#q: Sleep is good but don’t sleep on Woojin
hoodiehan · 6 years
Stray Kids covered New Face and they looked and sounded so good!!
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Woojin Fluffy Fanfic Recommendation
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A Gift From The Heart: In which you were Woojin’s secret santa and he was yours 
A Horrifying Night: Movie night with Woojin isn’t as fun when he chooses a horror movie… 
Bad Day:  You were just chilling in your apartment, working on some homework, when your boyfriend decided to show up uninvited. He looked exhausted and just had a really bad day, so you’re there to cheer him up.
Bathrobe: You tried on Woojin’s bathrobe.
brother: older siblings who are better than you in every way possible is a pain in the ass all the time.
Burning Touch:  “Look who’s being all cute today,”
chicken?: “It’s alright, I understand. Just keep me updated, please. I’m still here for you…” 
Chicken Diversions: “Maybe we should actually start on the chicken.” 
Christmas Surprise: On the bright side, you now don’t have to get Woojin a Christmas present
Cuddle Session: “ don’t move right now, I need cuddles,” 
Delayed Gratification: You waited a long time for this feeling. He was your delayed gratification
goodnight song: woojin really is the type of person to sing u to sleep even if he’s tired huh.
Hot Chocolate: “Come on. I’ll make you hot chocolate and then we can go back to bed. It’s too cold out here,”
half an hour:  your mission was to hug a member for half an hour, and woojin seemed to be the only one calm enough to comply with you.
I Don’t Care:  “That’s my shirt. So is that..wait?”
I’m Pregnant: “you haven’t even touched your food”  
I Told You: despite Woojin’s constant nagging, you still managed to not bring an umbrella or raincoat outside and evidently, it rained on you. Heavily. Woojin spent the rest of the day taking care of you and ‘lovingly’ nagging you.
Late: It was a cold night and you came home quite late after studying with some friends. When you got home you boyfriend Woojin got upset because you were coming home late at night, but also because you were only in a pair of shorts and a hoodie.  
Late Nighters: “You want to go for a ride, don’t you?”
Late Night Snacks: You loved to sleep, but if Kim Woojin wakes you up in the middle of the night saying, I’m hungry, let’s go” then you’d follow him anywhere and wouldn’t let out a single whine
Lullaby: “Can you sing for me?”
marry you: woojin proposes
Picnic in the Park:  You hadn’t had much time to spend with your boyfriend since he debuted, and you worked. Woojin’s debut has come to a slowdown, and you both had a day off, so he plans a surprise for you
Recharge: You had a long day but thankfully, Woojin seem to have read your mind and came over
Rescue: Woojin comes to your rescue when your boss makes you work overtime without pay
surprise: You’ve decided to surprise Woojin after he came home from a world tour, not realizing that it was pouring outside.
sandwich notes:  sometimes woojin’s friends actually have good ideas, even when it comes to love. 
Sing To Me: His voice always helps you sleep
Snack, Memories and Him: Cheesy Valentine’s day traditions turn into ‘3 Hours in Heaven,’ locked in a room with nothing but snacks and music
Sunbeam: Loving Woojin was easy because he made it that way.
That time: Its that time of the month for you and each time it only gets worse, thankfully your boyfriend Woojin was there for you 
The Morning After, Kim Woojin: After celebrating three whole years together, it’s just a regular morning. Kind of. 
Toss and Turn:  “I think I’m dying,”  
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kpopnotksoda · 6 years
stray kids reaction to you graduating
hyung line, depending on if people like it i might do a maknae line
yeah it’s our first writing piece
yeah it’s me, admin ☾
It was finally the day you would get out of a hell called high school, and being 12 hours away from your boyfriend was stressful not having him there for you, constantly. You loved him and he, you, but it was hard to convince him and yourself that you did when the distance was overbearing. You put on some music and carried on getting ready for the big day, your hands clammy from stress. You slipped on your grad uniform and dusted off the small hairs here and there from the lengthy period that it was tucked away in your closet. You heaved a sigh as you slid it over your form and drowsily snooped out to your dimly lit kitchen, flipped on the light, pulled up a barstool to your counter, and glanced over to the clock beaming green, lighting a the small area in a ten centimeter radius. 6:08am You managed to whip up some eggs and a bagel before 6:30 and get out just before school started. The entire preperation for your ceremony was spent fisting your hands anxiously, waiting for the big moment without him. You stepped up to the pedestal, your knuckles white from the pressure from your palms. Your vision turned hazy as you scanned the crowd for people you knew and thought you spotted your one-and-only but it was just another man in the crowd. As you spoke, you felt tears welling up in the corners of your eyes as you prepared to end the relation with Bangchan but as you were finishing up the heartwarming spiel you spotted the attractive boy in the corner, your spotty tears turned into a river, riddling water droplets over your freckled face, unable to fathom anything else other than the one man you never expected to see for another few months, was there. Looming in the doorway, waiting with a bouquet of flowers and practically sobbing, as were you. Your solemn feeling was replaced with joy and contentious emotion. You were stuttering in your bland rant about how high school challenged you and you were excited to eventually get a well paying job and get on with your crass life, but you didn’t care. You got to hug the one you loved after your prolonged life in such a dysmal school with a just as dysfunctional relationship that was going to be fixed with one evening of walking around uptown together, and falling even deeper in love.
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It was difficult. Really fucking difficult to try and survive high school alone, but still in a relationship. People starting making rumours about how you’re not actually dating anyone and you just want to be cool, you start getting emotional in classes because everyone else can be touchy with their s.o. but not you. Difficult. With visits only every few months and calls regularly, the distance was getting to you and from what you could tell it was getting to him too. It was finally time to praise your ‘amazing’ teachers and how much they’ve taught you over the years, so pretty much just a bunch of cockamy. You planned to say a few words, take your diploma and get out but when you started your speech and inevitably couldn’t see your boyfriend, tears pricked the corners of your eyes and you could feel your mouth drying up. You needed him there and you knew you did but you didn’t have him there and you were going to have to suck it up. So you did. Until you saw his face ducking behind a bouquet of flowers, you flashed a petite simper before chastely finishing off your already-hurried tangent. You tripped over yourself to get down the steps but you found yourself running to his lean figure and enveloping him in a tight hug.
“you recognized me” he pouted at you, jokingly
“how could i not”
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Lee Minho
You found yourself often being exhausted from the pressing social anxiety of being lonely and the undermining feeling of feeling alone seeing as your boyfriend was in an entirely different continent and throughout high school, people stopped believing he existed. Fed up with the rumours and the impending weight of a long distance relationship, you tried getting more sleep. Needless to say, it didn’t work. You were counting down the days until your release from the prison-like school you were burdened with. It was too much. It didn’t matter how much you called him on the phone, or how much you texted, it wasn’t the same as having him there, in the flesh, holding your hand or your waist or some other part of your body. As the day you got out arrived, instead of stressing about the speech, you were worried about that exact thing. When you could see him again. You knew it would be a while, months, years even. But that didn’t break the small spark of love that was ignited within the pair of you. Amourously, when he was in town, you would follow him around like a puppy. You were scared of losing him— you are scared of losing him, but you didn’t. You reached the wooden stool perched upon the stage and shuffled your recipe cards a bit and got them in order. Your hands were shaking, the pressure was kicking in. You were talking in front of hundreds of your peers, their parents, their grandparents, everyone. You stammered out the first few words scrawled messily along the weak paper, and found it a challenge to stay balanced. Knowing that you hadn’t any support after the ceremony, no one to tell you you were fine, you felt your knees start to buckle and your vision turned blurry. You knew that you were about to pass out, salty tears ruining your clarified vision, your knees shaking momentously, the soft ringing in your ear. It was all there, and then, it was all black.
You woke up to the sound of an ambulance, only making your headache worse, and someone holding your hand. Even though you were exhausted from the stressful experience, you wanted to know who cared as much to be there with you. Not many people believed that you, in fact, had a boyfriend, not even your roommate. So who would want to ride on an ambulance with a fibber? You glanced over dazily and you saw him. In the flesh, Lee Know, sitting there, gripping your hand, staring at you intently.
“It’s been a while” he started to tear up, as did you. It was three months since you saw him last and even though, the gurney was holding you back some, you hugged him and kissed him.
“Don’t go back yet” you uttered, shaking from shock and exhilaration
“Wasn’t planning on it.”
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Photo albums were your favourite thing nowadays, with your boyfriend gone and gone for a long time, the only memories were photographs. So you cherished them and whenever he begged you to not break up with him because of the stunting distance, you had to lie through gritted teeth and say you never thought of it. When in reality, you wanted skinship, hugs, kisses, holding hands, everything, and he knew it too and he felt guilty for being unable to give it to you. He would’ve been lying too if he said that the thought of ceasing your relationship never crossed his mind, and he did say that. Eventually, you realized your relationship was toxic and the day you realized that was coincidentally the day of your graduation ceremony, therefore applying more stress onto your already heavy shoulders. You planned on breaking up with him if he didn’t show up and maybe it was unrealistic to expect him to be there after a long plane ride, but you could still hope.
After getting your own hopes up, you stepped onto the pedestal and started reading your carefully written speech that you took countless tedious hours rewriting and rewriting again. It had to be perfect, but it didn’t matter because after scanning the crowd you realized the one person you were inclined to impress was seemingly absent. You felt tears gathering in your eyes, and you slightly tilted your head down to glance at the photo of the two of you that you tucked away in your cape-like gown. This is the end.
You thought to yourself, the dreaded thought kept nagging at you, you didn’t want to listen but you had to. Or so you thought. As you kept scanning the crowd, feeling your knees trembling, you saw him. You cut your script short and wanted to get it over with. You ran into he crowd gleefully, and straight into his arms.
“I’m not leaving for a long time”
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You hated goodbyes, well more like you hated saying good byes, but even with your detest for the act, you found yourself often saying them to no other than your boyfriend. It wasn’t in person either, whether it be over video chat or on the phone, or was just as painful to know that you wouldn’t be able to hold him in your arms for a long while. You lived with that, you had to, or else it would rip you apart for the entirety of your relations with the boy. With the pressing anxiety of your relation, and having to spiel on about utter poppycock acclaims about your below par school, it was getting to you. It was pretty much the same for everyone, no one wanted to do it but they had to for some reason.
“goodbye, love” you wrapped up your final phone call before heading to the school to present your ramblings
“goodbye, babe” he replied
“wait are you okay? it sounded like there were a lot of people where you are”
“yeah just a little crowded, i can’t wait.”
“for what?”
“you’ll see”
disregarding your boyfriends cryptic final message, you bid eachother an i love you and a good luck before hanging up and finally leaving for the ruddy excuse of a school. The drive was seemingly long, you kept clicking your fingers on the wheel becoming more impatient as the seconds passed. You pulled up, fully dressed in your graduation outfit and stalked in careful not to make much noise, you were late so you couldn’t disrupt. You squeezed your way through the doorway, but a hand gripped yours. You jumped a little, biting back a yelp from surprise and whipped your head around to see Hyunjin, holding your hand for dear life. You grabbed him and forced him into a hug before driving your head into the crook of his neck. He was so happy to see you and you were getting a few looks for interrupting the ceremony but you knew it was worth it, both of you did. It was finally your turn to go up and talk and you did with an enormous, ear to ear, unerasable, smile plastered on your face. You kept glancing at the boy for reassurance and he gave you thumbs up and his cute little beaming smile before giving you an infatuated look. You wrapped up your speech and he was clearly clapping the loudest, and making sure you knew he was too.
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admin ☾ masterlist
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chanjisung · 6 years
friends to lovers ➼ woojin
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» ❝ say it again. ❞
chan • woojin • minho • changbin • hyunjin • jisung • felix • seungmin • jeongin
i havent even started yet but im alr soft ; ~ ;
hnnnNNg okay
this cute bear right here
is the sweetest person eveR
will literally do anything to keep a smile on your face
sad bc of a test? d’aaaw dw 
woojin gives the beST hugs
ow my heart is soft
as everyone knows
he likes you
lmao legit everybody knows
your friend, your schoolmates, your parents, your teachers, the floor, the lockers, the ceiling, everyO N E
except for you
im so predictable and cliche bye
and he’s fine w it bc?? duh??
but if you would ever know
its cool as long as it doesn’t scare you away
plus he isnt really trying to hide it in the first place
you’re just THAT dense
you both have a platonic relationship
thinking abt woojins cuddles makes my uwuS
hugging here hugging there
kisses you on your temple too!!
“you did well today. now buy me ice cream since you’re so aMaZiNg”
and did i mention the your mom loves woojin
so much
more than you
bc i can imagine my mom loving him more than me smh
and your mom also knows that he likes you?
but thats not a shocker bc ur mom seems to know everything smH
yeah so
one guy likes you
i mean another guy
and in your opinion...
he’s a creep
but like,,just bc he keeps on asking too many questions
he’s actually a good guy but he just cant understand the meaNing of personal space
like legit he’ll text you every timE
“yo, where are you”
or like
“whatchu doin, wanna play a q&a game”
over text
ur all like, “dude, u aint my bro more less my boyfriend so can you kindly fuck off???”
but u dont actually say it bc ur too kind
bless Your Soul amen
and so one day 
you were walking out of class to meet woojin so you can both walk home already,
the creepy dude suddenly appears at your side
“hm, so y/n, any plans after school?”
out of instinct bc ur oh so honest you said “no not really”
you face palmed mentally bc wow self uR sO quiCk wiTteD
in short you regretted saying no
bc he said “cool! let’s go out for some boba then”
then he proceeded to drag you out by your hand 
and you’re like wtf
dude i did not approve of this proposition yet
so when you reached the lockers where woojin was supposed to meet you
hE wAsNt tHeRe
you mentally cursed him
he was your only chancE
oh woojin has failed you, his beloved best friend
“y/n did you know that this boba place is the beSt-”
you zoned him out bc you didnt really care what he said
all you ever wanted was to go home and play video games with woojin
or just listen to him sing
or just hug him to death
and this creep drags you into this
you sighed
oh well, atleast you’re getting free boba
you can see that you both were nearing the place
and as you were accepting your fate
someone suddenly grabs your other arm
“y/n! i’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
you turned and see kim freaking woojin there with a smiLe on his cute fes alsjdhn
“woojin!” you legit screamed bc finally! your hero!
the creep gaped at you and woojin
lmfao whatta sight
“umm? we’re on a date excuse me?”
you wanted to laugh and slap him at the same time
bC dUdE wTf A dAtE?
woojinnie here, bless him, flung an arm around your shoulders
he’s still smiling uwu
you’re melting but shh he doesnt need to know
but you could feel him getting agitated
“date? oh, babe i didn’t know you had a study date with him!”
your eyeballs almost popped off your sockets bc 
woah woah woah calm down kim woojin calm down
atleast you hope he’s calm bc you’re most certainly not
“o-oh? yeah study date bc his mind can’t process the fact that i have a boyfriend”
you finally said it
and i felT greAt
the creep’s face was red hah!
but as much as you felt great
yo hort was not calm
you looked at woojin but he seemed
he wasn’t calm his heart was ready to be free
but yes going back 
the creep’s face is reD
“pfft, fine. your loss, not mine”
then he walked away
yAy bye you lil creep
anyway you and woojin laughed
bc wow yOuR lOsS noT miNe
after you both calmed down
the words babe and boyfriend came rushing back
cue the creek creek sound bc for the first time since forever 
there was an awkward silence between the two of you
“so, y/n-”
you cant stand the awkwardness so you cut him off “where were you, you loser. you could’ve rescued me from despair if you were by the lockers earlier!”
“well im sorrY, chan borrowed my notes bc he fell asleep in class. again”
“you could’ve just let him endure the pain hmp”
“well i doesnt matter know does it, i saw you go out of the campus earlier so i followed you!”
you looked at him with a pout and you felt your cheeks heat up
bc !!! the boyfriend part !!!
you sighed and decided to tell him the truth
“woojin i like you” you mumbled, barely coherent
but ofC he heard you
he alr had a big smile on his face but still said “say it again, i didn’t hear you”
you glared at him bc you know that he heard it jUst fiNe
“kim woojin, i swear-”
he laughed and kissed you’re forehead 
he placed his arm aroud your shoulders again pulling you close to his side
“im just joking, i like you too”
and ofc you were elAtEd and kissed his cheek
“now why don’t we have a date, since im your boyfriend” he smiled at you
damn i cant unsee his smile my uwus are spilled
your heart went nyooOom 
and you pulled him towards the boba place
“well good. your girlfriend is craving boba”
you both had biG smiles on your faces for the rest of the day
and you could hear all the “FINALLY”s at your school the next day when you went in holding hands
and thats it adios
a/n: halloooooo. my loyalty is now shaking bc kim woojin is existiNG. he’s just so cute can i cry? asjbfnckj. anyway here’s woojin’s part of the series! hope you all enjoyed it~
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fy-skz · 6 years
[Interview] X Sports News Q&A
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Q. Channie you’re and exercise mania.
A. My dad was a bodybuilder and a swimming coach so I think I was influenced by him. I’m not sure now but when I was in Australia I was really good at swimming.
Q. You must eat well then.
A. Before, I didn’t know I ate a lot but the members saw me and tease me by saying ‘taking care of all the leftovers’. In terms of ramen I eat around 4 packs and for hamburgers I eat at least 2. For chicken as well, I can order two and finish it all. Usually at a restaurant I eat a stew and around three bowls of rice. It’s just because when I eat I tend to eat a lot at once. Hehe..
Q. Are there any difficulties in taking care of Stray Kids as the leader?
A. Being able to experience everything with the members in itself is fun and cool so I like it. They all are following me really well. Sometimes I’m surprised because they help me so well. To be honest after debuting there are times where it’s hard and hectic but we understand each other well, and when we go on stage we’re full of fighting spirit so at times I feel touched.
Q. SKZ are not cute/innocent?
A. My usual personality is a bit pure. On top of that my skin tone is really pale so I think it appears to be even more so. But I do have a very reliable/stable aspect as well. ※Ending with a sudden leader praise (members曰: Channie hyung has a good sense of rhythm and has good sense. I think he was just born to be good at music. His shoulders are broad and his physical is the best.)
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Q. I see that Woojinnie did kendo before debut.
A. I first started in elementary school and I think I did it until my 1st year of high school. To be honest at first in front of school they said they would give me a game or a prize so I went to the kendo studio but it was fun so I did it for a long time. While doing kendo I started to like exercising. I like that I don’t get trivial thoughts while exercising. To be honest I used to be a bit chubby but while doing kendo I lost a lot of weight.
Q. Is SKZ not a group overflowing with charisma?
A. We are. But a lot of people, after they first see me, often tell me I look intimidating. To be honest I’m a nice and warm person. I’m really a bear. (members曰 He’s a bear that’s a good size to hug!)
Q. The charm of SKZ members?
A. Our characters don’t overlap and are all different. The way we look and our personalities too. What’s fascinating about us 9 all being different is that we all adjust to each other well. It’s like nine brothers.
Q. Woojin is a chicken fan?
A. Yes, usually I organize what chicken I want to eat by brand. (If you were to recommend a chicken to fans?) To my taste I think the chicken with cheese sprinkled on it is the best. Everyone you must try it. Ah, but I think I also just really like chicken. I also like baeksook, steamed chicken, chicken breast. On the other hand I don’t really like donkatsu or fried foods.
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Q. Wasn’t your nickname originally ‘Dancing Sculpture Man’?
A. Ah, it was but it changed recently. I think my existence is a gem. (ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
Q. Is your personality 4D?
A. Yes, people said it was. I hope we can make Stray Kids’ name known in space as well. First to do that world dominance is first.
Q. What are ‘things I don’t want to do’ to Lee Know?
A. When I’m laying down but I didn’t turn off the lights?
※Members’ testimony : Changbin曰 In the dorm he always calls us by phone. He says 'How important of a thing it must be if I’m calling you, come quick’ so I go and he goes ‘turn off the lights~’ My gosh!)
Q. Lee Know’s strengths?
A. I went on a global dance event show, thanks to that I became casted to JYP Entertainment and entered the company. Romantic and then cute etc.. I have many different charms.
Q. Lee Know’s 1 year ago?
A. I didn’t know I would debut like this. I entered the company July 15th of last year, and I tried to work hard within a short amount of time.
Q. Does it taste good to dip pig’s feet in red pepper paste?
A. Yes. I totally recommend it. Ah, but you have to pick the red pepper paste well. Not the kind of red pepper paste you dip sashimi in. It has to be kind of sweet. And I think it tastes better if you put the pig’s feet in the fridge first before eating.
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Q. I heard you are pushing ‘Binsual’ lately.
A. Yes, that’s right. Not too long ago on broadcast we did a fun poll and I got 1st place and my mom sent a message saying “our Binsual congratulations~”. Ah, our mom recognized the Binsual..hehe
Q. Your self-portrait is also unique.
A. Everyone thinks I am dark but to be honest I am not a dark person. While I have charisma and appear powerful on stage I have a cute side as well.
Q. You’re the first idol with a hobby of washing your hands.
A. A while~ ago I had the chance to observe my hand with a microscope and it was a shock. There were so many diseases that can come from our hands. So I became sensitive.
Q. What kind of singer is ‘a singer who gives a good influence’?
A. Nobody can be perfect. But I wish that I can always try hard and act sincerely, and that that image can be well communicated. I don’t like artificial things. I always want to approach with a truthful and sincere appearance.
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Q. You’re nickname is ‘SOPA’s prince’!
A. =Ah it’s not something said by me, but my fans told me this. (members曰 Hyunjinnie is always humble about his appearance)
Q. Hyunjinnie also did swimming in the past?
A. I first started swimming when I was 7 and considered becoming a professional athlete. Throughout elementary school I was on the swimming team and often got 1st place in competitions, and even received awards outside of school. But due to  studies I quit. To be honest I started as a hobby but it seemed hard to become more ambitious.  
Q. Then when did you become interested in dance?
A. When I was a trainee there was a hyung who was good at freestyle, and that seemed so cool. As I became more confident with my dancing I also transferred schools. There was no words from the company telling me to transfer, but I convinced them. I wanted to learn various dances like street.
Q. What is a ‘very big’ stage that Hyunjinnie is thinking of?
A. A very big stadium-level. It’s my dream to enter that kind of place in 5~6 years.
Q. Your pet’s name is Kkami!
A. I really like dogs. I depend on them a lot too. The angel I think of is a dog. Whenever I experience something sad and go home, the dog doesn’t know what happened to me but it approaches me happily and consoles me. When Kkami does this to me everything gets better. Even know I miss Kkami so much.
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Q. Your hobby is interesting.  
A. I really like sweet things. I used to each choco cake but I switched over. The choco cake at the bakery I often go to (Paris Baguette) was all sold out so by chance I tried cheesecake and it was so good. Kyaa
Q. Your life motto is also like an “adult child”
A. Even when there is a bad situation I try to be cool. On top of that I am a type B guy.
Q. I heard HAN is SKZ ‘bed boy’.
A. I don’t like troublesome things. I usually sleep a lot and sleep easily. When we go to schedules or during waiting times if I just lean my head I sleep.
Q. Your cheeks are cute.
A. Before it was stressful because my cheeks wouldn’t lose weight. I wanted to show a cool image on stage but my cheeks kept bothering me. They look so much like a squirrel that sometimes when I rap it seems like I’m biting something too. But now I don’t mind it. I raised it as my charming point.  
Q. HAN’s past 1 year?
A. It was the time in my life where I lived working my hardest. To the point where if I showed someone everything I would not be embarrassed. I spent a lot of nights and got through a lot of events. I want to give my all in the future as well.
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Felix who is not yet fluent in Korean as he came to Korea from Australia in February of last year. He is the representative member of showing a ‘reversal charm’ with his flower-boy face and deep voice.
Q. You have a lot of nicknames.
A. They’re all given to me buy my members. If I’m sulking it’s Bbijix, if I’m angry it’s Bbajix, or just Jjix, etc.. I have too many nicknames to count. I think there’s rarely a time when I’m called just Felix. But I like all my nicknames.
Q. Since you are from Australia, if you do a World Tour later you must want to go to Australia for sure.
A. I want to show that ‘I’ve returned!’. It’s an opportunity to prove that I’ve been working hard all that while.
Q. Is life in Korea hard?
A. There were times when it was hard. Since the cultural difference is big. But during this time period of around 1 year I learned a lot, and my members worked hard by me to help so I don’t regret anything. Ah, I can’t eat spicy things very well. I like spicy rice cakes but I still can’t eat the super spicy Yupdduk.
Q. Your words of ‘tear-like sweat’ leaves a strong impression.
A. 집중해서 연습하다보면 정말 힘들 때가 있거든요. When you focus and practice there are times when it’s really hard. One day sweat was running down my face and I had the thought, “ah, this is really like tears.” Still in the end the conclusion is that I have to work harder.
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Q. They say Seungminnie is SKZ’s ‘model student’.
A. It’s not like that but when we present I usually take responsibility and do well, so I think that’s why I that kind of image.
Q. Did you do baseball when you were younger?
A. Yes, a baseball player was my dream. But unfortunately due to a situation at my house I couldn’t play anymore and I gained a new dream of becoming a singer later. In my second year of middle school I went on a children’s song competition and won an award, and also did choir. And during that time when I was wondering ‘what should I do to be happy’ and came to the answer of ‘music’. So in order to appeal to my parents I studied hard and practiced my singing a lot.
Q. Why is Seungminnie’s keyword ‘whipping cream’?
A. It is a nickname recommended by my vocal teacher. We usually show a dark appearance on stage. So i want to become an existence like whipping cream on top of dark coffee. Something you become naturally addicted to.
Q. What is Seungminnie’s personality like?
A. This is my first time living together so I think there are times when I act a bit selfishly. But now I am try hard to fix it in order to not give harm to my team members. I will become a Seungmin who tries harder and does better!
Q. Seungminnie’s dream?
A. I want to do a large concert with lots of sunbaes, but I also want to try having a concert with just our fans only. I will work hard so we can make that kind of space fast.
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Q. SKZ cutie maknae I.N, do the hyungs treat you well?
A. Yes, they are all very good to me. I like it best when we are all practicing together. Even though I am lacking a lot they all pay lots of attention and help me when I am not doing well. (members all cooed at the same time)
Q. Are you from Busan?
A. Yes, so in the past I took the KTX and went back and forth from Busan to Seoul to practice. Usually I would come to Seoul on Friday and go back down to Busan on Monday night. It was hard because I couldn’t learn when the hyungs did but had to come on Friday to learn it over the weekend. I was most sad that I couldn’t take lessons on the weekdays. The hyungs all knew but only I didn’t and I had to learn later so I couldn’t adjust.. But the hyungs really worked hard to help me. So Channie hyung took care of me even when I was in Busan, and I would take videos separately and send them to Channie hyung. He’s Coach Bang Chan ㅠㅠ
Q. You are in the middle of fixing your teeth?
A. I started in October of 2016 but as I went back and forth between Seoul I missed the timing to switch and when I went up to high school I just started over from the beginning. The doctor said let’s take the braces off after two months but I’m not sure if I can.
Q. Where does I.N want to go with the hyungs?
A. When I become an adult I want to go on a vacation to Jeju all together. I want to see the sea, and cook meat, and try eating Hallabong oranges.
Q. I heard SKZ make sure to eat all three meals a day.
A. Yes, today I had cereal in the morning. We always tell our fans ‘you have to eat all three meals.’ Food is really important.
Stray Kids promised to become a singer you ‘trust and listen’ and ‘trust and watch’. They said, “We want to become singers that give trust to people.”
Stray Kids, JYP’s new boy group shown 4 years after GOT7, made an excellent record with their debut album ‘I am NOT’. Last month, this album ranked 1st place on iTunes Album Charts of 10 countries including Canada, Argenitne, Chile, Peru, Finland, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, etc., and topped the Japanese Tower REcord Online Daily Sales chard. And on domestic sales chart Hanteo’s Daily Chart they ranked 2nd place, setting a top record for rookies in 2018.
Stray Kids especially are receiving lots of attention abroad as well as domestically. Last January Stray Kids were picked as 1st place for Billboard’s ‘Top 5 Kpop Artists to Look For in 2018’ and proved their power even before their official debut. After releasing their debut album, Stray Kids received spotlight from Billboard again, with an article titled, “Stray Kids is The Boy Group At the Center of the New Wave of K-Pop”
Translation: Candace @ Stray Kids Worldwide ; take out with full credit
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peach-daniel-blog · 7 years
30 Question Tag
Tagged by: @wannx-one​ | @ongsecngwoo​ | @seongwoo-ong​ // thank you for tagging me °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
Tagging (new people I recently followed & new followers): @park-woojin | @jilnoons | @huynbin | @wooijn | @ongnielwoon | @chung-has | @valxres | @lovefromchen | @jacksonwangot7                                                                     
GENDER: Female
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius 
HEIGHT: 156 cm ;_; even my genes gave up on me
TIME: 2:40 pm
BIRTHDAY: 10th December birthday buddies with my peach :’) probably the only thing good about having a birthday in december
FAVORITE BANDS: wanna one, bts, seventeen, day6, astro, nct(s), the rose, b.a.p, exo
FAVORITE SOLO ARTISTS: (the 3 kims) sam kim, eddy kim, roy kim, giriboy, jung sewoon, dean, iu
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: i’m not sorry - dean
LAST MOVIE WATCHED: emoji movie ;;; I was forced to watch this against my own will
WHEN DID I CREATE MY BLOG: 17 august cant believe it’s going to turn 2 months old soon
WHAT DO I POST: about my boy, danik
LAST THING I GOOGLED: haven’t searched anything today but yesterday I think it was “wanna one mv commentary eng subs”
DO YOU GET ASKS: ಥ_ಥ someone come talk to me, I don't bite
FOLLOWERS: 218 peeps!! everyday im just amazed by how many people actually follow me ;; thank you for following a blog like this ✿♥‿♥✿
FAVORITE COLORS: light shades of pink, it just looks so aesthetically pleasing
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: thanks to semester break I'm actually getting more than 8 hours of sleep
INSTRUMENTS: my mom wasn’ t one of those typical asian parents that sent their kids to piano or violin classes so nope I don't play any unless you count a recorder which I played for music classes back in primary sch
WHAT AM I WEARING: class tee and shorts
HOW MANY BLANKETS I SLEEP WITH: 1 but most of the time it just ends up on the floor
DREAM JOB: preferably something got to do with my diploma. I payed a good amount of time and money, so it better work out
DREAM TRIP: backpacking trip alone to anywhere, I just want to run away to somewhere far by myself
FAVORITE FOOD: fried chicken!!!
NATIONALITY: singaporean
FAVORITE SONG RIGHT NOW: I loved you - day6 do give it a listen
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im-youngmin · 7 years
[TRANS] 170727 MXM’s Interview with Ilgan Sports (Group + Individual)
Group Interview:
Q: How do you feel with your new song release ahead?
Youngmin: Since it’s our first area being shown as a singer, I’m nervous. Above all, I wish to show that we are idols who have infinite possibilities.
Q: How did you guys feel when you heard that the two of you were going to be a unit?
Youngmin: Since Donghyun’s the only other adult, he was the dongsaeng I was closest with. Also, we’re a unit that is tied with each other through Christmas.
Donghyun: My birthday is ‘Confession Day’, which is September 17th. Exactly 100 days later, it’s Youngmin hyung’s birthday, which is on Christmas. Fans told us that, so I felt that meeting hyung was fate.
Q: Tell us about working as a unit.
Youngmin:When we don’t have any specific schedules, Donghyun and I would go to the company when we would wake up to record and edit the lyrics. Although I had a short amount of experience with recording through ‘Produce’, it was the first time having all of the company people come and direct. I tried to get accustomed to that mood at first.
Q: Did you ever get scolded at?
Donghyun: Since I wanted to show songs with various colors, we changed the genre and did it numerous times. Every time the genre changed, I was a bit confused, so I was lost.
Youngmin: I got scolded at a lot. I needed to sensibly fix it after getting direction, but I wasn’t able to understand it right away. But Rhymer CEO said ‘You guys improved a lot’. There was a time I recorded as practice before ‘Produce’, but I got scolded at a lot at that time.
Q: Is there something Rhymer CEO told you that you remember the most?
Donghyun: He encouraged us by saying, ‘Let’s work hard as a unit while Daehwi and Woojin are promoting as WANNA ONE. Until we form together as a idol group ultimately, let’s do our best in our own spots.’
Youngmin: He told us, ‘The love you are receiving right now is a big affect from the character or personality shown through the broadcast. If you want to continue to receive love, your skills are important. You need to fulfill even more than that.’ He said that we need to continue to make good music, so it’s important to listen to a lot of music for now.
Q: Brand New Music is famous for its hip-hop genre.
MXM: The music we will be showing isn’t restricted to hip-hop. That’s why we think many are curious. Although we’re under a hip-hop label, since we’re debuting as idols, we plan to show a bright and fun side. We also want to try out a variety of music.
Donghyun: Among the pre-release tracks, there is a song that I composed and wrote lyrics for. I showed it before through a V App, but that was under an acoustic genre. The current arranged version has a slight beat and the tempo was sped up. It’s different from the acoustic version I made, so I liked it.
Q: Why did you come to Brand New Music?
Donghyun: It’s a company with many artist seniors who are good at music and when I thought of Brand New Music as a company that’s good at music. I thought that I would be able to learn a lot if I were to go there, so I auditioned for Brand New Music. After being a trainee under JYP, I came out and was preparing for college entrance exams, but the opportunity came.
Youngmin: Since I like dancing, I danced and gradually fell into the genre of hip-hop. I heard that Brand New Music was making an idol group and tried out and came in.
Q: While preparing for the unit, did you have a chance to talk seriously?
Youngmin: We didn’t go somewhere specific or drink alcohol for it. We just naturally had a talk. We discussed our concept and asked about our self-composed songs. Since we live together and eat together and are attached to each other for 24 hours, we have a lot of time to talk.
Q: How is your dorm life?
Youngmin: Donghyun is scared of bugs. Even though he isn’t scared of ghosts, if a bugs appears in a room, he’s someone who will run to another room (Laughter). When we filmed the hidden box challenge during ‘Produce 101’, I think he wasn’t able to place his hand in fear that there would be a bug.
Donghyun: The towel in our dorm used to be white, but one day, it was suddenly all pink. I wondered why it was like that, but to think that it was because of Youngmin hyung’s red dyed hair… I found out only now.
Youngmin: I didn’t tell him, but secretly just said, ‘I used your towel’. Since I dyed my hair red, the color bled really well, so I even bought shampoo that would make it not bleed.
Youngmin’s Interview:
Q: There were a lot of nicknames created thanks to your red hair.
Youngmin: I was called ‘Cherry Boy’ at first, but after finding out that my parents have a tomato farm, I became ‘Tomato Boy’. It was my first time dyeing my hair, but since I bleached it, it hurt so much to where I thought it was ripping. To be honest, I didn’t want to do it, but since there are people who recognize me from this, I asked them to make it deeper so that the color wouldn’t fade (laughter).
Q: Do you remember when you first came to Seoul?
Youngmin: I lived alone for 2 weeks in order to prepare for the JYP Open Auditions. When I came to Seoul again at 20 to enter college, I didn’t really feel anything special. I think I only thought about the task at hand. I also had a time where I thought to fix my dialect.
Q:There are many fans who like when you use your dialect.
Youngmin: There was an audition where I had to just show my singing and dancing without any self-introduction. I passed the 1st round after singing and dancing, but my dialect became a negative during the 2nd round when I did my self-introduction. I was ultimately eliminated, so I tried to fix it after that, but I ended up speaking less from that. I was happy that there were many people from Busan during ‘Produce 101’. Including Woojin, there was Kang Daniel, Hwang Minhyun, and Choi Minki among others, but Minhyun and Minki used Seoul dialect well since they’ve lived in Seoul for a long time.
Q: Once you debut, you’ll probably meet on music broadcasts as singers.
Youngmin: There are people who are preparing for debut like we are and there’s also Hotshot and NU’EST seniors. Rather than think of them as competitors, I feel happy and proud that we all are did well and can meet again. I hope we could all do well.
Q: There’s the duo, Yongguk&Sihyun, coming out at a similar time.
Youngmin: I really spent a lot of time with Yongguk. We’re close enough to the point where Yongguk told me that he’s preparing as a duo with Sihyun when he was eliminated after the ‘Open Up’ stage. Even at that time, we didn’t have anything set about a unit, so I didn’t know that we would come out at such a similar time. I’m really supporting them. While promoting as a unit, I hope we could meet on broadcast.
Q: Im Youngmin received all of the benefits on ‘Produce 101’, but is there a method behind it?
Youngmin: My ultimate goal was to just do the performance well. To be honest, the benefit was a priority during ‘Be Mine’. I wanted to stand out more to national producers that way. However, afterwards, I don’t think I really thought much about the benefit. Especially for ‘Open Up’, I wanted to do the performance well and garner interest and record the fancam well to show. I think that worked more for the hearts’ of national producers.
Q: You were diligent during the 2x dance for ‘Open Up’ too.
Youngmin: They said we were going to be doing it once more, so I didn’t think much of it, but I didn’t know that the beat would be that fast. I remember we were all hectic to the point where Kenta and Dongho couldn’t even dance. While doing it, I felt that I could do well once I became accustomed to the tempo.
Q: If you had to choose something you gained from ‘Produce 101’?
Youngmin: I think my expressions and talking improved a lot. I’m also good at not sleeping. While practicing, I think I slept around 2 hours. Since I focused only on the performance, my screentime was comparatively short. But I don’t have any regrets.
Q: Did your family support you too?
Youngmin:They’re the type to tell me that I’m the one who makes my own life and quietly support me from the back. I thought that they would just watch over me to that point during ‘Produce 101’ too, but my mom told me, ‘Your dad only searches about you all day long’, so I was surprised. My mom also told me that she was going to hang my slogan at her women’s society, so I strongly tried to stop her, but she ended up hanging it. My older brother also only studies, so we didn’t really talk, but he promoted me a lot and gave a lot of helps.
Donghyun’s Interview:
Q: How does Kim Donghyun feel about revealing a self-composed track?
Donghyun: It still feels unfamiliar to go from being a trainee to a singer. After receiving compliments that I did better than they thought, I gained strength and was able to enjoy recording and editing.
Q: Since there are many people with the same name, I feel like you may need a stage name.
Donghyun: As a matter of fact, I thought about it. I think that there’s a minimum of 60 people that show up in the search. So I search ‘Brand New Kim Donghyun’. But then it searches for our company’s Kim Donghyun (MC Gree’s real name). Haha.
Q: Is there a stage name you thought about?
Donghyun: Making a stage name is something to be quite careful about. You can’t make it sound awkward, but I think it will also be a bit strange if it sounds too friendly.
Q: But you seem to have a quite a variety of nicknames.
Donghyun: I went to the convenience store, but they asked me, ‘Aren’t you Honggeonie?’. They called me Honggeonie and not my real name, so it was funny. Honggeonie is a nickname I gained from singing ‘Between Hongdae and Geondae’, but if I were to pick among the two, I think I’m more familiar with Geondae.
Q: Have you seen the pictures fans post as well?
Donghyun: There are funny pictures from when I was younger that are being posted. Although there are times I feel embarrassed, I’m thankful for even that kind of interest. The graduation picture where I’m cross-dressing as a girl was taken forcefully by my friends. I came out of Namdaejeon High School, but it’s the same school as Song Joongki and Hong Seokchun seniors.
Q: Is there something you were surprised about when you first came to Seoul?
Donghyun: There’s only one subway line in Daejeon, but Seoul was really confusing. When I first came to Seoul, I transferred on the subway twice and went to various locations. My mother came to Seoul and we went to see subway ads together, but I was able to navigate her well (laughter).
Q: The moment you remember the most while doing ‘Produce 101’?
Donghyun: I couldn’t even imagine that I would have been competing with Dongho hyung on Punch King. There are three friends I’m close with in Daejeon, but I’ve only tried this a few times with those friends. Right before my fist touched it, I felt that I hit it well, but I didn’t know that it would be on the level of competing with Dongho hyung.
Youngmin: As someone who watched from the side, I didn’t know that Donghyun would get his screentime from there.
Q: If Im Youngmin were to describe Kim Donghyun’s charms?
Youngmin: He’s the one who eats the best among Brand New. He eats everything well besides mushrooms. One time during ‘Produce 101’, mushroom curry came out as the menu, but he picked out all the mushrooms.
Donghyun: There were a lot of tiny mushrooms in it. It was a time where I ate a lot because I was hungry, but I slowly picked out all the mushrooms and put it onto Youngmin hyung’s tray. Youngmin hyung is kind, so he said to give it all to him.
Youngmin: Afterwards, I told him to never give me mushrooms again (Laughter). It was like I ate mushroom rice.
Q: It must have been tiring practicing and you probably had a lack of sleeping.
Donghyun: Everyone was working hard. Rather than be tired, I think we were all busy with the task we were given. Thanks to that, I’ve gained the ability to sleep well wherever as long as I place my head down. Since I don’t sleep-talk, I lay down in that spot and wake up the same way.
Q: I heard you had a lot of interest in Japanese.
Donghyun: I wanted to learn Japanese a bit and converse with Kenta hyung. I would ask him this and that and use it the next day. He taught me ‘Do you want to eat?’, so I used it during lunch time on the next day.
Q: It seems like you like trying a variety of things.
Donghyun: Even with music, I like trying out a variety of genres. Although I like an acoustic feel, I want to try a variety of good transformations. I also want to try out ash bronze as a hair color.
Q: If you had to choose something you gained from ‘Produce 101’?
Donghyun: I think I really just prepared because I focused only on the performance. Joining the program was full of question marks for me, but it has changed into a tilde (~) now. It feels like I’ve passed my trainee status and am now doing something. I want to show new charms of myself in the process of preparing to become a professional.
original post: ilgan sports translation credits: @woojinprk
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hoodiehan · 6 years
Is Seungmin a big Day6 fan?
This should tell you if he is or not
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hoodiehan · 6 years
Hi hello, yes, I want to get to know more people sooooooooooo
If you want to be in a Kakao group chat with me (a heheheh) then reply back/reblog/message me/send an ask or whatever with your kkt id annnnnnnnd yeah :)
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hoodiehan · 6 years
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Bias wrecker selfie tag
 Tagged by @strgaykids @hyunnlix @hey-hey-chan @s0ftminho and @realstraykids
I don’t really like my face but so many people tagged me why do you all want to see my face so much
Anyways, Han Jisung physically hurts me every single time I see his face on my phone but it’s fINE. So yeah :’). Look at us lowkey twinning tooo :’)) We have matching colored jackets pFFFT (i wore it better. I’m kidding, Jisung looks better than me like 24/7 I need to leave) 
Hahah okay anyways SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TAGGED IDK WHO TO TAG ANYMORE. Frick. Okay I’mma just tag like @felixthekoala @hyyunjinn @seungchanie @chanrismatic and @presentstraykidsfan You guys don’t have to do this, buT I Just lOVE You all so much and I just need to see your faces more so that my life can be blessed hehehe 
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hoodiehan · 6 years
Stray Kids doing a heart wave makes my heart go whOoSH
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