gaycey-sketchit · 2 years
gaycey sketchit aahhaha I fucking love it !!
Thank you! I was honestly shocked this URL wasn't taken already. I'm glad I could claim it because I love it.
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librarycards · 2 years
hi !! asks: # 3. what color best describes your personality?
#12. do you re-read books? which one have you re-read the most?
(this one is a selfish question tbh. the quotes and book excerpts you post always resonate with me, or provoke thought for the whole rest of the week... or better yet, settle deep into my brain and a month later a Full Thesis emerges, so I would like to thank you for that.)
probably like wine-red/purple!
answered, but here are some others i've reread before (and i don't reread books toooooo often unless i'm citing them for school etc)
not here by hieu minh nguyen, heavenly breakfast by samuel r delany, the his dark materials series, both of eli clare's books!
i think the next one i'd like to reread is station eleven, since it's getting a lot more hype now w/ the tv show. :)
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crtter · 3 years
I saw your tags and wanted to answer. w horses most folks the first time around want to Look At a Horse from the front and are inclined to Shove Their Hand at the horse, also from the front... the horse cannot see you there. Their eyes are at the sides. The closer smthng is to the front of the face the more into a horse's blindspot it is. So if a hand suddenly appeared right in front of my very sensitive nose i would bite it too
Oh! That makes so much sense! I had never considered that horses must have a big blind spot right in front of them since their eyes are on the sides of their faces! Like, I’ve been taught that you can’t sneak up on them (which I understood to be because they’re like… prey animals and spook easily) and that it’s not a good idea to just straight up touch their faces but not why. Now I get it, heh! Thanks for the explanation!
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americachavez · 3 years
I check tumblr for the first time in days & have mine eyes seared by horrible things you post on tumblr dot edu ... just wanted to thank you for keeping it real & i appreciate the vibe check. Clocking out again though for sure
have no idea what this is even referencing to anymore but happy to help ✌🏽if you need me I’m on my mobile
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musashi · 3 years
it's Cheeseburger's birthday?? 😭 pls tell Cheeseburger happy birthday from me in the following steps: 1. scritch in best spot (differs by cat); 2. in solemn voice say "happy birthday. yes." and; 3. seal declaration with a lil smooch (also best spot, see step 1)
he got up very suddenly after i finished this as if i had spoken some ancient wisdom to him. then i gave him some treats and hes looking at me w big happy eyes now!!!
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adhdashketchum · 3 years
ask game - flying type !!
Favorite - Rowlet!!!
Second Favorite - Lugia
Cutest - Rowlet, Woobat, and Noibat
Stupid/Dumb looking - Cramorant. Silly thing. I like them though, they just look like they have zero braincells.
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goosebytrade · 3 years
hi there. by any chance did you once post / rb a post about best buy funding money into anti-blm campaigns in the us? does such a post exist, or did my brain invent it? thanks for your time, I appreciate the help in my odd little quest
Hey! I don't quite remember. It is possible I did reblog a post about Best Buy, but it isn't coming up in my search of my own blog.
I looked it up, and the results were confusing (I'm on mobile). I think the company did donate some money to BLM, but I also saw an individual store in LA told an employee not to wear a BLM mask to work (So was the location going against company policy, or was the donation hypocritical? Something I don't have time to research right now, but feel free to look it up!). A lot of companies donated because it was good publicity (Amazon among them), donations from billion dollar companies don't always mean much. Nothing in the top results mentioned anti-BLM donations, but that doesn't mean they didn't happen. You might have to dig around more in the tumblr tags or your preferred search engine.
There was a quote from the CEO in here, but again you have to use a grain of salt. The article is FULL of business major takes, so be aware of that.
I'm not sure what you needed it for, but if you have a gift card or they are having a sale on something or whatever I wouldn't feel too guilty about shopping there. At least on this topic, Best Buy doesn't seem more evil than any other major company. And it isn't Amazon or Walmart! I'm not vouching for Best Buy or anything, but from this quick research it doesn't look like a Chick-fil-A type "avoid at all costs" scenario.
My 10 minutes on Duck Duck Go could be completely wrong, however. If anyone has a concrete answer or knows I'm wrong here, please speak up!
Either way, I hope you have a great day! Sorry I wasn't more of a help.
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librarycards · 3 years
Ask meme? Answer meme... fren shaped 💛 bones ♡ dinosaur oatmeal 💜
Omfg thank you!!! *gratefully accepts your prized beanie baby*
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musashi · 3 years
okay so cast of characters for sure. like fantasy novel list of who's who . .. also I am at work so no rush !
LINK: sleeby boy who likes to fly around and daydream and take naps and is regarded by others as kind of a quiet ditz. weird shit happens to this guy tho. prophetic nightmares. previously thought extinct animals befriending him. skill in things that should not come as naturally to him as it does. doesn’t really do words, talks with his actions. v expressive and open-hearted. wears his heart on his sleeve. loves his bestie n would both die and kill for her.
ZELDA: bestie. manic pixie dream girl (affectionate). school principal’s cute daughter. bossy, outgoing, and outspoken, but soft at heart and a hopeless romantic. protective and strong, in love with legends of old and dreaming about a world below the clouds. mom friend cranked up to 11. don’t fuck with her. “EXCUSE ME Link said he wanted NO PICKLES”
GROOSE: gaston from beauty and the beast but he gets better instead of worse. is so convinced he’s the main character that he brute forces himself into a supporting character position. has a breakdown and decides instead of therapy he’s going to make shit explode. absolute narcissist with a heart of gold who loves birds and trees and nature and is bros with a 1000+ year old lady who gives him pep talks. meme god
FI: what if god put alexa on a sword? is a question absolutely no one was asking but i’m really glad nintendo answered anyways. fi’s a little metal sprite girl with the knowledge of literally the entire world thus far held inside her supercomputer brain. she lives inside link’s sword and helps him navigate places so he doesn’t get lost or die from curiously trying to eat lava. she’s all numbers and data and speaks in probabilities and hypotheses and she can seem a little icy but there’s definitely something kinda playful bubbling under the surface of her. her robotic demeanor is contradicted entirely by her tendencies to sing and dance as she espouses ancient messages. calculating, precise, and with a loyalty that transcends all. she’s the best character in the whole zelda franchise, which is a fact, and not me having comfort character brainrot.
GHIRAHIM: america’s next top homophobic stereotype. sexy demon man likes to shove his tongue in ur ear. oddly gentlemanly for how unhinged he is. like is 100% the bad guy but mostly just seems like he views u as kind of an annoying mosquito every time y’all fight. constantly making the choice not to kill you because he thinks its rude and then regretting it later. flambouyant, narcissistic, ruthless when he chooses to be. a dude loves to monologue. i don’t like him but he’s the darling of the fandom so he must be doing something right.
IMPA: lesbian best friend who hugs you while you’re crying and makes eye contact with your shitty man over your shoulder in an attempt to strike fear into his heart. we don’t know nearly enough about her in this game because they’re cowards. badass ninja warrior lady who is the only reason zelda doesn’t legit die several hours into the game. fierce, dedicated, loyal, steady, and wise. a soothing presence who keeps everyone on track and makes sure they’re safe and forward-facing. we love impa.
there’s MANY others but those are the main darlings. we love them
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musashi · 3 years
hey hope your body is recovering from the zelda news. ( do you/can you have a throat soothing tea or other beverage? I know honey and other sugars aren't keto) anyways !! I have decided which zelda game I'm going to buy now haha. can you bring some Special Interest energy to the table and tell me about Skyward Sword?
i don’t like tea but i got ricola xD i lowkey always have a sore throat because i talk too loud and too much lol it’s all par for the course fgjhfsg
and OOOH YES what do you want to know about it? basic synopses? characters? i’ll tell u anything!!! i recently typed out the whole plot of the game in detail for an anon of mine so i’ll absolutely ramble. i just need to know what part of it to ramble about xD
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musashi · 3 years
hi Wendy :) I've only ever played pokemon games on switch and know very little about the older games, so my question is: what's your favourite game mechanic that is used for storytelling in pokemon games? also I have a bonus question, what is your favourite bit of Jessie/Musashi trivia??
this is kind of an obscure one, but!!!
so my favourite location in any pokemon game is route 120 in hoenn. i’ve written extensively on this route, and i have a whole tag on it! it’s a very special place to me. i don’t know why, i’m just... enchanted by it.
most of what you encounter on this route is standard hoenn fauna, the stuff that fills every route--oddish/gloom, zigzagoon/linoone, poochyena/mightyena. but one pokemon stands out--absol. you can very rarely encounter absol on this route, and iirc, it’s the only place in the whole game you can do so.
you hit route 120 after collecting your 6th badge. it’s the last grounded route before the climax of the game hits, and the last grounded route before victory road and the game’s end. this matters! because--
absol is the disaster pokemon, and its presence is intended to be a warning signal, something foreboding. it’s a chronically misunderstood pokemon because it has pure intentions, and shows itself to humans to warn them of natural disasters and calamities on the horizon. but because absol only shows itself to humans to do this, people have naturally come to resent the pokemon and associate it with misfortune. this is all critical to its lore, littered throughout its dex entries and its defining namesake in the dex’s classification.
directly after you gain your 7th badge, the climax of the game hits. in hoenn, it’s either the threat of the oceans flooding the world entirely, or a drought so intense it threatens to dry every drop of water in the world. the atmosphere ignites and the world is either drenched or searing, and it’s up to the player to stop the apocalypse before all known life is wiped out.
they intentionally put absol on the last possible route before this calamity to lend its lore to the story. if you’re not familiar with this lore, absol still looks very mysterious and out of place. if you are familiar, it suddenly appearing this late in the game, after you know what the bad guys have been attempting... it hits. it makes you feel uneasy. there’s a chance you might go the whole route without seeing absol, but if you do... it really, really works.
oh second question hm....... my favourite jessie trivia... i have so many sfgsdf. my go-to is that takeshi shudo was so in love w her as a character that he wrote a draft of the anime pilot where she was the protagonist :P oh and that everyone else in the show, their voice actors had to audition for the parts, but he legit just called megumi hayashibara up like “hi. please.” and she was like “...musashi??? that’s a boy’s name.” and he was like “PLEASE”
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musashi · 4 years
Does the original pokeani reference anything with Team Rocket names in Japanese the way they do in English? [ie.: Jesse James, Butch Cassidy (minus the Sundance Kid lol), Annie Oakley]
sasaki kojirou and miyamoto musashi were two historical swordsmen! both of them accomplished quite a lot in their time, but their relationship with one another is best known for the historical duel they had at the kanmon straits of moji & shimonoseki, on what is now known as ganryu island.
legend says that musashi showed up to the duel hours late, armed with a wooden bokken sword that he carved out of the boat oar he sailed there with. if that weren’t enough of a joke, he goaded kojirou the moment his scabbard was thrown aside. it was very much NOT all talk--kojirou died then and there at the hands of musashi, who--again, according to legend--waited until his back was to the sunset and dodged to the side, blinding kojirou and dealing the finishing blow.
i’m obsessed with them! i have written fic about the rockets in relation to them dfghdgf. 
butch and cassidy’s names don’t reference one another, but they are connected to jessie & james’s names--cassidy is called yamato, after the yamato battleship which was the sister to another battleship called the musashi. butch is kosaburo, which means “third son.” kojirou means “second son.”
i cant remember if atilla and hun have special names dfsgsfd i admittedly never watch that special.... and annie and oakley don’t, because they actually weren’t rockets originally! the dub made them rockets for some... random reason idk.
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