#quantum pendants
pendantaudio · 2 years
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Tilly’s Trans Tuesdays episode 7: It's our interview with writer/director/actor Shakina, all about the recent episode she wrote for the Quantum Leap reboot, episode 112 "Let Them Play." We discuss taking the episode from concept to screen, cis folks wanting to mine trans people's trauma for story drama, living portraits, and just how special and vital this very trans episode was, and WHY it's so important and why this kind of representation matters across the board. You're also going to learn the absolutely vital difference between allies and accomplices. And hey... don't be a garbage goblin.
Hosted by Tilly Bridges and Susan Bridges. Sound mixing by Jillian Morgan. Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Samsung Podcasts, and more!
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eesystemmineral · 1 year
Unlocking the Power of Quantum Scalar Energy: Discover Rasha Scalar Energy Pendant
In the quest for holistic well-being, individuals seek innovative solutions to enhance their vitality and energy levels. The Rasha Scalar Energy Pendant, available at EE System in Mineral Wells, TX, offers the cutting-edge technology of Quantum Scalar Energy to unlock your potential and boost your overall wellness.
Why Choose EE System in Mineral Wells, TX?
• Leaders in Energy Technology: EE System is a reputable provider of energy-based products, committed to bringing the latest advancements in the field of wellness to their clients.
• Trusted Source: Our clients rely on the authenticity and efficacy of the Rasha Scalar Energy Pendant, knowing it is a genuine product backed by scientific research.
Quantum Scalar Energy Pendant: Tapping into the Energy Source
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• Quantum Scalar Energy Technology: The Rasha Scalar Energy Pendant harnesses the power of quantum scalar energy, believed to resonate with the body's natural frequencies, promoting balance and harmony.
• Energy Enhancement: By wearing the pendant, users may experience heightened energy levels, reduced fatigue, and improved overall well-being.
Rasha Scalar Energy: Benefits beyond the Physical
• Emotional Equilibrium: Some users report an increased sense of emotional stability and stress reduction while wearing the Rasha Scalar Energy Pendant.
• Enhanced Vitality: The pendant's energy-enhancing properties are thought to extend beyond physical benefits, touching on mental and spiritual aspects of well-being.
Quantum Scalar Energy Pendant: A Personal Energy Companion
• Wearable Wellness: The Rasha Scalar Energy Pendant is a versatile accessory that can be worn daily to experience the benefits of quantum scalar energy throughout the day.
• Unique Design: With a sleek and unobtrusive design, the pendant seamlessly complements any outfit while working behind the scenes to support your energy levels.
Conclusion: Experience the transformative potential of Quantum Scalar Energy with the Rasha Scalar Energy Pendant, available at EE System in Mineral Wells, TX. By tapping into the power of quantum scalar energy, this pendant offers a unique approach to enhance your energy levels, promote well-being, and unlock your vitality. Embrace the future of wellness technology with the Rasha Scalar Energy Pendant from EE System. Explore the benefits of this remarkable pendant today and unlock your energy potential.
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l1ghtfromthecloset · 3 months
I know I'm litterly 2 days late but this little memorial strip for Kazuki Takahashi took me forever to make. Enjoy~
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The comic, and then some full pics of the slides. Also a little Atem/afterlife reference on the last pic!
We miss you Kazuki. You were a legend in our childhood. 💛
Also yes seto and mokuba gave him their little brother pendants ok I thought it would be a cute gift along with the quantum cube. ;-;
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chaosmax · 11 months
More on: “I’m so surprised more people don’t evaluate and compare & contrast Kaiba and Diva in relation to each other more often”
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I'm looking at these pics side by side and either KT just straight up has a type of fav character design that he can’t shake himself out of OR this was on purpose to draw parallels between the two making them seem like shadow figures of each other/rivals/foils--
Both have a sleeveless coat, high collar, dramatic coat tail, pendant (or at least, I still solidly believe that KT just forgot to give Kaiba’s his, or perhaps you could argue that it missing has a symbolic reason or maybe to contrast with Sera and Diva who both have a small triangle pendant, turtleneck
Kaiba: silver/gray metal arm bracers, nothing special with hair sans when he’s dueling the duel gazer/headset is on his left, kneepads, belt, and his coat has the little spikes at the waist creating the flair of the spikes at his waist
Diva: gold bracelets, decorated hair with the longer strand on his right, wrapped fabric at the waist, spikes/flair at the end of his sleeves Also, nice framing with them literally in an inverted stance toward each other. And while on the Seto’s side it’s just himself and Mokuba against the rest of the world on Diva’s side he has all the kids that have joined the Plana at his back.
Like, I’m not an artist or visual director but all of these things are almost so 1:1 I highly doubt that we WEREN’T supposed to draw these connections. This seems to be visual cues galore.
And then for the meta/story side because I am first and foremost a story and writing evaluator:
When you really stop to think about it Diva and Kaiba are remarkably good character foils of each other with a lot of the same yet different methods, actions, flaws, weaknesses, and goals/motivations.
Motivations/Goals (those outside the main conflict of the film): Diva wants to create a new perfect dimension, a Utopia collective consciousness that the Plana would create and guide others to (this is more explicitly stated in the sub). And the Shadi and revenge thing, but more on that later.
Kaiba, (again most explicitly stated in the sub with Kaiba’s pre-tournament speech about how the new Duel Disk is meant to bridge the gap between people of all race/country/creed/etc. and the Transcend Game Manga) is trying to achieve a similar thing with his games and the duel disk. He states how the body is like a prison and these barriers between people lead to bloody useless wars. His connection via games is meant to escape that. He has a bunch of kids as the beta testers for their minds are the most imaginative. Kaiba is reaching for his own collective consciousness here but in a very different way.
Methods: Diva has complete confidence in the power of the Plana. He’s been told by Shadi about this great power and has seen it in action before he even receives the Quantum Cube himself. Diva and the rest of the Plana has seen that utopia the power of the Plana can provide (and Sera even showed Yugi a glimpse of it) but there is still that level of uncertainty in the creation of this new dimension. Sera states after Diva has gotten corrupted by the ring that the Cube has the power to create a new shining world of light, but if one drop of darkness gets in there the whole thing can be corrupted.
Kaiba has complete confidence with his tech. It is a simple equation of A + B = C. It may take it a while to get there, but there is a steady and succinct step-by-step process in his mind on how to get to point A to point B. And if he runs into a roadblock one way he explores another solution--as seen by when the Dimension Ascension had its safety limits in the World of Duel Links his focus became entirely on the puzzle, and then from the puzzle to the Duel Dimension System (it’s not a time machine i s2g if I see that one more time I will sCream. Atem recognizes him. He wouldn’t if it’s a time machine. It’s the darkside of dimensions, not the darkside of time travel). Kaiba’s methods are calculated and testable. There’s a scientific process to his approach.
Actions: They have very similar goal when it comes to the wider global scope, and yet intact that goal in different ways, despite both believing they are right in their own solutions even though this point never came up between them (but did between Diva and Yugi). Diva has seen paradise and that’s all he’s interested in until Yugi challenges him about building that paradise with everyone instead of gifting it to a few.
Aside from that conflict point though, Diva and Kaiba are pretty similarly ham-fisted when it comes to their actions once the plot of DSoD kicks off. Kaiba stomps around Domino City as he sees fit, he faces his challenges head on. And he is pretty clearly 100000% done with magical things running his tournaments and creates a counter for both of Diva’s Plana powers without much of a snag.
The Duel: Then of course they duel each other. And in this direct challenge they are pretty evenly matched. Kaiba, who the audience knows is a powerful duelist at this point dishes out powerful attack after powerful attack and even has new, stronger monsters to fight with. Yet Diva finds a way to avoid or redirect those attacks, even being bold enough to have an attitude that feels like he’s toying with Kaiba. While few others can go toe to toe with Kaiba in a duel the match was heavily going in Diva’s favor until Seto managed to summon Obelisk by picking up with the trace memories/wavelengths in the tomb.
Death and grieving: Both of them are trying to deal with the fallout of the death of someone that played a big role in their lives, but how each of their plotlines resolve for this are opposite at the end. Despite Diva’s actions to try and get rid of Bakura being against everything Shadi taught him and the rest of the Plana kids and even Sera and Manny trying to talk him down from it he doesn’t listen. Diva gets so caught up in the pain he’s feeling instead of what he knows. He’s eager to be able to blame someone for Shadi’s death he’s ignoring that Ryou Bakura is likely not the same as the ring spirit. But when confronting Ryou and realizes the truth he can’t ignore it anymore and he lets Ryou go and the glow of the cube fades. (Remember, it was the appearance of the corrupted Manny that caused the banishment of Ryou, not Diva himself, I see this getting mixed up quite a bit) And then he is able to start to fully move past his fixation on revenge.
But Kaiba hasn’t been able to make that progress himself. Even after Yugi reassembles the puzzle himself and shows it’s empty Seto keeps hounding Yugi, spitting cruel words and still refusing to believe that Atem isn’t still within Yugi. Then, even after Atem temporarily returns that isn’t enough for him to complete his grieving process, he finds a way to travel across dimensions for one last duel.
Flaws: Seto and Diva share some weaknesses in their ambition, ego, and arrogance yet at the same time it’s a situation of the pot calling the kettle black. Due to their own respective power they both think they’re invincible. Diva shittalks Kaiba’s egotistical actions of taking over Domino City and creating his own version of a collective consciousness within Duel Links. But Diva is doing a similar thing himself by how he’s dictating who should have the right to exist and even erasing people just for standing in his way like Jounouchi. Yet at the same time Diva thinks the power of the Plana is unstoppable and plain incompressible to anyone who is not apart of it--something that he gets a rude awakening for when Kaiba deflects his attempt to distillate him in the tomb and then later when Diva gets captured.
And then Kaiba gets knocked down a peg when his duel with Diva is a close one and then again when he has to team up with Yugi in order to defeat Diva’s corrupted form.
The character paths Diva and Seto are on through dsod are very similar. The characters are alike, but different. They have plenty in common to draw comparison to yet also differences that foil each other many steps of the way. And I just find this neat ™ and am surprised there isn’t more talk about these two in relation to each other when there’s so much crossover and they’re honesty the main two opposing forces of the film. Like there is so much going on here  TwT
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theriveroflight · 5 days
"I have secrets you don't know about" + Darklaw
available to read here; takes place directly after the epilogue of "Ghost Stories (and Other Forms of Magic)"
Eve and Espella come back together, slightly past suppertime.
"Did you let your parents know you came here?" Dad asks.
"They're expecting me home late," Espella answers, "but thank you." She dips her head briefly.
Eve seems fairly relaxed as well. Jean wonders just what they were doing outside — Espella had left, and Eve had remained in town for most of the day. It was nice for them to have more one-on-one time — that was something that rarely happened. Generally, they were either with family or with Espella, who was kind of like family.
"How was…" Jean hesitates, uncertain of how to put her question.
"Oh, the trip went well," Espella answers. "The buses ran on time, and my friends were great. It was very nice to see them again."
"I'm glad," Jean says, finishing the conversation as politely as she can. There's nothing wrong with Espella, per se, but Jean had never really…bonded with her. She suspects it might be because she's an interloper in a friendship that's lasted as long as Espella has been alive. Or maybe it’s something else, something they experienced that no one else did.
Supper goes well, but the moment Espella leaves the amount of conversation decreases. At least until Father starts bringing up his latest research project and Mother starts to ask him questions. It's an approximation of "normal".
That night, when they return to their room, still shared after all this time, Eve asks Jean a question.
"How much do you know about quantum physics?"
"Not much," she admits in response. She's tried reading some of Mother's books, but she's leaning more towards Father's field. Not in the least because she's learned to manufacture her own hormones, even if she isn't using the one's she's made.
"Do you believe in parallel universes, then? Or maybe the butterfly effect."
"Eve, are you alright?"
She hears Eve sigh from the other bed. "I'll start at the beginning, then. We used to hold a fire festival yearly — around October. We're no longer holding it."
"Okay?" Jean's never heard of the festival before, but if it hasn't been held since Jean first came here, then she wouldn't have heard of it.
"The last one was twelve years ago," Eve continues. "It's technically my fault, but it's more complicated than that. I'm sure Dad has told you about the properties of Labyrinthian water. The bell up in that tower is pure silver."
Oh. "Why was the tower never taken down?"
"No one can get up there to ring the bell anymore," Eve answers, "so I suppose if doesn't really matter. We locked the doors and threw out the keys then. And it's a good thing I did, too, because if I hadn't then Espella and I would have rung the bell."
"So…what?" Jean asks. "What’s the point of this thought exercise-slash-history lesson?"
"If we had rung the bell, I would have died that day," Eve says. "And I know that because I lived through it."
"You…lived through it?"
Eve sighs. "This is why I doubted you would believe me. You’re a woman of science. It sounds incredulous even to my ear, and I was the one who experienced it."
"Tell me, and I'll see just what I make of it," Jean says.
"The keys to the bell tower were a pair of pendants, made as gifts for Marie and our mother," Eve begins. "Set in them was a gemstone, and that gemstone had certain…properties. Properties that allowed the dead to remain in a state of…being undead. It gives power in the form of various tricks, and time in a couple different forms. In my case…I didn't even seem dead at first. I'd been crushed by the rubble, but I looked fine. My body was constantly preserving itself from the moment before my death, so…they didn't even realise I was dead until a few months later. Dad took me to the doctor and I had no heartbeat."
"You were…dead, but still…possessing your own corpse?"
"Essentially. Father and Arthur chose to cover up the bell tower and make people believe it no longer existed through the drugs they were studying."
"And then…?"
"Espella wasn't doing well in the aftermath. Mum and Marie had both perished in the fire, and so had most of the town. She blamed herself for it, of course. It meant that they were focusing on her…because I seemed fine. He was worried when we found out I was dead, of course, but…Espella was practically catatonic. We had to do everything we could to help her, especially since we had no clue what was wrong with me. So we got to work. We…constructed a story for Espella where she couldn't be the bad guy — where there were was a witch who cast a spell to destroy everything. And then…we made it real, with me as the witch."
"Eve, I…must say, this all sounds so…strange."
"I have secrets you don't know about," she answers. "I'm trying to tell you them. Please. Listen to me."
Jean has wanted to know Eve's secrets for a long time. She always thought knowing her secrets would help her truly become Eve's sister, as she was meant to.
"Go on," she says.
"Arthur built a village. The three of us worked to recruit people for a new experiment about the water on this islet and the native flowers. It was part of a terrible experiment, and I was essentially…a lab assistant, in some ways. When we started to experiment with my new abilities…we discovered I could possess others, and use their bodies to do things they wouldn't do otherwise. I also had developed the ability to possess objects, akin to what you might call a poltergeist. We…devised spells for the witches from those abilities. Of course, as time went on I recruited more people to help. I couldn't do everything on my own, though of course there were certain spells I had to do myself, or else the illusion wouldn't work."
"Oh," Jean says. Of course. The flowers — they have hallucinatory and hypnotic properties. Just what was the entire experiment trying to study?
"You did come to the village in this timeline, eventually. Dad picked you up, in much the same way he had in this timeline, but…your memories were rewritten, and you had to disguise yourself as a boy, since he didn't want you to be condemned as a witch."
Jean inhales sharply.
"When the bell tower was exposed…he killed himself not long after, though you thought you had killed him because you had grown paranoid as well. It was a disaster, and it caused me to turn on Espella and Arthur, blaming them for my state. So I approached you, and we put together a plot for revenge on the two of them. But there was…interference in that plot, thanks to someone else attempting to kill Espella. Her cat was killed instead, and became a ghost in a similar way to myself. But unlike me, instead of being frozen in time, she could travel back in time. And through that…we used my body to return to the festival twelve years ago, and make it so that the experiment never happened."
"You're right," Jean says. "I'm not sure I truly believe you. It sounds more like the plot of a novel or perhaps a dream than something that truly happened to you. If we had the pendants, we could potentially discover the radiation, but…"
"I threw them in the river," Eve admits. "It was the only thing I could think of."
"And why are you telling me this?"
"Because I spoke to Espella earlier, and she said she trusted you," Eve answers. "It isn't…purely our secret, but we're the only ones that have memories of all twelve years, as spotty as Espella's is from the time she was ill. I've…heavily summarised for the sake of this explanation."
"I gathered," Jean says. Can she really believe Eve's secret? Eve isn't prone to these flights of fancy. She is more inclined to believe it, but…time travel? Ghosts? It all sounds so…fantastical.
"I wish to apologise to you, as I never got to before time reset. I know you lack any memory of that period, but I manipulated you. And…I am glad we have this opportunity to make amends."
She's glad she's not in that version of reality. It doesn't sound like she had the best of fates.
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cosmo-watches-movies · 9 months
Timeline (2003)
Plot: American dude joins an archeology team in france because he wants to get at a girl. However his dad dissapears and the team find a note he wrote 600 years ago. They use a newly developed teleporter turned accidental time machine to rescue him.
I’m trying to find the right word for what this movie is. It does what it sets out to do allright, but its not particularly extraordinary or memorable. I think calling it a flick might cut it. Yeah, it’s a time travel/medieval action flick, but in a good way. It’s watchable, okay for a sunday evening, you know what I mean?
As I said in the summary we have the american dude (Chris Johnston, played by Paul Walker) who joined the excavation, and his father (E.A. Johnston, played by Billy Connolly) who dissapeared. The excavation team travel to the place where the scientists accidentally developed a time machine and set out to travel back in time to rescue Chris' father. Included in the rescue team are also Andre Marek (Gerard Butler) and Kate Ericson (Frances O'Connor), who worked at the excavation aswell.
So an amazing thing this movie does is, it tries to be as scientifically logical to an average audience as possible. They explain everything about the timetravel so it makes sense to every averagely educated viewer (i.e me) and I think it’s all around plausible. They did a pretty good job as long as you’re not further educated in quantum physics I think, but I am not so I buy it. If you want to know how they explain it in detail watch the movie, short to say they use a worm hole to travel through time and they even explained how they found out where and when the wormhole ends and it’s all very clever if you don’t think about it too much. 10 year old me would’ve gone crazy for the science part of all this. I think it’s great.
Aaaaanyway, just putting this here. If you already lost someone in the past and don’t quite know how all this wormhole stuff really works, is it that clever to send a whole team of people into a medieval warzone to try and save him? I don’t know, but I think it’s gonna be reaaallly hard to find an insurance that covers this situation.
As it turns out that out of all the possible places and all possible moments in the history of the entire universe, the wormhole, just so happens to end in Castlegard in 1357, which is a for human archeologists very convenient time and place. Of course this is the site where the earlier excavations took place and that was the initial reason the scientist called for Johnston to help. Promptly loosing him in the past quickly after.
“But Cosmo,…” I hear you ask, “where is Michael in all of this?” Oh, my sweet friend I am getting there very soon, just you wait. It will be worth it believe me.
First tho we have to get our team to the past, of course they need a way back aswell, so they get a little pendant each, that when pushed sends all of them back to the future (lol) at the same time.
In a very painful process they travel 600 years to the past and arrive in Dordogne, France. Oh, by the way, they took only one (1) guy who speaks french. His name is François. (I’m crying, 100% effort on the scientific explanations, 0% on naming their characters)
So now we have a group of english passing people and one french passing guy in a place where a french castle is occupied by the English. Fun times will not be had. And we see this immeadiatly because the two security men they took with them get shot with arrows immediately. One of who presses their mark and while dying gets transported to the future. But oh no he had a granade and it goes off in the lab so the time machine is now in shambles.
In the past our team flees to the french camps but get captured by the English. And this is where Michael as Lord Oliver de Vannes has his big entry. Somehow…It takes almost 40 minutes before we meet his character, which is fine.
He is the main villain, but only technichally so, because he exsits mainly to give the opposing English force a headfigure. He doesn’t really get a big introduction, I assume because at this point the audience already knows what the deal is and that the English are the enemy. Exposition has been delivered, Oliver just gives them a main target to oppose. In the first scene he’s in we just see him amids swordfight training with his fellow men and then be an ass towards the protagonists and their team. That’s basically all he does and is. This is not one of Michaels deepest roles, but I’ve found him very entertaining nonetheless, mainly because some of his line deliveries just crack me up. I can’t even say what it is, it’s just funny to me. Obviously I can’t really show this here, I'll give you one example later, just watch the movie and see for yourself. Maybe it’s on purpose I don’t know. Maybe it's me.
Let’s take a closer look at the scenes he’s in, there aren’t that many. (I think he has less screen time than Miles had, even though he’s the villain for the main storyline of the movie)
As I said we meet Lord Oliver during a training swordfight. They use these funky swords with yarn around them and tassles at the tips, I love them, I want one. Now, is the fighting they do realistic? I don’t fucking know and I don’t really care, it looks cool.
I’m a big fan of this move especially:
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Again, 10 year old me would’ve loved this
The hero team are brought to the place where the English are currently training (or just showing off their coolest tricks idk) and after proving he’s the most awesomest and strongest dude in the room Oliver introduces himself to them and of course wants to know who they are. Upon learning that they are scottish he decides to be an ablsolute prick about this whole situation.
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He does some more awesome(tm) sword moves and afterwards asks them if they know “the old scottish man”. Chris then explains that the old man is a magister and they where several days behind him and didn’t know that they where following him. After Chris is done however Oliver decides he doesn’t give a shit about that and asks about the tall young man (oh no, we as the audience think, thats Farncios)
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Now the dynamic in the room shifts, as the only conclusion the English can make now, is that he’s a spy. Oliver could have Francois killed at the spot, but he’s an ass, so he decides to humiliate him first.
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Poor guy :(
In another ass move Oliver has the poor guy executed and thus the epic story of Francois, the frenchman comes to an end...
Then the hero team are shoved into the attic, where they find Chris’ dad who tells them that he promised Oliver Greek fire (an incedairy weapon), so he wouldn’t be killed on the spot. We shortly see Oliver again in a short scene where he has small quarrel with a young french woman, who’s absolutely not having any of it:
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If you ever wanted to see Michael Sheen actually get slapped in the face, there you go. I’m not joking she really slapped him. You can see his curls bounce upon impact and if you watch the scene it sounds…just ouch
The next part of the movie is them escaping, being split up because Merrick saves the french girl.
Also we learn that the french girl is Lady Claire, who is intregral to the history of this place, because the English killed her, which rallied the French so they could win the battle. But Marek already fell for her so that’s terrible news for him. I would’ve skipped explaining this, but it will be important later.
(For some reason the plot of this movie is really complex. I have to give it to them, this film is 2 hours long and there is literally zero filler. I’m sorry if I skipped some important storybeats, but I don’t want to transcribe the whole movie in detail for a character who’s in like four small scenes)
In two different raids first Chris Dad and then Claire and Merrick get recaptured.
The English assume a defensive position at castle La Roque and the french position themselves right in front of it. While both sides prepare for battle Chris and Kate try to find a secret entry into the castle to save his dad again.
The battle starts, reenter Oliver. LMAO I love this, the castle is being attacked by catapults flinging huge flaming stoneballs into the walls and Oliver DOES NOT MOVE A MUSCLE!
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(F’kin Dark Lord coded mf)
The English answer with their first Greek fire spear thingy, but at first it seems very dissapointing. Oliver is not impressed…
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But then the French try to extinguish the fire with water and that ignites it further. Job well done Lord Oliver is happy. The battle goes back and forth as one would expect with archers and fire and everything. (Fucking love these shots, again, don’t know how accurate, but they look great)
Battle commences. I don’t know why, but Oliver giving the battle commands brings me great joy. He commands a row of night arrows to be shot after the fired ones which kills a whole lot of frenchmen, he’s quite pleased with himself.
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>:) < literally him
Chris and Kate get stuck in a tunnel that is supposed to lead them inside the castle.
Meanwhile the French earn two good chances, first they learn of the tunnel that leads into the castle and send a troup to investigate and then they hit the front gate of the castle with one of their trebouches (very lucky hit)
This leads to the best line of the movie imo:
Delivery on point, this line is part of a balanched breakfast
We shortly see the scientists in the future desperately trying to fix the transporter. There is a subplot with one of them kinda giving up and rebelling, but honestly idgaf, I think they added this just to raise suspense. There would be nothing really missing if they hadn’t added this.
In an attempt to have the French surrender Lord Oliver puts up Claire to be hanged right in front of them if they don’t lay down their weapons. Merrick sees this and decides to confront Oliver in an attempt to stop him by threatening to blow up the whole arsenal. This almost works, but Olivers second in command thinks he sees through this apparent bluff and stops him from falling for it. But it wasn’t a bluff. Merrick throws his torch in the arsenal, causing a huge explosionthat throws everyone wildly around the castle. The french cheer and Chris and Kate now have a free entryway to the castle, so do the french, they storm in from the outside and inside. Arrows and close combat.
Here’s where my favourite action shot is in this movie:
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Watch this a couple of times, what was supposed to happen here? First he swings the sword, unfortunately very obviously, miles in front of this guys head and then the dude falls like he had a rug pulled from under him? How? What? And the sound they played! You can’t hear it, but it’s not a *swoosh-klonk-aaaargh*, like as if he's actually hit with a blow that could swipe him off his feet, it’s just a tiny *bink* and then he dramatically throws himself to the ground. Great action shot, I love it.
Marek runs to get Claire free while the french leader fights Oliver. Now those of us who payed attention earlier, know that Oliver is really, really good at swordfighting, so he will be very hard to beat. I live for this scene, Oliver is giving it all, fighting multiple people back to back, not showing any weakness. He has the french leader on the ground and raises his sword for the final strike, but Chris slides into his legs and throws him to the ground. They scuffle and Oliver throws Chris to the side. Chris scuttles away, Oliver gets up quickly and follows him menacingly. Chris is cornered but finds a battle axe (?) and tries to stab his opponent. This plan fails, Chris already sees his end coming, again Oliver raises his sword, but he is stopped by the frenchman, who doesn’t hesitate, he grabs Oliver and stabs him (right in the heart I assume). Oliver collapses and, triumphantly, his killer states:
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Fuck yeah, If I have to see a character who’s played by my favorite actor die, this is THE ONLY WAY!!!
Yadda, yadda, yadda, the French win the battle, our heros survive. Chris, his dad and Kate get back to the future and Marek decides to stay with Claire.
The scientist, who rebelled is accidentally transported back to the past and is immeadiately stabbed or (beheaded for all I know) by an english rider.
The protagonists discover a message Marek and Claire left before they died and all is well. (Exept for the four innocent people of the excavation project who died on this adventure, they are dead)
Yay, fun, enjoyment, happy times, this movie is entertaining.
I think this movie is allright, the writing is solid enough and they put some great effort into the action scenes. So why did it bomb at the box office? Well… this movie was kind of doomed upon release. This film released to theatre 26th of November 2003. And guess what film released just one week later!?! Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King! (!!!)
I’m so sorry they had no chance. This is so damn sad, but also so fucking funny. Generally there is absolutely nothing wrong with it this film. Maybe, if it had been made like ten years earlier it would’ve been a great success? But not in 2003, unfortunately.
Back to our main focus though: I LIVE whenever I see Michael in an action scene! I can’t even explain the excitement these scenes cause me. I don’t even care if he wins or looses a fight as long as he’s in it. You can see that he gives his all in these scenes and it’s very captivating. I was indeed shouting at my TV because I was so in it. (If you can you should avoid watching any kind of Sheen movie with me in one room, because I will be very obnoxious about everything he does. Who would've guessed?)
All in all, there is not that much depth to Lord Oliver as a character I think? As I said he’s pretty much just a personified version of a general opponent. More of an obstacle than a character.
He’s also barely in this movie. He has like ten lines, the (great) fighting scenes and then he’s killed. All of this is fine, he serves his purpose very well and once again Michael gets everything out of this character that he can I think. It’s just that beyond him being the obstacle for the heroes, there isn’t much else. To me he’s memorable enough but he’s not very deep.
I’d like to point out again that I find it very funny that Oliver is an asshole just for the heck of it. I mean of course he is, he’s the villain. As flat as he’s written, for the story he accomplishes what he’s needs to. But I sincerely hope I wasn’t supposed to take him seriously, because I just can’t. I don’t know what it is about him but he’s so cartoony that I can’t help but find him hilarious at times. The first time I watched this film I was very much in the story, don’t get me wrong, but on my second watch I kind of lost it. Maybe I’m in too deep with the fandom atp but I can’t find Oliver that threatening anymore. Or it could be that with the way this movie is shot, they managed to make him look kind of small? I know Michael isn’t that small, he’s like average height, but the way he’s framed and when he then always stands next to actors who are taller than him, it makes him look kind of smol. And that goes right against any kind of threat level he built up with his evil demeanor. They got it right in the end fight, when they film him from a bit if a different perspective, but the rest of the movie? He be tiny. (I have not felt this effect in anything else before so I don’t know exactly what’s going on here)
So he had his cool moments, but all in all I’m certainly not scared of him really. I know he could kill me in an instant, but I’d ask him to say something in a scottish accent for me and then die laughing my ass off.
What brings me intense joy aswell is, watching the bts material of this movie, we have Michael explaining how doing action scenes like in this movie is a bit like playing pretend when you’re a kid and that sounds like (as exhausting as it probably is) he has a lot of fun doing stuff like this. You go Michael, live your best life!
That’s it. This movie is allright. If my description intrigued you, I think you’re gonna enjoy the film. Now give me my knights armor and my fake sword I have to go battle one specific englishman and his entourage.
RIP Francois
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fromgalaxytogalaxy · 2 months
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"Relax, sweetheart. The pain lasts only for a moment." A member of the Masked Fools with a regal demeanor and a penchant for butterflies. Like many other members of her faction, nobody knows her real name or where she came from, and she's not about to divulge it anytime soon (not that anyone truly cares). Keep an eye on her fluttering friends, they're not as harmless as they look. And neither is she.
[ ID: A digital drawing of a white woman with shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair done up in pigtails. She is dressed in a two-piece ballet outfit designed after a monarch butterfly. A mask covers most of her face, half orange (right) and half black (left) with white trimmings around the edges of the orange half and monarch butterfly wings obscuring her left eye. The lips of the mask are also split into two colors, the right side painted black and the right half painted yellow. Her right eye is bright blue with a yellow ring around her pupil. A choker with a silver pendant with a yellow gemstone embedded in its center is wrapped around her neck. Black bows are tied around her elbows, and she wears black gloves with orange palms and white trimmings along the wrist. Her monarch-wing skirt is adorned with a trail that is black along the top and orange with white and black spots in a repeating pattern beneath. She wears black ballet shoes with ribbons that reach the middle of her calf. She has one hand delicately touching her chest while the other extends outwards, and a swarm of butterflies in various shades of orange - ranging from pale to nearly blood-red - flutter around her head and out past her outstretched arm. The splash art background behind her depicts an open field of grass with the faint outline of a mountain behind her against a cloudy blue sky. The grass beneath her feet, and trailing behind in the shape of footprints, is brown and wilting. The rest of the background is an ombre of dark blue-green to pale yellow. The second image is the same as the first, but there is the Honkai Star Rail character card embellishments that show her status as a character, her name (Monarch), her rarity (four stars), power type (Quantum), her Path (Elation), and her faction (Masked Fools). / end ID ]
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bookwormscififan · 4 months
I Want to Show You Some Plans
Read on AO3!
A/N: I had this idea that Mare used his illusion magic to propose his renovation ideas to Mad before making the office into the lab, and the guest bed into the library.
“Come with me, my love,” Mare said excitedly, leading Mad toward the office by his hand. “I had an idea, and I want to see if you’ll like it. Well, more like several ideas, but this one’s the first.” Opening the door, he guided Mad to stand by the desk at the window, holding both his hands tightly with a smile.
“Alright, we’re in the office,” Mad began, furrowing his brows in confusion. “What’s this idea you have?” He froze when Mare leaned down to give him a brief kiss, gasping after Mare pulled away and motioned at the room around them.
The office had expanded, extending further than it had measured before Mare kissed Mad. A window on the back wall allowed natural light in, with several benches giving space for experiments. A small cot was set up in the corner in case Mad needed to rest, and there was even a fridge for samples to stay cooled.
“You love to experiment,” Mare started, getting Mad’s attention back with a light squeeze of his hands. “I know you’re perfectly fine to go to the local school and use their labs, but I thought you’d probably like to have your own lab for your research. It’s taken me a while, but I think I got the illusion to look similar to the labs you’ve used.”
Mad was speechless as he looked around, noting the faint purple tint over everything confirming that Mare was using his illusion magic to propose the extension. He looked back at Mare, eyes shining with glee as he threw his arms around the musician’s neck in a tight embrace.
“This is like a prototype, so if there’s anything you want me to add, I can do that,” Mare rambled, chuckling as Mad pressed kisses to his cheek. “I can get all the things I need and have the room extended in a couple months.”
“It’s perfect,” Mad whispered against Mare’s neck, holding him close as he tucked his face into the crook of Mare’s shoulder. “Nobody’s done something like this for me before. It’s nice.”
“I’m happy you like it,” Mare said quietly, pulling away from Mad just enough to look into his eyes before kissing him again, and when he pulled back, the illusion was gone. “I have another idea. Come with me to the guest room.”
In the guest room, Mad tucked his hands under his arms as he looked around, seeing the bed that was his until he’d agreed to move in with Mare, now sharing the bed in the master room. He was about to question Mare on his ideas when the musician gracefully pulled him into a deep kiss, getting him lost in it before breaking the kiss and turning him around.
Mad would deny anyone who said it, but his reaction was akin to Belle seeing the library in Beauty and the Beast when he opened his eyes. He couldn’t stop the smile stretching across his lips as he took in the clear illusion of an at-home library, with rows of floor-to-ceiling shelves filled with books, beanbag chairs and plush couches dotted around to read in. As his eyes followed the shelves up, he let out a soft gasp when he spotted the ceiling.
Natural dark wood panelling covered the ceiling, pendant lights hanging at regular intervals to provide the idea of natural light, with matching crown molding giving the best transition from wall to ceiling. Etched into the panels were countless quotes from his favourite books, equations from quantum physics textbooks, and trailing carvings of ivy making Mad feel like he was standing in a fantastical bookshop instead of his home.
“I spent a little more time figuring this one out,” Mare explained, standing behind Mad and offering a nervous chuckle. “I didn’t like seeing all those books piled in the corners, so I wanted to give you somewhere that you could store them all, with space for more. The back wall of the guest room will be knocked out, and I’ll extend it to be double the length it already is. And… I wanted to give you something to enjoy when you lean your head back to stretch your neck.”
“It’s beautiful,” Mad breathed, reaching behind him to hold Mare’s hand, giving it a slight squeeze. “The way you planned all these extensions to make me more comfortable… it’s so nice. Are these shelves metal, or some other material?”
“I was thinking carbon fibre,” Mare replied, snaking his free hand around Mad’s waist to pull him close, nosing at his neck. “Do you have any preferences? I know flat packaged shelves are made from chipboard and veneer, but for the size I was thinking, we might need to custom-make them.”
“How about just plain timber?” Mad answered, turning in Mare’s hold and resting his hands flat on his chest. “The same you want for the ceiling, so everything matches. And maybe a dark wine coloured carpet for the floor, so that the place is quieter, better to read in?”
Mare nodded quietly, holding Mad’s hips and looking into his eyes. “Did you know you look beautiful when you talk about things you’re excited about?” He whispered, leaning down to catch Mad’s lips in another kiss, dispersing the illusion and guiding Mad to lean against the wall.
“I-I’m not that beautiful,” Mad managed between kisses, chasing Mare’s lips despite his efforts to protest. “I just wanted to suggest certain things that might—” He was cut off by Mare kissing him again, pressing his hips into the wall as he deepened the kiss to properly start making out with him.
There were still protests to be made, but Mad pushed them aside as his hands slid up to hold the back of Mare’s neck, returning the kiss with equal enthusiasm as he decided to enjoy the moment.
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch @dungeon-dragons-dragons @rattyboyisemo
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i-did-not-mean-to · 1 year
D - Dress-up
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Happy birthday @eunoiaastralwings 💗 It's your boy Erestor...Fëanorian Erestor after @maglor-my-beloved's HC of Erestor as Moryo's son lol
Words: 739
Characters: Erestor (and a non-specified lover)
Warnings: sadness, specific HC, ah well...Happy Birthday nonetheless
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Erestor stared at the pale, forbidding elf gazing back at him pensively from his mirror with a mix of apprehension and disgust—this was not him; it couldn’t be.
The dark red velvet of his tunic made his skin look translucent and pallid while it gave his dark, intense eyes an almost frightening sheen—he never wore those colours, and he couldn’t reconcile the sight of stately decorum he saw with the anguish he felt within his quaking heart.
The longer he looked at this stranger, the more he thought he saw echoes of his father’s sour expression and judgemental scepticism rippling through a face that felt more foreign and upsetting to him with every passing moment.
Imladris had ever been the sanctuary and refuge of those who had nowhere else to go, and he had worked so hard to leave the past behind; he had reinvented himself, building a name and a reputation that were independent and unsoiled by the deeds of his father, so why would he now throw all of that effort away?
He knew who he was here, within these gracious, forgiving walls, but that certainty was quickly waning now as his fingers clasped the pendant—so tiny, so discreet—until his palms screamed in agony. It was but a star, it couldn’t hurt anyone, could it?
With a revolted sigh, he finally turned away from the mirror, but he was unable to let go of this last memento—usually buried under layers of winter clothing at the bottom of his chest—and cast it back into the depths of oblivion from whence he had dug it out.
Lord Elrond knew, of course, having been raised by those Erestor himself would never call “uncles”, not even in his own mind. Admitting the bond of blood—of wrath, of fury, of insanity—that tethered him to a fallen line would lead him down a slippery slope he’d rather avoid.
What about his lover then? Did they, radiant and innocent, suspect what darkness was woven into his flesh and bone? Had they surprised hints of his smouldering ire or his cold disdain, wiped off his fair brow as quickly as they had arisen, and guessed the terrible, degrading truth?
Holding the delicate chain—Curufinwë the Younger’s craft, beyond a doubt—up and watching the eight-pointed star dance in the light of the flickering taper, Erestor groaned softly.
He couldn’t bear the idea that the person he wanted most in all of Arda would end up agreeing with him that he was unworthy—especially not if it were the crimes and trespasses of others that would ultimately cost him his most precious and fragile dream.
After all, he could neither have prevented nor amended the horrible deeds of the kin he so adamantly disavowed, could he?
Music and laughter resounded faintly outside of his door and Erestor forced his awareness back into the immediate future—he was expected, and he was already late.
A decision would have to be made.
Would he wear the insignia of a dead house and thus grant Lord Elrond a quantum of solace on this busy night? Or would he stubbornly and selfishly hide that part of himself and the admission of belonging that his tongue dared not speak?
Ever-rational, Erestor tucked the pendant into his pocket; he would survey the crowd first and only then would he decide whether it was safe and reasonable to openly display his loyalties. For now, he was an esteemed counsellor and a diligent librarian and nothing more.
As he strode into the hall though, he instantly caught the wistful, longing gaze with which Elrond seemed to caress the rippling landscape—bathed in dancing shadows and cut through by blades of silver moonlight—just beyond the high windows. Unlike Erestor, the Lord of Imladris thought of them all the time—he even had the generosity of heart to miss them and wish they would come back to him.
Resolutely, Erestor extricated his accursed necklace from the folds of his tunic and fastened it around his neck like a rope by which he’d be led to his execution.
You are not alone, it said.
I remember as well, it admitted.
We’re in this together, it promised.
I hope they’re all right, it sighed.
Elrond turned around and—upon seeing that gleaming star underneath a stern, impassive face—he smiled as brightly as only Eärendil’s son ever could have.
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@fellowshipofthefics here's another one...
-> Masterlist
Lots of love from me
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incarnateirony · 7 months
Are you Hermes
Yes and no, I've explained this a thousand times. Anyone can be Hermes, but you gotta be Not Dumb As Fuck About It. You can, however, structurally mash the hermetics of deep psychology with quantum physics and other adjacent studies like chemistry and make one FUCK of a remix.
The phrase is literally "io pan io pan, I am a Man, Do What Thou Wilt, as A Great God Can."
This is not, however, the same as someone who disappears into roleplay, won't learn a single goddamn thing, and disassociates their every thought as someone else's responsibility until they think anubis is telling them to feed the cat.
Spot the difference.
I am trying to disband a literal cult to me that someone put together cuz they got it all fucked up, no matter how many fucking times I explained this.
Also it's kinda wrong to say "anyone can", it's more like, a fuckton of people can, other people have their own shit that's separate, but I truly do not have the fucking patience to explain metempsychosis to a bunch of people that won't fucking listen anyway.
The crazy bitch got me so mad in so many fucking goddamn timelines by stalking me, whether "this life" or literally people stuck on this same fucking giant clowncell she's done her same driving in reverse, refuse-to-do-the-work bullshit on, like. She never tore down tokyopop or led riots or infested warner brothers or made great work jars, she didn't make gulf connections that landed my fucking glyph at the superbowl. LETS PLAY 8BALL SWEETHEART. So anyway now she gets rent free transmissions from randos dropping in, her extant psychosis demons are no longer hers, and her shadow is on the brink.
The works and actions we take in life change the world, whether or not you take 25 years to understand how to break out of your own brainbox to break into others.
It's about Works. Which is why I have like 20 psych creds, while morons keep stumbling into my inbox because they won't fucking read what I'm saying and trying to argue because they learned how to make a vinegar volcano in middle school. At my daily job I am constantly pulling people from real ledges using this skill while she pisses on pendants charging for shit in my name. But this shit is so loud I'm suddenly attracting all the schizos and they are literally saying shit reflecting my timeline. I am once again having to save her relatives from herself just because I put up the great acme trap house of mirrors to end her BULLSHIT.
If yall are gonna keep blowing by that I Am A Man shit, then at least keep straight that I have a unique identity that is not the same as the great god himself, even if we're all soulstuff and I'm from his grid, okay? So I'm Little Beetle Bro. Little Mazda Bro. My god treats me like a big boy where I get to be myself and drive my own car, doesn't jack the wheel at every opportunity she wants to pretend to be someone else. And he WARNED her about this. I warned her? I don't know. I'm yelling so loud that shit she "heard from him" or whatever is making sense to me now that I'm here, so fuck all whatever, I'm literally cussing this bitch out so loud she's hearing it fifteen years ago under hundreds of millions of eyes.
She kept treating it like a game, I made it one. Little Beetle Bro, creator of the Xorvintaal, Taaldarax, I don't care, make up some fucking name but stop confusing me with him, himself, which is why there is, again, a cult I am trying to disband. Lord Dragon Gamer Glitchtrap says Get Bent, bitch.
I used to blow this bitch's mind with sixth degree work, I was blowing my own mind hitting seventh degree wheel of force by the breakup, and then she threw me, it, and everything out the door, literally everything, and it finished, and this bitch can't even compute what "WELCOME TO THE NINTH DEGREE, BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH" means.
and I just moved on to live, but she couldn't let me. Three years of relentless harassment, including from her cult, because the bitch can't accept why she's literally fucking addicted to me and literally groomed her pals into slobbering my knob because she won't process her own fucking grief or choices. Six months trying to hunt down my business investor while we all watched and alerted each other. And eventually, she got so out of pocket, I essentially started alerting myself. So she gave me infinite rent free space in her head with her trying to Persona as me off my shadow, and her fucking resulting schizophrenia is not going to go well from here.
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We choose our own path, and who we are, and we choose when we let go or not, for the most part. I walked my road, and she knows she can never do that, and never replicate why that has always been me, and why i am who i am. I am that I am, and that is me, and I'd like her to acknowledge my fucking face, because otherwise, it's going to bury her. Hashtag slenderman real, bitches.
Again, the irony of the trap is, she just has to tell the truth--not just on her blog or whatever, but to herself. The challenge is literally, look at yourself. We're ALL over your beep beep back the fuck uptruck shit, literally across generations, and she KNOWS what I mean when I say that. She backed up all the way into a literal acme trap, and is just spinning now trying to find some way to roleplay or ignore or back up out of it, instead of take the only answer.
Cuz she has this shit too, but she's not me, and not him, and neither of us for fuckin sure are her, and I PROMISE it's actually more scientifically possible for me to drop the collective conscious of fursuit friday on her schizoid mind she tied to me, for her to hear anubis whispering to feed the pets when I realized at like 5 am saturday i forgot to feed the cat before work.
Or you know sure the god of judgment and the dead wanders in like, did u fucking feed precious. Choose your fucking fighter.
Like. This bitch is sooooooooo fucked but she's really only fucking herself, even if she's using the memory of me like a giant vibrator. But she built a castle of lies so deep, she lied to herself until she forgot, and even her versions and retellings are warped from what she knows she knew, but it's like someone that only saw a cat once from behind trying to draw one.
So "Are you hermes" like read above but, the short version is, at least in any kind of record I know of, there's maybe a dozen people or less modernly that have a similar attainment degree, okay? Like technically nobody is this degree, because everybody agrees only He can give the degree, and you do to some extent Become him, but you are still yourself unless you failed in the Babe of the Abyss stage, and then you're just a Black Brother, which is why she's fucking up my balance so bad, she keeps dragging my literal ghost out of the fucking abyss to jack off on top of
Here you guys like Supernatural. She is literally Pissing Off Ghosts In The Empty And Won't Catch A Clue. Literally like durrr y u so mad about your face because it's my fucking identity. It's me, not her, and she won't fucking get off it. And it's one of the few ways you can stay sane while walking the path she REFUSED to learn about before trying to claim to be his preacher. "But he's a shapeshifter" yeah why, bitch. Take a look at the phantom (e)x all over twitter, do the math, and get off my dick. Misha's facial recognition got real weird. Look at the big hole he dug over about four years. It's much deeper now. Taylor Swift is involved again.
Inside joke to the woke, why are we called zebras? Because doctors spend their entire life looking for horses when they're hearing hoofbeats and there was a zebra there the entire time.
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audiofictionuk · 8 months
New Fiction Podcasts - 8th February
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Vennix the Mighty Audio Drama Vennix the Mighty is a hilarious and heartwarming podcast about an obnoxious demi-god and his ditzy priestess. It's a must-listen for fans of Hello from the Magic Tavern, Terry Pratchett, and the odd fart joke. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20231124-05 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2274972.rss
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v12 : de la FIN le DEBUT Audio Drama 12 personnes enfermées dans 1 Dôme pendant 12 mois pour répondre chaque mois aux questions d'un gouvernement d'urgence afin de sauver l'humanité face à 12 évolutions d'un Virus (V12). Mais... Est ce vrai? Une histoire interactive qui varie selon vos choix. En parallèle, suivez les lives et discussions sur les vécus! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240131-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f0bb55a8/podcast/rss
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Artemis Ghost Audio Drama An amateur, dysfunctional team steals the score of a lifetime; a teleportation device. Except what they believed to be mechanical turned out to be biological instead. What are they to do with this unexpected addition to their crew? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240201-01 RSS: https://feeds.castos.com/r34j9
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Retrograde Audio Drama Three years ago the world ended in The Pop, an event where creatures from another world arrived seemingly overnight. Following the end of the end of the world Morgan and Kit, two losers are surviving through the apocalypse through wit and sheer luck. That is until they meet an unlikely third companion with unknown intentions. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240202-01 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2177054.rss
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Flame & Fiction Audio Drama Whether you’re seeking a moment of escape, a touch of nostalgia, or simply a comforting companion for your day, Flame & Fiction aims to be that refuge where stories come to life and where the timeless tradition of sharing narratives around a fire finds its place in the digital age. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240201-02 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2295142.rss
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The Parallel-O-Verse Audio Drama A self-taught inventor uses her quantum radio to listen in to alternate worlds. Tune in each month for strange and fantastic tales from parallel universes. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240202-02 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f1965a04/podcast/rss
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Undefined depths Audio RPG A group of good friends join together to play Delta Green and laugh in the face of cosmic horror. Or scream into the void. It's anyone's guess which will happen. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240201-03 RSS: https://feeds.captivate.fm/undefineddepths/
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Nuggets: The Audio Drama Audio Drama Nuggets is a series of small audio dramas designed to pack a big punch, as the show tagline says, "big truths in small doses." https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240131-04 RSS: https://feeds.transistor.fm/nuggets-the-audio-drama
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Endwatch: A Shadowrun Actual Play Audio RPG Shadowrunners. Thriving in the margins, doing the jobs no one else can. While the Corporations run the world, Shadowrunner live on the edge, and for this team of ‘runners getting back together after a long hiatus, that edge has never been sharper. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240131-05 RSS: https://feeds.castos.com/qoovn
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The Pride Of Kyro Audio Drama Led by the rich and powerful Kyro Carter, the Carter family was destined to take over the world. Kyro’s family owns an oil company, making every generation of Carters wealthy before they are even born. However, Kyro didn’t just hand spoon the fortune over to his children. Each of his five kids had to earn a piece of the family wealth by becoming productive citizens first. The plot thickens as the family’s personal lives become even more publicized when Kyro announces his candidacy for city council. It soon comes to light that Kyro’s candidacy is for his own personal gain, as family secrets start falling out the closet. The Carter children become trapped in Kyro’s web of deceit as they find out Kyro isn’t so perfect himself. Filled with suspense, drama, and passion, The Pride of Kyro is sure to entertain. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240203-01 RSS: https://feeds.captivate.fm/the-pride-of-kyro/
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Here Lies Withered Lilies Audio Drama follow the story of our protagonist as they find a way to survive in a zombie Apocalypse. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240202-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f1a8dabc/podcast/rss
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Journeys in the Dark Audio Drama Hunger is humanity’s constant companion. Cannibalism has blurred the line defining what is a human and what is a monster. And of course, the evil that brought the world tumbling down to its current state –the monsters from another realm– still stalk the land. Baulder and Hod are survivors. They live from day to day, chasing food and running from the perils of their world. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240206-01 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/JourneysInTheDark/feed.xml
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Keeping the Bones Audio Drama We reimagine and remix classic weird tales into found-footage stories set today. Drawing our inspiration from the likes of H.P. Lovecraft, M.R. James, and Algernon Blackwood, we shape these old tales into something that might just have really happened in our current world. Come on in, we've been expecting you. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240206-02 RSS: https://feeds.captivate.fm/keeping-the-bones/
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Mango: Dead Serious Audio Drama Mango: Dead Serious is an independently produced feature-length podcast movie custom made for your earholes. After saving virologist Dr. Charlotte Fox from a vicious attack in the mountains outside Los Angeles, a mine dwelling recluse named Mango learns a virus has swept the globe causing a worldwide zombie outbreak. In order to continue her work on the virus vaccine, Dr. Fox must find her uncle whose last known whereabouts were 100 miles away in Joshua Tree. Mango, Dr. Fox and Mango’s dog Kismet embark on a dangerous mission to find Dr. Fox’s uncle, complete the vaccine and save the world from a zombie apocalypse. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240205-01 RSS: https://feeds.libsyn.com/508998/rss
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Who's Taking Watch Audio RPG A D&D 5e actual play show where we improvise stories in our favourite worlds of fiction! Join us in our first arc, The Dragon's Might, set in the world of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240207-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/65bc17c0352c8700161fd698
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azra-ambarih · 10 months
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trigger warnings ! child abuse, death, emotional codependency, parental neglect, torture, war
name ! kaiba seto
nicknames ! nii-sama (kaiba mokuba) / kaiba-kun (mutou yugi) / kaiba-boy (pegasus crawford, formerly) / celestial dragon, kaibae (pharaoh atem)
titles ! ceo of kaiba corporation / chairman of kaiba corporation / chess grandmaster / #1 duelist of duel monsters in japan (formerly)
description ! the ceo and majority shareholder of kaiba corporation . also an accomplished and expert duelist in duel monsters .
birthday ! 25 october
age ! 25 years and don't ask about the age of his soul
region ! domino city, japan / osaka, japan (formerly)
gender ! male
pronouns ! he/him
sexual orientation ! "I TREMBLE WITH DESIRE ."
hobbies ! duel monsters / chess / other games, especially strategy
likes ! filet mignon with foie gras sauce / local specialties of osaka / elevated places
dislikes ! oden / lettuce
fears ! mokuba coming to any harm or being unhappy / losing important people to him again / changing himself into gozaburo or seth
faceclaim (fc) ! n/a
height ! 6'1" (186 cm)
mma weight class ! featherweight
eye colour ! blue
hair colour ! brown
hairstyle ! coiffed, reaching the neck
usual attire ! extravagant clothes than could pass as smart or semiformal attire, more often than not with a coat
notable features ! sharp azure eyes
personal affects ! blue eyes white dragon paraphernalia / kaiba corporation brand
weaponry ! latest and exclusive personal design of the kc duel disk
gifts ! pendant with mokuba's photo that also works as a key card
alignment ! lawful neutral
allegiance ! kaiba corporation
profession ! ceo of kaiba corporation / chairman of kaiba corporation / owner of the duel academy / duel monsters duelist
ancestry ! god of chaos, set (???) / high priest seth (previous incarnation) / kisara (???) / [redacted] (biological parents) / kaiba gozaburo (adoptive father)
same generation ! kaiba mokuba (younger brother)
progeniture ! how much bewd tech can i fit here
romantic ! quantum physics is easier to explain
platonic ! mutou yugi (begrudgingly, apparently)
antagonistic ! pharaoh atem (rival) / mutou yugi (temporarily) / pegasus crawford (business partner, formerly) / zigfried von schroeder (business rival) / jounouchi katsuya (mutt)
other ! malik ishtar (affectionate but complicated) / aitem
kaiba mokuba (millennium-anima) ! the most important person in his life and even more important than life itself . possesses the greatest influence over seto's future decisions, whether he is aware of the fact or not . / "what i do is for your sake, even if you don't realize it yet . for your future, for your happiness, i would do anything for you . forsake everything, if it comes to that . this is my duty as your one and only older brother . i will not fail you again ."
pharaoh atem (ahmar-bakra) ! (exclusive, single ship) it could never be heard from him that they were friends or anything of that sort, however ... even one as wealthy as himself had no reason to waste time and resources to steal just anyone from the afterlife, understand ? / "if you insist that our road of battle is endless, then you cannot turn your back to me and walk a different path . there is no place in this universe or any other where you can hide from my perception . duel me, pharaoh !"
signature card/s ! blue eyes white dragon / obelisk the tormentor (temporary)
primary special summon type ! fusion / xyz
chess prodigy ! an expertise in the game of chess . often accompanied with a title after competing in a number of ranked tournaments and receiving the title corresponding to the player's highest rating . he gained the title of grandmaster in an astounding series of wins internationally since his first debut to the circuit .
parkour ! the navigation and negotiation of obstacles in a terrain by means of running, jumping, and climbing .
engineering ! involves the creation, innovation, and usage of machines and structures ; including technologies, primitive and advanced .
natural genius ! an inherent ability to grasp new lessons with relative ease . when dedicated, mastery is likely achievable in a shorter timeframe than the average expectation . this is primarily utilized on skills and disciplines that are or may prove useful in keeping mokuba safe and happy, or to otherwise further his own goals .
dragon's hoard ! default verse, years after his return from aaru with the pharaoh in tow . since then, he has established a few more kaibaland locations across the world and established the duel academy .
the enduring one who will transcend death ! around the events of the film, "yu-gi-oh! the dark side of dimensions ." he is the gay one .
storm incarnate ! set in ancient egypt, detailing a life seto would deny as his own to have lived . a lover of lettuce .
millennium dragon ! myth au . seto and mokuba come from an extant race of white dragons, hailing from islands in the east . though the pair of brothers remain close, they have decided to travel separately in the past decade . now, interrupting his amusement found in terrorizing the local tyrants and crooks, an annoying cat has managed to slide his way into seto's life .
monster called hatred ! the dark era that culminates to the creation of death-t in the manga . note : the shadow realm is not canon to the manga .
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chelseacatgirl · 1 year
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First Pic: Spirit Forms
Second Pic: Physical Forms
Since I have finished Brok the InvestiGator on my Nintendo Switch, I can set which of my crossover midquel stories in which of the points of the game:
First story: Brok the investigator in: The Search for Crash Bandicoot
*Set between after a fight against Dee Silver in the VR Arena and Brok's second nightmare from Chapter 2*
Second Story: Skylanders featuring Crash and Spyro: Tough Brok
*Set between Graff witnessing Brok taking down the Squealers and Brok and Graff's conflict that quickly got cooled down before the croc gave his stepson a gift set late in Chapter 4*
Note they follow the Canonical Ending of the game while I kept Brok and Graff's relationship between low and medium in the run, such as attending the science fair, not saying anything to Graff, cooking a good meal, taking a selfie, running away from Graff in Brok's nightmare, Graff buying a Toxout Pill from a Generic Squealer, Graff writing down "I'm Hungry", Brok lying to Graff about what happened between him and the Squealers, Brok giving Graff his mother's pendant, Graff being impressed with Ott's story about how Brok indicted Tidy to be a murderer of Dr. Hush, and lastly, Brok telling Wes AKA Prototype 26 he hates him, and nothing else, all the way to be low enough for the Canon Route.
So in the second midquel of mine, Brok and Graff's relationship is basically good throughout their adventures in Skylands finding the Quantum Spheres to restore their frozen universe and the other dimensions that suffered that fate with the help from the Skylanders aided by their allies as it was improving. Meanwhile the Squealers were with Kaos.
After defeating Kaos with the power of the Quantum Spheres, the two learned from Aku Aku, the Quantum Masks, Master Eon, and the Brain in order to free all the dimensions including their own now that they gathered all the spheres, they have to sacrifice their memories of being in Crash and Spyro's dimensions, and since they wanted to go home so badly, they accepted this as they went through the rift that takes them back to after Graff witnessed Brok's battle against the rats. The Chief, Kins, and Dart returned too, but also lack memories of being in Skylands as a result.
However after the events of the Canon Ending of Brok the InvestiGator, a few phenomenons combined such as Sonic the Hedgehog accidentally destroying the Paradox Prism, Crash and Spyro slam dunked a Wumpa Gem into their team's bank in a game of Crash Team Rumble against Oxide's Team, and Brok going through the portal in the void to travel back 5 years ago being a week before the fire, have unleashed two Quantum Spheres that have their other dimension memories contained that ended up in two different dimensions separately, each of them are formed into spirits while also having those memories, Brok's spirit form ended up in Crash's dimension with his original timeline memories *Even after his adventures in Skylands to going through the gateway to the past that were copied over from his true self*, while Graff's spirit form ended up in the Dream Realm of Skylands with his original timeline memories but not the ones after his Skylands adventure.
Each of them think they're their true selves who got stuck in these dimensions in these ghostly forms while being unaware they're their other dimension memories taking on these spirit forms.
Brok's spirit form wandered around the Wumpa Islands trying to find help, but the inhabitants got freaked out by him, mistaking him for a regular ghost. When Coco, Irma, Pasadena, Yaya, and Nozomi were having a girls camp-out, they were hearing from the locals about the ghost that haunting the jungles, where they decided to investigate. Later Nozomi would later find a presence of the mysterious ghost and wants to stop it, but when she thought the ghost was going after her, Nozomi learned the ghost was Brok when she saw him, before her friends arrived and were surprised to see him like this.
Later, in the morning, the girls took Brok back to the Refuge Village for Mutants, and had a meeting with their friends being Team Bandicoot, the Cortex Commando Mutants, Hope, Vivi and Lewis. He explained what happened after his and Graff's adventures in Skylands, all the way up to his heated argument with Graff, to Shay's Garage, then into the time machine he went to, as he explained he's stuck in a spirit form and wanted to travel back five years ago to prevent his wife Lia's death to alter the timeline for the betterment, only to be told by Aku Aku and the Quantum Masks he's not the real Brok, but his memories that took place in Crash and Spyro's dimensions taking on a ghostly form while retaining his original timeline memories, much to his shock, which left him homesick and depressed.
Brok would then live with Nozomi Akiko and will be there for her since his relationship with Graff failed, later in one of his adventures involving the Treasure Haunt, he would gain a physical form in the end and would change to this form at will. Even though he lives in the village, he still misses Graff.
As for Graff, he thinks he's the true Graff who's stuck in spirit form and believes he's still stuck in Skylands while not having memories after his adventure in this universe. He endlessly wonders around the Dream Realm trying to find a way back to normal and a way back home too. He would later gain a physical form at some point.
Will Brok and Graff see each other again one day?
These forms are inspired by the hologram ghost forms of Tails, Knuckles, and Amy on Sonic Frontiers.
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🛑👇🛑Also this🛑👇🛑
Drawn on ibisPaint X on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A.
Crash Bandicoot series and Skylanders series (c) Activision
Brok and Graff (c) @cowcatgames​
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akshayenterprises46 · 18 hours
Why Partner with a Trusted Mineral Quantum Science Scalar Pendant Manufacturer?
In recent years, the wellness industry has seen a surge in demand for alternative healing products, including mineral quantum science scalar pendants. These pendants, believed to harness the energy of natural minerals and scalar technology, are gaining popularity for their potential health benefits, such as promoting energy balance, reducing stress, and enhancing overall well-being. For businesses looking to enter this booming market, partnering with a reputable mineral quantum science scalar pendant manufacturer in Jaipur can be a strategic move. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of collaborating with a trusted manufacturer and how it can contribute to the success of your business.
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Understanding Mineral Quantum Science Scalar Pendants
Before diving into the benefits of partnering with a reliable manufacturer, it’s important to understand what mineral quantum science scalar pendants are and why they are sought after. These pendants are typically made from a combination of natural minerals, such as volcanic lava and tourmaline, infused with scalar energy—a form of subtle energy that is believed to promote physical and mental well-being.
Advocates of these pendants claim they can help neutralize the negative effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF), improve energy flow in the body, and enhance immunity. While scientific support for these claims is still limited, the growing consumer interest in holistic health products has led to a thriving market for scalar pendants.
Benefits of Partnering with a Trusted Manufacturer
Choosing the right mineral quantum science scalar pendant manufacturer in Jaipur can significantly impact the quality of the products you offer and the reputation of your brand. Here are some key benefits of partnering with a reliable manufacturer:
1. Assurance of Quality and Authenticity
When it comes to health and wellness products, quality is paramount. A trusted manufacturer will use high-quality materials and adhere to stringent production standards to ensure the authenticity and effectiveness of their products. This not only enhances the product’s value but also builds trust with consumers who are increasingly discerning about the products they use.
Trend Insight:
Reputable manufacturers often provide detailed information about the source and composition of the minerals used in their pendants, as well as the process of scalar energy infusion. This transparency can be a powerful marketing tool, helping you communicate the value of your products to potential customers.
2. Access to Expertise and Innovation
A leading manufacturer in the field of quantum science scalar pendants will have extensive knowledge and expertise in this niche. They stay abreast of the latest scientific developments and trends in alternative health, ensuring their products are aligned with current market demands. Partnering with such a manufacturer gives you access to this expertise, enabling you to offer cutting-edge products that stand out in a competitive market.
Trend Insight:
Manufacturers who invest in research and development (R&D) are continuously improving their product offerings. By collaborating with them, you can stay ahead of the curve, offering innovative products that meet the evolving needs of health-conscious consumers.
3. Consistency and Reliability in Supply Chain
In any business, consistency is key to building a loyal customer base. Partnering with a trusted manufacturer ensures a reliable supply of high-quality products, reducing the risk of stockouts or delays that could disrupt your business operations. This is particularly important in the wellness industry, where maintaining customer trust and satisfaction is crucial.
Trend Insight:
Reliable manufacturers often have robust quality control systems in place, ensuring that every batch of products meets the same high standards. This consistency helps you build a strong brand reputation, fostering customer loyalty and repeat business.
4. Customizable Product Offerings
One of the advantages of working with an established manufacturer is the ability to customize your product line. Whether you want to create a unique pendant design, incorporate specific minerals, or develop exclusive packaging, a reputable manufacturer can accommodate your needs. This flexibility allows you to differentiate your brand and offer products that resonate with your target market.
Trend Insight:
Customization is a growing trend in the wellness industry, as consumers seek products that reflect their personal preferences and values. By offering customized scalar pendants, you can cater to this demand, creating a niche market for your brand.
5. Regulatory Compliance and Certifications
Navigating the regulatory landscape can be challenging, especially when dealing with health-related products. A trusted manufacturer will be well-versed in the relevant regulations and standards, ensuring that their products comply with all necessary requirements. This not only protects your business from potential legal issues but also enhances the credibility of your brand.
Trend Insight:
Look for manufacturers who hold certifications such as ISO (International Organization for Standardization) or GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice). These certifications indicate a commitment to quality and compliance, providing additional assurance to both you and your customers.
How to Choose the Right Manufacturer
With so many manufacturers vying for attention, how do you choose the right one? Here are a few tips to help you make an informed decision:
Research Their Reputation: Look for reviews, testimonials, and case studies from other businesses that have partnered with the manufacturer. This can provide valuable insights into their reliability and product quality.
Evaluate Their Product Range: A diverse product range indicates a manufacturer’s ability to innovate and cater to different market segments. Assess whether their offerings align with your brand vision and target audience.
Visit Their Facility: If possible, visit the manufacturer’s production facility to get a firsthand look at their processes and quality control measures. This can help you gauge their commitment to quality and transparency.
Ask About Their R&D Capabilities: Inquire about the manufacturer’s R&D activities and their approach to product development. A manufacturer who invests in R&D is more likely to offer innovative and effective products.
Partnering with a reliable mineral quantum science scalar pendant manufacturer in Jaipur can be a game-changer for your business. It not only ensures the quality and authenticity of your products but also provides access to expertise, innovation, and a consistent supply chain. By choosing a trusted manufacturer like Akshay Enterprises, you can confidently offer high-quality scalar pendants that meet the needs of today’s health-conscious consumers, positioning your brand for long-term success in the wellness market.
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victoire222tt · 17 days
𝐔𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭é𝐞
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La théorie syntérique parle du contrôle de la conscience humaine et du fait qu'une fois l'expansion de l'esprit complétée, l'esprit peut contrôler l'univers afin de pouvoir convertir et voir la réalité d'une manière différente.
D'une autre manière, il explique que le cerveau humain ne peut utiliser que 7% à 13 % de ses capacités, ce qui explique que ce que nous voyons n'est pas de la « matière “, mais de la ” conscience », et qu'une fois que nous la maîtrisons et la comprenons, nous pouvons utiliser la réalité et l'univers.
Qui est Jacobo Grinberg ? Il était neurophysiologiste et psychologue mexicain. Il a étudié le chamanisme mexicain, la conscience, la parapsychologie, les disciplines orientales, la méditation et la télépathie, entre autres sujets, sur lesquels il a écrit 54 livres.
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Qui est Barbara Guerrero (Pachita) ? Une guérisseuse qui pouvait traiter les gens en réalisant des opérations sans anesthésie et sans connaissances médicales à l'aide d'un couteau de cuisine. Elle pouvait également matérialiser des organes sains.
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Quand Jacobo G. a entendu parler de l'existence et des capacités de Pachita, il a décidé qu'il devait la rencontrer, car lui, en tant que scientifique, ne croyait pas que tout cela puisse être possible. Il a décidé de faire une petite étude de trois jours, et il a écrit un article appelé « PACHITA - Par Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum » dans lequel il décrit sa rencontre avec elle, il a donne des affirmations fortes et quand on les compare à ses anciens articles, on peut voir comment sa perception de certaines choses change, il a dit qu'il a rencontré Pachita quand il aurait dû, elle a changé sa vie et ses intérêts, afin de rechercher plus sur les questions spirituelles, ésotériques et chamaniques.
Après un voyage de trois jours qui s'est transformé en un voyage de deux ans, puis en une investigation de quinze ans, il partage la procédure à suivre pour atteindre la connaissance illimitée de l'esprit humain.
Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ? « Nous ne sommes pas seulement des observateurs de la réalité, mais nous sommes aussi des participants et des responsables de ce que nous voyons ».
LATTICE : Structure énergétique qui contient toutes les informations de l'univers.
Il s'agit d'une structure avec laquelle le cerveau travaille et avec laquelle notre champ neuronal interagit. Se souvenir de l'une des recherches les plus importantes du scientifique « Nicolas Tesla » où il explique l'importance des vibrations et des énergies, Jacobo dit dans sa théorie que plus votre vibration et votre conscience du champ énergétique sont élevées, plus vous pourrez acquérir d'informations, devenant ainsi complètement illuminé.
Pourquoi voulons-nous atteindre ce point d'illumination ? Si nous arrivons au niveau maximum de connaissance et de conscience, cela signifie que nous serons capables de modifier et de voyager à travers la réalité et même de la sortir.
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Qu'est-il arrivé à Jacobo Grinberg ? Il a disparu sans laisser de traces, la dernière chose que l'on sait de lui est qu'il a fait une expérimentation, le « Quantum Entanglement », qui consiste à faire parler deux inconnus pendant vingt minutes, puis à les séparer par des pièces sans les informer de l'existence de l'autre dans une pièce voisine, à partir d'ultra-sons et de rayons énergétiques, on a pu constater que le cerveau de l'un des sujets émettait une lumière que le cerveau de l'autre sujet émettait également peu de temps après, les deux vibraient au même diapason et ne faisaient que s'adresser l'un à l'autre, comme une sorte de télépathie, qu'ils ont appelée « Potentiel transféré ». En 1994, deux jours après sa dernière investigation, il a été vu pour la dernière fois au CDMX dans un café, où il s'est levé pour aller aux toilettes et n'en est plus ressorti, aucune trace d'ADN n'a été trouvée à l'intérieur, ni rien qui sorte de l'ordinaire. On ne sait pas s'il s'agit d'un acte du gouvernement ou de forces plus grandes, ou s'il a pu s'échapper de la matrice dans laquelle nous existons, à ce jour nous sommes toujours à la recherche de traces de lui ou de savoir qui n'aimait pas qu'il en sache autant.
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Le prix Nobel de physique quantique, décerné à Anton Zellinger, a corroboré l'existence de l'« intrication quantique », celle-là même que Jacobo G.
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beautytreats · 26 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Quantum Quattro Gemstone Gorgeous Handmade Pendant.
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