#put my trigger warnings at the top so hopefully we're good
"We're Not Promised Tomorrow." Chapter 19 - "Why Did You Do That?"
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Pairing: Obi-Wan x Fem. OC
W/C: 5. 3 K
Warnings: The angst is cranked up in this chapter and some intense fighting and arguing in this chapter. Trigger warning for emotional angst and couples fighting.
A/N: Hey everyone, it has been a minute but I am still here. This story is easier to update compared to my other ones because it is mostly written so I can just update it whenever I get a chance. This chapter picks up the two main characters heading back to Emily's apartment after the incident in the arena. I apologize for the lack of edits, I tried to skim through it and hopefully, I did not miss too much. As always, thank you to everyone who supports the fix in any way, it is always appreciated.
The Masterlist can be found here for this story.
Emily had to use the Force to help her support Obi-Wan. He was going in and out of consciousness as he stumbled with her. He knew he was moving forward and that she was next to him; he tried to use that knowledge to make his legs work to help her support him. 
His injuries were so bad, that the pain was blinding him. His whole body felt numb and disjointed. Bile from the agony and shock was rising in the back of his throat. His head ached from the impact of the punch that his nose had received. Not to mention his head had hit the floor pretty hard.
She could feel every ounce of pain that he was feeling. She could sense that his body was starting to shut down from his internal injuries. 
The healer in her knew she would have to work fast if she was to help him. It would take continuous internal bleeding, a fever, or an infection on top of the bleeding to kill him. However, he could suffer permanent nerve damage if he didn’t get treated soon. 
She leaned in and whispered to him. “We’re almost there. Please stay with me and hold on. Hold on Obi-Wan; just a bit more.” 
She had talked to him and coached him all the way to her apartment. 
She hastily punched her code into the keypad when she reached the door. She pulled him into her apartment swiftly once the door opened. He had stopped moving his legs at this point and she was dragging him.
“Just a few more steps, Obi-Wan, you're in my apartment, you're safe.” 
She led him to the middle of the living room and lowered him gently to the floor. She knew it would be easier to clean the stone floor than the couch; additionally, she needed a solid surface to work on him. 
He was sweating, shaking, and was unconscious. 
“STANG! Not good.” She huffed, exhausted from carrying him. 
She ran to her refresher. She kept medical supplies under the sink. 
 She grabbed her medical kit and clean towels. 
She briskly dashed back across the apartment to her bedroom, dropping the medkit and towels near him. She grabbed a pillow from her bed and some healing crystals that she kept in the nightstand. 
She darted into the galley-style kitchen and grabbed the sturdiest, sharpest knife she owned.
Returning to him, she bent down near him. She could tell that he had a somewhat conscious understanding of what was going on through the Force so she talked to him as she worked. He was still unresponsive. She’d seen enough coma patients to know they could still hear things.
“Okay Obi-Wan, I need you to stay with me. You wouldn't let me quit on you with Maul so I’m not letting you quit on me.” 
His shaking was increasing and his internal injuries were starting to become purple and red; she could see it through his tunic. Blood was pooling on the surface under his skin. That was bad. 
“I’m gonna put this pillow under your head. Try not to roll off it.” 
She gently lifted his shaking head and placed the pillow underneath it. If his head was going to thrash about, then she would feel better if it happened on a pillow as opposed to her stone floor. 
She took one of the healing crystals and placed it on his forehead. It started to glow immediately on contact with his skin. His head stopped thrashing as the glowing intensified. 
“Okay, good we’re making progress. You’re doing great Obi-Wan, I need you to keep it up for me.” 
She kept her voice warm and light. She knew if she allowed the fear and anxiety she was feeling to creep in it would only distract both of them. By keeping him calm and explaining everything she was doing, she was also keeping herself calm. 
“Okay, I’m sorry in advance, I’ll get you another tunic, but this one has got to go.” 
She used the knife to cut his tunic down the middle. She peeled it open like a jacket, letting it fall to the sides of him. She lowered his pants the tiniest bit to allow her better access to the bottom of the wound.
“Okay I’m going to adjust the crystal and your head; I have to roll you onto your good side so I have better access to your injuries.”
He didn’t respond but she could see rapid eye movements under his eyelids. That was really bad. He was in a state of unresponsive shock and his body was freaking out because it had blacked out. The rapid eye movement meant he was trying to fight it and stay present, which could cause him even further damage if he stressed his body out more. 
She grabbed a sterilizing liquid from the refresher and squirted it in her hands and rubbed them together. She then used her clean hands to put a pair of disposable gloves on. 
She grabbed the knife and opened the medkit. She quickly squirted the same liquid on the blade that would sterilize the knife.
“This is going to hurt and I’m so sorry, please forgive me but I have to do this.” 
She used the knife to split his injury open. His body jerked defensively, so there was some part of him that was aware of what was going on.
She used her knees to hold his jerking arms in place as she leaned over him, putting pressure on his body to still him as she opened his wound.
She placed a towel on his side to catch the flowing blood. Now that she could see inside his wounds, she saw how badly his insides were damaged. 
She opened the tub of Bacta gel and scooped a good amount into her hands. 
“This is Bacta, it’s gonna sting but you need it. It’s going to make everything better.” 
She was still trying to keep him with her. She could feel him trying to make an effort to focus on her voice, despite his failing to do so. She would talk all night till her voice gave out if she had to in order to keep him with her. 
She shoved several scoops of Bacta into his wound. She could feel the sting of pain that it caused him through the Force. 
“I’m gonna close your wound now.” 
Emily placed both her hands on his side, centered herself, and closed her eyes. She channeled the Force. 
She wielded it and commanded it to close his wound.
The skin on his side started to draw itself together, re-sealing itself from his shoulder to the bottom of his hip. She could feel the Bacta starting to work on his insides, repairing the muscle tissues and nerves. 
His skin was becoming warm though; that concerned her. His condition should have been improving; a fever was a bad sign. That ment he had an infection somewhere. Had too much oxygen gotten in his bloodstream from it pooling under the skin? That would have caused his blood to turn toxic and poisoned him if it had. Had the knife not been clean enough when she cut into him? 
She could sit there and spin scenarios all night but it wouldn’t help; she just needed to work that much harder and faster to help him. 
“My Love, stay with me. You are doing so great, you can do this, keep going!”
She scooped up more Bacta and slathered it over the closed wound. She even placed a glob on his nose, which was definitely broken, for good measure. The gel would heal the broken bones easily and she hoped that by placing it on his face and forehead it would help reduce the fever. 
She placed two crystals on his side, one by his arm and the other at the bottom of his hip. 
She then placed her hands over his injury. She started to channel to Force again. She continued to extend and exert herself by wrapping him in Signature. She knew the effect it had on her when he did that and if it had even the tiniest bit of a similar effect on him then it could only help.  
She poured her energy into commanding the Force. She could feel it working with the Bacta, healing his insides. She was working her way throughout his body, burning the source of the infection. 
She never waivered. She kept up her vigilance, focused on visualizing him and healing him, putting his body back together and burning the infection out of him. The crystals acted like a booster for her efforts. They concentrated the force in those specific areas allowing her to maximize her efforts. 
Time passed. Her body was becoming tired but she would pass out from exhaustion before she quit on him. He never quit on her, ever. 
She could feel his fever going down and his body was in less pain. 
She was starting to lose her balance and wobble; but he was getting better. She didn’t know how long she’d been there at this point. She wasn’t a fully trained healer and therefore couldn’t go hours like they could. 
She could feel her body getting heavy and she was starting to lose consciousness. 
She could feel his body starting to twitch, the Force moving around him, interacting with her Signature that he was still encased in. 
He gasped, his eyes opening suddenly. He started coughing.
His reaction and awakening gave her an adrenaline rush and she found a burst of energy. She stopped conducting the Force, removed the crystals quickly, and rolled him forward. If he was choking on something, by rolling him onto his stomach, gravity would help him. 
“Easy! Easy, easy, do not move….ssshhhhh….. You are okay, it’s me, it’s Emily. You are safe, you’re back in my apartment. Sssshhh.” She leaned over him and placed both her hands on his face as she spoke, stopping him from moving. 
He stopped coughing and was breathing shallowly. She gently rolled him onto his back.
His eyes took in their surroundings. Her apartment, the medical kit on the floor, his discarded ripped tunic, the bloody towel. 
He snapped his eyes to her. “What happened?” 
“You were badly hurt and unconscious. I had to get you back to my apartment to help you.” 
“No, no that I remember, I was somewhat present for the walk back and I could faintly hear you talking to me…..but the match, what happened with the match?” His voice was raspy and weak. 
Her hands were still holding onto his face. She started to run one hand through his hair while the other one remained on his cheek. 
“......He was hurting you…..he had pinned you down using the Force and he was using the length of his blade to slice through your side vertically…...so I interfered.” 
He closed his eyes. So he hadn’t dreamed or imagined that. 
“.....Emily…..Why did you do that?” He sounded agitated. 
The hand that she was running through his hair stopped. “What?” 
“Why did you interfere in the match Emily? By interfering, you're now the new challenger. I never yielded, I was in control. You tagged me out and tagged yourself in! Why would you do that?” His voice was sharp, angry even. 
She sat up and leaned back from him. His blue eyes looked sharp as they stared at her. He was actually angry with her for saving him. 
“Are you serious? Are you actually mad at me for saving you? What, because I had to help you?”
She spoke defensively. She couldn't believe he was being this childish. 
He huffed in frustration. “Do you really think so little of me? No, I don’t care that you had to save me, but that’s just the point, you didn’t have to, I was handling it! Now his focus is going to be on you. I didn’t want you to be involved; what if he comes to you looking to finish the challenge? Did you think about that before you interfered?” 
“Communication Obi-Wan. I thought one of our rules was to communicate everything. I communicated, you just acted. I told you not to get involved. Oh and at this point I want him to challenge me. I’ll gladly give him a piece of my mind, I’ve kicked his ass easily enough many times before.” 
Obi-Wan’s eyes looked like they would bulge out of his forehead. “OH! That’s a nice double standard! You berate me in front of him for accepting his challenge, then you unnecessarily jump in to save me and in doing so have now made yourself his new target. I’m supposed to be okay with all of that, that you're going to be his next victim? And what do you mean I “acted”, what was I supposed to do? He challenged me! You said it your-self, he’s a madman! That was not a normal sparring match, he was trying to kill me! Why didn’t you think of that before you got involved?! ….So, it’s okay for you to fight him but I’m the bad guy for accepting his challenge and then I’m even more of the bad guy for getting mad that you put yourself in harm's way?!?” 
She looked at him with fury in her eyes as her mouth hung open. 
Now the conversation had escalated to a shouting match. 
She broke down sobbing as she finished speaking. She buried her face into her arms as she collapsed into a crouched position. She cried tears of fear, frustration and anger. She was overcome with the grief. She had been holding back those tears since he had been punched in the nose. Now that she had healed him and the adrenaline rush was over, all the horror of what she feared and had witnessed was coming to the forefront of her mind; bursting for a release. It was like being tortured all over again by Maul.  
Her emotions had found their release due to his reaction. He was angry at her for getting involved. He was almost killed, didn’t he understand what that meant to her? To watch someone you loved suffer at the hands of someone who wanted them dead? How miserable and unbearable her world would be without him? She had worked to the very extent of her abilities to save his life twice that night and his reaction broke her. She wasn’t expecting a hero’s welcome but she expected him to at least be thankful and understanding, not start an argument and ridicule her for her actions that were done out of love.
Obi-Wan closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. The sound of her sobs made him realize how brutish he was being with her. The pain the sound of her crying caused him was unbearable; she may as well have been screaming in agony, it was all the same to him. He could never handle it when she was in any kind of pain or anguish. He had never been the source of her pain, so now that he was,  it especially bothered him; to know that he was the cause of her tears filled him with the harshest form of self-loathing thoughts that he was capable of. It wasn’t that he had forgotten about what Maul put her through, he just never thought what happened would have triggered her to remember it. He wasn’t used to caring about what happened to himself, only what happened to her.
She had saved his life. If it wasn’t for her they wouldn’t even be fighting right now. He would have been dead and she’d be alone in the Arena with that slimo. He hadn’t even said “thank you.” She was right, he had let his macho pride for her cloud his judgment. He should have walked away from Sorv and in the morning they could have brought their grievances to the council together. Instead, he acted like an ass. He let his fear, anger, and pride sway his thoughts and cloud his judgment. Looking at it from her perspective, he understood her actions. He wasn’t happy about it, he was still very angry with her, but he understood. 
He attempted to sit up but the sharp pain in his wounds sent him back down quickly, grunting.  
His noises caused her to look up from her huddled and drawn-back position. 
He was squinting in pain. 
“What happened?” She asked him as she sniffled. 
“I’m trying to sit up to look at you better.” His voice was calm. It hadn’t been like that since Sorv had walked in the Arena. 
“Why would you even try to do that? You know you can’t move.” Her words had a harshness to them. 
“.....I don’t know….” His voice was raspy again.
He lied to her. Didn’t he promise not to do that to her ever again?
Her anger was shutting him down. He knew he had been rotten to her, he was understanding that now. He wanted to sit up, face her and apologize to her, tell her thank you for what she did because they wouldn’t even have been fighting if she hadn’t done what she did. He had heard all her words of love and encouragement as she healed him and they had kept him tethered to this world. He had felt her extend her Signature to him and it helped him relax and heal, further saving his life. In that moment he didn’t realize he could have loved her any more than he already did. He could hear her, feel her trying to keep him alive. He wanted to tell her that one of his greatest fears was not being able to protect her and that he loved her more than anything else in the infinite galaxies. 
But the pain from his wound had forced him back down. Her anger that she aimed at him made him close off his emotions and shut down mentally; his training kicking in. 
“Jedi have no emotions.” 
“You’re probably uncomfortable on the floor, come on I’ll move you to my bed.” 
She spoke with no emotion, her words sounding flat and deflated. She got on her knees and crawled over to him. She used the Force to dull his pain as she sat him up and slowly got him to his feet. 
Despite her using the Force to aid her efforts and his pain, he had to close his eyes as he stood. The room spun and his body ached, especially his wounds. But he was just as stubborn as she was. 
“No it’s fine, I can make my way to my apartment.” He grunted. 
She huffed. “Obi-Wan….just be quiet.” Her words took on a tone of annoyance. 
He grimaced. She had told him to be quiet. She had never spoken to him like that. 
“To be fair I don’t think I’ve ever yelled at her either.”
He rolled his eyes at the fact that he had made a mess of what could have been a perfect night for them. 
She helped him to her bed. She sat him down on it gently. She took his boots off him. She then gingerly stood him up again. 
“Put your good arm on my shoulder and brace yourself.” She told him. She was speaking pointedly with him, not in the mood for more conversation than what was needed. 
He leaned into her and threw his arm over her shoulder and across her back, almost hugging her. 
She undid his pants and used the Force to drop them to the floor. “Step out of them.” 
He did as he was told. 
She sat him back down on the bed in just his boxers. “Don’t move.” She walked out of the room. 
He stayed still, not wanting to further anger her. He was self-conscious of his actions and her anger was further shutting him down emotionally and mentally. His mind felt numb as it raced and panicked. He wasn’t used to them being hostile with one another.
She returned with a bandage roll, individual bandage pads, the Batca tub, and the knife. 
She opened the tub and scooped a decent amount of the gel onto her hand. She gently rubbed it up and down his wounded side. She made sure to put an extra layer knowing that the majority of it would sink into his skin and further heal his internal injuries. She wanted to make sure the surface skin healed and didn’t get infected or scar; hence the extra layer. 
He could feel how gentle she was being despite her anger with him.
She unwrapped the bandage roll, starting it so that she could use it quickly when she needed it. 
She then placed multiple individual bandage pads down his side and used the Force to hold them into place. 
She wrapped the bandage wrap around his torso. This sealed the Bacta to his skin and held the individual bandages in place over his wound. 
She used the knife to cut the bandage from the roll and stuck it to his stomach. The bandage roll was covered in a sticky material that helped it stay sealed to him. 
She then stuck her index and middle finger into the gel and gently used the two figures to spread more Bacta on his nose and the surrounding facial area. 
He blinked from her fingers being so close to his eyes. “Why are you putting it on my nose?” 
‘It’s broken.”  
She didn’t skip a beat. She was in healer mode now and he was just another patient. She spoke to him as if he were a stranger. 
Actually, she realized that she was much nicer with her patients who were almost complete strangers. 
The cold, pointed action did not go unnoticed by him. 
“No, I hadn’t. I thought the pain was just from hitting the floor.”
She ignored him.
“Do you want to be on top of the covers or underneath?” 
“Underneath please.” He wouldn’t make eye contact with her, he kept his eyes on the floor and his voice neutral.
“Stand again and lean on me.” 
He did as he was told. 
She balanced him and hobbled to pull the bed sheets and comforter all the way back. 
“I could have helped with that.” He offered calmly. 
“Nope, I got it.” 
She sat him down on the mattress. She fluffed the pillows up so that he would be on an angle, allowing more blood flow to his wound. The more blood flow the wound received, the faster it healed. Blood regenerates tissue in the body; between that and the Bacta, he should be at least able to function for himself in the morning. It would also help his breathing with his nose. 
“I’m going to swing your legs up onto the bed, when I do use your elbows to push yourself up, scoot back, and lay down on the pillows.” 
As she grabbed his ankles and swung them up, he did his best to scoot and lean back. Yet, the pain caused him to seize up and stop halfway through. 
She leaned over him. She placed one arm under his good armpit and the other under his thighs. 
This brought their faces within inches of each other, which somehow furthered the tension.
“I'm going to scoot you back so you can get closer to the pillow. It was stupid of me to ask you to do it, your injury hinders your movements.” She was still speaking pointedly and flatly; completely monotone.
“No it’s okay, this is fine.” He didn’t want her to have to lift him. 
She looked at him blankly and sighed in frustration. “No, it's not. You need to be at the right level in order to breathe while you sleep unless you want to suffocate; the right angle will allow for more blood to flow to your wound.” Her voice was still monotone. 
He just nodded his head. 
She gingerly but swiftly lifted him and helped him scoot back so that he was in the appropriate position. She amazed herself that she had any strength even left at this point. 
She pulled the covers up to his waste. “Are you comfortable?” 
 He looked up at her for the first time since their argument. She looked exhausted and worn out. Her tear-stained face was sunken in and her eyes were bloodshot. She had used up a lot of energy saving him and helping him. She had arguably been through as much as he had that evening and he hadn’t made things better by starting a fight. 
“Emily…...thank you.” He forced himself to look at her as she spoke. 
“Wow….I’m surprised you remembered that phrase. Funnily enough, I was expecting that when you came too, but you’re welcome.” 
He put his head down and looked away. Part of him felt like that was an overly harsh reaction and the other part of himself felt he deserved far worse from her. 
He expected her to go around to the other side of the bed and get in next to him, but she was heading for the door. His heart rate sped up as a result. 
“You aren’t coming to bed?”
“Nope. The living room has to be cleaned and I’m not tired.” She spoke as she stopped to look at him from the doorway. 
That was a lie and he knew it. He could see the exhaustion in her eyes, feel her through their Force bond.
“I’ll wait up for you then.” 
He worked hard to keep his voice flat and void of emotion but he was starting to find it hard. He knew she was mad at him and he had been fine with that because he knew he deserved it. 
But now he was starting to become nervous and emotional that she wasn’t coming to bed right away; he wasn’t stupid. It wasn’t just the fact that she was avoiding him while she was angry at him, it’s what not coming to bed represented. They always slept next to each other when they could. She was actively choosing not to spend time with him. She was pulling away from him and she was angry on top of it, a dangerous combination.
He hated this, why did he always have to push things so far?
“Don’t bother, I’m sleeping on the couch when I do become tired.” She walked out of the room. 
His heart was hammering in his chest. His mouth was dry. He wanted to start an argument all over again if it meant he could keep her in the room with him. He was panicking now.
“It’s your apartment! You aren’t going to sleep in your own bed?!” He called back, his voice almost breaking. 
While his voice was full of emotion, hers was not. She sounded deflated and defeated; laced with exhaustion.
“You need the bed more than I do. It’s fine Obi-Wan, go to sleep. I’ll check on you later.” 
The door closed and she wasn’t even in the doorway. She had actually used the Force to close the door on him. 
He threw his head back onto the pillow. He was so angry. Self-loathing and anxiety crept through him. His nerves felt like they were set on fire and he was fighting back tears. 
He had been so stupid, so incredibly pigheaded and stupid. He knew this was bound to happen at some point, he knew he was going to mess up their relationship somehow. 
He hated being at odds with her. It felt like she was a billion star systems away. His chest ached and his heart raced. His stomach felt like it was doing flips. He let fear and pride ruin everything. What if he had damaged things beyond repair? His actions had been horrible enough to make that happen. He blinked back tears as he tried to fall asleep. He wanted to jump out of the bed, take her in his arms, and tell her how foolish he was and that as usual, she was right about everything. He would truly let go of his anger if it meant they were okay again. She was always the most important thing and he had allowed that loud-mouthed moron to come between them; probably doing exactly what he wanted in the first place. That scug would probably love to have seen them at each other's throats. 
Little did he know that as Emily cleaned her living room, on the other side of the closed door, she felt the same way. On the verge of more tears, filled with grief, anxiety, and frustration. She had loved him more than anything, had pushed herself to save his life that night because of it, and it took him all night to even say “thank you”. She understood why he was mad, but he had been a real brute. 
Neither one of them could remember a time when they had yelled and screamed at each other. Nor could they remember a time when they had been so cold with each other. Neither one of them knew how to handle a fight with the other person and it destroyed them both. Jedi were taught to stifle their emotions and not express them; furthermore, they weren’t supposed to have romantic relationships. Once again, they had no prior experiences in life that taught them how to navigate this situation.
 They suffered separately and silently.
The two of them would fall asleep that night with more space between them than there had ever been, and they were in the same apartment. 
@nanagoswife @sillynilly27@transcending-time @kirstenvldfan21 @the-clones-and-me @thewhitedanimal @tamnight @lucyysthings @naughtyry @nicole-lightfoot
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taketwoinink · 2 years
Hi! I had a really *verb* conversation with @earthtokit that I want to make a post about-
This however, is not that post
Instead I'm going to talk about something completely different! Poverty!
And more specifically, my experience with it. This is going to differ from other people obviously, because everyone's life is different.
warning this got quite long oops
-- I don't know exactly what to tag this as, so I'm actually going to put my trigger warnings here. I'm talking about being poor, suicidal thoughts, thoughts of self harm, mentions of a potential eating disorder, mentions of a heart attack, some unhealthy habits, self hate, depression, this is generally a kind of heavy post about my own life, so just want you to be warned! hopefully I got everything --
Since I was a small small child, my mom has been sick. Sick with what, who even knows? She has thyroid problems (runs in my family) and depression (also runs in my family) and narcolepsy (yes actually!) and just generally her body doesn't like her very much. So for most of my life, she's been mostly in bed. As a kid, I was just like, "oh yeah, I get my mom food, she doesn't leave the house, she doesn't feel very well, that's just normal".
My dad was the one who made all the meals and drove us around and earned money for us to survive. Because my mom didn't feel well and we were all pretty young, he worked from home. He never had a steady job. He sells things on e-bay, he flipped condos and houses for a little while, we even had a little shop on Main Street for a few years. (downside of this is when it shut down, all of the stuff we had there that we were selling got moved in the basement and the garage and we haven't been able to get rid of it so there's just so much clutter)
I remember I legitimately didn't realize that some people had real meals multiple times a day home-cooked from scratch and that their parents weren't always home because they had work for a really really long time. Like probably only a few years ago that it really sank in.
The plus side of this? I see my parents all the time! They've been a constant presence in my life.
The downside?
We're poor. Really poor.
My dad has a degree in software engineering. For a while he had a really well paying job, then my mom got sick and he got fired. He has done a phenomenal job at stretching out our money and making ends meet. So well that I didn't even really register that we were poor until I was in eighth grade.
Things kind of crashed at that point. We started getting food from our church. (For those that may not know, the Mormon church has what is called The Bishop's Storehouse which is food and stuff for people who need it, who can't afford it on their own. And you take to your bishop and he can get you set up with that). Honestly, one of the times I think I was eating the best in my life. I also got no birthday presents that year, which was a big wake-up call for me. We had cake and ice cream I think and that was it. Since then, I have had zero expectations for my birthday or for Christmas. Our Christmas that year was basically funded by my aunt, who gave each kid like 40 dollars and we went to the dollar store and bought almost all of our Christmas presents from there. It was actually a really good Christmas.
Now, my dad had a heart attack last year. In October. He's fine but it really terrified my mom. Now she's obsessed with trying to stress him out as little as possible. Which is a great great goal! He's done so much for us, honestly the man deserves a retirement and he's only in his fifties.
The problem is that we're like five disabled people (mentally and/or physically) with no real source of income and my mom isn't physically healthy enough to get a job, and me and my brothers aren't mentally stable enough to get a job. One of them is working on it and helps my dad sell stuff online so that's good but- it's a precarious place to be.
I grew up in the Mormon church (I promise you this is all going to come together and you'll see what I'm getting at here). I was taught to serve everyone around me. No one ever told me to serve myself. Nothing against the people there or the teachings, it was something that was just overlooked and me (and probably lots of other children) fell victim to that. No one ever taught me to love myself.
So I had a philosophy in life of never asking for anything, no matter how much I wanted or needed it. As I got older and things like depression and anxiety took hold, it got to a point where I was trying to carry all of these people and didn't have anything for myself. I ended up just completely burning out, basically dropped out of school for a semester and a half, and finally got medication and therapy.
Since then, I've cut off some friends that I had an unfortunately toxic relationship with, which has helped so much, went to therapy for a while (had to stop going because of money problems and uh, that hasn't helped me but we're managing I hope), got medication which has been a life-saver literally. I've had some room to think about myself and start picking up the pieces. And I've had a lot of progress!
But. We're still poor. And so that thing of never asking for anything? Yeah that got worse.
Add in my mom's determination to never stress out my dad and one mental breakdown realization that he's actually going to die one day and it could be sooner than I think, and... yeah
That's not very conducive to unlearning unhealthy behaviors. If I want something I have to talk myself so hard into just asking. I'll go silent almost every single time and just tell myself to forget about it.
I've learned a lot about communicating and enforcing my boundaries but- there's still a lot of room to go
And I try not to think about what if all this falls through and we end up homeless on the streets (we won't, my uncle apparently has a house he's reserving for us if we ever need it, which is actually such a relief, I've been so worried about ending up homeless for so long)
I try not to think about how my dad still has to do everything around here because I can't and what if the stress is too much and he has another heart attack and dies
I try not to think about any of it
I feel pressure to step up because in the end I can only control myself. And I just have to face a reality that I can't. I can't even eat breakfast. I get out of bed every morning and that's my accomplishment.
And I know I need to talk to them and get on an anti-anxiety medication because that would make a world of difference and I know I need to talk to them and tell them that I probably have an eating disorder and actually make sure we have things that I can and will eat- but I can't
I don't know where to begin. I don't want to be a burden or a bother. I know they'd tell me I'm not but I don't want to put that stress on them anyway. I don't want to talk to them about my relapse into serious suicidal thoughts (which is over now, it was just that week where I was having such intense intrusive thoughts that I honestly wanted to die just so my brain would shut up). I mean yeah, occasionally I'm like, I could stab myself with this knife or what if I went and jumped off the bridge, but I'm not going to. I actually do enjoy living. It's hard but I have hope for the future.
I just... don't have the confidence to improve my now and just keep hoping my then will be better.
My point in starting all of this was that I wanted to talk about how being poor growing up affects one's mindset and self esteem and your ability to ask for things that are necessary. I understand how that my life has been extremely abnormal. I still wouldn't trade it. Yes, things could have been different but I don't know then that I'd be the person I am now, and I kind of like me. I want to keep being this me. I don't want to risk being a different me.
Don't know if what I wanted to say got across but this felt good to say anyway.
Yep so, that's my trauma-dump I guess! Thanks for reading if you made it this far. I really am doing okay. Doing better than I was a bit ago. I get up at a normal time, I go to sleep at such odd hours, I don't eat enough and that's a problem but I'm alive, I have my kitty and I love her and she loves me, I've been writing and drawing and enjoying both, I've been bullying myself about taking naps in the middle of the day less, I've been getting out of the house occasionally, I am happy. Not always, but more often. Starting to accept the fact that I am disabled in at least some way and there's things I just can't do or manage. And I'm getting better about enforcing those boundaries with other people. We'll find a balance eventually.
hope you have a fabulous day! <3 <3
if you're struggling remember that things do get better and you'll always have this random internet human who will love you and listen to you if you need to talk <3
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taesbetch · 7 years
To Own A Hybrid
pairing: Jungkook x Reader 
Genre: Angst, Fluff (eventual smut) Hybrid!AU Cat!AU 
Summary: the hybrid world was one y/n never really involved herself in; however, after certain events, she is tossed into a world of uncertainty in the company of a particularly rude hybrid. 
Word count: 5k +
WARNING: Mentions of abuse, emotional torment, and prostitution 
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P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 - P14
You suddenly fell off of your elbow that you were happily sleeping against; only to have it replaced with the hard metal table in front of you.
“go home” your co-worker jimin laughed as he checked his wristwatch. Jimin was always the last one to leave; he was responsible and hard-working and extremely handsome.
It had been 13 hours since the two of you had walked through the office doors, yet you sat with messed up hair, oily and ruined makeup and crinkled clothes, whereas his crispy black button up was still neatly tucked into his pants and his jet-black hair still perfectly placed.
You sighed before saving your work and packing up.
The office was silent and dark; the occasional snores from your fellow workers who were doing a night-shift filled the office. One of them caught your eye.
“doesn’t he have a hybrid at home?” you asked softly as you observed his lanky figure was sprawled between his chair and his desk.
“who, Namjoon? Yer he has two actually” Jimin answered as he turned to face Namjoon as well.
“would you ever get a hybrid?” you asked him as you turned to face him. He put his fist underneath his chin as he thought about it.
“I don’t know…maybe. But hybrids are a tricky thing to get involved in” he sighed as he shook his head.
You nodded your head in agreement. Hybrids weren’t in a good situation right now. A lot of them were being sold for slavery or prostitution. And then there were the rich owners, who treated their hybrids like trophies…it was disgusting.
There were multiple laws against hybrids basically having normal human rights, but of course, they aren’t counted as human. You scoffed at the thought and decided that you should start heading home.
As you waved goodbye to Jimin you quickly checked the time. 10pm, okay, hopefully, something other than Macdonalds was open. You made a quick plan to go check the streets and then return to your car and drive home.
It wasn’t like you couldn’t get a hybrid if you wanted to. You had a great job working for a great boss and were surrounded by great co-workers; it’s just you were kind of uncomfortable with the idea.
Did you treat them like a pet? What do need? Are there special requirement? Do they get sick like humans get sick?
It was all extremely confusing to you, especially the rules, jesus Christ those fucking rules.
As you walked along the sidewalk, you were surprised to see a lot of places open. Around here, places usually close early…unless something special is happening…of course, how could you forget.
It was November 1st which meant new hybrids were being imported. You tried to strain your ears to hear the usual protestors and were shocked at how loud they were.
A smile came onto your face as you stopped in your tracks and took a deep breath in. some people are lovely owners and have adopted as many hybrids as they can, this thought was the one that let you have faith in humanity.
You approached the Chinese shop excitedly, you couldn’t wait to get your hands on some damn food.
“You filthy pest! Do as I say!”
Aw shit…walk away y/n, don’t get involved.
The sounds got louder as you moved closer to the store that was right next to an alleyway.
Don’t look y/n. keep walking.
“You belong to me! Do as I say!”
You stopped suddenly. Right at the entrance of the alleyway. Fuck it.
“what the fuck are you doing!?” you yelled as you turned towards them. You gasped in shock as you saw the hybrid on the floor, clutching his stomach as the human hit him with a cane, a collar and leesh in his other hand.
You had heard about these situations, people called them hybrid stealers.
Hybrids were either bought for prostitution or stolen for prostitution…
“stay out of this little girl” the woman hissed at you as she stabbed her heel into his stomach causing him to yell out in pain.
“HEY!” you yelled stepping forward quickly; worry had filled your entire body when you noticed how much blood was currently not in his body.
you needed to get him help, and quickly.
You pulled out your phone, pretending to call hybrid protective services “hello! Yes im reporting an abusive owner, hers name Alissa Thompson” you said spotting her name tag
“shit!” she exclaimed angrily before running away. you continued to fake talk into the phone until she was fully out of earshot.
After being sure she was gone you quickly ran to the hybrid, panic quickly entering your system as you watched his head drop to the floor.
“hey! oh my god! Hey, please stay alive!” you rambled as you bent down to his level, as you reached out to touch him, his arm quickly came up, scratching you across your hand.
You hissed in pain as you retracted your hand quickly; as blood started peeking out from your skin you wiped it against your top and took a deep breath.
“look. You need help, if I don’t help you, you’ll bleed out on the street and die” you stated firmly at the stubborn hybrid. He hissed but this time when you reached for him, he let you help.
His body was cold and heavy, but you tried your best to drag him towards your car. If you held him to tight, or carelessly handled him he would hiss lowly at you or attempt to free himself from your grip.
Small beads of sweat were starting to form on your forehead as you continued to drag him towards your car.
“okay, we're almost there” you panted to yourself more than him.
Your footsteps grew heavy and the sound of them repeatedly hitting the ground beneath you gave you a heart attack.
Carefully, you heaved the injured boy into your front seat, silently praying as he continuously groaned in pain.
“don’t…t-take me to a h-hospital” he blurted out as you fumbled around with your seat belt. Ignoring his request, you started the car with the hospital in mind as your final destination.
You couldn’t help him, you didn’t have the medical skills or appliances.
He hissed and groaned as blood poured out of his body with each breath. “I’m sure this doesn’t help but hang on” you said hesitantly trying to comfort him.
As you pulled into the hospitals driveway you heard him grunt in annoyance as he reached for the door, trying to escape.
You quickly jumped out of the car and locked him inside, the only way to unlock it was on your side of the car. In this condition, you doubted he would be able to reach it. Deeming it was safe to leave him for a couple of minutes you rushed into the hospital, blood covering your body.
You slammed your hands on the front desk loudly attracting the attention of everyone in the room.
You head wiped around quickly as your heart continued to beat at a fast-paced.
Your head hadn’t stopped spinning since you entered the building and your heart hadn’t stopped pounding since you retrieved the hybrid. Sweat covered your hands and forehead…correction, sweat covered your entire body and you were positive you looked like a drug addict the other people in the waiting room.
You quickly scanned her eyes for a ‘sorry he didn’t make it’ but instead was met with a clipboard and a pen.
“is he your hybrid?” the nurse asked softly, smiling brightly.
You tensed up before nodding your head slowly. Shit, what if he has an owner? What if doesn’t?
“and how long have you had him?” she asked as she scribbled away.
“not that long, almost seems like 30 minutes” you joked as a nervous chuckle escaped your lips. She didn’t seem to notice anything odd, to which you sighed in relief.
“oh! Well if he’s new I’m guessing you don’t have insurance for him yet, would you like to set that up now? We can do that here if you like, just so you don’t have to go all the way down to the hybrid center” she chirped, her mood changing suddenly.
What the fuck is hybrid center? Where the fuck is a hybrid center? Insurance? Am I buying a car? What the fuck.
“what would I have to fill out?” you asked concerned. You didn’t know his name, his date of birth, or even what kind of hybrid he was. You could tell he was a cat hybrid but you’ve heard that they're experimenting with different types these days.
“not much. Just your name and address, we’ll make up his system number and just make up a nickname. It’s just in case he gets in trouble or lost, maybe he’s hurt but you’re not present; ya know that stuff.” She answered.
“okay, yer” you nodded as she walked back and the documents.
A nickname…hmmm.
Your eyes moved across the hospitals waiting room, scouting for anything that would trigger your creativity side.
A small boy with bright green eyes sat on a stool happily, he swung his legs back and forth as he held the chocolate chip cookie in his hands as if it was the last one on the planet.
That’s it! Kookie…with a K cause your cool like that.
As you fill in the insurance document you doubted it every second. You had no idea what you were stepping into or what kind of situation the hybrid was in. you could tell by the hisses that he clearly wanted nothing to do with him so all you could do was hope this was right.
Three’s hours later and your eyes were drooping. The cold air kept picking at your exposed skin and your work blouse was useless for warmth.
“hes ready” the nurse said as she jogged up to you happily.
If you weren’t as shocked to see that her hair was still perfectly curled and her smile was still as bright as before you would have fully reciprocated what she had said.
Finally realising that she was telling you he was alive and ready for you to see him you stumbled out of your seat.
As she led you towards his room door you started getting nervous. You had so many questions and so little knowledge and answers on this whole situation.
The nurse gave you a small nod and an encouraging smile before she let you to face your hybrid companion alone.
You slowly opened the door, only enough for you to peek your head into the dull room.
As your vision set on the boy your eyes slowly traced over the marks on his back. They were old but not old enough to fade. You furrowed your brows in worry and confusion before fully entering and closing the door behind you.
“don’t you know how to knock” he hissed as he turned to face you pulling his hospital gown further up his body.
“sorry” you shrugged nonchalantly as you looked around the hospital room.
“how are you feeling? The nurse said you should be able to leave tonight” you said after a moment of awkward silence.
His eyes narrowed at you as you fiddled with your fingers nervously.
“why do you even care?” he asked as his ears flattened on top of his head.
“w-well I was just wondering where you would be going? It’s getting really cold” you questioned as you took a seat next to his bed.
The chair was uncomfortable but your legs were falling asleep and your body was running out of energy.
“you don’t need to know” he replied bluntly, his cold eyes never leaving yours.
“okay…can I at least know your name? mines Y/N” you asked trying to find out more about the boy whose blood currently resonates in your car.
“you don’t need to know” he repeated.
Annoyance started filling your body at the hybrids attitude. You had successfully brought him to the hospital and they had saved his life, he would now be able to see another sunrise.
“well are you going to be alright? Do have money? A safe place to go? Is lady going to come back for you?” you asked, your voice was edgy and harsh.
You didn’t mean to be, but it was late and he was starting to annoy you.
He hissed in reply causing you to sigh/groan loudly as you flailed your arms in the air.
“fine. That’s fine” you said as you hoped up on your feet and wiped out a notepad.
You angrily wrote on the piece of paper before placing it down on the side table next to you.
“this is my address and this is my phone number. I’m on floor 5 but you have to go up some steps to the second level to find my apartment. If you need a place to sleep or you need some food feel free to come visit, there’s a key under the mat” you stated seriously before giving him one last nod and removing yourself from his room.
You felt a pang of guilt and a string of worry as you walked towards your car.
maybe you should have stayed with him…or at least watched him leave…or…
you let out a sigh as you rested your head against your steering wheel. All you needed right now was a hot shower and to forget about your encounter with the troubled hybrid.
Sun shone through the peep of your curtains as you heard soft chirps of a bird outside your window.
You were drained. Your body felt numb and your mind was blank, too tired to process any thought due to yesterdays excessive overload.
You knew little to nothing about them…
Memories of the boy's hostile looks and cold glares sent shivers down your spine. The scars on his back still present in your mind as you tried to wrap your head around what caused him to be like this.
Thank Jesus you started work at 1pm today, you didn’t think it was possible not to have the energy to even lift a finger.
Kookie…wonder where he is now
The laptop had multiple tabs open and your hand was stuck in your second box of cereal for the day.
You knew it was a bad idea but you just wanted to know a little bit more about the hybrid world…however, you didn’t expect to fall into a complete rabbit hole and be sucked into documentary’s, protest videos and law enforcement.
A small hot tear ran down your face as you watched nurses tend to small hybrid children who had been abused.
There was a particular feeling that started welling up in your chest. The one where you wanted to help, but you didn’t know how.
Your eyes instinctively welled up as the images of crying hybrids filled your screen. You shut the laptop harshly before taking a deep breath.
Why were you doing this to yourself?
You didn’t own a hybrid? You were sure you didn’t want one…well…
Shaking off thoughts of anything hybrid-related you decided to get some more shut-eye before your shift at work. It was only a small shift 1pm to 4pm but you knew those three hours would be an insane mess.
As you strolled through the office's front area you smiled at the same front desk girls who were always in some sort of hushed gossip session.
“y/n!” one of them called to you before waving you over subtly. You furrowed your brows looking left and right, just in case there was another Y/n that they were calling too.
Cautiously you stalked over towards them wondering what they would want with you.
“did you hear?” one of them started when you rested your arms on the counter, leaning in to join the gossip circle.
“y/n!” one of them called to you before waving you over subtly. You furrowed your brows looking left and right, just in case there was another Y/n that they were calling too.
Cautiously you stalked over towards them wondering what they would want with you.
“did you hear?” one of them started when you rested your arms on the counter, leaning in to join the gossip circle.
“hear what?” you asked intrigued about what they were going to tell you.
“the protestors managed to stop the importing of hybrids since most of them are sold to prostitution they managed to shut it down. The police have already arrested several hybrid trafficking rings and the hybrids have been sent to hybrid foster care and adoption centers! Isn’t that great!” the other one finished.
A small smile covered your face as you nodded excitedly, your mind flicking to the injured hybrid you had met not that long ago.
“also, Namjoon was one of them! He even chased down a ringleader! Isn’t he just amazing!” the last one swooned as she brought her hand to her forehead dramatically.
You giggled softly giving another nod in agreement before saying our goodbyes and making your way up to the 5th floor.
You knew namjoon was an advocate for hybrids but you didn’t know he was that intense.
a new layer of respect had been developed for your hybrid loving co-worker and you made sure to remember to ask him more on the subject.
As you strolled into your office you made sure to smile at fellow co-workers on their way out from the morning shift.
“Y/n! looks like we're on the same shift again” jimin smiled as you took your seat.
“when are we not?” you asked with a smile before turning to your computer, trying to begin your work. However, as your eyes dragged over to namjoon, you found it harder and harder to get started.
Questions flooded your mind and you knew he would have some answers.
After bashing your keyboard for a good hour, you decided the suspense was getting to you.
Standing up abruptly you tried to think of ways to approach him.
It's not like the two of you hadn’t spoken before, you knew him fairly well actually. The two of you had been in the same university class. However, your relationship had been based on school and work, never really going beyond that.
“Y/n? what are you doing?” jimin asked in confusion as he stared up at you.
Your mouth opened as you gaped at him like a fish out of water. You had been standing there for a solid minute just staring at namjoon’s back, you realise how creepy that would seem.
“i-i-im…I’ll be back” you said before scurrying off in namjoon’s direction, dragging your chair behind you.
You quickly pulled the chair in front of you as you drew close to him, gathering his attention.
As his eyes met yours a big goofy smile graced his face.
“Hey y/n, what’s up? Haven’t spoken to you in a while” he said as you shuffled closer, joining him at his desk.
Your eyes drifted down to his hand. It had been wrapped up tightly but the splash of red colour spilling through the crisp white was still prominent.
“Congratulations, you’re now a hero amongst the front desk ladies” you joked, sending him a playful wink.
He laughed uncomfortably before scratching the back of his head.
“they whistled at me this morning… is that what getting catcalled is like?” he asked making you laugh at the poor boy’s awkwardness.
“it’s good that there are people like you willing to fight as hard as you did for hybrids, lord knows they need it” you said. He nodded his head in agreement before searching your eyes cautiously.
“did you just buy a hybrid?” he asked intrigued as he tilted his head sideways.
“oh no! well…sort of? Not really i-its complicated? To be honest I have no idea. But I do need your expert advice” you blurted out as your eyes wondered around nervously.
He smiled warmly before leaning backward. “ask away” he stated.
“okay, it's kind of a long story….not really actually it’s a really short story and I kinda feel bad cause I feel like I should have done more but I don’t know and he just really confused me but he clearly didn’t wa-“ you started to ramble only to have a chuckling namjoon stop you.
“okay, how about we just start from the beginning, just tell me what happened” he asked nicely.
“I found an injured hybrid and took him to the hospital. He was extremely cold and hostile and I got insurance for him but I don’t know if I should have done that. What if he has an owner? Does that mean he's my hybrid now? He was on the street so I assumed he had nowhere to stay but whenever I asked him a question he would just brush me off; I guess I let my temper get the better of me and ended up leaving my address and number with him…but I don’t know maybe I should have pushed more?” you asked worriedly.
“where did you find him?” he asked in deep thought.
“in an alleyway, he was getting beaten by this bitch” you said, anger coursing through your veins at the memory.
“this could be because of a lot of things, however, if you were able to get insurance for him it means the system didn’t pick him up so he probably doesn’t have an owner. But this is good, now he can’t get snatched by stray catchers” he explained.
Your silence and lip bite told namjoon all he needed to know before he continued.
“stray catches roam the streets looking for hybrids without owners, usually a hybrid will not part from its owner unless the owner has maybe sent them to get something or they are too busy to accompany their hybrid” he answered your unspoken question.
“so…I didn’t do a completely bad thing?” you squeaked with hope watching as namjoon chuckled, fondness and understanding oozing from his voice.
“you did good kid” he assured happily.
The day was going past quickly, you had successfully created a new game and finished your presentation ready for the next week.
You could have left an hour ago as that’s when you shift ended but you decided against it, figuring if you completed everything now, you can have a day off.
You silently whooped as you closed down your computer but you happy dance didn’t go unnoticed.
“day off tomorrow I'm guessing?” jimin asked tiredly as he ran a hand through his hair.
“yep! I'm going to do absolutely nothing ughhh I can’t wait to jus-“
Ring, ring
You looked down at your phone in confusion. An unknown number….weird
“hello?” you asked hesitantly as you pressed the phone against your ear.
“hell is this y/n y/l/n?”
“yes, this is she; sorry who’s this?” you asked.
“hi my names jaebum, I work at the police station. We have your hybrid here, err kookie? We were just wondering if you were able to come down and get him” he stated.
Your mouth dropped in shock before you cleared your throat.
“y-yer I’ll be there in a second” you answered.
You were for some reason nervous. You didn’t know if it was because you had never stepped foot in a police station before or if it was because you were here to collect a hybrid that continuously hissed at you.
“miss y/n? its me jaebum, I talked to you on the phone” the man questioned as you looked around the station like a lost puppy.
“yer! Err..sorry but what exactly happened? How did he end up here?” you asked.
“he was found by stray catchers since he wasn’t wearing a collar. But a least it wasn’t an actually felony this time am I right?” he laughed light heartily as you stared at him in confusion.
“this time?” you asked.
“vandalism, hissing at strangers, running away from owners. You name it, the boys done it all” he said as he guided you to where kookie was being held.
Your heart stung a little bit as you wondered what the hell this hybrid has gone through and why he acted the way he did.
“Alright, time for you to home kitten” jaebum smiled at kookie who sat on the cell floor with his back away from the bars.
The hybrid got up slowly before turning around with that cold glare you missed ever so much.
His eyes widened as he saw you before returning to their usual position.
“alright! Is that it? Do I have to sign anything?” you asked as jaebum opened the door, letting kookie walk out.
Jaebums eyes were glued on the hybrid but faltered and landed on someone behind him.
“the mutt finally got adopted?”
You turned around and watched as an older man walked up slowly, looking you up and down before standing next jaebum.
“Excuse you?” you asked shocked at the way he had addressed your hybrid…friend?
“watch out, this piece of shit is a lot of work” he laughed loudly.
Kookie let out a low hiss as the older man continued to laugh loudly. Jaebum was clearly uncomfortable but the man looked like a higher up, someone jaebum clearly couldn’t talk loudly too.
“did you find him on the street? Aw honey, you probably should have left him there” he said holding his round belly as he let out another roar of laughter.
“how fucking dare you” you said narrowing your eyes at him.
He seemed shocked by your comment as his laughter came to a sudden halt.
“what did you say?” he asked confused.
“I'm sorry, I didn’t realise old age was already affecting your hearing!” you exclaimed “I said HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! You’re the piece of shit here, not him. Who the fuck are you to acknowledge him like that! If I didn’t know any better I would have assumed you were a pig hybrid you stuck up bitch! and what kind of human being leaves another human being on the street to die! God! People like you are what’s wrong with the world! IYou yelled at him. Leaving everyone in the station in shock.
“we're leaving!” you said before giving kookie a friendly slap on the chest as you walked by, one that said ‘you better follow me’ but nicely.
As you stormed out of the police station and to your car you mumbled angrily to yourself about how mankind has gone to shits and you hate everyone and everything.
“so where are we going now?”
As you fumbled with your keys you looked up to see kookie standing on the passenger’s side with his arms crossed and his ears perked up.
You looked at him shocked to see that he followed you.
clearly seeing your shock, he growled before narrowing his eyes again.
“if you didn’t want me to follow you, you should- “he started but you quickly cut him off.
“were going home, duh” you said as you opened your car and got in, not giving him any time to snap back or glare at you once more.
He opened the car door cautiously before slowly getting in, looking around in awe.
“you don’t remember what it looks like?” you asked him curiously as you watched him carefully. He folded his arms back over his chest with a huff.
“whatever, I don’t need to either…I only need a place to stay tonight so don’t think your special” he hissed at you.
You laughed before nodding your head.
“rats, just as I thought we were getting somewhere…can I at least know your name? I did just save you from another day with that asshole” you asked as you started the car.
“Jungkook…my names Jungkook” he said as he loosened up from his tense posture.
You smiled as you started to drive home.
“nice to meet you Jungkook”
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