#pulp and paper industry
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“'KICK' HAD GONE OUT OF DYNAMITE,” Kingston Whig-Standard. February 24, 1933. Page 1. ---- Sticks Found at Welland Canal Likely Stolen and Buried in Rocks ---- ST. CATHARINES, Feb. 24 - Test at the laboratory at Queenston quarries of the dynamite discovered yesterday near the Welland Canal showed that most of the "kick" had gone out of the sticks through age and exposure to weather. Thirteen sticks unaccounted for are believed to have been found in granular condition by boys and scattered about the grass and rocks.
The box holding yesterday's find shows this dynamite was of a lot used many months ago. It had apparently been stolen from one or several contracting companies, left buried in the rocks and forgotten or left behind by thieves.
Chief Harold said today so far as he is concerned the case is closed.
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divyankverma · 1 year
Global Antislime Agent Sales Market Analysis, Segment, Trends, Types, Status, Application & Forecast to 2032
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jeepumps · 1 year
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ppcseo · 1 year
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ficisid · 2 years
The objective of the project is to strengthen the productivity and sustainability of the paper industry, and therefore, its global competitive position, through various interventions at the firm level.
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advancechemicals · 2 years
Reducing Fluff Generation on Paper Machines: The Benefits of Specialty Chemicals
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Advance Chemicals (AC) manufactures and supplies a wide range of paper machine chemicals that improve paper quality and machine efficiency. Our products include retention aids, drainage aids, and machine speed and quality improvers.
In this blog post, we will focus on the benefits of using specialty chemicals to reduce fluff generation on paper machines. Fluff is a common problem on paper machines, and it can cause a number of issues, including decreased machine efficiency, paper quality problems, and process upsets.
Using specialty chemicals is an effective way to reduce fluff generation and improve paper machine performance. AC’s retention aids and drainage aids improve paper quality and machine efficiency by reducing fluff generation. In addition, our machine speed and quality improvers help keep paper machines running at peak performance.
If you are experiencing fluff problems on your paper machine, we invite you to contact us to learn more about our specialty chemicals and how they can help you improve paper machine performance.
What is fluff and why is it a problem?
Fluff is a type of non-fibrous material that accumulates in paper machines due to the presence of deposits and waste material in the pulp. It is composed of fillers and other materials that are not picked up by the drainage wire but still manages to pass through the press section. Fluff is a major issue in papermaking, because it can reduce the efficiency of the paper machine and negatively impact the quality of the final product. Fluff can cause a number of problems, such as process upsets and decreased paper strength. It can also lead to paper quality problems, such as linting, streaks, and product defects. Additionally, fluff can lead to reduced machine efficiency, because it absorbs moisture and reduces the overall throughput of the machine.
The benefits of specialty chemicals
Specialty chemicals can reduce fluff generation on paper machines and improve paper quality and machine efficiency. These chemicals are designed to reduce retention and increase drainage in the papermaking process, which minimizes the amount of fluff that accumulates on the paper machine. Retention aids, used in conjunction with drainage aids, help improve formation of the paper sheet and decrease fluff accumulation. Retention aids help capture and retain fillers in the papermaking process, which reduces the amount of fluff that is generated. Drainage aids, on the other hand, help reduce the amount of fiber that is lost during the papermaking process, which also reduces fluff generation. In addition, AC’s Machine Speed and Quality improvers help minimize fluff generation by controlling the flow of fillers and other materials. These products help keep paper machines running at peak performance, while also minimizing fluff and improving paper quality.
How to reduce fluff generation with specialty chemicals
Reducing fluff generation on paper machines is a multi-faceted process. The first step is to identify the sources of the fluff. This can be done by analysing the pulp stream and making adjustments to the process accordingly. Once the source of the fluff has been identified, it is important to use suitable specialty chemicals to improve the drainage and retention on the paper machine. Retention aids should be used to capture and retain fillers in the papermaking process, while drainage aids should be used to reduce the amount of fibers lost to fluff. In addition, AC’s Machine Speed and Quality improvers can help minimize fluff generation by controlling the flow of fillers and other materials.
Fluff can have a serious impact on paper machine efficiency and paper quality. Reducing fluff generation is essential for achieving optimal performance on paper machines, and this is where specialty chemicals come into play. AC manufactures a wide range of specialty chemicals that can reduce fluff generation and help improve paper quality and machine efficiency. Our products include retention aids, drainage aids, and machine speed and quality improvers. If you are experiencing fluff problems on your paper machine, we invite you to contact us to learn more about our products and how they can help you reduce fluff generation and improve your paper machine performance.
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thefleatheaternyc · 2 months
Grey Back Duplex Board Manufacturer in India
Manufacturer of grey back duplex board in India involves several steps and processes to ensure high-quality output suitable for packaging and printing applications. Here’s a general overview of how grey back duplex board is manufactured:
Manufacturing Process of Grey Back Duplex Board:
Raw Material Preparation:
The manufacturing process begins with the selection and preparation of raw materials. Grey back duplex board typically uses recycled fibers as the base material. These fibers are sourced, sorted, and cleaned to remove impurities and ensure uniform quality.
The cleaned fibers are then pulped by mixing them with water and chemicals in a pulping machine. This process breaks down the fibers into a slurry, which is refined to achieve the desired fiber characteristics such as strength and smoothness.
Paper Formation:
The pulped fiber slurry is fed into a papermaking machine, such as a Fourdrinier machine or a twin-wire machine. On this machine, the slurry is deposited onto a continuous wire mesh where water drains away, and the fibers start to bond together to form a wet sheet of paper.
After formation, the wet paper sheet passes through presses that squeeze out more water and compress the fibers to increase the paper’s density and strength. This step also helps in achieving the desired thickness of the paper.
Coating Application:
Once pressed, the base layer of the duplex board is coated on one side with a layer of coating material. In the case of grey back duplex board, this coating typically consists of a mixture containing recycled fibers and other materials to achieve the grey color and enhance stiffness.
The coated duplex board then passes through drying cylinders or ovens to remove moisture and solidify the coating. Proper drying is crucial to ensure the board reaches the desired moisture content for optimal performance in subsequent processing and applications.
Calendering (Optional):
Depending on the desired finish, the dried duplex board may undergo calendering. This involves passing the board through rollers to further smooth the surface and improve its finish, enhancing printability and appearance.
Cutting and Packaging:
Finally, the grey back duplex board is cut into sheets or rolled into reels according to customer specifications. It is then packaged and prepared for distribution to end-users in the packaging, printing, and other industries.
Quality Control and Sustainability:
Quality Control: Throughout the manufacturing process, rigorous quality control measures are implemented to monitor and maintain product consistency, strength, thickness, and other important parameters.
Sustainability: Many manufacturers in India prioritize sustainability by using recycled fibers and adopting eco-friendly practices in their manufacturing processes. This helps minimize environmental impact and meets the growing demand for sustainable packaging solutions.
Grey back duplex board manufacturing in India combines advanced technology with sustainable practices to produce a versatile material suitable for various packaging and printing applications. Companies in this sector focus on innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction to meet the diverse needs of domestic and international markets.
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Manufacturing Process: How to make a duplex board?
Making duplex paper board involves a multi-step process that combines layers of different types of paper to create a material that is strong, durable, and suitable for packaging and printing applications. Here’s a general overview of how duplex board is made:
Manufacturing Process of Duplex Board:
The process begins with preparing the raw materials. Typically, duplex board is made from layers of recycled fibers. The fibers are sorted, cleaned, and mixed to achieve the desired blend of strength, smoothness, and other properties.
The selected fibers are then pulped, which involves breaking down the fibers into a slurry using water and chemicals. This slurry is refined to ensure uniformity and optimal fiber characteristics for the board’s intended use.
The next step involves forming the base layers of the duplex board. This is done using a papermaking machine known as a Fourdrinier machine or a twin-wire machine. The machine distributes the fiber slurry onto a continuous wire mesh, where water drains away, and the fibers start to bond together to form a wet sheet of paper.
Once formed, the wet sheet passes through rollers that press out more water and compact the fibers to increase the paper’s density and strength. This step helps in achieving the desired thickness and smoothness of the paper layers.
Duplex board typically involves coating one or both sides of the base paper layers with a layer of coating material. The coating can consist of kaolin (clay), calcium carbonate, or other materials that enhance the surface properties such as smoothness and printability. Coating also improves the board’s ability to accept printing inks.
After coating, the board passes through drying cylinders or ovens to remove excess moisture. This step is crucial to ensure the board reaches the desired moisture content for optimal printing and packaging performance.
Once dried, the board may undergo calendering, where it passes through rollers to further smooth the surface and improve its finish. This enhances the board’s printability and appearance.
Finally, the coated duplex board is wound into large rolls (reels) or sheets, depending on customer specifications. It is then cut to the required sizes and packaged for distribution to customers.
Additional Considerations:
Quality Control: Throughout the manufacturing process, quality control measures ensure that the duplex board meets specified standards for strength, thickness, smoothness, and other properties.
Environmental Considerations: Many manufacturers prioritize using recycled fibers and sustainable practices to minimize environmental impact. Additionally, some duplex boards are designed to be recyclable and biodegradable, aligning with global sustainability goals.
Customization: Manufacturers can vary the composition and characteristics of duplex board based on customer requirements, such as different coating levels, surface finishes, and functional additives for specific applications.
By following these steps, manufacturers produce duplex board suitable for a wide range of packaging applications, providing a balance of strength, printability, and aesthetic appeal essential in today’s market.
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nancypanels · 2 months
Customization Options in the Global Coated Duplex Board Market
Coated duplex paper board is a versatile material that finds extensive use in packaging due to its durability, printability, and aesthetic appeal. In today's competitive market, customization plays a crucial role in meeting diverse consumer demands and industry requirements. Let's delve into the various customization options available in the global coated duplex board market:
Understanding Coated Duplex Board
Coated duplex board is a type of paperboard that consists of two layers, typically made from recycled fibers. The outer layer is coated with a thin layer of kaolin or other substances to improve its printing surface and enhance its strength and appearance. This makes it ideal for high-quality printing and packaging applications.
Key Customization Options
Printing and Graphics: One of the primary advantages of coated duplex board is its ability to showcase vibrant and high-resolution graphics. Manufacturers can customize the board by offering various printing options such as offset printing, digital printing, and flexographic printing. This allows brands to create visually appealing packaging that attracts consumers' attention on store shelves.
Surface Finishes: Coated duplex board can be customized with different surface finishes to achieve specific textures and appearances. Common surface finishes include matte, gloss, and satin finishes, each offering unique tactile and visual effects. These finishes not only enhance the aesthetics but also contribute to the overall feel and perception of the packaging.
Color Matching: Brands often require packaging that aligns perfectly with their corporate identity or product branding. Coated duplex board can be customized to match specific colors using Pantone Matching System (PMS) or CMYK color codes. This ensures consistency across different packaging batches and reinforces brand recognition.
Size and Shape: Customization in coated duplex board extends to the size and shape of packaging solutions. Manufacturers can produce boards in various dimensions and forms, ranging from standard boxes and cartons to intricate die-cut shapes tailored to unique product requirements. This flexibility allows brands to optimize packaging for efficiency and visual appeal.
Functional Coatings: Beyond aesthetics, coated duplex board can be customized with functional coatings to enhance performance attributes. For instance, boards can be treated with coatings for moisture resistance, barrier properties, or anti-static properties depending on the specific application needs. This customization ensures that the packaging maintains product integrity and meets regulatory standards.
Market Dynamics
The demand for customized coated duplex board is driven by several factors, including increasing consumer preferences for premium packaging, regulatory requirements for sustainable materials, and technological advancements in printing and coating processes. Manufacturers are investing in research and development to innovate new customization options that cater to evolving market trends and customer expectations.
Future Outlook
As consumer preferences continue to evolve towards personalized experiences and sustainable packaging solutions, the global coated duplex board market is expected to witness significant growth. Customization will remain a key differentiator for manufacturers and brands seeking to stand out in competitive markets and meet the diverse needs of consumers worldwide.
Customization options in the global coated duplex board market empower brands to create distinctive packaging solutions that not only protect and promote their products but also resonate with consumers on a deeper level. By leveraging advanced printing technologies and versatile material properties, manufacturers can achieve superior packaging aesthetics and functionality tailored to specific market requirements.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 months
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"NEWSPRINT MEN ON STRIKE AT FORT FRANCES," Winnipeg Tribune. May 1, 1934. Page 3. --- Management Rejects Plea For 36-Hour Week and Guarantee of Employment ---- [Special to The Winnipeg Tribune] FORT FRANCES, Ont., May 1- Three thousand pulp and paper mill employes of this town are on strike today as a result of the dead-lock in negotiations between the pulp and paper companies and their mill employes. The strike became effective at 8 a.m., when no mill employes responded to the whistle summoning them to work.
There is no sign of disorders. The men are quietly walking the streets and the companies are making no attempt to operate with out- side help.
The companies have been negotiating with their employes for some time. The men are receiving 35 cents an hour basic wage for a 48-hour week on an annual contract which expired on April 30. The employes ask a substantial increase in pay, a 36-hour week, and an employment contract.
Officials of the company have not indicated what their counter- proposals are, other than to say that they have offered an increase in pay with an annual contract. They say that, with the newsprint market in the present uncertain shape, there must be leeway for employment readjustments to meet any situation which may develop. There is no objection, apparently to an annual contract, but the employers do not acquiesce in the plea for a long-time wage contract.
The two companies affected are the M. and O. Paper Company, International Falls, and the Fort Frances Pulp and Paper Company, of Fort Frances. R. Andrews has been conducting the negotiations for the management and union officials have conducted the case for the men.
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kalpanahandmadepaper · 3 months
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Farmer Paper Innovated by Kalpana Handmade Paper
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marketstudyinfinium · 9 months
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tenth-sentence · 9 months
It is also widely used in the paper industry, as an oxidising agent to bleach both pulp and paper, and also as a bleaching agent for textiles.
"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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ficisid · 2 years
The objective of the project is to strengthen the productivity and sustainability of the paper industry, and therefore, its global competitive position, through various interventions at the firm level.
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advancechemicals · 2 years
Paper Sizing Agents - Roles and Significance
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Surface sizing agents are materials that are applied to the surface of paper to improve its strength and printability. These agents work by creating a barrier on the surface of the paper that helps to protect it from moisture and other environmental factors. This barrier also helps to improve the surface strength of the paper, making it more resistant to tearing and other forms of damage.
Additionally, surface sizing agents can improve the printability of paper by creating a smoother and more uniform surface that is better suited for printing.
There are several different types of surface sizing agents that are commonly used in papermaking. Some of the most common include:
Starches: Starches are natural polysaccharides that are derived from plants. They are commonly used as surface sizing agents because they are readily available and relatively inexpensive. Starches are also biodegradable, making them an environmentally friendly choice.
Synthetic polymers: Synthetic polymers such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyacrylamide (PAM) are also commonly used as surface sizing agents. These materials are known for their superior strength and durability, making them a popular choice for high-performance paper applications.
Rosin: Rosin is a natural resin that is derived from pine trees. It is commonly used as a surface sizing agent in papermaking due to its ability to improve the strength and printability of paper.
Casein: Casein is a protein that is derived from milk. It is used as a surface sizing agent in papermaking due to its ability to improve the strength and printability of paper.
Alkyl ketene dimer (AKD): AKD is a synthetic wax that is used as a surface sizing agent in papermaking. It improves the strength and printability of paper.
The choice of surface sizing agent will depend on the specific application and the desired properties of the end product. Some paper manufacturers may use a combination of different surface sizing agents to achieve the desired properties.
In conclusion, Surface sizing agents are materials that are applied to the surface of paper to improve its strength and printability by creating a barrier on the surface of the paper that helps to protect it from moisture and other environmental factors. Starches, Synthetic polymers, Rosin, Casein and Alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) are some of the common surface sizing agents used in papermaking. The choice of surface sizing agent will depend on the specific application and the desired properties of the end product.
At Advance Chemicals we offer Sizing agents covering Fortified Rosin, AKD, and both cationic and Anionic Version of Surface Size Agent.
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laxmienterprises · 10 months
Best Egg Trays Making Machine Factory Using Waste Paper | Fully Auto Egg Cartoon Making 6000 par hr
Egg Trays Making Machine Factory Using Waste Paper | Fully Auto Egg Cartoon Making Put the old paper in the dough maker, then add water and other raw materials to the dough maker. This process is equivalent to waste paper recycling, which is the first step in making egg trays. 2. Molding The molding refers to the stage that conveys the paste into the molding machine through the pipelinesmall scale industries,Industries,egg tray making,waste paper craft tray,small scale,Egg Trays Making Machine,Egg Making Factory,Egg Cartoon Making,Fully Auto Egg Tray Making,Egg Tray Making Use Waste Paper,egg tray,waste paper try
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