mitch42 · 1 year
Do the hard work
There’s more rumblings of secession in political spheres. Texas legislators introducing bills on “Texas’ Independence”. Sitting members of congress talking about “national divorce”. Mostly from the right, but then folks on the left laugh and say how nice it would be to not have to worry about those red state yokels.
People who talk like this - in terms of "red state" and "blue state" and a "national divorce" - on both sides of the aisle are playing into the hands of the corruption they claim to want to get away from. Billionaire criminals who accumulate power want the people to fight each other and squabble over scraps, while they capture our institutions and continue to build fortresses around themselves to keep us out. They continue to operate with impunity, while we cower in fear, die in pandemics, drink the water and breathe the air they poisoned in the name of profit.
“There is no such thing as a 'red state' or 'blue state'. All are purple states. There are predominantly Dem or GOP *governments*, but they don't necessarily reflect the culture on the ground due to gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc. They want to break up the US into parts and then profit off the wreckage, à la the Soviet Union, and so they need to compartmentalize it. One way to do that is to harden and weaponize these categories of 'red' and 'blue.'"
When you cheer the "red state" antics of succession, you are condemning the vulnerable in that state - non-white, non-christian, women, children, mentally ill, elderly, disabled, etc - to regressive politics and abuse. The federal government may be corrupt in many ways, but many of our safeguards of liberty only exist because of federal protections trumping state systems of repression. Our systems aren't perfect, but if we continue to do the hard work of democracy and fighting for each other, we can reform and improve. That seems a better way than dissolution and abandonment.
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natroze · 11 months
Shoutout to the fabric store cashier (masc?-presenting with a masculine name and extremely sharp eyeliner) yesterday who, when they saw me (strange little goth-out-of-uniform trans man) looking for coupons, told me they had one they could use for me and not to worry, then gave me a 30% discount for being trans
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aldcaldos · 1 year
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the joytoy | meeting jackie fresh faced | the merc
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girlarmand · 2 months
might make a cocktail with creme de violette and empress gin just for the purplest alcoholic drink of all time
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xantissa · 1 year
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I survived another year of my life on this planet and I’m going to make it everyone else’s problem (by continuing to post the same weird crap as before)
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omegasmileyface · 11 months
bought another fucking chalcopyrite chunk again today nobody can stop me
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lovesour · 11 months
musings below
#I would love to write fic. the ethics of RPF are convoluted but I don't bother with convoluted#I mean look. I don't know these guys so. In essence when you write fic about them you're only toying with an _idea_ of them. Not really the#Although admittedly it would be jarring to have your likeness used for fangirly wetdream daydream written in the purplest prose#the purplest prose youve ever seen and slapped onto archive of our own#The other problem is I'm not good at writing#and the Other other problem is that I actually have incredible respect for Carlos hes something of a personal hero for me#musically. theatrically. and stylistically as well. Adore that guy#and he's actually very Online. and. Present. for being an older gentleman. Alright he's not that old.#Lots of political commentary. I love to read his newsletters as well. He is actually a very warm man. Something a lot of people don't know#because they were never able to get over his theatrics and sense of style. found him arrogant or pretentious.#And he is pretentious but I say this in a strictly loving way#Anyway. Let me tell you a secret#Carlos actually has a tumblr. Yeah. And well#Frankly the idea of him being on the same platform as me horrifies me to no end. Imagine if he saw what I was doing#PFSSHSHHS. I think at the precise moment Carlos ever opened my blog. wherever i was#and whatever i was doing the flesh in which i inhabit would instantly initiate self destruct#because i couldnt live after that NYAHAHAHA#And he is so accesible by virtue of being very authentic genuine. but i can never ever interact with him online becaaause#I have a personal guideline I must always strongly adhere to. NEVER. MEET. YOUR HEROES.#So yeah. That's my musing for tonight. It's 3 AM and I'm unhinged. Like maximum of seven people will ever read this. Whatever
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i need a custom made ace flag with jiang cheng on it right now
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whenusawlove · 3 months
gonna touch up my hair color tonight 😌
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hiscursedness · 6 months
Twitch's artistic nudity rules lasted one day, but during that day I did get to stream a competitive smut-writing TTRPG, so at least I made the most of it
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scrawlingskribbles · 10 months
danggit, I really missed out on the opportunity to make the background of that writing snippet purple huh….. 😆😂
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firelilyfox · 3 months
Stardust Dreams
part one
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Wonka: Willy Wonka x female reader
Warnings: none at all just fluff
Words: 1.3k
Willy saw you & immediately falls for you
Every good thing starts with a dream. 
That’s what Willy’s mother always said to him when he was just a little boy with a big dream of being the best chocolatier in the world. And he made it. Everybody loves his chocolate and his vibrant work ethic. His own factory is THE highlight in town and the business is doing better and better with each passing day. 
The little orange man invited some of his friends to work beside him as a taste tester and all his friends he made while staying at Scrubbits are visiting Willy from time to time. Noodle is living the life she had always imagined while reading her favorite books. 
But … Willy felt like something was missing. 
And that’s the thing that confused Willy. He already got everything he ever dreamed of and it still seems like there should be more. Oh how he wished he could ask his mother for advice. She always knew how to find the right path. 
„Mr. Wonka, a moment please?“, the little orange man asked politely as always. Willy snapped out of his daydreaming and looked down. 
He smiled. „What is it orange man?“ 
„We have a minor inconvenience, Sir“, he adjusted his fine suit wich had the brightest and purplest color Willy had ever seen. Next time he needed to create a chocolate piece that catches the vividly appearance of an Oompa Loompa. Mentally Willy wrote that on his To Do List. 
„An inconvenience you say? Oh heavens what could that be?“ 
The Oompa Loompa cleared his throat. „The young girl, Noodle, is asking for your company in the great hall. She wants to introduce you to her new friend.“ 
Immediately Willys cloudy mood changes. „But that is not at all an inconvenience! My dear friend Noodle wants me to meet her new friends! That’s an honor I would never decline.“ 
With flink feet Willy makes his way down the many stairs that lead to his office on the top floor. The factory had many visitors every day, even today on a Sunday because Wonkas never close the doors for the people. But the most pleasant visit is, when one of Willys dear friends is stopping by. 
„Noodle!“, he shouted excitedly as he came down the last few steps. The girl turns around with a bright smile on her face, beside her standing another girl her age. She had hair in the color of carrots and bottle green eyes. 
„Hello Willy!“ They hugged and Noodle was giggling. „This is my new friend Ellie. Her sister works with my Mom in the Library and she introduced us. Ellie, that is Willy Wonka the best Chocolatier in the whole world!“ 
Willy got down on one knee to match the hight of Ellie and tapped his had as a greeting. „Nice to meet you, Ellie. Would you like some chocolate? This one will make you giggling like a baby lama.“ He turned his hand and in it appeared a single piece of chocolate the size of a plum. Ellie nods enthusiastically and take it. 
„Girls? Where are you?“ A voice so lovely like the sound of summer rain founds it way to Willys ears and he quickly looked up to see a beautiful woman coming towards him and the girls. „Oh there you are! Ellie you forgot … oh“, she hesitated as her eyes met Willys. A soft smile laid down on her lips. „I see you are already in good hands. A pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Wonka.“ 
The woman held out her hand, but Willy wasn’t able to move a single muscle. Never had he seen such a stunning woman in his entire life. Something weird was happening inside him. His chest felt tightened up and his heart was pounding like he just ran a marathon. His mouth was dry and he felt the need to clear his throat. 
A few moments passing by and the woman smiled even more. She crouched down to be on the same eye level as Willy, still holding out her hand in greeting. „I’m y/n.“ 
Finally Willy found his ability to speak. „What a lovely face … I mean name! I am Willy Wonka. You can call me Willy or whatever is fitting for you.“ He shakes her hand and tried to stay calm while the skin of his hand was tingling like little fireworks. 
Noodle and Ellie were giggling in the background while watching the scene. 
„Willy is perfectly fine“, she nods before getting on her feet again. Willy did the same thing without taking his eyes off of her. „Ellie you forgot your coat. It is still freezing outside and I don’t want you to catch a cold.“ 
Ellie rolled her eyes. „You already sound like mom.“ But she took the bright green coat out of her hand. „Can we go now? I want to see the chocolate river and the little orange people!“ 
„Yeah you can go“, she turned around to Willy with a little smile. „I think you are safe until I come back to pick you up again.“ Although it wasn’t a question, Willy nodded in confirmation. 
As the girls walked by to explore the factory, Noodle looked at Willy with a knowing grin on her face. But Willy didn’t knew anything besides he wanted y/n to stay a little longer. 
„Do you want to see the stars?“, he asked a bit too loud. 
Y/n looked confused. „The stars? But it is the middle of the day. How would we be able to see the stars?“ 
„I mean … uhm we have a room … with stars. They are made out of chocolate“, Willy stuttered like he was unable to form a sentence at all. 
„Well my shift doesn’t start for another hour so I could probably take a quick look.“ 
„Wonderful! This way.“ 
Willy lead y/n to the midnight room all the way in the back of the factory. A small door in the shape of a crescent moon marks the entry. He opened it and let her enter first. The midnight room was quiet small and pitch black. Just the stars made out of chocolate were glowing softly from all around the ceiling and the walls. 
Y/n gasped. „How in the world are they glowing? That is impossible.“ 
„Oh I beg to differ“, Willy placing himself right next to her pointing at the bigger stars right above their heads. „One of the ingredients is stardust. I collected it once I visited the North Pole. It was so freezing cold but I climbed up the highest mountain to get some of the precious stardust right from the night sky. If you look closely you can see the dust hovering around.“ 
Y/n leans over to Willy to get a better look at what he is pointing at. Her floral scent made it hard for Willy to focus on anything else. She was so close to him, that his hand touched hers for a split second and he felt his heart tumbling again. 
„That is beautiful, Willy. I can’t even imagine all the adventures you went on! It must have been exciting to see so many different places and get to see so wonderful things.“ 
Y/n looked up to him, with the reflection of the glowing stardust in her eyes, they were sparkling like their own little stars. Willy swallowed. Her face was just a few inches away from his and something inside of him wanted to move a little closer to kiss her. But even if he would've be brave enough to do that … was it allowed? He only just met her an hour ago. Willy didn’t know the answer to that question because he never really had a feeling like that for someone. All of his life he spent making chocolate and making people happy. 
„I should go now. My shift at the library starts every minute now and I don’t want to upset Ms. Smith“, y/n said with a sad tone in her voice. 
„Oh … yeah. No we don’t want to upset her. She is such a nice Lady. I lead you to the exit.“ 
Before y/n turning to leave for work, she looked back at Willy with a smile. „See you later, Willy.“ 
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ot3 · 6 months
Opinion: Maya is one of the most purplest characters in anything ever. It's not just about being purple, or amount of purpleness, it's about embodying purple. I think Maya embodies purple the most out of any purple character I know of.
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chordsykat · 5 months
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Hey folks! I'm just here to pass on the message that love is in the air as @lampmeeting has once again invited us all to...
A week of sheer brutality wrapped in a heart-shaped cardboard box! From Lamp's desk:
Dethentine’s Week doesn’t need much explanation I don’t think. Taking place during the 7 days leading up to Valentine’s Day, it’s an opportunity to just go full cornball if you want to. Write the purplest most sappy Skwistok fic ever, draw melodramatic soap opera scenes of Murderface and Knubbler, make a sickly sweet comic about Charles and Pickles (please do this), be cringe and free, etc.
Like with Kloktober, of course all the prompts are completely up to you to interpret - there’s no right or wrong way to participate. Make moodboards, do cosplay, write, draw, decorate cookies to look like your OTPs and make them kiss, just have fun!!
Use the tag #dethentines2024 in your works so we all can share in each others' creativity! And as always you can hit me or @lampmeeting up with any questions - thanks! 🥰
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aweisz · 4 months
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the purplest guy (gn)
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