in front of you just so he could turn her into a statue and create his masterpiece that would bring him all the fame he will earn in the art world?
and to then in return have to kill him and also turn him into a statue as a way to reclaim what he's taken from you, just for that to also be the piece that will make you a critically acclaimed artist.
she calls herself the ruler of fear but has herself feared nothing more than to face her past and confront her own demons that have haunted her ever since the night she witnessed her father kill her mother.
and the fact that the love and grief for her mother was so strong that she would subconsciously always carve a heart into whatever creations she made, which she only realised while revisiting the scene where the witching hour took place. and all this time The False One (her father) made her think that love has been holding her back as both a person and an artist, that it stopped her from creating the perfect piece she's so desperately wanted to create.
just for her to overcome her past and make love her running force, make it the thing that now makes her grow as a person.
Pure fear can grant you immense power to go forward, but it can't get you out of the abyss. It'll only turn you into part of it. A moth doesn't break the cocoon to purify herself. The intricate patterns and colors are her stunning features too. You said she would burn in the flame... But who can say that the moth only has fear in her heart when she plunges into the flame? Maybe, she loves the flame, and that's why whe plunges into it unwaveringly despite her fear?
that is what chief said to her that finally made her reinterpret her view on love, especially in combination with how she wants to implement fear within her artworks, and made her stop fearing it.
her mother was the one who taught her what true love was, and her father was the one who taught her what true fear was.
It's all thanks to love... that I can survive in this living hell. And even in a world like this, someone has told me that... just like terror, love can become my power too.
I am the ruler of fear, so I will not fear love... I will carve through it... Make love part of my power, so I can keep on creating, tearing, and reincarnating... Until the most perfect artwork is created.
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