#pulau ketam
leafbear · 6 months
Watercolor Painting of a Boat at Pulau Ketam, Malaysia
Pulau Ketam (Crab Island 🦀 ) is one of the favorite places for artists - many interesting scenes to paint!
During yesterday's art stream on YouTube, I painted this typical boat based on a photo I took at Pulau Ketam. Reference photo on Ko-fi and the full stream is on my YT!
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malaysia-trips · 2 years
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80-seater ferry from Pulau Ketam jetty to Port Klang. Allowed me ten minutes to cross the road and take the KTM Kommuter train back to KL Sentral.
Ferry cost 12 ringgit, approx 45 minutes
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thai-boats · 2 years
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Malaysia: Ferries for Pelabuhan Klang (Port Klang) to Pulau Ketam
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herpsandbirds · 6 months
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Orange-banded Green Geometer Moth (Eucyclodes gavissima), family Geometridae, Pulau Ketam, Malaysia
Photograph by Valentin Golubkov
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tropic-havens · 9 months
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Pulau Ketam, or Crab Island, located off the west coast of Malaysia
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zedecksiew · 2 years
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A broken god, abandoned dogs, two lovers forever staring at each other across a broken bridge.
23/1 - 29/1 #dungeon23
Islands and coastal settlements south of the city of Queen's Rest. The title lies---the God-In-Pieces' pieces I'll probably get around to cataloguing later.
Really struggled with this. Knew I wanted it to be the geography south of Queen's Rest, but didn't really have any direction beyond: "Oh I hope this will look nice."
The lack of direction meant I had to make up a lot of the details after I'd drawn them. This is why Aima & Malak's deal is represented so poorly? Theirs is a Tragic Love Story (my go-to, hur hur), but because it isn't told visually, I didn't have much space to tell it at all.
The idea:
Aima is a priestess of Garika;
Aima and Malak meet on the land-bridge between the islands to make love;
Garika gets jealous and sends lightning to smash the bridge;
The lovers stand there, staring across at each other, and their longing turns them to stone.
Also: these locations are mostly hooks for other things: Garika's Temple and the poppy plantation are adjuncts of Queen's Rest; the Star Fort is related to Mis-Sur wanting her husband back; Garika's palace and God-In-Pieces will be entries elsewhere. I feel a bit bad about this.
(For what it's worth: I do think the map looks okay. not super legible, so not super useful in that regard, but it has a nice view-from-out-of-an-airplane-window look, all tiny specks, which I enjoy!)
Dog Island is a reference to the practice (by Pulau Ketam most famously, but I believe there were examples in Penang and elsewhere as well) of folks dumping stray dogs on mangrove islands. Because people are monsters.
#dungeon23 thing I loved this week: this spider-y place, by Odinson Games.
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scrapbuuk · 1 year
Windy at Pulau Ketam, Klang - May 20, 2023
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singapore-travel · 4 months
7 Best Islands To Explore in Singapore
Singapore is a small nation but it is encircled by numerous interesting islands. Each island has its own beauty. So, we ask you - do you want to take a trip or just unwind? We will help you make a decision with the help of this list! Read the blog below to learn everything you need to know about the new attractions in Singapore and the islands.
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Sentosa Island
Families should definitely visit this island! There are many things to do in Sentosa Island. At Universal Studios Singapore, you can meet your favorite cartoon characters, ride thrilling rollercoasters, and take in amazing shows. Explore an underwater world at the S.E.A. Aquarium. Amazing fish and marine life will be swimming all around you.
Are you feeling warm? Relax in the sun on Sentosa's gorgeous beaches. For some fun and excitement, head to the bustling Palawan Beach or the more sedate Tanjong Beach.
Pulau Ubin
There is nothing more ideal than visiting this island to get away from the city. Its natural settings and traditional village life are popular for many reasons. A bike rental will allow you to ride the island's beautiful tracks. Visit the former location of the shuttered Ketam Quarry, which supplied granite for Singapore's early development.
For more on the history and culture of this island, visit the Pulau Ubin Visitor Center. You can also see a variety of creatures including monkeys, foxes, and wild boars. One of the island's ancient restaurants is a great place to enjoy a delicious seafood dinner.
St. John's Island
A peaceful vacation spot originally known as a quarantine station is St. John's Island.
It is renowned for its abundant wildlife and historical sites. You may visit the ruins of the former quarantine hospital.  Explore the different plants and animals of the island by taking a walk through the recovered secondary forest. See some of the local creatures such as dolphins, hornbills, and monkeys. You can also enjoy a picnic lunch at one of the island's authorized locations.
Kusu Island
The island is known for its quiet atmosphere and stunning beaches. Keramat Kusu, Darum Tua Kong, and Dato' Puteh Gong are the three Malay shrines that are well-known on this island. See the three Malay shrines and discover the significance of these sites for culture. You can enjoy the natural beauty by walking along the island's walking pathways. Enjoy the peaceful nature of the island while relaxing on the beach. You can take a dip in the beautiful seas surrounding the island.
Sisters' Island
Home to a wide variety of species and stunning beaches, Sisters' Island is sure to delight those who enjoy the great outdoors Get away from the typical tourist attractions and take in the variety of animals found on Sisters Island. Watch for a range of interesting bird species or for amusing otters playing in the water. Prepare yourself for a thrilling kayaking adventure between the two islands! Enjoy the peace of this remote island paradise while exploring the surrounding seas and finding hidden coves.
Pulau Satumu
 Pulau Satumu Bunker is a historical gem that may be found on this little island. Discover Singapore's historical history, have a look at this World War II artwork and take in the relaxed vibe of the island. Enjoy the greenery of the island, take in the calm sounds of the surrounding water, and sense the serenity of this undiscovered treasure.
Bottom Line
With this thrilling island itinerary, Singapore reveals itself as an adventure hotspot! Everyone can discover an island paradise that is just waiting to be discovered, from family-friendly hotspots like Sentosa Island to historical treasures like Pulau Satumu. Everything you could possibly want for a holiday is available on Singapore's various islands, from exhilarating attractions at Universal Studios Singapore to quiet solitude on the spotless beaches of Lazarus Island. The good times do not end there! There are many new attractions in Singapore. Mandai Wildlife West, which has attractions like the intriguing Bird Paradise, the mind-bending world of Sensoryscape, and the magic of "Harry Potter: Visions of Magic" coming soon, is a major contributor to Singapore's entertainment industry's continued growth.
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foodpoi · 2 years
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Heh bi hiam. Pulau ketam style nasi lenak. Only in Klang. Weekends ride for this is all worth it. (at Chong Kok Kopitiam 中国酒店) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co_GKiMhcLM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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turisiancom · 2 years
TURISIAN.com – Tanah Papua merupakan tempat yang asyik dan cocok buat Sobat Turisian yang senang penjelajahan di alam bebas. Sebab di sana banyak objek alam yang menyuguhkan pesona luar biasa dan masih alami. Salah satunya Taman Nasional (TN) Teluk Cenderawasih. Pesona taman nasional ini tidak hanya dari keindahan alamnya, namun alam bawah lautnya pun sama-sama indah. Bahkan kerap menjadi incaran bukan hanya wisatawan lokal tapi juga internasional. Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih yang menjadi rumah bagi biota bawah laut dan fauna lainnya ini, terletak di antara tiga kabupaten di Papua Barat. Yaitu Kabupaten Manokrawi Selatan, Kabupaten Teluk Wondama dan Kabupaten Nabire. Hebatnya lagi, Taman Nasional yang satu ini merupakan salah satu taman nasional terbesar di Indonesia. Luasnya hampir menyentuh 1,5 juta ha, dengan sebagian besar berupa perairan. Tak heran, menjadi rumah bagi berbagai ekosistem makhluk hidup, juga potensi flora dan fauna yang masih dalam tahapan identifikasi. Secara resmi Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih terbentuk sekitar 18 tahun lalu melalui Surat Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan No. 8009/Kpts-II/2002 pada tanggal 29 Agustus 2002. Sejak saat itu, perlahan tapi pasti, kawasan konservasi tersebut mulai menjadi destinasi wisata alternatif bagi wisatawan lokal. Hiu Paus di TN Teluk Cenderawasih Sebagai taman nasional dengan wilayah perairan terluas di Indonesia, menjadikannya sebagai habitat nyaman bagi berbagai flora dan fauna, baik yang sudah teridentifkasi maupun yang belum. Salah satu yang menjadi banyak incaran wisatawan yakni, kehadiran Hiu Paus yang termasuk satwa langka. Hiu paus yang memiliki nama latin Rhincodon Typus, merupakan spesies hiu terbesar yang ada di dunia. Meskipun ‘hanya’ memakan plankton, hiu ini bisa bertumbuh hingga mencapai panjang 18 meter. Baca juga: Kehadiran Wisata Kuliner Kaimana, Membuat Kaum Muda Papua Barat Kreatif Di Indonesia sendiri, satwa laut ini hanya bisa Sobat Turisian temukan di tiga lokasi. Di antaranya di Kepulauan Derawan, Indonesia. Lalu daerah Gorontalo, Sulawesi dan yang terakhir Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih, Papua Barat. TN Teluk Cenderawasih sendiri memiliki ‘kehormatan’ untuk menjadi wilayah konservasi hiu paus di Indonesia. Ada Desa Kwatisore yang berada di taman nasional ini sendiri telah menjadi lokasi penelitian hiu paus sejak lama. Tak hanya menjadi subyek penelitian, di Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih, hiu paus kerap menjadi teman nelayan dan wisatawan. Biasanya, para nelayan atau wisatawan bisa berinteraksi dengan jarak dekat dengan hiu paus di perairan Kwatisore. Pada perairan taman nasional ini juga sering muncul satwa air lainnya, seperti Duyung (Dugong Dugon), Lumba-lumba leher botol, ketam kelapa, ikan kakatua besar, pari rajawali totol, pari manta. Kemudian ada pula hiu reef whitetip, hiu blacktip, paus biru, dan buaya muara. Wisata Budaya dan Sejarah Daya tarik TN Teluk Cenderawasih selain keindahan alam dan satwa, ada pula spot wisata budaya dan sejarah yang bisa Sobat Turisian nikmati walaupun 90 persennya lautan. Letaknya di dua pulau, yaitu Pulau Misowaar dan Pulau Roon. Di Pulau Misowaar Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih, Sobat Turisian bisa mengunjungi gua yang sudah ada semenjak zaman purbakala dan merupakan peninggalan etnis Wandau. Gua ini memiliki kedalaman air hingga 100 meter. Baca juga: Anggi Giji dan Anggi Gida, Pasangan Danau Memesona di Tanah Papua Kemudian bergeser ke Pulau Roon, Sobat Turisian bisa melihat peninggalan zaman kolonial. Termasuk gereja tua yang di dalamnya memiliki Alkitab yang sudah ada semenjak tahun 1898. Keren banget kan Sob! Akses ke Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih Sobat Turisian yang tertarik menikmati keindahan TN Teluk Cenderawasih, Papua ini, membutuhkan perencanaan yang matang. Selain daftar tempat yang akan kalian kunjungi serta persiapan perbekalan, juga harus mengetahui cara mencapai taman nasional yang terletak di Papua Barat Ini. Kalau Sobat Turisian berada
di Indonesia bagian barat seperti pulau Jawa, Sumatera hingga Kalimantan, maka naik pesawat jadi pilihannya. Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih sendiri menawarkan dua titik masuk, yaitu Nabire dan Manokwari. Tinggal pilih penerbangan dari kota keberangkatan ke Bandara Douw Aturure di Nabire atau Bandara Rendani di Manokwari. Sementara bagi Sobat Turisian yang berdomisili di Pulau Sulawesi dan ingin mencoba moda transportasi kapal, bisa memilih pelabuhan di kota Manokwari atau Nabire. Lalu melanjutkan perjalanan dengan menyewa long boat dengan durasi 6 jam ke Pulau Rumberpon, yang merupakan salah satu pulau di TN Teluk Cenderawasih. Baca juga: Tari Perang Falabea, Lambang Semangat dari Tanah Papua Nah, kalau kalian yang kebetulan sudah atau sedang menetap di Papua, bisa memilih jalur darat sebagai moda transportasi. Jalur darat hanya bisa kalian tempuh dengan kota tujuan Manokwari, sebelum berlanjut dengan menyewa perahu dan berlayar selama 2,5 jam.*  
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mock-shfq · 3 years
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Pulau Ketam, Klang
Kentmere Black and White 400
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Mangrove Village
Probes the Significance of the Mangrove To The Village From a Cultural Perspective
Dessau Institute of Architecture Masters Programme
Studio Peter Ruge - #0000FF- Too Little, Too Much
Ng Ji Yann -  Mangrove Village
A village with mangrove forests, Pulau Ketam, is constructed on swampy foundations. At the same time, past neglect of mangroves, worsened by climate change and rising sea levels, has resulted in geological subsidence of the rate of over 15cm per year. Despite widespread neglect, the mangrove forest is central to the survival of this capital. Extending beyond this ecological argument, the thesis probes the significance of the mangrove to the village from a cultural perspective.
Instead, The Mangrove Village proposes a less economically focused agency, restructuring the management of mangrove forests and swampy lands. The village will be the new host of the International Arts Festival where public diplomacy is celebrated through mangroves as a modality of soft-power – one that is symbolic, cultural, influential, embodied and intimate.
Expanding the understanding of Pulau Ketam’s material and physical mangrove foundations, it focuses on the popular Pulau Ketam exports derived from the mangrove forest – Dry Seafood, Teochew Opera, Traditional Fisher Boat Factory. These items constitute forms of a soft element and act as familiar Pulau Ketam cultural symbols.
Mangroves will cease to be disregarded and mistreated. It will no longer be hastily removed and denigrated. Instead, it will become the primary social village for public diplomacy, a new type of economy, an archipelagic currency, one that grows and matures, evolving at different stages into various softpowers. The cultivation of cuisine, culture and crafts evolving from the maturing mangroves will become the core mechanism that elevates Pulau Ketam’s progress, protecting Pulau Ketam’s villgers and establishing credibility for the dawn of the new village. Yes, this seems superficial. Yes, this seems revolutionary. Yes, this will take time and lots of hard work to achieve.
In summary, the graphic narrative board begins with a couple of visitors from significant capital cities traveling to Pulau Ketam for an Eco-Tourism weekend gateawy. In this narrative, the attraction of Pulau Ketam is different to previous predecessors, with an emphasis on local culture and mangrove ecosystem, which will be main key point attractions of Pulau Ketam.
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malaysia-trips · 2 years
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Into the storm on the 80-seater ferry between Pulau Ketam and Port Klang
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thai-boats · 2 years
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Malaysia: tour boats from Pelabuhan Klang (Port Klang) arrives at Pulau Ketam
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nickyoon · 2 years
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Sungai Lima is a fishing village on the island of Pulau Ketam, off the coast of Selangor, Malaysia
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tropic-havens · 9 months
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Pulau Ketam, or Crab Island, located off the west coast of Malaysia
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