#putin's trolls
weirdlookindog · 9 months
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republikkkanorcs · 15 days
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foreverlogical · 3 months
The Trolls Have Gotten Better
Nothing like someone calling Biden out for everything that Trump is 100% worse on policy about. Completely ignoring the consequences of the last Trump Presidency, especially Roe v Wade as if it didn't happen or blaming Dems for not fixing it even though they didn't have a majority because of Manchin and Sinema.
They are blaming Democrats for things that Republican majorities are responsible for. Then they pretend they want the same things as you but say they can't bring themselves to vote for Biden. Sound familiar? Never forget:
The most important line in the Mueller report appears in the introduction to Volume I:
“The Russian government interfered with the 2016 election in sweeping and systematic fashion.” 
Mueller has published a detailed accounting of Russia’s attack on our presidential election. His report describes how Russia conducted a social-media disinformation campaign and weaponized email messages to sabotage the election. Mueller’s description of the Russia attack makes it clear that information warfare is the new battleground.
How much better at it do you think they've gotten since 2016 and Putin's complete takeover of Russian media and elimination of all dissenters?
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thecoffeelorian · 2 months
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
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Republicans are very particular about which government is influencing social media.
But with Russian troll master Yevgeny Prigozhin currently deeply distracted, we're not sure who exactly is minding the troll shop in St. Petersburg these days.
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mariacallous · 7 months
Nooo dont start mariacallous the coming of the third reich posting your so sexyyyy (altho in all seriousness every time you do i read it and its like. Yepp)
It resonates!
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toscanoirriverente · 1 year
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Putin abbaiava alla porta della cucina!!!1!
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trollputin · 2 years
Troll Putin
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whatitis-inside · 1 year
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I was tempted to reply in normal way but I thought it would be better to block so before I do it - please go back to school and learn real history and not whatever crap some propaganda tells you. If someone was licking Hitler's ass it was Stalin, ekhm ekhm Ribbentrop-Molotov pact.
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Guys 😭 I fell into a depression hole and lost track of days and—sniff sniff—I missed November the 5th!! 😢 there goes my holiday plans…
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stillunusual · 3 months
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Meanwhile in vatnik clownland
Keep drinking the kool aid comrade….
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editorialtoons · 3 months
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Oliver Schopf
26 April 2024
Poison mixer
How Putin influences the EU elections
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shattered-pieces · 5 months
russian propaganda's main goal is to not just spread disinformation but to turn you into a bot and create a bot army
And thus turn a whole society so that it does its bidding. Ignoring the war is an intermediate goal. An ultimate goal is to make you love putin and give in to him despite the fact he's never done anything for you. You as in -- you, citizens of the free world, who he's gradually changing so that you call freedom slavery and slavery freedom. You'll be his without him firing a shot.
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bestofrussiantrolls · 6 months
"Le viol, tabou suprême de la guerre en Ukraine"
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Le meilleur de la philosophie des Lumières auprès de Catherine II.
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
I belatedly discovered this excellent parody of a UK WWII newsreel. Instead of Britain fighting German Nazis in the 1940s, it has more to do with Ukraine fighting Russian Nazis in the 2020s.
It was produced by NAFO – an international collective which has successfully taken on disinformation from Russian troll farms. They sprang into action after Putin's illegal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.
They don't do it by uploading terabytes of meticulously researched and footnoted (but boring) information. Instead, they use memes with accurate and incisive text which undercut Putin's propaganda narrative. This vid, produced last summer, was a NAFO production.
While you still see Russian trolls on social media, they have largely been neutered by NAFO and other pro-democracy meme creators.
NAFO has shown the way forward. If groups like them had been more robust, persistent, and clever in 2016, we might have been spared the nightmare of the Trump administration.
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pepikhipik · 1 year
Jaromír Nohavica: Od "barda prostého lidu" ke xenofobní fanatické kreatuře
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"Medaili od Putina si nechám, nedostal jsem ji přece za boj," opakoval Jaromír Nohavica v rozhovorech pro český tisk v roce 2022. Proč tento skvělý hudebník - "bard obyčejných lidí" - dnes rýmuje xenofobní písně o Arabech a podporuje radikální proruskou pravici?
V Polsku v březnu 2022 město za městem rušilo koncerty Jaromíra Nohavici kvůli jeho proruským názorům. Zdá se, že až s válkou Ruska na Ukrajině se informace o problematické minulosti českého barda a jeho politických názorech, které se s věkem radikalizovaly, dostaly v širším měřítku do Polska.
Příběh pádu tohoto kdysi všeobecně uznávaného umělce je však mnohem delší a zdaleka se neomezuje jen na pověstnou "medaili od Putina".
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