deadassdiaspore · 2 years
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On this Puntland day, let’s celebrate the Somali script invented by Osman Yusuf Kenedid, son of the Sultan of Hobyo.
𐒖𐒐𐒐𐒗 𐒔𐒖 𐒚 𐒒𐒖𐒄𐒖𐒇𐒘𐒘𐒈𐒂𐒙.
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saxafimedianetwork · 2 years
Clan Fighting Threatens Somaliland’s Independent, Hard-Fought Security
#Somaliland has come this far without leaning on the #USA for military help. But the recent violence will be a serious test of its autonomy & will compromise not only SL’s hard-earned #security & #stability but further erode in the broader #region says Mi
Hargeisa has kept terrorists at bay without US help. Now leaders need to let local mechanisms take hold to keep it that way. By Michael Horton For much of the last 20 years, the autonomous, but unrecognized, Republic of Somaliland has been a bastion of stability in the perennially unstable Horn of Africa. However, fighting between the government of Somaliland and clan-based militias in the…
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mmfarrah · 26 days
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jeintalu · 6 months
Puntland kuulutas end iseseisvaks
Alul tunnustas Etioopia Somaalias asuva Somalilandi iseseisvust.
Seejärel kuulutas end iseseisvaks ka Somaalias asuv Puntland.
Kummal pool on venelased ja kummal pool ameeriklased, seda ma ei tea.
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berberanews · 10 months
Baarlamaanka Puntland oo gacmaha isula tegay
Garowe-(Berberanews)-Kulan ay maanta yeesheen baarlamaanka Puntland, ayaa danbeeyay dagaal gacan ka hadal ah iyo buuq, ka dib markii ay ku kala aragti duwanaadeen xeerka Doorashooyinka. Qaar ka mid ag Mudanayaasha Baarlamanka ayaa gacmaha isula tegay oo dagaal dhexmaray sida lagu faafiyay muuqaallo laga duubay. Buuqa ka dhashay baarlamaanka, ayaa waxaa sabab u ahaa,Khilaafka mudanayaasha…
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zvaigzdelasas · 6 months
[HornObserver is Somali Private Media]
Somalia's Puntland State announced its withdrawal of recognition and trust in the federal government of Somalia, stating that it no longer recognizes President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud as legitimate.
In a statement delivered by Puntland’s Minister of Information following a cabinet meeting chaired by President Said Abdullahi Deni in Garowe, Puntland announced its withdrawal from recognition and trust in the federal government of Somalia.
Puntland emphasized its commitment to acting as "a complete independent government” until a federal system of government, based on consensus and an agreed Somali constitution, is established through a public referendum in which Puntland participates.
This decision by Puntland follows dissatisfaction with moves to amend the federal constitution of Somalia, which Puntland deemed illegitimate and non-inclusive. Puntland insists on recognizing only the 2012 version of the constitution.[...]
Puntland will negotiate directly with the international community and organizations on matters concerning its interests separately.
31 Mar 24
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dreamieparadise · 3 months
Can- can I ask about the Somali pirates?
Hi hi, Lili! Yes, of course. Tbh I shouldn't have called them "pirates" they are known as such and treated like villains, but they're more like unofficial naval guard! The official naval guard was disbanded in the 90's due to the civil war that broke out [btw this civil war is why I'm diaspora! My maternal family fled to Djibouti or elsewhere. My dad came to Canada due to it.] Anyway! Other nations took advantage of this as they tended to do and started fishing illegally in the waters! Somali citizens rely on fishing to live [also farming and agriculture bc I also recall there was a drought and famine going on] so they turned to "piracy" to stop these thieves from stealing from them! Of course, these outsiders didn't like it and called it "piracy." they shouldn't be there in the first place!!!
Other than Puntland there is also Jubbaland ok lol I love talking about my people's history too much
#momo's fantastical replies#so anyway I saw other Somali ppl calling them the naval guard and jumped on it#but I have always gotten heated when ppl treated Somali Pirates like villains#but iirc even South Park defended them? lol they even got ppl speaking Somali in it!#talking about how they did this for survival!#lili#lixenn#also yeah sure they fuck ppl up but I consider this a 'fuck around and find out'#stop taking advantage of poor countries!!! especially when they are due to outside meddling forces!!#random but somalia makes me so sad bc of how destablized it is#somaliland is a lot more peaceful and has been but recently its gotten more dangerous due to#Somalia's destablization#djibouti seems fine as ever tho lol happy for them but wish somalia would fuck off already [with somaliland]#lili if you are wondering djibouti/somalia/somaliland and parts of kenya and ethiopoa#ethiopia* are all where Somali ppl are from#the parts of K and E were stolen while Somali ppl were getting colonized [so fuck Kenya and Ethiopia too tbh! who does that?]#but all 5 places are why Somalia's flag is a 5 point star! this siginifies we are all one#its funny bc Somaliland was a country before Somalia but then joined Somalia bc of false promises Somalia made#anyway the false promises was unity but the president/dictator named Mohamed Siad Barre#was all 'we should all band together...and kill Isaaq tribe! true unity after for real though'#and then Darood and I a few other major tribes tried that#Isaaq survived but there was in fact a genocide#they fled to what is Somaliland today! apparently they keep the bullet holes in the structure to remember what Darood/Somalia did#bc to these day these bitches deny it#diaspora somali ppl from somalia are especially insistend of this and im like...you stupid puppet you werent even there#I know this despite being Darood bc my parents arent puppets and also my mom is Isaaq tribe#what else? oh there are other places as Somali ppl within Africa become disapora#so strange right?#there is also Puntland [based off the ancient land that is said to be Ancient Somalia--#fun fact our queen from that time named Queen Arrarwelo was said to be friends with Queen Sheba of ancient Ethiopia]
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warsameblog · 1 year
WDM EDITORIAL Unsettling noises about perils coming on the way of Puntland’s continued existence are not only misplaced, but they are also dangerous and unwarranted fear-mongering. From Somalia’s Head of State to a bunch of uninformed politicians on current Puntland internal situation, they are unleashing statements of ill-will for the residents of Puntland State. People and political…
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sane-human · 3 months
Ever heard of the east african bronze age, land of Punt
I did not! But now I do and I find it very very cool!!
(Punt 2500–980 BCE)
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"Land of Punt was an ancient kingdom known from Ancient Egyptian trade records. It produced and exported gold, aromatic resins, blackwood, ebony, ivory and wild animals." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Cool Article about Punt)
Punt was likely located in present-day Puntland State of Somalia or, at least, North West Somalia!
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"...he country is best known from inscriptions regarding Queen Hatshepsut's famous expedition in 1493 BCE in the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. This exchange between the two countries brought back living trees to Egypt, marking the first known successful attempt at transplanting foreign fauna. "
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(The possible route taken : Wadi Tumilat)
"Punt came to hold a deep fascination for the Egyptian people as a "land of plenty" and was known as Te Netjer, the land of the gods, from which important goods came to Egypt."
In the 12th Dynasty (1991-1802 BCE), Punt was immortalized in Egyptian literature in the Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor!
videos: (Audio Book online I found , more story like) (More faithful video to the original story, also read in egyptian, very cool)
"Punt is purposefully chosen in this story as the mystical land on which the sailor washes up because it was already understood as a faraway realm of exotic goods and generous people."
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(A friendly game of Senet)
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Puntland irregulars sniping at Somaliland armed forces
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saxafimedianetwork · 7 days
QoorQoor and Deni Meet in Galkayo
#Somalia's Regional leaders QoorQoor & Deni meet in #Galkayo to discuss peace in #Mudug, amidst rising inter-clan conflict. A positive step, but also a signal of growing distance b/t FMS & the failed gov't in Mogadishu #Galmudug #Puntland
Continue reading QoorQoor and Deni Meet in Galkayo
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mmfarrah · 1 year
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moneeb0930 · 1 year
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CABEZA EGIPCIA ( Egyptian Head)
A 3,500-year-old mummy head…
Belonging to an anonymous woman age 20-25…
This mummified head, which currently belongs to the Museo de Antropología Médica, Forense, Paleopatología y Criminalística in Madrid, Spain, was first described as the "beheaded head of a Guinean negress young woman."
Let that sink in…
Please take all the time you need…
The head's true origins were found only in 2007, when Moissidou and colleagues traced the mummified remains back to the Theban Necropolis archaeological area in Egypt…
The head's mummification technique made it possible to date it to the 18th Dynasty of the New Kingdom…
This is the best known ancient Egyptian dynasty as it includes several famous pharaohs, such as Hatshepsut, Amenhotep III, Akhenaten and Tutankhamun…
The researchers believe the woman lived in a period between the reign of Thutmose II and Thutmose III…
"Looking at the accurate embalming, we can say this lady was an important member of the Egyptian society of the time," Gonzalez said.
And for those of you who might be wondering why I chose to post a photo of a young Somali woman:—
“Egyptian tradition of the Dynastic Period held that the aboriginal home of the Egyptians was Punt”
(Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge, ‘A Short History of the Egyptian People With Chapters on Their Religion, Daily Life, Etc’; 1914)
Hatshepsut’s inscriptions claim that her divine mother Hathor was from Punt…
“The Egyptians sometimes called Puntland ‘Ta-Netjeru’, meaning "Land of the God," and considered it their place of origin”
(Richard Pankhurst, ‘The Ethiopians’; 1998)
The greek historian Diodorus in his book ‘Universal History’ said that in the 6th century before Christ, because of a political crisis in Egypt and the Asiatic infiltrations in Egypt, more than 200,000 Ancient Egyptians migrated south of the Nile…
This last historical fact can explain why the Somali language is a survived ancient Egyptian language, according to the British linguist Charles Barber:—
“The language of ancient Egypt belonged to the Hamitic group; Surviving Hamitic languages are spoken across a large part of North Africa and include Somali."
(Charles Barber, ‘The English language, A Historical Introduction’; 1993)
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berberanews · 2 years
Somaliland oo digniin u dirtay Maamulka Puntland ee Somalia
Hargeysa-(Berberanews)-Somaliland ayaa Puntland uga digtay in ay diwaangalinta doorashada ka samayso deegaanka Dhahar, iyadoo taageertay diidmo ay shacabku ka muujiyeen qaadashada kaadhka codaynta Puntland. Wasiirka Wasaarada Horumarinta Reer Miyiga Somaliland Axmed Aadan Guray, oo ka hadlay mudaharaad dadka deegaanka degmada Dhahar ay ku diideen in ay qaataan kaadhka codaynta, ayaa Puntland ugu…
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flagwars · 10 months
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Flag Wars Bonus Round
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
Curious why media from Puntland seems uniformly against Somaliland's independence, one might think they saw each other as in semi-analogous situations but nope
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