Hey Ron!
How have things been going with you and Desiree? Any exciting updates in your life? Any crimes you wanna confess to? I promise I'm not a cop. - 💜
...I don't trust that you're not a cop. Cops can lie. Also it’s always a good idea not to incriminate yourself if you can help it...
B-but things with me and Dessie have been great! We’re celebrating our 11th anniversary soon! We’ve been thinking of adopting a kid too...
As for updates... we’ve been pretty successful with the rehabilitation group and consulting business... And the other stuff that I don’t think would be a good idea to talk about...
So thanks for asking! Do you want a business card? Dessie got them special; look, they’ve got gold edges!
-Ron DeLite
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To Clay Terran (channeled),
Have you heard the news about Apollo being greatly involved in a revolution in a country called Khura’in? If you have, how did you feel about it?
Or if you haven’t… well, now you already did
- anon
Wh-what? 'Pollo was involved in a revolution?
I mean, I've heard of Khura'in, he spent the first couple years of his life there, but-- a revolution?!
I mean... leave it to him to do something that impressive! I'm proud of him!
...I hope I get to see him again soon. I've been briefed on the whole spirit channeling thing but it seems like he's in a different country right now...
Still! Can't be long till he comes back, I bet! And it's not like I've got anything better to do!
Thanks for asking!
-Clay Terran
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To Nahyuta: I admire your amazing level of zen. It is my aim to reach such a state of serenity. What is your secret for keeping a clear head when meditating? Cheers, Lia. (@lia404) {re-sent by Mod Athena during the move}
It's certainly not as easy as it looks.
I heartily recommend not... trying too hard. To be more specific, don't obsess over doing it perfectly. Let the thoughts come and go. If your mind wanders, bring it back to focus gently and with no judgment.
Additionally, be sure to relax as best you're able. Get comfortable and do what works for you.
There's more to it than this of course, but I trust this will at least help in your quest.
Thank you for asking and may the Holy Mother bless your path.
-Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
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Hey Kay, do you ever visit Detective Badd? How is the old guy? Did Raymond get him off the hook, or is he still in prison? - 💜
Oh yeah of course I do! He's my Uncle Badd, after all!
He's doing alright! Retired now, of course. Out of prison too for a few years! Mr. Shields did a great job of getting him a lighter sentence!
I've been pushing him to work on the noir novel idea he's had for ages, but I don't think he's gonna do it.
But he has been making a whole lot of birdhouses and wood crafts! Mostly birdhouses. He never wants to sell them so I handle that for him! I got a friend to help me make him a website.
He's sent a few people a birdhouse for free, specifically including Mr. Edgeworth and that former convict prosecutor... I think his name is Blackquill?
Thanks for asking! I'll definitely check in on Uncle Badd today!
-Kay Faraday
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Mod Post: Pinned Ask/Queue Count
There are currently:
5 asks in the inbox! AND 0 answers in the queue!
-Mod Athena
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Larry—or Laurice, how’s the author job going? Are you glad you switched careers? (Feel free to choose which canon you answer for!) Signed, Anon
{Answering for the Mod Headcanon Universe as that's already been established and digging up the SOJ Larry sprites again is still on the to-do list. -Mod Athena}
It's Laurice! I haven't gone by Larry for like, 10 years now!
But... yeah, being a children's book author is going great! As I mentioned, Abby's Whiplash Splash was a real big hit! If you haven't heard of it, it's the one about the little girl who wants to go to a pool party but doesn't want to get wet!
I'm so glad I apprenticed under Elise and got on this path! I've never been happier, honestly! Though that might have to do with being 'Laurice' now also.
-Laurice Deauxnim
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Mod Post: Move Complete!
Everything should be in place! Let me know if it isn't!
Everything from now on will be on a queue. Sorry for the spam!
-Mod Athena
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Howdy, Jake! How have you been since SL-9 got all figured out? Do you have any new cacti? And how are Angel and Lana holding up? - 💜 {repost for main blog}
Well, howdy yourself there, pardner.
SL-9? It's been so long since I've heard that name.
...I've been alright. Things were rough right after it happened, but I landed on my feet pretty quickly, thanks to Angel. Her LunchLand business really took off and she cut me a little slice of that success pie til I figured out a plan.
That plan being getting a job at the Wells Fargo History museum as a night shift security guard.
And shoot, 'course I've got new cacti! Those hombres at the station didn't let me take 'em all home when they kicked me out!
Angel's holding up great! Wildly successful, that one. LunchLand is booming.
Lana... ain't seen her in a bit. Last I heard she was gonna turn detective again. Good luck to her, if that's what she wants.
Thanks for asking, cowpoke.
-Jake Marshall
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Mod Post: aaand we're live!
We are live and ready for any asks you have for any of the dgs characters after the events of both games.
Don't forget to check out the about and rules pages!!
-Mod of the Baskervilles
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To Phoenix (mod headcanon ver),
How go the law reforms? Advocating for the switch to a jurist system must have been really difficult, especially back before the truth was known about what went down in your last case. Speaking of, have you ever considered taking the bar again now that your name is cleared?
-RC (re-reclass) {repost for main blog}
The law reforms go as they always go. Maddeningly slowly, but inevitable. Just like death.
We've managed to start getting the jurist system implemented here in California since State v. Misham but in a reduced capacity out of concern for keeping trials fast. The three day trial rule is still in effect, after all.
Only three jurists are selected, they're only given the livestream of the case, have to make their decision immediately at the end, and a hung jury doesn't cause a mistrial requiring more information. In the case of a mistrial, the final decision falls to the judge, as it used to.
It's flawed but... at least we're closer.
As for getting there in the first place... Difficult would be putting it very lightly.
We've all done things we regret since State v. Enigmar. Some of us more than others.
As for re-taking the bar... no. I haven't considered it.
-Phoenix Wright
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Hey Laurice (mod verse)! I was just wondering if there's any romance in your life. You've seemed so unhappy with it in the past, has anything been working out for you? - 💜 {repost for main blog}
...Not really? I mean, I'm not going steady with anyone?
But... I do have an eye one this girl I met in the publishing business. Her name's Adrian.
She's really smart and beautiful and she's been through a lot of jobs just like me and—
Yeah. I don't want to scare her off though!
I don't think she'd be into a girl like me... if she's into girls at all.
There's also one of my old friends from when I was studying under Elise Deauxnim. Same sort of dilemma, we've been talking a little and I don't want to lose that! She's still in the mountains, but she's also been working with some charities to help kids in LA! She's so kind and selfless...
Anyway, thanks for asking.
(I need to lose myself in painting or something...)
-Laurice Deauxnim
{Adrian and Iris from the MHCU are now available for questions! -Mod Athena}
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Hi Apollo,
I know this sounds silly but uh I think you're really cute and I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out to dinner sometime?
-Rachel (queenscene2) {repost for main blog}
Oh! Hi Rachel! Uh....
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Sure! Why not? I don't know you that well but you seem like a nice girl. Dinner could be fun!
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(A broke lawyer never turns down a dinner offer. I just hope she's not secretly a murderer...)
-Apollo Justice
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to phoenix (mod headcanon universe),
if it's not too invasive, how have you been holding up since losing your badge? what have you been up to?
signed, milo (miyanagi) {repost for main blog}
With my arms. That's how I've been holding up.
...Dad jokes aside, I've been okay. It's been ten years now. What's past is past, my name is cleared and I don't feel a need to return to law.
At least, not to the courtroom. But someone needs to be Apollo and Athena's handler.
I'm also still playing the piano. I've actually learned more than just a few songs now.
Thanks for the question, Milo.
-Phoenix Wright
{Apollo and Athena from the MHCU are now available for questions! -Mod Athena}
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Hi Gumshoe! What are you up to lately? Are you still a detective? Has your salary improved any? I hope you're eating well :) (🥯 anon) {repost for main blog}
Well, I've been fishing! It's good season for it!
But nah, pal, I know what you mean. I'm not a detective anymore.
I'm the District Chief of Police! For all of LA!
My salary's plenty now, that's for sure. No more instant noodles for every meal! So I'm definitely eating well, pal!
Thanks for asking!
-Dick Gumshoe
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(for mod headcanon au)
Hey Laurice! Got any works in progress you can hint at now that you have this new askbox open? Pretty please with cherries on top? - 🥀 {repost for main blog}
Oh! Hey! Uhhhhhhhh...
Not many I can talk about really. My publisher's banking on me producing another bestselling hit kid's book after Abby's Whiplash Splash... but I'm thinking of branching into graphic novels!
I have a superhero idea in the works since that's the usual graphic novel thing! She's still just a first draft though...
Thanks for asking also! My publisher says this helps my 'engagement'! I don't know what that means but I think it's good?
-Laurice Deauxnim
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(Not a letter or an ask to a character, just a question to the mod)
So, if i were to write a letter to an already dead character, should i write the person who’s channeling them too? Or just saying that they were being channeled was enough?
(For example: To [character name], channeled by Maya Fey)
- anon
Taking a brief break from moving to blogs to answer this. (Thank you for sending it to the new url!)
I think either is fine as long as you express you'd like them to be channeled. If you feel like the specific spirit medium is relevant, please do mention them (so Maya, Pearl, etc). But the mediums of Kurain village aren't gonna channel say... Manfred von Karma willy-nilly so keep that in mind. I might decide spirit mediums would refuse to channel that character, in which case the question will be passed on to whoever would be best to receive it.
-Mod Athena
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To Maya,
Have you heard of a ramen burger? Thoughts? 😳
-Luma (lumatorablogs) {repost for main blog}
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Good question, Luma!
I've actually had a couple bowl of Eldoon's noodles with steak topping! They were pretty good!
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I still prefer them separately, since that's just more food!
Thanks for asking!
-Maya Fey
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