#Rife Machine For Sale On Amazon
transform-health · 2 years
(Audio) Royal Rife’s Amazing Microscope and Sound Healing
Learn about researcher Royal Rife’s Amazing Microscope that could see bacteria and viruses as different colors. Then he and his team applied sound healing frequencies to kill off certain pathogens. He was able to cure 16 terminally ill cancer patients.*
He was also able to prove that these pathogens are not “caught” but change/alter from our own healthy cells under poor body health conditions.
Unfortunately, as it all too common a story, Royal Rife's research and equipment was seized by those in power, and his medical supporters who had seen his microscope, and written typed letters in support, suddenly abandoned him. Rife fled to Mexico, where he lived the rest of this life. His associate was legally prosecuted, and Rife gave testimony from Mexico. At the associate’s trial, it was not permitted to hear Rife’s legal testimony, and the associate went to jail for a time.
I understand that the best healing sound frequencies are super high, higher than many devices called "Rife machines" on the market right now. I don’t know if any of them would help, but my own research is ongoing. I refer you to this source to read more:
Book: And Then Nothing Happened by Steven A. Ross Details medical discoveries that were suppressed, seized, stopped. *Website and videos: www.ResonantLight.com
The second source just above states that the best c@ncer frequencies are between 100,00-300,000 Hz, and that the sound frequencies need to be both low and high, with the higher one eleven times the lower.
All donations given to support my health work are such a blessing. Thank You. Donate via Patreon here
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    Disclaimer: The statements and products shown in this presentation, on my website, and in my books, courses and social media have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These statements and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. I expressly disclaim all liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information or other contents of these materials. They are for educational and informational purposes only not intended as medical advice. The information does not create, nor is it intended to replace, a relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or your health and prior to starting dietary routines, exercise or supplements.
Check out this episode about cause wheat allergy!
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qilife · 3 years
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qilifestore · 3 years
Rife machines are getting popular as it shows the effective result for curing disease-causing cells in and non-invasive way. Rife machines are generally adjusted to work at frequencies based on the compliance of the patient. The device charts the Rife frequencies of numerous maladies, so the doctor in charge sets the frequency that is appropriate for the patient and the type of target cells.
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THE SITGES Film Festival- Happy Samhain 2020 REVIEWS, VOL. II by Lucas Avram Cavazos
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For starters, a couple of docs that skirt socio-cultural issues but are right up this critic’s alley…history. The Quiet Revolution: State, Society and the Canadian Horror Film looks at just how social and political tensions of the 60s and 70s within North America differed between the US and Canadian territories, and that aided in the creation of on-fleek horror film traditions from then until the present day in Canada but obviously beyond, as well. Think Montreal in those times and know that it bred a revolution in French-language cinema. Throw in filmmakers like David Cronenberg, whose son won Best Film this year at Sitges 2020, and we start to see that the difference between US horror and Canadian horror has distinctly been shaped by the differences in the state from which they are helmed. Nice touch with bountiful shards of film clip examples to illustrate for dorks like myself. ###-1/2
Be Water tells the story of Bruce Lee but in such an unexpected treasure kind-of-way, as so much unseen and long time not-seen footage of Bruce and his family makes the film rife with historical depictions. I never knew that he was a kid actor star for Asian cinema devotees across the globe AND that he was born in San Francisco. The documentary title is derived from one of Lee’s core philosophical beliefs and it must be clearly stated that water being fluid as it is, smooth and crystalline as it is and yet hard as anything else, capable of breaking down dams, walls and even presidencies. Superb and informative if not definitive. ####
Ahhh Becky…such a lauded name these days with Beyonce fans and the like…Telling the tragic story of lil Becky (young horror film maven Lulu Wilson) who, after losing her mother a year or so before, is doted on by her loving father (US comic actor Joel McHale) who, one day, takes her away for a respite to a) continue the healing process in nature; b) assure her they will keep their country home; and c) let her know that his now girlfriend is about to become her new mommy…with lil brother in tow. Insert a common theme in the US (the world?) right now and white supremacism rears its scary-ass head in the name of some scary, escaped convicts (led by chunky-and-charming King of Queens star Kevin James) and the hit gets real...really quickly. The unexpected force? Tween kween Becky and her boiling pre-teen angst/anger. Chil’! This film gives good thrills! ###-1/2 (now premiering on Movistar+)
There was a moment whilst screening Catalan director Lluis Danes’ interesting La Vampira de Barcelona where I felt a sense of deja vu, a sense that I was back in the 90s watching an intriguing arthouse film documenting a little remembered piece of history. At times it felt like a mix between a low-budget Age of Innocence mixed with a sincere element of Ferrara’s The Addiction. Detailing the story of Enriqeta Marti i Ripollés, known as the Vampire of the Raval or Vampire of Barcelona as the film title suggests, it has nothing to do with blood sucking and much more to do with the fact that she had connections in high places and made deals that provided children for the sexual pleasures of men amongst the rankings of high society. This spanned over years and allegedly claimed the lives of over a dozen pre-adolescent children. Some researchers have disputed this claim and deemed her merely a mental case, but this film takes the necessary steps to analyse the documented case. Winner of the Audience Award for Best Film at this years’s festival, the film opens in local cinemas on the 20/11/20. ###-1/2
Spree was a superb piece of celluloid to screen for this year’s Sitges film festival and is yet another social reflection of how the demented realm of youngsters without scruples but plenty of social media contact make for a bleak AF future. The movie tells the story of Kurt Kunkle (Stranger Thing’s Joe Keery) who is beyond obsessed with social media stardom and concocts a way to attain that by attempting to coerce a kid he used to babysit (and who is now a social media influencer) to aid him grab more live stream viewers. But what ends up happening is a slow, maddening yet funny descent into a psychopathic spree of death or near-deaths that border on all-too-real yet achingly not-real tidbits of modern reality, especially for this under 20! Superb as a thought piece, creepy thrill ride and post-modern drama. The film is now streaming on some international Amazon Prime platforms but should also see an indie cine release by early next year. ####
The Old Man: The Movie was so much fun to screen! It was like going into the millennium-style, sardonic and sarcastic humour that I so gravitate to and spinning it through an Estonian milk to butter churn. Helmed by Estonian filmmakers Mikk Magi and Oskar Lehemaa, this animated (personal fave) film goes off telling the fabled Estonian story of how cows explode and wreak havoc when doing so if they are not milked every day or so! Apparently, this tale is told to kids in Estonia and is brought to life with the story of farmer/milkman, Grandpa, whose three grandkids come to visit for the summer, only to learn a valuable lesson or two when their trusted dairy cow goes missing. What ensues is such a silly laugh riot, and yet it also touches on human emotions and fantasy at the sane time and in such a wonderfully unique way. Though released in its native Estonia late last year, it is still hard to come by and I’m grateful to have screened it this year! ####
While I was screening Polish director Lech Majewski’s latest odd offering called Valley of the Gods, it was hard not to feel an overwhelming feeling of otherworldliness. The feeling of deja vu was too true, with a tinged air of Lynch mixed with the opulent director’s-eye of Sorrentino and a dash of Kubrick-style art-rendered-reality...even that might only start to begin to explain this piece. Telling the story of a man’s breakdown due to love’s labour lost, we follow John Ecas (Josh Hartnett) trying to break free from his sadness by immersing himself into the work of a man who is an old trillionaire (John Malkovich) and documenting his life story. What enraptures the audience (if they’re able to be, that is) is how director Majewski captures the odd reality of the original US-Americans, native American tribesmen like the Navajo here, set against the realities of modern USA. Unexplainable in a way, this film either grows on you or you walk the hell away wondering, ‘WTF!’ the film opens in local cinemas on the 20/11/20. ###-1/2
When a fantastical-horror film piece is also doubling as a social-environmental thought piece that can make you laugh, you’re probably onto something interesting. That is what I kept feeling was going to occur and lo and behold, it did as I watched the new film Slaxx. Helmed by experimental Montreal film director Elza Kephart, we get the truth behind the realities of fast fashion by large corp clothiers, like Zara/H&M and yes, even YOU Bennetton…your ads are a smokescreen for the clothes maker you used to be…and I no longer can buy in the outlets, although I do find it harder than heck from time to tie not to break down and load up on canvas shoes…yet I digress. In this film, when go-getter Libby gets a post working for a fast fashion retailer, she is pumped and ready to learn, burn and chuuuuurn out sales, mostly as the ‘new season’ jeans’ are about to go on sale, but there just happens to be a twist. These ‘slacks’ are out for blood…why, you ask? Assuredly, this over the top concept come straight to us with a complete tongue-in-cheek manner but highlighting the fact that the slacks’ design came courtesy of/at the expense of a wee cotton-picking lass in the depths of India who was accidentally killed during a horrid machine snafu, says a lot. A personal favourite of mine this year. ###-1/2
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The Simple Optical Illusion That Makes an Image Look Like It's Drawing Itself
Visit Now - http://zeroviral.com/the-simple-optical-illusion-that-makes-an-image-look-like-its-drawing-itself/
The Simple Optical Illusion That Makes an Image Look Like It's Drawing Itself
Artist James Nolan Gandy invents robot arms that sketch intricate mathematical shapes with pen and paper. When viewed in real time, the effect is impressive. But it becomes even more so when the videos are sped up in a timelapse. If you look closely in the video below, the illustration appears to materialize faster than the robot can put the design to paper. Gizmodo recently explained how the illusion works to make it look like parts of the sketch are forming before the machine has time to draw them.
The optical illusion isn’t an example of tricky image editing: It’s the result of something called the wagon wheel effect. You can observe this in a car wheel accelerating down the highway or in propeller blades lifting up a helicopter. If an object makes enough rotations per second, it can appear to slow down, move backwards, or even stand still.
This is especially apparent on film. Every “moving image” we see on a screen is an illusion caused by the brain filling in the gaps between a sequence of still images. In the case of the timelapse video below, the camera captured the right amount of images, in the right order, to depict the pen as moving more slowly than it did in real life. But unlike the pen, the drawing formed throughout the video isn’t subject to the wagon-wheel effect, so it still appears to move at full speed. This difference makes it look like the sketch is drawing itself, no pen required.
Gandy frequently shares behind-the-scenes videos of his mechanical art on his Instagram page. You can check out some of his non-timelapse clips like the one below to better understand how his machines work, then visit his website to browse and purchase the art made by his ‘bots.
And if you think his stuff is impressive, make sure to explore some of the incredible art robots have made in the past.
[h/t Gizmodo]
Tessa Angus
Surprising Sculptures Made From Fallen Feathers
Kate MccGwire, Orchis, 2012
Tessa Angus
Kate MccGwire is a British sculptor with an unusual medium: feathers. Her surreal, undulating works often take the form of installations—the feathers spilling out of a drain, a stove, a crypt wall—or stand-alone sculptures in which antique bell jars, cabinets, or trunks contain otherworldly shapes.
MccGwire developed her obsession with feathers after moving to a studio barge on the Thames in 2006, as she explains in a video from Crane.tv recently spotlighted by Boing Boing. The barge was near a large shed full of feral pigeons, whose feathers she would spot on her way to work. “I started picking them up and laying them out, collecting them,” she remembers. “And after about two weeks I had like 300 feathers.” At the time, concerns about bird flu were rife, which made the feathers seem “dangerous as well as beautiful.”
When not supplied by her own next-door menagerie, the feathers for her artwork come from a network of racing pigeon societies all over the UK, who send her envelopes full every time the birds molt. Farmers and gamekeepers also send her fallen feathers from birds such as magpies, pheasants, and roosters.
The cultural associations around birds are a big part of what inspires MccGwire. “The dove is the symbol of peace, purity, and fertility,” she told ArtNews in 2013, “but it’s exactly the same species as a pigeon—which everyone regards as being dirty, foul, a pest.”
The same duality is present in her own work, which she frequently shares on her Instagram account. “I want to seduce by what I do—but revolt in equal measure. It’s really important to me that you’ve got that rejection of things you think you know for sure.”
You can see some pictures of MccGwire’s work, and watch the video from Crane.tv, below.
13 Stunningly Beautiful Coloring Books for All Ages
BY Alvin Ward
February 7, 2018
The rise of adult coloring books comes with a similar, exciting trend: extremely ornate and beautiful coloring books. These tomes make aesthetics the first priority by utilizing the work of extremely talented illustrators. Check out some coloring books with unusual and stunning artwork, perfect for when you’re looking for something a little different.
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Doodlers Anonymous is a collective of artists that works as a home for eccentric and unconventional illustration art. For this unique coloring book, 90 contemporary artists from all over the world came together to lend their illustrations. Each page features a different artist and a different style.
Find it: Amazon
If you’re unimpressed by 90 different artists, how about 100? All sorts of creative minds—like animators, cartoonists, fine artists, graphic artists, illustrators, musicians—offered their talents to make this incredible coloring book a reality.
Find it: Amazon
3. ANIMORPHIA; $11.93
You may know artist Kerby Rosanes from his Sketchy Stories blog. Rosanes creates mind-bending scenes of objects and animals bursting into tinier objects and animals. The wildly detailed illustrations promise hours of coloring enjoyment. For added fun, certain pages are intentionally unfinished and encourage the colorer to draw their own designs.
Find it: Amazon
Illustrator Jenn Ski has a flair for mid-20th century art and design. She created a series of coloring books in this style that ranges from folk art to botanicals. This animal-themed coloring book features simplistic but beautiful designs that are perfect for animal and design lovers alike.
Find it: Amazon
Patrick Hruby’s artwork is striking for its solid blocks of contrasting colors that pop right off the page. Now you can pick your own color scheme for his blocky, minimalist style. The 32 illustrations feature natural scenes of animals, flora, and landscapes. There’s even a guide in the back of the book that shows what each picture looks like with color.
Find it: Amazon
American illustrator Charley Harper is also an artist known for his blocky and colorful artwork. These pieces are perfect to translate into black and white linework to put in a coloring book. The horizontal coloring book features Harper’s iconic drawings of birds and illustrations he did for Ford Times. When you’re done, you can peel the work right out of the book and stick on a wall or fridge.
Find it: Amazon
7. MANDALAS; $8.67
This book of 92 intricate, beautiful mandalas makes for a meditative coloring session. Pair with yoga to achieve maximum zen.
Find it: Amazon
8. SECRET NEW YORK; $10.87
Created by Paris-based artist Zoe de Las Cases, this coloring book focuses on the little things in New York City. Color your way through Manhattan to Brooklyn, one tote bag or sneaker at a time.
Find it: Amazon
Illustrator Millie Marotta creates extremely intricate coloring books that are so beautifully detailed, they almost don’t need to be colored. Her patterns of the savannah’s flora and fauna offer a great way to relieve stress and be creative.
Find it: Amazon
10. TATTOOS; $7.29
This book features classic images like anchors, skulls, and roses. Once you’re done coloring, you might be tempted to get the completed work tattooed on your arm.
Find it: Amazon
Illustrator Lizzie Mary Cullen takes cityscapes and deconstructs them into swirly abstract designs perfect for the creative colorer. Cullen took inspiration from cities like London, Rome, and Luxor when creating this unusual coloring book.
Find it: Amazon
12. THE ART OF NATURE; $8.35
For the budding scientist in your life: A coloring book filled with scientific drawings from the 18th and 19th centuries. There are 60 pages of vintage illustrations of animals and flora to fill in.
Find it: Amazon
Bring home the illustrative magic of Alexander Girard with this coloring book that transforms some of his work into simple line art to color. Girard, also known as Sandro, was an interior and textile designer who made some extremely charming and retro artwork.
Find it: Amazon
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transform-health · 2 years
Royal Rife’s Amazing Microscope and Sound Healing
Learn about researcher Royal Rife’s Amazing Microscope that could see bacteria and viruses as different colors. Then he and his team applied sound frequencies to kill off certain pathogens. He was able to cure 16 terminally ill cancer patients.*
He was also able to prove that these pathogens are not “caught” but change from our own healthy cells under poor body health conditions.
His research and equipment was seized, and his supporters who had seen his microscope, and written typed letters in support, suddenly abandoned him. Rife fled to Mexico, where he lived the rest of this life. His associate was legally prosecuted, and Rife gave testimony from Mexico. At the associate’s trial, it was not permitted to hear Rife’s legal testimony, and the associate went to jail for a time.
I understand that the best frequencies are super high, higher than many machines. There are many so-called Rife machines on the market right now. I don’t know if any of them would help, but my own research is ongoing. I refer you to this source to read more:
Book: And Then Nothing Happened by Steven A. Ross *Website and videos: www.ResonantLight.com
The second source states that the best c@ncer frequencies are between 100,00-300,000 Hz, and that the sound frequencies need to be both low and high, with the higher one eleven times the lower.
Your Donations Received are such a Blessing. Thank You. Via Patreon: https://www.Patreon.com/TransformHealth
Check out my Homeopathy Charts for sale: 1st Aid Home Care, plus Cold and Flu Home Health Care: • Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/TransformHealth • Amazon: Homeopathic Colds & Flus Home Heath Care Chart: https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B09STG9GBW • Amazon: Homeopathic First Aid Chart: https://amzn.to/3Dtkafw
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Take My Online Course– Learn how to Raise Your Immunity Naturally through Herbs, Nutrition, and Lifestyle Changes:  • Udemy - https://bit.ly/32ih9Lt  or  • Thinkific: transform-health.thinkific.com
Read more about Diana here, and get recipes, herbal medicine and nutrition articles at my blog: https://www.TransformHealth.biz
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  Disclaimer: The statements and products shown in this presentation, on my website, and in my books, courses and social media have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These statements and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. I expressly disclaim all liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information or other contents of these materials. They are for educational and informational purposes only not intended as medical advice. The information does not create, nor is it intended to replace, a relationship with a qualified health care professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or your health and prior to starting dietary routines, exercise or supplements.
Check out this episode about cause wheat allergy!
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qilifestore · 3 years
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Every disease-causing cells have their own electromagnetic frequencies that the rife machine uses to kill through sending an identical electrical impulse. This therapy is a non-invasive alternative treatment option that can treat various diseased conditions, including cancer. The rife machine uses a bio-electromagnetic frequency that is similar to radio waves. So, the patient would not face any physiological damage during the process, and the health of the surrounding healthy cells of the target cells are never compromised.
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qilifestore · 3 years
Incredible And Innovative Rife Technology
In the 1920s, Rife Technology was invented by modern-day American scientists. Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant and innovative scientist who remained unknown to the world for years. He was born in 1988 and did his studies at Johns offence. He developed the technologies used in many fields like optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry and ballistic. Other things like heterodyning ultraviolet microscopes, micro dissectors and micromanipulators were also invented. But the unique technology was Rife frequency named after him. 
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Once you know and understand Rife Technology, you will decide that he has the most gifted, outstanding, versatile human mind. In 1920, he was able to build the world's first microscope to study viruses. In 1933, he had finished building the incredible complex universal microscope, magnifying objects 60,000 times. 
With this universal microscope, he became the first scientist to see a live virus. He found that these live viruses replicate rapidly, responding to carcinogens and changing normal cells into tumour cells. He was able to analyse how living viruses changed their form to adapt to the changing environment. He was able to accomplish this at that time when it still involved medicine and electronics.
Discovery Of Rife Frequency Technology?
Rife took many years, worked painstakingly 48 hours at a time and identified the specific spectroscopic signature of each microbe using a salt spectroscope. Through block quartz prism, he resonates the signature spectroscopic frequency of the microorganism. It could happen because each molecule oscillates with its distinct frequency. He discovered the frequencies of harmful microbes such as polio, spinal meningitis, tetanus, influenza and many other dangerous disease organisms. He also discovered that these viruses, bacteria, parasites or other pathogens are sensitive to this specific sound frequency. If this frequency of sound is intensified, these microbes explode just like a wine glass shatters with an intense music note. This way, the frequency could destroy the microbes without harming the normal cells. Each species of molecules has their specific electromagnetic oscillation or energetic signature. This resonance sound amplifies light in the same way as two ocean waves intensify when they are merged.
These invisible microorganisms suddenly become invisible when exposed to the resonant wavelength of their distinct spectroscopic wavelength. It helps Rife to see these invisible microbes and watch how they actively invade tissue cultures. The incredible invention enabled us to analyse organisms that were not seen with ordinary microscopes. In 1920 Rife first identified the human cancer virus and named this cancer virus as crypto code primordialism. He tried to kill this virus using the same principle by resonating the frequency with the natural frequency of these microbes. He increased the natural oscillation of these microbes to a level that they got distorted and disintegrated by structural stress. Rife named these frequencies the Mortal Oscillatory Rate or MOR, which killed only the specific microorganisms and did not harm the surrounding tissues.
How did he Cure Cancer?
Rife believes that viruses or microbes cause tumours or cancers. These microbes emit specific electromagnetic frequencies or EMFs and detect their EMFs by the colour, auras by his invented microbes. In the 1930s, he invented a rife frequency generator or the rife machine that produces low-frequency radio waves that resonate with the frequency of cancer-causing microbes. These frequencies are intensified so that cancer-causing microbes would shatter and die. These frequencies were called the mortal oscillatory rate.
The Rife Technology frequency research remained hypothesized as American Medical Association did not approve it. Unfortunately, it looks as if there was a targeted campaign against Rife and his work. His many instruments and detailed research notes went missing, burned or stolen. But in 1985, the Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute found rife living organisms with cancer virus in all blood cultures of cancer patients. But the report was buried. But surely, one day, the name of the great scientist Royal Raymond Rife would be well known in modern medical science. His hard work and great discovery will help cancer patients who are tired of painful chemotherapy treatments. Until then, his fabulous technology remains available only to those who have believed and are interested in seeking it out. To get quality Rife machines you must visit Qi Life Store.
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qilifestore · 3 years
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Quantum frequencies have been scientifically proven to help to easily gain a better level of meditation. When you are looking for a better way to easily improving your meditation and relaxing your mind, then rife frequencies let you easily gain more strength. Qi Life Store brings you the Rife Machine for generating harmonic frequency to enhance your positive energy flow. Experts bring suitable Qi coils at a low price.
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qilifestore · 3 years
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The majority of people look at the best technique to fight with a health condition and specific symptom. When it comes to using rife Frequencies, you can never face any damage to healthy and normal tissue and cells. Qi Life Store provides complete information about different frequency. You can visit the site and access the list of frequency and learn how it is ideal for a different issue. People can access the best program for health.
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qilifestore · 3 years
Buy Rife Machine And Solve The Serious Issues Of Cancer
In general, the most advanced rife machine is considered the best device that can deliver low-energy electromagnetic frequency into your body. It can usually be done through your feet or hands. The proponents claim that you can buy rife machine, which can cure cancer and some other conditions known as HIV. Through the effective usage of this machine, you can easily able to solve your major health issues.
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Nowadays, in this modern world, everyone is easily getting cancer disease for no reason. But no one should get fear of this disease because you should be capable of fighting against cancer and be get cured of the harmful diseases with the help of the most advanced rife machine. Always cancer will be based on lung and oral cancer, affecting the people under the age of 25 to 30 years. For that, it is the best option for you to buy rife machine online. These kinds of dangerous diseases are affecting young people and spoiling their future.  
Use rife machine now:
Recently the specialists have announced a new technique that has been involved in curing cancer in a most extraordinary. It is none other than using the high quality and most advanced rife machine. The researchers have clearly explained the symptoms of cancer and how to deal with cancer by using this machine with the best frequency list. They have concluded in their research that a rife machine is the best process to completely eradicate cancer without any serious issues.
They also state that it has not been assured to completely cure the disease, but it can reduce the pain and the blood flow during the suffering of the cancer disease. Most of the youngsters are affected by cancer with producing a high risk in the manner of lung and oral cancers. Therefore most people are looking for a rife machine for sale. Through online, you can get this product at most reasonable and hence you can go with it without any hesitation.
Solve various serious issues:
You also have to know that women are almost affected by breast cancer nowadays, and guys are affected by prostate cancer. The doctors have recently found this, and also they had explained the side effects of the chemotherapy. Hence you can avoid chemotherapy and start making use of the high-quality rife machine now. After heart disease, cancer is considered one of the most dangerous diseases, putting people to death with its dangerous symptoms and sufferings.
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A survey has been taken by the world health organization, in that the report of the world cancer states that in every country, almost 7 lakh peoples are getting affected by the cancer disease. Of that 7 lakh people, four people passed away due to the harmful effects of cancer. Hence it is good to buy rife machine at the starting point of time and proceed further.
Qi Life Store is the best place, and here you can find out the collection of the rife machines to treat cancer very effectively. Contact  Qi Life Store now!
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qilifestore · 3 years
When With the help of buy rife machine, there are slight changes in cancer treatment. It ensures brings forth a new solution for treating cancer and other alternative treatments. But, it is not properly approved by FDA and it is now an alternative approach for treating cancer cells.
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qilifestore · 3 years
A Rife machine is one of the popular devices and it can be useful for treating various medical conditions. Even this device can cure cancer as well as many other conditions that include HIV. On the other hand, rife frequencies can treat any disease with ease.
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qilifestore · 3 years
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Have you lost your natural strengths and want to regain them? So it is very important that you get the right royal rife frequencies. Qilifestore offers you all kinds of rife machines to keep you healthy both mentally and physically. Royal rife frequency removes your different types of energy and mental fatigue, so it is very important to choose a good rife machine system. If you need more information about our service, then you visit our website or call use +1(833)374-2645.
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qilifestore · 3 years
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qilifestore · 3 years
Technological improvement and our lifestyle changes have paved the way for certain deadly diseases. A marvellous scientist Dr Raymond Rife, concerned with the patient's needs and helping them recover from the deadly disease, invented the frequency generating machine in 1930. To give respect to his invention, the machine is named the Rife machine. Nowadays, by knowing the importance of this machine, many scientists improved its features with technology. If you need a natural approach to cure many illnesses, a Rife Machine would be the right solution. Almost, it benefits you in several ways by helping improve overall health, and it makes sure that your body has positive and healthy energies and frequencies. Here let's know about the frequency generating rife machine.
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