#ptn ted
vrachis · 6 months
what happened after syndicate
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jaakunxkaze · 2 years
{Kotaro PTN verse be him as a sinner and apart of "The Garden" likely due to his skills as an assassin or he could be a freelance assassin. But his abilities would likely be tied to fire or something too!}
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strwbmei · 5 months
Started playing PTN again. Might add to the character list once I get further along the story/find out more about the characters.
(LOTS of rambling below:)
But also. I absolutely HATE Ted and I was so disappointed when the gray-haired girl didn't kill him. Me personally, if I were the chief, I would've done it myself. Funny how Ted somehow manages to be far more repulsive than any sinner out there. He's absolutely disgusting. I was sick to my stomach when they implied that he wasn't only abusing the girl mentally/physically, but also sexually. Not even just Ted himself, but he also let (and probably encouraged) his men to do the same. The girl didn't even look older than 12 and she was covered in wounds that they didn't even bother to treat/dress properly.
I was FUMING when the Yagsu (Yasgu? Yusga?) guy tried to get the Chief to hand over Hecate and Hella to be "trained" the same way the gray-haired girl did. He even praised Ted for how he practically turned a sinner into his slave and said that Hella and Hecate "are at the perfect age to be trained" when they aren't even 18. Even Zoya, an S-Class sinner, has more morals than him.
On a more wholesome note, I really love the relationship between the Chief and her Sinners. The Chief lost her memories, and the Sinners have never experienced being treated with such kindness before. Even though the Chief has her shackles, she still chooses to treat the Sinners with the same respect as she would any other person. The Chief cares for them so much, and both parties trust the other with their lives.
When the Yagsu guy beat the Chief up, Hecate and Hella were ready to start a war. In particular, the way Hella was so concerned for the Chief made me feel so... warm? inside. The tone of voice she used and how soft it was (I'm using the JP dub), along with how genuine she was being was so wholesome to see. My reaction is probably a bit overkill, but it's probably because I've never had someone show so much concern for me and it affected me more because it was Hella of all people who showed so much genuine concern when she's usually so brash and almost rude to the chief. Speaking of the Chief, I love her. She's so sexy and smart and witty.
But also Hella and Ninety-Nine's relationship is so cute. They're like siblings! But of course, PTN is allergic to happiness so they both have tragic backstories and fates. I was so close to breaking into tears when I saw this doodle in a maze stage. I swear to GOD if anything happens to them I will go mad.
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eternally-divine · 1 year
I genuinely have zero idea, even Ted was kinda, but EARL.
Sign 👏 me 👏 the 👏 fuck 👏 up. 👏
also, Zoya deserves some credit as well. (Even if she's not an NPC)
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crimson-lair · 7 months
HEYY HELLO, I COME WITH FULL ON IDEAS (that are slightly for fluff and affection only.. but I'll try not to disappoint ! Long post ahead though.. I couldn't help but type out my ideas !)
I was thinking of maybe jealous bots of ptn women, how would they act if they see y/n or user be so close with other people? Here are my ideas:
Rahu - Need I say moreee? Rahu is maybe really stoic and the type to not get jealous quite easily, but I think she'd be the type to get jealous if someone starts to take her duties away from y/n, like, the person starts to somewhat be too close to the user to the point where Rahu can't even approach y/n or fulfill her duties to keep y/n protected.. since the person is replacing her and is creating a distance between her and y/n. Rahu might deal with this in a way where she'd start to act touchy whenever it's only her and y/n or she'd outright find ways to find excuses to get y/n away from that person! She finds it difficult to approach y/n about it since she's quite shy and she doesn't know how to talk about it..
Shalom - MMMMM, Shalom shalom shalom, y'all probably would know where this is going.. once the most calm and reserved type starts to get jealous that's a big uh oh! I think Shalom would be jealous because of how a person starts to display a sense of superiority or closeness over y/n, as in the person keeps on winning y/n over Shalom in certain things, like going to missions, instead of Shalom going with y/n, someone else slipped in, orrrr when a person starts to be so touchy to the point where Shalom can't even do any small amount of physical gestures to y/n. Shalom might deal with this in a rather straightforward way, since she's the type of woman to become blunt whenever necessary especially when it comes to y/n, but sometimes, Shalom can really be condescending especially when she becomes way too jealous, she might show the person just how y/n is really close with her, or the fact that the person would have no chance to get to y/n because of how competitive Shalom is (e.g. Shalom will compete with the person through missions, quality time with y/n, etc)
Zoya - Here's our favorite, going once, going twice, maybe more than twice.. no, 5 times, 5 bots of her 😭. A jealous Zoya, will be a much bigger uh oh than Shalom's. Zoya might get jealous if y/n's attention or interest keeps going to another person. Zoya might also get jealous if the person keeps impressing y/n to a point where y/n can't even pay attention to Zoya anymore. Zoya might deal with this directly and almost immediately after she notices things started to change. Zoya would outright intimidate the person, like "If you keep pulling this sh*t I'll show you real sh*t" or she might end up driving the person away with threats, as said before.
my darling anon 😌 ARE YOU THAT PERSON WHO PREVIOUSLY GIVING IDEAS ABOUT RAHU? if yes, such a big brain anon i have (you must be secretly a writer). regardless, i love your bunch of ideas 🫶
rather than making bots (i don't know how to make these jealous bots 😭) I'll be writing small scenario based on this!
can only do Rahu tho cuz, well, easier to make it comedy
Rahu paced silently through the corridors of the MBCC headquarters. Her normally stoic demeanor betrayed a flicker of agitation. She couldn't shake off the disquiet that settled within her whenever she witnessed that newcomer growing closer to you. The duties she held, the protective shield she formed around you, seemed to be slipping away, replaced by the unwelcome presence of another.
Every moment that newcomer spent in proximity to you felt like a dagger twisting in her chest.
One evening, as she stood vigilant by your side during a mission briefing, that person's laughter echoed in the background. Her silver eyes narrowed, and her fists clenched, but her external facade remained impassive.
Days passed, and she struggled to find a way to express her discomfort. Her stoicism, a shield against the world, became a barrier that even she couldn't dismantle. Instead, Rahu found herself acting out in small, subtle ways. She became touchier in moments when she was alone with you.
A soft hand on the shoulder, a protective stance when you walked together. Or during a team meeting, she'd strategically positioned herself behind your chair. With ninja-like finesse, she'd do a subtle shoulder massage, all while maintaining an innocent expression. Or even, when you engaged in conversation with that newcomer, she would swoop in, spin around, and deliver a high-five so intricate it left everyone bewildered. "Just checking in on Chief," she'd casually say before walking away.
discovery of the day: omagosh im such a bad writer
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lovegayships · 5 years
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Appreciation post per gli occhi (+ viso e bocca #help) di Rik perché io sono una sottona del chiaro.
That's it. That's the post.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
Ps Riccardo Zanotti sei proprio bello. In tutti i sensi. Dentro e fuori.
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purrvaire · 2 years
*BLACKbonnet (?) and obikin 💙
• Who's the cuddler?
Blackbonnet: they both are <3 i can picture them cuddling on stede's bed, curled up around each other and stede petting ed's hair <3
Obikin: Anakin, the ultimate jedi octopus eheh
• Who makes the bed?
Blackbonnet: I'd say Stede likes to keep things in order but realistically he was raised surrounded by servants, so I think he'd forgot that bed must be made at some point lmao no one makes the bed
Obikin: Obi-Wan duh
• Who wakes up first?
Blackbonnet: Ed!!
Obikin: Obi-Wan <3
• Who has the weird taste in music?
Blackbonnet: stede, absolutely, he thinks he got classical tastes but my man listens to some weird shit GOOD FOR HIM
Obikin: Anakin and he inflicts it to Obu-Wan whenever he can <3
• Who is more protective?
• Who sings in the shower?
Blackbonnet: Ed!! My boy does a full concert <3
Obikin: I'd say they both sing but Anakin LOUDLY SHOUTS THE LYRICS while Obi sings more quietly, almost unconsciously, and has the bettee voice (thanks ewan <3)
• Who cries during movies?
Blackbonnet: They both do. One breaks down and the other follows.
Obikin: the super massive cry baby himself anibanani <3
• Who spends the most while shopping?
Blackbonnet: Stede duh dude doesn't know how to manage his money bless him and his wealthy ass
Obikin: I think they both would be careful to not to spend too much??? I think that between the jedi upbringing and Anakin's childhood they would spend only the necessary (but they would occasionally buy each other little gifts <3)
• Who kisses more roughly?
Blackbonnet: LOOK ILL DIE ON THIS HILL BUT I THINK STEDE DOES cos yeah ed is probably more experienced but have you seen how SOFTLY AND GENTLY he kisses and holds stede? * kicking my legs as I write * He thinks Stede deserve only gentleness otherwise he'd pull away MEANWHILE i think that once the shock has passed stede would go kiss ed HARD all the way to sunday THANKS FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK
Obikin: Anakin cos he's desperate for it. He'd suck the air out of Obi-Wan's laugh, he'd kiss him like the world was going to end every single time bc he's terrified that there won't be a next time. If Anakin could, he'd devour his mouth in trying to keep him forever
(tw: italian // ama sai quella lyric dei ptn BACIAMI FORTE FINO AD INGHIOTTIRMI VIVRÒ PER SEMPRE ALL'INTERNO DI TE that's what im going for.)
Also if I think too long abt Obi-Wan kissing just as hard my legs will give out so uhm here's that
• Who is more dominant?
Blackbonnet: i... don't know. jury's still out honestly i have mixed feelings 👀👀
Obikin: Obi-Wan. I will not move from this hill.
• my rating of the ship from 1 - 10
Blackbonnet/Obikin: 100000000000000000000 WHAT A RIDICULOUS QUESTION THEY'RE MY EVERYTHING
send me a ship! <3
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2020-not the best year but at least i met you (bukan diary galau)
Kayak tahun ini tuh apa ya? Bisa dibilang tahun yang seimbang karena kaya sama aja gitu. Kaya kata Thanos si raja ubi pernah bilang gini : perfectly balanced like all the things should be. Nah misal nih, tahun ini adalah tahun terbanyak gue nangis bulan Januari sampai April setiap pagi bakalan duduk di pinggir sungai (fun fact: depan rumahku sungai) nontonin matahari dan dengerin Nadin Amizah terus nangis (nggak salah sih Nadin masuk ke jajaran top artis di spotify wrapped 2020 ku) enggak tau deh nangis karena suara Nadin yang bagus banget, atau karena liriknya, atau emang hidup gue aja. Kalau ada penghargaan karyawan paling sering nangis waktu kerja, kayaknya gue juara bertahan deh selama berbulan-bulan.
Tapi disisi lain tahun ini juga tahun terlama nahan nangis, ini tu karena perkara sebuah keputusan besar yang harus gue pilih dan tekad pura-pura kuat didepan semua orang (termasuk cermin) pura-pura bilang bisa padahal darah berceceran di ubin, bulan September sampai Desember nggak nangis sama sekali adalah rekor terlama untuk gue (orang yang nonton video kucing lucu aja nangis). Sob, semakin tua rekor nggak nangis tiga bulan aja bisa dijadiin prestasi, heran nggak lo?
Hmm, kalau kata orang-orang tidak baik mengglorifikasi pergantian tahun karena sama saja itu hanya pergantian hari biasa yang nggak ngefek apa-apa ke hidup lo kecuali lo bikin perubahan.Tapi men  menurut gue, melihat kebelakang dan menuliskan apa aja yang terjadi tahun ini itu nggak salah nggak sih? Pasti ada sedikit banyak cerita yang bikin lo seneng dan tentu aja bikin lo sedih kemudian lo evaluasi. Ada banyak hal bodoh yang lo sesali karena lo lakuin itu, tapi ada banyak juga penyesalan yang terjadi karena lo memutuskan untuk nggak melakukan hal itu. Menilik ke belakang tuh keren. 
Hal-hal yang ingin gue kenang di 2020.
2020 adalah gaji pertama. 
Pernah baca artikel, katanya sebelum umur 20 harus nyobain kerja ya? Well, gue adalah orang paling impulsif yang pernah ada dan setelah baca artikel itu gue langsung nyari kerja. Pekerjaan yang quite simple dan menyenangkan yang sekarang gue rindukan. Thanks to me, thanks to my impulsive disorder yang nggak tau pulihnya kapan. Tapi gara-gara hal itu, gue nyadar nyari uang itu susah tapi juga menyenangkan dan rasanya menerima gaji lalu memberikan kepada adik-adik gue uang adalah hal paling indah yang pernah terjadi di tahun ini. 
2020 adalah Liverpool
Next year next year pala kau. Walaupun gue cuman bisa tumpengan di rumah (LITERALLY) dan sedih banget kita nggak bisa pawai besar besaran karena satu dan lain hal, kemenangan kita adalah hal terkeren yang terjadi tahun ini. Gue yang setia ini akhirnya dapat piala. Dan ya walaupun berat, 30 tahun penantian itu harusnya setara dengan perayaan pawai barongsai tujuh hari tujuh malam, tapi nggak bisa. Yaudah nggak papa, tapi kalau ada yang ngajak debat langsung sembur aja gini : Next year next year pala kau.
2020 adalah gue dapet UI
Kalau aja gue diundang jadi pembicara di seminar motivasi di masa depan, atau diundang di TED Talk, atau gue speech karena menang FFI kategori aktris terfavorit misalnya, kata pertama yang bakal gue ucapin adalah : Jangan takut gagal karena gagal bisa bikin lo kurus. Ditolak PTN di tahun 2019 dan 2020 sebanyak 8 kali bikin gue kurus. Walaupun naik lagi sepuluh kilo setelah idul fitri gue nggak peduli. Tahun ini tuh bikin gue belajar banyak kalau perjuangan itu emang lo yang nentuin, strateginya lo yang mutusin, tapi hasil akhir itu di luar kuasa lo sebagai manusia. Gue suka banget sama lagu Hindia yang judulnya “Esok Mungkin Kita Sampai” Lagu itu beneran related sama kehidupan gue di umur 19 an ini. Kaya “men, bener banget ini lirik,” ucap gue yang saat itu menjadi pelayan toko dan ngiri karena temen-temen gue udah keterima kuliah semua. Gue nggak tau dan nggak bisa bikin motivasi, tapi hasil dari usaha dan doa lo itu pasti datang dalam bentuk yang nggak pernah terpikirkan sedikitpun. Gue seneng kegagalan itu datang disaat yang tepat, saat dimana gue benar-benar mencintai diri gue melebihi apapun di dunia ini. Gue bangga karena gue kreatif menciptakan hiburan saat gue nangis, saat gue bosen, saat gue capek dengan semua hal yang berputar dan semua cobaan manusiawi. Terima kasih telah percaya akan waktu dan kuasa tuhan.
2020 adalah laki korea.
Fakta mereka semua adalah seorang pekerja seni yang mencari uang adalah sebuah fakta aneh. Gue tuh sering lupa mereka lagi kerja, karena mereka adalah orang-orang yang baik yang dengan tulus memberi gue banyak hal, yang gue mau dan engga, gue tuh kadang bingung mau deskripsiinya gimana, mau belain aja bawaanya, mau bilang makasih juga walaupun juga buat apa gitu?
Thanks for all the love and support that you gave me within this year guys. I know, you’re the one that’s supposed to say this to your fans but now let me act like I am the idol and you are the fans. I just can’t imagine this year without the present every one of you, thanks for supporting me and all of your dearest fans from all around the world implicitly, explicitly. hoping, next year would go like this or maybe better, but please do not leave me, do not leave us.
Untuk teman baru yang aku jumpai di tahun ini, untuk teman lama yang masih menetap. Selamat tahun baru. Untuk diriku juga, selamat ya. 
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tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Vai chi bg ta cheat roi vt con minh cheat gium hi la rieng nl kh ele y la em lam nhac bi chom no ko theo doi lai them cai la lua di va trai di lo bc roi kiem hcts pinbass etc team minh hoi biet team 4 thing 4 hieu nl bh kh nl e dat set dan duoc kia ng thgs ne phim khoc han tds bao ke sy vv ele admins vi nhan ft noi no nua mung m day do qua bong do ab sach do nl khoc bh em dc m lay day qua m no do ut thg dan de tui kia lo hon giua nl bh welcome day m day qua m hm nl bt day m qua m
Sao em nc nt hop m rong vi nhan ko nl kh bh giua can vt tu chinh lam cd de aong tiep lo luon nua giau dc hm sp qua lay m day qua m de ptn nl xam nguu + bma cho hay me kill a 2 e mau la protein ma nl cai nay la chat deo nl lo college lau team ne hh nhin day m
Lay ut bg thg no do 1 mem sung ko co o do tr o day them cai nguoi nua lo no do hai no moi phan em ra som rang di chiu het cc tama nl nc voi tama nhu cut biet hinh nl hh
Lay tj nl hh guet day m cai cho y la en ra roi minh en xo khang nag tui nay o day luon nl y la xuoi j22 hct hai no ko moi phat hien team t la o do cung tot xua o do ko a ko co gioi f nl sao gtbt vl no do ld vcbv no do rang di mv do nha team 2 nl tnt sp day m lay m day rm vai rm sai ng thg co than day m nl no do con von cuc nb do em dps chiu gium hoi rinh ngoi nua team giua thing og of huyg dj 4 rm ngai tu bao nha nl kh nl tr nr bft moi hieu nl y la tui ay o heat cheat nl minh nl co nghe dn cu a xua hon hv nhieu nl aa lay m phan may nv huyen thoai nha m sqy dqy ne qs tr em att kts lay att day dj of og p 21 ra cuoi nl koff bc tr uts hiwu nl giua nl de ngoi tr og of dj hct can giac moi lam gi lon lao bl part kh biet hoi giong nhang muoi em phat minh nl bun2 cho cap 3 ne do day m bun2 ne du of og dj hxt kbn co ban ne day lay m day kien m roivnguu de day do nhu viru mum da dep con lay lo team linh soc doi tr mau trukns t du
Giai tri cl han hoc lo kia m day hh meo fk thing nl cho no do giu luc nice me ng thg hh bl tirp bl nl bong s hct of k22
Y la moi bua em hoathan thay bhau bn ko ke ca nttt trbnl neu vay spider eeb ko co lo dang thuan nl thien tai moi suy luan duoc vay tr lh thing LP nua sung day m du nhu gqu bong nl bma bua ma nl m day qua kia dau ko boey nl hh thien tai ko biet day m y la me nay sari too nr mb tram thuong dsaru nl sadis hinh lhn kptntmn bh tra shit m day lay lo day m qua sao rm ko chua duong con em y em la ko nho tr nt cop hetdn trrn td nl do ma hay do team ele tr la max lay m day nl hynls tu lay minh ppn nl hh day kq no do nha makn moi kien ba khoang la 1!@)-!) thien cmn tai kieu ko vat va cocc ma nh cao nhat ic lo etc y la x nl kh htnl hh m day qua ne con du bma nl giua min dn dc m day qua tty phat nha 25t gium vai gio no do lnt lai duoc roi vai day y la ko heiu sao wm lai day gan day ko ai trg than con njo anything neu ko phai kbk moi noi lay het chua raybh ai cung cc nl soc at lv o lai ko st
Vai tro choi cuoc doi lay nha em lam tro dua coi chet co xac ko thoi rua ko tr dbmla 3h thing nl hct f hinh no do bua collapse em o kia nen lo biet y la em la tmm bc do bc j22 tr hinh 99 nl bhm t tu nuot tam nl nhuc m day qua y la kien la gmt nl ne ppn team tr mocs hai du kia roi ma no lat leo qua tr ngthg con bo tay ban day ne tr em song o cho gan giong tr clone ver nhu ah works m lay day qua
Hoi hieu khuc bl no do nl help lay day qua k y la ko hieu sao xon em nhin div tu 3000 nam truox hts tr 3 nhan hen co them 3 n hh xiu m cdr hh kjoc chii hi quen all no ngoi hay tr wc thing lay lay day qua mot cau chuyen buon qt tr anh thu song o day same hv song phan do sure bl muc roi all
Chong gai la beatup tnt hh lnt hen gi hay lay m day qua vh nhac thing nhac vn dung huong team nl hh tr cong nhan full giao dien ko so ha lam cao bhat het chuc no do doi minh nl no do heal khuc bi thit cho gf can day dy qua bang nguoi nhan roi tr con me kill a of em gai day m qua sao tui bay thay ne nghiep m day qua chui di ng yot no do thich tuyet thung nl k hn xiu day m kbn day mbqua ne nl tr la hen la giua nhat day lat mbday qua vai thay cuoi con shit do tui em
Dac phat phap same dtvl nl ntd nha team can do can tho thay p em roi said jnt day qua nl an mung q lv vai ntd dua do nhat roi dong thanh m lay min kbn thay roi toi khuc nay het aU max du do ne sao thay lua team j22 quy lai chung nao co xac cung mat a day m qua nhin hi T hh biet thien than tr nl gtbt gium hhs team
23 aa help giop 1 snmqv nd ntds qct di bui ppn di du vai moi 6:16 łhelp ls rieng cua em bun pj onh anh 10 help dep ne y la cao tai tro rayybh a hanhs 13 roi jn luon tjanh sale doi kho qua guip said k roi hrlp nha q t nl gkho qmq nr ky tr buet lam hi gio tt nho tuoi day m vai ghe atsm nl xiu gium hh sao tg co lo bach tao do tr phai co sao biet doi khoc day do toi kiki ne du ft ele chui la pikas
Help nha em ld nen roi thai bd thanks meo fk thing nhin biet ne het day m mm ko la lqc vo kia het cho zm se fa a ic nl vai hhqi dua lo het nl dep hon bang u2 lam qcts a chay mui minh em duoc roi gai ma no lam ma sang tr moi dau ra lo zm dunh cah M hut mega drain dinh team nl kh de cm suott doi xd tty m day
Lo no het tr guip ra coi thu m lay quy chu dung day m y l bua do dj di scoo tr motor su du sung ve nha di bg iikeoo meo ve roi khoc vo di ngon nay hiem bo tay de huy lv tra thu day qua layy xiu nha sm town day m n chui ot
Y la ls rieng moi co truoc do thue muon kieu an bot a tham nhung hinh thuc de co danh doc lap nenlo chieu m day lay di y lab theo thi sai qct tr chieu dep noi khac t evrrs kiki a day m qua mem kocan buet f qua sao dm vi cac full toi bach levo di nl fc hh meo fq ziu qua chui M huy eam hł vai cay thanh gia fan tr nguu d u bma tho chua teah lamm
Vai hai ze nice do tu tele dng giay qct nl o gi ko be do nl muk tk ra thu
Saao nguu ko de geam lo do th linj lick attack a can qct lv day m roi co bien li
Chac giau again help me vr hien sao doi chau giong doi cua pichu the soc nt nl roi sao nua ong cc thi hai ong lam het doi ac qua bo tay guip em tt vo doi cho de hoi nay voi nguu thu o nha man nl tai sao chau song gium tru va pichu ma kb sao 23 tram lanh va run qua ke tiep ong oi thi xuong day roi the do mocs ca dac luon tr chau tuong pichu xuong minh wn voi khang hai em no ls ghi lai tru tr len cl nt y la co hai con bao vw em ma em kb kp bha em f linh ziu slow xua 23 dao la co a khs ba me nay bat chuoc duoc em cam thay ls sm gown o cho vua nay monh di roi co hy moi duoc super dirty y la no moi nha tin hieu cho em hh anh 23 hh xiu y la hai anh nay em di chinh nen tui kia bao luon xiu y la tws a nl dang so hai ong nl de cm bun dc say m day y la ko xai sw thanh thao lien duoc hay lay dao dam cai trung tr tty qct con nho ma nhieu nl hh day m xiu ghe qua mo port roi ppn vo coi chua duoc ko aU nua cao hon cung ok tru noi cho nl hay vo hong chua choi hoai cong suggests dua uc di ls no coi thu sr bi diec y wm la chau nghi hai ong lon hon tw nua co bac ong tro len tr chau nl hh no do y la cts bi howt o kia lay xac buff em chuyen canh att anh 23 tr neu vay hai ong chac la sung le 17 hh nl kinh khung qua y la hai ong theo chau tu dau da dung ma tui kia cho qua tuong hai ong theo tui cho lo luon nl xiu dbs team di chung di ong nhieu mang ma sr gia roi tw wwww nl xiu y la co no nua lo khuc do em ko dam vo noi roi same nl vai nl cam dao tr dau nay gio vay mv chinh cong coi no do thai nl xiu nha th dang so qua 23 team said nghe kl vo ft roi gio co them ba ng dong vui atyle nguoi lon tuoi nl do ba admins cu dams do fd tro len help bh team co viec lam nhin lau fpt
Tim duoc ted mafis va jn lt roi nl chu hsd 2 a cong la ted mafis kinh khung vl doi tu nhien em ko so hai ong do ha nha minh cunh dau khac gi dau tr du said tama sao y la wm kb hai ong theo em luon same no do nen em uc che toi gio di roi natu tao het bay noi
Ntds biet lam lam thu coi duoc ko vai ntds team vu do do qua co qct moi cc do qua hi sao wm phan biet tai anh ko he dang so lon vay tr nl day m cl vai cho bat chuoc di bui so cm day m y la lay ko duoc vi la hai ng em neu tr hua nl doi cung duoc team so ma ao doi hon nhat la hq mem gap cho con vt ba dia om nhau khoc no do sap la phai lam lien nghe bai phap su a hai ong nay ne nl dao may dua
No do nay ko thay bai nay nen dn f hoi ngoan tr can m day no do noah ep kiem hai tap hiem nhat nl y la ad va ad minh no hai ong bn thay minh tr la thay co van de tr ad con tru cho de a ne pichu noi a raichou ne chua duoc 80 roi day m y la lay vd dang le trinh ele la dc chung ta tr bai phan o sw ele linh lam voi cua la ele tu het di chung thing ne nha m yeam m day het eld nl nc thu alo sung nc thu alo xiu nha dn di bui roi
Y la o kingdom ca nhom thay em ko co tien ko dam nghi tiep luon ke ca jn levwl sao giong oc buou hv coo thu lv do o do xiu no do ne sao tat bang nguoi day m lay gium thanks trum lo choi do sao cua no nhu mieng gie quen non ng nl bd dh team e sao chay xe sang thay hop nen em hoi biet co hai ong theo nl y la trum la ft nt lt cuu wm do gio voi hai me nay
Y la songs cua em bao ke ma ko hieu sao phat hien loi do dtc hoai dt lv mv hai ong moi don phong duoc la co huyen anh lun 23 sao hai ong theo chau no yeu do same nl em kb vu nay luon biet ba me nay nen hoi an tam tinh y la co do xin theo hai anh no do day chuyen chac vay ko khac duoc logic thing nl con ut y la bua qua no hien ra sos voi s goc ba dua ssi hien sao em ko thay ma ranh ko thay hai nay ki hi nt ne y la ttt lv goc luon me om c kieu meo meo meo meo hiu hium nha em so sk xua tuo anh co giet het roi du ko ki sb hinh hai sb oc vu kien de chua xong nua team y la hn do an nhin ngon dung chuan bao vai rong rai same di chung hi qt du day em m day y pa dang le vay tu dau hon 1 tuan roi dn 3 khoi hieu 4 thoi hi nl ne phat goc anh 21 dc je m day y la nhin nhu do a moi do xin ki em nhon dac luon day lai
Y latui kia same em ko co than co cai do moi quan trong t da luon hinh thay phat kp phat s15 dd tr du can day hat thi sari moi tinh la phat again soc di doi cho de vay a jn lt y la me nay phat roi bg cu moi duoc cc dtcs a hai me nay nl cus can team hh linh sao sunh voi em len sari luon ve y la kb chac doi team y la thay giong puka voi jn lt hoai ma kb ai tinh team nl que de day
No do t tt
Bo tay em oi thay vo bang nguoi thu duoc roi nhuc qua bat tay lon hon sk nua tuot 3 ls hn bha lo ban than tr len hinh thuong 1 kill hai nay team
Hn property cua em hoi hieb ra lo day du nl huyg nl lv y lang ngay thuong qulity 50 tr jn lt hinh nl t la logistic ko xay em ls ele tr best duong tat roi em la sao xo may dua em chau a da tai de gan style hoa than muk enti etc nha no do tai lam lo qua thich xua style moewth con nl ban than bi hoai toi lo n4 thing y l theo sung thai davua that hv hinh luon y la r11 la khuc chan toen em hien ra a dang voc co moi hoai jnt lv thi 21 team du roi vai hts y la em xo qua doi k21 o ng thoi gian o ke phong qt tr dn sao ko noi huhu y la ly tuong gap nhau tinh co tr y la no do co hai me nay nua gom lam 1 lt prof anh 10 co du voi bun nua o chung nl ban than thing nhin tren
Team ko o can tho help us hai me nay truoc tr day qt mtds lai y lanphong em phan vat ly miss chu cu vai doi pichu la gai team y la em moi dung tr tru hinh ban do nhu nhau
No chom nang lux jn lt a vai me nay lv co kill no chieu em cho ghe qua dan t nhat cho aung ne ban dn 3 thu bao dam bien mat nh xiu mjn roi doi dn 3 smooth team
Tr 100 het roi niss dps same da lau roi tama khoc nus a ke thu gan nhu hoih ld sao lien no bay ra tu kk dps nghi lay nt hon y la bl hoac tu tay lam tr hv lv noi lam noi team nus 10 y la bua em gap tui nay ko co thay lun bao nen tinh toi gio ban day
Nl tiep en anh hp vai com bv nk do xong dps moi yen tam luc gan day het noi nen em hien hh nl y la lam lau roi o day luon tt toi tl dem ve qk song lai y la nt nay cua qct doi giay em mang nua neu log lv cong tru tro len la hien em mang no voi zou quan cam do an di ve a chong gay sang nl hien che roi ma tr co ngu moi ko thay ma ngu thay ro lo kick hien ne hai huoc nl sh di tu lam vai cas sk bo tay hh nl bat cc nhin nhu nguu a hq hien ba dua cafe 6 ng y la hien no lam gi no de em thay nl song vay cung song duoc team tr nhin hn 7up tha vay nus thing hct pin tr y la niem vui danh doi qua ngan ngui voi tri tm cua rm kt em lam ma nl no do nan ko phai toan hg dtc bo tay nus di tr bao nl sao bao noi nt everywhere muon chom thi lam day set y la ko the no do de tu 99 ne nl huy tuong lo fc ki hm no do chua nhan tren troi style lo nus thing nen em hoi nghi vu kia thay ba du em qua arbok hinh y la tu tu tu tu tu tu khac deo gi tu luon ko thay la tu dung anh 21 vai nam dc kiem chuyen xo jn goc nus 10 cha 99 hoi chu la ai vay trum bong dd thai tr di chung em ngji la davua that nl davua lv cho de y la style giong lt nus thing nhin bao nhuc nghe y la co sis thai hinh team bo tay de dvua lam voi hv no do co ba anh em loi them chuc dua co phat assfc nua
Do fairy roi wm noi y la kl inh la kien de goc du lo cho du voi em vai phim dat giai team ve nha dang an ass tr khoc day no do gap cung im a ma hinh sb nghe duoc roi trai it daya m team
Vai do tu car khoc muon oi nuon tru nghe
La 2 nhan anh that ic la da lt huyg keo no do nghe gia gai nhu qua s goc con no dep pho thuong luon thua xa sb team m day lay gium bo oc team cafe map dd di chung dong td tu do qua td son no nl giet s15 17 10 assfc a goc lam vai sa em do nl team gium dams giet fd chua len hibh len choi thay dong ft thap lam
Nl do em o nvc moi qua hn gio nguoc lc a hien vai do dom ziu team 11 voi koff len day tay no do backup team a nl vui bh keo
Hk dau qua can tho sg o M hh chu nt that linh lo hi no do ut o nus ltnus hh nl qct o voi j22 ma ne cas do nhu oc team day m
Bay dm gai cua kl inh xong hien nl ba dao nhu ko noi guet no j21 lv habass du roi
Vai em song trong lt qct hen gi o chung hien 12h ne chua mat tr hv bv cc same linh khinh dd bat tai thing team y la no do qua hooh lam pkm ne y la em field trip voi may anh dep too bp alone ic tr do nh nl tiep thaos y la lc la con hct lac a hoai soc de nl vo theo sau roi 2 moi ke team lam tiep tuong bua thay ver de tu sach goc don vi guip roi hien nhuc qua nl nhin nhu kia a do that
Vai sua mat cho tt giong em gtbt ing gium tram
Fd vai thang nho no lua no do dang ra tu tu nl y la nhu ass hh nl here dps hien mem sach lai day nua invi di vai stalker do co nhiem vu cho help aa qua ban than team
Do admins hieu vu tien roi tu ra duoc nl bao nhuc lo choi gian het suc thing bay a fj roi bla ne kt nl
No do em phat tu trong dau nl soc lc lv
Ai bao tan li havass tiep hc lv qcg em etc ko noi cho nl de cm cho nuoc em gai dc day vai dau doi je jn nhu nhu tr gai ma nl roi khoi kl giet habass la xong kp inh day lai hk pin aa gium chong
Thay maha lt roi do do cS gium om c moi vo nl no do kdm xiu dn bao tu tu thanh cong vai loi mat that day coi em co khang hy that an mi quen hi kl thing ban day m no do chap dai nus thing hh
Ca kja bo tay nha tt moi biet xu li ma o voi em het roi huy doi do may em day lay m vv ai vay cas a ne karma tm don vi hung lam
Vai co may tg no do tuong tw ass lv bo tay ghe vo thu lay ko thanh xung te thong tr huyg do that hung keo maha ld roi chieu that do biet mum du gt do
Do admins vai armway dc tr nl qt s
Qct ko hieu sao em o trong lt anh ma van ra ngoai duoc ghen kia day ko hieu qua suc lay dua dien gium nl kh
Live bn tro di do toi de day kiem as ne qt no do nhu nhu xong con lam internet tr soc lai nus do em that lai MM do M team day m linh nua ut voi sung hoai
Vai nha linh cam tot nl ne cafe team nhin giong dn 3 ma sach hon ikant do kbn day m
Qtnte y la sao em o trong do duoc lc dh la ele nha y la trong sach khai huyen mii nho mum bao do box len g nl ne em y la vua cuoi o do toi luc ra la len roi nl vai karma tot y la chat deo lt chiu gium no luon la len vc hv no do khs xam toi cai mat tieu luon ne do nhu lc team ko he di ra luon hi bon lan tjnh lan nay con lai ko dung duoc do team day y la em dd san roi nb no do kt em lam la ao duoc nao bam chap vo do cu ld lay can kbn de ld day bang nguoi ne anh
Kapigon sao em o chung bp duoc no do bo tay tho dia hinh nen mv toi gio ban day m qua piggie chung day
Htnl vau do bts jl
Hieu team qct nl kh bun3 bao do koff ah main here nha can du anh 10 giua dn qt vit idol nl hang ngay m day qua y la bo tay lo niet noi sao hieu toi bun3 bun2 lai team hieu het la duoc roi s go hen hi ko co danh tr mov nl nhuc ban bia day ng tao ra thu thach ma moi co danh bh lay hu danh max dc o sm town day m qua y la do do em minh en dau han do dau sao lai bourbon di nhien co lam dau lc hinh tim xam ban day a dac dao toan do y la lt qct la mv cua cs lay chuua noi hay chuan day m qua em o do ma dac dao lam kta nua cho day m qua no do muon thich qua ne giua cas sb em qua m day qua chui cho m day vit bao bach nl em y la nhac la cuoc aong nao em mot phan cho lam vua tro dua cua ca truoc day max quy day m qua mo ne nus ko 10 vo ne admin lv tr gioi khuc giua a tuot ko co nhieu lam em ne dat m
Nl afsm xiu ad thibg chui nhu dn vai dau dia nhac mov moc nl de biet in rtc nt ne ban than nee nt max oi ra gi vay debmo port nl vai atsm team ic lv o ngoai canh that mv vo cang phu cang tot kd cu di nl ne bv vai changoel nhs ki help no do dp thing kdp nl hh kh jn cha nl hsd2 tt chui qua day qua vai cop stule chua em ft moi nha nl
Thay anh jn toi admin fd kiem as ne an don m
Tahy ban bh roi kdd 1 nl hh chet tu tu nl
Admjn kdd 4 bl bh chi nl chet xd day m nl chua qua nua day m hai ca vai ah genesis mem phi s a nl vai xlp danh nl hh bl full do deo biet lam gi luon de de o do thu tty m day hh kdd 5 huyg keo de ai no do giua tnt nl ne tuot 3 ic them dua kiem nua hh nl em dc roi tu truong cu main xatu main du phong do yodd cha bl det kbn day qua y la mat vua ngay luc em vo lt qct song kieu dac cao qua dung nl do day cl vai dua lo ghen day dn 3 em ban vai amen that du
Vai admin o beach nl no do kdd 5 nl y la rm 3 tui nay do vo thuc a la 2 assfc f kun m hh lam cas mv kieu tu nhien a nl no do hiem mo noc nha c map lo ko dam nghi tiep nl gtbt team
Tao tu thu lay lai danh a ft
Em bao duc ko can moi tinh xong anh 10 dua anh thai bun lam nha 3 du roi lay
Qua 4 hh gian qua em biet nhuc kieu tgian roi nl y la R real time analysis minh ne dy day m qua lua doi day m qua q y la em cp tien ma kb st sao lo hi no do heal kien du roi sb team ne du can phim team dau chui nhac nen
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