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acceptccnow · 10 months
The Future of E-Commerce Payment Processing Solutions
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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In the perpetually evolving world of online commerce, the importance of efficient and secure e-commerce payment processing solutions has never been more critical. As businesses adapt to the digital age, ensuring seamless transactions while mitigating risks is essential. This article delves into the future of E-Commerce Payment Processing and how it's set to revolutionize the way we conduct online transactions, from accepting credit cards for high-risk industries to providing hassle-free services like credit repair payment gateways and CBD merchant accounts.
The Power of Payment Processing for High-Risk Industries
When it comes to payment processing for high-risk businesses, traditional methods often fall short. These enterprises, including those involved in credit repair, have faced numerous challenges in accepting payments. However, the future is bright as innovative high-risk merchant processing solutions are emerging. These solutions not only enable them to accept credit cards but also offer enhanced security measures, reducing the risk of fraudulent transactions. One of the key advantages of these high-risk payment gateways is their ability to tailor services to the unique needs of high-risk industries. Whether you're in the credit repair business or dealing with CBD products, having a CBD payment processing system that understands the intricacies of your industry is a game-changer.
The Convenience of Credit Card Payment Services
In the world of E-Commerce, convenience is king. Consumers expect a seamless shopping experience, which includes hassle-free payment options. This is where credit card payment services play a pivotal role. By partnering with a reliable credit and debit card payment processor, businesses can offer their customers a variety of payment methods, enhancing their shopping experience and ultimately boosting sales. The future involves cutting-edge technology that ensures the security of sensitive data. With the rise of cyber threats, consumers are more cautious than ever about sharing their financial information online. Hence, investing in a top-notch online payment gateway is not just a choice but a necessity for businesses aiming to thrive in the competitive e-commerce landscape.
Merchant Processing: A Gateway to Success
A significant component of E-Commerce Payment Processing is merchant processing. This service bridges the gap between businesses and their customers, facilitating transactions smoothly and securely. By partnering with a reputable provider, businesses can ensure that they can confidently accept credit cards for e-commerce operations without the fear of payment disruptions. For high-risk industries, such as credit repair and CBD, finding the right high-risk merchant account is crucial. This ensures that businesses can conduct their operations without unnecessary hindrances. In the coming years, we can expect to see more tailored solutions for these industries, making it easier than ever to accept credit cards for credit repair and accept credit cards for CBD products.
The Future of E-Commerce Credit Card Processing
As we look ahead, the future of E-Commerce credit card processing is rife with possibilities. The technology driving this industry forward is poised to enhance security, streamline transactions, and open new avenues for businesses. With the rapid growth of online shopping, it's essential for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. One of the most promising developments is the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning into credit card payment processing systems. These technologies can identify patterns of fraudulent activities and protect both businesses and consumers. Additionally, they can personalize the shopping experience, making recommendations based on past purchases and preferences.
Embracing the Future of E-Commerce Payment Processing
In conclusion, the future of E-Commerce Payment Processing is bright and promising. From accepting credit cards for credit repair to providing CBD payment processing solutions, the landscape is evolving to cater to the diverse needs of businesses. As the demand for online shopping continues to grow, businesses must invest in reliable payment processing solutions to thrive. The future will see more businesses benefiting from high-risk payment gateways, ensuring that they can operate without unnecessary restrictions. Credit card payment services will continue to evolve, offering consumers a seamless and secure way to make purchases. Merchant processing will play a pivotal role in connecting businesses with their customers, enabling them to accept credit cards for e-commerce without complications.
As we embrace the technological advancements on the horizon, we can expect a safer, more convenient, and more efficient E-Commerce Payment Processing landscape. Businesses that invest wisely in these solutions will not only meet the demands of today but also be prepared for the ever-evolving future of online commerce.
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practicalzen · 3 months
Since I have the audacity and hubris to suggest that I might know something worth sharing, I want to explain a few things about why I am here and how I choose what I say, and, how I choose to say it.
I have never been one to document my life. I don’t have any picture albums, diaries, or archives of past work. At one point in my life, I wrote a lot of poetry. For a while, I saved it. But as time went on, I simply misplaced the binders and eventually lost it. That was not a serious problem for me. By the time I realized that I couldn’t find any of what I had written, I had moved on (in a variety of ways). However, because of this carelessness with my past and my lack of attention to documentation, when I try to communicate what I know, who I was, or where I have been, I have to rely almost completely on memory.
I can guarantee you that my memory is 100% run-of-the-mill. I am subject to dropouts, distortions, and complete inaccuracies.
I am still close friends with my first wife and we often talk about our time together 40 years ago. I am surprised how differently we remember things. Sometimes she insists that I am completely wrong about the sequence, content, or even reality of past events. Sometimes, I am surprised by how wrong she gets things. And, sometimes, neither of us has any idea who the hell has things right or wrong.
On top of that, this ‘Spiritual/Buddhist/Meditative/Life’ journey is rife with false narratives, delusions, hallucinations, great insights, joy, depression, guilt, remorse, fear, etc., etc. Just when you think you have it all nailed down and neatly packaged for nutritious, simple ingestion . . . you find that your perspective on everything has changed.
“Going, going, going on beyond, always going on beyond, always learning, always growing, always changing.”
One of the few great addictions left in my life is coffee. Not simply coffee, but rich, dark roast, perfectly brewed cappuccino. I start every working day with it and am constantly looking for ways of improving my ‘coffee’ experience. To that end, a few years ago, I purchased a magnificent, Italian built ‘Rube Goldberg’ monstrosity of a cappuccino machine. It has levers, and handles, and spouts, and double boilers, and a whole variety of gauges - all to ensure that I am able to concoct the ‘Perfect’ brew.
Since my wife and I fully share my obsession, and always share the dark, chocolaty fruits of my labor, the portafilter on our machine is a two cup unit with a stainless steel removable filter. Unfortunately, from the day we got it, the flow to the two shot glasses below the filter was uneven. When the shot glass on the right side of the machine was full, the left hand glass was only about 2/3 full.
Everything else the machine did was amazing. The steamer worked flawlessly and I was soon able to produce wonderful, peaked, shaving cream rich foam. The quality of my pulls was beyond reproach, each taking exactly 30 seconds and perfectly balanced – not bitter, yet, a satisfying expression of the full potential of the rich dark roast bean that I was currently using. There was nothing about the machine that I could fault except the uneven flow through the portafilter.
Initially, because the machine was working flawlessly, I ignored the problem of the uneven ‘draw/flow’. When the right side shot glass was full, I removed it and slid the left side shot glass under both spigots. When it was full I poured the two shots into the cappuccino cups and got on with my life.
Unfortunately, as I become more intimately involved with the process I realized that the last 3rd of the left side cup was watered down compared to the smooth continuous draw on the right side. I decided that I was not going to put up with this ‘malfunction’ and that I was going to figure out how to solve it.
I purchased a small pipe brush and scoured the two feeds on the portafilter. As well, I removed the filter basket and carefully insured that none of the filter holes were blocked. When I was done, the thing worked . . . for a couple of days. Then the problem returned.
As I became more obsessed with the repair, I also became more aware that it was intermittent. Sometimes, for a week or two, it manifested every time I made coffee, and then, suddenly, it would draw perfectly and the two shot glasses would be filled evenly with no discrepancies. Then, suddenly, the stupid machine would fill the shot glasses unevenly again. I examined, poked, prodded, disassembled, descaled, detoxified, reassembled, reviewed and, finally replaced everything I could imagine might be involved in the problem.
Finally, I bought a new expensive, after-market, portafilter. Clearly the old one was flawed!
This whole process had gone on for more than a year and had become a real source of pain and frustration. Once I broke down and replaced the stock portafilter with the super, high quality, custom manufactured, life-time-guaranteed portafilter, I knew that finally everything was under control. With a bit of a twitch when I thought of the replacement cost, I unpacked the new portafilter, filled it with perfectly ground, rich dark roast coffee, and prepared to draw two perfect cappuccinos.
MY GOD! As I stood there watching, I got two horribly uneven shots of coffee.
Over the next few weeks, I alternated between the two portafilters and ran through all the fixes I had tried previously. Nothing helped! Then, one day, after having given up and resigned myself to the fact that my coffee machine was a ‘lemon’, I had an epiphany!
As I was tamping the coffee into the portafilter, I noticed that I was favoring my left side. To get a good purchase and to ensure that I exerted proper pressure to the tamper as I compressed the coffee, I was leaning, significantly, to the left. I looked closely at the tamped coffee and there was a discernible difference in the height of the coffee on the two sides of the portafilter. It was higher on the right which clearly indicated that the left side was more tightly packed than the right side. I pulled the shots and, sure enough, the left side shot glass was less full that the one on the right.
I refilled the portafilter with coffee and tamped it down again. This time I concentrated on tamping the coffee evenly. Of course, I got two perfect, even fills in the two shot glasses.
There was ‘never’ anything wrong with the machine . . . there was something wrong with the operator!
This may seem like a trivial issue, but this kind of dysfunctional mental process can distort everything we do. We distort reality in terms of our likes and dislikes, our past experiences, our expectations, our lack of information and proper observation, what we see on television, what we hear from friends, and what we spin out of our own butts. As a result of the distortions and delusions foisted on us by our own fictional narratives and those passed to us from external sources: entertainment and information media, social, and political processes, and educational, philosophical, and religious systems (to name a few), we have a lot to think about and evaluate.
On top of all of that, one of the least effective means of measuring, evaluating and communicating truth (the one I am trying to use here) is language.
There is an old brain teaser, “If a tree falls in the forest and no-one is there to hear it, is there a sound made by the falling tree?” The problem is not one of assessing the ‘true nature of sound.’ It is really a question of how we define what constitutes sound. Once we come to an agreement regarding our use of the language, the apparent issue with the nature of external phenomena disappears.
Imprecise language, biased interpretation of language, and a misplaced trust in the accuracy of language can be seen as a major cause in a great many of our problems as human beings.
That fundamental problem with communicating using words, combined with the mental issues inherit in being an 81 year old, ‘historically irresponsible’ person, leads me to consider this site and my writing here as a kind of docudrama/Cliff’s Notes.
In many cases, I am not going to use real names, times or places. I will attempt to move this narrative forward as accurately as possible, but realize that I might just be another ‘blind man’ holding an unidentifiable appendage attached to Schrödinger's Elephant.
That being said, I am going to just jump in and we’ll see if I float.
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willamtomas · 5 months
Unveiling the Veil: Unethical Practices in Factory Farms
Factory farming, often hailed for its efficiency and productivity, hides a darker reality behind its walls. While these operations provide a large portion of the world's meat, dairy, and egg supply, they are also rife with unethical practices that compromise animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and public health. Delving into the depths of factory farming unveils a multitude of issues that challenge the ethical conscience of modern society.
One of the most egregious aspects of factory farming is the confinement and overcrowding of animals in small, often unsanitary spaces. Pigs, chickens, and cows are frequently subjected to cramped conditions, unable to express natural behaviors or move freely. Such confinement not only causes physical discomfort but also leads to stress, injury, and the spread of diseases among animals.
Furthermore, the routine use of antibiotics and hormones in factory farming poses significant risks to both animal and human health. Antibiotics are routinely administered to livestock to promote growth and prevent diseases that thrive in crowded conditions. However, this practice contributes to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, posing a serious threat to public health by diminishing the effectiveness of antibiotics in treating infections in humans.
Additionally, the indiscriminate use of hormones to boost animal growth and productivity raises concerns about the safety of meat and dairy products for human consumption. Residues of these hormones can persist in animal products and have been linked to various health issues, including hormonal imbalances and increased cancer risk.
The environmental impact of factory farming cannot be understated. Large-scale operations produce vast amounts of waste, including animal excrement, which can contaminate waterways and soil, leading to environmental degradation and public health risks. Moreover, the deforestation and land degradation associated with expanding factory farms contribute to habitat loss and biodiversity decline, further exacerbating environmental concerns.
Beyond the treatment of animals and environmental degradation, factory farming also raises ethical questions about the commodification of living beings. Animals in these systems are often viewed as mere units of production, treated as objects to be exploited for profit rather than sentient beings with inherent value and rights. The inherent cruelty of factory farming lies in its reduction of living, breathing creatures to mere cogs in a profit-driven machine.
Addressing the  Unethical practices in factory farms inherent in factory farming requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses consumer education, regulatory oversight, and industry reform. Consumers can make a difference by choosing to support ethical and sustainable farming practices, such as purchasing products from small-scale, pasture-based farms or adopting plant-based diets that eschew animal products altogether.
Government regulations must also be strengthened to hold factory farms accountable for their actions and incentivize the adoption of more humane and sustainable practices. This includes implementing stricter animal welfare standards, regulating the use of antibiotics and hormones, and enforcing environmental protections to mitigate the impact of factory farming on ecosystems and public health.
Furthermore, industry stakeholders must take responsibility for their role in perpetuating unethical practices and work towards implementing more ethical and sustainable production methods. This may involve investing in alternative farming models that prioritize animal welfare, environmental stewardship, and community well-being over maximizing profits at any cost.
In conclusion, factory farming epitomizes the commodification of animals and the prioritization of profit over ethics, environmental sustainability, and public health. By shedding light on the unethical practices prevalent in these operations and advocating for systemic change, we can work towards creating a food system that is truly sustainable, ethical, and humane for all beings involved.
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sptsblogs · 11 months
BitGPT Review: Legit Or Scam?
BitGPT is a recently launched automated cryptocurrency trading platform that claims to generate high returns through the use of sophisticated AI algorithms. However, the crypto space is rife with fraudulent algorithms, necessitating a thorough evaluation of BitGPT to determine whether it is legitimate and viable for traders.
An Overview of BitGPG
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According to their website, BitGPT is a cryptocurrency trading platform propelled by artificial intelligence that executes automated trades on behalf of users. BitGPT asserts that it employs sophisticated machine learning and natural language processing to identify profitable crypto trading opportunities from vast market data.
BitGPT asserts that anyone with no prior trading experience can successfully trade cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. on their platform. The trading machine performs market research, analysis, trade execution, and risk management around the clock.
Key Attributes
Here are some of the key features promoted by BitGPT:
A fully automated trading bot claiming a 95% success rate for generating consistent profits on crypto transactions.
Capability to switch between automated and manual trading. Configurable parameters.
A $250 minimum deposit is required to begin using the trading platform.
No transaction costs or commissions. Revenue for the platform derived from a 20% performance fee.
Accessibility facilitated by a user-friendly web-based platform and mobile application.
Within 24 hours, withdrawal processing times are expedited.
Support via phone, chat, and email around the clock.
Read this detailed BitGPT review for complete information.
How Automated Trading on BitGPT Operates
According to BitGPT's website, their automated crypto trading procedure includes the following steps:
Users create an account, deposit a minimum of $250, and configure their preferred trading parameters.
Using indicators, BitGPT's algorithms continuously monitor markets to identify profitable trading opportunities.
The bot executes trades automatically by purchasing and selling cryptocurrencies on integrated digital asset exchanges.
Trades are executed automatically based on technical levels and parameters that have been configured. Users can also manually intervene.
Profits from profitable automated transactions are deposited into the user's account, where they can be withdrawn or reinvested.
This hands-free method purports to deliver consistent trading gains without requiring user intervention. Traders can also trade using BitGPT's signals and analysis in manual mode.
Predicted Accuracy
One of the most prominent claims made by BitGPT is that their automated system executes crypto transactions with up to 95% precision. This indicates that it can generate profitable returns in 95 out of 100 average transactions.
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In the volatile cryptocurrency markets, a victory rate of 95% seems extremely unlikely and exaggerated. When prompted to verify accuracy claims, BitGPT pointed to their website's positive customer reviews. However, the win rate cannot presently be independently verified.
Most legitimate trading algorithms have a win rate between 50 and 75 percent. Even among the most successful human merchants, it is uncommon to consistently achieve a profitability of over 90%. The claimed 95% accuracy rate should be viewed with a healthy degree of skepticism.
Costs and Fees
According to their website, BitGPT does not charge any trading fees, commissions, or fees for deposits and withdrawals. All transaction fees are covered by BitGPT.
To activate an account and begin trading, users need only deposit the minimum amount of $250. As a revenue mechanism, BitGPT collects a 20% performance fee on net profits generated from trading activity. For instance, a platform fee of $200 is deducted from a $1000 trading profit.
In comparison to competitors who may charge commissions, having no trading fees is an advantage. However, the 20% profit commission is above average, as the majority of crypto fund managers charge 15% or less.
Safety and Security Measures
Since users entrust BitGPT with their funds and API access, security is of the utmost importance. BitGPT asserts that accounts and assets are protected by standard measures such as 2-factor authentication, cold storage, etc.
However, specific information regarding technical security protocols is not publicly available. There appears to be no third-party auditing of cybersecurity either. Users must take BitGPT's assertions regarding its security capabilities at face value.
From a security standpoint, the dearth of mandatory KYC identity verification is also concerning. BitGPT lacks transparency in regards to critical safety practices and controls, despite the fact that a minimum level of security appears to be in place.
Customer Evaluations and Help
According to BitGPT, consumer concerns can be addressed 24/7 via phone, chat, or email. Additionally, FAQs and guides are available on their website.
Checking third-party consumer review sites reveals mostly positive testimonials from users praising the platform's seamless trading, simple withdrawals, and excellent customer service. Many have stated that BitGPT is user-friendly.
Nonetheless, since BitGPT is a relatively new platform, there are few unbiased evaluations from credible sources. Users should be wary of fake evaluations that are frequently used to enhance the credibility of a platform. Without evidence of real-world experiences, it is difficult to assess consumer satisfaction accurately.
Positives and Pluses
Several notable benefits of BitGPT, according to available information:
Low minimum deposit makes it possible for novice merchants to test the platform.
Appropriate as a passive income instrument for non-trading experts
The absence of trading fees reduces overall expenses compared to rivals
Rapid withdrawal processing expedites access to earnings
Straightforward user interface and introduction
A number of positive customer reviews signifying satisfied customers
Contraries and Cons
Notable disadvantages and warning signs include:
There is no verifiable substantiation for the claimed 95% win rate.
Lack of transparency regarding BitGPT's founders, proprietors, and team
A limited operating history creates uncertainty regarding the
There are no independent audits of security, fund management, or software performance
Unspecific regarding legal and regulatory compliance
An anonymous team precludes responsibility in the event of problems
The lack of transparency surrounding essential aspects such as the BitGPT team and independent audits casts doubt on the platform's veracity and long-term viability. Such opaque platforms always run the risk of underdelivering or shutting down without warning.
Opinion - Proceed with Caution
BitGPT appears legitimate based on available information, but it exhibits red flags typical of shady trading platforms. The claims of precision appear exaggerated, and the absence of audits is concerning.
Test the automated trading services of BitGPT with prudence using the minimum investment of $250 if you are a neophyte. Before utilizing the platform, seasoned traders may want to await additional evidence from audits and real-world evaluations.
BitGPT appears to have potential, but users should exercise caution due to the absence of transparency. Beginners can experiment with modest amounts, while experts should avoid doing so until they have seen performance data that has been verified. Overall, BitGPT warrants circumspect experimentation based on the available data.
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homewarrantyplan · 1 year
Is a Home Warranty the Preferred Choice for Homeowners' Protection?
Have you been considering the purchase of a home warranty? It's unsurprising that many homeowners are transitioning to home warranty plans for added protection. However, can you forgo investing in home insurance? Not really! Home insurance is not only essential but often mandatory in many countries. On the other hand, a home warranty holds significant value too. Are you uncertain about committing to a home warranty plan? The choice is ultimately yours, but opting for home service plan protection isn't a wasteful decision. After all, isn't it a prudent choice to safeguard your finances when household appliances experience malfunctions?
Are you confident that your luxurious kitchen systems and elaborate setup will never break down? It doesn't matter if your house is adorned with cutting-edge and expensive appliances. All machines and systems eventually experience wear and tear. Problems become more pronounced once the manufacturer's warranty has lapsed. The costs of repairing a malfunctioning system can catch you off guard. Coming up with the funds to cover these expenses might prove to be a challenge. After all, you don't always have readily available funds, do you? Can you rely on home insurance for help? Not really! Only a home warranty plan has the potential to save you a substantial amount.
A home service plan provides comprehensive appliance coverage. Are you excited to explore the variety of home warranty plans that are on offer? It's understandable to feel a bit overwhelmed by the numerous warranty options available. When you're in a dilemma and trying to determine which plan aligns with your needs, considering a few factors before making a decision is a wise approach. For instance:
Is the home warranty company both legitimate and licensed?
Regrettably, today's markets are rife with warranty companies operating without proper certification. Opting for a home service plan offered by questionable companies is akin to throwing your money away. It's wise to select companies that have a reputable presence and are well-established within the industry. Take, for example, ServicePlus Home Warranty.
Are the home warranty choices reasonably priced or overly expensive?
Opting for a home warranty plan entails an additional expense to consider. However, not choosing the right plan could result in wasted funds. Selecting a home service protection plan solely based on its high cost and extensive coverage promises might not be the wisest choice. It's prudent to thoroughly assess your options before deciding on the one that aligns with your household's systems and appliances. Plans that are more budget-friendly are often more favorable for your wallet. 
A few other pointers to keep tabs on:
Are there restrictions and maximum claim limits imposed by the home warranty company?
Do the reviews reflect positive feedback?
You might not have realized that browsing through reviews can assist you in selecting the optimal home warranty plan without straining your budget.
How does a home warranty differ from homeowner’s insurance?
Home insurance serves as a safeguard during uncertain and damaging times. Catastrophic events like floods, tornadoes, natural disasters, fires, and theft can result in significant property damage. Insurance helps cover the costs of such damages. It's evident that the destruction caused by cyclones or other natural calamities is often more severe and devastating than regular wear and tear. Having to pay for the repair or replacement of damaged appliances and home systems out of your own pocket can strain your finances. Home insurance alleviates the burden of repairing malfunctioning home systems.
However, you might wonder why you should consider a home warranty. Appliances can unexpectedly break down, leaving you with unexpected expenses. Without a home warranty plan
·   Washers and dryers
·   Plumbing
·   HVAC
·   Cooking appliances and many more
ServicePlus Home Warranty presents an array of protection plans designed to fit comfortably within a homeowner’s budget. Are you seeking a solution to cover the expenses of repairing appliances that have been mishandled or subjected to rough treatment? Are you considering a home warranty as a potential solution? Unfortunately, a home warranty does not cover the costs of repairing intentionally damaged home appliances or systems.
Restoring a malfunctioning appliance to working condition can often come with a hefty price tag. ServicePlus Home Warranty steps in to alleviate homeowners' stress. Say goodbye to worrying about exorbitant costs for repairing or replacing faulty home systems. A home warranty encompasses all the expenses involved in repairing and replacing essential home components that have encountered issues.
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legionhoster · 2 years
How To Protect Servers Against Malware
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Malware and security software are in a constant conflict. Both sides are always changing, getting better, and developing new strategies. You can defend your web server against the most frequent malware attacks by taking a few simple measures. For the protection of both you and your clients, it is crucial that you, as a system administrator, keep your server up and running securely. Below are the best tips to protect against malware.
1 Only Use Trusted Antivirus and Malware Software
Nowadays, few individuals use computers, smartphones, or tablets without antivirus and malware detection software According to a research, only 27% of Windows machines were unprotected in 2017. But not all of those people use a reputable or well-known supplier.
Norton, Kaspersky, Comodo, AVG, Avast, and Webroot antivirus programmes all have a long history of being reliable and good at identifying security risks despite costing slightly more than self-described "free antivirus" programmes.
On the internet, you may download free antivirus software, but do you really want to trust your computer to just any software? Furthermore, a lot of completely free antivirus software is itself a Potentially Unwanted Program (" PUP") and includes spyware during installation.
When compared to the potentially harmful cryptojacking or hijacking that could take place on your own devices, purchasing high-quality antivirus software is a little investment to pay.
2. Update & patch your OS and software.
The worldwide mayhem caused by the WannaCry ransomware in May 2017 is believed to have cost $4 billion. The notorious ransomware took advantage of a flaw in Windows' implementation of the SMB protocol. Microsoft, though, had already addressed the issue in March 2017. The affected systems were vulnerable to WannaCry because they failed to timely update their Windows operating system.
In other words, WannaCry would not have been able to infect and encrypt the data if they had upgraded their Windows OS.
The WannaCry ransomware outbreak serves as the ideal illustration of the importance of timely OS and application updates and how failing to do so leaves your business-critical systems open to ransomware attacks.
3. Install antivirus and ransomware protection software's.
The primary line of security against ransomware and cyberattacks is anti-virus software. Your system automatically detects, removes, and quarantines harmful software based on the software you've chosen before it encrypts your data. This makes these data security programmes a necessary component of each storage system for mission-critical corporate data.
However, it goes without saying that it is not a good idea to rely only on anti-virus and anti-ransomware software. Data protection software is unable to keep up with ransomware's constant evolution and complexity.
4. Install backup and disaster recovery systems (DR).
In order to stop ransomware attacks, one of the most important things to do is to set up automated air-gapped backups, immutable storage, snapshots, and disaster recovery.
After eradicating the ransomware from the compromised systems, you can quickly perform restoration operations and lower recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs) with backup and disaster recovery (DR).
5. Employ Browser Common Sense.
There are common sense rules that automatically keep you safe from street crime, such as never walking alone at night, staying in well-lit locations, etc. The same self-preservation rules also apply when using the internet.
Steer clear of websites that host pirated content, especially torrent sites like The Pirate Bay. These locations are rife with malware. Never open an email attachment from a sender you do not know since it can be a phishing hoax.
Here are some pointers:
Even if the file was supplied to you by relatives or friends, scan it before downloading.
Before clicking a shortened link, hover your mouse over it to see the URL it will take you to. This is especially important if the link is in an email from someone you don't know or recognize.
The most recent figures show that there are more than 18 million malicious websites on the internet. You should report infected websites to your antivirus provider in addition to leaving them right away because they raise certain evident warning signs.
Second, always check to see if the website you visit has an SSL certificate. Search for the secured icon to the left of the URL to confirm this (the web address). Take action to stop the entire page from loading when a browser, like Chrome, alerts you that a website is not safe.
In the data centres of cheap web hosting companies, which can host thousands of websites on a single shared server with little to no quality control, malicious websites are frequently hosted. Because of this, it is far better to take precautions than to try to erase the harm that has already been done when it comes to internet safety.
6. Stay Up-to-Date on the Latest Attacks.
Malware is frequently modified and added by cybercriminals. Malvertising is one type of malware, for instance.
Remove any software you no longer use in addition to keeping your operating system and all of your programmes updated. You become vulnerable to assaults when using outdated programmes because they don't have patches (updates/fixes).
7. Configure Regular Scans and Monitor Settings.
Each and every person needs antivirus software. Most people would undoubtedly agree that they need antivirus software if you asked them. And yet, a recent Webroot research found that almost half of all Americans have no antivirus protection at all.
A hacker exposed private patient information at the Erie County Medical Center in New York in 2017, costing the facility millions of dollars. Their computer system was ultimately offline for a total of six weeks due to the hackers. All the screens went dark, rendering them helpless to take any action. To restore access to their own equipment, they ultimately had to pay the hackers more than $44,000 in Bitcoin.
And the reason why none of this could have been prevented was that they lacked antivirus software. Although it is meant to operate in the background, you must still handle it directly. To make sure the programme is functioning properly, it is a good idea to set up automatic scans to run once every few days or once per week.
Avoid performing scans while using your computer if you see that it significantly reduces the performance of your PC. For most people, it makes sense to choose a late hour, for instance.
Last but not least, you need to make sure that the system is not off and that it can not enter sleep mode or hibernation in order for the scan to run.
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qilife · 3 years
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amoralityplay · 3 years
I keep mentioning the way Audrey gains and then loses most of her money, so I figure I should tack down the details of that in a post.
Phersipnai is basically limitlessly wealthy. I'm not gonna say she's a billionaire, but she's had 2600 years to accumulate her wealth and she isn't a big spender. Inflation increases her fortune exponentially. Audrey doesn't want for anything as she grows up, but she wants to be seen as independent and wants to be able to say she has her own money, so she starts looking for ways to build up a fortune; this is the 19th century, working is not an option for her and the way Phersipnai and Lavinia built their fortunes--owning and farming land--isn't an option because she would have to borrow the money from them to buy her own properties (and Audrey has just about zero interest in agriculture, anyway). It's very common for vampires (especially young, female vampires...and tbh it's not even that uncommon for mortals to do this, either) to take mortal spouses that they plan to kill for the inheritance or insurance policy; the 1800's are RIFE with this sort of thing. In Audrey's case, the marriages are strictly legal and none of them are consummated (she never even kisses any of these men, despite rumours and vampire gossip to the contrary), though she can be very sweet and charming and each man genuinely thought she adored them.
So, when another vampire suggests this to Audrey, she agrees to be set up with a mortal man in the 1860's. He's very elderly, in his 80's (ancient by that period's standards), and owns a bank. He has no living relatives and isn't particularly well-liked by others, so he's an ideal target. He's not very kind but is in poor health and mostly seems to just wanted some company in his last days, which Audrey agrees to provide, and she thinks of his impending death at her hand as more of a mercy killing; he's also the first mortal she kills on her own. Keep in mind, she's very young at this point, only in her sixties, and hasn't really had to be on her own before. Of course, she'd fed on other mortals but never without another vampire (usually her mother or one of her grandparents) doing the bulk of the work.
Audrey smothers him in his sleep with a pillow after lightly drugging him three days after they get married, which seemed to her to be the kindest way to go about it, and she drains his corpse dry afterwards (vampires do need to be careful about drugs that get into the bloodstream, and she dosed him with laudanum since it was readily available at the time, but not enough to significantly affect her after she fed on him). After she liquidated his belongings and transferred his accounts into her name, she had a fair-sized fortune...by mortal standards.
By vampire standards, it was still a pittance, so Audrey does this two more times, with her final husband being an industrialist in the early 1900's. She's actually a little fond of that one; he's in his 60's, younger than the other two and a little more friendly, and initially seemed to take an interest in her mechanical prowess (he asks her to marry him after she is able to make a repair to his car). He ends up mocking her heron automaton, however, because it's a machine that won't actually produce anything (unlike the machines in his factories) and he thinks it's silly and novice and typical for a woman to make something to be beautiful but useless; to him, it's just a toy. Suffice to say, her feelings are hurt. So, like the others, Audrey kills him. By that point, mortal record-keeping is getting better, and the risk is beginning to outweigh the rewards, so Audrey doesn't marry any mortals again, although she talks about it in the 1960's (which is what spurs Phersipnai to find her a match). Combined with inflation and the fact that a significant portion of her wealth is literal gold, Audrey is doing quite well for herself by the mid 20th century and has purchased several properties (the brownstone in Boston, which is her main dwelling for most of her life after the 1860's, a lavish apartment in Kiev near her grandfather, and a large villa near Naples) and made some small investments in valuable antiques and art. She also collects rare books, though many of them are not initially considered collectable when she obtains them, it's simply as time passes books in her collection start to accrue value. This all comes screeching to a halt in 1987. Despite being warned against it, Audrey invested heavily in the stock market, converting much of her gold into stocks, and when the market crashed, she lost a massive amount of money. Most of it, even (again, she's hardly hurting by mortal standards, but to other vampires she's practically destitute). She's living in Kiev at that point and has to sell her apartment there and move in with her grandfather, and also sells the other properties except the Boston one. She also has to liquidate many of the items she'd collected over the years. The result is that her home in Boston looks pretty bare by the time she returns from Kiev; most of the antiques are gone, a fair part of her book collection, and the platinum pieces she'd had made so far for the heron automaton have all been sold off. Most of what's left is furniture (she refuses to part with the Federalist style furnishings that her mother had made in the 1700's), clothing, and select items with sentimental value or that were gifts. Part of why she chooses to live in such a terrible apartment in Tokyo is that she is desperately trying not to spend money and she is feuding with Phersipnai and refuses to ask for help. Then Nate happens and she goes back to California with Rowan and...well, waiting to see how that thread shakes out since it has already veered waaaaaaaaaaaay off from what I expected and had plotted.
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practicalzen · 3 months
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Why Am I Writing This Stuff
Since I have the audacity and hubris to suggest that I might know something worth sharing, I want to explain a few things about why I am here, how I choose what I say and how I choose to say it.
I have never been one to document my life. I don’t have any picture albums, diaries, or archives of past work. At one point in my life, I wrote a lot of poetry. For a while, I saved it. But as time went on, I simply misplaced the binders and eventually lost it. That was not a serious problem for me. By the time I realized that I couldn’t find any of what I had written, I had moved on (in a variety of ways). However, because of this carelessness with my past and my lack of attention to documentation, when I try to communicate what I know, who I am, or where I have been, I have to rely almost completely on memory.
I can guarantee you that my memory is 100% run-of-the-mill. I am subject to dropouts, distortions, and complete inaccuracies.
I am still close friends with my first wife and we often talk about our time together 40 years ago. I am surprised how differently we remember things. Sometimes she insists that I am completely wrong about the sequence, content, or even reality of past events. Sometimes, I am surprised by how wrong she gets things. And, sometimes, neither of us has any idea who the hell has things right or wrong.
On top of that, this ‘Spiritual/Buddhist/Meditative/Life’ journey is rife with false narratives, delusions, hallucinations, great insights, joy, depression, guilt, remorse, fear, etc., etc. Just when you think you have it all nailed down and neatly packaged for nutritious, simple ingestion . . . you find that your perspective on everything has changed.
One of the few great addictions left in my life is coffee. Not simply coffee, but rich, dark roast, perfectly brewed cappuccino. I start every working day with it and am constantly looking for ways of improving my ‘coffee’ experience. To that end, a few years ago, I purchased a magnificent, Italian built ‘Rube Goldberg’ monstrosity of a cappuccino machine. It has levers, and handles, and spouts, and double boilers, and a whole variety of gauges - all to ensure that I am able to concoct the ‘Perfect’ brew.
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Since my wife and I fully share my obsession, and always share the dark, chocolaty fruits of my labor, the portafilter on our machine is a two cup unit with a stainless steel removable filter. Unfortunately, from the day we got it, the flow to the two shot glasses below the filter was uneven. When the shot glass on the right side of the machine was full, the left hand glass was only about 2/3 full.
Everything else the machine did was amazing. The steamer worked flawlessly and I was soon able to produce wonderful, peaked, shaving cream rich foam. The quality of my pulls was beyond reproach, each taking exactly 30 seconds and perfectly balanced – not bitter, yet, a satisfying expression of the full potential of the rich dark roast bean that I was currently using. There was nothing about the machine that I could fault except the uneven flow through the portafilter.
Initially, because the machine was working flawlessly, I ignored the problem of the uneven ‘draw/flow’. When the right side shot glass was full, I removed it and slid the left side shot glass under both spigots. When it was full I poured the two shots into the cappuccino cups and got on with my life.
Unfortunately, as I become more intimately involved with the process I realized that the last 3rd of the left side cup was watered down compared to the smooth continuous draw on the right side. I decided that I was not going to put up with this ‘malfunction’ and that I was going to figure out how to solve it.
I purchased a small pipe brush and scoured the two feeds on the portafilter. As well, I removed the filter basket and carefully insured that none of the filter holes were blocked. When I was done, the thing worked . . . for a couple of days. Then the problem returned.
As I became more obsessed with the repair, I also became more aware that it was intermittent. Sometimes, for a week or two, it manifested every time I made coffee, and then, suddenly, it would draw perfectly and the two shot glasses would be filled evenly with no discrepancies. Then, suddenly, the stupid machine would fill the shot glasses unevenly again. I examined, poked, prodded, disassembled, descaled, detoxified, reassembled, reviewed and, finally replaced everything I could imagine might be involved in the problem.
Finally, I bought a new expensive, after-market, portafilter. Clearly the old one was flawed!
This whole process had gone on for more than a year and had become a real source of pain and frustration. Once I broke down and replaced the stock portafilter with the super, high quality, custom manufactured, life-time-guaranteed portafilter, I knew that finally everything was under control. With a bit of a twitch when I thought of the replacement cost, I unpacked the new portafilter, filled it with perfectly ground, rich, dark roast coffee, and prepared to draw two perfect cappuccinos.
MY GOD! As I stood there watching, I got two horribly uneven shots of coffee.
Over the next few weeks, I alternated between the two portafilters and ran through all the fixes I had tried previously. Nothing helped! Then, one day, after having given up and resigned myself to the fact that my coffee machine was a ‘lemon’, I had an epiphany!
As I was tamping the coffee into the portafilter, I noticed that I was favoring my left side. To get a good purchase and to ensure that I exerted proper pressure to the tamper as I compressed the coffee, I was leaning, significantly, to the left. I looked closely at the tamped coffee and there was a discernible difference in the height of the coffee on the two sides of the portafilter. It was higher on the right which clearly indicated that the left side was more tightly packed than the right side. I pulled the shots and, sure enough, the left side shot glass was less full that the one on the right.
I refilled the portafilter with coffee and tamped it down again. This time I concentrated on tamping the coffee evenly. Of course, I got two perfect, even fills in the two shot glasses.
There was ‘never’ anything wrong with the machine . . . there was something wrong with the operator!
This may seem like a trivial issue, but this kind of dysfunctional mental process can distort everything we do. We distort reality in terms of our likes and dislikes, our past experiences, our expectations, our lack of information and proper observation, what we see on television, what we hear from friends, and what we spin out of our own butts. As a result of the distortions and delusions foisted on us by our own fictional narratives and those passed to us from external sources: entertainment and information media, social, and political processes, and educational, philosophical, and religious systems (to name a few), we have a lot to think about and evaluate.
On top of all of that, one of the least effective means of measuring, evaluating and communicating truth (the one I am trying to use here) is language.
There is an old brain teaser, “If a tree falls in the forest and no-one is there to hear it, is there a sound made by the falling tree?” The problem is not one of assessing the ‘true nature of sound.’ It is really a question of how we define what constitutes sound. Once we come to an agreement regarding our use of the language, the apparent issue with the nature of external phenomena disappears.
Imprecise language, biased interpretation of language, and a misplaced trust in the accuracy of language can be seen as a major cause in a great many of our problems as human beings.
That fundamental problem with communicating using words, combined with the mental issues inherit in being an 82 year old, ‘historically irresponsible’ person, leads me to consider this site and my writing here as a kind of docudrama/Cliff’s Notes.
In many cases, I am not going to use real names, times or places. I will attempt to move this narrative forward as accurately as possible, but realize that I might just be another ‘blind man’ holding an unidentifiable appendage attached to Schrödinger's Elephant.
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Buying antique furniture that lasted for centuries greatly reduces your carbon footprint. It is an eco-friendly and sustainable decision to purchase antique furniture that already exists, instead of depleting more of the earth’s finite resources. Antique furniture was built with both exquisite design and high functionality in mind. Most furniture today is built to be minimal, easy to put together, and ultimately, expendable. Exhibition quality pieces are also great to get your hands on, as they were shown at one of the iconic world’s fairs where they served as a furniture-makers visual resume, so they are often very ornate and made of the finest materials. In centuries past, people apprenticed and studied the art of furniture making. They dedicated their lives to their craft, just as any of the great masters did.  Most modern furniture is machined, with little soul or heart behind it. Antique furniture is rife with passion, patience, and precision.
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spooky2rifem-blog · 5 years
Website: https://healthvibed.com/spooky2-rife-machine-review/
The Spooky2 Rife machine is available to help those with a cancer diagnosis. The inventor of the Rife machine, Royal Rife, believed that cancer cells can be destroyed by using effective frequencies. The belief relies on the theory that stress can lead to a cell being disabled. The Rife machine uses high frequencies to send vibrations to the cancer cells. This technology is extremely expensive as a result of the potential results it can deliver, which is why Spooky2 worked hard to develop a more affordable Rife machine. Many Rife machines are sold for thousands of dollars. This deters the average consumer who cannot afford to try this technology on top of their other healthcare bills. The company’s goal is to provide hope for more people battling cancer. Visit the Spooky 2 website to read more information or purchase one of the Spooky2 generators!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clenspooky2/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Spooky2Rife
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Spooky2Rife
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spooky2rife1-blog · 5 years
Spooky2 Rife Machine
Website: http://www.spooky2rifemachine.com/
If you have thought about using the Spooky2 Rife machine, it is best to read personal testimonies from those who have experience with it. The Spooky2 Rife machine was developed after a team of engineers, designers, software developers, and employees of Spooky2 saw there was a need in the market for a more affordable Rife machine. Now, individuals with cancer and other diseases can purchase a Rife machine for hundreds of dollars instead of thousands. This has led to more people buying the Spooky2 Rife machine, which has resulted in more reviews of the generator. Many customers report feeling or noticing improvement. The Spooky2 Rife machine has the chance to vastly improve people’s quality of life. Purchase yours today!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clenspooky2/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Spooky2Rife
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Spooky2Rife
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totimetoolsch · 2 years
Get To Understand Drills
Several kinds of drills or drilling machines are available throughout the market, and the drill machine manufacturer designs them intending to help them succeed in pulling off a particular kind of job. You must also consider the bit quality besides deciding which is the best-suited style for your project. Selection of the best quality drill bits is essential as it doesn’t only impact the hole but also the bit’s longevity and whether it can cut the material that you have chosen to work on.
We at Totimetools take care of these small specifications. Our drills are one of the most well-known in the country and have a lot of potentials. 
Why Use Drill Machines?
The concern on quality is a different aspect, but you must always buy drill bits from the drill bit suppliers that are precisely accurate for the job that you are undertaking. For instance, though drill bits are used for this job, the manufacturers do not design twisted drill bits for screw hole drilling. The raper point bits do a great job, considering how they leave sufficient material on the holes to make way for the screw threads to bit.
When Buying Drill machines, Consider These below points:
1. Determine what size you would be drilling
2. The shank size must always be larger but fit the drill simultaneously.
3. You need to determine if you require a flat bottom hole
4. You need to decide the entry rate
5. Your resistance to hole edge fuzziness
6. The hole direction
7. The wood type where you are performing all the drill
Irrespective of the drill bit you choose, you must allow the tool to perform the job on your behalf. In case the bit is dull and you require tremendous pressure to cut, then you have to consider replacing the bit and re-sharpening it.
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We at Totimetools can guide you what are the specifications that you require, and based on that. You can buy the machine you want.
Investing On The Best Kind of Drill Machines
The present market is rife with numerous types of drilling machines, hence making the entire process both exhausting and challenging. The two types of drill bits constitute standard bits needed for manual drills and drill presses primarily used by automated machinery. Make sure you try to understand the bit when you choose the machine, and then go ahead with your machine choice.
Expert Shares Useful Tips For Drill Machine Repairing
If you are facing some problems with your drilling machine, then your drill bit is having some problems. Here we provide a guide on how to go DIY drill bit sharpening. But it’s alright if you do not wish to do it yourself. We are always there to help you. However, it is better if you know the technicalities by yourself.
Twist Drill Bits
Use a particular machine like a jig for re-sharpening twist drill bits.
Single and Double Twist Auger Bits
Take advantage of a triangular saw file or stone to sharpen single and double twist auger bits.
Brad Point Drill Bits
You can take the help of an auger bit file or even a triangular saw file to sharpen cutters and spurs. And by maintaining the exact height of spurs and cutters, you can make them do an equal quantity of work.
Flat Spade Bits
Use a small stone or even a smooth file for forwarding advanced sharpening. This will help preserve the original angle and ensure the ground surface is flat.
Hopefully, this will prove beneficial when you are about to purchase drill bits or are thinking of re-sharpening them.
Indexable Drills- These are the types of drills you will need when going for a DC drilling, and they have high productivity and are safe and secure. Hence people are gradually switching towards Indexable drills.
Deep Hole Drill- this requires a powerful machine, and without any doubt, deep hole drills are some of the most powerful machines manufactured by us. You can use this for any powerful drilling work.
We have given you an insight into what you need to know about drilling machines, drills, and drill bits. If you want to take our service, you can contact us, and we will be obliged to help you.
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theguyfawkesretro · 6 years
Super Action & Play
I once purchased an N64 without any games and begged my best friend for Goldeneye until I had enough money to buy the game outright. That’s how much I wanted the N64. I actually have a Switch with the same dystopian outlook except my best friend is now my wife and I fully understand that it’s January and I have a mortgage today along with everything else.
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Pre dating both these ridiculous and audaciously annotates of mistaken and misguided repurchases and panic buying, I also did it back in 1992 on a much smaller scale. Hype was rife and if I couldn’t have the SNES anytime sooner than I wanted it, I’d at least be involved if I purchased some magazines to read to ad to the dreams and dilemmas what I was missing out on before June 1993.
At least with a magazine I could discuss to a fair point in the playground regarding up and coming games that I might be able to own one day at least.
It was like a preparation ritual. I would look at the glossy covers and read all about the games that I would inevitably be talking about right now. The only rule I had was that if I was reading one of these fine publications, I couldn’t play the machines that I had currently plugged into my television.
The first dedicated Super Nintendo Magazine that caught my actually made up my mind to berate my parents for eight months until I favourably got my own way. Anything brightly lit up like an 1980’s Christmas tree in the gaming magazine section in my local newsagent’s was always going to catch my eye and put me of my train of thought (notably how many cola bottles I could get with fifty pence, amazingly, it was always fifty).
Super Action was it’s name and it predated Super Play by an entire month in October 1992. Highly colourful and impcting to the eye, it covered nothing but the Super Nintendo and proclaimed that Probotector ‘Kicks Ass!’
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Inside the magazine it covered Super Battletank, Super Smash TV, Turtles In Time and Street Fighter II including many more games that I have sunk my teeth into over the years. Europress Interactive were kind enough to price this magazine at £1.95 too, later dropping down to only 99p – and here’s why.
Super Play Issue 1 November 1992, also £1.95
Super Action really caught my imagination and I continued to purchase the publication until it’s death in 93/4.
But for all it’s colourful variants and pretty decent reviews, including an import section, it struggled with an identity crisis, changing it’s layout, colour scheme and logo font and design several times. It felt like it was supremely misleading and was aiming at early to late teen years. Super Play got it right from the word go, mature aimed audience based with a strict regime of telling us how it is from the off.
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I was hooked. I continued to buy Super Action along side Super Play out of slight pity, I can only assume this is what I was feeling at the time, loyal to two magazines. But Super Play had the edge and to this day is the most comprehensive, system dedicated magazine that’s very been on the shelves.
No doubt I’ll cover more on both magazines over the next few blogs.
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warcsul · 2 years
Best Possible Details Shared About Exipure Pills
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Does one in fact tested out every weight-loss recipe to get reducing your cussed escess weight? Perhaps your answer is yes mainly because it can be described as frequent element available for obesity everyone. Many hundreds of chubby people young and old aspire the right thin body, due to which they are surely frequently willing to do a quantity of some things to burn abs unwanted weight and eliminate extra fat new release. There are millions of persons who don’t try to get the greatest results right after implementing plenty of diet tablets primarily because not everyone products are actually equally highly effective. A great deal of chubby consumers are also working a number of diet supplements, and some may be consulting with their particular conditioning center personal trainers to uncover the preferred method. The idea isn’t critical that store gym machine has numerous experience within healthiness sector and contains plenty knowledge about all of the capsules. As outlined by countless physicians, friends needs to keep into consideration many points sooner than receiving a increase to go extra fat faster. Amidst several fat burning medications, Exipure could be considered to be the most capable supplements which is rife with many dietary supplements, vitamins, together with natural ingredients. This process exipure review is generally for those newer with the well being company and require to lose fat quicker. Men and women pick up successful the specifics of the very exipure ingredients, exipure price, results, coupled with other key elements. The craze about Exipure weight loss supplement has risen given that it is exipure official website lower escess weight and furthermore generate a assortment of wonderful benefits. Lower than replacement making use of exipure weight loss components would it be highlights brown adipose tissue levels coupled with power, with the result that the human body fat melts away a lot more. Those invest in a much more healthy affection and far better human brain functionality by way of it aid. Depending on the particular companies, this unique bolster doesn’t have got just about any synthetic formula, very individuals will instead of have any unwanted side effects about the bodies. If required, attracted people are able to follow the link or perhaps drop by and see our very own allowed how does a person discover more in connection with Exipure independent reviews.
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bottlepiecemuses · 6 years
History- In the early years of Civilization, before the World Government was founded, a team of geologists embarked on an expedition to one of the most remote regions of Zyger, an island chain in the North Blue. A tremendous explosion was reputed to have taken place roughly a decade earlier, one that had flattened entire forests for hundreds of miles. Upon reaching the Zyger province, the expedition’s guides would go no further, fearing what they called the “ Machine Men” and speaking of superstitious tales of vengeful gods who slaughtered the surrounding wildlife. Only a scant few traces of the expedition were ever recovered after they mysteriously disappeared, but even as the Zyger Kingdom retreated into isolationism and ties with the outside world were severed, strange tales started emanating from the reclusive nation. Several kingdoms began sending scouts and spies, who began reporting hundreds of ghost towns, entire cities abandoned, strange weather patterns and mysterious lights seen in the night skies in Zyger. A month after they came back, broadcasts and messages were spread around the Zyger Kingdom with a single looping phrase; “Brotherhood, strength, and fortitude…in the face of the Furious Night”. - Theories were rampant as to the cause of the Zyger situation, and included a biological or chemical disaster, some new type of weapon, or even Zyger experiments. But when the true nature of this threat was revealed, and broke through the Zyger border fortifications and spread across the world, it was far worse than anyone could have imagined. They are known by many names, in Zyger as the “Furious Night”, in the archipilago of Talmusio as the “Deathless Plague”, yet one other above all truly gained infamy: “Germa”. Across the course of history, great conflicts have been fought that promised to be the war to end all wars. Yet every victory brought only humiliation, hardship, and bitter resentment to the defeated. So it was 1,000 year ago, when the shattered remnants of the Germa Kingdom, forced off their former territories in the aftermath of the first World War, were exiled to the brutal and barren island.
From the ashes however, there arose dreams of a new order and the Germa people rallied around the charismatic scholar Kroelen, whose vision of a new unbreakable nation captivated millions. Through his leadership the last vestiges of the old regime leadership were swept away and in its place the Germa marched united in purpose under the banners of the New Germa Empire. At the center of this new nation was an old idea that the Germa people had been robbed of the opportunity to prosper from their own labor and greatest successes. While exaggerated and simplified for the benefit of state misinformation campaigns, the rhetoric did have a basis in history.
One that stretched back to the earliest days of human colonization of the various islands around the world. The journey to finding new islands was increasingly difficult and hundreds died along the way. Within the years of searching, however two islands were found capable of supporting human life. The first, named Germa, while abundant in raw resources was nearly inhospitable. A murky environment shrouded its surface and the island was tormented by frequent rainstorms and mud, making mining nearly impossible. The second island on the other hand was a verdant paradise, covered in fertile land flowing lakes and great forests. It was named Remus in honor of the one the Kings of old, who colonized the island personally. - With the mined resources of Germa and the prosperity of Remus, over time, several kingdoms transformed into the principal hubs civilization. As new colonies were established by several nations across Germa and increasing progress in engineering brought with them enormous wealth and opportunities. Now functioning as a quasi nation state itself, Germa began transitioning into a civil administration reorganizing itself first into the Germa Protectorate. Finally, The island of Germa purchased the entire system outright from the still economically fragile UCN. As humanity’s central engineering capital, the growing power of the Germa Protectorate raised concerns with several kingdoms, of which Germa itself was still technically not a member. Tensions slowly grew as the kings of old rescinded certain rights it had accorded Germa, while simultaneously creating a fleet of warships, should a military solution become unavoidable. With its future prosperity strangled under the weight of the demands of the kings, Germa officially declared independence in after ceasing its supply of raw materials to the kings. This forced the kings to attack Germa outright in order to claim its riches. Despite their immense numerical advantage, The World Government forces were at best an armed customs service, while in navy battles their picket ships were no match for the Germa’s purpose-built warships. The heaviest fighting was over within a few years, book-ended by acts of terrorism and small skirmishes. In an attempt to quell the lingering fighting and prevent a costly occupation, the Germa Protectorate, now branded as the Germa Kingdom, assumed governance over Remus by slaying the former kind.
  The people of Germa were seen as less than human by the Kings and are treated as slaves. Subjected to blockades and restrictions until diplomatic relations could be normalized, thousands of Germa loyalists made a great exodus to Germa itself in the ensuing years, faced with a bleak existence rife with illness, starvation, and hardship. Helped along by basic genetic conditioning and a variety of treatments and implants, the Germa population grew more resilient to the hostile environment with a privileged few even capable of surviving without the use of oxygen masks while outdoors. While the situation slowly improved, the long-term outlook of the nation remained grim. Stifled under the strict conditions imposed by Kings, the singular and remarkable figure of Scholar Kroelen rose to prominence. A master orator, Kroelen was the first to give voice to what later became the principal keystone of the Germa philosophy: that the people of Germa had been strengthened by their environment and transformed into a superior extra human race - the Ubersoldat. After an apparent attempt on his life, Kroelen leveraged his public support and with the help of the military took part in a successful coup against the old Germa leadership, rebranded as the self-proclaimed Kaiser of Germa. Kroelen consolidated his position as supreme authority and enacted a series of transformative political, social, and economic policies. The Germa government was predominantly authoritarian with political power residing firmly in the office of Kaiser. The Kaiser’s Cabinet of Advisors, with military and engineering interests disproportionately represented, yet completely subservient to the interests of the Kaiser. These fascist elements permeated every aspect of society, with ultra-nationalism, militarism, and total commitment to the nation intertwined with Germa culture until they had become one in the same. Particular attention was given to the filtration masks and other breathing apparatus is used by Germa citizens, transforming them from symbols of shame or weakness to those of pride evidence of having overcome extreme struggle and hardship. Even the old languages of the Kings, proclaimed outmoded by Kroelen himself, were replaced with a new written language designed to dissuade alternative thinking by eliminating certain words and concepts such as negotiation, compromise, and mercy. The government’s military first policy had inflicted substantial adversity upon the people of Helghan. But the massive rearmament programs had achieved a stunning level of success
The eventual victory in of the World Government proved to be the beginning of the end of the Germa Kingdom and all across the world, resistance fighters began reclaiming the ruined cities of old. This terrible enemy remains as much a mystery as ever and their defeat leaves behind only unanswered questions. Perhaps the most lingering mystery is if the Germa have any true goal when they successfully rule the world. Whether the so called “End Game” are still in motion today is the subject of much debate, but the most haunting evidence for their existence can be found in the final words of the man responsible for their eventual defeat. “Can you hear them? They are coming again. This is just the beginning" Weaponry- The Germa’s unique ability to combine artificial machines and biological systems makes it difficult to distinguish any life from their highly advanced technology. They make use of a number of machines ranging from mobile siege platforms to enormous battleships and support vessels. While these craft are known to include lower ranking members that serve as crew, it is entirely possible that some of these machines themselves might possess an advanced intelligence and in a sense, be alive. The ships they command are known as Eisenseites, ships decked out in metal plating, have 2 mast. They have 4 distinctive quadruple-barreled guns on their fore and aft segment, which are powerful enough to completely destroy smaller vessels. In addition to these guns, battleships possess two sets of 18 heavy cannons on both sides of their hulls.   Germa technology also strives in the robotics, engineering, computing, and “artificial intelligence”, with cyborgs and automatons in common use across the Reich, in both civilian and military capacities. These range from mundane protocol, cleaning, and cooking cyborgs to horrific weapons of war, ranging from the nimble Ubermensch units to even larger mechanized monstrosities, such as the Ubersoldat, the fast Ironstrider units, the iconic Panzerhund robots, and outright weapons of terror like the Vordenker and the prototype Zerstörer robots.
Original post by @empireofvalencia
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