#ptn ss
roysristi · 2 months
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calithso · 2 months
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shalomniscient · 10 months
Hello, first I would like to say that I hope you and yours can stay safe and take care during the holidays and that you have a merry thanksgiving.
That said, I also come bearing a gift as yet another shameless thirst has stricken me and left me plagued with both wonderous and terrible mental images.
This may be something I make into a ficlet on here and ao3, but for now I bestow it upon you.
P.S. NSFW Ahead, let the SS Thirst set sail.
You recall the maid cafe idea I sent you?
Imagine that the chief decides to surprise some of the Sinner women by dressing up as a maid and taking care of them, namely imagine the reaction of Rahu and Shalom when they return from an assignment to be greeted by the Chief wearing a maid outfit and waiting for them.
Imagine she has made them their favorite meal, drawn them a bath, with the chief helping them bathe, and even gives them a massage to help them relax, that said massage includes a 'happy ending' that leaves them a puddle of contented warmth as the reader asks them if they want anything else, maybe something tight and hot and wet?
Or maybe they would prefer something thick and hard, maybe made of cold plastic or maybe it is made of warm and pulsating flesh and is already dripping from the tip?
Or maybe they are spent already, and just want to bask in the comforting warmth of the chief's body and lay together in the bed and cuddle?
Some, such as Rahu and Zoya, would be all to eager to take the opportunity and have some more fun, while I can imagine others like Shalom are already spent and while they may like to play more, they enjoy the idea of resting a bit more.
For those that want to sleep and cuddle, they find themselves either lifted off their feet, Shalom swooning as she is cradled against the Chief's body, and tucked into bed beside the chief, their head nestles against their chest with the heartbeat of their beloved echoing in their ears as the chief lovingly coos at them and strokes their hair till they relax and drift into slumber.
For those that want to keep going, the chief smiles at them and guides them to the bedroom, where they begin to undress until they have all of their clothes neatly arranged on the ground around them as they take a naked dogeza position as they tell the Sinners that 'This Chief is all yours, please use them till you are satisfied.'
If Shalom had not been tired after the massage, then this is the point where she goes full body red, just as Rahu and many others would I imagine.
After all is said and done, the Chief and the sinner sleep like it is described above, with both falling into a deep slumber.
As you can probably tell, I don't do ideas halfway lol.
That said, take care and stay safe.
hey hey back at it again !! and merry thanksgiving to you too my liege :)
once more, holy fucking shit ??? love love love the domestic/fluffier side of this, especially pampering the sinners when they get back from a long mission 🥺🥺🥺 shalom my darling my beloved ,,,, she would SO appreciate coming home to you. just, the fact that she has one is so special to her already. so many years spent as a tool to only go from one problem to another, never able to find somewhere to rest and take this burden off her shoulders—until now. until you. she doesn’t need any particularly grand gestures either, just waiting for her in the living room so she can fall into your arms at the end of the day is good enough for her. her home has always been you, anyway—she’d follow you to oblivion and back. AND RAHU 🥺🥺🥺 sometimes rahu wld take a massage over sex im ngl, being a bodyguard is hard work, much less a soldier for p*aradeisos. a nice, warm bath would be so heavenly to her that sometimes she straight up falls asleep in the tub LMAO she’ll give you lazy but sincere kisses in thanks before flopping into bed and wrapping her arms around you, ever so protective even in sleep. dgsgdhshdgksh in conclusion, the intimacy of domesticity with ptn women (might offer more brainrot about this down the line…………. who knows)
side note to be 100% honest w you the maid stuff is kinda secondary to me in that it’s cool but i’m kinda neutral about it lol ?? BUT ur brainrot is still fun to pick apart and expand on my liege and i appreciate ur asks nonetheless :) take care !!
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antoniokroos · 5 years
C’est pas très marrant à dire donc désolée d’avoir un peu sappé l’ambiance avec ça mdr mais et toi?? Parle moi de toi, t’as fait quoi de beau cette année? en ce qui concerne la cdm!! J’étais trop derrière nos filles et tt mais j’étais en période d’exams pdt tt juin donc jme ss dise ptn dès que jfini jme mate TOUS LES MATCHS SA MÈRE et donc du coup j’ai regardé le match d’aujourd’hui...Ha Ha Ha!!!!! Ahajahajjand’´fgl😭😭😭😭😭 JE LA VOULAIS TELLEMENT CETTE COUPE ELLES LA MÉRITAIENT TELLEMENT😭❤️
STFU tu sappes tien du tout! Ou alors on la sappes tte les deux!
Ah t’as fini les exams ? Moi c’est interminable... ça fait 3 semaines non stop jsuis a deux doigts de clamser...
MDRRR dis toi que moi aussi c’est le 1er match des filles que je pouvais enfin voir bien à la télé (au lieu des stream précédents) et patATRAS 🙂🙂
Jmen fiche on était les meilleures tfacon.
0 buts encaissé avant ce match, qui d’autre fait ça ? 😎👋🏾🇩🇪
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lepigeonpoete · 7 years
Poème #251
Putain c'est Julius qui fait les backs sur Cheese Cake
Tweeté par @MariieTHatDay
quelle belle journée ensoleillé pour passer son bac
Tweeté par @Iowkeymar
jviens de me planter un bout de verre ss le pied
Tweeté par @Laura_Busnel
Mais ptn c quoi ce job la jvais couper mes pieds
Tweeté par @Ju_daveau
quand j entend un son jamaicain jdeviens ouf
Tweeté par @diiane_ck
eh la vi ya d trucs j'ai oublié ça mren ouf
Tweeté par @kaptainfawkes
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infokampusnews · 8 years
New Post has been published on INFOKAMPUSNEWS
New Post has been published on https://infokampus.news/unair-sosialisasikan-snmptn-sbmptn-di-kabupaten-tuban/
UNAIR Sosialisasikan SNMPTN-SBMPTN di Kabupaten Tuban
Infokampus.news – Dalam rangka Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) dan Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN) 2017, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) melakukan kerjasama dengan Kancab Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Tuban untuk melaksanakan sosialisasi SNMPTN-SBMPTN  di wilayah Kabupaten Tuban. Sosialisasi ini diadakan di Aula SMK Negeri 1 Tuban, Jawa Timur, Kamis (26/1).
Hadir dan sekaligus membuka sosialisasi ini adalah Drs. Edi Sukarno, Kepala Cabang Dinas Pendidikan Wilayah Kabupaten Tuban, Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Timur. Selain itu juga sedikitnya 80 guru-guru SMA/SMK/MAN, tujuh diantaranya kepala sekolah, dan seorang Penilik Sekolah. Guru yang mengikuti sosialisasi kebanyakan guru bidang BK (Bimbingan dan Konseling).
Bertugas memberikan sosialisasi dari Pusat Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (PPMB) UNAIR adalah Dr. Moh Anam Al-Arif, MP., Drh., Ikhsan Rosyid, SS., dan Bambang Edy Santosa, SE dari Pusat Informasi dan Humas (PIH).
Dalam sambutannya, Drs. Edi Sukarno antara lain mengatakan, pertemuan semacam ini penting sekali dan sangat diharapkan oleh para guru dan pengelola sekolah, karena diharapkan bisa menggali informasi secara akurat mengenai penerimaan mahasiswa baru di perguruan tinggi tahun ini. Sebab dengan hanya mengandalkan situs/website di jalur resmi, terkadang masih ada yang salah tafsir dan kurang jelas. Dengan adanya pertemuan maka bisa diadakan dialog, tanya jawab, dan informasi menjadi jelas.
”Dengan kejelasan informasi secara akurat, kami berharap jumlah siswa dari Kabupaten Tuban menjadi bertambah jumlahnya yang diterima kuliah di perguruan tinggi negeri,” kata Edi Sukarno.
Dalam kesempatan ini Dr. Moh Anam Al-Arif dan Ikhsan Rosyid saling melengkapi menerangkan mengenai aturan baru dalam SNMPTN dan SBMPTN tahun 2017. Baik mengenai pengisian PDSS oleh pihak sekolah hingga finalisasinya, termasuk kuota penerimaan SNMPTN tahun ini yang menurun, yakni minimal 30 persen, SBMPTN minimal 30 persen, dan jalur Mandiri maksimal 10 persen. Sedang tahun lalu jalur SNMPTN sebesar 40 persen.
Dalam dialog tanya jawab, antara lain dipertanyakan mengenai pengaruh nilai rapot dalam pemeringkatan siswa. Bahkan juga ditanyakan tentang finalisasi data oleh sekolah, khususnya apa saja yang tidak bisa diubah dan yang bisa diubah, termasuk persoalan linierisasi jurusan yang dipilih. Kemudian pengaruh nilai UNAS dalam SBMPTN, indeks sekolah dan pengaruh rekam jejak alumni sekolah di sebuah PTN, serta prestasi-prestasi yang bisa dicantumkan sebagai tambahan pertimbangan.
Termasuk yang menarik ditanyakan mengenai persyaratan Bidikmisi dan cara-cara pengajuannya. Bahkan penentuan mengenai uang kuliah tunggal (UKT) juga menjadi topik hangat. Diantara guru ada yang berharap UKT tahun 2017 ini tidak naik, bahkan berharap kalau bisa menurun. Dalihnya, sebagai siswa asal daerah pedesaan, faktor biaya kuliah menjadi pertimbangan melanjutkan-tidaknya studi mereka.
“Ada siswa kami tahun lalu diterima di sebuah PTN di luar Jawa dengan mengajukan Bidikmisi. Ia lolos SBMPTN, tetapi setelah diverifikasi ternyata Bidikmisinya tidak lolos. Akhirnya siswa tersebut batal kuliah karena tidak mampu membayar UKT sebesar Rp 5 juta/semester,” kata seorang guru. (FAM)
  Sumber: Unair
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roysristi · 1 year
Only Character with so many emotions. Summer.
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roysristi · 7 months
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#spoiler Precious part of the whole!
I don't own happiness but if I could, I would like to give them to this bunch.
They won the world, the heart, and peak of their base growth.
#waaaaaaaaaaa #imhappyforthem #this_is_the_ending_i_was_waiting_for #hella's_voice_is_the_best
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roysristi · 2 months
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The eyes.....of a person who is so much in love
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roysristi · 2 months
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Hestia - she teaches how to be brave
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roysristi · 11 months
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...... You know why
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antoniokroos · 6 years
Hey désolée j'ai pas vu tes posts hier j'étais ds une zone ss wifi (et jle ss tjr mais je gratte le partage de ma mère muahaha😈) jespère que ca va mieux et si tas encore besoin de qq chose jss là!❤️Ptn faut que jte dise un truc, c'est trp embarrassant mais tu sais qujai déjà écrit un poème sur la Mannschaft mdrr?? Enfin pas vrmt un poème sur le foot ms plus sur les sentiments que jressens qd je les regarde jouer, qd jpartage ces moments avec d'autres fans, sentiment d'appartenance et tout :'))
AKDHDIDJDIDKSID c’est pas embarrassant c’est trop cute!!!! Surtout que ça nous fait un point commun de plus pcq moi aussi j’écrivais des poèmes avant!!! 😅😅 mais pas sur la mannschaft mais sur tout en général! (bon si je les relis ça sera indeed embarrassant pr le coup 😂😂) Je veux bien…. lire…une..strophe….ou…. deux 😁😁😁 ?? Si ça t’embête pas bien sûr!
AU FAIT!! ÇA FAIT UN AN QUON EST CHAMPIONS DES CONFÉDÉRATIONS!! Joyeux 1 an à nous ♥️♥️♥️😃😃😃🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪
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