#put a new meaning to episode two’d
lovevalley45 · 2 years
i haven’t seen anyone talking abt this but oscar saying he wanted to reveal rue’s true appearance in episode two,,, could u IMAGINE if we’d gotten that and the binx reveal in the same episode. the chaos that would have followed…
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dxrksong · 4 years
Shattered Glass chapter 4
Y/N meets some familiar faces and spends some time with some old friends
Morning came and you woke up with a yawn, honestly having a better night of sleep than last time. 
You sat up and paused once you saw the Jims passed out on your floor
Y/N: Jims? What are you doing here?
You got up, kneeling by them and proceeding to shake them awake
Y/M: Jiiiim!
CameraJim: noooo. I don't wanna get up!
Y/N: well too bad, you're in MY room on the floor so get up!
CameraJim moved to yawn before both of the Jims realized what was going on and hopped up onto their feet
MicJim: A-Apologizes MirrorJim!! We ran in here to hide from StaticJim and ended up falling asleep!
Well that explains SOME things
Y/N: wait running from Dark? What did you do?
The Jims looked at each other
CameraJim: Just told StaticJim where Jims found MirrorJim.
Y/N: oh geez…...did they corner you?
CameraJim nodded as MicJim lowered his head
MicJim: sorry MirrorJim, we couldn't stay quiet for long. 
You sighed and smiled slightly
Y/N: it's ok. I suppose they'd find out eventually. 
Doesn't make your life easier though. After your little episode yesterday, you wouldn't be surprised if everyone would start acting strangely around you now.
Y/N: don't suppose you two'd wanna-
A knock on the door interrupted you. The Jims froze as you turned to face the door. 
Y/N: who is it?
Wil: It's just me, can I come in?
Wil said, already opening the door and walking in
Y/N: well I can't say so since you knocke-
Wil said, grabbing you with one arm and the Jims on the other
CameraJim: Oooooo!! An adventure! 
MicJim: where to PinkJim? 
Wil: to the town!! I have some errands to run and I thought who else but my favorite partners in crime to come with?!
You shrugged 
Y/N: better than staying here!
Honestly you'd take any chance to avoid the others at the moment. 
Especially Mark. 
The twins cheered, CameraJim saying something about a real treat before the next thing you knew, Wil had warped you all in front of a diner
Wil: but first, breakfast! I know you three haven't eaten yet and that's a big no no when going on errands! 
You looked up at the place's sign. It looked to be a normal family run diner. The four of you entered the diner, some people giving you and your friends weird looks but no one seemed bothered as you all sat down. 
Wil and MicJim were sitting in front of you as you sat next to CameraJim, his camera still filming even though nothing was happening. 
You looked over the menu and when the waitress cane by you all gave your orders, Wil's of course going overboard. You watched the poor waitress leave before turning back to your friend's. 
Y/N: so what kind of errands are we running? 
Wil: hmm well.
Wilford brought out an old broken pocket watch
Wil: we still got a few hours after this! How about we go on a joy ride in the town?!
You stared a glance with the Jims before the three of you broke out in excited cheering. This answered nothing.
But Might as well right?
As you and your friends were leaving the diner, the Jims paying for the breakfast shockingly, you couldn't help but ask
Y/N: s-so. About last night…...i-is anyone-
Wil: oh yeah!! You completely missed the announcement!! We're supposed to be getting new ego's today! Oh Mark dropped the bomb on us this time, we almost panicked until Mark said they'd be coming in with their own rooms set up for them! 
You looked at Wil bewilderedly 
Y/N: wonder what that mean?
CameraJim: maybe they're bringing fully furnished rooms with them?
MicJim: or they're going to MAKE their own rooms?
Wil: well whatever it is, at least I'm not on decoration duty again! I was banned from doing so after the first time!! 
That honestly didn't surprise you as you laughed. 
Y/N: alright, since I'm planning on avoiding the manor for a while, why don't we go to the mall?!
CameraJim: THE MALL?!
MicJim: THE MALL?!
CameraJim: we've never been to the mall before!! 
Y/N: gee, I wonder why. 
That came out more sarcastic than you meant it to.
Wil: Dark told us to stay away?
Y/N: sounds about right! Let's go anyway!
CameraJim: won't we get in trouble? 
Y/N: well then, if you're too scared I'll just go by myself-
you had started walking away from the group when all of a sudden Wil was suddenly beside you, wrapping his arm around you.
Wil: No man gets left behind, even if said man WANTS to be left behind!! 
Jims: YEAH!!!
and that's how you managed to wonder into a mall with two reporters and a mentally unstable man at your side. 
You four actually ended up waiting time until around noon, you buying some things that caught your eye as the Jims distracted themselves with some of the jewelry stores and Wil with asking people random questions.
You were in the food court when things started to go down. You had grabbed a smoothie when you heard shouting down the shopping way and you looked to see Wil was being forced out of the mall by a couple of cops. 
At the same time more shouting broke out as the Jims were being more or less tossed out another store. 
You sighed, guess it's time to leave the mall. Smoothie in one hand, you grabbed both of the Jim's collars with the other before starting to drag them outside the mall as Wil was being forced out not too far behind you three. 
Once outside you spotted a black car waiting outside the doors with a familiar driver. 
Dark….of course. 
Not really questioning it, you and the Jims got in the car, Wil following suit, having warped into the car and leaving the cops confused and shocked before the car sped away. 
The silence along the way home was deafening and the longer you sat in it, the less you liked it. You could handle yelling, screaming even for breaking a rule like this. But the silence…..it was a thousand times worse than any shouting matches. Not even Dark's aura made any noise.
It was as if the silence ate you alive
Someone…..say something 
Y/N: ……….You're….mad at us...right? 
You're mad at ME right?
Dark looked into the rear view mirror and sighed.
Dark: originally. I would be. But after the disaster last night and the whole "new egos" situation going on right now. I can't say I was surprised to find you didn't show up for breakfast. 
CameraJim: so does that mean Jims are off the hook?
Dark: not entirely…..but yes. Just this once! 
You sighed. That was a small relief off your mind. Dark seemed stressed as hell and the others seemed tense. 
Well except for Wil, who seems to have busied himself with snooping through the things you had gotten while shopping. 
Wil suddenly lifted his head out of the bags, a pair of rose tinted, pink flamingo framed sunglasses in his hands. 
Wil: now where on earth did you find this?! 
He said, putting them on. You rolled your eyes playfully
Y/N: in one of those teenager stores, the one with pretty much everything.
CameraJim: you mean the one we were in?
Y/N: yeah, that one! 
To be truthfully honest you mostly got clothes for yourself, wanting to expand your wardrobe. But you also got some things for most of the ego's, the sunglasses being one of them. 
As you pulled up to the manor, you didn't see anything different like you expected. They just be too busy with decorating the inside. 
Dark: the new ego's will be here around dinner time. And as much as I'd hate asking, I'd like your help with setting things up.
All you did was nod and The first thing you did was head to your room to drop off your stuff before coming back downstairs to try and see what you could do to help. 
At first it seemed everyone was busy and needed no help. Until you spotted Mark. 
Oh of freaking course!
He seemed to be struggling with some of the streamers and you sighed internally as you went over and easily set them up. 
Mark: thanks! Oh! Y/N! I-I-I-
Y/N: before you start acting like nothing had happened I'd like to make a point across. 
You turned to face Mark who suddenly quieted down, nodding in a motion for you to continue. 
Y/N: I don't like you, like at all. In fact I can hardly trust you to do anything without making a disaster out of it. The same could be said for Dark. HOWEVER. 
You turned and looked to see Dark organizing the ego's and helping around the set up, Mark following your gaze
Y/N: unlike a certain somebody that has yet to do so, he had the decency to apologize to my face, weither he meant it or not. 
You looked back to Mark who seemed to catch on what you were saying. 
Mark: y-you're right. I'm so sorry Y/N! Please, believe me when I say I didn't mean to drag you down this rabbit hole along with the rest of us. 
Y/N: doesn't excuse what you did. But, I appreciate the apology. I still don't want to be left alone with you, but it's a start. 
Mark: I'm…….flattered?
Y/N: don't let your head get too big. 
You finished with the streamers and turned to walk away. It's a bit of a shame that you had to spell it out for him. 
Part 1
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