#putting such dedication into ur craft for the sake of it. for the love of it and of that one person out there who may be appreciating it
noriakicatkyoin · 1 year
I think look back is just like personally my favorite thing fujimoto has ever created and it gives me so many emotions and i cry so much every time i read it not even bc of the ending but different things throughout . Fujino dancing in the rain and finding the passion in what she loves again . Kyomoto thanking fujino for helping her socialize and live outside of herself and share her life with another person for the first time . The two of them trudging through snow to see if they even got an honourable mention after doing so much work together. Sickening. Evil and twisted. Fujino and kyomoto you will always be famous
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psychshalala · 3 years
Hope everyone is having a beautiful and blessed day where ever u are. Please feel free to join me and would absolutely love it. Taking a moment here to appreciate my man Hak, his beautiful heart, his endless patience, his great strength both physical and mental and his wisdom.
Appreciating a man who buried his pain and grief to help the woman he loves but before that his childhood friend. To help carry her grief. To help heal her wounds. To help her grow. Who was literally her hands and legs when she was paralyzed. Her teacher when she needed to be strong. Her source of strength when shes at her lowest. The source of her comfort, the home to her secrets and weakness. Her biggest supporter in both her time of need and her moments of glory.
A man who carries family values. Who sacrificed his reputation, left his home and family to protect them. A general to his tribe yet a older brother and a good friend to his people.
Can we take a moment to respect that mans loyalty. That man loved one girl for 10+ years! No expectation s, absolute respect for her feelings. We are reaching a point in todays Society where loyalty is a  luxury! Makes me respect it even more.
I wanna appreciate his energy, his vibe! That attracts all kind of people. That makes everyone who meets him either fall in love or respect him. His gentleness, his calm, cool side along side his ability to channel his inner child.
His leadership that taught tribes to respect even ur enemy. To not hurt those who mean no harm no matter what side they on. To engage with the intention of creating friendships and not enemies. To put violence aside unless its absolutely necessary. A great opponent/ rival when there is mutual respect. A beast when u try to hurt his loved ones. And a badass 24/7 baby. Periodt!! His awareness and acknowledgment of his weaknesses and fears instead of denying them and his will power and courage to face them instead of running away.
I wanna appreciate his love for martial arts, his love For growth. His dedication and hard work. His Independence be it saving money to buy his dream weapon, doing house work, learning how to take care of his baba, crafting his own additional weapons, survival skills. 
His beautiful heart that when it loves, it loves with all its being. No matter how hurt, it shows kindness. A heart that doesnt forget the beautiful memories nor the friendships. Who forgave the same people who hurt his family and forced him out of his home and helped them protect theirs. I want to appreciate the man that chose to understand and help the person who hurt him most despite his pain. To still care about the person who hurt the love of his life, forced him to leave his family, broke his trust and tainted his reputation by forcing him to carry all the blame for a crime he never committed yet not expecting anything in return. For the sake of the friend he once had. He once considered family. He once looked up to. He once trusted with every shard of that broken heart. In belief that the person he once knew was not a lie, an act, an illusion. In hopes that what they had was real. (Starts Sobbing!)
And now let me take this particular moment to just appreciate his beautiful blue eyes.. (even though its black in manga but we all know its blue! 😂) his beautiful Physique!!! Ansvwisvanam. His rocks, hunks, ousman, dear god please dont break my fast! His peaches 🍑 ... wmsvahnasv. Able To pull off sexy and cute, yes sir.
I appreciate his relationship with the people that are dearest to him and not. His big brother relationship with shinha/ wind babies. His rivalry with kija. His should i kill him?.. nah hes my ride or die relationship with jea ha. The mutual respect between him and zeno (wish they show us more). His big baby hungry/ big brother relationship with yoon. His rebellious ik u love me but boundaries please with baba mundok. His female bff ayame! His sparring buddies plus the special witness of the legendary first kiss the xing lads. His i wanna kill u/ama remind u who beat ur ass next time we meet relationship with kuelbo. His teasing/ur not bad with tae jun along with tae juns respect/gratefulness/jealousy with hak. Even his ik they hate my guts but whatever with joodoh and kye sook. And much more.
Man i dont wanna stop but dont wanna make this too long. Please feel free to add more! Here are some of my fav expressions and hak moments. 😚😚❤️❤️
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adrenalinesaint · 3 years
1, 3, 8, 12
1. What would prevent you from following someone?
These days, my screening process is pretty lenient. I used to be a lot more strict about who I would follow -- par example, I would only follow other DC blogs, very seldom would I follow OCs, etc. But in the past few years I’ve come to find that the most fun I get out of rp comes from threads I do with people who either aren’t particularly concerned with the actual DC canon as much as they just love the individual character that they play, or some particularly engaging and quality OCs.
But, I digress. These days the only factors that will preclude my follow are the following.
The mun is a minor
I lack interest in the muse
I can tell you’re only after one thing (the scarepeen)
and aren’t being up front about it.
3. What current rp trend do you hate?
Are ya ready, kids? It’s time for my hottest take yet.
I kind of hate all rp trends. Overprocessed icons, hyper-stylized desktop themes, over-formatted text in posts, pretty much anything that fashionable rpers will see as a signal of “quality blogs,” i detest. Granted, I don’t let my judgement toward a person’s aesthetic dedication influence my perception of them as an rper. If you’re good at writing and love your muse and have a cool take on that muse, then i really don’t care what your blog looks like or even if you use icons at all.
My hatred for trends really just comes from two places tho. The first is, of course, that I’ve been on this godforsaken website for so long now that if I were to attempt to keep up with the changing tides of rpc fashion I would always be working on new shit for this blog when I really only have the time and energy to actually come here to write as opposed to make graphics. Hoo boy, get a load of that run-on. Anyway. The second is that I find it to be some weird kind of batsignal for other fashionable blogs as if to say, “dont worry, you can follow me back, i’m pretty too”.
its all like some weird high school cafeteria “you can/can’t sit with us” bullshit and honestly im over it.
Let your work speak for itself. If you are an engaging writer and a fun person to plot with, if you’re friendly to talk to and open to discussion, if you have good ideas and dedication and love for your muse -- that’s what I want people to care about. Not how fancy your posts look on the dashboard.
Again, though, if you have both (fashionable visuals & are just a Good Roleplayer), then power to you. You have more skill than I. And I will admit that I’ve put a fair amount of effort into crafting something visually pleasing for my roleplay blogs too. Let it be known I hardly advocate for throwing aesthetic entirely to the wind. I am gay after all.
8. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
Again, with the spicy takes.
Purple prose. I get it, you like adjectives. I sometimes struggle here, too, because I’m particularly fond of imagery, but I try to keep my descriptions from including the word “orbs” in descriptions of eyes. Brevity is the soul of wit, my friends. One really needn’t try so hard.
Long posts for the sake of long posts && length matching. Write what needs writing. I find it tedious to read through superfluous filler text. I prefer any length of text to include important information about characterization or plot. That said, I tend to write a stream of consciousness style, so I can be guilty of going on and on. On the subject of length matching: it’s fine to write something small after something large. It doesn’t mean ur a dumdum and it’s not disrespectful.
Meme Karma. So sensitive. Although I understand this is going out of fashion, as people now prefer for memes to be reblogged from the source to keep their notes clean.
12. Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it?
Nah. Drama has always sort of exploded around me, though. I’ll admit that I’m extremely proficient in gathering information from both sides and watching shit implode while sipping a cuppa, though. I’m a messy bitch, and I do not regret it.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ soorry boot it
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teddystrap · 5 years
Drama CD: [今、隣のキミに恋をする] CASE4 日向 傑
A sorta new (2018-2019) six-disc series from TEAM Entertainment Inc. Guy #4 is my first listen, and from the looks of it the first three characters are students and the latter three are working/adults. Some stats on #4 from the official site:
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Age: 30 Height: 175 cm Occupation: Foreign investment company employee Relation: Your superior who sits at the next desk
Our story starts with a meeting, where the boss compliments Hyuuga Suguru (cv. Hirakawa Daisuke) for having the highest # of clients this month. To which Hyuuga thanks his team and says he couldn't have done it without them.
Co-workers of both sexes question in awe if he is even human, because he has everything: looks, brains, AND a great personality it seems. Even the ladies from the other departments all have their eye on him, and it's hard for us mere mortals to even get near to him *le sighzzz*.
...Enter YOU, staying behind to work overtime because the bossman had dumped a mountain of folders on your desk. Hyuuga sees you just as he's about to leave after a time-consuming client. He praises your dedication, but says that you should learn to say 'no' to people occasionally or else you will die of karoushi. (Ok he didn't exactly say it like *that*; I took some liberties.)
So, as your senpai, he’s staying to help you with your work. In return, he only asks that you lend him a hand in the future if he's ever in a pinch ;)
Both of you finalllly finish your work, and he brings you a coffee. You ask him why he stayed to help you, and he replies that, as a man, he couldn't bear to see a girl struggle with everything by herself. Also, you are the hardest worker in the entire department, and he wants you to succeed~ (ง •̀_•́)ง Shucks ain’t that sweet?? :3
Afterwards. he offers to take you home, since there's no more public transport at this time of night and it's unsafe for a girl to go home alone. On the way he asks about the office drinking party on Sunday, which you are both planning to attend.
…At the drinking party, Hyuuga is surrounded by #drunkpeopleactingdumb. He notices that you are being rather quiet, and you explain that you are not much of a party-person. To which he replies that he's the same way!! You are surprised because he seems so popular, but he jokes that he must seem like an ojisan to someone your age. A cheesy exchange ensues:
You: Ojisan? That's not true, Hyuuga-san is cool af. Him: Cool? Whythankyouverymuch, that's an honour. Looks like I'll have to work harder from now on, in order to maintain my cool af image in your eyes! You: But... the way you are right now is enough... Him: 'The way I am right now is enough'... for what?
Just then you are interrupted by a drunken co-worker, who forces more drinks onto Hyuuga. Hyuuga remarks lovingly that everyone at the office is like his family, making the drunk dude cry tears of joy into his sake. Ay-yai-yai.
NEWSFLASH: your department is going to have a reorganisation soon. You and Hyuuga will be on the same team, and you will become his new assistant! So then he casually asks about your document-prep time, and mutters 'SLOWPOKE' under his breath after hearing your reply. You thought you heard him say something and question him, but he denies it *whistles innocently*. Hmm...
After work, you show up at your regular bar following a long absence. The staff tell you they've missed you, and gossip to you about a new regular customer who goes by 'Suu-san'. According to them, this person has the face of an idol, but a completely *twisted* personality, always complaining about work. At that very instant, who else but Hyuuga enters the bar, and it is confirmed that he is the Suu-san they are talking about.
Hyuuga didn't see you, and before the staff can make the introductions, he cuts them off and places his order, launching into his usual work complaints. He bitches about his new female assistant who is sooo slowwwwww that he is forced to take work home and sacrifice his weekends. And all the other co-workers are either unhelpful retards or pathetic gold-diggers. THAT PLACE IS DOOMED, YO.
After his spiel (of which you heard every word), the bar owner turns back to you... and that is when Hyuuga finally notices you. He is so shocked that he spits out his drink LOL, and hurriedly pays and drags you outside to *talk*. He tells you that what you heard are his true feelings, while his 'work persona' is but a carefully crafted act for survival. Also, he only helps you with your work because your slowness affects his work.
Unsurprisingly, you are shocked and hurt by his confessions, but he doesn't even seem to care. In his view, you and the other co-workers only like his fake personality and not the real him anyway. His only concern is that you keep this a secret from them, and luckily for him, you agree to it without much fuss.
Next day at the office, you keep your promise and didn't tell anyone. But unfortunately, you look all #doom&gloom and are clearly avoiding him. Since you are his assistant, it would look too suspicious, so he orders you to act normal - i.e. like his loving kouhai... OR ELSE.
After work, it's pouring and you've forgotten your umbrella. What's worse, it's not going to stop any time soon. Hyuuga sees your sorry state and makes you *beg* him to share his umbrella with you. At first you refuse, but, not wanting to be stuck at the office all night, you reluctantly beg him in the end and walk to the station together.
Along the way, he tells you to scoot closer under the umbrella (-ella, -ella,...) so that you don't catch a cold and miss work. #TSUNDEREALERT!!! Then he sees the #1 most cliched item ever to appear on a rainy day: An abandoned baby kitten in a cardboard box. He instructs you to take his umbrella home, while he takes the kitten with him and hails a taxi to safety.
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It's the weekend! You are at his place!! And it's not what you think!!!!!!! (Wait, ...what ARE you thinking? ;P) There's an error in your document, and he's called you over to fix it before handing it over to the client. As your superior and a bona-fide #goodguy, he will have to take responsibility for your misses :'). He threatens that he gon' make you pay for wasting his weekend, and you cower in fear imagining unsavoury scenarios XD.
He teases you about your gutter-mind, and you become on the verge of tears. Your defenselessness makes him want to bully you more, so he announces that you will become his sex-slave, because... he is interested in you (!!), and this is how he treats people he likes. #ufeelingluckypunk??!
Except for past girlfriends, he hasn't invited anyone else to his place. Hearing this makes you slightly happy :3. What's more, he promises to treat you to some delicious food after you finish the work. (Awww I am melting~~~) You call him sweet, and he overreacts and denies it, making you laugh XDD. He tells you that, in the past, *some people* have said he has a bad personality, and it's stuck.
Later the stray kitten that he brought home came running out. He's named it 「アメ」 ('rain', after that fateful day of their meeting) and nursed it back to health. You observe that the way he talks to Ame is super cute, which embarrasses him, and he's all like 'SHUT UP AND DO UR WORK' to cover up his shyness wwwww~~~
Afterwards, he compliments you on a job well-done and calls you a responsible and almost-perfect worker - your only weakness is your speed (or lack thereof). You are surprised by his praise and start to reevaluate him. This is when he tells you his #assholebackstory:
Once upon a time, he was in love with a girl and tried his best to make her happy... only for her to tell him that he is a hurtful bastard who is abusive to everyone around him. This misunderstanding was a huge blow to his self-esteem, and ever since then, he started putting on the inoffensive persona that he uses at work, in order to navigate the treacherous terrain of social relations.
On hearing this, you become sympathetic, despite his protests to the contrary. You bring up the rain etc. as examples that he is actually a big softie, and he tries to come up with excuses how they are just normal behaviour. He also admits that he's secretly glad it was you who overheard him at the bar that day, instead of anyone else. His embarrassed confession is so adorable that you call him 'cute' again, and he gets all #angrytsundere trying to deny it lulz.
At the next meeting, the boss assigns a big client to your team. Afterwards, Hyuuga invites you to lunch together, Your closeness starts to arouse the jealousy of some women in your dept, and they gossip behind your back (which Hyuuga overhears). During lunch, Hyuuga tells you that you are not only important to the team, but to him personally as well. You are all like #confusedpuppyeyes, which makes him doki-doki, but just then the waiter arrives with your food, and he swallows back his confession. #badtiming ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Days later, some v. important data for this case has gone missing, and Hyuuga asks the boss for some time to fix this. You apologise and admit that you might have lost it by accident, but he doesn't believe that you would make a silly mistake like that. Two female co-workers come over and badmouth you for your carelessness, and Hyuuga starts to yell at them but you stop him.
At this point, Hyuuga can't hold back anymore, and says outright that he saw the two of them at your desk yesterday after everyone had left. He threatens to check the building's security cam footage. As the culprits struggle to come up with an excuse, he flies into a fit of rage and goes ballistic on them at some length before storming out.
You chase after him and express your worry now that he has revealed his 'true self' in the office. But he doesn't seem concerned - more than keeping up his persona, he has now found something *more important* to protect. You don't get his meaning, and he's all like (┛◉Д◉)┛︵ ┻━┻ 'cos he can't believe how dumb you are. #rofl
So then FINALLY, dude confesses that he likes you! Your acceptance and nonchalance after seeing his true self, plus your knack for bringing out his gentle side, have (#reluctantly) won him over. He asks you to date him, and you laugh good-naturedly at his whole #ore-sama attitude before saying a resounding YES. (ノ*>ω<)ノ~☆
[Epilogue / half a year later]
You come out of the shower with your hair all wet, and he nags at you while drying it for you. He complains that you are more low-maintenance than a dude, and he feels more like your mum than your boyfriend XD.
Ever since revealing his true personality at the office that day, everyone has ironically grown even closer to him, and he wonders if you are all secretly a bunch of do-M's lol. Then he snuggles up with you for the night and thanks you for accepting every side of him, and promises to stay by your side 4everrrr.
[Thoughts] I loved this story!! Sure it has a bunch of cliches and predictable elements in it, but I love the way he gradually changed his attitude and slowly warmed up to our lovely heroine. You also get to hear Hirarin as an オラオラ/ヤンキーtype, which is so out-of-character for him. He’s just too cute/hilarious when he gets angry to hide his shyness. And the way he raged at those two jealous co-workers... Is this even real?? OMG.
The audio is from the bonus track/free talk, where he does his special baby voice that he uses to talk to cats, and... I JUST CAN’T. EVEN. I mean just listen to it. wwwwwwwww~~~ XDDD. Hirarin also reveals that, on his 30th birthday, he got a msg from his dad explaining why they named him ‘Daisuke’. The reason is kept secret here, but apparently 「大輔」 means was a kind of high-ranking official title in olden times (pre-Heian). #don’tquoteme
One other thing I really liked, is that some of the side characters are voiced as well, like the boss and co-workers. It’s so refreshing and cuts the monotony of usual situation CDs where you have to guess what the other people are saying, because everyone else is unvoiced. Especially in fight scenes, where your guy starts taunting and/or getting injured by *nobody*. But anyway.
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laughing-with-god · 5 years
Hello! I myself am working on a yandere series for bts and I just so happen to love your writing and feel inspired by it every time something new is up. I was wondering if you could give me some pointers for writing yandere type stories or just writing descriptions since you are very good at it in my opinion. ~✿Anon
1. Infatuation is a really big part of yandere. Biggest mistake you can make is an underdeveloped process in which the yandere becomes obsessed with the OC. Instead of doing a “he saw her...it was love at first sight.....he knew he just had to have her” pls dedicate a good couple hundred words where the yandere is taken aback by the OC’s appearance, persona ect. or the Yandere’s slow progression into obsession. Like the thing I did in pen Pal where Jk first sees the readers picture and we see the detailed musings of his mind triggered by the readers image alone. or Paparazzi’s Jimin slow process of becoming more and more dedicated to the reader as time goes on. Real obsession takes time and has a triggering point. Make ur readers believe it.
2. Yandere readers are tired of dumb OC’s. Please, while in the midst of escaping or handling the yandere, think for a second “would I do something like this?” while crafting your main characters response. If the answer is no bc you’re likely more intelligent than that, then pls redirect your main character’s plan of action accordingly.
3. In my experience, readers would rather wait longer for a nice and lengthy update then get quicker hundred-something worded chapters. My personal rule is it doesn’t get posted unless its over 3k. As an avid reader myself, it’s literally so frustrating to love a plot or writer but have to settle for like 800 to 1k words per chapter. It makes it hard for readers to really sink into a story and get involved when the chapters are short and end abruptly. Make sure it’s of a decent length, and moves the story forward in some way. Filler chapters really annoy readers.
4. This is random but I see it in fanfcition literally all the time and it grinds my gears. Pls don’t dedicate any writing to the past. It’s hard to explain but like I’ll try my best. Have you ever read a fan fiction where out of nowhere the flash backs are like really fucking detailed and always a sob story and for some reason the author always makes them long as hell so sometimes the flashbacks get their own fucking chapters? It’ll be so fucking detailed too, to the point where as a reader your like “....I literally don’t care about half the shit that apparently happened 5 years ago that the author spent like 2.8k on....” ppl could make the argument that it’s for the sake of character development so you get to know someone’s story but like tbh I think you should focus on the present. Like with Pen Pal’s OC, I could’ve taken the time to take you back to that day where her sister was killed but tbh that’s a waste of writing that would be inefficient to the story progression. Show don’t tell. I showed how bad her sister’s accident fucked her up, I sprinkled in some info here and there but didn’t break a sweat trying to get super fucking technical with it. I BEG OF YOU...STAY AWAY FROM FLASHBACKS.
5. Last thing, readers like to discover info with the main character. It makes the story more thrilling and makes readers hooked. Readers will want to figure out stuff about the yandere with the OC. For Pen Pal, how the fuck would that cookie crumbled if I was like “lmao guys so Jk is a serial killer and here’s who he killed, why he killed them, and what he plans to do with Y/n”. Like no....it’s more exciting to find out about the crimes and piece together the puzzle with the OC. Although, stories where we are going through the plot with the Yandere instead of the OC are really good ways to show progression of obsession. 👀☕️
6. Details are good but like sis...do we need to know this shit?? In a lot of fan fictions, some authors get so far up the OC’s (ass)life and it really shows👀. Here’s an example;
“You woke up and got ready for school. You took a warm shower whilst using the strawberry shampoo that always made your hair smell so good. Then you got dressed and decided to wear a orange crop top, green high waisted jeans and some cute brown boots. Highlighted by some hoop earrings and a gold necklace. You put on some makeup, light eyeliner, blush and some lipstick. Next, you put your hair up into a messy bun and went downstairs for breakfast where you ate a bowl of oatmeal, and some fresh fruit. Freshly cut strawberries, mango and berries. Then you filled up your cute purple waterbottle and headed to the bus where you took the window seat and plugged in your headphone to listen to “song by artist” bc it honestly made you feel so “emotion”. Gosh...you’re so quirky🤪”
Like sis, ur readers couldn’t give a shit if the OC picked the blue shirt or the green shirt or what EXACTLY she had for breakfast or what type of pencil she used....
Good luck sis. Don’t let anyone tell you shit about your writing either dude. So many times I wanted to quit just bc some asshole hit up my inbox spreading some negativity. Like most artists, writers are also sensitive about their shit 🤧. Srry if my tips were long asl but tbh I just unloaded like YEARS of shit I wanted to yell at some awful tumblr writers. Also, let us know when it’s posted and what it’s called bc you kno me and like my 3 followers are STARVED for yandere.
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