xexpectationsx · 2 years
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pajorko · 2 years
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The Puntigwives ♡
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imvges-football · 1 year
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doudouneverte · 11 months
Love your fics and would you do one for Laura feirsinger something fluffy. ( Only if you write for her)
a/n: i wanted to write something for Feiersinger for a while so I'm more than happy with that request
"Say it"
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Pairing: Laura Feiersinger x AUSTRIAWNT!Reader
Summary: you just want to hear two words
Type: Fluff
Warning: nothing
word count: 1893
translation: Ich liebe dich/Je t'aime/Ti amo = I love you
You and Laura knew each other from as far as you can remember. First, you played together at Bayern Munich before she left for Sand, and you left to play two seasons for Lyon before coming back to Munich. Your relationship had always been special; you were practically a couple even before she asked you out formally. But it was only a few months before her big move to Frankfurt that she found the courage to do it.
Since then, a lot of things have happened. You joined her in her new club and had to leave your commun best friend, Sarah Zadrazil, behind. And more importantly, you were officially engaged. But unfortunately, your fiancé signed a new contract with AS Roma in Italy, which meant you would spend almost the whole season missing her.
Fortunately for both of you, you were playing for the same national team, and with the new National League came a new national camp. And that was where you were today. The girls just arrived at the hotel when you were already looking for your fiancé. Since her transfer, there was something she never told you, and you needed to hear it now.
As expected by all your teammates, when you and Laura spotted each other, you didn't leave each other. It was not a secret to everyone how close you were, and some of them were used to making fun of it at first, but now it has become something usual.
"Where is Laura?" Barbara asked when she spotted a group of girls talking in Manu's room.
"With Y/n. Like always." The goalie replied.
"Why do I feel stupid to ask that?" The midfielder asked before walking to your room. She was about to knock, but she stopped when she heard something unusual.
"Oh, come on, babe, I know you can say it. It's been like, what? Six weeks since you started to train with them, I'm sure you can tell me now." You said while you were unpacking your stuff.
"We already talked about it, Y/n. I don't know if I'm ready for that." She replied.
"Bullshit." You said before throwing yourself on the bed and dragging the Roma's player with you. "We both know that I'll find it." You said before gently kissing her.
"Yeah, but let me time to prepare myself before." 
"Okay, no pressure." You engulfed your body in her tiny ones, sharing as much warmth as you could. "I missed you." You confessed.
"And I missed you too. Now come on, let's get ready, or the girls will start to worry." She instructed you.
"Okay, but just five more minutes." Even if she knew she had to complain, she couldn't when she saw you so vulnerable.
On the other side of the door, your Frankfurt teammate was already not here. The midfielder rushed to her previous destination a few seconds earlier.
"Girls, I think we have a problem." She said bursting the door open.
"Don't you know how to know on a door?" Sarah Puntigam said after everyone was thrilled by the midfielder's antics.
"Sorry, not sorry, but we have a bigger problem than a fucking door." Barbara said.
"Don't swear in front of the kids." Sarah Z said covering Katharina's ears what made everyone laugh.
"Sorry, but yeah, I was saying that I think Laura and Y/n are breaking up." The new froze everyone and everything in the room for a few seconds.
"WHAT?" All the players yelled.
"Shh, keep it low." Barbara instructed them.
"How do you want us to keep it low when you announce something like that?" Sarah P said, gaining a nod from all her teammates. "And how did you get that information?"
"I may have or haven't heard their conversation when I was going to 
see Laura." She explained.
"WHAT?" Everyone yelled again.
"You know how much Y/n hate when someone tries to invade her privacy, and it's even worse when it involves her and Laura." Manu reminded her.
"I know, but it's not like I wanted to listen on purpose. I will apologize later. Now can we talk about the main subject?" 
"Oh, what are you talking about? I want to be in." You said, appearing behind your teammate. The room froze for a moment. You felt all eyes on you and started to feel a little confused. "Uh, are we interrupting something?" You asked.
"Nothing; we were just wondering where you were, right, girls?" Sarah P said trying to convince you and your fiancé. When you heard all the girls agreeing, you found it suspicious, but you were not going to question it, at least not now.
"Anyway, coach wants us in the meeting room in five minutes." Laura said, and after that, you both left to the room mentioned.
"I don't know about you, but they didn't seem to be near to break up for me." Kat said.
"I totally agree with you, but maybe they don't want to make us worry." Barbara proposed.
"Maybe, but right now the coach wants to see us, so let's go." Sarah Z said before leaving the room, quickly followed by the rest of the team.
In the room, the girls were a little shocked to see an empty seat between yours and Laura's. Even if they didn't question it, some glances were not discreet, and some whispers could be heard. The Bayern midfielder took her seat between the two of you while Barbara could finally talk with your fiancé.
At the end of the meeting, you were one of the first to leave the room. But you were quickly stopped by your ex-teammate.
"Hey, are you okay?" Sarah asked you.
"Uhh...yeah." You replied.
"Where are you going?" 
You paused a little. "Restroom."
"Oh, okay, sorry. I'll not restrain you more." She said a little nervous, making you chuckle.
"Yep, I'll be back soon; don't worry." With that, you just walked away.
What should have been a little weird thing for your teammates became something more when the next day Laura decided to train with her best friend letting you with Kathy. You both didn't notice, but a lot of confused looks were exchanged between the entire team.
At the end of the training the Roma's player was leaving with her best friend when she heard you calling her name. She quickly glanced at you before quickly running away from you, forcing you to chase her.
"Okay, that's weird." Sarah P started.
"The most weird thing was that they were both smiling." Manu continued.
"Maybe Barbara was right." Viktoria finished.
"No, that's impossible. We all know how much they love each other; they can't just break up and keep the facade in front of us. We need to start an investigation." Sarah Z proposed, and everybody agreed.
A few hours later, you were watching a movie with all the team in your room. There was a good atmosphere, and everybody was enjoying the moment until your phone buzzed. You excused yourself and left the room to answer. In less than five minutes, you were back in the room and found your spot next to the tiny midfielder.
"Who was that?" Laura asked you quietly to not bother everyone.
"Oh, it was just Laura who wanted my advice for something." You replied, and your fiancé just nodded before she placed her head against your shoulder.
The next morning, the girls were planning a real plan to do everything they could to not let their favorite couple break apart when they heard someone run to them.
"Girls, please help me." Laura begged with an amused expression. The team didn't have time to process everything until you reached them.
"Okay, you know what? Let's do that in another way." You took a moment to think before you started again. "Okay, in English." 
The entire team was looking at both of you very confusedly.
"Okay. 3...2...1... I love you!" You both said at the same time. The girls were more confused, but you didn't give them time to question anything before you started again. "Now, in Deutsch. 3...2...1... Ich liebe dich." You said again at the same time.
"What's happening here?" Barbara asked.
"Just a minute. Let me finish that." You return your focus to the tiny midfielder. "Now... Je t'aime." You saw her blush, which made you grin. "And?" There was a little silence; all the attention was now on Laura.
"Ti amo." She mumbled, but your face showed her that you didn't understand. She took a breath and focused her gaze on yours: "Ti. Amo. Is this okay now?" 
Instead of replying, you hugged her and crashed your lips against hers. "More than okay." You said with the biggest smile you could ever put on your face right now.
"Okay, what's happening now? I thought you were about to break up. Why are you so lovey-dovey right now?" Manu asked.
"What are you talking about?" You asked, very surprised by her sentence.
"I heard you two talk the first day of the camp, and I thought that you were about to break up because she didn't want to do something or something like that." Barbara confessed.
"First, Barbara, you know that Y/n doesn't when you spy on her. Second, we never thought about breaking up; why could you ever think about it?" Laura explained.
"Wow, now we look stupid." Viktoria said.
"For your information, you always look stupid, like all of you." You said, making your fiancé laugh. "Except for Laura and Sarah Z, of course." You added.
"Okay, that's rude." Your captain said, "But can you explain what just happened?" Laura hid her face in your torso out of shame after remembering why you were both here.
"Oh, it's actually a funny story." You started. "You know that we have known each other since as far as I can remember. But we didn't always play together, so since I came back to Germany after my little trip to France, we decided to establish a rule in our relationship. Every time one of us has to play in another country, they have to learn the local language to say, I love you in this language." You explained.
"Why does that sound cute and dumb at the same time?" Viktoria whispered to your captain.
"Because it is, but she was the one who proposed that, and I can't refuse her anything, so here we are now." Laura defended you.
"But what does this have to do with your behavior from the start of the camp?" The Bayern Sarah asked.
"That's because she didn't want to say it. So I had to chase her everywhere to convince her to say it." You explained.
"I can't wait for the wedding. I would be personally offended if Y/n don't do something dumb like this on  D-day. Manu said. 
When the girls started to ask more questions, the coach called you for training. On your way to the pitch, you had your fingers intertwined with Laura's when she suddenly stopped making you look at her.
Fortunately for you, you didn't have to say anything because she didn't give you time to react before she kissed you. "Ti amo." She said before letting your hand go and running on the pitch.
"Wait, can we get married like today?" You asked while you ran after her.
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soccer-love · 6 months
I don't want her!
Sarah Zadrazil x reader
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"Y/N, why don't you team up with Laura then I'll go together with Kathi." Sarah suggests and before I can say anything she is already walking over to Kathi.
"She is a little strange these days, isn't she?" Laura Feiersinger asks and I nod, grabbing a ball from the sideline.
"Yeah maybe."
We kick the ball back and forth and during training I notice that Sarah always tries to get Laura and me to do things together.
And while Laura keeps wondering what's up with her, I know exactly what is happening.
We are on national team break this week and Sarah believes that I got a crush on her best friend and our teammate Laura, so she is trying to set us up.
And yes this is kinda also my fault.
When we arrived her I was talking to Manu and Sarah Puntigam about how much I missed spending time with her at the national team, since I missed the last two camps cause of an injury in my shoulder.
Sarah overheard the part of the conversation where I said her name and since I looked in the direction where Laura and her were standing just a second ago, she thought I had talked about Laura not her.
And because she was just too nice for this world, she asked me about it and decided to help me make a move on her.
Like I said, my own fault.
"Do you guys wanna hang out in my room later?" Laura asked at lunch and we both agreed to come by after dinner.
Well I was there, Sarah came half an hour late because she had to call her mom and left way too early, saying that she was tired from training and wanted to go to sleep early.
The next days are full of Sarah trying to get us to do everything together.
We are playing a friendly against Iceland and on our flight to Reykjavik she even switches seats to make us sit together.
At the day before the game we hang out at Lauras room and again Sarah leaves before me.
"Laura?" I say as I'm about to leave too.
"Yeah?" she looks back over at me.
"Sarah thinks I am in love with you."
She gets up from her bed and comes closer to me, as I am already standing at the door.
"I really like you...but definitely not like that." I quickly say, not wanting to make this awkward.
Laura sighs in relief.
"Good, because I also don't like you like that." she says and I open the door.
"Now we just need to tell that Sarah."
She laughs at my comment and pulls me into a hug.
"You are my best friend, you and Sarah." She says, holding me at my shoulders.
"You are mine too."
"And because we made that clear now I can say that I love you, without making it awkward."
She laughs at my comment and nods "Love you too."
We say our goodnights and I walk over to my room.
The next day is long since our game is at 7pm so we don't have anything to do the whole day.
I hang out with the other players and around 5pm we drive to the stadium.
Sarah is still trying to force me do talk more to Laura.
We win the game with 2-1 and Sarah, Kathi and I talk to Glodis Viggosdottir, our teammate from Bayern for a bit before we also get chanced and get a late dinner while driving back to the hotel.
Most of the other players go their own rooms to get some rest but I walk around a bit together with Laura.
We talk about the way Sarah tries everything to make us fall in love and I then tell her how she came to the conclusion that I'm in love with her.
Laura decides to go to bed after we walked past her room for the fifth time, while I keep walking around the hotel.
Hoping to get tiered so I will fall asleep faster.
I stand by one of the big windows at the end of the hall and look over the dark city until I hear footsteps behind me.
I see Sarah coming towards me and smile at her sleepy face.
"You're still awake?" she asks, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Yeah, I'm not tired yet."
"To busy thinking about Lauraaaaaa?" she asks, smiling mischievous.
"No." I say, a little bit tiered of this. I didn't want her to think that I was in love with Laura, our best friend when it was her I actually liked.
"Don't worry well get her to think about you tooo."
"Sarah I-"
"I know, it can be really hard when someone doesn't like you right away, but I think there is definitely something going on between you two." she interrupts me.
"But I-"
"I mean that hug yesterday! I saw that and-"
"Sarah!" this time I am interrupting her. "I don't like her." she looks at me, still smiling.
"I know, you love her."
"No!" I answer "You heard me talking to Manu but you misunderstood what I said. It is not her that I like. I dont want her!"
"Who is it then?"
I look out the window for a second, there is a slightly green line in the sky.
The polar lights.
"It's you, I like you."
The silence between us is strange.
"Why didn't you say anything?" she asks and I feel her looking at me.
"I didnt want to make things weird, you don't like me like that." I say and then feel her hand in mine.
"Y/N?" she asks and I turn towards her.
"I do like you and I was really sad when I head that you're in love with Laura, but I wanted you to be happy so I tried to do everything that you would be happy." she explains and only as she steps closer to me I realize what she had said.
"You like me like...?"
"Like I thought you would like Laura."
A smile forms on my lips and I cant help but get lost in her beautiful brown eyes.
And the only thing that sends me back into reality is the feeling of her soft and warm lips touching mine.
I kiss her back, carefully pulling her closer by her waist.
"Please never try to set me up with anyone again." I request as we brake apart again.
Her cheeks bright red.
"Only with myself."
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cdpunt · 2 months
The Magic Pop Tart
Ed woke up every morning and was greeted by a piping hot pop tart. He didn’t know where they came from; he only knew they were there every morning without fail. Ed never thought too much about where they came from. He would just gobbled them up and go about his day.
One day, Ed woke up and there was no pop tart. He looked in the toaster, no pop tart, he looked on the table, no pop tart. He needed to find out where his pop-tart went! Ed went to his brother and asked, “Have you seen my pop-tart?”
“Gross, no. Hey, while you’re here can you help me with my bike?” his brother replied.
“No, I’m busy,” Ed answered back. He found his sisters in the living room with a game box and a cluttered table. “Have you seen my pop-tart?”
“No, I haven’t had pop-tarts in ages. Since you’re here, can you help us pick up the stuff so we can set up a game?” one asked.
“No, I’m busy,” Ed answered and huffed away. He saw his neighbors in their yard raking leaves. “Have you seen my pop-tart?!” he asked
“No pop-tarts here, but we've got lots of leaves. Want to help make a pile to jump in” they called back.
“No, I’m busy,” Ed said. He stomped into the kitchen and sat down at the table. His mother came in. While Ed was pondering who might have taken his pop tart, his mother set one in front of him.
“It’s a miracle! My magic pop tart! I’ve been busy looking for this all morning!”
“Magic?” she asked, “Your pop tarts aren’t magic, I make them for you every day. Don’t I always make sure you get fed?”
“But I didn’t find one this morning and I had to go looking for it.”
“You shouldn’t worry so much about food, Ed. You could have spent your time doing other things.”
Ed looked out the window and saw his brother riding his bike and the neighbors jumping in the leaves. He heard his sisters giggling in the living room as one shouted Uno. He looked down at his plate and all that was left were some crumbs from an ordinary pop tart.
By Christina Puntigam Based on John 6:24-35
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musikblog · 6 months
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https://www.musikblog.de/2024/03/grand-hotel-schilling-polar/ “Was sind schon ein paar Grad? In dreißig Jahren leben wir am Polar.” – So spiegeln sich teils ironisch, teils nachdenklich, düstere Zukunftsbilder gepaart mit wehmütigen Rückblicken in den Liedern von Grand Hotel Schilling wider.  Georg Popp, Felix Paschke, Julian Melichar, und Georg Obetzhofer haben in einem Studio in Graz-Puntigam ihre musikalische Reise als Post-Indie-Band […]
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dalihdgaming · 9 months
Skies above the Great War PC Gameplay 1440p 60fps
Skies above the Great War is a hybrid of action and grand strategy sandbox game set on the Western Front during the First World War. Manage your air forces or take control of any plane yourself in real time.
Skies above the Great War on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2320040/Skies_above_the_Great_War/
#skiesabovethegreatwar #jimmydali #Puntigames #flight #aerialcombat #greatwar #flying
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team-mew-s-a · 10 months
Expansion Draft: Protected List Predictions
I haven't seen any protected lists published yet, so below I've listed out who I think each team will/should protect. Other than the +1, they aren't in any particular order. We'll see how close I come soon!
Angel City:
Claire Emslie
Ali Riley
MA Vignola
Alyssa Thompson
Syd Leroux
Angelina Anderson
Amandine Henry
Jun Endo
Giselle Thompson
(+1) Scarlet Camberos
Chicago Red Stars:
Alyssa Naeher
Tatumn Milazzo
Arin Wright
Julia Bianchi
Penelope Hocking
Ava Cook
Jenna Bike
Ally Schlegel
Cari Roccaro
(+1) Jill Aguilera
Houston Dash:
Jane Campbell
Sophie Schmidt
Natalie Jacobs
Katie Lind
Diana Ordoñez
Michelle Alozie
Sarah Puntigam
Nichelle Prince
Andressa Alves
(+1) Joelle Anderson (rights)
Kansas City Current
Gabrielle Robinson
Michelle Cooper
Lo'eau LaBonta
Haillie Mace
Elizabeth Ball
Vanessa DiBernardo
Kristen Hamilton
Morgan Gautrat
(+1) Cece Kizer
NJ/NY Gotham FC:
Lynn Williams
Yazmeen Ryan
Jenna Nighswonger
Kristie Mewis
Midge Purce
Kelley O'Hara
Maitana López
Katie Stengel
Esther González
(+1) Nealy Martin
North Carolina Courage:
Kaleigh Kurtz
Ryan Williams
Narumi Miura
Casey Murphy
Denise O'Sullivan
Malia Berkely
Tyler Lussi
Rikako Kobayashi
(+1) Brianna Pinto
OL Reign:
Lauren Barnes
Alana Cook
Sofia Huerta
Jordyn Huitema
Bethany Balcer
Jess Fishlock
Veronica Latsko
Claudia Dickey
(+1) Sam Hiatt
Portland Thorns:
Sam Coffey
Bella Bixby
Morgan Weaver
Kelli Hubly
Emily Menges
Hina Sugita
Sophia Smith
Olivia Moultrie
Janine Beckie
(+1) Rocky Rodriguez
Racing Louisville:
Abby Erceg
Katie Lund
Lauren Milliet
Carson Pickett
Savannah DeMelo
Ary Borges
Jaelin Howell
Elli Pikkujämsä
Thembi Kgatlana
(+1) Paige Monaghan
San Diego Wave:
Danny Colaprico
Naomi Girma
Kailen Sheridan
Alex Morgan
Jaedyn Shaw
Rachel Hill
Sofia Jakobssen
Taylor Kornieck
Abby Dahlkemper
(+1) Kristen McNabb
Washington Spirit:
Sam Staab
Gabby Carle
Ashley Hatch
Tara McKeown
Aubrey Kingsbury
Andi Sullivan
Trinity Rodman
Ashley Sanchez
Ouleymata Sarr
(+1) Paige Metayer
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zsammsitzn · 11 months
KatziKatz Abendessen #Puntigamer + Leberaufstrich #Cat #like
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magdasabs · 1 year
köln is very dear to me, but unfortunately very bad. they have one or two good players, selina cerci and sharon beck mainly, but everyone else who was good left (gudorf who played SO good in freiburg today and the puntigam wives). i almost expect them to play relegation at the end of the season
thanks friend
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pajorko · 1 year
gen puntigam retirement 😕 no more köln wives :(
Noooooooo RIP on pitch Puntigwives 🥺
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b-galleria · 1 year
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Beat Keller & Jukka Kääriäinen: Kokeellista musiikkia B-galleriassa
21.09.2023 klo 19.00
B-galleriassa kuullaan kokeellista musiikkia kun kitaristit Beat Keller ja Jukka Kääriäinen esiintyvät duokokoonpanona.
Beat Keller on sveitsiläinen avantgarde-jazziin, kokeelliseen musiikkiin ja improvisaatioon keskittynyt muusikko. Hän on saanut useita palkintoja ja apurahoja Sveitsin taide-neuvostolta, Thurgau'n kantonilta, Zürichin kantonilta ja Winterthurin kaupungilta. Hän on tehnyt yhteistyötä tunnettujen taiteilijoiden, kuten Saadet Türközin, Joke Lanzin, Axel Dörnerin, Christian Wallumrödin, Werner Puntigamin, Jason Kahnin ja Cara Staceyn, kanssa. Hän esiintyy säännöllisesti ympäri Eurooppaa, Yhdysvaltoja, Aasiaa ja Etelä-Afrikkaa.
Jukka Kääriäinen on improvisoituun, kokeelliseen ja nykymusiikkiin erikoistunut muusikko ja äänitaiteilija. Hän on uransa aikana ollut tekemisissä monien musiikkigenrejen parissa maailmanmusiikista klassiseen musiikkiin. Viime vuodet hän on kuitenkin omistanut aikansa äänitaiteelle ja kokeelliselle musiikille. Jukka on nykymusiikkiyhtyeen Sähkökitarakvartetti aktiivinen jäsen ja on tehnyt yhteistyötä useiden eri konstellaatioiden kanssa sekä soolosoittajana.
vapaaehtoinen pääsymaksu
B-galleria ei valitettavasti ole esteetön tila. Pääsisäänkäynnissä Aninkaistenkadulta B-galleriaan on pieni portaikko, jossa on viisi porrasaskelta. Tilan ulko-oven aukon leveys on 71,5 cm, portaiden leveys 105 cm ja portaikon korkeus 86 cm. WC-tilamme ei myöskään ole esteetön pienen kokonsa vuoksi.
Evening of experimental music is held in B-gallery as guitarists Beat Keller and Jukka Kääriäinen arrive in town to perform as a duo.
21st of September
at 7pm
Beat Keller - guitar
Jukka Kääriäinen - guitar
Beat Keller is a Swiss musician making avant-garde jazz, experimental and improvised music. He received several awards and scholarships from Swiss Arts Council, Canton of Thurgau, Canton of Zurich and the City of Winterthur. He collaborated with the likes of Saadet Türköz, Joke Lanz, Axel Dörner, Christian Wallumrød, Werner Puntigam, Jason Kahn, Cara Stacey and many more. He regularly performs across Europe, USA, Asia and South Africa.
Jukka Kääriäinen is a musician and sound artist specialized in improvisational, experimental, and contemporary music. Throughout his career, he has been involved in various music genres, ranging from world music to classical music. However, in recent years, he has dedicated his time to sound art and experimental music. Jukka is an active member of the contemporary music ensemble “Sähkökitarakvartetti” (Electric Guitar Quartet) and has collaborated with various constellations as both a solo performer and a group participant.
voluntary entrance fee
Unfortunately the gallery space is not wheelchair accessible. The main entrance has a small staircase with five steps (door width 71,5 cm, staircase width 105 cm & staircase height 86 cm) and the toilet is small.
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zoranphoto · 1 year
0,5 litara piva 37 šilinga
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Neobična kampanja  vlasnik Brauhausa Puntigam Robert Grossauer  ugostitelj u svom pivskom vrtu u Grazu ponovno uvodi cijene šilinga kao nekada. Cijena kao prije 22 godine, prije nego što je valuta promijenjena iz šilinga u euro: svježe točena krigla s 0,5 litara piva Puntigamer Panther stoji samo 37 šilinga, što je ekvivalent 2,70 eura. Cijene kao prije 22 godine: pivo u Grazer Wirtu po cijeni od šilinga „Ali ako želite uživati ​​u ovoj niskoj cijeni, stvarno morate platiti šilingima“, kaže Grossauer.  Prema Nacionalnoj banci, neaktivne zalihe šilinga Austrijanaca iznose oko 6,9 milijardi šilinga na dan 31. prosinca 2022., što odgovara protuvrijednosti od 499 milijuna eura - ili oko 180 milijuna krigli piva u pivovari Puntigam . Akcija traje do kraja srpnja. Moguće je kupiti jedno pivo dnevno po osobi u cijenama šilinga. Pivnica u pivovari Puntigam radi od srijede do nedjelje od 10.30 sati. Zoran / TV Wien Read the full article
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kollerbz · 2 years
ÖM Production Optics 2022
Am Freitag war ich bei der Österreichischen Meisterschaft in der Division Production Optics am Start. Die Meisterschaft wurde von Puntigamer SSV, Post SV und Polizei SV Graz organisiert und durchgeführt. Das Match wurde als Level III mit 12 Stages ausgetragen. 
Ich habe mir für dieses Match eine Waffe ausgeborgt da ich selbst keine geeignete Waffe für diese Division habe. Mit der Umstellung bin ich, in Anbetracht der kurzen Vorbereitungszeit, ganz gut zurecht gekommen. Das Match konnte ich fehlerfrei mit sehr guten Treffern absolvieren. Hier und da wäre mit mehr Training bei den Zeiten sicher noch etwas zu holen gewesen, aber im Großen und Ganzen bin ich mit meiner Leistung sehr zufrieden. Es freut mich daher besonders, dass ich Platz 4 in der Einzelwertung erreichen konnte. Zusammen mit dem steirischen Team (Alexander Volk, Christoph Glatz und Christian Hofer) haben wir uns Gold in der Teamwertung geholt. Ich sollte mir vielleicht doch eine eigene Waffe zulegen
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The post ÖM Production Optics 2022 first appeared on KOLLER.bz. from ÖM Production Optics 2022
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cdpunt · 5 months
April 18-22 my books are free on Amazon Kindle. Go snag one, two, or all three! https://www.amazon.com/stores/Christina-Puntigam/author/B006NQPXSO
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