#i do not mean this in a moron weeb way i mean it for real as in seeing his growth from Some Guy in art school posting shitty webcomics
noriakicatkyoin · 2 years
I think look back is just like personally my favorite thing fujimoto has ever created and it gives me so many emotions and i cry so much every time i read it not even bc of the ending but different things throughout . Fujino dancing in the rain and finding the passion in what she loves again . Kyomoto thanking fujino for helping her socialize and live outside of herself and share her life with another person for the first time . The two of them trudging through snow to see if they even got an honourable mention after doing so much work together. Sickening. Evil and twisted. Fujino and kyomoto you will always be famous
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iisuya-simps · 3 years
Hello! May I please request headcanons with the buster bros (+Samatoki? If that’s okay!) with an S/O who is into anime + idol (rhythm) games? Thank you! Hope you’re having a good day/night 💙
A/N: *Rubs hands together* Buckle up yall, this is a long one. I may have had too much fun writing this... :p lol enjoy~
Ichiro Yamada
Ichiro first saw you at a manga cafe rocking some merch from your favorite game franchise and had to go over and talk to you
he also found out that you're into anime too
he may try and quiz you to test how into games/anime you are
his eyes light up and his heart pounds but he plays it cool
after a long interrogation conversation, he asked if you would meet him back at the cafe next week
he lent you the latest issue of a light novel that you never got around to reading
now he would have an excuse to see you again
a few months later one of your favorite animes was being played in the theatre once so you both went on a date to see it
if its a sappy rom-com he will 100% deny that he cried and brush it off as an eyelash caught in his eye
but he totally did
to be fair you did too
though he may prefer light novels over anime most times
he will totally sit down at watch the new season of an anime you two enjoy together
prepare for a brain malfunction if you tell him you're into cosplaying
"oh yeah I cosplayed them a year ago"
"y-you wouldn't happen to have any pictures, w-would you?"👀"
*cue nosebleed*
"That's it, I've found my soulmate" he says he's kidding but actually means it
him being a weeb
Ichiro is also well versed in rhythm games
he will tell you if your waifu/husbando is trash or not
you both have your own little superstitions and rituals you do before gacha pulls
you might use a certain finger to click the screen because that's the lucky one
Ichiro turns the volume up and closes his eyes before clicking
"AHHH thank you y/n! Look at them! They're so cute!"
you both marvel over the cute characters
he is totally impressed by the songs you can do on pro/master
"NO WAY A FULL COMBO?!?!! You're amazing!" 😍
he will totally challenge you to see who can get a better score
but you always win
he did come close a few times
but gets flustered and flubs it up at the end when you're watching over this shoulder
he finds it cute when you're humming along to the songs while DESTROYING the beat map
*you unbox a package left on the doorstep to find a scanty cosplay* "Ichiro, what is this?!?" "What? I thought you would look cute in it" ;p "I'm not dressing up as your favorite idol!" "wh- babe why not?!" :"( "ok maybe..."
Jiro Yamada
Like Ichiro, Jiro is a big nerd too
you two met in a soccer match of all places
you were taking a break during halftime when you quoted a line from some weird obscure anime
"No way you watch ___ too? I thought I was the only one!"
you haven't seen each other before because you're on different teams from rivalling schools
after the game he gives you his number then the rest is history
you two end up messaging each other all night talking about other animes and games you enjoy
he likes sports animes along with action and adventure
you also found out he plays rhythm games too
after a while, he'll invite you over to the Yamada household and show you his collection of light novels and games
"There's more where this came from, my big bro is a bigger nerd than I am."
you'll sit down on his bed and show each other your cards and play a few songs
"Jiro why is your tap sound louder than the music!?!?"
"I need to hear the beats or I'll fail the stage!!"
He might challenge you to see who can get a higher score
you both play on hard
but you're pretty evenly matched
"Haha! That's a point for me, y/n!"
"No fair! I don't know that song very well..."
If you don't have the best gacha luck Jiro will cry with you during your loss
he's not much better...
and because of that, this boy spends all of his allowance on gacha...
"Jiro, don't tell me you actually bought a gacha pass..."
"Here Jiro I got you this." He excitedly opens the package. "No way! A ___ Figure??!" "They're your favorite right?" "YESS" He sets the figure down and bear hugs you. "Thank you y/n, I'll treasure this forever!"
Saburo Yamada
Saburo picked up anime from his brothers
they would all watch action animes together as kids
until Saburo started a fight with Jiro and they tried to one punch each other out of existence
ahem. moving on...
Saburo is a nerd too
but he may be a bit more casual (in his own way)
he spotted you playing a rhythm game in the corner of the hall during lunch break
"Is that _____? I play ______"
"Oh really? Whos your favorite?"
"What? you like them?!? You have no taste..."
"W-what?! Shut up! their cards always have good stats!"
"But look how pretty this one is!"
you two quickly become friends and meet up every lunch and discuss things like your methods to preserve gems
Saburo likes making charts and spreadsheets to predict what event will be next and what characters are featured
"Haha! look y/n I totally called it!"
He likes collecting cards and comparing the stats
cause that's fun too I guess :/
He must assemble the best possible unit
I can see you two having competitions to see who can get the best score
or who can rank higher in an event
Saburo is very good at analyzing the beat map at first glance
he will also point out patterns he sees to try and help you understand the rhythms
he usually plays on hard and pro
while you do pretty well on normal or hard
he likes a good action/fantasy anime
but he likes sci-fi too
maybe even mystery
he was nervous asking you over to his place to watch anime
because you suggested a slice of life rom-com
does this mean he makes a move or you just watch it together and that's it O_o
"Yes! New high score! Y/n, did you see that?" You giggle. Good job Saburo. You lean over to kiss his cheek then see the smoke coming out of his ears. "Y-y/n!" *blush blush* "Hehe, you're so cute when you're nerding out.
Samatoki Aohitsugi
Rio invited Samatoki out to a neat cafe because they offered cool exotic blends
When they walked in Samatoki was intrigued spotting your crazy colored hair and tattoos from the corner of his eye
which was weird cause that's not his type
or maybe it was
After ordering the coffee and sitting down Rio noticed that he was distracted
"I see you staring, why don't you go over and talk to her?"
"I wasn't staring! But there's just something about her..."
you were sitting in the corner of the cafe reading manga when he approached you a few minutes later
"uh hey, I like your tattoos"
"Oh thanks! Do you watch___ too?"
*casual panic* "Oh yeah totally, what are you reading?"
You knew he was faking it but continued anyway
"Eh, what's the difference?" 😮 "The difference is--"
He didn't know much about what you were saying but he loved watching you talk about something you were obviously passionate for
through an hour or so of conversation, you realized you both had more in common than you thought
he asked if you would like to do something like this again and gave you his number
You were happy to explain plots of random animes and games to him
Samatoki may not get the appeal but he likes seeing you happy
You go on a few dates and make your relationship official
he's absolutely fascinated by you and your nerdiness
"BABE!!!" "What is it?! Are you ok!?" "I JUST GOT A SSR CARD OF (insert favorite character here)"
Tch, *rolls his eyes. "That's good, right?" "LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE!"
he may get a little jealous watching you fawn over you your fav
"Hmmph, why would you want a fictional character when you have a real man right here?"
*author sobs* :")
you let him try a song on normal difficulty
but it is still hard for him
"What the hell! Why are these notes coming at me so fast?!"
He doesn't pick up any manga or light novels
but he likes watching anime with you though
preferably a good action and or adventure one
he may become more interested when the female lead shows up on screen
hey, eyes up here buddy >:(
he won't say it but he secretly likes romcoms
maybe cause Nemu used to watch them growing up
I can see him getting so invested he'll yell at the characters
"Are you stupid?? She's trying to confess to you! Moron..." he huffs
(he does this with cooking shows too)
"Samatoki come on! The next episode of ___ is airing! You rush into the bedroom. "Hey, have you seen my pho-" "Shut up, I'm trying- to win." You laugh hysterically at him stealing your phone to get a full combo. "You got this babe, I believe in you!"
Thank you for reading!
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moxfirefly · 4 years
So I’m a newbie when it’s come to the anime fandom and one I though of, how would some headcanons be for the turtles being anime fans. Like what their favorite anime, do they read manga, do they have a anime crush, and bonus how would they react if their s/o is a anime fan too.
Lord I’m so hideously picky with anime like I’ve watched maybe a total of 5 lol. I know about a bunch but I don’t watch them. So with what I can work with I think I can decipher or at least attempt to explain what each lad might enjoy. (Ps: Hellsing is my all time favorite)
So let’s give this a try
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I mean it feels right to make Leo the ultimate weeb lol but I just think he enjoys Japanese culture a heck ton so yeah he’s indulged in anime
I wanna say maybe he’s a fan of the classics (oldies?) like Fist of the North Star? Anything fight wise but with good fighting choreography.
Dragon Ball Z might be another he enjoys. Anything with fight tournaments in general. He’s into that shizz my dude and he probably is the type to be like “there’s no way to make that kick with breaking every bone in your leg”
Would he have an anime crush? Yeah why not but he likes it to be a lady that can hold her own. If she can fight he’s def gonna make heart eyes.
His and Raph taste are similar so I can see them bonding over a show amd watching it together. Probably always rooting for the opposites cause they gotta argue at some point who’s cooler or who’s more badass etc.
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Our big boy does enjoy fighting centered anime’s but I can see him being into drama ones you know? Like a heavy drama plot based animes.
So he enjoys Death Note. Fascinated with the whole writing a name in a notebook and Bam! Dudes croaked. He wants to beat the shit out of Light Yagami (I mean who doesn’t)
Jokes that Donnie is their very own personal L.
He really gets into each cliffhanger, def yells at the tv and calls everyone a fucking moron.
I can see him also being into Cashern (I’ve seen the movie and it’s *chef kiss* but I know there’s an anime of it) that plot and futuristic setting is hella cool, he probably watches that one with Don
He so has an anime crush and it’s probably one of the Sailor Scouts from Sailor Moon (coughitsMarscough)
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Evangelion and I’m dying on that hill
Yes Mech centered anime’s cause that’s his bread and butter
Gundam and Mazinger like he so would want to build one and he’s dabbled in the possibility when he’s bored, has a little blue print even if he knows it’s not doable
I can also see him being into messed up animes like the good scary ones.
Anything Junji Ito or similar that actually leaves him like “damn...” and he’s gotta watch cat videos for a few minutes to palette cleanse
More Sci-Fi based ones as well cause he loves that shit bro
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Adventure based ones, and I don’t wanna say One Piece but I think he would just cause he wants to see if he can actually finish the damn thing before he’s 60 (one piece is so fucking long I can’t)
Yes Sailor Moon because pretty girls in pretty costumes kicking ass
He loves Lupin The Third, Cowboy Bepop
I can see him trying out any genre at least once . Like he’s more open about watching as many as he can if they catch his attention long enough.
I know there’s something ala Power Rangers and I don’t know what it’s called but that yeah
Pokémon probably cause he plays the damn game
Sexy animes because let’s be real this is Mikey
The man has too many anime crushes and we’ll be here all night.
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unnamedcrane · 5 years
Am I still myself, anymore? (ch.1!)
Am I still myself, anymore?
Instead of being 12 and writing my first fanfic, I'm nearing my senior year and writing my first fanfic so pray for me guys.
Anyway original idea belongs to CRUSIFIXdroid on wattpad and this fanfic is my "spin" on her story "It all started by one single tear" (https://my.w.tt/YGeqGzeENY) which you should absolutely check out! But keep in mind that it has major spoilers for danganronpa v3.
Oh and just like original this is also x Rantaro x mastermind Kokichi fic and has lots of spoilers.
Hope you enjoy my mediocre writing and if you have any questions or advice I would be more than happy to hear it!
(also don’t be surprised if I change the title sometime in the future)
Chapter 1 "New Danganronpa"
I woke up confused in dark,confined space. 
“where the hell am I?” 
Was my immediate thought. After stumbling around a little, I fell out of what appeared to be school locker.
 “Ow what the actual fuck?!” I was starting to get annoyed by everything that was going on. Ignoring that feeling I tried to keep my cool by dusting off my school uniform and patting my brown hair down. 
 As soon as I started to think about how could I even get here, locker right next to the one I was in a second ago began to shake violently and suddenly this prick Rantaro Amami fell out.
“oh hey Nanako-chan, glad to see you he-” Before he could finish I cut him off and glared. 
 “Okay cut the bullshit Amami I really don’t want to deal with your crap right now, If you would kindly shut the fuck up and just find a way out of this shithole that’d be sweet.” I send him the fakest smile I could muster in the moment
Just when I was about to leave the classroom we were in, he walked up and towered over me. 
 “or what?”
 he pierced me with his light green eyes. I scoffed and pushed him aside.
 “oh please… we’ve been over this before fuck boy, but I guess you never learn huh? Whatever I’m done talking to you anyway, asshole.”
 I turned around and glanced at him while leaving the classroom “I hopefully won’t have to see your pathetic ass ever again.”
Rantaro was always such a fucking bother. After winning Danganronpa he just started to think that he owns everyone, seriously how pathetic can you be? He and everyone else in that little group of his just think that they’re the hottest shit, and it’s sad honestly.
After leaving classroom A, I started to walk down the corridor in the direction of something that looked like a big cage. Unfortunately I didn't see any way to get inside. I went further down into another hall. I then saw some kind of eating area and passageway with two doors. 
I also noticed my “best friend” - Kokichi Ouma.
” Oh Kokichi! Fancy seeing you here.” 
He turned around seemingly scared “N-Nanako?” he stuttered in quiet voice.
“How nice that you didn’t forget your “best friend” weeb. And here I thought that you were completely hopeless. Anyway, I don’t care what you and that fuckboy Amami are doing here but do you know where the exit is, twerp?” I said in a condescending tone 
Kokichi is...was my best friend some time ago,but it doesn’t matter to me anymore. Everything has changed after “That” and no one will stop me in achieving my goal, especially not him. He left me then so it’s only right for me to leave him too.
I tapped my foot impatiently while glaring at him.
 “Well? I don’t have all the time in the world weeb”. 
He snapped his big violet eyes back to mine “U-um I really don’t know anything either… I’m extremely sorry Nanako, but why Rantaro is here?” he said meekly. 
Good. He should be sorry.
“You’re very lucky that I’m busy right now. And maybe you should ask Mr. Fuckboy yourself huh? You’re both the bestest of friends aren’t you?” 
That was sarcasm of course. Rantaro always was the one to bully kids in our grade even before me.
“I-I’m sorry that I asked I shouldn’t have… b-but! I saw other people from our old school heading towards the gym…”
“How nice of you to finally say something useful twerp, but later I’ll make sure to remind you why you should just stay in your place.”
I came up to him the same way Amami did to me earlier. He shivered and tried to hide behind his hair
 “Hopefully I won’t have to see you again today you pitiful twat”. I smirked.
I let him go and continued to walk down the corridor. I usually don’t think about our encounters like this one, but there was something odd about him today. He seemed more jittery and less scared than normal which was unusual especially for him. By the time I started to speculate what could be the reason for that, I reached the gym.
 I opened big doors to reveal all my classmates from middle and primary schools. Most of them looked scared or perplexed by the situation. 
“Okay is this some fucked up reunion, because really I could spend my time way better than meeting ...well all of you weebs, full offense”. 
Some of them were shocked by my outburst, but there were a few that were just angry. I didn’t really care about them, I just needed to get out of here.
 “Who are you calling a weeb you...weeb!” Kaito Momota yelled. He never was the smartest kid in our class but seriously even he could come up with something better.
“Oh damn Momota you’re a real brainiac aren’t you?” Before he could speak up again I continued “Well anyway is there anyone actually intelligent here or is it only you morons?” 
Abruptly the door opened behind me and Rantaro came in with Kokichi just behind him. He was even more jittery now. Does he know why we are here? 
“Fourteen...hmm… do any of you saw anyone else?” he asked.
”W-why..?” Kokichi asked with hint of excitement to his voice.
“Well only two more “students” and there is going to be sixteen of us and that can mean only one thing.” 
It suddenly clicked. 
Does that mean that I was chosen? “You mean that we got into Danganronpa, don’t you fucker?” 
Everyone were either bewildered or excited. “That’s right princess.” He winked at me.
 While everyone was trying to wrap their heads around it and some of them even started talking about what ultimate they’re hoping to have, our two missing students showed up.
Shuichi Saihara more sweaty than usual and our bitch queen Kaede Akamatsu. 
Suddenly everything went black and we heard unmistakable high pitched voice of black and white bear “Testing..testing...Hello,howdy it’s your favorite plush bear host Monokuma!”
I smiled to myself. 
Well let this killing game officially begin. 
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candylani-draws · 6 years
When Evil Conquers YT - Chapter 2
Character List: https://candylani-draws.tumblr.com/post/177562446573/when-evil-conquers-youtube-character-list
Cover Art: https://candylani-draws.tumblr.com/post/177562290268/hey-peeps-im-so-excited-to-be-re-publishing
Wattpad Link: https://my.w.tt/rTElIdf6MP
Deviantart Link: https://www.deviantart.com/pandaserules97/gallery/67161703/When-Evil-Conquers-YouTube
(READ THIS FIRST!!) Important Notes: https://candylani-draws.tumblr.com/post/178727812658/when-evil-conquers-yt-important-notes-about-the
Prologue Link: https://candylani-draws.tumblr.com/post/178859191453/when-evil-conquers-yt-prologue
Chapter 1: https://candylani-draws.tumblr.com/post/178892439558/when-evil-conquers-yt-chapter-1
WARNING - This chapter uses high levels of offensive language, including insults and nasty comments about these certain Tubers. I obviously do not hate these people, this is just for story sake. If you feel that you are going to be offended by the words here, just skip to the end. Thanks!
Anon: "Ladies and gentlemen, I am here to announce my purpose for joining this occult!"
He leans down to inspect the pages, then opens the large book to the page he was looking for, a large slam echoed the rooms. In it lies a cell phone, and he pulls it out.
Anon: "Now, as I load my information, allow me to give some context. Most of you are aware of a popular video website called 'YouTube', correct?"
Lucifer: "You mean that stupid website that forbids copyrighted material and is full of pampering, self-absorbed morons?"
Anon: "Yes, exactly! And don't forget about ad revenue!"
His YouTube app has loaded, and he begins to search, both for his content, and in his notebook.
Anon: "Now then, I have four specific specimens who I believe deserve a bit of a punishment..."
Lucifer: "Ooh, what kind of punishment?"
Leader: "Have patience, Lucifer. We cannot have anything done if we rush into it..."
Anon: "Ah, here we are!"
Anon flips over several pages and reveals a large list of names.
Anon: "For 7 years, I've putting all of my time into this YouTube matter, finding out who and what is popular during different eras, and today, I have found the perfect victims. Now, if you look at this list, it reveals YouTubers that I wish to see be taken down by my command! Most of them are the gaming community, just a heads up."
The list was insanely long, and each of the names contained some sort of extra name beside it. From the looks of it, it seemed that Anon wanted to take these Tubers and...change their names? The first 4 caught everyone's eyes.
List of Dumbasses - 2016
1. VenturianTale → Jimmy Casket
2. JackSepticEye → AntiSepticEye
3. Markiplier → Darkiplier, Yandereplier, Authorplier, Googleplier
4. Pewdiepie → Lucius-pie
Anon: "Let's see here, ah! VenturianTale, the first channel on my list! To keep this simple, I'll make a demonstration and start off with the first four names, to warm us all up. If this is a success, we continue this tradition every October!"
He pulls up a video of some brunette man wearing a blue hoodie, screaming like a girl at some stupid animatronic animal jumpscare.
Anon: "Now then, here's out first Tuber, Venturian, aka Jordan Frye, a American guy who is known for playing Gmod and has 2.43 million subscribers. Even though that's not a large number compared to other channels, it still eludes me how a man in his 20s spends his time playing stupid mods with his retarded siblings. Yes, this isn't a solo channel, he has 3 other siblings who are equally guilty of this cringeworthy dungheep."
Random Occult Member 4: "No wonder they only have less than 3 million subscribers..."
Anon: "However, there is something that caught my attention from them during my studies...on their Gmod murder series, Venturian has created an original character named 'Jimmy Casket', a crazed murderer who happens to have some sort of personality disorder. It's a long, boring story as to why that is, but the point is...whenever Jordan plays as Jimmy, it seems to be one of the few times he goes insane and turns into someone else...someone dangerous...someone...evil.."
Random Occult Member 2: "Interesting..."
Anon: "Now, onto our next Tuber..."
Not even 3 seconds into the next video, and several of the Tubers covered their ears in pain from obnoxious singing and shouting. Luckily, Anon came prepared as he grabbed powerful earmuffs during his searching.
Anon: "Is the ear bleeding done?"
Anon: "With pleasure..."
Anon took off his earmuffs and paused the video. From the screen, and the audio, this Tuber is European man with bright green hair and a VERY loud personality.
Anon: "Our next Tuber is JackSepticEye, aka Sean McLoughlin, an Irish gamer with 12.36 million subscribers. I have no idea how the hell he's able to scream and shout for more than 20 minutes without a sore throat, but that is a gift he should never have been born with. This man is irritating, and he seems to overreact to every little fucking thing he plays! And he's friends with an eyeball that's LITERALLY septic! He's FRIENDS with a toxic fucking eyeball!"
Random Occult Member 2: "Greaaaaat, as if this man wasn't unlikable enough, now he's a gross slob..."
Anon: "...Riiight...now then, despite his annoyance, he also has a darker side to him that, this time, was created by his fanbase. Since his YouTuber name implies that he's all septic, it only makes sense that his dark side implies that he's antiseptic, and it's quite an irony. Recently, some of Jack's videos are giving canon appearances of this alter ego, and it helps give one a glimpse of what his true design looks like..."
Lucifer: "Ooh, now THAT is something I would KILL to see!"
Anon: "...Okaaaaay then...Next up is the pure definition of a manchild. Do not be fooled from his appearance."
The next Tuber who was on screen was an Asian-looking guy with an extremely American accent, red dyed hair, square glasses, and a skin tight shirt, playing some horror game about a rabbit.
Anon: "This here is Markiplier, aka Mark Fischbach, and this is another American Tuber here, with 14.55 million subscribers."
Random Occult Member 3: "Ooh, this guy has quite the bod..."
Anon: "Hey, remember what I said earlier? This person may look handsome on the outside, but inside, he's a scaredy-cat and...a bit of a crybaby...He's also really stupid."
Anon fast-forwarded the video, and the man screamed loudly and flew backwards in his seat, with his jaw dropped to the floor.
Anon: "See what I mean? Oh, and this guy seems to have a weird thing for boxes, considering he's friends with one."
Anon then clicks on another video with the man playing with some sort of small box creature with a big baby face and cartoony hands, and they're making stupid noises and faces.
Lucifer: "How in the hell did he even-?"
Anon: "It's best not to ask right now. Besides, I didn't get to the real meat here. Mark is unique, because he has not one alter ego, but FOUR!"
All Members: "FOUR?!"
Anon went into his photo album and pulled up a collage for 4 characters that looked eerily similar to the manchild.
Anon: "You heard me right, 4 alternate egos! The main one, and the most iconic, is his dark side named...Darkiplier...I know, hilarious. This ego has an interesting history. He originally started off as Mark trying to be "scary" to his audience, and this soon turned to a whole new persona. The last time Dark was seen canonically on-screen was a video named "relax", but I've been hearing rumors about the new appearance of Dark; it consisted something of him being all black-and-white, in a formal suit, and 3D effects..."
Lucifer: "Wouldn't that be cool to see?"
Anon: "Ha, tell me about it. Now then, the next persona is known as 'Googleplier', and this one is pretty recent. From Matthias' video 'Google IRL', Googleplier is a real-life Google machine who can answer any question, along with having an obsession with destroying mankind...to be honest, this one is my most favorite. Unfortunately, Googleplier has a retarded weakness against too many questions."
Nobody said a word, but they all seemed to have some sort of prediction that Anon is, in some way, similar to Googleplier's personality.
Anon: "Third one has a bit of 'style', if style meant a weeb who wants to kill everyone for their lover. This is 'Yandereplier', but I'm calling him Yandere Mark for short. For those who don't speak weeb, a yandere is a character in anime who acts nice but kills peers behind their love interest's back. Yandere Mark actually started once Mark started playing an indie game called 'Yandere Simulator'. Basically, the game is shit, and the developer seems like an asshole. But this persona has definitely intrigued me. To have a fake persona to hide your true identity from the one you love? Seems like the perfect ego to hide crimes."
From the weird smile/grimace on Anon's face, the group was wondering if Anon has dealt with a "yandere" before.
Anon: "Last persona is a lesser known one, but holds great promise. Meet Authorplier! Honestly, he doesn't have an official name besides 'The Author', but I'll be calling him Author Mark for now. This persona was created back in 2013 in a mini-series called 'Danger in Fiction'. Honestly, most of the videos consist of stupid, immature potty humor, but the parts that I find to be BRILLIANT is the character's appearance and his power to write stories to torture his victims. See, with Author Mark, he has a special book that plans out the victim's fate, and he wants the victim to follow it, or else he'll end them faster with his bat."
Lucifer: "Now THAT one is my favorite!"
Anon: "And FINALLY, the last YouTuber on this list is..."
Anon quickly went back to his YouTube app and typed away, and everyone was anticipating for who was the last Tuber.
Anon: "PewDiePie, aka Felix Kjellberg! Not only is this guy the biggest gaming YouTuber, he is the biggest YouTuber of all time, having 48.17 MILLION subscribers!"
Random Occult Member 1: "48 million?!"
Random Occult Member 2: "He could have his own country with this many people!"
Lucifer: "This guy must be rich for playing games all day!"
Anon: "HOWEVER! I must point out that Felix does not play as many games as he used to in his hay day. Still though, he is no exception...the fact that this annoying Swedish man can entertain or cause controversy for stupid games or unlogical statements is beyond me. If there's one thing I cannot stand about him, it's his enormous ego, acting like he's a mighty god. He kind of reminds me another YouTuber, I think his name was Joke Pole, but he's not a gamer."
Random Occult Member 3: "What's Felix's alter ego?"
Anon: "Ooh, now this is a tricky one...see, Felix doesn't have an official persona like the others, especially since none of them have a canon appearance or voice. However, one I did choose is similar to Yandere Mark and Jimmy Casket, where this one is based off a game that Felix played named 'Lucius'. See, 'Lucius' was a game he played back in 2012, and it's about a boy with the powers of Satan; his main objective is to kill his family members without causing suspicion. For a while, people loved Felix playing as this demon-writhing kid, and he seemed to take on the personality quite well, although he had a strange obsession with a beach ball."
Leader: "I see..."
Anon: "And that's everything I wanted to say! I only have these personas, but these people have a SHIT ton of more personas than I could count, a lot of them were fucking stupid. I only chose the ones that caught my eye, which were coincidentally the popular ones."
Lucifer: "The power of shitty fanbases..."
Anon: "And this is only the start...once I make these personas a reality with a special recipe I have made, they will cause havoc, ruin the reputations of these YouTubers once and for all! These are only with 4, imagine what it would be like with every other YouTuber gamer, or YouTubers in general, big and small, destroying the platform and taking down Internet entertainment with it!"
Everyone gasped and stared in awe as Anon caught his breath from all his speaking.
Anon: "So...am I in?"
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magic5ball · 4 years
Nature Trail to Hell Arc II: Watt Outta Hell (8)
Chapter 8: A Dik-Dik Screws us Over
 If there’s one thing you need to know about the WEEB life, it’s that it doesn’t last.
The day things came tumbling down, F-Bomb and I were just sittin’ in front of the T.V. watching reruns of F-Bomb’s personal favorite series, Sailor Moon high on WEEB (we were using F-Bomb’s favorite method: eating it straight from a bowl covered in milk). As for Sailor Moon (F-Bomb’s pillow, that is), she was sitting propped up on the bed so she could look at the T.V., too. Of course, F-Bomb had insisted that he didn’t like Sailor Moon that much and was only doing it for his girl’s sake, but I dunno. I’d get embarrassed watching myself get beat up and bailed out last minute by a hot guy in a suit for the hundredth time.
           Now, when we did these things, I should remind the audience we always watched with subtitles. The first reason was it delivered a more authentic experience that wasn’t dumbed down by an idiot who wouldn’t know a donut from a rice ball if either got lodged in his throat. The second reason was F-Bomb would always, always, always start ranting about his personal problems to Sailor Moon and me. And on that particular day, the topic was how everyone was being an ungrateful jerk to Sailor mini-Moon.
“Like, everyone says ‘Oh, she’s so annoying! Oh, she’s so mean!’ But I know the real reason they all hate her: it’s ‘cause she’s short! She’s small, and clueless, and scared, so they think they can pick on her!”
At times like this, Moon and I would just focus on the screen and roll our eyes. Maybe add in an “Uh-huh.” To look like we were listening. Frankly, I just liked Sailor Mini Moon ‘cause she was cute, but F-Bomb? He always, and I mean always had to go into a five paragraph essay about this stuff.
“And maybe if those noobs were paying attention, they’d realize that she might just be lonely ‘cause she’s been sent back in time with a bunch of weirdos she barely knows, struggling to find her place in the world, while they keep putting her down just ‘cause she’s a kid!”
There was an awkward silence in the room as F-Bomb took several seconds of deep breaths.
“Anyways, what do you think, Moon?”
Again, nothing. And not just Moon’s usual silence, either. This was deep silence. The kind that eats up all the noise in a room.
F-Bomb paused the DVD and we turned around. Sailor Moon was gone.
For the first time, I saw F-Bomb on the verge of tears. His whole body trembled with shock.
Thinking fast, I brightened the dim lights. The good news was we found her, resting on her side in a corner of the room. The bad news was she was trapped in the diabolically adorable hooves of none other than Weena.
F-Bomb slowly pulled his machine gun out from under the bed; pointed it directly at Weena. “PUT. MY GIRL. THE FORK. DOWN.”
Weena, not giving a crap,  used her hind leg to scratch behind her ear. It was the most adorable freakin’ thing I’d ever laid eyes on. But like most adorable things in the underworld, Weena had a dark side. Mere seconds later the furry abomination was ripping the corner of Sailor Moon with her tiny widdle teeth, pulling out the soft clouds of cotton that made up Moon’s life force. It took all my strength not to hurl. F-Bomb wasn’t as lucky. Before he could pull the trigger on his gun, he was coughing his WEEB up all over the floor, leaving a sickly rainbow puddle at his feet. If anybody was going to fix this mess, it would have to be me. Granted, my mind was whirring a million miles a minute, mostly through stupid anime references, but gosh darn it, I had to do something before Sailor Moon became Weena’s latest chew toy. My legs began trembling, like they usually do when I’m nervous. I reached for my machine gun- only for my eyes make contact with Weena’s. The moment I stared into those, dark, sunken, adorable orbs I found myself unable to pull the trigger. My eyes darted, searching for something slightly less lethal. This turned out to be a very shiny rock resting on F-Bomb’s bookshelf with all his anime figurines. Grabbing it, I flung it near Weena, just enough to scare her away. Yet somehow, someway, I hit my mark square on the leg, leaving a thin red line running down it. At first I cheered, having finally done something right. Then the cheering stopped as I remembered that whenever I thought I did anything right, it usually meant I did something horribly wrong. And who better to affirm my crippling doubts that recently awakened F-Bomb!
“Y-you forkin’ idiot…” he grumbled. “What have you done?!”
Despite Weena’s wound looking like nothing worse than a paper cut (though to be fair, I once spent an entire day in the school nurse’s office because of one) she really put on a show. She’d dramatically dragged her body away from Sailor Moon, leaving only the faintest trail of blood behind, finally resting with her legs in the air and her tongue rolling out of her mouth. My triumph was now ice cold dread. I’d killed Weena! The spirit that kept the entire gang alive! The closest thing the boss had to a girlfriend! If A-Hole found out about this, getting caught smoking WEEB would be the least of my worries. But there was one thing I could do. Swallowing my last shred of pride, I prepared to deliver the breath of life to Weena’s lips. Only for F-Bomb to grab my ankle.
“Oh, for fork’s sake, ya moron. Weena ain’t dead!”
“She’s not?!” Relief shot through me as I realized my first kiss might not have to be a Dik-Dik after all.
“For starters, you barely scratched the girl. Second, and listen close, this is real important.” I leaned in close, eager to hear what wisdom my friend had to dispense. “WE’RE IN HELL, YOU FORKIN’ MORON! WE JUST REGENERATE WHEN WE DIE! HOW DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THIS?!” Several deep breaths later, he continued, his mind slowly sobering up from the WEEB. “A-and to top it all of, of all the weapons on my shelf, you had to use my mint-condition, authentic CashMoney Stone! Do you know what forkin’ happens to anyone hit by that thing?!”
“Uh… something?” Specifically, Weena had dropped her façade and now faced us, lightning bolts flashing in her eyes. Literally. Left sparks on the floor and everything.
F-Bomb sighed. “Just look at it this way: we’re not getting Moon back without a fight!”
           The second he finished, Weena charged us, a trail of thunderbolts in her wake. F-Bomb and I tried to dodge, but the little raptor wasn’t able to get his tail out of the way fast enough. He let out a screech of pain as his feathers stood up end on end before crumpling on the ground like a thanksgiving turkey. I tried to run, only to realize my hair was standing on end. There would be no escaping the judgement of the Dik-Dik. Satisfied she’d fried us into chicken dinner, Weena went right on back to pulling the stuffing out of Sailor Moon. You should have seen it. Man, it was GRIZZLY! Of course, even being reduced to a barbeque turkey wasn’t enough to stop the ‘Bomb, especially when his waifu was on the line.
“Watt” he croaked, “if there was ever a forking time I wanted you to do me a genuine solid and not fork everything up, now is the forking time! Now, if I’m right (and you know I forking am), Weena was pokevolved into Weenachu. She can cover anything around her in static electricity, and it gets stronger the closer you are to her body!”
“So we just moisterize our skin?” I asked, remembering something my science teacher taught me.
“Is that what our forkin’ schools are teaching kids these frokin’ days? No wonder American education has gone down the forkin’ tubes! No, ya forkin’ dingbutt! Weren’t ya payin’ attention when I told you about Pokémon? Electric types are weak ta grass types! And I have the most powerful kinda grass in the world right under my bed! While I’m going ta get it, I need you ta get the largest piece of plant matter I own.”
An audible gasp escaped my mouth, almost enough to alert Weena. “Y-you mean, we have to sacrifice our secret WEEB stash?! But I-”
“No, you forking moron! I mean my Naruto Omnibus. Like Hell I’m giving up WEEB!”
The Naruto Omnibus. An epic saga consisting of every Naruto chapter ever published (including spin off series)! It was wider than I was tall and consisted of more pages than the complete works of Shakespeare, Tolkien, and Dr. Seuss combined. As I crept down the shelf, I wondered why Weena wasn’t doing everything. Didn’t take long to find out why, though, ‘cause the closer I inched to the sacred tome, the closer I got to Weena,  the more every single hair on my body stood on end, tingling with electrical power, reminding me all too much of the time I crawled up a slide. One bad move, and I could be sparked out of existence. And through this suffering, I could only watch as Weena tore the stuffing out of Sailor Woon and sleep in the cottony aftermath. After what felt like an hour, I finally made it to my destination: the giant omnibus that took up an entire shelf worth of space. So of course then was when I realized I couldn’t carry the thing in my wildest dreams! When I tried to signal F-Bomb about this, he just gave a thumb (though it was more like a finger) up and tossed his secret weapon out from under the bed: a single floret of giga-broccoli. Weena sniffed it tepidly, then, doubting it was a threat swallowed it whole. Keep in mind the little Dik-Dik was a vegetarian, so her head didn’t exactly explode, but based on the way her pupils expanded, it was definitely having some kind of effect on her.
F-Bomb gave me a middle finger from under the bed. It was time to act.
With all the strength I could muster I took that omnibus and slammed it right on top of Weenna. A loud thud, like thunder, shook the room as the tome hit its’ target squashing her flatter than a pancake on Jupiter. When F-Bomb and I finally removed the tome, all that remained was a pink stain that smelled like cotton candy and baby kittens. To the last (until she regenerated, at least), Weena had been absolutely adorable. What wasn’t adorable was the loud sound of footsteps coming from the entrance tunnel.
“Hey, guys, I was wondering if either of you had se- OHMYPORECELAINGODWHATDIDYOUDOTOMYWEENA???!!!”
“Get the fork off our case, boss.” Muttered F-Bomb “It ain’t her. Just Turdsy here spilled his strawberry milk while was was learnin’ to vivisect caribou!” I had to hand it to F-Bomb, when he wasn’t being a curse spouting, animu hoarding spazz, he could really hold his own under pressure.
A-Hole sniffed the air with his undeceiveable Deinono nose.
“You smell that, you forkin’ turds? That’s definitely baby kittens and smiles. You guys can’t forkin’ fool me!” For a split second, I saw an expression that looked jarringly out of place on A-Hole. The rest of the gang, if you ever meet them, will deny it ever happened, but I know what I saw, and what I saw was…
A-Hole crying, a single tear sliding down his hideous, scaly face. “Now how am I supposed to attract the babes?!”
“Oh, for fork’s sake, you forkin’ baby! We’re in forkin’ Hell! She’ll probably forkin’ regenerate in a few days and show up somewhere random like she always forkin’ does!” cried F-Bomb, mustering up one final insult before our inevitable doom. Or destroying any chance A-Hole might have mercy on us, depending on your point of view.
To which A-Hole cried “It’s not the same after regeneration!”
           As for me, I stared at the pink splatter on the floor, trying to imagine my life was flashing before my eyes for a good reason and not because A-Hole was gonna give it to us. Sailor Moon still sat in the corner, stuffing pulled out, injured but alive. And just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse (something I really need to stop doing) A-Hole sniffed the air.
“Wait a second, is that…”
F-Bomb, at last, broke. “I-I dunno what the fork you’re talkin’ about! Just take us to our punishment already! N-nothing to hide anymore, no siree!”
Too late. By the time F-Bomb had finished his sentence, our verdict had been laid down by A-Hole, our private judge, jury, and executioner.
One look. Just one look at the stuff was all he needed to know.
All he did was point a single finger-claw at us; the rage in the room palpable “Come to my office.” He beckoned.
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