#put me on my ass like heavyweight
tariah23 · 1 month
Still crying over my friend telling me that they’ve never heard of Chief Keef-
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star-anise · 6 months
Everyone's got a take, and I've got a take too, about the current Internet Villain: James Somerton, a gay Youtuber who just got exposed (in the back half of a 4-hour video) as massively plagiarizing the work of LGBTQ+ media critics, historians, and memoirists, and then exposed in another 2-hour video as just making up the wildest nonsense about the topics he demonstrably had access to accurate information on.
He achieved a six-figure income on his work by squeezing money out of his audience with claims...
That only he was creating content that preserved queer history and elevated the voices and experiences of the LGBTQ+ community (a lie)
He was in serious financial distress and would have to go out of business if people didn't give him tons of money (a lie)
That he was going to use some of that cash to make definitely good and not-at-all-plagiarized independent movies, a thing he was definitely skilled and experienced enough to do (a lie), and
That those plagiarism allegations were incorrect,, and frankly,,,, hurtful and homophobic. (a GIANT lie)
Like, here's a visualization of the script of one of his videos, "Society and Queer Horror". The highlighted bits were lifted nearly verbatim from the works of others—the 18 authors identified at the time the exposé was posted—and presented as Somerton's own work.
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So here's what drives me absolutely up the wall about this:
If he had just ADMITTED that it was the work of other people, THAT WOULD STILL BE COOL. If he had just said, up front, "We are going on a survey of thoughts and insights people have had about this topic", that would still be a good video with a real audience!
Like yes, he studied business in university, he might not have gotten the kinds of research skills and knowledge someone like Kaz Rowe uses to not just report on the history and analysis of others, but evaluate their relative validity and trustworthiness.
But honestly, since watching my niblings (oldest is 13) watch Youtube, I think you honestly can't underestimate the number of viewers who are really hungry for someone saying, "I don't understand this topic! Let's explore it together!"
But NOOOOOOO, Somerton didn't want to be just some schmuck waxing enthusiastic about homoeroticism on film and acknowledging the smartness of other people. He wanted to be HIM, MR. SMARTYBOY, very sophisticated and alluring and thoughtful and deep. Definitely an intellectual heavyweight who just happened to spout off his own personal ideas and analysis that put him at the forefront of all the scholarship on the topic he's come across.
I hate being wrong. Hate being wrong. But blogging for most of my life has forced me to confront constant textual evidence that two or ten or twenty years ago, I said some dumb-ass shit. Honestly, it'd probably keep me up at night sometimes even if I didn't have a written record. I absolutely understand the desire to scan the field, find the coolest people around, and quickly clothe yourself in as perfect an imitation of them as you can manage.
But if you want to be an artist or a scholar who produces something lasting, you can't prioritize coolness over truth all the time. To develop your true, independent voice, you need to find a time and place where it is just you and just the work you're doing, and you have pick up your tools and say, I don't know if I'm doing this right, but this is what feels right to me.
There are a lot of things in life to which we can only truly contribute our presence and our perspectives. Things we can only witness or hold space for. We cannot go back and bleed the pain out of history, or erase the complexity of another person's life. Not honestly, at least.
But those are the times that need our presence, our perspectives, our witness, and our space. When we gather round and tell sad tales about the death of kings, honesty can be the only thing you give that's worth a damn in the large scale of things.
If this dude had owned up to the truth and honestly showed the work of trying to piece together a queer understanding of the world, trying to draw the threads of culture together until he found a place he fit inside them, it would have been so much more valuable to our culture as a whole.
He probably made more money this way, though. While it lasted.
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artyandink · 1 month
𝙾𝙻𝙳 𝙵𝙰𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙾𝙽𝙴𝙳 | bartender!dean winchester
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Summary: Dean Winchester needs a job after his little brother left for Stanford, and he’s good at mixing drinks. You happen to work at Harvelle’s Roadhouse, which is the place he chose to work at. He finds a family. He finds a new life. But he also finds you. But you have problems of your own.
A/N - My first reader series, do make sure to comment and/or reblog feedback. Set with S1/2 Dean cause I love our baby boy 😁 and pretend group chats exist on old phones lol
A/N 2 - All the chapters are named after drinks. The intensity of the chapter depends on the drink I chose for the title :) and banners are by @cafekitsune
TW: Alcohol (duh), mentions of drugs, roofies, abuse, mentions of abuse/r@pe, smoking, Ruby (she’s a warning in itself), unhinged group chat (also a warning in itself)
two - daiquiri
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Megolodon: Cassieeee
Casanova: What?
Megolodon: You’re late
You: Yeahhhh, we’ve been waiting for weeks
Ben Dover: Sabbatical’s over, brother
Casanova: I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.
Ruby-gina George: To hell with fifteen minutes, get your ass over here
Megolodon: Listen to the nice lady
Ruby-gina George: Shut up
Megolodon: Bite me
Ruby-gina George: Keep it up and I just might
Megolodon: I bet you’d like to
bDe: didn’t know you two swung that way
You: Neither did I
Ruby-gina George: WAIT NO
ScarJo: That’s news to me
Ben Dover: News to all of us, darling
Queen B: I leave for FIVE MINUTES and we’re already out of the closet
Ruby-gina George: NO CLOSETS
Ruby-gina George: HELL NO
Ruby-gina George: NO CLOSETS
ScarJo: We accept you, dw
Ruby-gina George: die in a hole
bDe: sounds like overcompensating
Ruby-gina George: ALL OF YOU DIE IN A HOLE
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The clink of glasses filled the atmosphere, along with merry shouts, whistles and cheers as glass after glass slammed down onto the counter. But it wasn’t patrons, no. Afternoons were always chilled out, since not many patrons stopped by. The evenings always got the raunchiest. So here you all were, egging on Castiel and Benny in a shot contest. There were five shots of the Roadhouse’s strongest bottle of hard liquor, and you were all seeing who could down them the fastest. None of the people in the room were lightweights. There were lightweights, heavyweights, and then there were the bartenders at the Roadhouse, who Meg liked to call ‘jumbo-weights’.
“DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!” You were yelling, your voice mixed with those of Dean, Meg, Bela, Ruby and Jo. Benny finished first, slamming down the shot glass and whooping loudly, not even that buzzed while Cas dejectedly sipped his last shot, having missed by the fraction of a second.
“Cassie, sweetie, don’t beat yourself up about it.” Meg purred, gripping Cas’ shoulders tightly from behind. “You’re out of practice.”
“Or maybe I’m just good at throwing ‘em back.” Benny smirked, but then his smile dropped. “That sounded better in my head.”
“Glad we can agree.” You snickered, then cleared up the shot glasses. “C’mon, what next?”
“Meg.” Ruby shot up from her seat, beckoning her over. “You. Me. Shot challenge. Now.”
“So polite.” Meg drawled, but got up anyway, a familiar sultry smile on her lips as she lined up for the competition. “Bring it on, darling, I can do this in my sleep.” Benny racked the shots, a giggle coming from your mouth as Dean awkwardly looked to Castiel.
“I don’t think we’ve met.” Dean smiled, putting his hand out. “Dean. Winchester.”
“Castiel Novak, but everyone calls me Cas.” Cas shook Dean’s hand, finding himself warming up to this stranger.
“Cas.” Dean repeated under his breath, then nodded. “Alright, Cas. Let’s get you some water to wash down that hard liquor.”
“That would be ideal.” Cas nodded, instantly following Dean. In the meantime, Ruby and Meg were slamming back shots, and Ruby was just tagging behind Meg. You were egging them on, but you noticed something. Ruby usually downed shots easy as breathing. Now she wasn’t, which confused you. However, you brushed it off. It couldn’t be something bad. Your resident Regina George always was tough as hell.
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Ruby-gina George: Been there, done that messed around
Megolodon: I'm having fun, don't put me down
Ruby-gina George: I'll never let you sweep me off my feet
bDe: *dies of laughter*
ScarJo: I’ve been on a beer run for FIVE MINUTES and y’all go mad
Queen B: Tsk tsk, eyes on the road, hon
ScarJo: Joke’s on you, I’m in the store
Ben Dover: Damn, how’d you get there so fast
ScarJo: I stole the keys to Val
Queen B: explosion incoming-
You: You did WHAT?!
Megolodon: Girlie, it’s just a car
Ruby-gina George: how dare you, Val’s a masterpiece
Megolodon: I mean, she shouldn’t take it that heavily
bDe: no she absolutely should, go to town sweetheart
Ben Dover: Dean, brother, don’t encourage that behaviour
bDe: i will
Ben Dover: What if someone stole your car, then
bDe: murder
ScarJo: oh wow
bDe: lots of murder
Ben Dover: Brother-
bDe: torture first
bDe: lots of torture, then a whole lotta murder
ScarJo: Benny, you chose the wrong role models
You: shut up, YOU TOOK VAL
bDe: then more murder, and i’m gonna throw the bodies in a lake, no one will ever know
Ruby-gina George: Hold up, I’m coming with you
You: Jo, I’ve got your gravestone prepped
ScarJo: And you say we’re unhinged
You: Get your ass back to the roadhouse
bDe: i’ll get away with it, I swear
Megolodon: Why am I actually enjoying this
bDe: if I can’t have my baby, no one can
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Evenings were always the more raunchy of times at the Roadhouse. The bar was now full of chatting passers-by, girls dressed in skimpy clothes and biker boys with tattoos winding around their necks. The shift today was yours, Ruby’s, Dean’s and Meg’s. There were an overwhelming amount of females working at the Roadhouse, if you were incredibly honest. As for the employees not working behind the bar, they were roughing it up at a booth, hollering and hooting like owls at a baseball game.
“So, darlin’, what do you do in your free time?” Dean asked you, cleaning out a glass with a rag and shooting a wink to a couple of giggling girls nearby. You poured a whiskey for a patron, sliding it across the table.
“Well, I’m a big fan of joyrides.” You answered with a goofy grin. “My Mustang’s always fun to take a spin in.” The mention of your Mustang got Dean’s eyebrows up to his hairline as he pointed out of the window.
“That beaut’s yours?” He exclaimed in disbelief, laughing. “Damn. That’s a serious muscle car.”
“Yeah, my Valkyrie. Val’s my sweetheart, always will be.” You looked up wistfully at the mention of your beloved car. “And your Chevy Impala, she’s absolutely gorgeous. I could listen to her purr all day.”
“That’s my Baby.” He bore the same wistful look you did, then nudged you. “We should take ‘em out for spins. Y’know, joyrides.”
“You sure?” You chuckled, looking up at him. “I don’t drive easy.”
“Even better.” He gave you a little wink paired with a click of his tongue. He flipped a bottle in his hand, pouring a whiskey shot expertly and handing it to you. “Ma’am.”
“Sir.” You took the shot with a chuckle, sending the glass over to the sink. “Thanks, I needed that.”
“You’re very welcome.” He poured himself a shot and downed it, and you couldn’t help but focus slightly on his pouty, pink lips, almost hyper-fixating on them. But you tore your eyes away to serve a customer at the bar, a rather shady-looking guy who had a snake tattoo on his neck. He was also wearing sunglasses inside, which had Dean raising an eyebrow.
“You know who wears sunglasses inside?” He muttered into your ear as the man ordered a glass of Jack Daniel’s with his eyes on Meg. “Blind people… and douchebags.”
“I can’t fault you for that logic.” You laughed, pouring the man a glass and passing it to him as you turned back to Dean. “About that joyride, I’m down.”
His eyes lit up, a puppy-like grin now on his face as he fully faced you, elbow leaning on the counter. You couldn’t help but stare deep into those mossy eyes, mirroring the infectious smile on his face just as Meg stumbled up to you both with a groggy smile on your face, whiskey glass clutched tightly in her hand.
“You t-two look so… cute.” She giggled, leaning heavily on you. You saw the glass cup in her hand, and you caught a whiff of… Jack Daniel’s? “Smilin’ at each other, lovin’ each other, so adorable!” You raised an eyebrow, holding her steady as she continued to ramble. “You should marry each other. Ugh, I feel so… weird.”
“Does Meg usually get this slammed?” Dean whispered, and you shook your head, confused. That’s when Ruby sprang out from behind the bar, grabbing the guy by the scruff of his neck and slamming his head roughly down on the counter. “Woah, damn!”
“Ruby!” You gasped, but she snatched the glass from your hands and showed you the contents. There was a powdery white substance in it that you instantly recognised. “Damn it- she’s been roofied.”
“Bastard thought he was smooth with it.” She growled, holding the guy down. “It takes Meg a lot of strong tequila and a Long Island to make her that slammed.”
“I’m surprised you know that, but I’ll take your word for it.”
“I’m callin’ the police. Get this jackass locked up.” Dean glared daggers at who could’ve been Meg’s potential assaulter as he dialled the emergency number and explained the situation. Meg clung onto you, and you felt bad for her as you went to haul her off to bed, entertaining her every mindless babble about something or the other.
“You’re pretty.” Meg slurred as she hobbled with you. “You look like Rubes. She’s pretty too. Very pretty.”
“Yeah, she’s gorgeous.” You replied dryly, not out of disdain for Ruby but rather out of extreme concern for your friend. “Absolutely stunning.” Though there was part truth in that. You’d always wanted to be like Ruby- not give much of a damn. Able to speak every weird and/or rude comment that came to her mind and everyone would worship her for it. She could talk openly about where she came from, confidently, with a flick of her blonde hair and my-give-a-hoots-are-on-vacation attitude, but you weren’t inclined to open your mouth about it. “Let’s get you in here.”
You opened the door to your bedroom, limping to the bed and just letting Meg flop- “Wheeeeee!” She squealed as she went, but then was out cold the moment her face hit the mattress. You smiled at her antics despite the seriousness of the situation, drawing up your blanket and tucking her in, staying with her for a bit until you were sure she was ok. Then, as you descended the stairs, you’d found that the gang had cleared out the bar, which was helpful in the current climate. Especially now that the dude had been carted off to the nearest station.
You made eye contact with Ruby, who looked livid, but softened slightly when she saw you. “Is she ok?” She asked expectantly, and the tension seemed to lift a fraction when you nodded.
“We’re gonna have to tell my mom about this.” Jo sighed, drumming her fingers on the table. “She’s gonna be pissed.”
“The dude who tried his luck on Meg?” Dean shrugged, his brow furrowed a tad in concern. “His luck’s gonna say adiós once Ellen gets her hands on him.”
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A few days later, you were up early, sat talking to Dean in one of the booths before you went on your joyride. The sun filtered in through rickety blinds, illuminating Dean’s emerald eyes as they gazed at you in a way that would bore through your soul. You hadn’t known Dean for more than a week, but he was such an easy person to be around. He was witty, but sometimes had trouble coming up with comebacks when flustered, had an easy demeanour while also seemingly being kind of lost himself. He was like a walking contradiction, and it intrigued you to no end. He could look like a sharp-jawed, drop dead gorgeous heartbreaker, but in his grey Henley, he just looked soft and innocent. Handsome and sweet.
Though, you knew he was too good for you. What with his smooth words, caring personality and overall just being Dean. You were, if anyone find out where you came from, a personified chessboard. Your entire being was checkered with black and white.
“C’mon.” He stood up, looking to the jukebox on the other side of the room. “Let’s dance.”
“Let’s what, sorry?” Your eyebrows raised slightly as he jogged over to the jukebox, playing Tiny Dancer by Elton John and outstretching his hand for you. “Oh, no, I’m not a dancer.”
“C’mon, don’t leave me hangin’ here.” Dean’s outstretched hand beckoned you over almost like a siren’s call, and what with his boyish grin, the charming sparkle in his eyes and the overall feeling of being wanted got you up with him and taking his calloused hand in your own, skin tingling with the feel of the ring on his finger, his own feeling sparks upon the silver band on your hand pressing against his warm skin. He drew you close, his arm around your waist in a sort of non-pervy way, like he wasn’t trying to force himself on you.
“Warning. I might step on your toes.” You gave him a look which was playfully serious, but Dean just gave you a cocky grin. Damn that smile.
“Just follow me, sweetheart, and you’ll be fine.” He raised the other hand that was already interlocked with his, the low rumble of his voice putting you at ease as he swayed you both from side to side, moving in a circle with a look in his eyes that he couldn’t explain as he gazed down at you. “See? You’re a goddamn natural.”
“Maybe I have a good teacher.” You replied smoothly, which seemed to stroke his ego, as he shot you a wink and a click of his tongue.
“Damn right, you do.” Dean gave you a bashful chuckle, then bit his lip as he smiled, both of you continuing the slow spin in a circle while Elton’s mellow voice hazed the atmosphere. “I’m gonna spin you, ok?”
“Don’t drop me.” You quipped, and he shook his head with a laugh.
“Don’t tempt me, darlin’.” He spun you out and then in, his arms crossed over your front.
“Did you have special dance lessons?” You asked with a giggle, holding his hands, his fingers gently rubbing and playing with yours. “You’re really good at this.”
“Well, my friend Bobby taught me.” Dean sighed into your ear, a low chuckle falling past his lips. “He’s a grouchy ol’ bastard, but I had a prom date that I needed to impress. Sadly, I never got to go with her. I was… sick… on the night of prom.” You brushed off the brief hesitancy, instead enjoying this brief moment of calm. Dean could tell that your nerves were frazzled from the events of Wednesday night. That’s the great thing about Dean. He reads people easily, all for his insistence on having no emotional intelligence whatsoever. You assumed that this was a distraction method.
“Ellen’s always been one for dancing.” You mentioned, shrugging as you rocked from side to side. You saw Ellen as practically a second mom. She took you in, and Benny, when you needed it. But she was lonely, and you were pained to see her like that. “But she hasn’t in a while. Not since she lost her husband.”
“Huh.” Dean’s voice had an intrigued tone to it. Like he had an idea. “We should set ‘em up.”
“Ellen… and this Bobby of yours?”
“Yeah, they’re the same age, both lonely old souls - with all due respect - and they would get along.” He tilted your head with his index so you’d look at him and his charismatic smirk, just begging you to say yes. “Whaddya say we play matchmaker, sweetheart?”
You found yourself conceding quickly to this man’s goddamn charms. “Ok, fine. But if this goes south, you’re to blame.”
“Duly noted.” He laughed, nodding proudly and squeezing your hand. “That deserves another spin.” He spun you again, so then you were facing him. “Y’know, I’m kinda honoured. Pretty lady such as you, dancin’ with a grunt like me… gives a man all sorts of ideas.”
“Are you flirting with me, Dean?” You raised a playful eyebrow, again involuntarily finding yourself giggling like a lovesick schoolgirl at his smooth words.
“That’s rather bold.”
“I don’t see you complaining.” You both locked eyes for a moment, then burst out into laughter, his lower register mixing well with yours in the dim, naturally lit room.
You were happy with this man. Really happy, that you’d found a good friend. You found a good friend in Dean Winchester.
And he’d found a new home in you.
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The purr of Baby’s engine.
The windows rolled down and blowing through your hair.
Guns ‘n’ Roses’ ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’ playing on a cassette tape.
All of it had you hooked on an impossibly addictive high, hopped up on the euphoria of singing the lyrics at the top of your lungs with Dean in the driver’s seat, a grin that could only connote inner nostalgia on his face as you both belted out the words off by heart. The feeling of the wind on your face, the thrill of how fast Baby was speeding down the highway and the sensation of being unchained… it all got you above the altitude of a kite.
Far above.
Dean’s eyes were on you when he wasn’t looking at the road, admiring the way the light hit the curve of your face and illuminated your eyes. He took in your sweet voice, filling him like a warm hug. He’d not known you for long, but to him, you were home. Someone he could turn to.
He found himself hooked on that pretty smile. Your smooth words that contrasted your otherwise humble nature. How one second you could be the calming force and next you’re busting out your wild side like nobody’s business. You seemed so… sure… of who you were. So easy on a misguided soul like him.
After his baby brother went to Stanford, his father didn’t see much point of keeping him there. John was a drunk, and a notoriously violent one at that, and he’d prevented Dean from going to college so he could take care of Sam. But his Sammy was all grown up, and he didn’t need Dean anymore. That broke him in pieces, and made him desperate to find someone to pick them up because he’d lost them.
He turned to you with a wide grin, meeting your eyes as the final chorus blared on the radio. There was no place you two would rather have been right now than here, just letting loose and having fun. Neither of you were allowed to be kids. Sammy was Dean’s reminder, and the ring on your finger was yours.
Painful reminders, but they were both ones you couldn’t let go.
Then Dean switched the cassette tape once the final notes rolled out, Eye of the Tiger playing loud and proud on the speakers.
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This was like trying to get Sammy to eat his proteins when he was a kid. Only harder.
“C’mon, Bobby, it’s just a date.” Dean reasoned, chuckling slightly at his surrogate father sat in Baby’s passenger seat and looking rather like a pug with the grumpy face he had on. “You’re gonna sit down, be yourself and everything’ll go smooth like butter.”
Bobby bristled, glaring daggers at Dean, lips pursed. “See, that’s easy to say when you’re not the one on this date, boy. She’s gonna be some classy broad who orders a pinot noir, or a Chateau Margaux or whatever-the-hell, and I’m gonna be stuck wonderin’ what the hell all these fancy names mean.”
“See, you don’t know until you try.”
“Don’t give me that chick flick crap, you idjit.”
“Look, all I’m saying is don’t get too hopped up on the idea of being perfect for Ellen.” Dean shrugged. “Be cool, yeah, and flatter her, give her some compliments and make her feel at home, but don’t go saying things like-”
“This sucks balls.” Bobby grumbled, not at all to Dean’s surprise.
“See? Don’t say that.” He saw Ellen in the rear view mirror, and clapped Bobby’s shoulder. “Ok, Bobby, you’re up. Knock her socks off for me, yeah?”
Bobby had no choice but to get out of the car, hoping that he didn’t look like a fool, or maybe his gelled back hair was neat and didn’t have a dreaded flyaway. That his collar wasn’t popped. That his jeans didn’t have some unexplained stain on them. He stepped to Ellen, who gave him a warm smile. “Balls.” He muttered under his breath. She really did look like a classy lady, which sent his embarrassment into overdrive.
“Hi, I’m Ellen.” She introduced, her voice smooth as honey and making Bobby even more nervous that yes, this woman was definitely far above his league.
“Bobby.” He replied stiffly, but then held out his arm. “Shall we?”
“Guess so.” They linked arms, striding towards the restaurant, where you and Dean had made a reservation. When the two were guided to their table, they were provided with a drinks menu. Ellen didn’t even take one minute scanning it, flicking through at the speed of light and announcing that she knew what she wanted. Bobby, however, was stumped. Wine? Pinot grigio? Champagne? But there were so many options for one champagne. Why couldn’t the damn drink options be more simple? Beer was definitely out of the question, though his mouth watered and taste buds craved for the Heineken embossed in gold on the menu.
But he knew that he wanted the medium rare steak, announcing that to Ellen, who replied that she’d be having sea bass fillets with specialised dressing and garnish which sounded rather fancy. It did nothing to soothe Bobby’s poor nerves. Ellen, meanwhile, was torn between remaining soft spoken with this man or being, y’know, herself. He seemed decent, and considerate, with the way he carefully looked over the drinks and food menus.
“Madam, sir, can I take your order?” A waiter with a flip notebook arrived beside them, and Bobby gestured for Ellen to speak, not wanting to seem overbearing.
“The sea bass fillet with the special dressing and garnish,” Ellen answered smoothly, her eyes flicking to Bobby to gauge his reaction to the next words, “and one Heineken.”
The choice of drink lifted Bobby’s spirits instantly, and that gave him the green light to not strive to impress the beautiful lady across from him. “And I’ll have the steak, medium rare. And as for the drink, I’ll have what the lady’s having.”
“Of course.” The waiter took the menus and left the table, inciting a moment for the two to laugh at their own anxiety.
“You thought I’d be one of those high-horse, classy women, didn’t you?” Ellen guessed, and Bobby nodded bashfully.
“Guilty. I haven’t done this in a long while.” He chuckled, warming up to Ellen quickly. “You’re a woman after my own heart. Always loved a good Heineken.”
“You and me both.”
After they’d had dinner, they exited the restaurant, but instead of parting ways, Bobby offered his arm once more to Ellen. “Mind walking for a while with this ol’ fool?”
“Not at all.”
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“Jo.” Ruby sat down in front of Jo, who was in animated conversation with Charlie. They both turned to her in surprise and identical raised eyebrows. “And you, Charlie. I need advice.”
Maybe Charlie could help. After all, she was an expert in the field Ruby needed advice on. This was an extremely unfamiliar topic, even though she’d grown up in a family full of suspiciously close women.
Oh, god, this was nerve wracking.
Jo looked concerned, but nodded, and Charlie did the same. “Sure, go ahead.” Jo gestured for Ruby to continue, while Charlie sat eagerly forward in her seat, waiting for Ruby to speak.
“Ok.” She took a deep breath, her eyes briefly flicking to Meg. “What if… what if I…”
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Forbidden affair.
Pairing: Toji fushiguro x chubby reader.
Warning: Cheating, Toxic love affair, Jealousy, Gaslighting, Pregnancy, Arguments, Possessive Toji, Passionate sex, fingering, Oral (Fem), Pregnancy sex, Breastfeeding, wall sex, Ausgt.
Summary: it was supposed to be the same, help a happy couple, help create their future but one look in his eyes and you were doomed.
A/n: Fanart, not mine.
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Verdant, like glistening emeralds, was a dangerous temptation, such desire, was the telltale of your doom. Sounds of impatient foot-tapping still rings in your ear each time you think of him.
The words of the doctor and his wife faded once you glazed upon him, what a bewitching beauty. Onyx hair, like that of coal, hangs in front of those green memorizing jewels that he was fortunate to call his a build that heavyweights envy and strive for and a scar down the right side of his lip. He was beautiful.
You moved in a couple of weeks after of course once the doctor had confirmed you were with child. The house was pretty and traditional, even cozy. Many mornings were spent cocking your breakfast and bitterly listening to Kimkio's sobs of pleasure as Toji no doubt showed no mercy on his small wife and you could not help but be envious of her luck, happiness, looks, and otherwise perfect life.
Each time they came out of their room to eat she'd always smile so sweetly and greet you while she barely stood straight you had to push those petty feelings down and smile. So stuck in pretending to be nice you failed to notice the animalistic, want glint Toji's glaze as he skillfully watches you move around, without seeming he wasn't paying attention to you at all, a perk from his job if you will. You were delectable, simply pretty there was something gorgeous about your portly form, the small jiggle of your breasts, stomach, and thighs that drove him crazy with want and Toji fushiguro always got what he wanted, rather if people liked it or not.
You groaned and walked to the kitchen with items that would surely be on your craving wants.
"you're home." Toji hiccuped, taking a swig of Asahi Super Dry and leaning against the wall. "Tojj are you drunk?" you frowned, and stopped putting away the groceries. " 'm not." he slurred which answered that question. "Come on, let's get you to bed." you shook your head and strolled to him. Surprisingly he didn't put up a fight as you took his hand and led the way to his bed. "there you go." you smiled gently, moving a lock of hair away from his closed lids. You couldn't help but wonder if he did this every time Kimiko left on a business trip.
You gasped when a firm griped your wrist once you stood up and pulled you onto Toji, who quickly pinned you to the bed he bed "Where ya goin'?" toji slurred, pushing both your wrists to the mattress and weaved in between your legs. Your heart skips a beat, Toji was as handsome as he always was. His bedroom prasine orbs held lust you haven't seen before and his ebony hair acted like a curtain more that he leaned closer to your lips "Well?". "I-I thought you were asleep." you stuttered, heart racing inside your ears.
No words were exchanged but the pressing of lips, and the swirling of tongues wasn't far behind, his kisses were mind-numbing, and a lingering pleasure. Blurrs of clothes being taken off and thrown impatiently barely registered within the carnal lust. His hips rocked against your ass, thrusting his cock into your tight, slick, and saliva-covered cunt "Damn fuckin' perfect thighs." Toji groaned, his grip on your jiggling thighs tightening "And this stomach." Toji growled as he dragged his tongue up your bouncing pudgy belly to your breasts. "just my type." he slurred with hooded eyes, sucking and licking your nipple, his hand rolling the other between his thick digits. You gasped, his strong arms grabbed hold of your middle and pulled you onto his lap as he sat back "Gonna ride me yeah?" Toji's words spread a fire through your core "You can do it pretty girl." He cooed, his hands now holding your rear. Kissing him passionately, you lifted your hips before completely slamming down his member "Goddamn pretty girl." Toji choked out and used your ass as leverage to pump into you from below, every push in and out you felt each vein, his bulbous tip hit your cervix and gspot in one that made your toes curl as he fucked you like it was the end of the world. The squelching of the pairing of your soaked cunt and his glistening cock was inching your climax closer, causing your poor pussy to pulse "Cum, fuckin' come on this fat cock!" Toji growled, attacking your neck with kisses. "Fuck!" you screamed, your hips stuttering from your overwhelming orgasm.
Toji groaned, pouring his seed within your clamped pussy, milking his balls dry. Gently Toji laid you back on the bed and pulled out, chuckling at your tired whine as he did and pulled you into his warm embrace, his chest supporting your head, his arm snuggling you into his side "Sleep," he mumbled into your hair "I'll be here." your soft sores followed and a sinister smirk graced his lips, damn he should make a career in acting.
"She's my wife! Just because 'm fuckin' you, doesn't mean you're special!" Toji got into your face "Get that through that thick skull" he said harshly as he tapped your head with two of his fingers. You glared at him and slapped his digits away "Fuck off prick." you hissed and walked into the bathroom. "Don't walk away f'me." Toji spat and grabbed your arm, his hold was hard, so rough you knew a bruise would arise. "I do whatever I want to do. Why don't you find a whore to fuck!" you yelled, yanking and failing to free your trapped arm. "Maybe I fuckin' will." Toji growled, letting go of your forearm and walked away.
The slamming of the front door, informed you he truly left.
You sank onto the toilet as silent tears began to fall that soon turned into sobs. Maybe you deserved this, nothing good comes from falling for a married man, especially a man like Toji but you delused that he was different..he was so sweet to you after that night, and the continuous nights that followed now you see you were just a fool.
Days passed and he hadn't returned. Sleeping became more hard to come by, so used to his body next to you as you slept and craving came like a hurricane.
The baby however continues to grow, and the baby bump finally more noticeable past your rotund stomach. TV played some trashy show in which you barely paid any attention as you scooped more of the chocolate ice cream and swallowed it from the spoon. 'I hate him. I hate him. I hat-' your bitter thoughts stopped abruptly, quickly you paused the show and pushed yourself off the loveseat as the sound of a door being unlocked.
"Toj-Oh Mrs. Fushiguro, Welcome home!" you greet her feigning cheerfulness. "I'm glad to be back," Kimiko smiled and put her shoes, coat, and bag in their respective places "How are you, and the baby?" she asked, laying her hands on your baby bump. "We're good." you forced a smile, feeling all but comfortable by her touch. "Where's Toji by the way? I didn't see his car in the driveway" she questioned and took her hands off your stomach. "Oh, he left to hang out with a friend for a while. Don't know when he'll be back," you replied. "Okay..."Kimiko trailed off, a look akin to anger on her pretty pale face.
Toji still hasn't returned, and it's been a week. You could barely stand being in the same room as Kimiko, the remainder that you had fucked her husband more than once hit hard so you tried to get out as much as you could that's when you met Aoto, a sweet and considerate man that you quickly became friends. Today you both decided to go to a popular cafe, the weather was warm and sunny, the perfect day to sit outside. You laughed at a joke that Aoto said, and in the corner of your eyes you noticed a man coming your way, he seemed angry.
"Who's this?" Toji spat, glaring at the small man, a glint brimmed with murderous intent. "Oh, umm this is Aoto Tanaka, my friend," you piped nervously, Toji didn't even look at you. "Who do you think you are?" Toki questioned, placing his hands on the table and leaning closer to Aoto's face "Ya want to fuck her huh?" Toji accused. "W-what? No! It's not like that!" Aoto tried to plead his case as he looked anywhere besides You and Toji. "Bullshit," Toji growled and picked up your friend by his shirt and throw him to the hard concrete. Your eyes widened in horror, you were unable to move as you watched Toji drop to his knees on top of Aoto and punch him in the face, the blow causing blood to flow out of his nose, Toji continued to bash Aoto.
The screams around you broke you from your state and you hurried to try to help, "Toji, Stop!" you cried as you tugged at his arm, "Please, you're scaring me!". Toji breathed heavily and stood up, "She's mine, bitch." Toji spat on Aoto's face for good measure and grabbed your arm, and your purse pulled you along. "Why the fuck did ya let some bitch close to you!" Toji pushed you into an ally way and trapped you against the brick wall, making you drop said purse. "You're mine.". "I'm nobody's to own! I'm my own person!" you hissed and attempted to wiggle free. "Like hell!" you flinched as he yelled, a sharp pain in your stomach caused you to hold your baby bump and almost fall, luckily Toji quickly caught you. "Baby?!" Toji shook you as you gained and lost consciousness.
Groaning you opened your eyes, the sound of peeping and a sterile smell surrounded you. "Oh, honey you're awake." a woman, who you assumed was your assigned was designated nurse. "How long was I out?" you asked, your voice raspy, a groan followed after as a strong headache rang through.
"A week," she replied as she checked your vitals, "Your baby boy is just fine, congratulations by the way." She turned around and smiled, her hand resting on yours, "If you wish in a few hours you can go home, do you have a ride?" you shook your head. "Oh," She frowned "Well then don't worry, we can call a taxi to take you home," she reassured, patting your hand, and left the room to continue her job. You were released three hours later, the ride home was silent, a true blessing. Once he pulled up the driveway, you thanked the driver and got out, your purse on your shoulder, and keys in hand. You have never been so grateful to be home, by yourself than you are now,.
Walking inside you placed your keys on the rack, take off your shoes, and throw your purse onto the couch as you walk past the furniture and to your bedroom, plopping down on the soft bed, "Fuck me." you groaned, you were being so foolish, nothing good came from fucking married men yet something about Toji was addicting, enchanting.
You need a few days by yourself.
That didn't even last two days, you already texted Kimiko about wanting some time alone, and she immediately texted, a little hesitant and worried, although she still understood your point and said that if you needed anything to let hurt know. However, Toji didn't, on the second day heavy, rapid knocks sang within your house, yelling and shouting following suit, it went on for hours before he gave up and went home, the third day he continued to disturb the neighborly peace, and you continued to ignore him. In time he stopped bothering you and you took that as a chance to get out for fresh air and a snack.
You smiled as you waved at a friendly neighbor and unlocked the door, the house was dark except for a dimly lit light that shined from the living room, which was on when you left. Your breath hitched as you moved as silently as you could to your kitchen and grabbed a knife from the wood block, slowly you approached the living room, hiding behind the hall wall, and peaked over the wall.
"Good, you're home," Toji said nonchalantly, his head resting against his knock as his ankle lay on his thigh as he sat on your loveseat. "What are you doing here?" your eyebrows frowned as watched as he got up from the loveseat and woke backward when he began to stroll towards you. "You've been ignoring me, what other way to get ya attention?" Toji griped your jaw in his hand once he backed you against the wall, his other running up and down your tubby sides. "You.." you trailed off as his hand slid down your stomach into your pants and underwear, his fingers parting your folds and rubbing your slit. "you what? Why don't you let me take care of ya huh? Let me make it up to you." Toji whispers before licking your neck, nipping, and suckin', as his digits now rolls your nub between them. "Please," you begged even though everything told you not to let him. You mewled, Toji's kiss muffed every whimper and moan, he slipped his finger in your slimy, stick opening, his palm jerking up your clit. Your juices overflowed his hand, no part of his hand wasn't coated in your slick.
Toji away from your heat kiss, a sting of saliva snapped as he pulled away, "You're mine, you fuckin' got me" Toji snarled and lifted you into his capable arms when you simply nodded, eyes glossed over with lust and followed your directions to your bedroom. You let a loud whoa as he pushed you upon the wall, and sat you down to tear your pants and everything with it, "You got me fucked up, thinkin' you ain't mine." his eyes a darker green than before, working off his clothes he slaps your one of thick thighs, you knew what that meant and you spread them.
"You'll always be and don't forget it." he said as he picked you up, his cock lay heavy upon your sticky folds "Do you understand?" he glared at you. "Yes! Yes, please!" you cried "Want you bad! Fuck me!" you whined, bucking your hips, his dick sliding up your lips as you did so. "alright I tortured you enough." Toji smirked smugly, without any shame. His fat cockhead jabbed into your pussy, not hard to hurt but it certainly made your eyes roll," Feel good baby?" Toji cooed mockingly. You open your mouth to reply, and the only thing that leaves your lips is a yelp as he tore through your last remaining clothing, he begins to suckie on your nipple drawing your warm breast milk, gulping down heaps of it as his cock rolled and pounded your cunt, "Damn the kid is lucky." Toji slurred as his rhythm sped up. Your eyes closed from the pleasure as your form buzzed, every part felt hot. Your eyes snapped open as a gasp was heard that wasn't from you, right there in the door frames was Kimiko, a hand over her mouth as she looked on the way Toji became one with you, tears that sat borderline of her orbs.
Toji slowed to a stop, his dick still lodged within your walls as he looked over his shoulder, his expression falling when he saw his wife. Without thinking he let you go, your body hit the floor, and a sharp pain shocked your body however before you could ask for help, Toji ran after Kimiko. You gritted your teeth as you crawled to your unlocked door and knocked over your purse rack, searching for your phone hectically and called 119, you waited as you felt like you were growing underwater "Hello, how may I help you?" a kind-sounding woman asked. "I'm pregnant a-and I fall. Please help me!" you said shakily. "Okay, ma'am im tracking your phone and the paramedics will be there soon. Just stay with me," she spoke as you heard fast typing on a keyboard, her calm voice helped lessen your fear. However, it was too hard to stay awoke and you gave into unconsciousness.
You jolted up from the piercing cry of a baby. Your baby was okay, you smiled as the doctors lifted him in the air, he looked exactly like his father, and you thought they would immediately lay him on your chest instead they handed your baby boy, Kimkio and Toji walked into the delivery room. Happy smiles on their faces as they strolled towards the door. "N-no, wait!" you choked out, tears falling freely down your cheeks as the nurse attended to you.
You were doomed from the start.
@yeonieess ,@archiviste0o0 , @xxmaddhatter39xx ,@hachrinnen, @tojishugetiddies ,@wrldtups ,@bblkesh, @ilovekeiarah, @tepes-wife ,@444ctrl ,@tqd4455 @myst
A/n: sorry my beautiful doves, midway I had lost motivation and I wanted to work on another things but I didn't want to not post it. So here it is, I hope you enjoyed it.
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blondedmuse · 2 years
steve harrington x fem!reader
a late night smoke sesh with steve.
warnings: drunk reader, smoking/drug use, shotgunning, fingering, oral (f recieving)
author’s note: I'm a slut for steve, thank you
word count: 2k
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"Hey, feet off the dash," He grumbled as he put the car into reverse, backing out of the parking space.
"Hey, feet off the dash," He grumbled as he put the car into reverse, backing out of the parking space.
"Hey, feet off the dash," He grumbled as he put the car into reverse, backing out of the parking space.
You tilt your head towards Steve. "My feet are killing me, Harrington."
"Okay fine, just..take your boots off, I'll carry them inside."
You smiled and he only rolled his eyes. Yes, admittedly you were a pain in his ass when you were drunk, but he would do just about anything for you whether he would admit it or not; and if that meant driving you home in the middle of the night because you stayed just a little too long at a party, then so be it.
You were beyond grateful to have a best friend like him. But you didn't know how long you could stand the thought of only being his best friend.
You bare feet were on the dash now, your head looking out the window, preoccupied with these million other thoughts—and Steve was quick to notice.
"Hey, sweetheart, you okay?" He asked, trying to keep his focus on the road.
You jerked your head towards him. "Yeah, just..."
"Drunk?" He laughed.
"Who would've guessed?" You grinned.
"Well you're lucky the ride's short, because we're here." His car pulled into the empty driveway of your house, satisfied with the lack of cars in front of your home.
"Parent's out tonight?" He questioned, furrowing his brows.
You shook your head. "The weekend. My dad has business in New York and my mom went with. They're not gonna be back til Monday."
He nodded. "Alright, well let's get you inside, yeah?"
"Yeah," You sighed and Steve grabbed your boots while you grabbed your bag and walked to the front door.
Once inside, you immediately aimed for the kitchen, your body dying for a glass of water.
"How do you feel?" Steve asked making his way towards you, watching intently as you chugged a glass of water.
Part of you wanted to spit some snarky comment like you always did, something along the lines of Stop worrying about me, it's not a good look on you, because it wasn't. You wanted him to stop caring about you so much, to stop feeding into the idea that you could be more than friends. But instead, you gave a truthful answer.
"Better. Like I could smoke some weed- we..could smoke some weed" You quirked a brow at him, a complacent smirk forming at your lips and was soon infecting his.
"Whatever you want." He returned your smile and you went to your room to grab your stash.
You came back with a brown bag in hand, holding it up in all its glory. Back in the kitchen, you propped yourself up onto the kitchen counter, your legs dangling off the side which Steve stood between.
You pulled a blunt from the bag and placed it between your lips as you pulled your lighter from your pocket, but Steve was quick to snatch it from your fingers.
"What was that for?" Your scoff muffled by the joint hanging from our mouth.
"Pretty girls don't light their own blunts."
"You think I'm pretty?"
"Who wouldn't," He said, igniting the joint between your lips and you inhaled.
You were slightly annoyed at how casual he flirted with you, at how he probably didn't even realize he was flirting with you, because you wanted to be anything but casual; and you hadn't a clue what he wanted. One minute he'd be all over you and then nonchalantly friend-zoning you the next.
It was tiring—you were tired. Your eyelids were harboring heavyweights that became harder to keep open the longer he looked through you while the faint sound of your thoughts bled into your ears, meddling with your head like a slow, sensual kiss.
"Whatever, Steve 'the hair' Harrington," You mocked with air quotes and all, brushing off his compliment and breathing out the clouded fumes.
He scoffed as you passed the blunt to him and took a drag. "You're funny when you're drunk."
"I know. Someone's gotta be the funny one, and it's definitely not you." You declared as your finger landed on his chest.
"Hey! I'm funny-"
"Sure you are. Are you gonna go on about how the ladies love your humor?" You rolled your eyes jokingly.
He shook his head, laughing. "They do y'know."
"Whatever. Y'know in Vegas casinos it smells like weed all the time? it's gotta be like heaven in there, you could practically get high off the air," You said, before sucking delicately on the smoke once more. If the alcohol hadn't loosened you up by now, the weed definitely did. At this point you were just talking just to talk and Steve enjoyed every second.
"That's what you think heaven is?"
You exhaled the gray stench in his face and his expression crinkled in disgust. "Of course I do."
"Of course you do," He chuckled. "Clearly you haven't been to heaven then."
You furrowed your brows while feeding the blunt between his lips. "And you have?"
"No, but I can get you there," He breathed, reciprocating your puff of smoke in his face. "If you'll let me." You stared at him for a few seconds before fully understanding the gravity of his suggestion.
Your brow shot up. "Cocky much?"
"Maybe...but I just want to make you feel good." Your gaze flickered between his eyes and lips, and only now were you realizing what a pretty shade of pink they really were.
You wrapped your lips around the blunt, inhaling what you could before grabbing Steve's face, putting your lips on his. You exhaled the smoke from your mouth into Steve's, which he gladly accepted.
"I didn't get an answer, baby." He pulled away and you could see your smoke evading his lips.
Baby. You didn't know if you had become so intoxicated and reached the point of delirium or if this was really, truly happening. Part of you didn't want to know, because what was worse? Being used or fleeting sincerity?
"Eyes on me babe, c'mon."
You focused on him again and decided fuck it. "Yes, take me to heaven, Harrington."
This time Steve's hands were on your face, thumbs running over your cheekbones and wasting no time in dragging you back in for another kiss. A soft moan spilled from your mouth into his and he knows he's got you where he wants you, running a hand up your thigh before quickly finding the button of your pants.
You lean back on the counter, elbows supporting you as he takes them off and drops to his knees. You're half focused on him and half focused on whether or not this is still happening, but all doubting thoughts dissipate when you feel Steve's tongue drag over your clothed cunt.
Your whole body felt aflame and he's barely touched you.
When he finally takes your underwear off he can see how wet you truly are. Your heat was hot against his face, your scent alone was intoxicating, maybe enough to get him high on its own. Even more intoxicating was your taste, it'd only been seconds and he felt like he could spend hours between your legs.
His tongue swirled around your clit while you lean back on the counter, your elbows no longer supporting you.
Your fingers clawed at his scalp, messing up his hair, which is quite a pet peeve of his but he would let you do it a million times over if it meant he could have you like this. They dig deeper when his teeth brush up against your clit just enough to have your back arching off the counter, hips bucking up as a moan escapes your lips.
"Oh god, Steve."
If you thought you knew what heaven was, you were wrong. His breath set your cunt ablaze while his lips closed around your clit. His tongue flicked around the sensitive bud, his hands running up and down your thighs and gingerly holding your body down before your hips can buck up to meet his mouth once more.
"Try and stay still for me," Steve mumbled into your heat, his voice sending vibrations rolling through your body causing a chill to run up your spine, your head hitting the kitchen counter. The joint in your hand was forgotten long ago, deserted from the moment your tongues intertwined with each-other. You only remembered it then, feeling it between your fingertips, and in that moment you went to put it out. Only when you did, you felt Steve slip a finger into you and your hand slammed onto the counter at the motion.
"Fuck," You breathed, your legs tightening and forcing his head further into your cunt and he couldn't help but groan.
"Need another," You said and swallowing thickly, as his mouth sucked relentlessly while he curled his finger.
"Another what, baby?"
"Another-" You were interrupted by a moan erupting from the back of your throat. "Another finger, please."
Steve did exactly what you asked of him and you shamelessly pushed your hips up against him. The tension in your lower stomach was steadily building, and quicker than you'd like to admit.
His mouth was so effortlessly driving you insane, he was driving you insane. The way his warm hand felt around your thigh while he fucked is tongue into you with so much fervor had you reeling.
It was mindless, the way he knew exactly where to touch, where to brush his fingers to have you squirming, writhing under him. The feeling was so intense, you wouldn’t be surprised if you just blacked out then and there on the kitchen counter. His name rolled of your tongue like a desperate prayer while your hips rolled against his fingers, lips around your clit.
"Oh my god, I'm gonna-" The pleasure was so much you couldn't even finish your sentence.
"Cum?" He asked and you only sobbed in response. "Let go for me, sweetheart, m'right here."
His arms released your thighs, entangling with your hands and whatever he'd said about staying still was definitely forgotten by now as your hips bucked up to meet his mouth, finally pushed over the edge. The orgasm that washed over you made your vision go white and you were sure you were in heaven. It was harsh and near brutal, but you swear he made you see stars.
Steve's tongue continued to languidly thrust in and out of your cunt, helping you ride out a new high. After a moment, you reached down to scratch his head attempting to pull him away from your heat and he obliged. When you finally came down from your orgasm, his lips were in view, soaked with you and a smile tugging at its ends. The sensation of his mouth and fingers were now gone, and you couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment.
Steve's no longer between your thighs, but pulling you toward him on the counter, a firm grasp on your ankles. Once you're sitting up and he's standing between your thighs again, he doesn't hesitate in kissing you, but this time it's chaste and you can feel it; he kissed you just to kiss you, and when you pulled away you were met with hopeful eyes and a shit-eating grin.
"So, what's better? Heaven or Las Vegas?"
"I think you know the answer," You giggled.
You were both still so clearly high and you were still drunk, now fucked out too. So, you both silently agreed that whatever was between you two would be a conversation for the morning. But a part of you knew that you'd find yourself in heaven again soon.
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bro-atz · 5 months
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word count: 3k
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There was one thing everyone in the group was worried about for this ROD party: whether or not Seonghwa would bring Bora. They all waited in Mingi and Jongho’s apartment with bated breaths until Seonghwa arrived sans Bora. A collective sigh swept around the apartment, and they were able to eat and drink in peace.
San had a lot on his mind that night. He barely looked at anyone and stayed mostly quiet. He drank a lot more than he usually did, which may have been a mistake after he heard Wooyoung start to whine.
“Guys! Let’s play a game,” he pouted like a little kid.
His words went ignored. He tried again, “Guys! Let’s play a game!”
The more people ignored him, the more he chanted the same dialogue with increasing volume. Finally Gyuri clamped a hand over his mouth and caved, “Okay, Woo! What game do you want to play?”
Gyuri’s hand was still over his mouth, so his words came out muffled. He said it a second time after Gyuri removed her hand from his face, “Spin-the-bottle.”
A chorus of groans and the word no echoed in the apartment loudly. “Absolutely not,” Hongjoong formally rejected the idea.
“Then, uh, spin-the-bottle-truth-or-dare?”
“What the hell? Woo, we’re not high schoolers anymore. Try again,” Seonghwa shook his head disapprovingly.
That seemed to do the trick for everyone. They put it to a vote, and the outcome was six to four in favor of the game. The ones who were still skeptical of the game, Gyuri, Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and San, all stood near each other as they all formed a circle. San made sure to have Hongjoong and Seonghwa in between him and Gyuri because he was still feeling weird about the night Gyuri got absolutely plastered. She didn’t do anything wrong, and they did talk it through, but every time he looked at her, his heart would clench up, and it made him feel all sorts of ways. He needed time to figure it out.
For some reason, there were only soju bottles and beer cans at Mingi and Jongho’s place. In order for them to play spin the bottle, someone had to finish a soju bottle. So, they played the finger game, and Jongho was tasked with finishing a soju bottle. To up the ante, Wooyoung was able to convince everyone to having to chug a whole soju bottle if there was a question they refused to answer, and then they’d be out of the game.
“If we did beer, then no one will answer a question all night,” he reasoned. “Oh, and no yes or no questions because those are easy to get out of.”
“Wow, for once you have a brain,” Yeosang said in complete wonderment.
“I will beat your ass.”
“I dare you.”
San questioned why there was more than 9 bottles of soju in the apartment, but then he remembered that half of the group were heavyweights, so they needed that much alcohol. After everyone had gotten their bottle, the game began. Jongho, being the lucky soul who had to finish a bottle for the sake of the game, got to spin the bottle first, and it landed on Yunho.
“Who was the last person you fought with?”
“I meant physically,” Jongho clarified.
“Yeah, Iseul.”
“Yes, and I won. You’re cleaning beakers for a month,” Iseul crossed her arms over her chest.
San kept looking at the two of them and wondering if anything was going on there. They bickered like an old married couple, but they fought like siblings. What was their relationship?
Yunho’s spin landed on Hongjoong. “What do you wear when you’re hoping to go home with someone?”
“New clothes. Always new clothes.”
“New clothes?”
“Yep. From my shirt to my socks and everything else in between.”
“Wait… That’s actually smart. Let me write this down,” Wooyoung was amazed.
Hongjoong asked Gyuri the next question, “What’s a secret you’ve never told anyone?”
Gyuri seemed to be deep in thought for a good several seconds. San wondered what she was going to do. He wouldn’t be surprised if she decided to tap out right at that question, but if she didn’t, would she say anything about their relationship? Probably not, right?
“I almost slept with a professor to get a higher grade,” she finally answered.
Everyone in the group reacted to her statement with either gasps of shock or covering their faces. San blinked at her several times because, uh, what the fuck?! He had so many questions. Apparently, so did Seonghwa. “Which professor?! What class?! Why almost?!”
“Hey, hey, hey, it was Hongjoong’s turn, and you only get to ask one question!” Gyuri smiled confidently. She left everyone curious as hell. San was impressed— she played the game well.
Gyuri asked Seonghwa, “What’s your biggest pet peeve?”
Seonghwa stared Hongjoong down as he responded without missing a beat, “When people don’t clean up after themselves.”
Whistling, Hongjoong ignored Seonghwa and looked anywhere but at him. It was Seonghwa’s turn to spin the bottle after that, and it landed back on Yunho. “Why do you live in the lab?”
“Because Iseul and I mess up our experiments all the time,” Yunho admitted sadly.
“I’ve visited them at the lab a couple times. They do mess up a lot,” Wooyoung confirmed.
“Not as much as you, Woo,” Iseul shot back. “At least our data is the only thing we mess up. You keep causing explosions.”
Like a dog with its tail in between its legs, Wooyoung backed off. San watched as Iseul smiled triumphantly, and he paused. What was going on with him? He usually felt his face get a little warm whenever he saw her smile or laugh, but that wasn’t happening this time around. Was he losing it? Was he drunk already and his face was already warm?
“Where is the craziest place you’ve done the deed?” Yunho’s question to Jongho snapped San out of his thoughts.
“The football field.”
“That’s so fitting…”
Jongho was apparently out for blood that night because when the bottle landed on Hongjoong, he said, “Name someone you pretend to like but actually can’t stand.”
The room grew a little stiff at that moment. Everyone (well, mostly everyone) knew about Hongjoong’s distaste in Bora, and Jongho was intentionally backing Hongjoong into a corner with that question, knowing that Hongjoong would drink; and he did. Jongho cackled evilly as Hongjoong moved away from the circle now that he was out of the game.
“Most embarrassing hook up?” Jongho asked Mingi; was Mingi going to back out of this question as well?
“I slept over at her place, but turns out she was still living with her mom. I had to abandon my clothes, climb out the window, and run away only wearing my boxers.”
Everyone in the room, although they were sitting, fell to the ground in fits. San was holding his stomach— he was laughing so hard that he got a cramp. Hongjoong and Wooyoung were slapping the floor, Seonghwa and Yeosang were slapping their thighs, Yunho was literally laughing in Mingi’s face, Gyuri and Iseul kept trying to calm down but would look at each other from across the circle and burst out laughing again, and Jongho laughed so hard he started crying. Mingi sat with a stoic face. As everyone continued to laugh, he spun the bottle.
“Wooyoung, what’s the dirtiest text you’ve sent?” Mingi seemed to be hellbent on embarrassing someone else in the group.
“Uh, let me see,” Wooyoung opened his phone and scrolled through a specific conversation before he read out loud, “I want to cover you with whipped cream and eat you up all night long.”
“Wait, you sent that to me!” Yeosang screamed.
Wooyoung winked at his roommate, only to receive a glare in return.
San was starting to wonder if the bottle was ever going to land on him as it landed on Gyuri for the second time. “Tell us about a time you embarrassed yourself in front of a crush.”
That did it for Gyuri. San guessed it was because if she recited the incident, then she would out her crush on Seonghwa. She finished her bottle and got out of the circle, joining Hongjoong on the loser’s couch.
Finally, the bottle landed on San, and that’s when he realized Wooyoung was going to ask him the question. San prayed in his head that Wooyoung would not ask something utterly ridiculous so that he could stay in the game and not drink the whole bottle of soju.
“Who do you have a crush on?”
San froze. Why? Why did Wooyoung have to ask that question out of all the goddamn questions in the world. “It’s me, right? It has to be me,” Wooyoung said.
While maintaining eye contact, San opened his bottle of soju and chugged to the best of his abilities. He left the circle, but he didn’t join the loser’s couch just yet. He needed water with that soju because Jesus Christ he could feel himself getting drunker. He stayed in the kitchen and watched from afar as he drank water and munched on some snacks.
Wooyoung’s reign continued.
“What kind of porn do you search for?” Yunho: out.
“When was the last tie you had a wet dream?” Yeosang: out.
“Fuck, marry, kill: Gyuri, Iseul, Bora.” Mingi: out.
The bottle landed on Seonghwa, and Wooyoung was finally unable to crack someone. “If you could have sex with one of the guys, who would it be?”
“Hell no! Choose someone else!” Hongjoong hollered at the boy before he shuddered.
San, who had joined the couch once Yunho, Yeosang, and Mingi were eliminated, patted Hongjoong’s shoulder, Hongjoong immediately recoiling from his touch. Gyuri ended up patting his shoulder instead, and he calmed down. San would have been offended had the game not resumed and gone to the next person: Iseul.
“What movie always turns you on?”
“Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,” Iseul said definitively.
The room froze. San just stared at Iseul in complete and utter confusion. He thought she would say something like… Okay, he didn’t know that many sexy movies, but anything would be better than Harry Potter. San continued to stare at Iseul as Gyuri said to her, “You’re insane, Iseul.”
Iseul could only laugh in response, causing the rest of the room to question Iseul’s sanity both to themselves and out loud to her. Still, the game had to go on, and Iseul got to ask Jongho a question. “What was the last lie you told?”
Jongho shook his head and opted to drink instead. San wondered if his lie was to someone in the group, and if so, if it was a lie that would get him in trouble. Regardless, Jongho drank, which meant that there were only two warriors left: Seonghwa and Iseul. Iseul got to ask the next question. “What is it about Bora that you like?”
Everyone on the sofa stared at each other in complete shock— Seonghwa’s back was to them, so he couldn’t see them quietly panicking amongst themselves. Seonghwa was definitely going to answer this question, but the fact that they could find out was incredibly interesting. San glanced over at Gyuri to see her reaction as Seonghwa answered, “She’s really sweet and pretty. She has a cute laugh and this habit of flipping her hair off her shoulder that I absolutely love. Also, she’s great in bed—”
“Full stop! I don’t want to hear about you and Bora in bed!” Hongjoong screamed at Seonghwa while hitting him with a pillow.
As for Gyuri’s reaction, San saw her face twist into disappointment and anger. She didn’t look at him, though. Instead, she got up and went to the kitchen to grab another soju bottle. San watched her chug it from the corner of his eye as Seonghwa asked Iseul, “What’s the weirdest role play you’ve ever done?”
“Oh, that’s easy. Live-action Warrior Cats.”
The boys looked at each other in confusion. What the hell was a Warrior Cat? Was that a movie they missed or a girl’s toy game or something? As the boys tried to figure out what Iseul was talking about, Gyuri roared with laughter from the kitchen, “Oh my God! I remember that guy! I remember hearing him asking you to meow louder! I can’t believe you actually did that!”
“Well, I’m never going to do it again. That shit was so weird… It was like being a furry but without the costumes? I threw out my sheets right after he left and blocked his number,” Iseul laughed.
San no longer wished to know what Iseul was talking about.
“Okay,” Iseul cleared her throat and returned to the game. “Who in the group have you had a dirty dream about?”
Just like that, Seonghwa was out. Chaos ensued after he threw back his own soju, some people celebrating with Iseul while others tried questioning Seonghwa further now that the game was over. San couldn’t bring himself to join in on the festivities. He felt off in that moment. He couldn’t tell if it was the soju, Seonghwa’s answer about Bora, or Yunho and Iseul jumping up and down in happiness. He had half a mind to tell Gyuri to meet him out in the hall, but he saw her talking to Mingi and Jongho, all three of them talking animatedly. San decided that it would be best for him to just go out into the hall and be alone for a bit.
He exited the apartment quietly and felt compelled to go to the staircase. He didn’t know if he wanted to go home or to the roof, so he sat down on one of the steps and just thought to himself. He sighed deeply, hoping that the sigh would clear up some of the thoughts rampaging through his head, but he was wrong. So, he decided to focus on one thought at a time. He fixated on his wonderments of Iseul. It was as if he had magically summoned her or something because she walked into the stairwell.
“Hey, San.”
“Oh, hey Iseul. What’s up?”
“Are you okay?”
She approached him, and San immediately scooted away slightly. She sat down next to him, and he leaned away the tiniest bit. What was happening to him? Why wasn’t he excited to see this girl he had been crushing on for months? Why did he move away from her? The questions consumed him as Iseul asked, “Did I do something wrong?”
“No, you didn’t.”
She got closer, he moved away again slightly. His body seemed to have a mind of its own in that moment, because his head was telling him to stop avoiding the girl, but his body just wouldn’t listen.
“Why are you avoiding me?” she sounded hurt.
“I’m not… I’m really not,” he wished she would believe him because that was the truth.
Iseul looked down and sighed. San felt really bad. Here was the girl he liked sitting next to him and he was brushing her off. He couldn’t believe his own actions. Iseul got up and was about to walk away when San’s mind finally allowed him control over his body. He grabbed her wrist and said, “Wait.”
He sat Iseul back down and gazed into her eyes. His heart didn’t beat faster, and there were no butterflies in his stomach. Something wasn’t right. He was getting frustrated with himself, and he finally decided to tell her how he felt, hoping that the confession would stir something within him.
“I like you, Iseul.”
A silence settled between them. He could hear the ruckus from the ROD party faintly as he waited for Iseul to say something. He honestly couldn’t believe that he actually confessed to her. It took him so long, and his heart still was not racing the same way it was when he saw her just the other day. Something was definitely wrong with him. Maybe it was the alcohol. Maybe he should have done this sober.
She leaned into San and gave him a hug. San hugged her back, but the way she fit into his chest just… didn’t feel right. He would have killed for this hug last week. She was hugging him, and still… nothing.
“Thank you for telling me,” she whispered into his chest.
Here comes the rejection. San had been expecting her to reject him from day one because he thought there was something between her and Yunho, but at this moment, he didn’t seem to care what she said. He just wanted to tell her he liked her to get it over with; at least that’s what it seemed like to him. He had never had so much conflict within himself until today. He should take a break from drinking. That might clear up his mind.
Iseul let go of him and leaned back slowly, San mirroring her actions. They looked at each other once more, San studying her face. He didn’t know what he looked like at that moment. He couldn’t tell if his face was pink, if his ears were burning red, or if he had the dumbest look on his face. He braced himself for the her verbal response, only to feel her lean in and kiss him.
San didn’t have many feelings about the kiss. Objectively the kiss was good, nay, the kiss was great. Her lips were soft, and the kiss was non-intrusive. It was great first kiss. Still, San didn’t feel anything. No butterflies, no rapidly beating heart, zip, zero, nada, goose egg. His hands didn’t reach for her. His body didn’t lean into hers. He was stuck there, his body taking control once more.
It’s the alcohol, he kept telling himself. He never drank that quickly ever, so it had to be that he was inebriated. He didn’t know if he was kidding himself or if that was the truth, but that didn’t stop him from leaning back from the kiss and telling Iseul quietly, “Let’s go on a date.”
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leanbeefpattysimp3 · 1 year
Hello to all of the baki fandom on here! I’m @leanbeefpattysimp3 but you can call me Bug instead. I’m not new to the fandom nor Tumblr (majority of us had that cringe middle school emo phase and found this app💀) but I’m new to the fandom on here so this will be fun learning about! Which brings me to why I made this account, so I’ve been putting together this Baki oc and the story for about a few months and I wanted to share it! Everyone meet my oc, the adopted daughter of Doppo Orochi, Solomon Orochi!
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Here’s the description and background of this feral mf.
19 years old
6’2 (long legged spider mf, Katsumi still argues he’s taller when he’s really not)
265 lbs (this bitch packed with muscle, beefy fr)
Caucasian Decent, half American and half Ossetian (we’ve got another cracker besides Eminem Hanma)
Brown hair but has dyed blonde streaks in it(her hair changes overtime cause I can’t make up my mind on how I want the blonde)
Quite the firecracker for someone of her background and stature, you normally don’t see a big person get the zoomies like a smaller one, a huge ass gremlin if you will. She’s the kind who will make people uncomfortable in public on purpose (not in a bad way more like Impractical Jokers).
She’s definitely her father’s child, if she’s fighting she’s gonna keep fighting till either her opponent is no longer able to fight back or she flat out dies. Which does make Doppo nervous, even if she is a fighter, that’s his little girl.
She has multiple surgery scars, 3 most prominent on her knees and abdomen, she had to get her kneecaps fixed due to them shattering during one of her MMA fights, and had to have emergency surgery on her intestine because it ruptured during that same fight, however the mf still won cause “Momma didn’t raise no bitch”.
Solomon was adopted by Doppo and Natsue when she was 2 months old, Doppo was friends with an American heavyweight martial arts champion and his Ossetian wife who had moved to Japan, however that would come to a short end when the wife went crazy and killed the husband and herself, leaving behind Solomon, who Doppo and Natsue decided to take in and call their own. 3 years later they adopted Katsumi, and from then on the two became inseparable, one always going wherever the other one went, doctor’s appointments, school trips, everywhere and anywhere they always wanted to go together.
When Doppo starts teaching Katsumi Shinshinkai Karate, he decides to start teaching Solomon as well cause “Hell why not?”. To his surprise she catches on more quickly than Katsumi, and is even kicking Katsumi’s ass when they spar (which Natsue doesn’t know how to feel about cause her kids are kicking each other’s asses and her husband is laughing at it). Solomon went to school with Hanayama, and the two started talking, and eventually dating. Katsumi and Solomon get older, stronger of course, and by the time Katsumi is 18 and Solomon is 16, they’re basically pros. However, Sol was to learn more than just Shinshinkai Karate, and asks her father if she can travel to her biological parents motherland, America(🦅distant eagle screech) and learn MMA style fighting , which he thought about for awhile, his little girl traveling thousands of miles away from home without him and the rest of the family, but ultimately decides that with how amazing her fighting and strength has gotten, it would be great for her fighting abilities. Solomon tells Hanayama that she’s about to leave for a few years, so they ultimately decide to break up, knowing things wouldn’t work if she’s thousands of miles away (at this time they’re 16, still quite young).
Solomon gets sent off to America, but before then her father gets in contact with the best of the best MMA fighters and trainers so she can get the best training. She’s expecting to go to one of the cool fancy states like California or New York, however Doppo thought it would be funny to send her to Texas of all places from the things he’s heard about from there. So here she is, a person of Caucasian descent who doesn’t know a lick of English besides introducing herself and the word “Chicken” (she saw it on an ad back home about food) which everyone who she became friends with or taught her thought was quite funny, a white girl who never learned much English. She did eventually learn it “fluently” during her stay, however she spoke it with quite the interesting accent since everyone who taught her had southern accents ( I just want you to try to imagine a Japanese accent that has southern twang to it, it’s quite funny)
She ended up staying and training for 3 years and was given the title “World’s Strongest Woman” at just 18 year old after she had become the heavyweight MMA champion in America and scoring 2100lbs in the 2000lbs club for the International Powerlifting Federation. She was one of the most powerful fighters in America until she got a call from her mother saying her father had almost died from a fight with a man named Yuujiro Hanma (dirty nasty crusty man-thing), and which terrified her more than anything, immediately after the call she wanted to go back home to her family and immediately started packing. She ends up coming back in time for the Maximum Tournament, but not in time to compete in it. Even with being upset she can’t compete, she does get excited about watching two specific fighters during the matchups, Jack Hanma and Kaioh Retsu.
So since we’ve gotten to this point I’ll start writing the main story on her and such, if you’d like you can also request types of stories on her and head-cannons and if y’all want to can ask for different ships, and whoever wants to can use her in other Baki stories n such, just make sure to credit me for her! I’ll also post more artwork I’ve made of her and y’all can request artwork as well!
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heartsoulrocknroll · 25 days
AEW Dynamite 4/17/24
Moxley comes out to open the show with the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, and I throw up in my mouth. He says people have always tried to tell him what he can and can't do, and he says kiss my ass and watch me. He can't even say the full name of the championship, but says he has been chasing it for 5 years. He says a lot of BS about what's inside him. He mentions the Don Callis Family targeting Danielson. He says they are welcome to come fight him. He challenges Hobbs to a match next week. He says there are a lot of great wrestlers, but there will only ever be one Jon Moxley. And I say thank god for that!!!!! What an awful way to open the show. Just cringe-inducing.
Mercedes does a backstage promo. She mentions being attacked last week in the dark, and says the dark is a little too familiar. She didn't picture Julia to be such a coward. Or maybe it was someone else who wants her to think it was Julia. So she is putting the whole women's division on notice.
Adam Copeland and Willow Nightingale vs. Brody King and Julia Hart -- Copeland enters. The screen shows Willow being checked on by a doctor, after seemingly being attacked backstage. The lights go out and Brody jumps Copeland. Brody lands a running cross body to Copeland into the barricade. Brody dominates with suplexes and chops. Copeland finally turns it around with lariats and boots in the corner, then lands an impaler DDT for two. Copeland lands a blockbuster off the second rope and goes for a spear, but Brody stops it with a lariat. Willow comes out! She tags in with a cross body to Brody, then Copeland spears Brody. Willow lands the corner cannonball senton on Brody. Then Julia comes in from behind with a steel chain to Willow's face, then locks in Hartless for the pinfall.
This was fine. It wasn't much of a match, but it made its point well enough. Rating: 2.25
Mercedes comes out with a chair to even the odds! Julia takes off. Mercedes and Willow/Copeland face each other. Copeland shakes Mercedes' hand.
Samoa Joe sits down with Renee. Joe says he did see Swerve as a worthy adversary, but now he sees him as more of a nuisance. Swerve keeps standing up after Joe knocks him down, and that doesn't seem like a pre-requisite to a champion, it seems like a pre-requisite to a punching bag. Swerve has come up short for every championship he has challenged for. History will repeat itself at Dynasty. Swerve is a choke artist, but he won't have to worry about it at Dynasty, because Joe will choke him instead. Nice! Great stuff from Joe as usual!
Bucks and Okada promo! The Bucks say they perfected the ladder match and will become the first three time AEW World Tag Champs at Dynasty. Okada says Pac won't make it to Dynasty. He is a dead man.
Kazuchika Okada and The Young Bucks vs. Pac, Penta El Zero Miedo, and Daniel Garcia -- Stereo leg drop/moonsault combination by Penta and Pac on Nick. Garcia lands a beautiful butterfly suplex on Nick. Okada trips Garcia from outside and drags him out, then Nick lands a running PK to Garcia from the apron. Matt is talking on the mic while wrestling. God. Garcia lands a back suplex on Matt. Pac lands beautiful, rebounding snap German suplexes on both Bucks off the ropes, then a double missile dropkick off the top, then a moonsault off the top to the outside! Triple team enziguris and back elbow by the Bucks and Okada on Pac in the corner. Okada lands a neckbreaker on the knee on Pac for two. Penta comes in with Made in Japan on Okada for two! Pac with a nice slingshot cutter over the ropes on Matt! Pac lands a huge thrust kick to take Okada down. Pac goes for the Black Arrow, but Matt takes him off the top rope, and he tumbles down on his head. Okada lands a dropkick on Garcia. Garcia gets jacknife pin on Okada for two! Double corner enziguris by the Bucks on Garcia, then a tombstone by Okada! Penta comes in and Okada lands a Tombstone on him as well! Double superkicks by the Bucks, then Rainmaker by Okada on Garcia!! Okada covers Garcia for the pinfall.
This was a good, fun match. Solid action from all involved. I could have done without the some of the Bucks' nonsense here, which is weird, because I'm usually into it. But Matt talking on the mic during the match took me out of it a little bit. Lol. Rating: 3.25
The Bucks attack Garcia after the match with an EVP-trigger. They try to sandwich him in between a ladder, but Pac comes out swinging with a hammer, and they run off!!!! Nice!!!!!
Jericho and Hook enter into the ring with Taz. Jericho says Hook isn't listening to him. Everyone who has gone into the Jericho vortex has come out the other side a better performer, wrestler, and person. He knows he can get Hook to the top. What does Hook say? Hook eats chips while he talks. Loool. Hook says no. Jericho says what does he mean no? Taz tries to get involved, but Jericho gets angry. He says he is just doing what Taz should have done 30 years ago. Excalibur says on commentary that Hook is not 30 years old. Lmao. Jericho says Hook is not as good as he thinks he is. He is not there yet. Taz tries to interrupt. Jericho shoves Taz to the ground!! Hook shoves Jericho into the corner and grabs him by throat! Hook says, "You wanna see how good I am? I'll show you again, any time, any place anywhere. Now get out of my ring." Okay, Hook!!! Damn!! Lol. I enjoyed this, from Jericho's nonsense to Hook's intensity.
Renee sits down with Swerve and asks him to respond to Joe's comments. He says Joe is not wrong. He has stumbled throughout his career, but he has always fallen forward into success. He's been put in a coffin, he has taken a chain to the face and has been bloodied, but he always gets back up. Renee asks if he can defeat Joe. Swerve says he should be answering that to Joe himself and he will later tonight.
Deonna Purrazzo vs. Mariah May -- They trade some elbows. Deonna grabs an arm bar, but Mariah gets to the rope. Deonna lays Mariah out with a big pump kick for two. Mariah with a headbutt, hip attack, and tornado DDT for two. Mariah goes for her finisher, but Deonna reverses and gets a quick roll up for the pinfall. Didn't love this. Rating: 2.25
Thunder Rosa comes out after the match, lays Storm out, and puts lipstick all over her face.
Bullet Club Gold are with Renee backstage. Jay talks about recent events with the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn. He says everyone can see how much better off the Gunns are with Papa Blade than Daddy Ass. Lmao. They challenge them to a winner take all titles vs. titles trios match.
Billy Gunn and the Acclaimed promo. Billy says he has already beaten the life out of Jay, and he has been beating those other two since they were little kids. They accept the title match challenge.
Shane Taylor vs. Orange Cassidy -- Taylor blocks a DDT attempt and hangs Orange over the ropes and lands a stunner! Taylor with big overhand chops, abdomen shots, a headbutt, and an apron leg drop! Orange lands a thrust kick. Taylor with a huge right hand that takes Orange down!! Orange goes to the top, but Moriarty and Ogogo grab his legs to slow him, and Taylor grabs him off the top by the throat. Orange tries for the tornado DDT, but Taylor blocks and goes for something of his own, but Orange reverses into a stunner! Orange goes for an Orange Punch, but Taylor ducks it and lands a big lariat for two! Orange tries for the Beach Break but can't get Taylor up. Knee by Taylor! Orange Punch by Orange!!!! Right hand by Taylor!!!! Orange comes back with another Orange Punch for three!!!!
I enjoyed that match. Very good back and forth. Taylor was great here. Rating: 3
STP attack Orange after the match. Ogogo lands the abdomen punch. Daniels and Sydal try to make the save, but Trent stops them and hurls a chair at Sydal's head! Shane Taylor lands a right hand to the face of Orange, and Moriarty locks in the Border City stretch.
Claudio Castagnoli vs. Will Ospreay -- Claudio lands a big running uppercut right after the bell for two!! Ospreay goes for something, but Claudio reverses and lands a backbreaker on the knee for two. Ospreay lands a rana off the ropes, then chops outside and a flying forearm off the barricade outside. Claudio blocks a springboard attempt and lands a double stomp! Claudio lands a backbreaker on the knee. Ospreay with a bead scissors takedown, then springboards over the ropes, but Claudio catches him and just hurls him down back-first on the apron! Claudio with kicks to the back, then a diving uppercut to the back for two. Ospreay vaults off Claudio with a backflip, then lands an enziguri, a rebounding handspring back kick, a boot in the corner, and a springboard forearm for two. Claudio blocks a Tiger Driver attempt and lands an uppercut. Ospreay with a backslide for two. Ospreay locks in a Sharpshooter, but Claudio reverses into one of his own, then transitions into a cross face with the arm trapped. Claudio springboards off the ropes, but Ospreay meets him with a thrust kick, then lands a Tiger Driver for two! Claudio takes his fingers to the eyes and pummels Ospreay with strikes in the corner, then lands a big lariat for two! Claudio lands an uppercut, but Ospreay kips right back up to his feet and lands an enziguri! Series of counters! Ospreay reverses a Ricola Bomb attempt into a tight pinning combo for two! Claudio reverses an OsCutter attempt, catching Ospreay on his shoulders in a torture rack, then slamming him down to the mat (interverted DVD?) for two! Ospreay lands a Spanish Fly for two! Ospreay goes for the Hidden Blade, but Claudio stops it with a pop-up uppercut for two! Claudio gets Ospreay in position for the Giant Swing, but Ospreay escapes by curling up into a DDT!! Damn! Core strength! Ospreay lands a Cancun Tornado off the top for two! Ospreay finally lands a Hidden Blade for the pinfall!
This was a great match, featuring a nice match up of Ospreay's speed vs. Claudio's power (and speed of his own). They did some awesome counters here too. There wasn't a lot of drama to it for me, as the result was clear, but the action was great. But I don't think I'm as high on it as most people seem to be. Rating: 3.75
Takeshita, Hobbs, and Fletcher gang up on Claudio after the match. Moxley comes to his aid. Ospreay isupset at the rest of the Callis Family for getting involved. Strange dynamic here, as Claudio does some heel stuff in the match with Ospreay, but then the Callis Family does heel stuff to Claudio after the match. Ospreay is apparently a babyface while the rest of his stable are heels, which is really strange. I imagine this has to go the way of Ospreay leaving the Callis Family soon.
Swerve comes out with a mic. He says he was asked how he is going to beat Joe. He says he already knocked Joe on his ass and made him scurry like a little bitch. That showed him everything he needed to see. The fear. The fact that Joe knows Swerve can beat him for the championship. He calls for Joe to come out so he can talk to him face to face. Joe comes out, but security is holding him back. Swerve lands the stomp off the top to the security guards on the outside and gets in Joe's face! In the ring, Swerve lands the House Call and sets up for the stomp off the top on Joe. But Joe gets back up and lands a Muscle Buster!!! The show ends with Joe standing over Swerve on the mat with his title in the air.
This was a nice closing segment and a great note to end on before Dynasty for these two.
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A Few More Kilos
A reblog from :
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See this image? It’s me before and after the Bodybuilding Competition.
Now now, don’t get me wrong, you might be asking about how impossible it is reaching this perfection in few days. I’ll tell you.
I was at the gym frustrated in the fact that i was unaccepted to join the Heavy weight class competition due to lack of 5 kilograms of muscle (i was 84 kg at that time). Until i heard the rumors of a young scientist and his great serum.
I came to his place to order this man-absorbing serum, but he had another idea. He wanted me to be his first human specimen to try the animal-absorbing serum.
I thought it’s really dangerous to try a prototype but he already tried on mice, and that white mice just absorbed a lizard into his own. First time i saw a cold blooded mouse in my entire life. He assures me that everything would be fine as he already prepared an antiserum to reverse the changes. But he still need something, an animal. Then an idea struck at my head.
I took him, and his wierd serums to my house, and shown him my pet python, Raja. It was a Burmese Python weighs 40 kg and 5 metres long. That scientist says “perfect, he’ll do” as he explain how it works.
First off, the serum began working 10 minutes after injection, and lasts for 2 hours after the effect started. Since this is a prototype, he put an “elasticity modifier” on the serum to make my body elastic as the first fail-safe.
After 10 minutes of injection on my body, he said to put the animal inside me in whatever ways i wanted. My mouth, my ass, or anywhere with access inside my body. I took one extreme way, my own cock. Raja is an obedient python as he slithers down into my cock hole and finally into my balls.
And... OH!! OH GOD!! THE FEELING, The feeling your PROSTATE being FORCED to expand inside me. It’s like an ENDLESS ORGASM...!! OH MY GOD!! OHHHH.... OHHHHH!!!!!
Raja kept slithers his thick body into my own cock halfway down, and i can feel his head enters my testicles. My scrotum expands as a foreign being entered its chamber. This “elasticity modifier” made my testicles so elastic it didn’t explode when Raja enters it.
MY GOD...!!! OH!!! He finally slithers in entirely. Forcing my thighs apart as my enormous python filled my testicles... It’s wierd, as i felt a pulling sensation inside it.
“Did you feel anything wierd in your groin” that young scientist asked. I nodded, i told him it was a pull feeling. “Then pull it harder, make that feeling stronger”
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Last but not least, my cock throbs even harder as it became thicker, veins grew over it like roots. It even becomes more sensitive than before...
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My cock dies down and became flaccid. i took some time to enjoy my new self who was enhanced by Raja in front of the mirror. Everything looks perfect, symmetrical, proportional, exceptional, and manly.
That young scientist wrote down his report, “The prototype was a success, i think the elasticity is indeed required for the serum.” As he mentioned that prototype serum i took is free.
Now Raja lives inside my body forever, as part of my own muscles. You know, i didn’t take the heavy weight competition, but the super heavyweight competition due to my excessive muscle weight. But i don’t mind, i’ve won the game.
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silverwings22 · 1 month
Song of the Sea: Chapter 38: Silent Symphony
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Series Warning: explicit smut, alien anatomy (it's a monsterfucker fic, guys), major character injury, grief, canon typical violence, autistic meltdowns, and my terrible attempts at Mando'a Chapter Warnings: suicidal ideation, disability, violence, reference to death
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Take me, send Tech back. Take me. Send Tech back. Take. Me. Send. Tech. Back. Take-
“Shiani? You awake?” Wrecker’s voice snapped the siren from her half-doze. Her exhausted eyes opened and she sat up from the little nest of pillows shoved behind a couple crates in the hold. 
“I’m up.” She murmured, holding up an arm. “Will you help me up?”
The gentle giant nodded, his large hand carefully grasping her forearm and pulling her off her ass to her right foot. Her left didn’t quite touch the ground, and Wrecker was ever-so-kind as he helped her to her crutch so she could limp to the work bench. 
She’d woken from a three week coma to the realization she would never walk unassisted again. Her crushed pelvis had healed inward, stopping the ball and socket joint from fully flexing. She could bring her knee to her chest but not fully straighten it, and the leg could no longer bear her weight on that side at all. “Thank you.” She said, reaching for her tools. 
Laid on the table was her only project, a carefully measured and meticulously built leg brace. It would support her damaged pelvis and stabilize her lower back, with a metal foot that could reach the ground. She’d be able to control it by knee positioning, and the electronic sensors she'd built would lock it in place to keep her upright and supported. 
She'd never turn flips the way she used to, but with practice she might be able to run. 
Wrecker sat and watched her work as she ran diagnostics and adjusted things, looking at the rubberized pad on the metal foot. “How's this thing going to stay powered? I don't see a power cell anywhere.” He asked mildly, starved for conversation and connection. The siren didn't talk much anymore, and Hunter was dead focused on finding a lead that would help them find Omega. Nothing was right, not since Eriadu, and he was holding Hunter's fragile sanity together single-handedly. He might have been doing it for Shiani too, but it was hard to tell. 
“Power cells are inefficient. I can't afford my leg to just turn off. There's a kinetic battery in the back. It's powered by my heartbeats.” Shiani shrugged. “If those stop, I won't need the leg anymore. Will I?””
Wrecker winced. “Aww, Shiani. Don’t talk like that…” 
Her hands stopped moving on her brace and she looked up. There was a bluish, still raw scar on her left cheek from the fall, probably the least damaging of her many mostly-healed wounds. She’d woken up a month ago, and seeing her like this was still strange to the clone heavyweight. His sassy, happy siren sister who’s laughter could warm up the coldest flight through space… she wasn’t supposed to be so quiet and serious. 
But she wasn’t supposed to be a widow, either. 
“Sorry.” She said with a wince. “I didn’t mean to say it out loud.”
Wrecker was surprisingly light handed when he needed to be, and patted her shoulder with more restraint than he’d ever seen. “It’s alright. You just need time. We all do.”
“We need to find Baby Mega.” She sighed, pulling the brace off the table and pushing herself up to her good foot so she could start trying to put it on. It had shoulder straps that could fit under her armor and arms that adjusted over the slope of her waist, so it was easiest to put on while she was standing. Wrecker got up to hold her steady as she let go of her crutch in order to secure herself. 
It didn’t escape Wrecker that it was the same crutch Tech had used when he’d broken his leg, and that the brace design was not dissimilar to the one she’d made for his dearly departed brother. It was even the same leg… but Tech had received nearly immediate care and the brace was temporary. AZI had explained, while Shiani had been comatose at Shep’s house on Pabu, that the delay and Shiani’s own refusal to sleep had caused her pelvis to heal incorrectly. She’d been fortunate her broken ribs hadn’t displaced, or she wouldn’t have been able to breathe. As it was, even when she tried to shift into her full siren form, two tentacles were curled tight and unresponsive at her side, no longer purple but a dull and bloodless gray. She said turning back was painful now, as well. 
She got herself buckled in and looked at him. “Let’s hope this works.”
Wrecker took a step back. “Take a step. I’ll catch you if you fall.” 
You tried to, didn’t you? You would have caught us if you could.
Shaking off the thoughts that lingered like a heavy coat in the summer, she stepped with the brace first. It moved as anticipated, though it would take time to get used to the new way she’d have to move to walk. Wrecker was smiling, encouraging, with his hands outstretched for her. She felt like she was back in her cave again, trying to walk for the first time so she could be nimble on her feet when she finally showed Tech. She’d practiced for weeks before showing him her legs, only for him to get distracted by the face she wasn’t wearing pants. 
She went to take the next step, to put weight on the brace. It was calibrated and padded, the mechanics were flawless. She was sure of it. She hadn’t, however, anticipated just how much it was going to hurt when the pressure moved from her good leg to her bad. She gasped and pitched forward, Wrecker catching her against his chest before she could fall. “Shiani!”
She gripped his forearms, eyes closed. “... I’m alright. Let me try again.”
“Did you trip?” He frowned. “Maybe you can take a break-”
“No. Push me upright, let me try again. The brace worked, it just hurts.” She clung to his arm as he straightened her back on both feet. 
“If it hurts, maybe we need to find you something else. We could call Echo. He’s got prosthetics, he could-”
“Echo lost both legs, his are totally metal from the hip down.” She murmured. “I’d be better off with an amputation, honestly, but there’s no time to heal from that. I won’t hold us back from finding Baby Mega. Just… let me try again.” 
Wrecker made a sad noise and sighed, taking a step back but holding onto her hands. “Okay.” 
She met him with a step forward, eye twitching at the pain, but held herself upright. Wrecker took another step back, and Shiani followed. Her breathing was sharp, but she was upright, and she kept walking across the hold until she got to the cockpit door and put her hand against it. Wrecker followed her worriedly. “I’m okay.” She muttered. “It just hurts. I’ll be okay.”
“There’s gotta be something we can do to help that.” He put a warm hand on her back. 
“Standard recovery period for this kind of injury is between 8 to 12 weeks for a human.” She mumbled. “I don’t know what my bone density is in comparison… But it’s only been 9 weeks, so it might get a little better with time.” 
“Why can’t you wait some? You might make it worse, walking on it.” 
“I can’t wait anymore. Baby Mega needs us.” She took a deep breath and keyed her code into the door. It opened, revealing Hunter with his head down and chin on his chest, utterly exhausted in the pilot’s seat. He was run ragged, poor man… “Can you go put him in his bunk, Wrecker? He needs a decent night’s sleep. I’ve got the controls.” 
Wrecker nodded, carefully gathering Hunter up in his arms. It was obvious when the sergeant didn’t stir that he was beyond the point of exhaustion. Usually his eyes snapped open at the slightest flicker of movement. Wrecker sighed and looked from his brother to the siren in the pilot’s seat. The ship had never been this empty, but it felt like the walls were closing in on them. “I’m worried about both of you, you know.” He finally said. 
“I know, Wrecker. I’m sorry.” She adjusted the display and closed her eyes. “I wish it had been Tech that made it back. He’d know what to do… he always knew what to do.” 
“He woulda said the same thing about you.” Wrecker shook his head and carried Hunter to his bunk. 
Shiani sank back into the pilot’s seat, flexing her leg in the brace despite the pain. She was just going to have to get used to it, if it didn’t improve… Her eyes flickered to the broken goggles sitting on the console, fingers reaching up to touch Tech’s necklace that lay against her own chest. “You would have, wouldn’t you?” She whispered. 
Of course Tech would have said Shiani should have survived, because he’d be in over his head with the emotions of his brothers. This was nothing like the war he’d fought, or the life they’d carved out for themselves afterward… but he would have put it into his little mental box he described to her, missed her quietly the way he missed Echo and Crosshair, and moved forward. It was the most logical conclusion, and what she would have been doing. 
If she could stop waking up begging the gods to kill her in his place, maybe she could figure out how to do it herself. Instead, she just reached over and gathered the broken goggles in her hands, smoothing her fingers over the round frames and recorder that wasn’t blinking anymore. She kept thinking about that last recording, the fall, and how it might have been a clue to where his body was being kept, but she couldn’t bring herself to look. She couldn’t watch when they hit the ground, when he went still and motionless but the camera kept rolling and she knew the life had left the brown eyes behind the broken yellow lenses. 
She couldn’t watch Tech die. It was bad enough knowing it had happened.
She pressed the goggles to her face, careful of the broken glass. Yes, Tech would have said he wished she had lived, but he'd have known he was the logical choice. The family needed him more. “I love you.” She mumbled softly. “I don't know what I'm doing without you.”
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“You ever think about going back to Kamino?” 
Shiani was sitting in the pilot’s seat, her seat now, watching hyperspace streak by as Hunter sat next to her. Wrecker was asleep, after yet another lead went cold. It had been months of looking by now, every search ending the same way. The longer it took to find Omega, the more restless they all had become. It weighed heaviest on Hunter, the father by proxy whose child was in the hands of a madman.
Hemlock has Crosshair too.
“No.” She answered simply. 
“You won that fight with your brother… you could, if you wanted to. I know this is a lot… and without Tech…” Hunter trailed off. They didn’t talk about Tech. The loss hung in the air around them, but they didn’t talk about him beyond occasional whispers; encouragement because he would have wanted them to endure, or reminders of something useful they’d absorbed during one of his infodumps. Shiani was starved of his presence among them, aching for someone to summon his ghost back with memory. Sirens grieved the same way they loved, singing out the memory of the one they’d lost until the joy could insulate them from pain. As far as she could tell, clones just shoved the loss into the bottom of their heart and tried to soldier on. 
Or maybe it was just these two, scared to upset her. She hadn’t cried since the day she’d woken up, bundled in the back of the Marauder, with Hunter leaning over her to put a wet cloth on her feverish forehead. They’d been tiptoeing around her ever since, like she was made of glass. Neither of them would ever forget what she’d looked like when they’d arrived on Pabu to get her from Phee and Shep. Bones exposed, skin burning with an infection that antibiotics were barely touching, and wrapped in bacta soaked cloths for lack of a tank to put her in; neither of them ever wanted to see her so broken. Hunter still remembered the sound her leg had made when he and Wrecker had set the broken femur.
“Do you want me to go?” Shiani looked at him quietly. “After everything you did to save me?” 
“No.” Hunter shook his head. “I just… don’t want you to feel trapped. I know Tech was the reason you stayed, and you’re a princess. You might have a better life with your people-”
“I’m a mechanic, and a pilot.” Shiani shook her head. “I stayed because I had a family again. You didn’t stop being my family after Eriadu. If you had, you’d have left me with Phee and Shep.” 
“We don’t leave our own behind.” Hunter said it automatically, then winced. “We left you on Eriadu.” 
“You thought I was dead. I should have been.” She looked at the controls. “I don’t blame you for that. But that’s why I want to stay. I don’t leave my own behind either.”
We don’t leave our own behind. That’s what Tech said. That’s why we’re looking for Omega. That’s why he died for Crosshair. We don’t leave our own behind. 
Hunter nodded quietly. “I’m glad… I don’t know if I can lose anyone else, if I’m honest.”
She slowly reached over and put her tentacle on his hand as it sat on the arm rest. “We’re going to find her, Hunter.” Her voice was quiet and deliberate. “I turned up another lead while you two were out on that last run.”
Hunter’s head snapped toward her. “What did you find?”
“I hunted down Roland Durand based on his credit chit usage. He’s on Devaron, and I got in contact with him.” 
“The gangster who stolen Cid’s Parlor? We should have let him keep it.” Hunter growled. 
Shiani raised a hairless eyebrow. “You know I can just go over there and handle her, right? I’ve offered four times.” She’d been fantasizing about sinking her fangs into Cid since Wrecker had told her about the trandoshan’s double cross that led to Omega’s capture. She’d known Cid was selfish, but she hadn’t realized how cruel that selfishness could be. She promised herself one day she’d make Cid pay for her mistake. 
“Maybe after we find Omega. I wouldn’t mind knowing she’s not a problem anymore.” Hunter sighed. 
Shiani nodded. “I won’t be the only one walking with a limp.” She buffed her claws on her shirt front mildly. “At least for a while, since Trandoshans can regrow limbs.”
“Let’s focus on what’s most important. What’s the lead?” He shook his head. He didn’t doubt she’d maim Cid, given half a chance. But he needed to find Omega first. 
“Roland says his mother’s syndicate has been keeping tabs on members of the Advanced Science Division, and may have a base location. He can’t verify how good the information is, but he can get us an audience with Isa Durand, but she won’t work with us unless we give her something she wants.”
Hunter rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Like what?”
“We’ll need to hunt down the Pyke that cut his horn off, and bring him to her. Bonus if we recover the horn too.” 
Hunter sighed. “Got any leads on that?”
Shiani smiled darkly and held up her datapad, letting Hunter take it from her hands. “The masks are unique. I cross referenced Tech’s old recording with security footage from Oba Diah, got his name, and found his ship’s identifier codes. Here’s the coordinates.”
Hunter stared at her, eyes wide. “... are you aware of how brilliant you are?”
“I just used the resources available.” She shrugged. Tech was the brilliant one. I’m just using what he taught me. He taught me everything…
“Set the nav, I’ll go brief Wrecker.” Hunter nodded. 
“Let him sleep until we hit the fuel depot.” She shook her head. “He's trying so hard to take care of you and me.” 
The sergeant sank into his seat and nodded. “He thinks I’m being too reckless.”
“You are. But I get it.” She adjusted the way she sat, hip aching. It was better than it had been, but she was pretty sure by now this was permanent pain. “You’ve always been her dad. From the first day we left Kamino, I saw it in your eyes.” 
Hunter nodded. “I’m so worried about her…”
“I know. So am I… but your squad was the best of the best the Republic had to offer. And you trained her. She’ll be able to hold on.” Her jaw shifted and she swallowed hard. Baby Mega was one of the last slivers of joy she might still have in life, without Tech. She had to be okay… Even if Shiani got her back and she wasn’t the same. That was okay, because Shiani wasn’t the same anymore either. “We’ll find her.” 
Hunter nodded, leaning over his knees. Part of him wanted to check in on her more, to make sure she was really okay and ask where her head was. But he wasn’t sure he could open that can of worms with himself either. Shiani just adjusted the navi-computer and put a tentacle on his back soothingly. 
They were in this together, her and her brothers, on their quest to find their little sister. This little family and the Havoc Marauder were the only things Tech had left her when he died. 
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“You coming?” Wrecker had the cuffed Pyke firmly by the scruff as he and Hunter stepped off the ship on Devaron. “You set the whole thing up.”
Shiani hesitated, standing in the doorway. Of course she wanted to go, get off the Marauder for a few minutes and stretch her legs. She’d been stuck on the ship for every mission, unable to keep up and unwilling to put the guys in more danger trying to protect her. Right now she didn’t want to make bargaining with Isa Durand harder, if she had a very visible show of weakness in the way she limped along. 
Hunter held a hand out to help her down the steps. “You’re coming with us.” He said firmly. “You’re our sister. You belong right with us.” 
Shiani nodded and let him help her down before following him and Wrecker into the Devaronian fortress. Wrecker handed the captured Pyke off to Hunter, who shoved him aggressively through the door once they were let into the main room. Wrecker followed up as security, while Shiani followed at the back of the pack. 
Isa Durand was both beautiful and somewhat terrifying on her throne, but her son Roland was standing by as an intermediary between her and the people she met with. “You three are brave to enter my court. If it weren’t for my son vouching for you, I would have never agreed to an audience with you.” 
Hunter reached into his pocket and tossed the severed horn trophy they’d taken off the Pyke to Roland, who caught it with a smile. “This is the Pyke who disgraced the Durand family. He’s all yours.” 
As her guards took the screaming Pyke away, Isa eyed them one by one and noted the damage their armor had sustained. It told a story of a hard journey, the two men’s chest plates worn with countless battles as they followed leads for Omega’s whereabouts. Shiani’s still bore the fall damage, and Lady Durand was no fool. All three of these people were desperate and had walked through hell. She sat on the throne and held the power, but they were not to be trifled with. She’d meant it when she said only because her son vouched for the would she ever agree to meet. They’d saved her son’s life. They had some honor. “You must have been desperate, to cross the Pykes. And what is it that you ask of me in return?”
“Royce Hemlock stole someone precious to us, and we intend to get her back. Your syndicate has information on high ranking Imperials.” Hunter’s voice was somewhat less polite than it should have been while dealing with a syndicate leader. “We kept our end of the bargain.”
Shiani put her hand on his shoulder as Isa’s eyes narrowed, taking over and limping forward. “Your son told you what happened on Ord Mantell, didn’t he?”
Isa nodded sternly. “He told me you interfered in a deal with the Pykes.”
“Did he tell you who convinced the Pykes not to kill him?” Shiani didn’t back down, but her voice was more mannered. Only slightly, but still. 
Isa looked at Roland, who had been mulling over that day since it had happened. “The little girl spoke first.” He finally said. “And asked them to spare me. Then her… she said if they harmed me, my family would be out for revenge. Then, when it was over, she told me to come back home.” He said honestly after a moment. 
His mother nodded thoughtfully. “Step a little closer.” She told Shiani, and the siren limped a few steps closer. She knew she was standing on a trap door, she was no fool, but she stood with her shoulders back and her weight on her good leg to meet the gang leader’s eyes. “I’ve seen your face before.”
“I testified in front of the senate a few months ago.” Shiani nodded. 
“The Kaminoan princess.” Roland blinked, head spinning around to look at her. “I saw that news holo.
“For all the good it did.” She shook her head. “I’ll hand you my crown right now for that information, Lady Durand. The little girl Hemlock took is worth more to me than every pearl in the Belowcities of Kamino.”
Isa raised an eyebrow, but looked at her son and nodded. When she pressed a button on her arm rest, a bridge appeared between Roland and the platform Shiani and the clones. He stepped over, holding out a data chip that Hunter took. “Hemlock’s location is closely guarded by the Empire, but our sources managed to find this as a possible location for a lab.” Hunter held the chip like it contained his last ounce of hope. Shiani reached into her bag and pulled out her crown, starting to hand it to Roland when he shook his head. “That won’t be necessary, Princess. It wasn’t a part of the bargain.
Isa nodded. “Now go, before my generosity runs out.” 
Shiani inclined her head. “Thank you, Lady Durand. And Roland. Thank you for helping us.”
“I wish you luck in finding her.” He whispered, as they turned around to go back to the ship. 
Once they got back to the ship, Shiani got them in the air and Hunter started looking at the coordinates the Durands had supplied. “You ever heard of Setron, Shiani?” He asked as he gave the location to Shiani and she entered it into the navi-computer before launching them into hyperspace. 
She glanced at her datapad, pulling up Tech’s files. He’d synced her datapad to his own a few weeks before Eriadu, which had been in her mind the purest form of the way Tech loved. “Here, cyar’ika. Here’s access to all the knowledge I’ve compiled. It’s yours. I want you to know. I want you to see.”
“It’s a jungle planet, with limited data.” She finally said. “Likely difficult terrain, no matter what we find.”
Wrecker sighed. “Echo and Rex won’t be able to meet us there for two more rotations.”
“Omega can’t wait that long.” Hunter protested, getting up to start pacing. 
“Hunter. The last time we stormed and Imperial base.. We didn’t all make it out.” Wrecker dropped his voice and glanced over at Shiani, who’s head dropped low at that. 
“Omega’s been gone too long already. I won’t leave her another day-” The edge of something hysterical was buried in Hunter’s throat, and Wrecker spotted Shiani’s chair spin in a circle slowly behind him. 
“What you’re going to do is recon, Hunter.” She snapped, and he spun around to find her eyes narrowed, mouth twitching as she fought the urge to bare her teeth. “And if Baby Mega is in there, we wait. We get help. You are not throwing your life away on a desperate attempt, you hear me?” 
He stared at her, buffering like he couldn’t quite understand that she was telling him what to do? “... how the hell are you giving me orders? You’re a civilian.”
“I’m also flying the ship, arranged you getting the coordinates, and I’m running out of legs to fuck up.” She pointed at him sternly. “Recon. Only.”
Hunter’s fists balled up, but he knew she was right. “...Fine.”
She turned back around in her chair, rubbing the sides of her face as her mouth ached. She wasn’t good at arguing with the guys. She hated it, but if it was what it took to keep them alive she’d be willing.
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Shiani set the ship down carefully and saw the guys out, giving Wrecker a look as Hunter charged ahead. “Keep the sergeant out of trouble, Wreck.” She muttered, glancing around. “The scanners aren’t working here.”
“I’ll try. You know how he is.” Wrecker sighed and headed after his brother. 
Shiani limped back to the cockpit and engaged the ground defenses before tossing her good leg up on the console grumpily. “Your brother’s are hardheaded.” She said to the goggles on the console. “I love them, you know I do. But you’d have been able to wrangle them. They need wrangling… I need wrangling.” Her voice trailed off, staring at the broken lenses. Yellow was such a happy color… or it used to be. “It’s too quiet in here, Tech. You’re supposed to be in here, telling me every detail about a leaf or a bug… You’re supposed to talk. I love it when you talk. Sirens aren’t meant for quiet…” 
There was no answer. She knew there wouldn’t be, but sometimes she wanted to hear his voice so bad she could rip her skin off. The ache of a wanting that could never be filled hurt more than her hip, more than the fall… almost as much as the moment she’d seen the discarded helmet laying on the ground by a bloody Imperial footprint and knew he was never coming back. 
She leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes, listening to the quiet without the air recyclers or engines dull roar. She could have hummed or sang… before Eriadu, she would have if Tech had left her in the ship by herself. Now she couldn't seem to find the song in her hearts that she needed. It had gone quiet and dull without Tech…
What will we do once we find Omega. The Empire took her, what do they want with her? What will we do about Crosshair? I can’t forget about him, Tech loved him too much. Should I kill Cid first, or go after him? If I find him, how would I convince him to come with me? He doesn't even know me, really… But how do I even get to that point if Hunter doesn’t stop trying to get himself killed. And poor Wrecker, dealing with that and whatever’s wrong with me… I feel like a hollow shell, and I don’t know how to exist anymore…
She’d been lost in her thoughts for a long time when the hatch opened and she turned in her seat. Wrecker was coming up the hatch, and gave her a little wave. “We’re not back yet.”
“Recon go okay?” She frowned, turning fully around. 
Wrecker nodded as he strapped their gonk droid to his back upside down, much to the poor little thing’s displeasure. “The base here was destroyed in an orbital bombardment, but we found a couple cadets who survived. Hunter offered them a ride off the planet after we check out the ruins. One of the kids thinks he can get us in, but we’ll need Gonky to get the terminal going and make sure Omega wasn’t here…” His shoulders slumped a little. “I don’t think she was. I hope she wasn’t.”
Shiani nodded, going quiet. “What do you need me to do?” She asked after a minute.
“Can you find anything in Tech’s notes about slither vines? They attacked us earlier.” Wrecker nodded. “And can you get out through the jammer?”
“I’ll boost the transmitter and it should work. It might be patchy, but it’s better than nothing.” She nodded. “Throw me my cane?”
Wrecker picked up a collapsable piece of metal with a wrist cuff off the workbench. “You finish it?”
“Yup, and made a holster that attaches to my brace. Blaster on the right, electrostaff-cane on the left.” She nodded, flicking it so it opened and pressing a button to lock the cane in position, then using it to get herself on her feet. “Call me if you get into trouble and I’ll come get you.”
“Thanks, Shiani.” He patted her head carefully and ran out, closing the ramp behind him. She heard cadet voices outside for a moment, and it made her pause at the memory of the first human voice she’d ever heard. Tech had been a cadet then, too. 
She shook her head and got herself down to the floor to work on the transmitter. There were more important things than her grief… she kept telling herself that, but she still couldn’t figure out how Tech compartmentalized his emotions so damn well. She just wanted to cry, all the time.
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The transmitter was mostly fixed when Shiani heard a static-pop sound, just before the hatch opened. She frowned, cocking her head to the side as she sat up from under the console. That sounded like someone overriding the ship’s ground security protocols to open the hatch, which Hunter and Wrecker would never need to do. She reached for her blaster, using her tentacles to balance on the floor as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. 
This was less than ideal, as she needed time to get up with her can and the number of steps she heard meant more than one person. She’d have to hope she could outshoot them, because there was no way she could dodge-
Two heads of shaggy brown hair appeared, looking the opposite way. “Woah… you sure you can fly this thing, Mox?”
“I was the top of my class. But where are we going to go?”
“Anywhere but here-” 
“You aren’t going anywhere.” Shiani said firmly. These were kids, the clone cadets Wrecker had mentioned, and she had no real desire to shoot them. But they were still intruders in her home. “Hands in the air. Both of you.”
The two boys turned around slowly, facing the business end of a blaster and the siren on the floor. “Who are you?” The taller one, Mox, blinked. 
“What are you?” The other boy asked.
“I’m the pilot. Where’s Hunter and Wrecker?” She demanded. 
“Easy, miss. They went to the ruins with our brother Deke.” Mox said, eyeing the pistol in her hand. 
“So you tried to steal their ship and leave them stranded here?” She wasn’t letting them off the hook, kids or not. “Was that the plan?”
They both looked equally ashamed, and the shorter one sighed. “They went right into the middle of the slither vines… there’s almost no way they’re coming back. We were worried that if we waited too long, that we’d lose our chance to escape at all.”
Shiani sighed, watching Mox’s eyes drift towards Lula in the corner. She saw recognition in them, and it could only mean Hunter and Wrecker had said something about Omega. She slowly lowered the blaster. “Hunter was going to give you a ride anyway. Sit somewhere. And leave that blaster alone.”
Both of them walked into the cockpit as she holstered her pistol and struggled her way off the floor, Mox’s eyes now locked on her brace. “You okay, Miss?” 
“Yeah.” She slumped back into the pilot’s seat. “I fell off a rail car.” 
“You’re a soldier too?” The other boy, Stak, sat down in the co-pilot’s seat curiously while Mox leaned over the back to look at her.
“No. I’m a civilian.”
“You’ve got armor, a blaster, and you’re on an attack shuttle.” Stak pointed out.
“I was married to a soldier. One of the squad… he died a few months ago.” She took a deep breath. “And our little sister got taken away by the Empire. That’s what we’re here for, is to find her.” 
“So they were telling the truth.” Mox murmured. “We… no one ever cared about us like that. They took us from Kamino and said they’d finish our training here, then they just locked us up and started taking blood. We got out, just before the bombardment… They left us to die out here.”
“This family doesn’t leave our own behind.” Shiani murmured.
Behind her, the ship comm buzzed. Hunter’s voice was coming through, staticy and breathless. “Shiani, we need a pickup!” 
“Buckle up, you two.” She ordered, turning around and closing the hatch. “Welcome to Clone Force 99. Which way to the wrecked lab?”
Mox helped guide her, and she whipped them around midair. “This way, ma’am.”
“Either one of you a good shot?” She asked as she flipped on the floodlights and spotted the guys and a third cadet sinking into a foul-looking swamp with vines attacking them. 
“I am.” Stak raised his hand. 
“Go get on the main gun. Mox, drop the grappling cables for them.” She banked, opening the hatch again. “What kind of vines are those things? I couldn’t find anything about them in the database…”
“Slither vines. They’re one of the experiments they did here before the bombardment, and it escaped and went wild.” Mox explained as he dropped the cables. 
Shiani gritted her teeth when a vine wrapped around the ship and she glanced down, watching a maw open up. “It looks like a sarlacc!”
“We know!” Stak yelled back. “This is why we thought they were gonna die!”
“Fair assumption if it was anyone but these two.” She muttered, hanging onto the controls for dear life as the plant-monster tried to drag them down. “... is it fire proof?”
“I don’t think so.” Mox looked over at her, still wrestling with the controls with all her limbs. 
“Wrecker keeps a box of explosives…. Rear left in the hold. Drop the whole box.” She glanced down again, into a gaping maw. “Stak, can you shoot it as it goes into the mouth?”
“I think so.” 
“Good. Do that.” She leaned on the controls again as another vine started pulling her down. “And hold on tight.”
Wrecker looked up from holding on to the cable and grinned as he saw the cache of ordinance coming down towards the creature trying to eat them. “Hell yeah!” 
Hunter had an arm securely around the cadet they had with them, Deke, and glanced down. “Hold on tight, kid.”
Deke nodded, tucking his head into the sergeant’s armored shoulder. When the explosives blew, the vines holding them burned loose and Shiani pulled them up rapidly ahead of the expanding explosion, coming to steady altitude as Mox and Stak helped the others back into the ship. 
“Everyone okay?” She turned and looked over her shoulder.
Wrecker pulled his helmet off. “We got data to look at, at least.”
“Well, let’s do it in hyperspace.” She nodded, checking over the system indicators before getting them off the awful planet. 
Hunter walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. “Thanks.” He muttered.
“So much for recon.” She eyed him, but couldn’t really be mad. “I’m glad you’re okay. Go worry about the data, I know you’re dying to look. We’re taking these three to Pabu?”
“Yeah. Seems like the best bet.” He nodded. “Can you comm ahead to Phee?”
“Got it.” She reached for her comm, glancing back at Wrecker making fast friends and joking around with the boys. 
Hunter looked too. “I see her in their faces.” He said softly. 
Shiani just nodded as he went to the bridge to pick the stolen data apart. She totally understood what he was getting at, only… it wasn’t Omega that she saw in the smiles and brown eyes of the three cadets behind her. 
Shiani saw Tech.
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My sex appeal makes them go feral. Im inherently spicy like a Latina. My sex appeal is unbelievable it's staggering. I'm their favorite Latina. Psychic i got that delicious ass witch energy. All stories that puts me at ease and make me feel I'm drinking the happiest sunshine in a cup are true it's naturally rigged that way. My sexy ass aura undeniably screams “HEAVYWEIGHT". They can't even hate on me. I'm the dopest cause I'm wild. My wildness is my light. I'm the shameless siren. They all drawn to me and are attracted to me cause I'm the shameless siren. I already have everything i want anyway. I'm rigged to trust i already have everything i want anyway. The answer is rigged to always come to me. I'm seeing how my story's playing out. Yeah my self concept's superior. Each pic of mine belongs on a Movie Cover no matter what it is I'm all different vibes but they're all mine and they all hit. All of my vibes are monstrously supreme. I'm rigged to choose the story that puts my heart at ease and reality conforms instantly. My inner world is rigged in my favor. Healing feels like strawberries. I'm energetically in control of what comes to their minds damn YO. DAMNNNNN. My 3d has conformed, I already have it. OMG........ nah they deadass don't see my defects or flaws i'm flawless. They fw how i have colored hair. My colored hair oozes I'm real wild. I'm seductive I'm obsessable. My sex appeal is obsessable I'm seductive. My sex appeal is a smooth melody and beat. Sexy bad bitch Goddess energy. Im rigged to believe in positive desirable stories because theyre already my truth anyway. Im a beat that goes so hard. My self expression is a beat that goes so hard. I don't have to do much to be seen as Godtier baby it's this frequency. They tangibly see my frequency. They tangibly see my Zillionaire Superstar frequency. It's me I'm breathtaking. It's me I'm astonishingly. Fuck the surroundings it's me I'm breathtaking(chills). I'm photogenic in absolutely any area and THAT STUNS THEM(chills). Every one of my pic is unbelievably STUNNING. My confidence oozes right out of my poses. My poses are so unbelievably powerful. I already talked to Elon Musk. I ooze the aura of a legend. My energy is tangibly real. The evidence is in my imagination. I'm awe-inspiringly legendary just for being so mindbogglingly photogenic. My nails are unbelievably stunning and holds potent power. I'm rigged to believe my 3D has already conformed. I'm too excruciatingly aware of the timing and how that excruciatingly align with my energetic truth. Irresistibly scorching. I create my own potion. I create my own mixture of myself. I'm compelling and seductive. My energy piercingly sucks them in. When i build up evidence an antonellamania number of evidence grows. I'm rigged to collect each and every one of the evidence of my truth that puts me at ease and replay them on repeat to the point where doubt holds a zero chance against the hardhittingly and life-alteringly indisputable evidence of my Magic. My beauty is everything they haven't seen before. I'm rigged to awaken my own childlike wonder. It's always to the degree that satisfies me. I take risks on trusting the internal guidance within it always blissfully pans out immeasurably better than what i think. I trust it and continue on with my own story. I'm rigged to excel. I'm rigged to choose myself.
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Slut Me Out (Jay White)
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Pairing: Jay White/OC (Riley Carter)
Summary: Riley always has had a tendency to get underneath some people’s skin. Jay White was no different. However, she learns what happens when you play with a switchblade without the proper care. 
Warnings: Smut (Yes, Jay does fuck in this lol), Dom!Jay White, Bratty Sub!OC, Choking kink, Praise kink, Degradation kink, Oral sex (Female receiving), Breeding kink, Overstimulation, creampie, Jay’s mouth (It’s filthy as hell omfg), use of Dutch (apparently, Jay’s New Zealand-Dutch), little bit of aftercare
Author’s Note: Two. Weeks. Two weeks it took me to write this piece so I hope this was worth the writer’s block I’mma have in the future lol. Like a like and a comment if you did enjoy it. 
“Where the hell are you, Carter?!”
Yeah, she fucked up.
She fucked up royally. 
Riley knew one day that her mouth and shenanigans would write her a check her ass can’t cash. However, she didn’t think it would be cashed in this fast. 
You see, Riley is known for her ability to get underneath the skin of her enemies and for renting a 1 bedroom loft apartment in their heads. Unfortunately on her list of adversaries, was one switchblade.
Jay White.
One’s probably wondering how does one get on the bad side of the leader of Bullet Club. 
Well, uh…
It started back a few months ago when Carter managed to annoy the Bullet Club and Elite at every twist and turn. She started off slow; just popping up during some of the Elite matches with no music, no warning. It’s almost like she appeared out of thin air, be it ringside, at the commentary table, up on the stage, the titantron or even in the crowd. Wherever they went, she was never far behind them. Then King Switch decided to make an appearance at AEW, she escalated. 
She started to actively get involved in their matches, costing Adam and ReDRagon matches whenever she knew Jay was in the building or when he got involved. She even went as far as jumping the Bucks with Orange Cassidy before Matt’s match with Jungle Boy. 
“Just returnin’ a favor, boys. Roppongi Vice sends their regards.” She said to them after the damage was done. “Nothin’ personal. It’s just bidiness.” 
And it was business…until today.
Riley knew Jay had a match tonight against Hangman Adam Page on Rampage. She also knew that only Gedo was the only member of Bullet Club that was in the arena, leaving the newly crowned IWGP World Heavyweight Champion rather vulnerable to her shenanigans.
She couldn’t resist, especially when during the match, Jay had made Hangman run into the referee, knocking him down. Taking notice of the dispatched ref, Gedo went to grab Jay’s title only to find Riley with the title on her shoulder like it’s hers.
“Lookin’ for somethin’?” She asked Gedo, walking towards him as he backed up away from her as he begged for mercy.
“Hey!” Riley looks up towards the ring to see Jay yelling at her. “Put down my title!” Riley tilts her head in faux confusion.
“Oh, ya mean this?” She raised the title high above her head as she stepped onto the apron to get into his face.
“Yeah! My title. So be a good little gangster and give my title to me.” Jay demanded as he held his hand for it. Riley pretends to think about it as she sees Adam beginning to stir as well as the ref. She hands Jay the title and he goes to turn around with the title to blast Adam with it. However, when he goes to do so, the title doesn’t budge as Riley doesn’t let go of the title. He does a mirthless chuckle. “Okay, you can-you can let go now.” He said as he tried to take it from her but she still refused to let it go. “Let go, Carter!” 
“Or what?” She challenged him with a raised eyebrow. Jay stopped closer to her as if to intimidate her but much to his surprise and everyone else’s, Riley did something that no one saw coming. She…kissed him. 
Jade Cargill would be proud. 
But unlike Jade’s kiss to Tay, Riley held it for a few moments before she let him go to push him back in the middle of the ring for Adam to hit the Buckshot Lariat for the win. She then hauled ass up the ramp to the backstage area. As much as she would love to celebrate Hangman finally getting a dub over Jay, she knew sticking around with an angry switchblade would not be good for her. She managed to end up at the catering area where she ran into The Dark Order who were watching Hangman’s match. 
“Holy shit, Riley. Are you ok?” Preston asked her as Riley stopped to catch her breath.
“Oh…I’m charmed.” Riley looks at the screen, seeing Jay irate while arguing with the ref. “King Bitch ain’t, tho.” She stands up straight as Hangman approaches the group. 
“I’ve known Jay for a long time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so incensed.” Adam cautioned as they watched him storm to the back after throwing a tantrum in the ring. 
“Ah, he’ll be fine.” Riley waved him off. 
“Where the hell are you, Carter?!” They all heard a very familiar voice bark in the distance. 
“Ope.” Riley faltered as her eyebrows flew to the middle of her forehead in surprise. “That sounds like one angry ass kiwi.” Riley jests, snickering. John Silver points behind her. 
“That’s because it is one angry ass kiwi.” John said bemusedly. Riley turns around to see Jay storming up the hall, looking around aggressively to find her with Gedo behind him. 
“Ight, I’mma head out.” Riley said after a moment’s reflection on her life choices before booking it down the hall. “I’mma talk with ya later, Cowboy n’ Friends!” 
“There you are! C’mere, you little minx!” She heard Jay shout as he ran after her towards the interview area where she saw Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta. 
“Help! Incoming angry knife man behind me!” She yelled worriedly as she ran past them, cutting out the interview to continue towards the locker room area. She hears Jay and Gedo argue with Best friends and takes the time to hide behind a road cage near a crossroad in the halls. She hears them run up and then stop a few feet away.
“Damn it! Where’d that woman go?” Jay snapped, looking around to see which hall she went down. “You see her, Gedo?” 
She heard nothing, assuming Gedo just shook his head which made Jay give an exasperated sigh. “Those fucking idiots…We should split up. We cover more ground that way. Go.” Jay commanded before they ran in opposite directions with Gedo running right past her. Riley waits a few minutes before she moves away from behind the road case to go up the hall to her locker room, watching her surroundings as she does.
“Holy shit…I didn’t think he’d be that mad about that L.” She said to herself as she approached her locker room door and walked through it. She closes her eyes and the door before she leans against it. “I mean, he beat Hangman twice before. This one loss shouldn’t have hurt ‘cause it’s ‘still. My. Era.’” Riley mocked his accent and his catchphrase before she went to the bathroom to shower. A few minutes later, she steps out of the shower, looking for her clothes. 
“Shit. I must’ve left ‘em in my bag.” She muttered to herself as she wrapped a towel around her body and walked out to the dressing room. 
“Had a nice shower?” She gasped, clutching her towel to her body at the sound of another person in the room. She then turns to the culprit, ready to cuss out the poor soul that dared disturb her only to have her eyes widen in shock.
How fitting her rotten luck to go and really sour right now when she finds herself locking eyes with the switchblade who’s been hellbent on getting his hands on her. Can’t remember a time where she was caught slipping this hard before. However, it doesn’t stop her from rolling her eyes in aggravation. 
“And just what the hell are you doing in my locker room?” 
“Your locker room?” Jay asked as he took the tapes off his wrists when he sat on the arm of the couch in the middle of the room. He chuckles. “Baby girl…since when did you wear switchblade gear?” 
“What are you talking about?” Riley asked, jutting out her hip before he pointed her at the lockers. She turns around. “I don’t wear-.” She stops mid rant when she looks around the room, taking note of the fact that the bag in the locker was not hers but Jay’s instead as well as the switchblade necklace and jacket, thus confirming what she feared. 
She was in Jay’s locker room, basically wet and naked. 
“Oh, fuck me…” She muttered, now tightening her grip on the towel. 
“Maybe if you show me that you can behave, I will…” Jay seemed to appear right behind her, pulling her hips against his as he whispered into her ear. He then slid his left hand up her body, squeezing her tit through the towel which made her breath hitch. “But first…” He moves his hand to her face, jerking her head back to make eye contact. “I’m gonna have to punish you.” He made known. Riley raised her hands up in surrender.
“Jay, wait a minute. We can-We can talk about this-.” Riley tried to implore him before she shrieked when Jay snatched the towel off her which made her shiver due to the cool air in the room. He never removes his hand from her neck as he turns her around to face her, making her look up at him. She whimpers at the height difference, her at 5’4” and him at 6’1” and this gets another chuckle from King Switch. 
“Yeah, we could talk about it.” Jay leaned down to give her a heated kiss, biting her lip when he pulled away. “But I could think of better uses for your mouth.”
“Like what?” Riley gasped as he pushed her down onto the couch, positioning himself in between her legs as he held her arms down above her head with one hand.
“Like screaming my name for one…” Riley gives him a whine when his free hand reaches down to gently palms her pussy lips. “And as a sleeve for my dick for two.” Jay laughs again when she tries to close her legs. “Oh, you like that, huh? You like the idea of me using your throat as a cocksleeve?” He slips his finger inside which makes her whines louder.
“N-No…” Riley writhed in his grasp, trying to hide her face and moans in her arms. Jay smacks her pussy, making her yelp.
“Still want to misbehave, I see.” He whispered in her ear before kissing her neck. She continues to wiggle as he sucks on her skin, leaving some hickies. “It’s all right. I know how to make a little bratty slut like you submit to King Switch.” 
Riley’s eyes harden at him, finding her words. “Yeah, I’d love to see you try, ya switch bitch.” She bit at him. Jay just smirks as he backs away from her, letting go of her arms. He then slid down to kneel on the floor in between her legs and spread them wider.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, baby.” Jay said before he dove into her pussy, licking a long stripe from her hole to her clit.
“Ah-Oh, fuck!” Riley moaned as he sucked on her clit. Her back arches when he hums before he lets it go.
“Lekker ding…” Jay muttered in dutch before he licked her hole again, this time slower to savor her taste. “I get it. That mouth of yours is bitter because this cunt is so damn sweet.” 
“Fuck yo-oh!” Jay cuts off her retort when he sticks his tongue inside her. His moan then turned into growling as he wrapped his arms around her legs, flicking his tongue inside her faster. “Oh, fu-! Shit!” Her hands reach down to grab his hair when he shakes his head, enjoying the taste of her immensely. “Fuck, Jay…I…” She tries to warn him.
“Cum, babygirl.” He slaps her ass while thumbing her clit. “I know you want to.” 
“Jay!” Riley wailed as the orgasm she’d been fighting off finally sent her over the edge. “Oh, s-shit!” She whimpered as her legs began to shake when he kept eating. She tugs on his hair again. “J-Jay…Jay, baby, please s-stop.” 
Jay detaches his mouth from her to stand to his feet. He smacks her pussy again, making her sob and close her legs. “And why would I do that, Kitten? Why stop when I know you’re on the verge of breaking?” Riley keened as he curled his fingers inside her cunt. “I know what you like, even though I’ve been with you for only a few minutes. You’re an open book, I can tell. I know you like to be put in your place yet no one’s been able to do it right.” Jay chuckles, scissoring her while pressing his body up against hers to look her in the eyes. “Tell me; How did they try to tame the American Gangsta? Bondage? Edging? Or just straight orgasm denial?” He asked before burying his face into her neck. “Tell me, baby girl…” He breathed against her ear when he moved his hand to play with her breasts. 
Riley took in a sharp breath as he pressed his hips to hers, reminding her that he was still half clothed. “D-Den-Denial. Always denial. I always hated it. It always pissed me off. What’s the point of fuckin’ if I can’t enjoy it, you know?”
“Oh, I know.” Jay steps away from her to get fully undressed. He sighs in relief as his dick is free from his wrestling tights. “I also know how to tame your bratty ass now.” He gives his cock a few strokes while standing over her in between her legs.
“Oh yeah? How?” She sassed him with a smile. Her smile turns into a blissed out expression as her breath quickens when Jay runs the head of his dick against her entrance. He leaned closer to her face, lustful blue eyes clashed with her needy browns. 
“By giving you what you want which, judging by the way your back is arching right now, you wanna get fucked stupid.” Jay lets a semi-loud groan that echoed across the room as he lets the head of his cock slip past her entrance. “Fuck, baby…just so…fucking tight, still…A-Ah! No matter…” He takes one of her legs from around his waist to put over his shoulder. “I’ll make sure to ruin your cunt for any other man when it takes the shape of my cock.” He bragged.
“Ohh, shit…J-Jay…” Riley’s words falter as her body shivers when Jay just buries his cock inside her. “Fuck me…Ruin me…” She wanted, raking a hand through his hair before giving a yank.
“F-Fuck…! G-Goddamn, Kitten.” Jay grunted as he drew his hips back to pound her pussy, establishing a slow yet rough pace. “You can’t just-.” His hips stutter a bit as he almost came when she clenched her walls around his dick. “You can’t just squeeze me and pull my hair like that. You want me to fuck you proper, don’t you?” He shrugged as he moved to lean forward on his hands that he placed over her head on the back and arm of the couch. Riley gives him a naughty smile as she wraps her other leg around his waist. She bucks her hips towards his as he starts to hit her g-spot. 
“Yeah…” Riley grabs the back of his head to pull him closer to kiss him. She draws a guttural groan from him when she bits his lip and pulls his head away from her. “But I also wanna make you feel good, too.” She cooed through her moans as Jay began to thrust his hips faster.
Jay chuckles breathlessly as he grabs her throat again. “Wanna make me feel good?” She nods her head, clawing at his wrist when he squeezes her throat. “Then cum again for me. Cream on my cock like the good girl you are.” The praise is what makes her see stars as she cums again, her lips part as she pants and her legs shake around his waist. Jay doesn’t give her any reprieve, switching positions to sit on the couch and putting her in his lap in a reverse cowgirl position. He then pounds her pussy while pulling her hair to make her tilt her head back, her moans getting louder as they echo around the locker room.
“J-Jay! Pl-Please! Oh, my fuc-.” Riley whines into the room as she scrambles to find something to hold onto, to ground herself. “Baby, please! Slo-Slow down…” She pleads with him to take a break. He moves his hand from her hair to her jaw to pull her back to his chest, the position allowing him to really abuse her spot.
“You want me to slow down but she doesn’t want me to…” Jay reaches around her body with his free hand to rub her clit, making her eyes roll into the back of her head. “So, no. I won’t. You can take it, though. Since you act like a fucking brat, you’re gonna take all I give you.” He continues to buck his hips into hers, the vein in his dick twitching and pulsing as he gets closer to the edge. 
Riley tilts her head back onto his shoulder, her pussy creaming his dick as she puts her hand back in his hair. She whines her hips, making his eyes roll in the back of his head. “FFFUUUCCCKKK! You must really want me to cum inside you, huh?” He taunted her. He laughs when her walls clenched hard around him at the statement. “Oh, you nasty kitten. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Like the idea of being stuffed full of cum until it drips out of your cunt when you walk through the halls back to your locker room? Being filled to the brim with the Switchblade’s cum, huh?” Jay teased in her ear. Riley earnestly nods her head.
“Uh-huh! I love it!” She quaked as her body shook as she felt another orgasm approaching as she tried to come down from her second one. She claws at his forearm when he fully wraps his arm around her neck. “Do it! Cum in me! Fill me up, Jay, please!” She babbles as she soaks his cock the second time within minutes of her last one.
“Shit! Riley…” Jay continues to thrust his hips harder as he feels his orgasm approaching. “You good fucking brat, fuck!” He groaned as he finally came, pressing his hips firmly to hers as spurt after thick spurt of his nut filled her cunt. Riley whimpers as her pussy continues to milk his dick for every last drop when she goes limp in his lap, all of her energy non-existent. Jay waited until his dick went soft before he lifted her off his lap to place her gently on the couch. He gets up and goes to the bathroom after he soothes her with a kiss to her forehead. He comes back into the room with a washcloth to clean up the mess they made, starting with the cum that managed to spill out from her pussy. Riley whimpers from the sensitivity of the motion. Jay leans forward to kiss her temple.
“I know, baby. I know.” Jay whispered gently as he finished up. “Hey…” He moves to look her in the eyes to check on her. “You right?” Riley gives him a tired giggle at the accent getting deeper at his use of his homeland slang.
“Yeah, I’m-I’m straight.” she breathed. “Though, there’s one problem. I’m ass naked in the wrong locker room with no clothes.”
“You can borrow some of mine. I actually have some to spare…” He offered, giving her a cheeky smirk. She rolls her eyes. 
“I bet you would like that.” Riley then gets up and picks up a pair of sweatpants and his King Switch jacket to put on. Jay wolf whistles at the sight.
“You really make my jacket look good. I mean, I always look good in it but you look absolutely ravishing.” He quipped  as he wrapped a towel around his waist.
“Well, get a good look ‘cause it’s gon’ be the last time you see it.” She sassed him as she walked to the door.
“But it’s not gonna be the last time I see you naked!” He said to her back as he walked to the bathroom to shower.
“Fuck you, Jay!” She told him off playfully before she left his locker room to go to hers. She walks into her locker room and heads straight for the bathroom. 
“Took a wrong turn looking for your locker room?”
“Blood of Jesus!” Riley shouted in alarm underneath her breath when she got startled again. She gets a sense of deja vu as she turns around to the source of her fright, annoyed that she was scared for the second time before her eyebrow rose in confusion.
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imabillyami · 1 year
I said I didn’t like last night’s RAW. Rambling about some of my reasons/frustrations under the cut. 
Finn’s attacks on Seth are getting old, like… Play a new tune pls. Seth isn’t stupid, very much the opposite, so him not learning from his “mistakes” after weeks of Finn attacking him? They’re making him look like an idiot who can’t defend himself 🙃 
Becky being the one standing tall when the history of MITB matches shows that the last person standing tall doesn’t win. If she doesn’t, at least give it to Iyo?
The lack of deep and meaningful creative for the entire women’s division. What year is it again? There’s so much potential with Damage Control and others and it’s so frustrating that they’re not doing anything with that. 
Ronda Rousey. I don’t think I have to elaborate, we’re pretty much all on the same page here. She fucking sucks, is highly overrated and is holding the division and the titles hostage when she should be out on her ass. (Please free Shayna from her, I’m begging you. She could be so much more than a pin-eater for that woman.)
Damien constantly being used as a punching bag for everyone when he deserves that singles push 🙃
Don’t get me started on Kevin and Sami. They’re being turned into everyone and their mum’s side kicks without having much of an own story. There’s a lack of creative for them and it’s pissing me off. These guys are your TAG CHAMPS ffs! They are being used to push Cody and Riddle and pretty much everyone else around and I’m very much annoyed. A couple of months ago Sami basically beat Roman clean (if the ref bump didn’t happen) and now he’s back to eating pins left and right. (I’m not just talking Gunther here, I enjoy Gunther and Imperium and I liked the match itself, but ugh). And while I love Kevin’s anger issue thingy, it’s really the only thing they have going for themselves right now and that’s worrisome. I feel like the second they lose these titles they (or at least Sami) are going to get bumped down the card even further. I hate that they’re on RAW and are treated like an afterthought 95% of the time.
I’d love to see a Sami/Gunther feud leading up to an actual PLE, not as a side note on a mediocre episode of RAW where it only serves to push the Gunther/Riddle rivalry. It think Sami vs Gunther could be such a banger if they gave it room to breathe. 
I really really don’t like Riddle. That goes for the character as much as for the guy behind it. I don’t actively dislike many wrestlers (cough Austin Theory cough), but Riddle is definitely on that list. Get that idiot as far away from my Tag champs and any titles as possible please. 
Even though I don’t actively dislike him, add to that list one Cody Rhodes. I appreciate and respect what he did and does for the wrestling industry and I’m sure he’s one of the nicest people on the planet outside of that ring, he just doesn’t click with me and the way they are pushing him… well, I just don’t see it that way. No disrespect to him, sometimes there are people/ characters you just don’t like or click with and he’s a good example for that. His whole “finish the story” thing has been getting on my nerves since long before Wrestlemania 🥲 And sorry, but a lot of the time his acting sucks.
I could go on and on, but those are the major ones, really. In conclusion: Respect your World Heavyweight Champion, respect your Tag Champs, respect your Women’s Division, give people who work their asses off a chance and ffs stop putting titles on Ronda.
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onmaplestreetagain · 2 years
I want to know your Thoughts on how they handled the whole El and Brenner storyline
Oh this is such a good question because I do indeed have Thoughts! Of every storyline in S4, it’s the one I’m most undecided/conflicted about, or at least it’s in the most grey-area one. Overall I think they handled it well, in that they hit all the marks I hoped for, and that brought the most amount of narrative tension, namely the fact that they made it so El “needed” Brenner (though that was a little thin) to get her powers back. At least, there was a brief period of time where he had to play on the good side, even though he’s always been a villain, and El’s truest adversary. To me El’s storyline would’ve felt incomplete without facing Brenner again in some way, so I’m glad it happened, aside from the pain she was put through obviously. 
I loved the flashbacks, I loved the entire Hawkins lab storyline, and the callbacks to S1 with El having to go back into the sensory tank, having to revisit everything and bring a part of her past full circle. I loved when she told him he was the real monster, that she knew & believed that, and had the courage to tell him — Millie’s acting in that scene was phenomenal. I think that was her first true moment of freedom from all Brenner put her through, and again, the callback to S1 when she told Mike “I’m the monster”, to now naming the truth of it to her abuser, was an unbelievably powerful full-circle moment.
With that said, my biggest issue with the handling of it is, I think, a symptom of the larger issue I had with S4 in general, which was that style sometimes got in the way of substance (there are obviously exceptions, but that’s for another post). I know this is a relatively small point, but the way they did the first meeting between Brenner and El felt SO strange and contrived and like a weird villain-music reveal from a corny action flick. I don’t know how to describe it, but something was so… oddly melodramatic and understated at the same time? And I’ve said this before, but I think Matthew Modine’s performance has a lot to do with it. He seemed to do much better in the flashback scenes, even, then in the present-day timeline — he was either too one-note, or his energy didn’t mesh with the scene or deliver the heavyweight impact it should’ve at times. I felt this most especially in his death scene; tonally, it felt off to me. Him begging El to say she understood should’ve been so much more impactful than it was, and maybe I was just ready for him to kick it lol, or it might’ve been the over the top helicopter scene preceding it, but idk, it didn’t land (at least on first watch).
I also felt a lot was unexplained or just missing from his re-introduction. We know he’d been hiding out somewhere, but who was protecting him? What had his and Owens’ relationship been up until that point? How exactly did he survive a Demogorgon pouncing on him back in S1? Why did he still have access to that underground lab? Again, I’m sure I’ll do a rewatch and it’ll be clearer, but honestly after the bunker was stormed by like 4 different groups of government agents, and Brenner and Owen’s interactions were weird and stilted, I couldn’t keep track. (That was a larger S4 issue for me as well — the fact that they felt real comfy giving us way too much screen time at like, Yuri’s fish n fly but couldn’t be bothered to spend time on more necessary details)
So yeahhhhh that was a long ass novel but basically, I think the structure was there, they went in the right direction, and I’m happy with the overall conclusion, but some aspects of it fell flat for me, tone and theme-wise. It also kind of sucked that El had to be separate for so much of the season yet again, and I don’t know if I buy the argument that they couldn’t have done it another way. What if the Cali group could’ve been more involved, maybe captured along with El? Again I love that it was her alone who had to face him, but still. Let our girl be with her people!
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wrestlingisfake · 2 years
G1 Climax final preview
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After 84 block matches and two semifinals, we're down to the final match in the G1 Climax. The winner will receive a big-ass trophy and a contract for an IWGP world title match at Wrestle Kingdom 17 in January 2023.
This is traditionally a one-match show. The main event was locked in as soon as the semifinals were completed on the August 17 show. The rest of the card for a G1 final show is typically just random multi-man tag matches that don't mean very much. But there's always a couple of interesting surprises, whether it's a new storyline or an unexpected return or the announcement of a big show.
If you're still catching up on the rest of the tournament, don't read below the cut.
Kazuchika Okada vs. Will Ospreay - This is the final of the G1 Climax tournament. There is no time limit and there must be a winner. Okada won A Block and defeated Tama Tonga in the semifinals to get here. Ospreay won D Block and a semifinal against Tetsuya Naito. Ospreay's championships (the IWGP US title and the RevPro British title) are not at stake. To my knowledge, this the first time in years that a reigning champion has been in the G1 finals.
The winner of this match will almost certainly be challenged by anyone who beat them during the course of the tournament. If Okada wins, that means JONAH will probably face him this fall with the Wrestle Kingdom title shot on the line. Ospreay lost matches to David Finlay (who's already angling for a US title match) and Shingo Takagi; either of those guys could demand a chance to win the contract.
In singles matches, Okada is 6-1 against Ospreay. Will's only victory came in the 2020 G1 Climax, due to interference from Great-O-Khan as part of Ospreay's heel turn. Ospreay left Okada's CHAOS faction to start the United Empire, setting up a grudge match at Wrestle Kingdom 15 that Okada won. Ospreay won the IWGP world championship in 2021, and demanded a title match with Okada, but injuries forced him to vacate the belt before it could happen. When they finally faced off at Wrestle Kingdom 16, Okada triumphed again. So as much as Ospreay wants to recapture the world title in the Tokyo Dome in five months, he really wants to prove he can be The Man by beating The Man.
Okada lost the IWGP world title to Jay White back in June, and it would be very straightforward to have him win this tournament and cruise to a rematch in January. An Ospreay win, however, would be a much bigger statement. In 32 years, Kenny Omega is the only Westerner to win the G1 Climax. A Jay White vs. Will Ospreay match would put two Westerners in the main event at the Tokyo Dome, and I strongly suspect that's never been done before. So this outcome is very much a choice between "stay the course" and "shake things up a lot."
It's very, very hard for me to believe Ospreay is going to get this win. Which is interesting, because it feels like Ospreay's storyline is going to run off the rails if he can't win this match. Then again, between the David Finlay feud and the tease of a Kenny Omega storyline, Ospreay has more than enough on his plate without winning the G1. I'm sure there are fans who don't want to see yet another Okada win building to an inevitable Wrestle Kingdom main event title victory. But Okada was doing the final boss bit long before Roman Reigns made it cool, and there's no sign of it stopping now. I don't like betting against him.
Jay White & Taiji Ishimori vs. Tama Tonga & KUSHIDA - White is the IWGP world champion, Ishimori is the IWGP junior heavyweight champion, and their opponents are the presumptive top contenders for those titles. They should probably book Kushida to pin Ishimori, but I'm not certain they'll do that.
Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi & David Finlay - Gallows and Anderson are the Impact Wrestling men's tag team champions, but to my knowledge the title isn't on the line here. Anderson is also the NEVER openweight champion, so I could see Tanahashi pinning him to set up a singles program for that belt.
Shingo Takahashi & Hiromu Takahashi vs. El Phantasmo & KENTA - It seems like they're really building up the idea of Kenta and ELP teaming together all the time. Maybe they're being positioned as a regular team or something. If so they may get a win here.
Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI & SANADA vs. Lance Archer & Zack Sabre Jr. & Taichi - It's the end of the tour and probably Archer's last night in Japan for a while, so he's finally got a tag match without TAKA Michinoku on his team! That's bad news for Bushi, who will probably take the fall here.
Juice Robinson & Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens vs. Jeff Cobb & Aaron Henare & Great-O-Khan - It's a straight-up rematch from last night. Owens pinned Henare last time. It doesn't matter who wins, but I guess I'll pick Cobb's team to get their win back.
JONAH & Bad Dude Tito vs. Tom Lawlor & Royce Isaacs - Wow, they actually booked this match a fifth time! So far on this tour Jonah and Tito are 3-1 against Team Filthy. Considering Jonah is being built up as a lingering threat to Okada, I don't see his side losing any time soon.
Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI & YOH & Tomohiro Ishii vs. EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi & SHO & Dick Togo - Goto, Yoshi, and Yoh won the NEVER trios title from Evil, Yujiro, and Sho a while back. The House of Torture probably wants payback, but with Togo on their team they've got a weak link. Ishii has had a rough tour but I'm pretty sure he won't choke in this one.
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
Y’know I think the popularity of Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil 8 just illuminates that we could have more variety in “the designated big tanky one” besides large rough and tumble man, the latter with some sort of intended-to-be-humorous idiosyncrasy, or ‘comically’ undersized girl.
(I use comically in air quotes because frankly I don’t like that trope, it just feels like an excuse to not ever have to put muscle or fat on girls. Yes, I have known petite women who can kick your ass, but if you are introducing a character who fights like a heavyweight, give them the physique of a heavyweight. Look at powerlifters! Look at olympic gymnasts in the categories closest to what your character is doing!)
Like just grab other character traits and just make them also huge compared to their teammates. The options are very fun.
The Dimitrescu Classic where they talk like an aristocrat and dresses like a yesteryear starlet but can bench your entire body. Tanks a land mine and is mostly annoyed because “You’ve dirtied my dress!”
Dramatic-ass thespian artsy type who’s handsome and brooding and also they happen to be a chiseled adonis. Especially if they’re the type who worked out this much because they’re actually a dancer, not a powerlifter, and they are a technique-over-power type while still being big and strong.
Variant on the Dimitrescu Classic where she comes off like an indulgent rich grandma, dated fashion sense and all, wearing odd and pungent perfume, with the punchline being at some point she shrugs off her oversized coat to her favorite surrogate nephew and says, “honey, you better clear out, I’m about to sort this fella’s bones out” and she’s absolutely shredded. Can even foreshadow it by that she’s a grand dame in stature and prone to some overbearing hugs but it’s assumed to just be slapstick framing of a normal-strength hug until it turns out she’s been holding back.
The Princess Classic archetype because nothing’s funnier than that one image set I saw once of a refined princessy type looking at someone, saying “do you want to fight me” and then tearing her dress off and she’s wearing a wrestling singlet underneath. Bonus points for sheltered ingenue who practiced some sort of noble-accepted sport to get the energy out and became like, nigh undefeated at it.
Most variations of wizard archetypes are funny if they can punch you. You’re ready for Merlin of the Floor-Length Beard to cast fireball at you or something but are you ready for Merlin’s prizefighter suplex? nobody is.
Straitlaced desk jockey bureaucrat who could pick up the desk and throw it at you but won’t because then they’ll have to re-file all of this goddamn paperwork. Don’t make them pick up their favorite paperweight.
Swishy fencer braggart who you have every reason to suspect is a technique over power type and because of that you realize too late that it’s actually not do-nothing bragging that they want to fight like everyone around them and they are actually as good as they say they are. Bonus points if they come off like a cocky do-nothing because they were previously surrounded by people they had either already fought and were no longer curious about, or otherwise saw little prospect in fighting so the party only finds out they have a berserker in musketeer’s clothing when they’re already deep in trouble.
Washed-up has-been reveals at a triumphant point in character arc that their problem was primarily psychological and while they let themselves go in terms of physical conditioning, some things don’t die easily and they can get back into shape over time.
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