#putting my feet on the table
dreamingticklee · 4 months
getting restrained to a massage table and blindfolded and being only verbally teased for the first five minutes so they can already turn you into a flustered hysterical mess before they even start tickling 🙈☠️
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
it’s canon that Buck’s safe space is eddie and his couch, and he can sleep peacefully there, pass it on
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koifsssh · 1 year
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i will re-introduce him! and in depth this time!
Danny Danger is a sort of "antagonist" in the greaser au! A rival to Wally specifically! (it's all in good fun, i assure you!)
(Danger is not his actual last name, but you didn't hear that from me!)
first things first! Danny was made specifically for this au! so I have no idea how he would be outside of it! So everything i will say is in this context!
(long rambles below!)
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Danny runs his own gang of sorts, causing trouble wherever he goes, he's a pain really, and he's one to break rules without a second thought (assuming he knows of the rules, he doesn't care very much!)
Danny is very much the "bad boy" archetype, and he leans heavily into it. So much so he comes off across as Silly! He's not above physical confrontations, and not above playing dirty!
Overall, he's bad news!
there are a few things about him that i find amusing,
he can't fly! but those wings are real! (In his family his wings are actually considered "small", not big enough to actually have him fly... it's a detail he very much loathes!)
He acts nonchalant, and tries to be cool, but secretly he's a ball of anxiety. (again, you didn't hear it from me!)
(he's a fan of pinchos, because he likes "sword fighting" with people after eating) (no major injuries were caused, don't worry!)
unfortunately, he's flirtatious, but in a subconscious way. He'll compliment you, and charm you with fluffy words, but don't trust him! he's just trying to get what he wants... (your heart! don't let him have it!)
(additionally, he's not very good at taking care of it...) (Love is a sort of game to him, he likes playing it, and he doesn't understand how it truly works, so if someone comes along with a sincere word he tends to be thrown off, and he doesn't know what to do.)
(it makes him go backwards, and he gets awkward, because he's just! bwah! he's frustrating!)
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(Rainy is often subjected to Danny's antics, and quite frankly it always falls flat- mostly due to his confusion)
he's self centered, and he does take a great deal of care to try and keep his physical appearance in check (his hair is very shiny and soft... he'll tell you to wash your hands before you can touch it!) (along with his wings!)
He loves attention, and does have the tendency to get jealous when he's not the center of it! He wouldn't go out of his way to get it... at least, most of the time! bwah!
(a little gag for a certain someone...)
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Rénjiān Zhì Wèi Shì Qīng Huān (Love Actually)
WANG YIBO as Zhai ZhiWei (2017)
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And a little treat for all you thirsty bitches
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So I was reading articles about John Hurt (as I do when I procrastinate on life in general lol) and I saw a still shot of a movie I’ve never seen still shots of before; so I looked it up. It’s a play. I was worried I wouldn’t find it in full online; but I did, so here it is in all its glory:
He’s just… ugh I want to gently hold his face in my hands he’s just so sad and lonely with his weepy voice and eye bags. I couldn’t process half of what he said but I think this is a warning about always speed-running through life to get to the next good thing. We should appreciate the moment; because in the end, we’ll have nothing at all but our memories. If we rush through life, we won’t have any memories to keep us warm at night when the chill of death creeps up on us in our old age.
Also, spool, spooooooooooollll…….
spoooooooooooooooooooooolllllll [cackles in mentally unstable]
@kaleidoscopr @theindo @possessedbydevils @randomtwospirit
#The fucking banana. I was talking to him through the screen like#“…a banana??? You keep bananas in…. there? You good man? A—are you okay?#What the hell are y—” [cracks up but quickly stops laughing] “Oh— oh honey… you’re not right are you?#No you’re not right. Uh…. Why don’t you sit down; your breathing sounds awful. You sound like you’re gonna die…#OH GOD [loses my shit laughing/cringing ] “Oh— oh ouch. No no no— I’m not laughing at you I just— I like your actor…#a lot… too much probably#and he’s just good at what he does and the timing of it all… this is exactly how I act when I’m home alone#I swear I’m not laughing at you… I just— PUT THAT BANANA BACK YOU’RE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF”#John Hurt#stage acting#Krapp’s Last Tape (2001)#Samuel Beckett#Yeah… funky stage play. Very moving and dreamlike#[This is me gently holding Mr. Krapp and rotating him in my mind like a bowl of ramen in a microwave]#Screaming crying throwing up beating the walls#I am unwell#Ough ough ough#It’s not difficult for me to watch per se#but I’m very much the kind of person who HAS to help when someone’s having a hard time doing something#— especially if they’re old or otherwise infirm — or I’ll feel like a piece of shit for weeks… and this fucking man#this fucking man is so good at being frail and pitiful that I feel genuinely agitated that I can’t reach into the screen and help him#It’s like the torture scene in 1984 all over again where he just barely manages to wrench himself upright on the table#then immediately falls off onto the concrete floor with the most tragic sickening bone-grinding splat you’ve ever heard#AND HAS TO HOIST HIMSELF UP ONTO HIS FEET ALL BY HIMSELF WHEN HE’S MALNOURISHED AND EXHAUSTED#Like ughhhhhh let me pick him up and wrap him in a blanket and carry him somewhere warm and safe and make him an omelette#And I know I write whump and I shouldn’t be this sensitive#but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST MR. HURT YOU ARE KILLING ME#Youtube
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blue-nebraska · 2 years
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Day thirty-one: Laura Palmer
Laura! Without her there would be no story, but who was she? I couldn’t think of what to draw for this, because her character is (of course) only represented in the show through others, remembering her more for what they wanted her to be than how she truly was. It may sound silly because she’s just a fictional character, but I wanted to draw something that felt true to her, rather than one of the empty tropes she embodies (prom queen/dead girl/doppelganger). I was working on previous prompts and watching the first episode of season two, where the Palmers, the Haywards, and Maddy are having their dinner party. Harriet read the poem she wrote about Laura and it struck me as being so authentic, and so unlike any other characters’ tribute to her, that I decided to use that as my foundation. I am really happy with this, I feel like I’ve done right by Laura which is what I set out to do with this last drawing.
ID: A black and white drawing. In the right is Laura Palmer, wearing a skirt and a sweater with her back towards us, looking over her shoulder. There is a white glow around her figure. Beyond her is a dark forest with trees white trees and branches that fold over her. To the left is the text from the poem by Harriet Hayward.
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damnprecious · 11 days
me: *never puts my feet up on my coffee table*
me: *paints the coffee table*
me: I must put my feet up on that coffee table right now immediately
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everyonehateserik · 1 month
i pulled a gravity falls reference on my sister today.
we went for coffee visit to say goodbye and she asked me for a hug.
and i went:
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librastarfragment · 2 months
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Garden patio | 2021.08
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answrs · 1 year
today on "answrs very quickly loses their mind over an antelop.e"
(length & caps warning. and pics of animal skull/tanned pelt but that's expected in this tag so...)
you know, I knew elan.ds were big. much bigger than the typical antelop.e in fact! i have a dang hartebees.t and such, i get it!
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oh yeah. and there's more.
because i didn't get just the skull either. no, no! this thing came with its own pelt too!
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5a-alf · 1 year
As of late I've been obsessed with two fandoms: Les mis and Merlin (yes I'm ten years late on everything) so rightfully I decided to mash the two and this is the result
A Les Mis Merlin!AU,
starring Enjolras as Arthur and Les amis as the knights, bar grantaire that is gonna be Merlin.
Enjolras is a prat in a different way from Arthur, he tends to fail to see from others' prospective and is quite oblivious to feelings and emotional nuance. As a noble he would lack the ability to understand _why_ poor people/sorcerers _don't_ fight for better treatment. He expects them to. He doesn't understand having too much on your plate to do that, nor fearing for your life
Grantaire as Merlin would be a much more reclutant Emrys. He is a cynic, but it'd stem from being constantly scared of death. He'd bring Enj down a notch and make him see the reality of being a commoner, or of having magic. He is so strong he is afraid of his own power, and he doesn't want the weight of the responsability; every magic person is counting of him and he is convinced that he would fail them if he tried.
In this AU magic would be banned in Camelot by the king (role that would fit Javert to a T, ignoring the familiar relations) but Arthur!Enjolras would be pro magic from the start, AND somewhat open about that position. He is the head the knights and has a inner circle made of Les amis that are also pro magic.
I think it would make the most sense for grantaire to keep the magic to himself, even after knowing their stance on it. Maybe it could be revealed that he is a magic user early on, but he would keep being Emrys under wraps. Destiny is shit anyway.
He would gladly lay his life down for Enj and do anything for him tho, as we well know. He would bicker and fight and piss him off but his magic IS for Enj. He believes in the future of Albion just because he believes in Enjolras; destiny is shit and he won't be its bitch but one thing it got right, grantaire would not stop at anything to keep his king safe.
The other characters are more muddy:
I think Cosette could be a (good!)Morgana. Enj's half sibling, with powerful magic. BUT she could also be a good Gwen, with Marius as Lancelot and Jean Valjean as the town forger.
With Cosette as Morgana, Eponine could be her Gwen (and Cosette x Eponine x Marius would work so well here). Gwen!Eponine makes sense because it would keep her lower class status AND would put her in the position to be Grantaire first and best friend in Camelot.
I think that what would make the most sense about the line of succession would be for Enj and Cosette to be half siblings, children of a Duke who had an affair with Fantine (not that Fantine would...you can make this tragic); Fantine then married Jean Valjean (posing as a noble) to keep her honor and give Cosette a father (Valjean is perfectly aware of all of this. They made a patch). Tragedy struck and Enj parents die, so he is taken in by Javert (the king, enj's father brother) because he doesn't have any other descendant and Enj is now the second in line.
Fantine dies and Valjean is discovered to be an impostor posing as noble, and is forced to flee. Javert takes Cosette from him because he know the truth of her birth, so she is rightfully in line for the throne too.
I think most other roles could be shuffled around getting more distant from canon Merlin; we should have Joly as the court physician (or at least apprentice, as opposed to grantaire). Musichetta has her hands full running The Rising Sun, or another tavern/inn. Jehan is a druid in my heart, he could be Enj's contact with the old religion and its people.
Also Jean Valjean could be good not-related-to-Grantaire Balinor. It would give him a reason to be in hiding, and to be hated by Javert
Anyway this is all I have for now, but I'll probably add more later
#lets hear your thoughts on this yall#les Miserables fandom is quite dead but i have the cup of life in my hands so you better wake up#yeah i know enjolras would never want to be a king#he is for the Republique™#but hey#once he is king he can always dismantle the monarchy#unite albion democratically#would Courfeyrac be Gawain? charming lovable emotionally intelligent and always in love#marius as Lancelot is perfect if it wasnt for the fact that marius is the one with like...#the richest background lol and lance is THE commoner#the round table makes perfect sense for them#also i didnt specify but obviously this is enjoltaire#grantaire would make so many Sun King references#spend hours thinking about enj in the crown#he would lay at his feet by the throne and worship the man and meanwhile anj is like “okay how can i Lose all this power and distribute it?”#their relationship is always unbalanced because there's SO much devotion coming from R#and i think that in this case it would come out as R being obsessed with the idea of Enj as a king#because thats the prophecy#thats what it says and out of all of it thats the only thing he can and will get behind#but E is so much more than the future king and is quite uncomfortable with being put on a pedestal#he believe is equality and justice and so until R sees him as a person he wouldnt get too close#he feels as is all that devotion puts distance between them#and its not kike the devotion is going to be to ed down as time goes on#but R would start to see his flaws and his humanity and would start to love more Him than the Idea of Him#and hey this is a merlin that actually IS at the tavern drinking when you cant find him#well most of the times at least#les amis de l'abc#EXR#eponine/marius/cosette#les mis Merlin!AU
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running-in-the-dark · 7 months
when Dan's pants ride up and his ankles are visible... 🤤 the man has nice ankles. really nice.
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 8 months
It pisses me off to no end when news outlets try to spin stories about people working through injuries or those that have worked for decades finally purchasing a house/car/basic amenity to live in society as a “feel good” story or story about perseverance. No!! People shouldn’t have to choose between a paycheck and medical care. People shouldn’t have to rely on the community or social media influencers to make ends meet and receive basic health care or amenities.
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If you want an idea of just how much death note has taken over my mind, the other day in maths class my teacher was talking about area and stuff and m2 was written on the screen (because she was talking about metres squared) and my first thought is Mello and Matt
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cozybi · 2 years
im so fucking mad that sitting up with ur feet on the ground counts as being upright i hadn’t thought abt it like that before but now it’s like :/ i see how much this is exhausting me to sit like that for more than 2 minutes and i wanna scream
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dryshr1mp · 2 years
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I haven’t posted in a bajillion years but i finally drew the neo 3 from this post :^)
Still don’t have a name for him but he is 100% one of those teammates that tries to use a support weapon like a slayer
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