#pwease read i actually enjoy how this turned out hello 👉👈 i lov violence
spearxwind · 2 years
For the prose thing ... Hunters getting devoured by Talas during a storm?
Like... They see the purple light under the waves... Just how big that leviathan is... And then he emerges. Also! I suppose since Talas is a hunter himself, he'd be quite smart about fighting them. Would maybe also terrify these guys. I wonder if they'd figure out in their last moments that this infamous leviathan is also a person.
And storm for cool setting. And you like storms, so yay, storms!(?)
Could be the story to your current header... ?
A story for my current header sounds GREAT, actually :] I may have gone a bit too overboard (heh) just bc it was a fun prompt and I am not immune to ocean violence. Whole thing is under the readmore. Hope you enjoy?? 😳😳😳
Oh and, in case I change my banner, here is the post with the full image in it
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Something was tugging at the lines. Hard. 
It caught the crew by surprise, as their prey had been long weakened, and the hooks in it had simply been set to reel in the body for transport. The vessel had been made to fight gigantic creatures, leviathans. It had been fit to reel in the massive creatures, once dead or dying, and tug them to shore. But this? This was too much. The strain on the cables was immense, the gears on the mechanisms screeching from the pressure. 
“Shit. SHIT- We’re capsizing!” The bosun’s scream tore through the storm wind, panicking as they realized what was happening. “We have to loose the cables or we’re going under!” 
And yet, before anyone could react, the sudden resounding twang of one of the lines snapping made everyone pause in shock. Their galleon grade steel cables had snapped. And then another. And another. The pressure was violently lifted off of the boat, it’s straining engines suddenly jolting the boat in the opposite direction, the crewmembers thrown off of their feet and slammed onto the deck, just in time to see the culprit show itself. 
The massive head of a leviathan, impossibly huge, erupted from the ocean, the hunters’ quarry hanging limply from its jaws. The bosun raised their head up just long enough to see the tail disappear down the monster’s maw moments before the creature dove beneath the surface again, the omen of its purple glow now visible through the foam of the enraged waters. 
The Worldeater.
This was it then. The crew already knew. No one had encountered this thing and lived to tell the tale, especially if you saw it up close. As if on cue, it reared its head once more on the opposite side, knocking out the radio tower on the main mast, the trajectory of its bite headed directly for the deck. The jaws of the monster closed firmly around the ship, tendrils worming their way out of its throat and into every nook on the vessel to secure its fate further, grabbing any unfortunates on the way and dragging them to their end. Now the hull itself was fighting against the pressure, the groaning of the metal echoing through every hall, the roar of rushing water drowning out the panicked screaming from the crew as the sea poured into the vessel through the bite punctures. 
As the vessel was pulled completely under, the bosun was, somehow, still alive. At the mercy of the waves, surrounded by debris from their vessel. They wondered if they hid among the rubble, eventually the leviathan might leave and they may be able to flag a passing ship for a rescue. That was a good plan, right? Drowning wasn’t an issue after all. 
And yet. 
Through the warped frame of the already sinking wreck, its eye was honed in on them. A piercing glow ripping through the blackness of the storm. 
How could it have known they were there, when they were completely hidden? How could- 
They didn’t have time to finish the thought.
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