#pyren monferno
absolasks · 7 months
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So the previous visitors weren't the last. But this one... there was something different about them.
They tried so hard not to stare. So hard. They wanted nothing more than to answer the question of the entity beside them in hopes that they would leave, but they were far to preoccupied keeping watch for any sudden movements.
Their mouth opened to speak but initially they could only choke on their words. It was a horrible situation. Not just for them, they imagined, but for the 'mon opposite them too. Being gawked at like this couldn't be pleasant for anyone - not a great first impression on their behalf.
Against their every instinct they slowly angled their head away from the entity, trying to push through haze of a rapidly developing headache to remember what exactly they'd said.
'...That's right.' They thought. 'They asked where we are. All you need to do is answer them. That's all.'
A flicker of flames snapped them out of their thoughts. There was a second pokemon ahead of them. A weird coincidence? Or maybe they travel in pairs.
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The monferno didn't help lessen the anxiety the situation was causing them to any degree, but it did give them something else to focus on. They steadied their voice, though it was still noticeably stilted as they spoke.
"This is Zone 7 of the Kagea region, judging by the maps I've seen. And if you travel further East you should yourself in part of Zone 8. It's a famous part of the region from what I've read, perhaps you've heard of it?"
And then quietly, as if they didn't intend for the others to hear, they added;
"I... may need to have this 'hell' explained to me... I don't believe we have that here."
[@distortionmewtwo, @scaper12123]
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harmonia-university · 9 months
Pyren: Hey Basil, what exactly does “group theory” mean? What kind of study is that? Is it about, like, the science of friendship?
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Basil scoffs. "Science of friendship my ASS where do you think you are? Kindergarten class? Get outta here!!"
After listening to Basil's little tirade, Jokull decides to chime in, in an attempt to lift the tense mood:
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Basil turns back to the Monferno, clearly irritated. "Anyway, since you're not EDUCATED, and I AM a professor after all. I shall explain the inner workings of the topic to you."
The Leafeon smirks rather devilishly, readjusting the sucker that is in his mouth.
"Group theory is the study of these algebraic structures called...HAH, you guessed it! Groups! It's a beautiful topic, these abstract little structures are particularly used to represent symmetry of the world around us. For example, the very molecules everything and everyONE ismade out of. I've been dedicatin' my entire sorry life to studyin' that stuff, but maybe we should start with the basics first."
"What IS a group anyway? Groups are defined as a non-empty set with a binary operation. Every group needs to have these 3 things: associativity of any 3 elements, an identity element, and an inverse element."
"Lemme give you an easy example. The set of all integers under addition. Just think about it. Any ol' integers can be added together in any ol' order and it'll be the same damn thing. The identity element is 0 - any ol number plus 0 is just that same number! And the inverse, you just add the negative of that number to get your identity element. And boom. there ya have it. Easy, eh? Let's keep goin'!"
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Honestly, anyone else would have stopped listening after the very first sentence the Leafeon uttered about the topic. He is now going on a tangent, explaining all the concepts behind group theory. But undoubtedly, everything is going in one ear and leaving through the other...you are utterly and hopelessly lost.
Jokull, who has been standing around listening in on the conversation, turns to Pyren, knowing that this is probably all too much for the poor Monferno.
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[ @scaper12123 / @ask-world-guardians ]
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ask-world-guardians · 11 months
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For the sake of PMD Day, here's a bunch of arts of my characters and their world that I really liked.
Arts by (in order) @lemonybeagle @hideoutfromreality @softkeychains @cyber-wild-arts
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ask-world-guardians · 11 months
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Remy: "It's been a long time since we've done anything here, hasn't it?"
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Pyren: "Yeah... almost doesn't feel right, coming back here."
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Amelia: "Well, you know what they say! The more things change, the more they stay the same. I think that this'll be good for us."
(Remy, Pyren, and Amelia are available for asks)
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ask-world-guardians · 10 months
Zantzu looked down at him with a smile before rubbing his head with his paw.
"Hey! I think you asked me something before! Whats going here? Who ya friends?"
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"Shiesh! Treating me like I'm some sort of pet!
"But anyway...
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"The Monferno is Pyren. He's what you might call a heavy-hitter sort of person. Whenever we go into battle, he's always the first one to throw himself into the fray! He also is pretty good at strategy, despite his... intellectual struggles. He also likes weapons, both using and fixing!
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"That there is Amelia. She's much more durable than Pyren and I. She likes to wait for opportunities to strike rather than attack outright, and she'll often trick our enemies into attacking first so she can give them a surprise chomping! She also a merchant, AND she has a knack for magic! Amazing, huh?
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"Then, of course, there's me! I'm Remy, your resident alchemist and the most forward of our group. Usually when we get into a fight, I step up first to take whatever they wanna throw at us first so my friends can throw it right back at them! I don't mind; I'm really good at taking blows, and I can make plenty of potions and medicine to fix any injuries I take."
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"Ya know, you really shouldn't throw yourself into danger like that all the time, Remy..."
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"Oh, it's FIIIIINE! We can dish out whatever anybody throws at me ten times over!"
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ask-world-guardians · 11 months
(@pokege-ne-project ; Shadow)  "Hey there!" She'd energectically wave to the three. "If you don't mind me asking.. What this place here, exactly? Hopefully it's nice to be back, since it sounds familiar to y'all!"
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"That's Riverside, our home town. It's the furthest western city in Caeltem, so you can probably imagine it gets a lot of traffic."
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"Doesn't make it any less of a small town, Pyren..."
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"Wh- Hey! It's a big place! What, are you comparing it to Caeltem itself? You live there too, you know!"
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ask-world-guardians · 11 months
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"Riverside sure looks small from all the way up here, huh?"
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"That's because it is small, Pyren..."
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"It's not that bad, Amy. It might not be Caeltem proper, but it's still our home."
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