#purple mimo<3<3<3<3
linoyes · 5 months
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justneury · 3 months
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More about them below!!! (it's not fully done tho, is just some idea of how they are)
Mariel: Psychologist in zone 2. Her job is somewhat stressful, as she sometimes (though rarely) happens that her patient becomes Burnt and she has to start the module to get rid of it. She has became somewhat used to it, though she has become somewhat more irritable.
Personality: Reserved, Professional, easily annoyed/not very patient, somewhat traumatized, straight to the point, high chance of becoming Burnt.
Mimo: Elsen without mouth that is totally mute, but, always looking to bring out a smile and happiness. He has a happy attitude. Still, many times it doesn't work and he gets silently depressed :(. He is from zone 2, and knows sign language.
Personality: Silly, curious, wants to make people laugh, mute, can get into trouble accidentally, somewhat depressed.
Selsen: Joke character. Don't know where he was born or appeared. He is a round-headed Elsen who is almost the opposite of all elsen. He is hyperactive and chubby, plus he doesn't pay much attention to the guardians. For some reason, he is able to go from zone to zone and always gets into/stuck in places he isn't meant to be. His body is very squishy and he is very silly.
Do NOT give him sugar please
Meriam: Spectre who is unable to leave her dead body after drowning. Defensive and easily upset, she also seems to forget things easily, so she is constantly lost. Still, she is mostly docile...
Personality: Skittish, defensive, ashamed, easily stressed, lost, forgets easily.
The gardener: Elsen from Zone 3 who got stuck in Zone 4 [IMPIETY AU THING]. He believes that all spectres are good thanks to the idea that Enoch implanted in him in Zone 3. A Ghoul took advantage of it to get new victims, so he only asks "favors" to the Elsen to grow his flowers (which is some purple ones), and give it to some Elsen who comes by where they are, and then bring them to the ghoul afterwards. The flower has a highly deadly disease that literally makes flowers grow rapidly on Elsen's body, extracting their energy, so the ghoul has an easy prey. The ghoul rewards him with sugar. He is very dependent on sugar.
Personality: Manipulative, pretends to be cool, delusional, meticulous, transtornated
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pinkpilatesgirl · 1 year
dzisiejszy dzien byl chujowy mimo ze rano zapowiadal sie dobrze
akcja w szkole
po poludniu zlapalam totalny brak motywacji do wszystkiego
jadlam i jadlam
"pogodzilam" sie z matka (a raczej zaczelam ten proces)
widze ze emocje zbyt mocno wplywaja szczegolnie na moje jedzenie so do konca tygodnia jem 1400kcal dziennie i potem co 2 dni schodze o 100kcal i bede jesc w pewnym momencie po tysiac i potem purple skinny diet, nic innego chyba nie zadziala
powiem szczerze ze nie mam sily na nic, zrobilam wieczorna rutyne ze tak powiem i to w sumie mi tylko wyszlo, mam ponad 14k krokow
dzis juz raczej nic nie wstawie, ide umyc zeby, powtorze material na kartkowke z hitu na jutro, poczytam dalej flame (jestem juz w jakis 2/3 calej ksiazki) i ide spac musze juz tylko umyc zeby
przepraszam i dobranoc
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keygunweb · 3 years
Huawei Y6p Cena i dane techniczne
Rozpetalo sie pieklo, gdy w zeszlym roku po raz pierwszy ogloszono, ze rzad USA umieszcza na czarnej liscie chinskiego giganta smartfonow Huawei, aby wspolpracowal z amerykanskimi firmami technologicznymi. Oznacza to, ze dopoki administracja USA nie odpusci politycznego ataku, firma nie moze uzyskac licencji na Androida, a tym samym musi pozegnac sie z aplikacjami Google i ich uslugami.
Choc wydawalo sie, ze Huawei w koncu znalazl sie w slepym zaulku, firma nie czekala, aby zaskoczyc nas swoimi nowymi smartfonami wyposazonymi we wlasna Galerie Aplikacji. To prowadzi nas do najnowszego telefonu, ktory mamy w rekach, ktory zyje zyciem wolnym od Google, Huawei Y6p. Zanurzmy sie w przeglad, aby zobaczyc, co firma ma dla nas w sklepie:
Projekt i wyswietlacz:
HUAWEI Y6p to ciezki smartfon, ktory ma prosty wyglad, ktory przypomina nam przeszlosc, kiedy modne byly grube i mocne telefony, ale szczerze mowiac, nie wyglada mniej atrakcyjnie niz wiele nowych telefonow na rynku.
Z tylu urzadzenia otrzymujemy blyszczace wykonczenie, ktore sprawia, ze lsni ono jak szklo, ale prawdziwa gwiazda jest zakrzywiona strona ramki, ktora dzieki matowemu wykonczeniu pomaga uzytkownikowi mocno trzymac smartfona.
Rama Huawei Y6p jest szersza niz to, do czego zwykle sie przyzwyczailismy, ale byc moze wieksza bateria 5000 mAh zmusila reke Huawei do stworzenia wiekszej przestrzeni wewnatrz obudowy telefonu. Jedna z korzysci plynacych z posiadania szerszego ciala jest to, ze zapewnia wygodny chwyt podczas grania w gry na urzadzeniu, poniewaz rece nie mecza sie w tym procesie.
Nasz egzemplarz testowy jest w kolorze Phantom Purple, ktory w dloniach prezentuje sie calkiem ladnie. Bardzo odswiezajacym jest tez widok chinskiego giganta smartfonow odrywajacego sie od monotonnego niebieskawego koloru. Mozesz takze dostac smartfona w dwoch innych kolorach; Szmaragdowa zielen i nocna czern.
Mowiac o estetyce telefonu, wszystko, od pionowej konfiguracji potrojnego aparatu, tylnego skanera linii papilarnych po wlasna marke firmy, wyglada calkiem dobrze i przyjemnie dla oczu. Wszystkie inne elementy sterujace telefonu znajduja sie w swoich zwyklych miejscach; klawisze zasilania i glosnosci po prawej stronie, taca SIM po lewej stronie oraz gniazdo ladowania MicroUSB, gniazdo audio i kratka glosnika na spodzie smartfona.
Chociaz zarowno przod, jak i tyl Huawei Y6p sa magnesami na smugi, w przeciwienstwie do wielu innych telefonow, mozesz je wyczyscic jednym ruchem.
Przechodzac na wyswietlacz smartfona, otrzymujemy 6,3 cala ekranu IPS LCD o rozdzielczosci 720 x 1600 pikseli (HD). Pomimo gestosci pikseli 278 ppi, kolory, choc o niskim kontrascie, wygladaja calkiem rozsadnie na ekranie. Jednak firma udostepnila tylko kilka opcji ekranu w obszarze ustawien; temperatura barwowa, tryb e-book i tryb ciemny, poniewaz nadal obsluguje system operacyjny Android 10.
Filmy i gry wygladaja dosc kolorowo na ekranie, poniewaz otrzymujemy przyzwoita czern i biel. Jasnosc wyswietlacza rozjasnia ekran, nawet gdy ustawienia sa ustawione na srodku paska i jest calkiem odpowiednia do uzytku na zewnatrz przy maksymalnym ustawieniu. Mimo, ze jest to urzadzenie budzetowe, ekstremalne katy nie wplywaja negatywnie na jakosc wyswietlacza telefonu.
Jak powiedzielismy wczesniej, Google Play wydaje sie byc historia dla urzadzen Huawei, chyba ze chinska firma produkujaca smartfony moze ponownie wspolpracowac z Google, a w przypadku aplikacji takich jak YouTube, Gmail itp. bedziesz musial skorzystac z wersji internetowej za posrednictwem wlasna przegladarka telefonu. Przechodzac do tego, co faktycznie ma telefon, otrzymujemy chipset Mediatek 6762 aka Helio P22 wraz z 3 GB pamieci RAM i 64 GB pamieci wewnetrznej pod maska. Posiada rowniez PowerVR GE8320 do obslugi grafiki telefonu.
Chociaz widzielismy te sama kombinacje sprzetu w wielu innych urzadzeniach budzetowych, Huawei Y6p wykazal znacznie lepsza optymalizacje telefonu wsrod nich wszystkich. W benchmarku Antutu, chociaz urzadzenie Huawei uzyskalo mniej punktow niz Realme C11, 90938, w przeciwienstwie do wyniku 105176 tego ostatniego, jego rzeczywista wydajnosc jest daleko do przodu.
W naszych rzeczywistych testach telefon dzialal bezproblemowo. Ze wzgledu na brak bogatych w grafike gier, takich jak PUBG i Call of Duty w Galerii aplikacji Huawei, moglismy grac tylko w Asphalt 9 na smartfonie i powiedzmy, ze dzialalo bezblednie. Jesli jestes aktywnym graczem, musisz wiedziec, ze sklep z aplikacjami Huawei oferuje ograniczona liczbe malych gier z niska grafika, ktore moga nie zaspokoic Twojego glodu grania.
Ogolnie rzecz biorac, podczas grania w gry na smartfonie nie mielismy do czynienia z zadnym spadkiem klatek ani opoznieniem. Jednak czasami mozesz zauwazyc niewielkie opoznienie podczas przelaczania miedzy roznymi aplikacjami mobilnymi podczas wielozadaniowosci. Zarowno skaner linii papilarnych, jak i funkcja odblokowywania twarzy sa dosc zgryzliwe, a ta ostatnia moze z latwoscia dzialac nawet w slabym swietle. Pojedynczy glosnik na dole jest dosc glosny, a tryb e-book zmienia caly telefon w czarno-bialy, zapewniajac wygodne czytanie, ktore jest rowniez przyjemne dla oczu.
Huawei Y6p ma baterie o pojemnosci 5000 mAh wraz z ladowarka 10 W zaraz po wyjeciu z pudelka, ale niestety nie znajdziesz w tym urzadzeniu obslugi szybkiego ladowania. Pelne naladowanie telefonu od 0 do 100% zajmuje 3 godziny i 10 minut, co jest znacznie lepsze w porownaniu z Tecno Spark 5 Pro, ktory zajmuje 4 godziny i 24 minuty.
W naszym tescie petli wideo urzadzenie zajelo 14 godzin i 19 minut, aby calkowicie rozladowac baterie i wytrzymalo o 40 minut dluzej niz Tecno Spark 5 Pro. 4-godzinny test baterii obejmujacy aplikacje wymagajace duzej ilosci zasobow i dzialania dzialajace na danych mobilnych wykazal 40% zuzycie baterii, przy czym wiekszosc energii zostala pobrana przez Asphalt 9 (8%).
Smartfon jest wyposazony w potrojna konfiguracje aparatu z tylu z glownym obiektywem 13 MP, szerokokatnym obiektywem 5 MP i obiektywem z przyslona 2 MP do ujec bokeh. W przypadku selfie z przodu znajduje sie strzelanka 8 MP, ktora spoczywa w wycieciu kropli rosy. Aplikacja aparatu w telefonie oferuje standardowe narzedzia EMUI do robienia zdjec, chociaz opcje sa ograniczone, poniewaz jest to telefon z budzetem. Umozliwia takze nagrywanie filmow 1080p zarowno z tylu, jak i z przodu aparatu, a takze mozna powiekszyc do 4x zarowno w trybie zdjec, jak i wideo.
Huawei Y6p, jak widac na ponizszym obrazku, robi calkiem przyzwoite zdjecia w ciagu dnia. Moze uchwycic lepsze szczegoly i pokazac naturalne kolory obiektu, ktore nie sa sztucznie wzmacniane przez oprogramowanie telefonu. Chociaz po powiekszeniu zdjec mozna zauwazyc, ze niektore obszary sa nieco wyblakle.
Smartfon nieznacznie zwieksza kontrast kolorow w trybie HDR, dzieki czemu niebo jest nieco ciemniejsze w porownaniu z obrazem zrobionym w trybie standardowym. Poza ta subtelna roznica oba tryby sa prawie identyczne i uwazamy, ze zachowanie trybu HDR jest dosc spojne podczas robienia zdjec w ciagu dnia w naturalnym swietle.
Ultraszerokokatny aparat Huawei Y6p moze obejmowac obszar 120 stopni i rejestrowac jasniejszy obraz niz w trybie standardowym. Jednak ze wzgledu na wyzsza wartosc ekspozycji, ultraszerokie ujecie nie pozwala uchwycic wielu szczegolow danego obiektu. Chociaz otrzymujemy osobny obiektyw z przyslona 2 MP, telefon zmaga sie z mapowaniem tematu, a najczesciej jego czesci rozmywaja sie wraz z tlem.
Jesli chodzi o wydajnosc przy slabym oswietleniu lub w nocy, nie ma nic dobrego do zglaszania, poniewaz telefon zbyt ciezko radzi sobie ze sztucznym zrodlem swiatla, a tym samym tworzy obrazy pelne szumu, lekkich odblaskow i mniej szczegolow.
Tryb HDR rowniez nie jest zbyt pomocny w nocy i jedynie zwieksza kontrast obrazu i sprawia, ze niebo jest troche ciemniejsze niz rzeczywistosc. Jednak problem z halasem, szczegolami i odblaskiem swiatla pozostaje taki sam.
Ultraszerokokatny aparat nie rejestruje wiecej szczegolow na obrazie w porownaniu ze standardowym trybem w nocy, a na koncu otrzymujesz nieco ciemniejszy obraz obiektu. Nalezy rowniez zauwazyc, ze jesli obiektyw aparatu nie jest skierowany w nocy w strone zrodla swiatla, obraz zwykle konczy sie pokazywaniem przeslonietego swiatla przez obiekt.
Podsumowujac, Huawei Y6p przypomina nam poprzednie telefony firmy ze wzgledu na swoja nieporeczna konstrukcje, ale to, co odroznia go od poprzednich linii, to fakt, ze na smartfonie nie ma uslug Google. Wydajnosc telefonu i rozladowanie baterii nas bardzo podobaja, ale aparat z kolei pokazal calkiem zwyczajne dzialanie i nie wywarl na nas trwalego wrazenia.
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avonbradford · 4 years
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Zdradzę Wam moje TOP 5 kosmetyków w zakresie pielęgnacji twarzy 😃. Wszystkie poniższe kosmetyki, o których wspominam, znajdziecie w obecnym katalogu link👇 https://bit.ly/351CB9G 1. Zachwycił mnie peeling złuszczający i głęboko oczyszczający pory z serii Clearskin 😍. Moja skóra stała się gładsza, bardziej miękka w dotyku i dzięki wyciągu z eukaliptusa poczułam się wyjątkowo świeżo😃. Dodatkowo w skład wchodzi wyciąg z oczaru wirginijskiego który pomaga zwalczać wolne rodniki, opóźniając procesy starzenia 👵. Likwiduje nadmiar sebum i działa antybakteryjnie 👩‍⚕️. 2. W mojej łazience 🛀 nie może zabraknąć delikatnej odświeżającej pianki do oczyszczania twarzy Nutra Effects. Jak dla mnie świetnie usuwa makijaż 👩‍🎤 i zanieczyszczenia, nie podrażnia oczu. Formuła z witaminą B i masłem shea oczyszcza bez wysuszania. Efekt świeża, matowa i przyjemnie nawilżona skóra👌. 3. Jak już mam oczyszczoną twarz to potrzebuje ją dodatkowo nawilżyć💦 i do tego używam olejku CBD. Jest to kojący eliksir do twarzy z olejkiem konopnym. Błyskawicznie koi skórę i dogłębnie ją odżywia 💪. Przyspiesza gojenie podrażnień i poprawia jej strukturę. Jest to seria Distillery ekologiczna ♻️, wegańska. Nowość w naszej ofercie. 4. Plumping Lip Conditioner💄 - Odżywka powiększająca usta z retinolem, kolagenem i witaminami. Doskonale odżywia, nawilża ł usta i nadaje im pełniejszy wygląd. Efekt jest bardzo naturalny mimo że odcień jakiego używam to czerwony 💋( Berry Tiny ). Jest bardzo wydajna i ładnie pachnie. Spełnia moje oczekiwania i jest to moje "Must have"❗ 5. Szukając różnych odżywek do paznokci odkryłam serum wzmacniające. Jak dla mnie bomba 💥 po ściągnięciu żelowych paznokci moja płytka była w drastycznym stanie. Po drugim użyciu naszego serum płytka się odbudowała. Moje paznokcie w bardzo szybkim czasie, wyglądały na zdrowie i mocne. Jestem bardzo ciekawa waszych hitów. Jakie kosmetyki zostały z Wami na lata❓ _________________________________ #moje #top #kosmetyki #avon #ulubione #hit #lipstick #peeling #cbd #serum #paznokcie #twarz #uk #bradford #beauty #london #kocham #makeup #purple #music #cbdoil #skincare #nails #leeds #mylove #instagood #makijaz #bristol #favourite (w: City of Bradford) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKZNtQZhKGQ/?igshid=157ntf9b03jq6
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pinkpilatesgirl · 1 year
jak się domyślacie pewnie to wczoraj średnio z jedzeniem ale powiem szczerze że to nie był taki typowy napad że jem aż po sam korek chce mi się rzygać itp, myślę że zjadłam takie swoje standardowe zapotrzebowanie, brzuch nie był mocno wydęty (na wieczór już mneijszy plus wypiłam rumianek i miętę) i dziś rano niemalże plaski, potem się wyróżniałam wiec nawet już śladu nie ma
jednak zauważyłam że zdecydowanie rozciągnął mi się żołądek po końcówce marca i ostatnio było bardzo ciężko i wiecznie byłam głodna nawet gdy zjadłam wiec zawoeszam purple skinny diet
robię nowa rozpiskę tak by przez cały kwiecień porządnie zmniejszyć żołądek itp
plan na najbliższy tydzień:
dziś - max 1400kcal
jutro - max 1350kcal
i będę tak schodzić codziennie o 50 kcal aż dojdę do 1000 (czyli w przyszła niedzielę) i zacznę od nowa purple skinny diet
na razie dziś nic jeszcze nie jadłam ale za chwilę sobie zjem , mam na razie 5k krokow ale pogoda u mnie zajebista wiec planuje po południu wyjść na soacer lub iść na rower może nawet (pierwszy raz w tym roku)
do kościoła dziś nie jadę bo zakatwialam sobie że wpisze mnie na liste inna kolezanka, po wczorajszym (zrobię o tym nowy post xd) jestem tak wkurwiona że naprawdę zastanwiam się czy nie rzucić tego w pizdu mimo że już mam jakieś 2/3 za sobą
zaliczyłam też już dziś kłótnie z matka wiec święta super ulubiony czas w roku (no chyba kurwa nie)(zajebcie mnie)(wolę już iść do szkoły)
ale no tak, miłego dnia💋
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
The Benchmark – Overview Geek
http://tinyurl.com/y3yvdfdt Ranking: 9/10 ? 1 – Absolute Sizzling Rubbish 2 – Sorta Lukewarm Rubbish 3 – Strongly Flawed Design 4 – Some Execs, Heaps Of Cons 5 – Acceptably Imperfect 6 – Good Sufficient to Purchase On Sale 7 – Nice, However Not Greatest-In-Class 8 – Unbelievable, with Some Footnotes 9 – Shut Up And Take My Cash 10 – Absolute Design Nirvana Worth: $670-750 Benchmark: noun; The usual by which all others are measured.  Cameron Summerson The OnePlus 7 Professional is among the most spectacular Android units I’ve ever had the privilege of utilizing. It’s glossy, quick, beautiful, and—most significantly—gives unbelievable worth. It units a brand new commonplace for Android units transferring ahead. This is What We Like Unimaginable efficiency Beautiful show Lovely aesthetic and wonderful construct Unprecedented worth And What We Do not It is large No wi-fi charging No official IPA ranking Whereas the OP7 Professional’s predecessor, the OnePlus 6T, is a wonderful telephone in its personal proper, the 7 Professional reveals how far OnePlus has are available in a really quick period of time. That is probably the most mature, refined, and forward-thinking machine ever launched by the corporate, and it does all of it whereas preserving the low worth level (comparatively talking) the corporate is thought for. To place it as bluntly as doable: that is the most effective Android telephone you should buy proper now. I’d even be keen to guess that this would be the greatest Android telephone of 2019. With a beginning worth of $670, no different producer will have the ability to compete at this worth level. Interval. Specs and Efficiency: The Quickest Android Telephone I’ve Ever Used I’ve used numerous Android telephones, however by no means have I been so shocked at how insanely quick one is true out of the field. After I first began utilizing the OP7 Professional, I used to be nearly satisfied that it was studying my thoughts—it’s so quick it nearly looks like it will possibly execute duties earlier than I even contact it. It’s mind-blowing. I swear I believe it is aware of what I will do earlier than I do it. Prefer it anticipates the place I am on the point of faucet and pre-emptively masses it up. It is mind-reader quick. — Cam 🤔 (@Summerson) May 26, 2019 Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 RAM: 8GB or 12GB Storage: 128GB or 256GB Show: 6.67-inch edge-to-edge notchless QHD+ AMOLED panel (56PPI) w/ 90Hz refresh charge and pop-up entrance digital camera Cameras: 48MP fundamental digital camera, Eight MP telephoto lens, 16 MP ultra-wide lens; 16MP pop-up entrance digital camera Ports: USB-C Headphone Jack: No Battery: 4,000 mAh Fingerprint Sensor: In-display Connectivity: Wi-Fi a/b/g/b/ac, 2.4GHz/5GHz; 2×2 MIMO; Bluetooth 5.0; NFC; AT&T, Verizon, and T-Cell help Colours: Mirror Grey, Nebula Blue, Almond Worth: $670-$750 (relying on configuration Specs as reviewed: 12GB RAM, 256GB storage, Nebula Blue, $750 As quickly as I popped it out of the field, one factor was clear: this telephone is particular. The sting-to-edge show is gorgeous, the Nebula Blue end on my assessment unit is killer, and the general match and end is next-level. It wasn’t till I beginning utilizing the 7 Professional that I used to be actually blown away, although. As I stated earlier, it’s the quickest Android telephone I’ve ever used, which is spectacular sufficient by itself. However there’s one thing else, one thing rather less tangible, that makes the OnePlus 7 Professional such a powerful piece of {hardware}. There’s one thing that sits between the efficiency and the aesthetics that may’t be quantified.  The expertise supplied by any handset is a make or break element that usually will get neglected (or relatively, not emphasised), which is the place there 7 Professional actually comes into its personal. It gives an expertise not like another Android telephone—in some way acquainted like a current-generation smartphone (so there’s no studying curve or characteristic hole), however concurrently like one thing new and futuristic. I nearly wish to name it a stopgap between present smartphones and the upcoming shift to one thing new, however that will be a disservice to the 7 Professional. To name it something aside from spectacular, merely put, feels mistaken. Construct and {Hardware}: Large, Daring, and Lovely Cameron Summerson Whereas I’ve already talked about that the 7 Professional’s aesthetic is beautiful, it’s equally as spectacular in its construct. It is a $750 flagship telephone, and I’ll inform you proper now: if one other firm launched a product on the identical stage because the 7 Professional, it could simply value $1200+. No query about it. The 7 Professional’s construct is rock strong from high to backside, entrance to again. The sides of the show meet the seams of the telephones so completely it’s nearly as in the event that they don’t exist—one materials melts into one other like they had been made to be this shut to one another all alongside. It’s an attractive piece of {hardware} in each means. If you realize something about me, you realize that I’ve a coverage about smartphones: if it comes in black, buy it in black (additionally, sure, I do have a red iPhone XR—I typically break my very own guidelines). Properly, my 7 Professional assessment unit is Nebula Blue—a coloration I didn’t assume I would really like as a result of, actually, I don’t like blue. I’ll be the primary one to confess after I’m mistaken, and in the case of this end, I used to be mistaken. It’s a stunning kind of chameleon paint that seamlessly flows via numerous shades of blue and purple as the sunshine hits it in several methods. The end is matte, giving it a really silk-like look. As a bonus, it doesn’t entice fingerprints the best way shiny and even matte black telephones do. It’s so properly accomplished. Cameron Summerson Whereas the again of the telephone could be very good to take a look at, the actual star of the present is round entrance: the large, edge-to-edge show. At almost seven inches (6.67 to be precise), the 7 Professional’s display is among the greatest on a smartphone in the present day. Pair that with a pixel density of 516 PPI (pixels per inch) and HDR10+, and you’ve got all the suitable items for a wonderful panel. However that’s not the most effective a part of the 7 Professional’s display—that title goes to the 90 Hz refresh charge. Due to the elevated refresh charge, the 7 Professional is a lot smoother than different telephones (which typically have a 60 Hz refresh charge). The draw back is that this does use a bit extra battery, however the silky-smooth transitions between screens are properly well worth the tradeoff. It’s such a delicate distinction that makes a really dramatic influence. For the reason that display is a chic edge-to-edge panel with no notches or digital camera cutouts, OnePlus had to determine a brand new method to maintain the front-facing digital camera accessible. The answer? A pop-up digital camera. It’s nestled contained in the telephone whenever you’re not utilizing it, then slides up as quickly as you open the entrance in any software (just like the digital camera or Instagram, for instance). It’s not solely sensible, nevertheless it seems rattling cool too. Not notches, not cutouts, no bezel. Properly, minimal bezel. Cameron Summerson After all, the massive issues with one thing that has transferring elements like this are longevity and sturdiness—what number of occasions can the digital camera pop up earlier than it breaks? How fragile is it? OnePlus needed to set customers’ minds comfy on this one, claiming that the digital camera is “designed to resist sliding out as much as 300,00 occasions.” That’s sufficient to “take over 150 selfies every single day for five.5 years.” That’s so many selfies. As for sturdiness, OnePlus took a video of the entrance digital camera lifting 49 kilos of concrete to indicate its robustness. I assume that might come in useful in case you need assistance lifting just below 50 kilos of one thing round 5.5 millimeters. Anyway, the purpose is that there in all probability isn’t so much to be involved about the place the pop-up digital camera’s sturdiness is anxious. Whereas the {hardware} is gorgeous and properly made, it’s not excellent. There are a few omissions within the 7 Professional’s design: it’s lacking wi-fi charging and doesn’t have an IP ranking. Whereas the previous isn’t a large deal (most individuals I do know who’ve telephones with wi-fi charging don’t even use it), the latter is a little more of a difficulty. Properly, form of. First off, what’s an IP ranking? “IP” stands for Worldwide Safety, which covers a tool’s water and mud resistance—that is one thing that you really want. However the 7 Professional doesn’t have an IP ranking as a result of OnePlus didn’t wish to pay to get one. The corporate claims this retains prices down, however notes that the phone is water resistant. It’s actually form of bizarre, however no matter. It’s additionally price noting that if it does get water injury, the guarantee gained’t enable you. So there’s that too. Software program: Near Inventory With out Being Inventory One factor OnePlus does properly with OxygenOS is to maintain issues clear. The OS is fairly just like inventory Android, although there are a number of touches right here and there to make it barely totally different. These are considerate add-ons, although, and never a bunch of superfluous crap thrown in simply because. When it comes all the way down to it, the software program on the OnePlus 7 Professional is just about similar to the OnePlus 6T. As a substitute of re-wording what I’ve already stated, I’ll point you to the applicable section of my 6T review. Cameras: No Magic Cameron Summerson After I reviewed the OnePlus 6T, I stated the digital camera was “ehhhhh.” Whereas I finally took some good pics with that digital camera, I nonetheless say it’s not nice—it simply okay. And had I gone to the OnePlus 7 Professional straight from the 6T, there’s an opportunity the 7 Professional’s digital camera would’ve been extra spectacular. However one thing occurred in between the 6T and seven Professional utilization: somewhat plastic telephone known as the Google Pixel 3a. The Pixel 3a jogged my memory of what Google can do with digital camera software program, even in a $400 telephone. Regardless of being nearly half the worth of the 7 Professional (and fewer than half the worth of different flagship telephones), the Pixel 3a’s digital camera wipes the ground with all others. As a result of it has that Google Magic. Actually, regardless of having three cameras that may take good footage, it’s onerous to really feel something except for upset with the 7 Professional’s picture output. Don’t get me mistaken: it’s an improve from the 6T (or any OP telephone earlier than it). In case you’re coming from one OP telephone to the 7 Professional, you’re going to be proud of the picture output. It’s effective! Good, even! It’s simply not nice. This realization was like hitting a wall for me: as I used to be thumbing via Google Pictures to see the 7 Professional’s picture output, I instantly knew after I received to the timeframe the place I used to be utilizing the 3a. And it wasn’t as a result of I remembered the photographs—it’s as a result of there was a sudden and dramatic shift in high quality. What Google does in software program is unmatched on different telephones. Interval. If I might take the Pixel digital camera’s software program and put it on the 7 Professional, then we’d be in enterprise. (And sure, I’m conscious of GCam, the mission to port the Google Digicam to different telephones, and it’s janky at greatest, so I don’t think about it a “resolution.”) However because it stands, the 7 Professional is lacking the magic that you just’ll discover on a Pixel digital camera. Now, all that stated, it’s price noting that the 7 Professional’s three-camera setup is a wonderful addition to the telephone. It has a regular 48 MP digital camera, an Eight MP telephoto lens, and 16 MP ultra-wide lens, the latter of that are fairly rad to make use of. The telephoto lens is at all times going to be higher than digital zoom (even with Google’s photo-fu), and the wide-angle lens is an effective way to get extra into the shot with out it wanting distorted or typically janky. Listed here are some check photographs evaluating the three cameras (high to backside: broad angle, common, telephoto): As you’ll be able to see from the final picture, the telephoto lens washes the photograph out—it has a definite coloration distinction in comparison with the opposite two lenses, which look very related. Listed here are some extra photographs, all taken with the telephone’s main digital camera, save for the final two which used the telephoto lens.   Battery Life: With the Proper Settings, It Can Be Insane The OnePlus 6T had a number of the greatest battery life I’d ever seen in an Android telephone, so I anticipated extra of the identical for the 7 Professional. Having seen loopy screenshots with 8+ hours of display on time from this telephone, I had excessive expectations. And whereas I’m not upset in what I’ve seen, I’ll say that I haven’t been capable of recreate almost double-digit display time numbers. The percentages are that each one these loopy numbers I noticed earlier than I received into the nitty-gritty of utilizing the telephone had been all utilizing best-case-scenario settings, which suggests dropping the display decision from QHD+ to FHD+ and switching to the 60 Hz setting. Neither of these issues is enabled by default (Auto-Swap for decision and 90 Hz are set out of the field), which I left alone. I thought of switching to 60 Hz, however after getting used to the buttery smoothness of 90 Hz, I might deliver myself to do it, battery life be damned. In order it stands, I used the telephone with all of the inventory settings. I didn’t optimize something to enhance the battery life and used the telephone as I often would. On common, I noticed about six hours of screen-on-time, which is nothing to scoff at for an Android telephone—particularly one with a large and delightful 6.67-inch show. In order it stands, I’d say the OnePlus 7 Professional has wonderful battery life with the choice to make it actually unbelievable in case you’re keen to surrender a few of its nicer show options. That’s your name and one thing you could simply change on the fly. Know you’re doing to wish prolonged hours out of your telephone on a given day? Drop all the way down to FHD decision and 60 Hz refresh charge. Whereas that in all probability gained’t get you a number of hours of additional use, it should assist squeak a bit extra out of the already-good battery life. Conclusion: The Greatest Android Telephone You Can Purchase Cameron Summerson So right here’s the factor: is the OnePlus 7 Professional the proper Android telephone? Nah—nevertheless it’s rattling shut. In case you had been to slap Google’s digital camera software program and wi-fi charging onto this telephone, that’s just about all it could take to name it the most effective Android telephone of all time. However because it stands, it’s the most effective Android telephone you should buy proper now. At a beginning worth of $670, there’s nothing else that even comes shut. Actually, even in case you had a pair hundred to that price ticket, you’re going to search out compromises someplace alongside the best way. The one different telephone you’ll discover available on the market that may examine to the OnePlus 7 Professional is, undoubtedly, an iPhone. Particularly, the iPhone XR—however in case you’re an Android consumer, you don’t need an XR. And I perceive that. In order for you the most effective Android telephone you should buy proper now, although, that is the one. Ranking: 9/10 Worth: $670-750 Right here’s What We Like Unimaginable efficiency Beautiful show Lovely aesthetic and wonderful construct Unprecedented worth And What We Do not It is large No wi-fi charging No official IPA ranking !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod?n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0;t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window,document,'script','https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js');fbq('init','1137093656460433');fbq('track','PageView'); Source link
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fazeupmag-blog · 5 years
New Post has been published on Fazeup
New Post has been published on https://www.fazeup.tk/2019/05/week-18-2019-launch-round-up-vivo-z3x-oppo-a1k-nubia-purple-magic-3-oppo-f11-professional-and-extra/
Week 18, 2019 launch round-up: Vivo Z3x, OPPO A1k, Nubia Purple Magic 3, OPPO F11 Professional and extra
oi-Harish Kumar
| Revealed: Saturday, Might 4, 2019, 16:15 [IST]
Merchandise resembling Vivo Z3x, OPPO A1k, Nubia Purple Magic 3, and more- are those which have been making a buzz amongst customers because the final week. It’s greater than honest sufficient to declare these telephones together with different devices to be probably the most trending on this closing week 18. The explanation which makes these wares widespread is because of their distinctive attributes- which vastly excel over a few different OEMs. Therefore, we take this pledge to introduce earlier than you a listing of those merchandises on the backside.
The enlisted units sport Full HD+ show with stupendous decision capability, which takes a cinematic view to the following degree. These handsets additionally run the newest OS(Pie) which is topped by the telephones’ personal customization- which is able to supply wrinkle-free user-experience.
This OS has options like Sport Turbo and System Turbo, that may be a plus issue which permits clean gaming expertise. Moreover these telephones include a sturdy battery arrange with fast charging, nice digital camera, highly effective chipset, and extra. When you can go together with a couple of devices which have been included within the record.
You may decide some wi-fi earbuds which might present as much as three hours of speak time or playtime. These wares include 300mAh battery that allows charging of the buds thrice, which provides an increasing number of energy. You too can go together with LED Good bulbs which has a capability to flip amongst 16 million colours, which consequently can change the internal setting of your properties quite a bit pleasing and interesting. For additional legitimate specs, check out the record.
Stuffcool Stuffbuds True Wi-fi Earbuds
Key Specs
Driver measurement : 8mm
Bluetooth model : 5.0
Working vary : eight to 10 m
Battery capability: 40 mAh x 2 (stuffbuds); Charging dock :300mAh
Play time : 2.5 hours; Standby time : 120 hours
Charging time : 1.5 hours for stuffbuds, about Three hours for charging dock
Vivo Z3x
Key Specs
6.26-inch (2280 x 1080 pixels) Full HD+ 19:9 IPS show
Octa Core Snapdragon 660 14nm Cell Platform with Adreno 512 GPU
64GB inner reminiscence
expandable reminiscence as much as 256GB with microSD
Hybrid Twin SIM (nano + nano / microSD)
Funtouch OS 9 primarily based on Android 9.0 (Pie)
13MP rear digital camera and secondary 2MP digital camera
16MP front-facing digital camera
3260mAh battery
NETGEAR Nighthawk AX4
Key Specs
With critically quick wi-fi speeds of as much as Three Gbps, the AX4 lets households concurrently stream 4K motion pictures on a number of units, video chat with pals, and function sensible cameras and different devices with out community congestion or lag.
Expertise the way forward for WiFi with next-generation 802.11ax (WiFi 6) expertise, designed to deal with the rising demand for wi-fi connectivity in each a part of folks’s lives.
Excessive-power WiFi 6 for higher protection of small to medium properties with 20-30 units.
NETGEAR’s dual-core processor permits clean, bufferless 4K Extremely-Excessive-Definition (UHD) video streaming and on-line gaming for the newest sensible TVs, gaming consoles, and cellular units.
Join extra wired units to your community with the 5 gigabit ports, which offer quicker file transfers and uninterrupted connections whereas higher balancing your community visitors.
Securely entry your router anytime and wherever with the free and easy-to-use Nighthawk app for smartphones and tablets.
Backwards-compatible with 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WiFi applied sciences, the RAX40 helps all of your present WiFi units
Nighthawk AX8 tri-band Wi-Fi 6
Key Specs
Subsequent-gen Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) router. Main the New Period of WiFi with ultra-fast speeds as much as 6 Gbps.
MU-MIMO and uplink & downlink OFDMA considerably improves community capability and effectivity .
160MHz channel help enable for Gigabit WiFi speeds for appropriate cellular units and laptops.
Use the six (6) Gigabit ports to attach extra wired units for quicker file switch and uninterrupted connections.
Multi-Gig web help with Gigabit Ethernet port aggregation.
boAt Rockerz 450
Key Specs
Bass boosted expertise infused with the bass enhancer expertise, your favourite tunes could be modified to pump out severe bass
LED lit earpieces – deliver forth the coolness consider your audio expertise, the ear cups on the rockerz 640 are led lit to point Bluetooth pairing mode, energy standing and add to your chill vibes
Ergonomically light-weight with consolation match: flexi headband, plush materials the boAt rockerz 640 are designed to be light-weight and extremely moveable with foldable ear cups
Excessive definition immersive audio immerse your self within the music with signature boAt audio that creates an aura of excessive definition sound, brings out the richness in your audio expertise
12 hours of audio excellence by no means let low battery points spoil your vibes anymore plug into the ecstatic sound of the rockerz 640 that gives audio playback for upto 12 hours
Rockerz 640
Key Specs
Bass boosted expertise infused with the bass enhancer expertise, your favourite tunes could be modified to pump out severe bass
LED lit earpieces – deliver forth the coolness consider your audio expertise, the ear cups on the rockerz 640 are led lit to point Bluetooth pairing mode, energy standing and add to your chill vibes
Ergonomically light-weight with consolation match: flexi headband, plush materials the boAt rockerz 640 are designed to be light-weight and extremely moveable with foldable ear cups
Excessive definition immersive audio immerse your self within the music with signature boAt audio that creates an aura of excessive definition sound, brings out the richness in your audio expertise
12 hours of audio excellence by no means let low battery points spoil your vibes anymore plug into the ecstatic sound of the rockerz 640 that gives audio playback for upto 12 hours
Key Specs
6.1-inch (1560 × 720 pixels) HD+ show with Waterdrop Notch, Corning
Gorilla Glass Three safety
Octa-Core MediaTek Helio P22 (MT6762R) 12nm processor with IMG PowerVR GE8320 GPU
32GB storage
expandable reminiscence as much as 256GB with microSD
Android 9.0 (Pie) with ColorOS 6.0
8MP rear digital camera with LED flash, f/2.2 aperture
5MP front-facing digital camera with f/2.Zero aperture
Twin SIM
Twin 4G VoLTE
4000mAh battery
Nubia Purple Magic 3
Key Specs
6.65-inch (2340 × 1080 pixels) Full HD+ 19.5:9 AMOLED show with 90Hz refresh fee, 430 nits brightness
Octa-Core Snapdragon 855 7nm Cell Platform with Adreno 640 GPU
6GB / 8GB LPDDR4x RAM with 64GB / 128GB (UFS 2.1) storage
12GB LPDDR4x RAM with 256GB (UFS 2.1) inner storage
Android 9.0 (Pie) with Redmagic OS 2.0
Twin SIM (nano + nano)
48MP rear digital camera
16MP front-facing digital camera
Twin 4G VoLTE
5000mAh battery
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uprawa marihuany outdoor
Marihuanę robi się z kwiatostanów (tzw. Celem tych doświadczeń jest ustalenie profili kannabinoidowych, wykrycie ewentualnych zanieczyszczeń pochodzących z gleby oraz objaśnienie optymalnego terminu zbioru. Dinafem ma po swoje propozycji obecnie wariacje typu XXL Autoflowering tego typu jak: White Widow, Amnesia, bubba Kush, Chees, Mobby Dick czy Haze. Co więcej jest łatwa w uprawie, nadaje się zarówno dla początkujących i doświadczonych growerów. Powinniśmy także upewnić się, hdy po 1 stronie lokalizacji, na dole są wloty wlotowe na rzecz powietrza. Dla zbierających tego typu informacje nie mają większego znaczenia, bo nawet o ile nabywają oni nasiona feminizowane, to mimo wszystko nie planują ich siać. 63 Ustawy przeciwdziałaniu narkomani uprawa konopi innych niż włókniste zagrożona jest karą pozbawienia wolności do 3 lat, z kolei w przypadku, gdy uprawa może dostarczyć znacznej ilości ziela konopi innych niż włókniste, sprawca podlega karze pozbawienia wolności od 6 miesięcy do lat 8. ArtykuÅ‚y biurowe bielany nasiona feminizowane co to znaczy with toys Radomsko. Jeżeli i po tym momencie jakieś nie opadnie, sadź mimo to. To strategia znacznie prostsza i szybsza od poprzedniej, ale mamy mniejszą kontrolę nad kiełkowaniem i może się przydarzyć więcej odpadów. Konopie siewne znane są spośród właściwości akumulacji zawartych po glebie metali ciężkich i innych związków potencjalnie niekorzystnym wpływie na organizm człowieka. Chyba niema bardziej odpornej odmiany outdoorowej niż Auto NL. Natomiast do tego wszystkiego wydaje się być bardzo plonodajna w indoor jak i outdoor. Na podstawie doświadczeń Ministra Zdrowia i Ministra Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi, sejmik Twojego województwa wszystkich roku określa ogólną powierzchnię przeznaczoną pod uprawy konopi włóknistych oraz rejonizację ludzi upraw. 16 Regulaminu Twój komentarz może pozostać opublikowany nie tylko w tej stronie, ale także w innych mediach. Konopie to rośliny, które na całym świecie są bardzo, ale wówczas bardzo popularne. Do napisania domowego spreju ze srebrem koloidalnym konieczne jest pięć zasadniczych powodów: woda filtrowana, czyste złoto, bateria 9V, akumulator, lutownica. Dzięki temu wraz spośród przesyłką od swego biznesu zdobędziecie przy każdorazowym zleceniu świeże ziarna konopi. Do zdecydowanie rekomendowanych odmian należy odmiana nazwie Purple Afghan Kush. Dzięki za riposta. Istotne wydaje się być także i to, hdy marihuana medyczna jest niemalże pozbawiona substancji psychoaktywnej. Krzyżują się pomiędzy sobą jak i również w związku z tym mamy do czynienia wraz z naprawdę świetnymi odmianami i gatunkami. Dzięki temu, mając dodatkowo receptę od naszego lekarza, mogą zaopatrzyć się w niektórych aptekach przy kwiaty konopi indyjskich zawierających wyższe stężenie THC bądź w leki zawierające syntetyczne odpowiedniki związków występujących przy roślinie.
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techcarecenter · 6 years
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Purple 128GB
Price: QR 3,599
Latest Samsung’s development - flagship Note9. This phone is a beast. Sports Snapdragon 835 or Exynos 9810 (depending on the region), 128GB of storage + microSDHC slot (up to 512GB memory card). With 6GB of RAM, your apps will stay longer in the memory, so you don’t need to wait for them to refresh when you switch between the apps. New redesigned and improved stylus. New camera set up: 12MP Dual Camera with variable aperture on the back + 8MP front-facing camera. The phone comes pre-loaded with Android 8.1 Oreo OS with the latest Samsung Experience Skin. With 4000mAh of battery, you can easily get through an intense business day.
Performance Octa core Display 6.4" (16.26 cm) Storage 128 GB Camera 12 MP Battery 4000 mAh Ram 6 GB
Iris Scanner Yes Fingerprint Sensor Position Rear Other Sensors Light sensor, Proximity sensor, Accelerometer, Barometer, Gyroscope Fingerprint Sensor Yes
Quick Charging Yes Operating System Android v8.1 (Oreo) Sim Slots Dual SIM, GSM+GSM Model Galaxy Note 9        
Audio Features Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus Loudspeaker Yes Fm Radio No Audio Jack
3.5 mm
  Chipset Samsung Exynos 9 Octa 9810 Graphics Mali-G72 MP18 Processor Octa core (2.7 GHz, Quad core, M3 Mongoose + 1.7 GHz, Quad core, Cortex A55) Architecture 64 bit Ram
6 GB
  Thickness 8.8 mm Width 76.4 mm Weight 201 grams Waterproof Yes Water resistant (up to 30 minutes in a depth of 1.5 meter), IP68 Ruggedness Dust proof Height 161.9 mm
  Display Type Super AMOLED Aspect Ratio 18.5:9 Screen To Body Ratio 84.42 % Pixel Density 514 ppi Screen Protection Corning Gorilla Glass Screen Size 6.4 inches (16.26 cm) Screen Resolution 1440 x 2960 pixels Touch Screen Yes Capacitive Touchscreen, Multi-touch
  Internal Memory 128 GB Expandable Memory Yes Up to 512 GB Usb Otg Support Yes
  Settings Exposure compensation, ISO control Camera Features Wide Angle Selfie Image Resolution 4000 x 3000 Pixels Autofocus Yes Shooting Modes Continuos Shooting, High Dynamic Range mode (HDR) Resolution 8 MP Front Camera Physical Aperture F1.7 Optical Image Stabilisation Yes Dual optical image stabilization Flash Yes LED Flash Video Recording 3840x2160 @ 30 fps, 1920x1080 @ 60 fps, 1280x720 @ 960 fps
  User Replaceable No Quick Charging Yes Quick, v2.0 Wireless Charging Yes Type Li-ion Capacity 4000 mAh
Wifi Yes Wi-Fi 802.11, a/ac/b/g/n/n 5GHz, MIMO Wifi Features Mobile Hotspot Bluetooth Yes v5.0 Volte Yes Usb Typec Yes (Doesn`t support micro-USB) Usb Connectivity Mass storage device, USB charging Nfc Yes Network Support 4G, 3G, 2G Gps Yes with A-GPS, Glonass Sim 1 4G Bands:TD-LTE 2300(band 40) FD-LTE 1800(band 3)3G Bands: UMTS 1900 / 2100 / 850 / 900 MHz2G Bands: GSM 1800 / 1900 / 850 / 900 MHz GPRS:Available EDGE:Available Sim Size SIM1: Nano, SIM2: Nano (Hybrid) Sim 2 4G Bands: TD-LTE 2300(band 40) FD-LTE 1800(band 3)3G Bands: UMTS 1900 / 2100 / 850 / 900 MHz 2G Bands: GSM 1800 / 1900 / 850 / 900 MHz GPRS:Available EDGE:Available
0 notes
llustforlove-blog · 7 years
1 month.
Eu já estava com essa ideia na cabeça mas como eu sou um cabeção, eu acabei te entregando só depois. Eu fiz essa playlist pra você se sentir especial, eu sei que tu não teve muitos relacionamentos por aqui diferente de mim, por isso mesmo que eu decidi fazer esse mimo pra você logo no nosso primeiro mês, eu quero que enquanto nosso relacionamento dure que ele seja o mais especial que tu teve e que sempre se lembre de mim com todo o carinho do mundo. Eu não fiz essa playlist com a intuição de te agradar musicalmente, assim... Claro que eu quero agradar você, mas é que eu fiz ela apenas com músicas que me lembram você, então talvez você não goste de todas as músicas que eu colocar aqui, mas eu quero que você escute mesmo assim, eu não sei explicar ou expressar os meus sentimentos muito bem e música me ajuda bastante, eu vou escrever algumas coisas pra cada música que eu colocar e eu quero que tu escute ao ler, ok? Mesmo se você não estiver gostando, vamos lá.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gpGqGHEr_8
Hold on now This is gettin' kinda serious This is gettin' kinda out of control Out of control Slow down now Breathin' heavy when it's just a kiss This is gettin' kinda out of my hands Out of my hands Please don't go Look real close Eyes that show Kaleidoscopes When I'm close to you We blend into my favourite colour I'm bright baby blue Fallin' into you, falling for each other When I'm close to you We blend into your favourite colour I'm bright baby blue
1 - Quando eu escuto essa música eu consigo imaginar o meu controle. Assim como você eu também sou uma pessoa que controla bastante os sentimentos, eu pelo menos tento, eu não gosto de exagerar muito nas coisas que eu sinto porque sempre imagino que isso não deve fazer bem, nunca é bom a gente exagerar e tals, mas eu acredito que as coisas que eu ando sentindo por ti estão ficando cada vez mais sérias assim como a Carly canta, eu gosto do nosso jeito quando estamos juntos. A nossa relação é bem natural e eu me sinto bem, eu me sinto confortável e me sinto seguro também, eu sinto que posso fazer qualquer coisa do teu lado que apesar de você reclamar, no final das contas você vai ficar do meu lado. Quase tudo o que eu preciso pra "me soltar mais" você consegue me oferecer e isso faz com que as coisas acabem fluindo da forma que eu gostaria que fluísse, pelo menos pra mim, a nossa mistura é a minha cor favorita e eu espero que seja a sua também e que você se sinta da mesma forma. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcWyiotVL4I Stand on up and take a bow There's something there and it's showing There's no need to look around You're the best we got going Shout out to the dreams you'll chase Shout out to the hearts you'll break Nothing's gonna stop you now I guess you better be going You'll never be far, I'm keeping you near Inside of my heart, you're here Go on, it's gotta be time You're starting to shine 'Cause what you got is Gold, I know, you're gold Gold, I know, I know I don't need the stars in the night, I found my treasure All I need is you by my side, so shine forever Gold, I know, you're gold Gold, I know, you're gold
2 - Eu não sei muito o que escrever nessa porque aaaaaaaaaaa a letra já diz tudo e eu tô envergonhado demais em escrever essas coisas porque eu disse que não iria exagerar em nada e parece que eu tô nOoooOoosSSsaAaa. Você deve imaginar que eu sou um puto porque njhbfnkgdfgf eu já tive muitos relacionamentos por aqui, não namoros, mas já estive com bastante gente e apesar de tudo eu sou muito exigente, eu não me contento de uma forma muito fácil e nem me convenço fácil também, eu sou seletivo e resumidamente, eu sou muito chato no campo afetivo e eu só consigo me relacionar sério assim com pessoas que eu sinto que são especiais e nisso eu senti em ti de alguma forma, eu senti que você era especial e é por isso que eu lembro de você quando escuto essa música, eu acho que você é feito de ouro, não porque tu é meu namorado ou sei lá, eu consigo enxergar em você um coração muito grande e eu valorizo isso, não são todas as pessoas hoje em dia que possuem esse tipo de qualidade. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgFaCVj_W24 Been sitting, eyes wide open Behind these four walls, hoping you'd call It's just a cruel existence Like there's no point hoping at all Baby, baby, I feel crazy Up all night, all night and every day Give me something Oh, but you say nothing What is happening to me? I don't wanna live forever 'Cause I know I'll be living in vain And I don't wanna fit wherever I just wanna keep calling your name Until you come back home I just wanna keep calling your name Until you come back home I just wanna keep calling your name Until you come back home 3 - Essa música é meio depressiva e lmkdngjdfgdf é meio sobre mim, mas de alguma forma ela me lembra de você sim porque eu queria te dizer que nesses últimos dias você esteve muito na minha cabeça e eu não sei como explicar isso. Eu estava desesperançoso em relação a muita coisa na minha vida, eu não sabia de nada acredite, eu estava me sentindo péssimo comigo mesmo e eu sentia que estava cada vez mais sei lá, no fundo do poço.................. Eu não sabia o que estava acontecendo, eu me sentia agoniado, era como se eu não pertencesse mais a lugar nenhum e esses meus sentimentos ruins simplesmente vão embora quando eu penso em ti. E nesses últimos tempos eu tenho me esforçado muito mais, pra melhorar como pessoa por sua causa! Eu fico só esperando por ti, toda hora olho nosso chat, pra ver se você respondeu ou não, porque quero estar contigo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaGncqPtWzE We are runnin' so fast And we never look back And whatever I lack, you make up We make a really good team And though not everyone sees We got this crazy chemistry Between us Jump starting your car cause this city's a bore Buying e-cigarettes at the convenience store Making new cliches on our own little tour Let's ride You don't have to say I love you to say I love you Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue Sickeningly sweet like honey, don't need money All I need is you All I need is you 4 - Não poderia faltar nenhuma música dele é clarooooooo, além de tudo, essa música é a minha preferida de todas dele e eu acho ela muito bonita e sempre que toca eu sinto que todos os meus sentimentos tão saindo de dentro de mim ??????????wwww RIGHT. Essa eu me lembro da gente porque já diz tudo na letra, a gente se dá muito bem, a gente se entende e temos uma química muito boa, desde que eu falo contigo eu sinto isso porém eu nunca achei que a gente fosse chegar onde estamos (sei que é só um mês masssssss o que eu quero dizer é o que sentimos um pelo outro!) E como diz na música, você não precisa ficar dizendo que me ama o tempo inteiro, expressando os seus sentimentos, eu só quero que você seja você e que você esteja do meu lado, todas essas coisas já são suficentes pra mim. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_L7pwKv6P7M The seconds run away, minutes passed At speeds we can run at As hours start to fade deep into night I’m not in the mood for laughing It’s slipping away There’s nothing we can do It’s slipping away There’s no tomorrow without you I wish these 24 hours Would never end Oh in these 24 hours Wish the clock had no hand 24 hours We still have time For 24 hours You’re still mine 5 - Essa música não tem um valor sentimental muito grande porém eu me lembro de você ao escutar ela, eu fico meio “caraca ME LEMBRO DELE” porque consigo me lembrar das coisas que a gente já fez junto e que eu me diverti muito com a sua companhia, eu sempre acho que a gente faz pouca coisa juntos porque eu sou ansioso demais mlkgnjhdgfg e acho também que passo pouco tempo com você, essa música me dá esse sentimento. Eu escutava muito ela e me lembrava de você na época que você ainda estava estudando e a gente mal conversava, eu ficava muito triste eu fica meio MD2  DsNSMD MDS CADE ESSE MENINO, mas no final das contas eu sempre sabia que você iria aparecer, nesses tempos eu já havia sacado o quanto tu era especial então eu fui muito paciente pra não te deixar escapar. Acho que é por eu gostar tanto de estar contigo eu nunca acho que a gente fica junto o suficiente e eu pudesse controlar o tempo eu poderia parar ele, só um pouquinho, pra dar mais tempo da gente ficar juntos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EctIXUEmHVI When morning comes, I think of you like a little child, I look only at you only by looking at our stares,I know it I want to feel you I already feel you Yeah It's strange,a strange feeling I am feeling it's not like a dream anymore when I open my eyes you are next to me will you explain to me? Baby whether this is a dream or reality I don't know simply before I wake up,will you tell me how can this be the sweetest thing? Sing this song Yeah listen to our song Yeah it feels better Yeah in our own space Yeah That's right,tonight U & Me a bit more sweetly U & Me without any interruptions U & Me I want to keep on getting to know you U & Me That's right,tonight U & Me a bit more sweetly U & Me without any interruptions U & Me expectations by one another U & Me 6 - Essa daqui, hmmmmmmmmmm... Não sei o que eu posso falar muito sobre ela porque eu simplesmente me lembro de você, é claro porque é uma música fofinha da Hyuna masssssss, eu acho que é porque é também sobre a forma na qual a gente se relaciona um com o outro, eu gosto da forma como todos os dias pra mim é uma surpresa porque eu acabo conhecendo um pouco mais sobre você, já que tu foi a primeira pessoa que eu me entreguei de uma forma “mais fácil”, eu gosto desse jeito. Eu sou inseguro sentimentalmente e preciso de muita instabilidade primeiro pra eu poder sei lá, gostar de alguém, como você sempre foi sincero comigo e me deu tudo isso, quando tu me pediu em namoro eu kmdfgjdfdfgf nem pensei nessas coisas, eu simplesmente aceitei porque me sentia seguro o suficiente pra aceitar, mesmo achando que eu não te conhecia o suficiente pra aceitar, como eu falei, eu gosto assim.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWOGwSeVQR8 I've been thinking about the way the world turns And my stomach churns When it finally hits me out of the sky I knew this day would come I'm on the front line Woah Don't know how to take it in, is love just suffering? Cause I can see where the chapter ends I've got autumn leaves and heartbreak dreams Inside, inside Cause you and me on this frozen sea we slide, slide 7 - Eu não sei se você vai gostar muito dessa música porque ela é depressiva e gótica demais mkngjbdgnmlgkdgf mas quanto mais a música é assim mais eu gosto e mais eu escuto, não consigo evitar, hehe. Ainda existe algumas coisas sobre mim que você não sabe e eu não acho que eu vá escrever tudo aqui porque nossa, não tem nada a ver eu botar isso daqui aqui! Massssss muitas coisas ruins já aconteceram na minha vida, principalmente nesses últimos anos e isso me mudou -bastante- como pessoa, meu melhor amigo que me conheceu em 2012 kmjgdfg quando eu digo algumas coisas a ele, ele fala “nossa, você não diria isso, você mudou pra caramba mesmo!” E eu não acho que foi uma mudança boa, foi bastante cruel e até hoje eu não sei se estou acostumado com a forma que eu “sou” hoje em dia... O amor era algo que eu sempre enalteci, eu sempre acreditei nele e eu acho que ainda sim, apesar de tudo, eu nunca vou deixar de acreditar. Eu já me fodi muito nessa área e isso foi só uma das coisas que eu te disse me “corrompeu” e eu ainda me sinto muito sofrido por causa dele, sei lá como explicar isso. Eu estava entrando no rp apenas por causa dos meus amigos e os meus planos pra 2018 era deixar de entrar completamente e eu fui surpreendido por você. Eu tentei evitar muitas vezes e ignorar as coisas que eu estava sentindo por você, eu não queria me apegar completamente porque eu tinha medo... Mas quando eu percebi sei lá, quando eu pisquei os olhos, isso havia mudado completamente, quando eu parei pra notar eu já estava doidinho por ti e estava até pensando em te pedir em namoro, mas você foi mais rápido, tss. Então isso não é algo mais que eu vá ter medo daqui pra frente, os meus relacionamentos antigos não vão ser iguais ao que eu vou ter com você, eu me sinto forte quando estou contigo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz2T7jSTw4Q Lost in heaven I'll be waiting For our time to come You were saving my decaying Forsaken Love I remember how the stars fell from your silky hands In this autumn night, on frozen battlefields See me now, still I hold them in my heart so deep Reaching out to be close to our fantasy Lost in heaven I'll be waiting for our time to come You were saving my decaying forsaken Love Gone to heaven I'll be staying we don't need to run You were healing my still bleeding forsaken Love 8 - Eu pensei muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuito em colocar essa música aqui porque provavelmente você não vá gostar, porém eu lembro muito de você quando eu escuto e eu acho que vale a pena colocar, pelo menos pra você saber de algumas coisas. Essa daqui eu me lembro de ti porque você me fez sentir coisas dentro de mim novamente. Eu passei 2017 inteira fugindo das pessoas, com medo de me envolver, delas acabarem gostando de mim e eu não conseguir retribuir e como eu já havia falado, eu não estava planejando gostar de alguém novamente tão cedo e você conseguiu mudar completamente o rumo da minha vida com o seu jeitinho e com o teu amor. Eu queria agradecer pela paciência que você tem comigo, por várias outras coisas que você já fez por mim e que a gente possa fazer muito mais coisas juntos e que esse seja só um primeiro mês de muitos que ainda estão por vir! 
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THE High-quality GAMING ROUTER IN 2017
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THE High-quality GAMING ROUTER IN 2017
Through JOSH NOREM We realize what you’re thinking, “High-quality router for gaming? Any severe gamer is on a hard-stressed connection!” We hear you, however every body nonetheless wishes WiFi in their home way to the proliferation of smartphones, pills, and other wi-fi gadgets. And with the appearance of 80211.Ac you could sincerely recreation over a modem router connection in case you’re dealing with cable routing issues or every other barrier that prevents you from the usage of a stressed out connection. Plus, the most up-to-date wi-fi protocol (ac) is plenty quicker than its predecessor, 80211.N, and additionally gives new performance-boosting functions as properly which includes beamforming and MU-MIMO. This is ideal news for those who might have wanted to try some wi-fi gaming within the past however gave up because of insufficient bandwidth.
To assist discern out that is the Best wireless router for gaming, we rounded up five of the pinnacle fashions currently available and put them through their paces, checking out at both close and long variety thru partitions. We also took a look at their gaming functions (if they had any, as no longer all of them do), and arrived at a conclusion based totally on each objective and subjective trying out. primarily based on our take a look at outcomes, there were numerous remarkable options but one clear winner:
Best Video games to buy in a Xbox 360 Sale in case you are looking to recognize which can be the Great video Video games to buy in an Xbox 360 sale, and also you want to realize whilst and in which to locate them, then preserve reading.
whilst and wherein to locate Games in a Xbox 360 Sale
whilst new Games are released they may be very expensive, in particular if you want to buy multiple at a time. The Fine aspect to do is to attend some months after which you could usually pick out the Games up in an Xbox 360 sale. You might find those in store, however for the cheapest charge then normally you have to shop on line. Games which are older may be offered at a superb charge, with from time to time fifty percent or extra off the unique charge. There may be the ordinary game that continually holds its price for a totally long time. A good instance of this will be the Name of Obligation recreation series, where the trendy one, can be at a charge near the encouraged retail fee, until the subsequent one is due out.
Knowing Which Video Games to shop for
There are hundreds of Video games to choose from, but which ones are the best ones to buy? if you are a seasoned gamer then you may already understand the solution to that query, however in case you are new to gaming or a figure of a infant who owns a Xbox 360 console, then the answer may not be as apparent.
There are so many one-of-a-kind genres to choose from, so occasionally it comes down to which kind of Games you like to play. I can communicate approximately the main genres and the Excellent Games for those genres. those Games will have already been released, for at the least a few months. This will optimistically help you pick the Nice buy Xbox 360 Games.
Batman: Arkham Metropolis is a awesome Movement recreation that captures the role of Batman. Even in case you aren’t a fan of Batman, that is a need to have game.
Call of Duty: Modern Battle 2 won’t be the modern day imparting, however might be nonetheless the Fine first character shooter to be had. This has a wonderful unmarried-participant and multiplayer sport. It additionally lets in you to play co-op with a pal.
Gears of Struggle 3 is the last within the trilogy of the sci-fi first character taking pictures Games. that is a violent but fulfilling sport for adults. If you have 4 pals then you may play the sport in a four participant co-op mode, which can be outstanding amusing.
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is simply one of these crucial Video games you must personal. Become any man or woman you want and explore a extensive international on this open myth adventure. You even get to fight dragons!
Fantasy III is the First-rate Fantasy game thus far. You get to play the hero and discover the arena of Albion. This recreation has Action and adventure in abundance, with lots of various choices on the manner with a purpose to have an effect on the game play.
Bioshock 2 is a extra adult type adventure set in an underworld Metropolis. This is not your regular sort of game and has an vintage style and futuristic feel about it. It’s far weird, creepy and really enjoyable recreation with a view to have you combating and exploring the sector of Rapture.
Grand Theft Auto IV is a considerable open international complete of gangs, automobiles and weapons. this is a game really for adults, with quite a few swearing and violent battles. that is defined because the definitive sandbox recreation. The fifth sport within the series is soon to be released, so that you ought to absolutely be capable of get the forth one in a Xbox 360 cheap deal.
Purple Useless Redemption is a western themed open surroundings recreation in which you get to trip horses in place of driving cars. This has superb characters and an engrossing tale. Being a cowboy has never been so top.
Forza Motorsport four is the Excellent racing simulation up to now on the Xbox 360 and with this model you may even manage the automobiles the usage of the Kinect movement sensor.
F1 2011 is a system one racing recreation with top notch dealing with vehicles. This also has a amusing co-op championship mode that you may enjoy with a pal.
Buying in a Xbox 360 game Sale
You must be able to find most of the Games mentioned in this text in an Xbox 360 sport sale. simply search around the internet and you should be capable of get yourself a extraordinary deal. There are a number of different remarkable Video games, which can also had been round for a while, with a purpose to be available less expensive than the original charge. just recognize that if you are prepared to wait some months, to play the ultra-modern Games, then you may always get them in an Xbox 360 sale and keep yourself cash.
Best Gaming Computing device Computer systems Even though cellular gadgets appear to flourish along with gaming consoles, gaming Desktops are nonetheless a fact. They get harder and tougher By way of every passing day with new technology introduced and new innovations becoming effective hardware components.
Gamers are aware that there is no console or other type of gaming device which could simply beat the performance a Computing device can convey. however how do you separate the winners from the losers? that is the Best gaming pc the marketplace has to offer?
There are numerous things that want to be taken into account if you ever wish to reply this query. if you start from the outdoor and work your manner in, the first aspect to do not forget is the layout.
most gaming computers are available in all varieties of designs, ranging from minimalist to useful to out of this international. a few even appear like destiny machines on the grounds that they incorporate unusual layout lines into their construct. However, it’s vital no longer get caught up in those info however to cognizance on finding the Best gaming pc you could accommodate at home. It has to look good, however it also has to function well.
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