#purple glossy starling
heartnosekid · 11 days
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purple glossy starling (lamprotornis purpureus) | adlerstudios on ig
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proton-wobbler · 7 months
Loser's Bracket, Poll 5
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Image Sources: Hawk (All About Birds); Starling (James Kennerly); Ifrita (Frédéric PELSY); Cinclodes (Jorge Ugalde)
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sitting-on-me-bum · 3 months
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Pearlescent Pair
This portrait of a pair of purple glossy starlings (Lamprotornis purpureus) at the Kansas City Zoo in Missouri.
Photograph by Joel Sartore
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herpsandbirds · 8 months
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Purple Starling a.k.a. Purple Glossy Starling (Lamprotornis purpureus), family Sturnidae, found in tropical central Africa
photograph by Edith Hoffman
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mutant-distraction · 6 months
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purple glossy starling
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magnetothemagnificent · 6 months
I guess it's time I share my list of birds from this past Jewish year (I've been keeping two Big Year lists, Jewish year and secular year). All are from the US, except the last few which are indicated.
1. Ruby-crowned kinglet
2. American Robin
* Leucistic American Robin
3. Song sparrow
4. Rock pigeon
* Melanistic rock pigeon
5. Chipping sparrow
6. Hairy woodpecker
7. Mourning dove
8. Northern flicker
9. Eastern towhee
10. White crowned sparrow
11. White-throated sparrow
12 Savannah sparrow
13. House sparrow
14. European starling
15. American Crow
16. Common Raven
17. Gray catbird
18. Northern mockingbird
19. Canada Goose
20. Spotted Sandpiper
21. American herring gull
22. Marsh wren
23. Limpkin
24. Great white heron
25. Cattle egret
26. Anhinga
27. Snowy egret
28. Great blue heron
29. Black-crowned night heron
30. Wood stork
31. Common gallinule
32. Blue-gray gnatcatcher
33. Turkey vulture
34. Black vulture
35. Yellow rumped warbler
36. Tufted titmouse
37. Little blue heron
38. White ibis
39. Cooper's hawk
40. Cardinal
41. Green heron
42. Carolina wren
43. Palm warbler
44. Pine warbler
45. Sandhill crane
46. Carolina chickadee
47. Bluejay
48. Osprey
49. Chimney swift
50. Red-tailed hawk
51. Prairie warbler
52. American kestrel
53. Glossy ibis
54. Pied-billed grebe
55. Double-crested cormorant
56. Grey kingbird
57. Brown pelican
58. Fish crow
59. Royal tern
60. Bald eagle
61. Painted bunting
62. American white pelican
63. Common grackle
64. Boat-tailed grackle
65. Great-tailed grackle
66. American purple gallinule
67. American coot
68. Brown-headed cowbird
69. Tricolored heron
70. Mallard
71. Black-bellied whistling duck
72. Eastern kingbird
73. Yellow-billed cuckoo
74. Muscovy duck
75. American bittern
76. Ring-billed gull
77. American Pekin
78. Mallard-Pekin hybrid
79. Eastern bluebird
80. Yellow-bellied sapsucker
81. Red-winged blackbird
82. White-eyed vireo
83. Mottled duck
84. Broad-winged hawk
85. Dark-eyed junco
86. Brown thrasher
87. Sharp-shinned hawk
88. House finch
89. Eastern Phoebe
90. Downy woodpecker
91. Fox sparrow
92. Loggerhead Shrike!!!!
93. White breasted nuthatch
94. Red-bellied woodpecker
95. Brown creeper
96. Pileated woodpecker
97. American goldfinch
98. House wren
99. Barn swallow
100. Tree swallow
101. Black and white warbler
102. Red eyed vireo
103. Yellow warbler
104. Mute swan
105. Rusty blackbird
106. Common yellowthroat
107. Warbling vireo
108. Northern waterthrush
109. Veery
110. Swamp sparrow
111. Wood duck
112. American redstart
113. Orchard oriole
114. Greater Yellowlegs
115. Lesser Yellowlegs
116. Baltimore oriole
117. Hermit thrush
118. Wood thrush
119. Ovenbird
120. Indigo bunting
121. Black-throated blue warbler
122. Scarlet tanager
123. Worm-eating warbler
124. Northern rough-winged swallow
125. Blue-headed vireo
126. Northern parula
127. Prothonotary warbler
128. Philadelphia vireo
129. Blackburnian warbler
130. Magnolia warbler
131. Cedar waxwing
132. Blackpoll warbler
133. Yellow-throated vireo
134. Eastern wood pewee
135. Acadian flycatcher
136. Tennessee warbler
137. Caspian tern
138. Laughing gull
139. Forster's tern
140. American oystercatcher
141. Green-winged teal
142. Purple Martin
143. Least tern
144. Field sparrow
145. Killdeer
146. Grey-cheeked thrush
147. Rose-breasted grosbeak
148. Great-crested flycatcher
149. Swainson's thrush
150. Bay-breasted warbler
151. Chestnut-sided warbler
152. Willow flycatcher
153. Ruby-throated hummingbird
154. Peregrine falcon
155. Hooded crow IL
156. Laughing dove IL
157. Eurasian collared dove IL
158. Eurasian jackdaw IL
159. Common myna IL
160. Rose-ringed parakeet IL
161. White spectacled bulbul IL
162. European bee eater IL
163. Chukar IL
164. Short toed snake eagle IL
165. White stork IL
166. Little egret IL
167. Pygmy cormorant IL
168. Eurasian hoopoe IL
169. Alpine swift IL
170. Graceful pinia IL
171. Eastern Olivaceous Warbler IL
172. Tristan's Starling IL
173. Fan tailed raven IL
174. Eurasian black cap IL
Here's to at least 200 next year!
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witchstone · 10 months
okay, birds seen at home in june round up! comes to a total of 62 species, which is oddly high for the middle of winter. the highlight was the green twinspot, which i’d only got my first ever sighting of two weeks earlier. presumably it had only found its way to our garden because of the heavy rains and flash floods (and the tornado what the fuck) a few days prior - they’re forest birds, whereas our area is more broad-leaf woodland.
full list and photos under the cut!
bar-throated apalis, black-collared + crested + white-eared barbet, cape batis, dark-capped bulbul, green-backed camaroptera*, yellow-fronted canary, fork-tailed drongo, crowned eagle*, southern black flycatcher, african dusky flycatcher, african paradise flycatcher (odd for this time of year), egyptian goose, gymnogene, southern hadeda, purple-crested loerie. speckled mousebird, black-headed oriole, rose-ringed parakeet*, black-backed puffback, red-capped robin-chat, cape glossy + black-bellied + red-winged starling, collared + greater double-collared + olive + amethyst + white-bellied sunbird, olive + kurrichane thrush, golden-rumped tinkerbarbet, southern black tit, spectacled + village weaver, cape white-eye, cardinal + golden-tailed woodpecker, red-eyed + tambourine* dove, brown-hooded kingfisher, red-backed + bronze mannikin, klaas’s cuckoo*, lesser honeyguide, grey-headed bushshrike*, familiar chat, southern grey-headed sparrow, woolly-necked stork, sombre greenbul*, green woodhoopoe, cape wagtail, southern boubou, black sparrowhawk, african palm swift, green twinspot, black cuckooshrike?, black-headed heron, little sparrowhawk?, pied crow, african goshawk
* = call heard, no visuals, ? = i’m reasonably sure it was that, but not 100%
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dark-capped bulbul, taken at a nature reserve up the hill
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eurytela dryope
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not sure yet. maybe a mocker swallowtail judging by the body?
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olive sunbird my beloved
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the green twinspot!! absolutely not a great photo, but i was surprised to get a pic at all tbh. either a female or juvenile
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bosduival’s tree nymph
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souther hadeda. chicken sized rats and the worst dawn chorus you’ve ever heard
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golden-tailed woodpecker
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gold-spotted sylph. have never seen one before in my life, but it was hanging around the laundry
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southern black tit!
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inga-don-studio · 3 months
Tagged by @plushmon in a 'know people better' tag game (thanky!!!)
Last song: Wriggle by Cosmo Sheldrake
Favorite color: It's a tie between teal & royal purple. Or whatever this splendid guy (aka purple glossy starling) has going on:
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Sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet. My sweet tooth knows no chill.
Relationship status: Happily single not looking to mingle
Last movie/show/game:
Re-Animator for movies (remarkably my first viewing despite my love for mad science in horror)
It's been a few months but I think the last show I revisited was Star Trek The Next Generation? Because I wanted to see space-god Q being a petty little dumbass again?
Minecraft for games
Last google search: local science museum's job openings board. Not exciting, I know.
Current obsession: I'm in between what I'd consider 'current obsessions' but I've been dedicating a fair bit of of thought & research into improving my cosplays as well as doll-making techniques for some monster dolls I'd like to start making eventually
I never know who to tag & who not-to, so if you want to give this a go- I choose you!!! Tagging a few peeps but of course it's only if/what you want to: @tielesiti-eftu @slenders1ckn3ss @atticofthings @toomuchdickfort @snugbug @halloweenedition @toonfanstars @ghosttcryptids @solitarysketcher @nicxan @sodalite-lite @wenek-jajecznica @werewolfautism
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coffeenuts · 1 year
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Purple Glossy Starling. by Iangill1948 https://flic.kr/p/2odqBQg
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cypriathus · 1 month
Here's my version of Zerachiel!
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: I briefly mention pedophilia and talk about OCD.
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Zurachoniel Absevomuthi is a self-confident, honest, and patient charismatic fallen hybrid between an archangel and a choir angel with a strong fondness for young children. He’s exceptionally compassionate and wise, and often behaves in an enthusiastic and cheerful way, trying to inspire positivity within others. However, he can come off as frustratingly boisterous, gullible, naive, and even mischievous at times. Despite the betrayal of his kind and his persistent loneliness, he tries to maintain an optimistic outlook on life. He’s a workaholic with intense loyalty in his relationships and materialistic desires. Due to his pragmatic nature, he’s concerned more with matters of fact than with what could or should be. He’s tenacious and stubborn when it comes to his responsibilities and love of music, but can make brash and clumsy decisions. Whenever he feels extremely stressed out or mentally exhausted, he tries to remain calm, bubbly, and stoic. He has obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), possessing an irrational fear of contamination and misplacing items. He has a need for things to be orderly and balanced, and a difficult time dealing with uncertainty. He experiences unwanted, aggressive, and horrific thoughts about sexual objects, losing control, and harming himself and others. Zurachoniel tries to think of more pleasant thoughts, follows a strict cleaning and organising routine, and often demands reassurance.
He’s a 5’ 3” (160.02 cm) ectomorph with an inverted triangular figure, sloping shoulders, a square chest, and a mediocre musculature. He has pallid skin with cut marks on his thighs and greyish-brown freckles on his face, neck, hands, and feet. He has inverted T transgender mastectomy scars and a silvery birthmark that’s shaped like a long-haired comet on his lower right abdominopelvic quadrant. Zurachoniel’s side-swept hair is a silvery-green with messy surfer vibes, and he has sunburst soft maroon-salmon pink eyes with blue tapetum lucidum. He used to have two wings that mimic the natural hues of a purple starling, but changed into a glossy black with pink sheen after his fall. He has two tattoos: a fiery gyrfalcon emerging from an old-fashioned furnace and a blue serpent coiling around a golden trumpet on his right arm.
During his time in heaven, he wore a linen alb of shimmering blue-green with slight ripples and it reached above his mid-calves. Over his alb is a golden dalmatic that had embroidered designs of hibiscus flowers, rivers, shooting comets, turtle doves, and circles of fire. He wears a cashmere red-violet skirt with white ermine trim at the bottom and gilt-brass anklets. Around his waist was a metallic purple girdle of bluish-yellow bells, red grapes, and poet’s daffodils. He originally had a simple golden halo that gleamed with bright light, but that would turn into a smoky black with sharp spikes. After Zurachoniel’s fall from grace, he wears a tight broadcloth shirt of mine shaft and a viola bowtie with diagonal marigold stripes. He dons a fuzzy wuzzy brown tuxedo and dusty grey trousers with copper rust and pirate’s gold polka dots. He also has an acapulco formal V-neck vest and gypsum rose lace-ups with metallic blue bottoms. He carries around an acoustic guitar made from Hawaiian koa wood and a golden carnyx that has a bell styled in an open-mouthed dragon’s head. His gryphon-adorned thurible is tied to his black leather belt and his carnyx has a thin, yet sturdy shoulder strap.
Zurachoniel can manipulate holy music, fragrance, bitterness, and angels, and use omni-telepathy, meta-teleportation, and psychokinesis. His omniscience is nearly perfect, but various details and topics are mentally blocked. However, he possesses absolute knowledge on moons, the musical arts, and the apocalypse of each universe. He’s a master of singing and musical instruments, using his voice to purify negativity in those who are willing to listen. His physical strength and emotional intelligence is enhanced by prayers, and he can sense the coming of death and act of dying. He can create a violent firestorm and falling comets that poison rivers and water springs. He’s able to freeze the movement of the stars, moons, and the Sun, diminishing light and causing complete darkness during day and night. He has the ability to summon crowned locusts, earthquakes, hailstorms, lightning, and thunder. He can heal people of their physical and mental scars, and damage the souls of parents for their incompetence to protect and educate their children. Zurachoniel has dominion over the earth and purifying light, and can absorb addictions, night terrors, and memory problems.
Acrid Wyrm
Angel of Bitterness, Fractured Childhood, and Slow Healing
He’s questioning and transgender
As an Æylphitus, the different parts of his name have special meanings: Zurachoniel means “god has remembered” and Absevomuthi means “woodworm”.
He views door handles, empty sinks, and public toilets as sources of contamination.
He silently repeats a series of words in gibberish nonsense while doing unrelated tasks
When organising his clothing, antique items, books, and musical instruments, he always counts backwards and avoids the number 7.
During his time in Eylvhraszokjumni, he was a babysitter, an educator, and the leader of the choir angels.
He questioned the divine council on the unjust rules they impose on sinners and how some people were unfairly judged. The divine council weren’t impressed, so they orchestrated a plan to turn most of the angels against him by proclaiming that he’s a pedophile. They used fabricated evidence to strengthen their claim, so they can “justify” why he was kicked out of heaven.
His penis was surgically removed and his vagina mutilated with a ceremonial dagger, basilisk venom, and medicinal alcohol.
He dislikes to admit that he’s a fallen angel
He’s the vocalist and acoustic guitarist of Amara Lignum (“Bitter Wood” in Latin), a funky jazz band he founded.
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Purple starling, from the aquarium/zoo in Vienna
Fact from beauty of birds : The Purple Glossy Starlings (Lamprotornis purpureus) – also simply known as Purple Starlings – are fairly common in tropical Africa, where they are considered common to abundant within their natural range.
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squawkoverflow · 8 months
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A new variant has been added!
Makira Starling (Aplonis dichroa) © Bird Explorers
It hatches from blue, brown, common, dark, dull, glossy, high, long, melodic, purple, and small eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game          🥚 hatch    ❤️ collect     🤝 connect
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proton-wobbler · 10 months
Round 1, Poll 17
Lady Amherst's Pheasant vs Purple Starling
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sources under cut
Lady Amherst's Pheasant Propaganda
"it has AMAZING feathers and is very very pretty"
While the data is scant, there are reports that this species is a clinal migrant and lives in high altitudes in the summer and the foothills in winter, or during severe weather.
Purple Starling Propaganda
"Forages both in trees and bushes and on ground, often in company with other glossy starlings; hawks insects from trees. Communal roosts in non-breeding season may contain thousands of individuals." - BoW
Image Sources: Pheasant (Summer Wong); Starling (James Kennerly)
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origin-of-orbits · 1 year
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based on this post
it's too good ok, i love it to bits and pieces. btw the bird that origin will be based on from now on is the purple-glossy starling
The bird is under the 'keep reading' section
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full glory, very lovely.
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travelnew · 3 months
20th Mumbai Bird Race 2024 (HSBC India BirdRaces)
Sunday Feb 18, 2024 from 7:38 am to 6 pm, traveling 13.87 km for 626 minutes. Places birdwatched at: Lokhandwala lake > Lokhandwala nalla > Malad InOrbit Creek Road > IIT Powai lake & campus. Morning was cool and then very hot. We retired home for lunch and then resumed again. Lunch break was from 12 o'clock noon to 3:30 pm.
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Number of bird species seen/ heard: 56.
25 Lesser Whistling-Duck 1 Gadwall 50 Indian Spot-billed Duck 2 Green-winged Teal 10 Greater Flamingo 5 Lesser Flamingo 1 Little Grebe 1 Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 2 Greater Coucal 2 Asian Palm Swift 5 Eurasian Moorhen 5 Eurasian Coot 9 Gray-headed Swamphen 2 White-breasted Waterhen -- Seen 3 Black-winged Stilt 1 Red-wattled Lapwing 3 Bronze-winged Jacana 1 Black-tailed Godwit 1 Common Sandpiper 4 Wood Sandpiper 1 Common Redshank 1 Black-headed Gull 1 Brown-headed Gull 1 Common Tern 1 Little Cormorant 1 Little Egret 1 Indian Pond-Heron 1 Great Egret 1 Medium Egret 1 Purple Heron 1 Glossy Ibis 1 Black-headed Ibis 1 Western Marsh Harrier 5 Black Kite 1 White-throated Kingfisher 5 Asian Green Bee-eater 1 Coppersmith Barbet -- Heard 2 Brown-headed Barbet 2 Rose-ringed Parakeet 1 Spot-breasted Fantail 1 Black Drongo 1 Ashy Drongo 1 Long-tailed Shrike 100 House Crow 2 Large-billed Crow 1 Common Tailorbird -- Heard 2 Ashy Prinia 1 Booted Warbler -- Heard 1 Blyth's Reed Warbler 2 Red-vented Bulbul 2 Jungle Babbler 5 Rosy Starling 5 Common Myna 1 Oriental Magpie-Robin 1 Purple-rumped Sunbird 25 House Sparrow
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Lokhandwala lake
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IIT Powai Campus
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Here are few photos from the bird race clicked by my good friend, JN.
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How did I capture a TIME LAPSE of the Sunset at Powai Lake?
There was a small mound of mud over which a branch of tree had fallen. I balanced my mobile properly for the entire duration of the setting sequence. My friend's son, SSN and other people walking in front of the mobile were politely asked to walk carefully from behind the mobile and over the branch. They complied and even thanked me for offering them the unnecessary hand over the small branch, on which I had balanced my mobile really well. All went well and then when I went to show my group, the result of my endevour, I realised I had not pressed the start button to click the mobile camera. Our hosts, the organizers of the India Bird Races, Mr. Ravi & Mr. Sunjoy as usual were gracious and kind and conducted bird quizzes with panache, that kept everyone on the edge to win prizes and gain knowledge.
You can check the earlier editions of the India Bird Races below:
2023 Mumbai Bird Race - 53 species seen.
2022 Mumbai Bird Race - 50 species seen.
2019 Mumbai Bird Race - 63 species seen.
2015 Mumbai Bird Race - 90 species seen.
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The pan flavoured chocolate in this gift box was something new. I look forward to many more bird races and abundance of birds in and around Mumbai.
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thecreatureawaits · 4 years
The Creature Awaits #75:
Each week I plan to feature an amazing creature, admiring God's fantastic artistry.  Hopefully it’ll brighten someone’s day to see something new and interesting if they haven’t seen it before. : )
This month(-ish ^^;) I plan to feature bright and brilliant purple creatures!
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(Absolutely beautiful photograph by James Harber, a.k.a. PeacockArmageddon (CC BY-ND 2.0))
The Purple Starling
A.K.A: The Purple Glossy Starling
Scientific Name: Lamprotornis purpureus
Region: Woodlands scattered across the northern half of Africa
Size: About 9" (~23cm) long
Interesting Note:  Unlike many brightly-colored birds, Purple Starlings are not sexually dimorphic - both male and female have the similarly bright plumage.  They only sport duller colors when they are young and need the extra camouflage.
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