#q's winter wonderland
too-right-red · 2 years
Merry Hakeevmas to all who celebrate
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retfarcyroeht · 2 years
Fek'lhri Byr'Jai Interceptor (STO)
Q's Winter Wondeland Event of 2022 is here and I'm looking forward to that console and starship trait moreso than the T6 ship itself.
Summoning both anomalies and ships are my niche and this improves my progress towards an ultimate "Quantum Carrier".
Maybe with Tear Open The Gates and Portal of the Damed, hopefully I'll actually be able to both see and sustain the Lost Soul summons from my Open the Mouth of Grethor.
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psychedelic-ink · 10 months
We Fall Like Snow ║ Part Ⅰ
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After the events that took place at the Cliff Beasts set, needless to say as his bodyguard (and friend) you became overprotective of Dieter. You have all your worries under control until you accidentally flip over a young fan by grabbing her wrist, causing the media to stir with speculations as to why. Luckily Dieter's family arrives in the nick of time, scooping you both from New York to their cozy cabin; however, winter wonderland can't last forever and you need to face the consequences of your actions sooner or later.
pairing: Dieter Bravo x bodyguard!ofc; Amina Addams, written in reader format
chapter summary: You and Dieter are late for a Q&A. Again.
word count: 4.5k
chapter warnings: weed use, dieter having a filthy mind (and a wild s.ex life), cursing, so much banter, minors dni
**dividers by the amazing @saradika
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The floor might as well be drenched in grease by how slippery it was.
Your poor sneakers glide across the marble tiles, nearly making you trip as you climb two steps at a time. Adrenaline pumps through your veins, heart hammering in your chest, you force your legs to move faster. You can feel each individual muscle throbbing. It was stupid of you to expect Dieter fucking Bravo of all people to show up on time.
You’ve been waiting by the car for nearly half an hour, already late for the signing. His fans are used to it by now, but that doesn’t mean you enjoyed being late to these events, and Shannon –Dieter’s ever passive- aggressive manager– had graciously put you in charge of his time table. You still aren’t sure why. You’re the bodyguard; the person that slaps his hand whenever he puts his grubby little mitts on something containing peanuts. Occasionally you’ll push away a fan or two. Generally speaking, for such a riot of an actor, he has calm admirers. There was one incident that nearly got him harmed.
Finally reaching the door, you aggressively punch it, the sound echoing throughout the entire hotel. When you detect no movement you knock again, this time accompanied by your sheer shout of his name.
“Dieter! Get your butt out of the bed– NOW!”
Just as you’re about to knock again, the door opens wide, leaving your fist awkwardly hanging in the air. In the threshold stands a disheveled, yet happy-, looking woman. She’s probably in her thirties, with long red hair, and her lash line smudged with eyeshadow. Her smile is lazy and kind as she looks at you. Is she high? God if you’re out there, please tell me he’s not high.
“Hi,” she greets you, her voice sultry. “Can we help you?”
You peer above her shoulder and see Dieter full on french kissing a brunette man on top of his luxurious king size bed. The bedding slides down the man’s body, revealing his perfectly sculpted ass. A soft moan reaches your ears, and your face becomes heated.
Ignoring the woman, you step inside, your hand conveniently wrapping around the metal doorknob, the coolness of it gives you some semblance of peace.
“Dieter!” you hiss between clenched teeth. He parts from the man with a smack and meets your gaze. His brows furrow, incohesive sounds leaving his kiss swollen lips. He fucking knows he’s in trouble.
“Shit,” he breathes out. The man turns to face you, his perfect ass matching his perfect face. Dieter turns to grab his phone. “What time is it? Did we fuck until morning?”
The woman giggles; you hadn’t noticed before but the front of her robe is open, her breasts bouncing as she shifts from one leg to the other. “I guess so,” she answers cheekily.
“We’re late for the panel. Get your butt out of bed right now.”
“Yes ma’am,” Dieter says. Before doing what you asked him to, he quickly presses his lips into his lover’s. “See you later Eduardo,”
“Awwww,” he bemoans, chasing the actor’s lips. “Can’t you stay?” his eyes flit to yours. “She can join us if she wants to, the more the merrier,”
Dieter wrestles with his pants, barely able to get one foot in.
“She’s not into that,” he replies slightly breathless, then he stops and looks at you, eyes full of curiosity. “Are you?”
“I swear if you don’t leave this room in ten seconds I’m dragging you out naked, paparazzi be damned,”
“Kinky,” the woman grins.
Your fingers tighten around the doorknob.
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“I can’t believe we’re late. Again.”
With one hand, you quickly usher Dieter into the limo, using the other to text Shannon that you’re on your way. The driver starts the car, a low hum filling the inside.
“I’m hungry,” Dieter groans, scratching the back of his head.
You eye the sidewalk, the brown paper bag containing a chocolate muffin and a cup of coffee idly laying sideways next to the back tire. The dampness of the pavement had seeped into the bag, the coffee also spilt, turning it into a mushy, disgusting mess. You let out a sigh, climbing into the car right after Dieter. You originally had placed the bag on top of the trunk lid; it must’ve fallen with the wind or something.
The car starts to move and you internally curse at the driver for not keeping an eye on Dieter’s breakfast.
“We’ll just have to get something there,” you say, fishing out a small kitkat bar from your bag. “This is going to have to suffice,”
He takes it with gratitude and a lazy smile.
“Thanks.” Hhe leans into the soft seats of the limo, fingers playing with the edge of the wrapper. “I am really sorry by the way, time kinda flew by,” clearing his throat, he adds,. “Is Shannon mad?”
“Well, she ain’t happy,”
“I should send her a bouquet,”
“You did that last time,”
“Box of chocolates?”
“Did that the time before,”
“Muffin basket?”
“That’s new.”
The smile he gives you is wide and bright and you can’t help but mimic the expression. His gaze is soft as he looks at you, his fidgeting with the wrapper stopping abruptly.
“Could you tell Kate then? Before I forget.”
Without an answer, you quickly text Kate, his assistant, to send Shannon a nice and elegant muffin basket. While you do so you hear Dieter peeling open the wrapper of his unhealthy breakfast, the voice of his favorite youtuber follows.
For the upcoming months, Dieter’s schedule is packed. He’d been cast in an upcoming dystopian blockbuster hero movie. It sounded interesting enough, but while he explained the plot, you were already thinking about the arrangements that needed to be made. Thanks to this new project, he didn’t have much time to relax, so these short limo rides were his little moments of escape.
Seeing that you got a “thumbs up” emoji from Kate, you push the phone back into your pocket. Now that the two of you are actually on your way, you’re relaxed, a ticklish sensation laving across your skin as you melt into the leather seats, the smooth drive pushes your brain into a nearly sleepy state.
Your gaze follows the shops on the street, now that Halloween and Thanksgiving were things of the past, everyone had busted out their Christmas decorations. You enjoy this time of year, the city becomes colorful and bright, the smell of gingerbread following you no matter where you go.
“They were really nice,” Dieter suddenly states, drawing you out of your Christmas- fueled thoughts. “I wish you could’ve spend more time with them,”
“Eduardo and Isabel,” he scrunches up the wrapper and stuffs it into his pocket, dropping his phone to his lap. “They showed me around,”
“Are they actually friends of yours or two people you met at the after party?” You have no doubt in your mind that it’s the latter;, your lips curl into a mischievous smile. You cock an eyebrow, face contorting with confusion. “I thought you came to New York before, what do you mean they ‘showed you around’?”
“I might’ve said I’m new in town,” he grins, wiggling his eyebrows. “I like the attention,”
“As if you don’t have enough of that already,”
He ignores your playful jab and indulges in his train of thought.
“We should meet them again, the four of us,”
“Is this an attempt to lure me to bed with you?”
“It’ll be fun,”
“I have no doubt about that,” your expression grows smug when you see that he wasn’t expecting that answer. “I’m not saying no because it’ll be boring, I’m saying no because I’m your bodyguard. What if someone bursts into the bedroom with a gun? What am I supposed to do when I’m butt naked?”
You exaggerate your words with your hand movements, “Am I supposed to search the floor for my holster while some maniac holds a gun to your head?”
“You can keep the holsters on,”
You hold your breath as discreetly as you can. Dieter leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees. How far he can reach surprises you, the brush of his knuckles against yours prompts you to let out the breath you’ve been holding. His pupils devour the color of his eyes, his gaze burns your skin, a feeling that should hurt but doesn’t. His tongue licks over his bottom lip. Your eyes drop to his neck when he swallows.
As he speaks again his voice comes out low and sultry, like he’s out of breath. “That would be so hot. And, like, imagine you shooting a dude while riding my cock,”
“Not killing him, of course, just shooting the gun out of his hand. Like a cowboy,”
You snort at the image, quickly covering your mouth. He pulls back, fingers absentmindedly scratching his chin. The heat from the brief brush of skin lingers. Dieter appears none the wiser.
You bite the tip of your tongue. His innuendos affect you more and more each day;, it’s infuriating, especially when he does it so nonchalantly. His eyes look up to the limo’s ceiling, and your cheeks heat up. Is he still thinking about you in holsters?
You’re just about to tell him to stop when he speaks again.
“Wait, would it be cowgirl instead? What do you call a female cowboy? Or does the word cowboy include everyone?”
The heat disappears as soon as it comes, leaving you feeling icy cold.
“Gendered terminology is a bitch,”
“That sounds like a superhero with cow powers,”
He starts to mumble the spider-man theme song from 1994. Maybe he is high after all.
“…does whatever a cow can. Eats some grass, any kind. Crushes thieves just like…uh,”
“Bugs?” you offer.
“Why would a cow crush a bug?”
“Why is Cowperson eating grass? They’re still human, that’s not really a super power,”
“It’s to make their cow-powers more powerful. You need to read more comic books.”
“Who are they? Popeye?”
“Hey, if Popeye can eat spinach and grow strong I don’t understand why our cow-hero can’t,”
You pinch the bridge of your nose, you feel a headache sneaking its way to your temples.
“Why are we talking about cow themed superheroes?”
“You said you would fuck me with the holsters on,”
“I said no such thing,”
The limo comes to a steady halt, you don’t even need to look outside to know you’re here. The muffled screams that seeps through the gaps of the car is enough to let you know that there’s a crowd outside. Dieter seems unbothered by it, his soft molten gaze still glued to you curiously. Suddenly, it gets harder to breathe; like someone squeezing your throat. Licking your lips, you slide towards the door, mentally preparing yourself for the fans outside.
“We’re on, Mr. Bravo.”
It takes you everything not to think of the last sentence he said to you. “You said you would fuck me with the holsters on,” the words had rolled off his tongue as naturally as falling snow, not thinking at all about the consequences. You should be used to his flirty remarks by now. Of all the years you’ve known him, he’s always been like that. It never means anything, it’s just who he is. And it’s your job not to allow him to get you all riled up.
Letting Dieter take the front, you step to the side and close the door as he waves at his adoring fans. They all scream his name, posters and memorabilia glued to their hands with hopes that the actor might sign them. He’s got a bit of spare time—traffic had been surprisingly kind—so you allow him to mingle. You trail close on his steps just in case anyone decides to get too familiar. Selfies are taken, and tears are shed. Your gaze swiftly flits to your watch, his panel begins in ten minutes, you have to get him inside– Besides he will do more signings after the Q & A anyway.
Ignoring the blood pooling underneath your nails, you press your hand against the small of his back, gently guiding him to the entrance. He already knows. His steps become faster, yet to an outsider he doesn’t look to be in a rush. You can’t help the way your fingers slightly curl against the soft fabric of his suit; he feels your palm, warm and soft on his hip.
Touching Dieter isn’t anything new. However, this time you sense a crackle in the air, something that can only be felt by the two of you. His muscles stiffen as he fights the urge to turn to lay his eyes on you. If he could, a silent question would be asked with those same pair of soft eyes; Did you feel that too?
The invisible moment shared between the two of you is gone when a poster is abruptly shoved into his hand along with a marker, you notice which movie it’s from; The Bubble, though it’s more of a documentary rather than a movie. He quickly signs it without further inspection, the fan quickly screams words of gratitude.
But your eyes linger.
You hate that documentary. It’s the proof of your biggest failure as a bodyguard. You heard it on the news first. The crazy set where Lauren Van Chance got her hand shot clean off and the actors had to flee via a helicopter. It was a closed set so you weren’t allowed to join Dieter, and the thought alone that something, anything, could’ve happened to him during filming made you sweat profusely.
Your throat closes up, lungs emptying with the reminders of the past. Luckily he returned safe and sound, never again would you accept him to be essentially locked in a hotel by himself, the pandemic be damned.
You feel it first. See it later.
Your skin is coated with unwarranted goosebumps, the small hairs dusted across your nape stands with attention. Years of working had made your senses grow sharp, noticing things before it even came to be. With your backs turned to the approaching threat, you forget your surroundings, forget to hold yourself back.
When you notice your fingers wrapping around a slim wrist, it’s too late. You kneel and throw the person coming from behind using the strength from your shoulder. A small funko pop of one of Dieter’s more popular characters flies out of their hand. It’s a young woman, maybe in her early 20’s. She shouts in pain and Dieter jumps back, only now realizing what happened. You’re horrified, bile rising to your throat as your eyes go wide. You don’t hear yourself, but you know you’re shouting an apology, feeling your lips form the words.
Sorry, sorry, sorry. Oh my god I’m so sorry.
You attempt to help the girl up but she yanks her hand back, looking at you with rightful fury. You look up to the crowd and it’s a cacophony of screams, laughter, booing– The sound comes to you muffled, echoed. You see countless smartphones, all of them directed at you, documenting your second-worst mistake of your career.
Turning back you see Dieter kneeling next to the fan. He’s speaking to her, his large hand spread across her back. She smiles, nods, and he helps her up. Two paramedics come, ushering her away from the crowd., Dieter waves her off, saying something to the paramedics. You’re so disoriented that your mind convinces your body that a threat as big as an explosion had happened, your skin crawling with imaginary shrapnel digging in to it.
Dieter’s face comes into view, your stomach churns with the remains of your too-early breakfast.
Every sound, every motion rushes back into you, like your soul being sucked back into your body. It’s an overwhelming feeling, you shake your head once, twice, then ask a question with the sole intention to convince yourself that you’re alright.
“Is she hurt?”
“She’s going to be fine,”
Dieter never touches you when you work, a rule you established well before knowing him –this rule didn’t apply after hours though, you don’t remember how many times he bawled his eyes out and pulled you into a bear hug during one of his many rewatches of Coco– but right now his arm wraps securely around your waist, pulling you with him as cameras flash before your eyes, the sound deafening. Your eyes water at the light;, briefly you wonder how Dieter does it, then you’re reminded of his shitty eyesight and connect the dots.
The inside of the building is spacious and cool, you take a deep, shaky breath and stagger forward, balancing yourself by pressing your palms into your knees. An angry set of heels echoes in the building; you see Shannon’s ankles, noticing a small tattoo of a happy cat with a ball of yarn.
How ironic.
“What the fuck was that?” she asks frantically, a rhetorical question, you assume, since she continues. “Amina, what the hell were you thinking flipping a fan like that? She wasn’t even doing anything! The press is going to gobble this story up, it’s going to be everywhere–” she abruptly stops mid- sentence, your head spins, Dieter’s shoes come into view, Shannon’s heels disappear.
“Is she going to be sick?”
You flinch at the hand on your back, Dieter’s voice echoes. You hear something else as he speaks in hurried breaths. What the hell was that sound? You attempt to swat it away. Then you recognize.
Jingle Bells?
You black out after that.
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Needless to say, Dieter is freaking out.
You flatout fainted in front of them all, then woke up acting as if everything was just peachy-keen. He was glad you didn’t puke, but that didn’t ease his worries. The memory of you tossing that poor girl didn’t leave his head for the rest of the day. He was confused, his mind working hard unlike it ever did in order to unravel the mystery. He knew you had your reasons, maybe the girl was a secret agent out to get him or something. Mostly, he was worried about how the scene had stirred something in him. The way you looked so confused about your own actions, how your eyes seemed glazed as if they couldn’t piece together where they were… He’d never seen you so out of your element before.
The screaming crowd probably didn’t help.
Knowing that the internet would be brutal, he asked for your phone before the panel, and, surprisingly, you obliged. The rest of the day was event- free.
He still feels the phone in his pocket as he unlocks the door of the hotel room.
Upon seeing the mess of his late night endeavors with Eduardo and Isabel, a small groan leaves his throat. Couldn’t they have cleaned before leaving the room?
You don’t seem to care. With quick steps you reach the couch and sit. It’s facing the TV, and your hand reaches for the remote. He parts his lips to say something but your hand stills before he does, fingers slightly shaking as you pull yourself back.
“I’m sorry,” you say, your voice cracks and his heart beats in his throat. “I don’t know what happened,”
“Well…” he trails off, closing the door. “In your defense, Rose wasn’t supposed to be there. Technically, you were doing your job,”
“The girl you flipped,”
“Oh god,”
He stands before you, facing the full force of your doubtful gaze. You cradle your cheeks with both hands, shaking your head, and let out a groan.
“Even so, she didn’t have a weapon, she wasn’t there to attack you. All I had to do was to usher her away,” you lean back, both hands now covering your face, letting out a deep sigh. “Fuuuuuuuuck,”
“Hey, it’s not that bad. Shannon is just being dramatic,”
“I saw her looking at her phone Dieter, I think she left early to cry in the shower,”
“Being my manager for so long must’ve taken a toll on her, you can’t blame her for that. I promise you, I did way stupider shit,”
“Doing stupid shit and downright assaulting someone are two different things,”
You’re right, and he knows you’re right. That doesn’t mean he’ll accept it though. He stares at you for a while, thinking what to say or to do to make you feel better.
His first instinct is to roll you a joint—weed makes everything better—but when he notices the subtle tick in your jaw, your lips slightly moving without parting, he understands that whatever you’re feeling, runs much deeper. You eye the remote again.
“Maybe I should just see what they’re saying?”
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,”
“I’m going to find out about it eventually. I should just rip off the bandaid,”
Offering to roll you a joint doesn’t seem like that bad of an idea anymore.
“How about we smoke weed instead?” He assumes you’re going to say no when you open your mouth. He presses his forefinger against his own lips playfully, meeting your gaze and winking. “We can look at Twitter, check the news, watch youtube breakdown videos or whatever you want to do and see the damage tomorrow morning, sweetheart. Promise,”
“Fine fine, let’s go with what you want,” you give in, clearly exasperated. Dieter grins, but before he leaves you threateningly wave your finger at him. “But this is the only time, Bravo. Got it. No matter what, don’t offer it again,”
“Yes Ma’am,”
Dieter holds the joint between his index and middle fingers, where it looks miniature compared to the rest of his hand. He brings it to his lips, taking a deep inhale before handing it to you.
You move in slow motion— at least, to him it seems like you are. He watches intently at where his lips touched moments ago touching yours. A pleasant tingle blossoms from his tail bone to the small of his back. A delicate puff of smoke dances away from your lips, your head falling back, a long sigh follows your exhale. Dieter’s eyes follow the curve of your neck. You swallow, lips still parted. He mimics the movement, his own adam’s apple bobbing up and down, he thinks of your lips.
“Why did I fucking do that?” you mutter. “That was so stupid of me,”
“Stop thinking about it,” he takes the joint away from you. “I rolled this so you can relax. Don’t waste good weed on tripping,”
“Yeah, you’re right sorry,”
Dieter spreads his legs underneath the fuzzy blanket, and your head lolls towards him, forehead brushing his clothed shoulder. Again, a pleasant tingle spreads, this time warmth added to the feeling. The skin above his lower stomach feels tight. His thoughts the farthest from being pure, he imagines a nipple, your nipple, while sucking the end of the joint. His head fuzzy, a soft moan rattles in his throat. You’re muttering something, and that something comes to him muffled, then you laugh. He laughs too, context be damned. He takes another inhale before passing it back to you.
“It was kinda funny,” he suddenly says, his mouth barely reaching the speed of his thoughts. “The way you just threw her over your shoulder,”
“How is it funny?”
Something in your voice makes Dieter raise his hips, the delicate, barely there pressure of the blanket is equal to torture. He needs his hand, or better yet, your mouth. He bites his bottom lip and chases the feeling, lifting himself once more just to feel that feather-like grind against his cock. You’re unaware. Or maybe you are. Dieter can’t tell. He knows that he should behave, that deep down you’re hurting, but something about your obliviousness did something to him. His teeth sink further into his lip, he wants to draw blood, needs the distraction.
“I’ve never actually seen you get physical before, so the shock factor made me wanna laugh,” his words fade into a surprised grunt when you stuff the joint between his lips.
“I guess you really haven’t seen me like that before,”
You sound genuinely surprised. Dieter shifts to face you better, your face only an inch away from his, he sucks in a deep breath. His eyes dance around your face, taking in every little detail, memorizing it for later. Your eyes seem to have specks of gold in them. Or maybe he’s just imagining it. He hears you swallow, your own gaze dropping to his lips. Dieter shuffles closer. He hears your heavy, but fast, breathing. Your breasts touch his chest, a subtle movement that has him grinding his teeth.
He can taste you in the air, sweet and bitter, you’re so close–
The moment shatters with the sound of a shrill doorbell;, Dieter jumps, an immediate crease forming between his eyebrows.
“What kind of hotel room has a doorbell?”
“The expensive kind I guess,” you giggle.
Dieter smiles sweetly at you, he can’t help it. The doorbell rings again, prompting Dieter to stride to the door with long steps. Gripping the doorknob white-knuckled, he yanks it open.
He forgot.
He can’t believe he fucking forgot.
A pair of thick, loving arms, wrap themselves around his neck. An awkward smile tugs at Dieter’s lips as he hugs back, his hands twitching for an imaginary rail to hold on.
“Mom? Dad?”
“You forgot didn’t you,” his dad means for his words to form a question but he’s so sure of himself that it comes out as a statement. “Doesn’t darling Kate remind you of these things?”
“She does,” Dieter answers. His mother squishes his cheeks, making it difficult for him to speak. “I just forgot. Been busy,”
“Such a busy bee our darling boy! I would’ve never guessed,”
“Thanks for the confidence boost mom,”
“I mean I knew you would make it,” his mom defends herself. “I just never thought you would work so hard,”
“Again, thanks,”
You’re standing right behind him, arms crossed against your chest, you shift from one foot to the other. His mother looks you up and down, a wide smile appears on her face, wrinkles appear at the corner of her eyes, similar to his.
“Well, hello dear. Who might you be?”
Dieter nearly bursts out laughing when you stutter and hurriedly walk up to his parents with your hand stretched out, you nearly topple over. Dieter slightly moves forward, in case you did fall over.
“I’m Amina Addams. Lovely to meet you,”
When you reach out to greet his father, he seems excited, like a fan meeting a celebrity. Dieter raises an eyebrow. His father had the habit of being quite blunt, sometimes steering towards being mean, which made Dieter adapt into having a warning mechanism whenever his dad was about to say something stupid.
Right now the alarms are deafening in his ears, red flashing beneath his eyelids.
You shake his hand, and Dieter’s world falls into slow motion, his father parts his lips.
“You’re that girl who turned over a fan! The crazy bodyguard, right?”
For fucks sake dad.
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author's note: I've been sitting on this for SUCH a long time and I'm so excited that it's finally out in the open! I love Christmas, romcoms and Dieter so this is essentially pouring out my adoration to all of those things and I hope you'll all fall in love with Amina & Dieter as hard as I have ❤️ Thank you everyone for reading!
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letsgetrowdy43 · 9 months
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Rocky Mountain High—
Request: “Look! Reindeer!” Quinn and Honey and the kids after Maeve is born.
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Baby, it's cold outside Celly!!
Au Masterlist!!
“Momma,” little Maeve whispered as her fingers gripped the soft cotton of Honey Christmas pyjamas. Honey’s eyes fluttered open tiredly as she softly smiled at her littlest, “morning lovie,” the woman watched as Maeve's eyes lit up.
“Santa is here, his reindeer are on the lawn!” Hayden ran into the room in a fit of excitement waking Quinn up beside her.
The family of five found themselves in the Alberta Rockies for Christmas vacation, Quinn asking to be scratched for a single game just so he could be with his family for a little longer over their winter break. Jasper was beautiful, the kids felt like they were in a winter wonderland as they spent their days out in the snow, taking trips up the tops of the mountains, and exploring the busy little villages at the bottom of the mountain.
Honey grinned as Hayden stared at her wide-eyed, begging eyes watching her every mood as she slid out of bed to follow her girls to the gorgeous living room of the cabin they were renting for the weekend.
The tree lit up with a mountain of presents underneath, honey had argued that they had way too many, but Quinn was adamant about spoiling his babies.
Warren was standing on the couch, eyes trained outside at the sight in front of him. “Momma! Daddy! Look! Reindeer!” Maeve squealed as she flung herself onto the couch and started jumping and pointing out the big picture window.
Outside was a small family of whitetail deer, not reindeer, but Honey wasn't going to say anything, marching through the snow. “Wow baby,” Honey stopped in her tracks, smiling at the scenery in front of her as big fluffy snowflakes fell from the sky onto the deer who were just casually passing by.
Quinn walked up behind his wife, a yawn leaving his lips as he wrapped his arms around Honey's waist, head resting on her shoulder as he smiled at the happy rambles his children were letting out. “It's so beautiful,” she whispered as Quinn smiled into her skin, kissing her shoulder as he nodded. “I'm so happy to be here,” he mumbled tiredly, but she could hear a slight amount of emotion in his voice, “thank you for being the best mother to our babies.” “It's easy when they have the most amazing daddy,” she turned her head to press a kiss to his temple.
He smiled softly, “I love you, and I love our family,” he whispered as he squeezed her torso once more, “Merry Christmas Hun.” “Merry Christmas Q,” she smiled as he unwrapped himself from her, stretching slightly and rubbing his tired eyes.
“Okay guys, presents?” he grinned as all three of their attentions left the deer and looked at their father with big excited eyes.
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wardrobeoftime · 19 days
Master Post - N to Z
If you notice any show, movie or character missing that I’ve made gifs of, please let me know. Characters are sorted alphabetically by first their last name and then their first name.
Go to A-M
Nussknacker und Mausekönig (Louise Stahlbaum | Marie Stahlbaum | Zuckerfee/Sugar Fairy)
Oktoberfest 1900/Oktoberfest: Beer & Blood (Clara Prank | Curt Prank)
Once Upon A Time (Belle French | Colette French | Cora Mills | Ella Mills | Regina Mills / The Evil Queen | Robin Mills | Emma Swan | Anastasia Tremaine | Drizella Tremaine)
Once Upon A Time in Wonderland (Alice | Cora Mills | Anastasia Tremaine)
Outlander (Marie Louise de La Tour d'Auvergne | Jocasta Cameron | Margaret Campbell | Geilis Duncan | Geneva Dunsany | Isobel Dunsany | Brianna Fraser | Claire Fraser | Jamie Fraser | Janet “Jenny” Fraser Murray | Harold “Hal” Grey | John Grey | Lady Grozier | Mary Hawkins | Jeanne LeGrand | Louis XV | Mairi | Laoghaire MacKenzie | Joan MacKimmie | Marsali MacKimmie | Mary MacNab | Elias Pound | William Ransom | Charles Edward Stuart | Suzette | Margaret Wake Tryon | Martha Washington | Elizabeth “Lizzie” Wemyss | Extras)
Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story (Agatha Danbury | Queen Charlotte | Violet Ledger | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Princess Charlotte of Wales)
Reign (Aylee | Kenna de Poitiers | Amy Dudley | Robert Dudley | Claude of France | Greer Norwood | Penelope | Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots | Elizabeth Tudor/Elizabeth I | Elisabeth of Valois)
Reinas/Queens: The Virgin and the Martyr (Joanna of Austria | Empress Maria / Maria of Austria | Margaret Douglas | Bess of Hardwick | Isabel de Osorio | Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots | Isabella Clara Eugenia of Spain | Anna Throndsen | Elizabeth I/Elizabeth Tudor | Elisabeth of Valois)
Rise of Empires: Ottoman (Katarina Branković | Mara Branković | Gülbahar Hatun | Hüma Hatun | Constantine XI Palaiologos)
Romeo & Juliet [2013] (Juliet Capulet)
Sechs auf einen Streich (see the individual movies)
Shadow and Bone (Tatiana Lantsov | Zoya Nazyalensky | Genya Safin | Alina Starkov)
Sisi [2009] (Elisabeth “Sisi” of Austria | Archduchess Sophie of Austria | Helene “Néné” in Bavaria | Charlotte of Belgium | Eugénie de Montijo)
Sisi [2021] (Elisabeth “Sisi” of Austria | Archduchess Sophie of Austria | Helene “Néné” in Bavaria | Karl Ludwig von Grünne | Eugénie de Montijo)
Sissi Trilogy (Elisabeth “Sisi” of Austria | Archduchess Sophie of Austria | Helene “Néné” in Bavaria | Ludovika, The Duchess in Bavaria)
Snow White and the Huntsman (Ravenna)
Sophie - Braut wider Willen (Sophie von Ahlen)
Still Star-Crossed (Guiliana Capulet | Juliet Capulet | Rosaline Capulet | Tessa Montague | Princess Isabella of Verona)
The 100 (Emori | Clarke Griffin | Lexa)
The Age of Adaline (Adaline Bowman)
The Last Duel (Marguerite de Carrouges | Jacques Le Gris)
The Little Mermaid [2023] (Vanessa)
The Crown (Catherine Middleton | Queen Elizabeth II | Princess Margaret)
The Empress (see Die Kaiserin)
The Eras Tour (Taylor Swift)
The Gilded Age (Bertha Russell | Peggy Scott | Extras)
The Great (Countess Belanova | Catherine the Great | Georgina Dymova | Marial | Queen Agnes of Sweden | Extras)
The Greatest Showman (Jenny Lind)
The Hunger Games Trilogy (Katniss Everdeen | Peeta Mellark | Johanna Mason | Finnick Odair | Coriolanus Snow)
The Hunger Games: A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (Lucy Gray Baird | Livia Cardew | Arachne Crane | Clemensia Dovecote | Palmyra Monty | Iphigenia Moss | Juno Phipps | Persephone Price | Diana Ring | Vipsania Sickle | Tigris Snow | Lysistrata Vickers)
The Huntsman: Winter’s War (Freya | Ravenna)
The Originals (Davina Claire | Hayley Marshall | Aurora de Martel | Freya Mikaelson | Hope Mikaelson | Keelin Mikaelson | Rebekah Mikaelson)
The Other Boleyn Girl 2008 (Anne Boleyn | Elizabeth Boleyn (née Howard) | Mary Boleyn)
The Pillars of the Earth (Empress Matilda)
The Princess Switch (Margaret Delacourt | Fiona Pembroke)
The Royals (Princess Eleanor Henstridge | Queen Helena Henstridge | Wilhelmina “Willow” Moreno)
The Scandalous Lady W (Seymour Fleming)
The School for Good and Evil (Emma Anemone | Clarissa Dovey | Leonora Lesso)
The Serpent Queen (Catherine de Medici | Diane de Poitiers | Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots)
The Spanish Princess (Catherine of Aragon | Henry VIII | Mary Tudor)
The Tudors (Catherine of Aragon | Bessie Blount | Anne Boleyn | Anne of Cleves | Katheryn Howard | Ursula Misseldon | Kathryn Parr | Jane Seymour | Elizabeth Tudor/Elizabeth I | Margaret Tudor | Mary Tudor/Mary I)
The Twilight Saga (Charlotte | Alice Cullen | Edward Cullen | Katrina “Kate” Denali | Jasper Hale | Rosalie Hale | Peter | Bella Swan | Caius Volturi | Demetri Volturi | Jane Volturi)
The Vampire Diaries (Bonnie Benett | Caroline Forbes | Elena Gilbert | Jo Laughlin | Rebekah Mikaelson | Katherine Pierce | Annabelle “Anna” Zhu | Pearl Zhu)
The White Queen (Anne Neville | Isabel Neville | Margaret Plantagenet | Bona of Savoy | Elizabeth “Jane” Shore | Elizabeth Woodville | Cecily of York | Margaret of York)
The White Princess (Mary of Burgundy | Elizabeth of York)
The Witcher (Calanthe of Cintra | Pavetta of Cintra | Tissaia de Vries | Philippa Eilhart | Sabrina Glevissig | Margarita Laux-Antille | Triss Merigold | Keira Metz | Lydia van Bredevoort | Yennefer of Vengerberg)
The Young Victoria (Victoria, The Duchess of Kent (née of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld) | Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha | Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen | Queen Victoria)
Three Thousand Years of Longing (Hürrem Sultan | Kösem Sultan)
Trenck - Zwei Herzen gegen die Krone (Anna Amalia of Prussia)
Tulip Fever (Mrs Overalt | Sophia Sandvoort | Mrs Steen)
Tut (Ankhesenamun)
Vampire Academy [2022] (Vasilisa “Lissa” Dragomir)
Victoria (Queen Victoria | Victoria, Princess Royal)
Vom Reich zur Republik (Victoria, Princess Royal)
War & Peace [2016] (Natasha Rostova)
What We Do In The Shadows (Marwa)
Wolf Hall (Anne Boleyn | Catherine of Aragon)
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(Please full-screen for an easier time reading)
Finally, the bracket for the Crossover Ships Tournament is here! I'm so excited to finally get this tournament going, so I'll keep this short and get to the match-ups, with a quick reminder that will be included on the polls themselves as well:
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That being said, let's get to the match-ups:
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (Ducktales 2017)/Clover Ebi (RWBY) VS Gregor (Star Wars the Clone Wars)/Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)/Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) VS JD (Heathers the Musical)/Nathan Prescott (Life is Strange)
Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)/Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) VS Reagan Ridley (Inside Job)/Toriel Dreemur (Undertale)
Ange Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Koro Ni)/Rin Tohsaka (Fate/Stay Night) VS Max Goof (Disney)/Yakko Warner (Animaniacs)
Dimentio (Super Paper Mario)/Jevil (Deltarune) VS Astro Tenma (Astro Boy (2009))/Wilbur Robinson (Meet The Robinsons)
Damian Wayne (DC Comics)/Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug) VS Michelangelo Hamato (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)/Miles Morales (Marvel)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)/Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet) VS Jimmy Neutron (Jimmy Neutron)/Timmy Turner (Fairly Oddparents)
Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine)/Cuphead (Cuphead) VS Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo)/Samurai Jack (Samurai Jack)
Mogar (Xray and Vav)/David (Camp Camp) VS Dewey Duck (Ducktales 2017)/Whitley Schnee (RWBY)
Ash Williams (Evil Dead)/Crawford Tillinghast (From Beyond) VS Skales (Lego Ninjago)/Starscream (Transformers Prime)
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How To Train Your Dragon)/Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) VS Jane Porter (Tarzan)/Captain Amelia (Treasure Planet)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing)/Wolf O’Donnell (StarFox) VS Webby Vanderquack (Ducktales 2017)/Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Chibiusa (Sailor Moon)/Kid Trunks Briefs (Dragon Ball Z) VS Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa)/Venti (Genshin Impact)
Applejack (My Little Pony)/Hol Horse (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders) VS Jake Long (American Dragon: Jake Long)/Juniper Lee (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee)
Princess Peach (Super Mario)/Samus Aran (Metroid) VS Kefer (Egyxos)/Shiryu (Knights of the Zodiac)
Alex Mercer (Prototype)/Desmond Miles (Assassin’s Creed) VS Gandra Dee (Ducktales 2017)/Winter Schnee (RWBY)
Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)/Timothy Q. Mouse (Dumbo) VS Max (Camp Camp)/Phineas Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)/Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) VS Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony)/Shockwave (Transformers Prime)
Daffy Duck (Looney Toons)/Donald Duck (Disney) VS Commander Peepers (Wander Over Yonder)/Wilt Michaels (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends)
Jigglypuff (Pokemon)/Kirby (Kirby) VS Merida (Brave)/Rapunzel (Tangled)
Leonardo Hamato (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)/Yuichi Usagi (Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles) VS Megaman (Megaman)/Pit (Kid Icarus)
Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland)/Kanata Shinkai (Ensemble Stars) VS Adrien Agreste (Chat Noir) (Miraculous Ladybug)/Berry Shirayuki (Mew Berry) (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Ben Tennyson (Ben 10)/Rex Salazar (Generator Rex) VS Bayonetta (Bayonetta)/Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Gyro Gearloose (Ducktales 2017)/Hazel Rainart (RWBY) VS Sally “Thorn” McKnight (Scooby Doo Franchise)/Skwisgaar Skwigelf (Metalocalypse)
Blossom Utonium (Powerpuff Girls)/Dexter (Dexter’s Laboratory) VS Angus McDonald (The Adventure Zone)/Shigeo Kageyama (Mob) (Mob Psycho 100)
Selina Kyle (Catwoman) (DC Comics)/Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe) VS Apollo (Percy Jackson)/Clark Kent (Superman) (Superman)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)/Cinderella (Cinderella) VS Huey Duck (Ducktales 2017)/Wakko Warner (Animaniacs)
Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)/Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) VS Gaz Membrane (Invader Zim)/Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Sam Winchester (Supernatural)/Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) VS Phone Guy (Five Nights at Freddy’s)/Wally Franks (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Ditzy Doo (My Little Pony)/The Doctor (Doctor Who) VS Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia)/Nepeta Leijon (Homestuck)
Bowser (Super Mario)/Dr. Eggman (Sonic) VS Beastman (Masters of the Universe)/Lifeweaver (Overwatch 2)
Luca Paguro (Luca)/Maisie Brumble (The Sea Beast) VS Dewey Duck (Ducktales 2017)/Silver the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
The tournament will begin proper sometime over the following weekend (07/01 - 07/02). I should have a more specific day and time by tomorrow!
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thebettybook · 2 years
Hi!! Can I request numbers 5, 6 and the letter Q for your writing event? With a pre-dating relationship? Thank you so much if you decide to do this! No worries if not!
Thank you for your request, anon! :)
My “Fall’ing For Ya” Writing Event info and prompt list for others who may want to check it out and request :)
Update/important note 4/22/23: MC!reader is gender neutral in all of the posts for this event
5. ❛ you’re lucky that you’re cute. ❜
6. ❛ wait, you think i’m cute? ❜
Q. Shopping for fall/winter clothes with Leona
🍂 Though the Sage Island weather was still warm before the chilly fall weather would take over in a few days, Leona realized begrudgingly that he didn’t have any clothes suited for fall and winter beyond that bright-orange parka Ruggie bought him for Camp Vargas a while ago.
🍂 Leona never brought his clothes from back at the Afterglow Savannah palace to NRC (he never packed anything), and he usually relied on Ruggie to buy clothes for him whenever it was necessary.
🍂 It was Saturday, so Leona figured that he could tell Ruggie to go to the Sage Island village and buy clothes for him.
🍂 “Oi, Ruggie,” Leona approached Ruggie in their dorm’s hallway. “Go buy me some clothes.”
🍂 “Eh? I’m busy with your chores today,” Ruggie carried a bin overflowing with Leona’s dirty laundry. “Y’know, Y/N mentioned that they’re planning to go shopping for fall and winter clothes later today. Why don’t you join them?”
🍂 Ruggie sometimes ate lunch with you, Ace, Deuce, Grim, Epel and Jack when he had the chance. Not only did the hyena do so to get a chance to steal more food, but also, it was fun seeing you get visibly flustered just at the mention of Leona’s name.
🍂 Ruggie expected Leona to say “No” or “Just buy me clothes tomorrow.” Instead Leona yawned and said, “Alright. Hold down the fort for me while I’m gone.”
🍂 Ruggie snickered as Leona made his way to the dorm’s mirror portal. “Shishishi, you owe me one, Leona.”
🍂 Minutes later, Leona arrived at your doorstep and knocked on the Ramshackle dorm’s door.
🍂 “Leona?” you opened the door, your eyes widening to see Leona here and awake on a Saturday.
🍂 You were just about to leave for the Sage Island village’s outlet mall. Grim didn’t want to come; the cat demon wanted to sleep in.
🍂 “Hey,” Leona leaned against the door frame, his bare arms crossed against his sleeveless black leather jacket. “Ruggie told me you’re gonna go shopping for warmer clothes later. I need warmer clothes too, so can I come with?”
🍂 “Of course!” you beamed up at him. “What are you planning to buy specifically?”
🍂 “Nothin’ much, probably just a couple of sweaters and jackets to keep me warm,” Leona answered. “What about you?”
🍂 “Warmer pajamas, coats, sweaters,” you ticked off with your fingers as you and Leona walked out of Ramshackle and onto the main cobblestone walkway of NRC. “And little coats for Grim, too.”
🍂 The two of you strolled out of NRC and to the TWST (Twisted Wonderland System of Transportation) bus stop right outside the school. Leona was used to the bus since he took it whenever NRC had a Magift tournament at RSA.
🍂 One bus ride later, the two of you arrived at Sage Island village’s outlet mall, which contained a variety of shops, cafes and restaurants.
🍂 You and Leona entered a popular gender-inclusive and size-inclusive clothing store at the front of the outlet that Cater recommended to you. The shop contained endless gold racks of clothing in every color.
🍂 Leona didn’t care much for fashion and shopping. He also didn’t care if a clothing item was expensive or not as long as it allowed him to move comfortably and it didn’t itch. However, Leona didn’t leave your side as you combed through the racks.
🍂 You easily found stuff for yourself, but Leona was terrible at choosing clothes for himself. He didn’t know his exact size because he always had other people tailor his clothes for him, so you told him to go try on the sweaters and long-sleeved tops you found for him to see what would fit.
🍂 He looked handsome in everything he tried on. Emerging from his dressing room for what felt like the millionth time, Leona stubbornly tugged on the neck of a black turtleneck sweater that fit him perfectly and made him look like an actor. “It’s suffocating,” Leona grumbled, learning that he wasn’t a fan of turtlenecks.
🍂 “Ooh, how about this cardigan?” you pulled out an emerald cardigan in Leona’s size and held it up to him once he emerged from the dressing room again. Leona was relieved to be back in his Savanaclaw dorm uniform. “It matches your eyes.”
🍂 Leona took the cardigan, only because you said it matched his eyes. He put it on, enjoying the softness of the cardigan.
🍂 Leona only liked the emerald cardigan, some black long-sleeved shirts, a gray windbreaker jacket, and a thick brown wool coat out of all the things you picked out for him.
🍂 Shopping with Leona was more fun than you thought it would be. He would make snarky remarks at some of the trendier clothing items, such as, “The hell’s a bodysuit?” or “What’s the point of a crop top and why would people wear it when it’s cold outside?”
🍂 “Maybe you should try on a crop top and find out,” you grinned mischievously, earning a cat-like hiss from Leona.
🍂 As you looked through the toddler’s section to find a raincoat for Grim, Leona turned to the racks to see if he could find something for you.
🍂 His sharp eyes landed on this red Christmas sweater with multicolored string lights woven into its fabric and silver tinsel dangling from the sleeves. The sweater was also embroidered with Santa Claus and his reindeers on the front.
🍂 Like your world, Twisted Wonderland liked to capitalize on Christmas right after Halloween.
🍂 “Hey, herbivore,” Leona held up the sweater and smirked. “How about this for ya?”
🍂 You matched his smirk and replied, “How about you get one too so we can match?”
🍂 As you approached the pajamas section, some lion onesies caught your eye. “Leona, look at these!” you pulled out two lion onesies in your and Leona’s sizes.
🍂 Leona held up the lion onesie you handed him. “I’m insulted,” he frowned at the fluffy caramel-colored lion onesie with cartoonish lion ears and a tail on the back.
🍂 “I’m gonna try it on,” you went to one of the dressing rooms as Leona plopped down on one of the shop’s plush couches.
🍂 If there was one thing Leona learned about shopping that day, it was that shopping got physically tiring real fast with all the walking and standing. However, Leona also found shopping fun with your company.
🍂 After a few minutes, you emerged from your dressing room in your full lion onesie glory.
🍂 “You’re looking at the next dorm leader of Savanaclaw,” you joked, doing a full spin with the onesie’s lion tail. Jokes aside, the onesie was really soft and warm. It was perfect for wearing during cold nights.
🍂 “Pfft, I’d like to see you try living in Savanaclaw for a day,” Leona smirked in amusement, resting his chin in his palm.
🍂 “Hey, I could if I wanted to,” you put your hands on your hips, but the onesie didn’t make you look intimidating to Leona at all. Instead, he found you quite adorable. “You should try the onesie on, too, Leona.”
🍂 “A lion in a lion onesie?” Leona deadpanned, yet he still had the onesie you picked out for him in his hands along with his other clothes.
🍂 “Pleeeease,” you pouted at Leona for good measure. “We could match.”
🍂 Your pout was all it took for Leona to stand up and make his way to the empty dressing room next to yours. “You’re lucky that you’re cute,” Leona mumbled as he closed his dressing room door.
🍂 “Wait, you think I’m cute?” your eyes widened in shock despite Leona already being in his dressing room.
🍂 Inside his dressing room, Leona face-palmed himself at the fact that he said that you were cute out loud. As he pulled on the lion onesie, he had to admit that it was really soft.
🍂 When he came out of his dressing room in the lion onesie, you couldn’t contain your giggles. The buff, intimidating lion beastman leader of Savanaclaw was indeed wearing a lion onesie.
🍂 “You’re cute, too,” you grinned at Leona, who’s grumpy expression contrasted the cute lion onesie on him. His own lion ears flattened against the hood of the onesie.
🍂 “Hmph,” Leona grumped, yet a smile fought its way onto his face at being called “cute” by you. He also made no move to return to his dressing room and change out of the onesie.
🍂 After much convincing, you managed to take a selfie with Leona with the two of you in the onesies (he made you promise that you would never show the picture to anyone). The two of you then changed back to your normal clothes and finalized the clothing items that each of you would buy.
🍂 “You’re buying the onesie?” you inquired, shocked that Leona wanted to buy it.
🍂 “Why not? It’s comfy,” Leona patted the lion onesie that rested on top of the other clothes on his arm as the two of you went to the cash register.
🍂 “Are you paying together or separate?” The cashier smiled at you and Leona.
🍂 “Separate,” you and Leona answered at the same time. You giggled at that, while Leona chuckled.
🍂 Before you could step forward to pay for your and Grim’s stuff first, Leona took your lion onesie from your hands.
🍂 “Lemme pay for your onesie,” Leona stepped forward to dump all of his clothes on the cash register’s desk. He neatly put his onesie and your onesie on top.
🍂 “No,” you shook your head. “I can afford it.”
🍂 Leona, who already gave the cashier his luxury credit card, turned back to face you. “Think of it as a thank you for helping me pick out my clothes today,” Leona winked at you. “Plus, you can treat me to lunch later.”
🍂 The cashier began folding Leona’s clothes neatly into a recyclable bag. “Excellent choice on the onesies. They’re popular among couples.”
🍂 “We’re not a couple.” you and Leona corrected the cashier at the same time with flustered expressions. Realizing that you both said the same thing at the same time, you and Leona glanced at each other only to both look away swiftly.
🍂 “Uh-huh,” the cashier mused, unconvinced. The cashier handed Leona his bag of clothes and you stepped forward to pay for your own clothes.
🍂 Everything you needed to buy for yourself and Grim was pretty affordable, and you had saved up more than enough to buy all these clothes. Plus, Crowley recently gave you an allowance because 1. He was technically responsible for you and 2. He said the allowance was from “the endless kindness of his heart.”
🍂 After paying for your clothes, you left the store with Leona. It was about 1 p.m., a good time for lunch.
🍂 “Are you hungry?” you asked Leona, who gave you your wrapped-up lion onesie and then checked his phone to see if Ruggie or Jack texted him about anything Savanaclaw-related.
🍂 “Yeah,” Leona replied as he switched his phone off.
🍂 “Ooh, let’s go check out this cafe in the outlet that Cater told me about,” you suggested. “They have some meat dishes, too. Cater said the cafe’s popular so we should hurry.”
🍂 “Alright,” Leona agreed. As the two of you walked through the outlet, you both noticed that more people crowded the outlet since the two of you arrived.
🍂 People shuffled and bumped past you and Leona. “Hey,” Leona took your hand in his. “Hold my hand so we don’t lose each other.”
🍂 “Ok,” you glanced down at Leona’s hand. You shifted your hand slightly to intertwine your fingers with his so that you wouldn’t be able to lose each other. Leona’s hand was slightly rough since he never used lotion, but you didn’t mind one bit.
🍂 Leona almost stopped in his tracks when he felt your fingers intertwining with his. It felt like the two of you were a couple on a date, and he liked the thought of that.
🍂 A light breeze swept through the outlet to signal the start of fall, and Leona was glad to have your hand keeping his warm as the two of you continued your unofficial date.
Little notes:
🍓 A lil bit of world building, but I like to think that the TWST world has a public transportation system named TWST, which stands for “Twisted Wonderland System of Transportation.”
🍓A little post-story headcanon: Leona likes to wear the lion onesie around the dorm, so his Savanaclaw underclassman and even Jack now think that onesies are trendy and got onesies for themselves, too. Ruggie couldn’t stop laughing when he first saw Leona wearing that lion onesie.
🍓I don’t own any of the characters I mention or write about; they belong to their original and respective creators.
🍓All content on this blog is created by me, @thebettybook. Do not modify, claim, repost or translate my work onto this platform and any other platform.
🍓Reblogs are appreciated. Want to read Leona romance fluff? Check out my masterlist
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fushic0re · 2 years
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happy winter everyone! i promised to have a sleepover about a month ago once finals season was over, so here we are — grab your favorite winter beverage and some snacks, get into your pajamas, and let's get cozy! ⋆♡⁎
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you must be 18+ to participate. my blog is not for minors. ✧ please ONLY send me asks about characters that i write for. the list of characters i write for is here & is always up to date. asks centered around characters i don't write for will be ignored.
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⋆✧⁎ cast your mutuals
⋆✧⁎ fuck, marry, kill: send me 3 characters and i'll tell you whether i'd fuck, marry, or kill them.
⋆✧⁎ let's talk fics: ask me questions/talk to me about the fics i've written, au ideas, and all things fanfiction.
⋆✧⁎ q&a hour: ask me a question and i'll answer it in form of a voice note.
⋆✧⁎ winter wonderland: what winter activities would your fav character do with you? do you have any traditions with them?
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─ no pressure tags! ♡
@stargirlfics @geniedetails @sunflowerxbarnes @sunmoonandeddie @sunflowersteves @astrorogers @inklore @speechlessxx @artsynellyyy @cocoamoonmalfoy @fleurfairie @thedevilwearsvibranium @avaleineandafryingpan @wint3r-h3art @rodrikstark @angrythingstarlight @superhoeva @sapphireplums @straywords @targaryenvampireslayer @emerald-evans @galatially
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exoluxionlove · 1 year
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230622 Seoul Subway & Travels As Seen Through the Eyes of SUHO
Many cities around the world have their own metro systems, but the one in Seoul is exceptional. The subway system in Seoul is the most tourist-friendly means of transportation. The Seoul Metropolitan Subway system, which helps tourists save time and energy, will be explored in the company of SUHO, the leader of boy band favorite, EXO.
SUHO, known for his meticulous planning, has curated a special travel course called the SUHO Line for those exploring Seoul. The SUHO Line encompasses various popular destinations in Seoul that SUHO frequents or aspires to visit, all easily accessible via the subway system. Before revealing the SUHO Line, let’s learn more about his typical day in Seoul and what he loves to do in this city.
Q. Where have you traveled to lately?
A. I went to the States for work a few days last year. I was there for about five days after shooting a TV show. I also went to Australia to shoot Besties in Wonderland.
* SUHO gave a presentation at the Korean Studies conference at Stanford University.
Q. Before we get started, what’s your MBTI personality type?
A. I'm ENFJ. I'm extroverted, and I like meeting people. And I love planning (laughter). I like talking to strangers, too. I’m a typical ENFJ.
Q. What are your latest hobbies or interests?
A. I really got into wines about two years ago. I don’t drink wine to get drunk. I guess I'm more of an avid learner. I try to write tasting notes whenever I drink wine, and I like to find new wines that I have never tried before. I'm still learning a lot about wines and enjoy drinking at places with a great atmosphere.
Q. It seems you like to experience new things.
A. I love discovering and learning new things. That’s why I got into wine. Oh, the weather has warmed up now. So, I promised Kai I’d go on a bike ride at Hangang Park soon.
Q. Do you like being active?
A. Yes, I like to stay active. But I'm not really into vigorous sports. I like roaming around to experience things myself.
Q. If you’re into wine, do you sometimes drink alone?
A. I rarely drink by myself. Instead, I watch YouTube videos on wine. Sometimes, I find some wines that look interesting in some of the videos. Then, I try to find places where I can taste those wines. I don’t tend to drink alone, so I call my friends to come and drink with me.
Q. You’re particularly known for the "J" of your MBTI type. To what extent do you plan ahead?
A. I mostly use Instagram to communicate with my fans and post images to become my photo diary later. I pick a few places I’d like to visit whenever I travel. Then, I search hashtags related to those places and see so many pictures uploaded by others. I capture some images that I think have good composition, and I pick the outfit I will wear when I go there. That’s how much I plan ahead (laughter).
Q. Is there a favorite shop of yours?
A. I usually shop online, or I go to select shops in Cheongdam-dong. I want to try out some of the vintage shops as well. I want to visit the vintage shop, Opal, that Chan-hyuk visited on the show, I Live Alone. I’ll pay a visit one day.
Q. Which one do you prefer more, dining or street bar?
A. It depends on my mood, but I prefer street bars when I’m in Korea.
Q. Would you visit street bars when you’re traveling?
A. Definitely. But it isn’t easy to be in public when I’m in Korea.
Q. You will be in public with us though (laughter).
A. It’s certainly easier if I’m shooting.
Q. When was the last time you took the subway?
A. I ride buses sometimes, but the last time I took the subway was three or four years ago in Japan. In Korea, the winter of 2012 was the last time I took the subway.
Q. Is there a part of Seoul you visit often or particularly like?
A. I often go to Cheongdam-dong or Sinsa-dong. I’ve been going to Seongsu-dong a lot lately. Samcheong-dong is a place I’d go for exhibitions and cafes.
Q. What is your favorite food?
A. Burgers. Specially handcrafted burgers. A burger can actually be a healthy food. There are carbs, protein, and veggies. You can ask them to custom make your burger to be less salty and whatnot. I really like this place called Zesty Saloon in Seongsu-dong.
Q. Do you enjoy taking pictures?
A. I can guarantee I’ll take the best picture of someone in less than a minute. Some people take good pictures of you without you actually posing or noticing. And I'm certainly that person. I wish my friends would take good pictures of me when I'm sitting at a bus stop or something, but they don’t (laughter). I have to ask them to take pictures for me, and I pretend I don’t notice them. When I share the pictures I took with my friends, most of them get surprised because they like how they look.
Q. How about you taking pictures of other tourists this time?
A. That’s actually a good idea. I really do take good pictures. I took pictures of Jiyeon Lim when we were in Australia shooting Besties in Wonderland, and she loved them. She posted a lot of them on her social media. Everyone likes pictures where they look good in them (laughter). I can quickly fill anyone’s Instagram feed with my pictures.
Q. Are there any parts of Seoul you’d like to discover?
A. Oh! I was always curious about those people who ride skateboards at Hangang Park. It looks really interesting. I'm quite good at inline skating, but I’ve never tried skateboarding. I want to try those outdoor rock-climbing walls, too.
Q. So, the keywords of SUHO Line will be “pictures, Hangang, shopping, and must-eat places.”
A. I guess so. I can’t wait to find out (laughter).
Everyone has different tastes when traveling, but we all like encountering something new. Starting from June 22 until July 13, the Seoul Tourism Organization's official YouTube channel, VisitSeoul TV. will release a new episode every Thursday of the SUHO Line series that features a special travel course curated by SUHO, with the theme focused on unveiling hidden gems. Spot the undiscovered charms of Seoul through the SUHO Line series.
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Tag Game: First 10 Lines Challenge
Thanks for tagging me, @curator-on-ao3 😘
The game is to share the first lines of the last 10 stories you wrote. So here goes!
1. “Set temporal coordinates.”
- Euridice - Rated E, Voyager fic, Year of Hell Unaltered Timeline (J/C, C/P, B/7, some J/P undercurrents too)
2. “So… you’ll take anything I offered, would you?” The Terran Captain’s voice was sultry, almost purring as she ran her tail up the inside of his leg.
- Lost in a Hall of Mirrors - Rated T, Prodigy fic, Threshold AU moment from Cracked Mirror (J/C)
3. Captains Log, Star Date 52160: We’re docked at the Berudian Orbital Shipyard today for much needed repairs after our experiment with slipstream technology. 
- Lost and Found - Rated T, Voyager fic for Maliciousalice Birthday, a Threshold AU story set in Season 5. (background J/C)
4. Captain Janeway held her breath as she ordered Kim to lock onto the single life sign in Val Jean ’s cockpit.
- Five Catches and a Fall - Rated T, Voyager Fic, five J/C oneshots spanning the series run.
5. The arrival home had been stressful on them all, but none more so than Kathryn  who had to submit to a barrage of tests from medical as part of their debriefing.
- Brumating in a Winter Wonderland - Rated T - Voyager fic - Threshold AU of the arrival home. (J/C)
6. Janeway looked longingly at her replicator as she got dressed for the day. - All the Little Things
- Rated G - Voyager fic - a J/C oneshot set early in the series.
7. How quickly things could change, Kathryn mused as she cradled her infant son Liam to her breast.
- For Just one Day Let's Only Think About Love - Rated T, Voyager Books fic - Threshold AU take on the ending of To Lose the Earth (J/C, background P/T)
8. “Ah Captain,” Jellico welcomed Tuvok into his office, gesturing for him to sit in the open chair, beside Commander Tysses. “Thank you for coming.”
  - The Timepast - Rated T - Prodigy fic - a Shakespeare-inspired farce AU of J/C's reunion and Chakotay's rescue. (J/C, D/G, Adreek/Tysses)
9. The roast was burnt, as usual, but that didn't bother him. In fact it was the very reason they now found themselves in this delightful situation...
- No Captain Here; No Commander Either - Rated E - Voyager fic - J/C smut.
10. It was a bad day to be Q. - Universe to Mend
- Rated M - Prodigy/Voyager Books fic - a novel set after To Lose the Earth, featuring Q, Pocket Full of Lies' Denzit Janeway, and Prodigy's Hologram Janeway on a new adventure. (J/Q and J/C)
Analysis: I tend to open with dialogue, with a characters thought or log, or with some kind of very quick statement about the setting. just throwing you right into the action usually. I'm kinda okay with that!
I'm gonna tag (and im sorry if i forget anyone) @trekflower @pc-corner @jellybeansarecool @emilie786 @divinemissem13 @theredheadedcaptain @nonadhesiveness @coffee-in-that-nebula @cnrothtrek if yall would like to play and anyone else who wants too, feel free to do your own!
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Hello and Welcome to the Tea Party! ☕️🫖
As stated in the mini bio, I’m 1/2 American, 1/2 Italian (si, parlo tutte due lingue ☺️). I’m also a huge Disney and Marvel fan. I used to be a huge super fan of Star Wars, but I left the fandom after Disney bought it. I still love most of it and celebrate May 4th, I’m just not active in it. I’m a big history buff, preferring to stay in the 1600-1790’s, mainly the Golden Age of Piracy and the American Revolution. I LOVE dragons (kind of an unhealthy obsession at this point, but you can never have enough dragons in my opinion) and am a big fan of the Eragon series. Recently, I’ve started to get more into book fandoms such as ACOTAR, TOG, FBAA, Fourth Wing, etc., so you might see me lurking over in those areas. However, I tend to bounce back and forth between different fandoms depending on my mood. I am over 21, but I would prefer not to disclose my age.
To clarify, I’m not a fanfic writer, but I am an avid fanfic reader. Please do not expect me to post stuff, I’m mostly using this account to be able to connect better with the fandoms that I am a part of.
As mean as it sounds, I will block people who have nothing more than a profile pic because of the scary amount of bots there are on this platform. It’s nothing personal, I’m just watching out for my own safety. Hence why I’m posting this; to let authors know that I am real and I unfortunately do exist in the real world (please send me to a different universe, I beg you 🙏🏽).
That being said, here are the fandoms that I am a part of with the characters that I will read fanfics for (most of them being character x reader format because I apparently have no self control 🤷🏽‍♀️):
Bucky Barnes/Winter Solider
Namor (both comic and MCU versions)
Loki Laufeyson/Odinson
Warren Worthington III/Angel
Piotr Rasputin/Colossus
Pirates of the Caribbean
Commodore James Norrington
Lieutenant Theodore Groves
Lieutenant Andrew Gillette (yes, I’m using that version of his name, because I prefer it)
Turn: Washington’s Spies
Major Ben Tallmadge
Major John Andre
Once Upon A Time
Jefferson/Mad Hatter
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Lucien Vanserra
Eris Vanserra
Here are movies, fandoms, and characters that I absolutely love, but don’t read fanfics for:
Treasure Planet
Robin Hood
Peter Pan—Captain Hook is one of my absolute favorites
Alice in Wonderland—The Mad Hatter being my favorite, but the Mad Tea Party scene is my absolute favorite 💙🫖☕️
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Zorro—The Guy Williams version is my absolute favorite. I always love seeing fellow Italians (in this case, fellow Ito-Americans) on the silver screen. 💚🤍❤️
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang—I will not accept critiques about this beautiful and uplifting masterpiece. Grandpa Potts is my favorite 🤣
James Bond—I’m here for Q. Desmond Llewyn was absolutely brilliant (fun fact, he was in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as well); I totally don’t recite the line about the grenade pen all the time. Ben Whishaw is at a very close second.
Austenland—Fantastic. I watch this every time I need a good laugh.
The Eragon Book Series—I refuse to watch the movie, as this is my all time favorite book and book series and I don’t want to ruin it for myself. Favorite characters being Angela, Murtagh, Sapphira, Solembum, Eragon, and Brom. I will occasionally read Murtagh x reader fanfics, but there are so few of them, that I read most of them years ago.
Harry Potter Series—Both books and movies. I also like the Fantastic Beast series. I’m going to be blatantly honest; I’m here for the dragons and Charlie Weasley. Don’t get me wrong, I love the stories and what not, but I have a giant fangirl moment every time he’s mentioned, in the stories, and/or I see dragons. I’m kind of like Lampie from Pete’s Dragon, except I get super excited about dragons, as they are my absolute favorites. 🐉
Hook—As stated with Peter Pan, one of my favorite characters of all time is Captain Hook. Dustin Hoffman was absolutely brilliant in this and I love the idea of Captain Hook facing an adult version of Peter. One of my favorite adaptations of the classic story. 🥹
The American Revolution—Not any film or story in particular, but I do love learning anything I can about the conflict and love the period. The exception to this is the TURN: Washington’s Spies series; I LOVE this series. Definitely my favorite TV series of all time. Hamilton the musical is fine, however I don’t care for Hamilton as a person, so it’s weird for me watching an entire production about him (he was pretty nasty in real life). King George was the only thing I really liked about it. Banastre Tarleton and the Culper Spy Ring are the two big things that I will devour information about the most as they are the most fascinating for me. If it weren’t for the fact that I am broke and don’t have time, I would absolutely join the re-enacting community for this time period.
The Golden Age of Piracy—As stated, I am a big fan of this time period. It spans a pretty long time time (most sources put it between 1690-1720, but there are many events that led to this giant boom and they started long before then), but I my favorite pirate/privateer out of all of them is Benjamin Hornigold. He was such a fascinating person and out of all of the pirates that are most famous, I would argue that he stuck to his moral code the most. Otherwise, same as American Rev; besides Pirates of the Caribbean, I don’t have any stories or films in particular. Black Sails is ok and Our Flag Means Death is hilarious, but I have a problem where I start screaming at the screen about how inaccurate it is (mostly with Black Sails. Out of all the things you could mess up, it shouldn’t be that hard to not mess up one of the biggest things in history that is associated with the start of the rise of piracy in the Caribbean, but apparently I’ve been proved incorrectly) 🤷🏽‍♀️.
Thank you for reading my long, extensive bio about myself. Feel free to tag me in any of the works listed above, I am pretty good at reading it, liking it, and placing a comment within a timely manner.
In the mean time, I hope you enjoyed your tea! 🫖☕️ Please pass me the McVities before you leave. 🍪
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The Underrated Beauty of Winter in Allentown, PA
Winter often gets a bad rap. The bitter cold, icy roads, and endless snow can make it seem like a season to be endured rather than celebrated. But hidden beneath the layers of frost and snow is a beauty that is often overlooked. In Allentown, PA, winter transforms the city into a magical wonderland, with picturesque scenes and unique experiences that can only be found during this time of year. In this article, we will delve into the underrated beauty of winter in Allentown, PA and discover why it is a season worth embracing.
The Underrated Beauty of Winter in Allentown, PA - A Snowy Wonderland House cleaning services near me
Allentown, PA is no stranger to snow. Nestled in the Lehigh Valley region, this charming city receives an average annual snowfall of 32 inches. The snow-covered landscape creates a picturesque scene that seems straight out of a postcard. From the historic downtown area to the surrounding parks and nature reserves, every corner of Allentown becomes a winter wonderland during the colder months.
Exploring Downtown Allentown in Winter
Walking through downtown Allentown during winter feels like stepping into a fairytale. The city streets are adorned with twinkling lights and festive decorations, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Take a stroll along Hamilton Street and admire the beautifully decorated storefronts or grab a cup of hot cocoa from one of the local cafes and enjoy it while watching the snowflakes fall gently to the ground.
Winter Activities for Outdoor Enthusiasts
For those who love outdoor activities, winter in Allentown offers plenty of opportunities for adventure. Lace up your skates and head to one of the local ice skating rinks for some fun on the ice. Whether you're an experienced skater or just starting out, gliding across the frozen surface is a thrilling experience that can't be matched.
If skiing or snowboarding is more your style, Bear Creek Mountain Resort is just local cleaning services a short drive away. With 86 acres of skiable terrain and 21 trails, it's the perfect destination for winter sports enthusiasts. Strap on your gear and hit the slopes for an adrenaline-pumping day in the snow.
Embracing the Serenity of Winter Parks
Allentown boasts several beautiful parks that take on a whole new level of tranquility during winter. Lehigh Parkway, with its winding creek and towering trees, becomes a serene oasis covered in a blanket of white. Take a leisurely stroll along the park's trails and immerse yourself in the peacefulness of nature.
FAQs About Winter in Allentown, PA
Q: What is the best time to visit Allentown, PA during winter?
A: The best time to visit Allentown, PA during winter is typically between December and February when snowfall is at its peak.
Q: Are there any winter festivals or events in Allentown?
A: Yes, Allentown hosts several winter festivals and events, including the Christkindlmarkt Bethlehem and Lights in the Parkway.
Q: Can I go hiking in Allentown during winter?
A: Yes, hiking opportunities are available even during winter. Just make sure to dress warmly and wear appropriate footwear for icy conditions.
Q: Are there any indoor attractions in Allentown for those who prefer to stay out of the cold?
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seongminiz · 1 month
i’m kinda bad at chatting/small talk but i can try to send some random q’s if ur interested? if any of them ur not interested in answering pls feel free to just ignore!!
1) what is ur dream sonny angel figure?🤭👼
2) if u could only drink one drink other than water for the rest of ur life what would it be? no nutrional repercussions!! just based on taste lol
3) if u were a cat, what colour/breed do u think would suit ur personality most?
4) what is an activity you’ve really been enjoying lately? can be anything as long as it’s enjoyable!
5) if someone came to u and said “i want to stan cravity, help me!” which music video would you recommend them to watch first?
i hope these are okay!! no pressure to respond at all<3
- 🧁 anon
lmaooo sorry i just . fell asleep after i posted asking for asks (? lol)
1) mhhh idk bc theres soooo many but my fav ones r the strawberry one , honestly all the sea creatures ones but especially the seal n the starfish , from the dino collection the brachiosaurus , from the home sweet home collection the baking treats one n the sleepy time one , the bear from the 2023 winter wonderland collection , i already have the red tabby from the cat life collection but i rlly want the lucky pink one ! i also already have the normal rabbit hipper but i like the aries rabbit n the sheep from the hipper dreammind series , also the tangerine from the jeju series !! n the alien from the space adventure collection (thats a lot lmao n theres probably more)
2) mhhh no nutritional repercussions ? tbh i love water a lot like i just like drinking it butttt if there were no health repercussions either maybe the pink monster energy or melon bubble tea lol
3) aaaaa honestly idk bc i just dont know much abt cats ! but just based on looks i'd say one of those big ass cats with a lot of hair that look rlly pretty (ragdolls ? i think ?)
4) mhhh i've been designing some kpop freebies ! mostly for when i see tbz but also for other groups if i just find a pic i like . n also playing a lot of the sims n dress to impress n some minecraft lol
5) OK SO if it was someone who likes brighter songs/concepts i'd say adrenaline , cheese or groovy , if its someone who likes darker concepts probably vvv , megaphone , flame or love or die . n then i'd put them at gunpoint n force them to watch vivid :3
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jazzlrsposts · 3 months
Unique Christmas Outfit Ideas for Women
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As the holiday season approaches, it's time to elevate your festive wardrobe with unique Christmas outfit ideas for women. Whether you're attending a cozy family gathering or a glamorous holiday party, these outfit inspirations will have you looking fabulous and spreading joy. Let's explore the world of festive fashion and make this Christmas one to remember.
Festive Elegance: Embrace Timeless Classics
Classic Red Elegance: Unleash the timeless charm of Christmas with a classic red ensemble. A red dress paired with statement accessories is a foolproof way to radiate elegance and capture the spirit of the season.
Winter Wonderland White: Step into a winter wonderland with an all-white outfit. A stylish white coat or a chic sweater paired with white trousers creates a sophisticated and angelic look, perfect for any holiday event.
Trendy Twists: Modern Christmas Fashion
Sequins and Sparkle: Add a touch of glamour to your Christmas celebration with sequins and sparkle. A sequined skirt or a sparkling top paired with understated accessories can make you the shining star of the party.
Velvet Allure: Velvet is a winter favorite, and Christmas is no exception. Opt for a velvet jumpsuit or a luxurious velvet dress to exude opulence and embrace the festive vibes.
Comfort and Style: Casual Christmas Chic
Festive Sweater Weather: Combine comfort and style with a festive Christmas sweater. Whether adorned with reindeer or classic snowflakes, a cozy sweater paired with jeans ensures you're snug and stylish throughout the celebrations.
Jumpsuit Joy: Experience the freedom of movement with a Christmas-themed jumpsuit. Choose one with playful patterns or holiday-inspired prints for a laid-back yet chic look.
Unique Christmas Outfit Ideas for Women
Scandinavian Knitwear Extravaganza: Embrace the warmth of Scandinavian knitwear with a cozy Christmas sweater. Paired with leggings or skinny jeans, this ensemble radiates comfort and festive charm.
This festive season, elevate your style with unique Christmas outfit ideas for women. From timeless classics to trendy modern looks, there's a perfect ensemble for every celebration. Embrace the joy of the season and spread holiday cheer with your fabulous and festive fashion choices.
Q: Can I wear a summer dress for a Christmas party?
Absolutely! Consider layering it with a stylish cardigan or jacket to make it winter-appropriate.
Q: What accessories complement a classic red Christmas dress?
Opt for gold or silver accessories to add a touch of sophistication and match the festive spirit.
Q: Are sequins suitable for daytime Christmas events?
Yes, but choose a subtle sequined piece and pair it with neutral tones to maintain a balanced and festive look.
Q: Can I mix patterns in my Christmas outfit?
Certainly! Just ensure that the patterns complement each other and don't clash.
Q: What shoes go well with a velvet dress?
Opt for heels in metallic tones or deep jewel colors to enhance the luxurious feel of the velvet.
Q: How can I accessorize a Christmas-themed jumpsuit?
Keep it simple with statement earrings and a clutch, letting the jumpsuit take center stage.
About our Online Store
Jazzlr is an online e-commerce store for women’s distinctive clothing, with a focus on day-to-day fashion and lifestyle. In 2021, we started our first online store, which soon became a successful concept, and now we have hundreds of happy customers. Jazzlr aims to offer a variety of fashionable women’s clothing and accessories, including dresses, shorts, pants, tops, jumpsuits, and many more, at affordable prices to meet the needs of different customers. We have women’s clothing in styles ranging from modest to provocative, covering a wide range of ages and occasions. We at Jazzlr strive to not only offer the best customer service in the business, but also provide the hottest and most unique fashion apparel you will ever find.
Talk To Us
Got Questions?
Call us +91 9999097979
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deforetresort · 4 months
Winter Enchantment: December Delights at De Foret Resort
Embrace the magic of winter at De Foret Resort, where December unfolds a tapestry of delights. In this enchanting season, our resort transforms into a wonderland, offering a blend of warmth, luxury, and festive cheer. Let's delve into the winter wonders awaiting you at De Foret.
Snowy Serenity in Havelock
December brings a touch of cool serenity to Havelock Island, and De Foret Resort is the perfect canvas to witness this beauty. With lush greenery harmonizing with a hint of winter chill, the landscape becomes a haven for those seeking a unique holiday experience.
Warm Welcome at De Foret Resort
As you step into De Foret Resort, you're greeted with the warmth that contrasts the December chill outside. Our welcoming staff ensures your check-in is seamless, offering you a taste of the hospitality that makes De Foret stand out.
Cozy Retreats for Winter Nights
De Foret Resort rooms cozy accommodations, designed to be your retreat from the winter cold. Each room is adorned with plush furnishings and equipped with modern amenities, ensuring a snug haven after a day of exploring.
Culinary Delights: Winter Menu Unveiled
Our culinary team at De Foret Resort crafts a winter menu that mirrors the season's charm. Indulge in heartwarming dishes that showcase local flavors and international cuisines. From soul-soothing soups to decadent desserts, each bite is a celebration of winter.
Winter-Inspired Mocktails at the Bar
The resort's bar introduces a curated selection of winter-inspired mocktails. Sip on these delightful concoctions as you unwind by the fireplace or enjoy the breathtaking views of the winter landscape from our lounge area.
Spa Haven: Rejuvenate in Winter
December is the ideal time to pamper yourself, and De Foret Resort's spa is ready to offer a haven of relaxation. Our skilled therapists bring you rejuvenating treatments that align with the tranquility of the season.
Bonfires and Tranquil Walks
De Foret Resort takes advantage of the cooler weather to host bonfires. Gather around with fellow guests, feel the warmth of the fire, and enjoy the starlit sky. For those seeking a quieter evening, tranquil walks along the beach offer a serene escape.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is December a good time to visit Havelock Island?
A: Yes, December is an excellent time to visit Havelock Island. The weather is cool and pleasant, making it ideal for exploring the outdoors.
Q: What makes De Foret Resort unique in winter?
A: De Foret Resort creates a winter wonderland experience, offering cozy accommodations, winter-inspired culinary delights, and special activities like beach bonfires.
Q: Are the winter-themed mocktails available throughout December?
A: Yes, the winter-inspired mocktails are part of the seasonal menu at the resort's bar, available for guests to enjoy throughout December.
Q: How can guests unwind at De Foret Resort in December?
A: Guests can unwind by participating in beach bonfires, taking tranquil walks along the shore, and indulging in rejuvenating spa treatments.
Q: Is there a dress code for the winter evenings at De Foret Resort?
A: While there is no strict dress code, guests are encouraged to bring layers to stay comfortable during cooler evenings.
Q: What activities are available for families during December?
A: De Foret Resort offers family-friendly activities, including festive dinners, movie nights, and special events to make the December stay memorable for families.
Winter at De Foret Resort is a symphony of enchantment, offering guests a unique blend of warmth, luxury, and festive cheer. Whether you seek relaxation at the spa, indulge in winter-inspired culinary delights, or simply enjoy beach bonfires, De Foret is your haven in Havelock Island. Embrace the December delights and create lasting memories in this winter wonderland.
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lightvsdark18 · 7 months
Damien's time in Twisted Wonderland #2
(Instead of summarizing every book, I'll point out the important details or funny moments to make it easier. Used Mewshi Q's playthrough)
Book 4
He became sad, he wanted to see his family and spend the winter with them. Then grew more sad at Grim.
Glared at Crowley, and didn't believe his word at all.
Finally, a phone!
There was no trust towards the twins.
He felt something off about Jamil. "Grim, I think we should head back to our dorm."
Whiplash from the genuine friendliness.
Lost his appetite.
"I feel unsure on how to read him as."
On the inside he tried to comprehend what he was looking at. On the outside 😐
You can see the fear in his eyes only.
"Not happening." Got up to leave and students dragged him back.
"I should be the one saying that considering I still have a broken rib." "I guess."
"I was going to tell him no, but something made me say yes."
He was going to kill Crowley.
"Make me." Dragged out of the room.
"I don't have magic, and why should I listen to you?"
"And that is?" "Digging, with a spoon? We're doomed."
He hated this dorm.
"Hold on, let me set my organs back in place."
Screamed through the dorm and the portal.
Curled up on the floor in pain from unhealed rib.
"Help us out, please."
"Come on, we're poor as it is."
He didn't like the sus trio getting involved.
"Then why am I called shrimpy?"
Damien vs Azul, who will win?
Luckily he's an overprotective older brother.
"I do not feel comfortable sleeping in the same room with you three."
Finally, he got a break!
"! The hell?"
He felt a bit bad for them both.
Fist fought the students.
Curled up in pain again.
Big brother mode on.
This will be a crazy story he can tell his sisters.
"We are nothing but dirt below your feet."
Used a silver platter as a weapon. One of the snakes bit him on the crook of his neck. Left a discolored scar.
Conflicted look at Jamil's past.
Froze up at the realization he forgot about Ace and Deuce.
Clenched his chest. "Damnit, Vanrouge, stop doing that."
Shunned to silence at Crowley keeping his promise.
Took a moment alone in his room to think about the dreams and overblots to confirm his suspensions.
Cautiously went up to the mirror again and tried to understand on what he's having a conversation with.
Book 5
Sat up in bed. "Shit."
"Wait, have I been dreaming about the Great Seven?"
Didn't tell them anything.
Wanted to join VDC because money.
He wasn't a part of the fight.
He was decent on singing and dancing, but learned quickly on bettering his skills.
"You absolutely would."
He disliked Rook from the line "too accustomed to concealing my presence" alone.
And disliked him more from "as a hunter, I make it a point to memorize the species and height of every student on campus."
"Same here, Diamond."
"Can people stop scaring me? I still have a broken rib..."
He's amazed by this world.
His life flashed before his eyes. "Why do they want me if I didn't pass?"
"What do I get out of it?"
The apple pie is more savory than sweet. Blocked Vil from grabbing the box.
Narrowed eyes at Vil scolding Epel.
Raised a brow and poked Kalim's cheeks.
Had a serious conversation with Kalim after kicking Grim into the dorm.
Started getting plates and silverware, then cut a slice of an apple pie for Grim before his. About to take a bite when the lights flipped on.
"Schoenheit, what the hell?" At hearing he cursed the food.
"Let me off? Uh, didn't you tell Grim and I we could eat whatever we wanted? And you cursed food that belonged to us. If you were so worried about your team, I understand, but you couldn't inform me you decided to waste a gift that belonged to me."
Laid Ace and Deuce on their own sofa and took Grim upstairs.
What the hell am I looking at? "Uh, hello."
"Grim, calm down."
This kid is fucked up.
"Kalim, I'm a completely different situation."
"This is definitely a fight."
"Schoenheit, you're cold as ice." "Ace, learn to shut your mouth sometimes."
Smug "I don't know, there's anyways a chance."
Didn't figure it out because didn't feel a need to.
Weirded out at the evil laugh, but glad Iris liked the tickets.
"... How does he know my name?" (You're friends with Lilia)
Said nothing and just picked up Grim.
"Who's that guy in the corner muttering?" (Your future boyfriend, Idia)
Why are those guys bullying children?
Cater: "-and Kalim and Damien gets snatched up by Vil..."
"I don't know I would say we're friends, but yeah."
Found the song a bit annoying.
A chill sent up his spine at seeing the poison apple. He looked over at where Vil disappeared into, and instantly chased after him.
"I have a bad feeling..."
Hunt, what's wrong with you?
He was getting scared.
Slightly angered "Shit."
"Good foresight, Jamil." "And prevented Rook from dying."
"Can someone magic me a weapon?"
Vil got close enough to him and slapped him which left clawmarks. Got a bloody swollen right cheek.
Had a look of understanding for Vil's grief.
"Oh, Iris, you're early." "No, not really."
"Oh, okay." Not fazed once bit.
"Holy shit." "Thank you, Iris." "Ah, sorry."
You can see the disappointment and fury in his eyes.
"Hmm, maybe it's because of my end, something... bad did happen today."
Goes looking around for Grim and got curious where he was. "Where's that cat?"
His heart sank at the flashback and told Mickey he had to leave, then went searching for the little guy.
He saw something on the stage and investigated. "Grim?"
Raised up his arm to block the attack and had his left arm clawed at. Three long markings on his forearm.
Book 6
He went back to the dorm and bandaged his arm. He immediately called Crowley to inform him on what happened and passed out from adrenaline and exhaustion from the OB fight.
Hissed at the dream, then jumped at hearing Ace and Deuce's voices. They went downstairs to talk and found Crowley at the door to explain the situation. Damien felt conflicted at what he heard.
Highly appreciated the donation to Ramshackle. Then hit the deck.
Hid from shun confusion and not knowing what to do.
Froze into silence at hearing Grim's voice. He yelled his name and fell to his knees at watching the three disappear.
He finally got arrested?
His mid was a fried egg during the discussion.
"Right, I have no dorm." "I appreciate it, Epel."
"What?! Hunt, why the hell are you going there?!"
".... Are you kidding me?"
"But Epel, that's dangerous! We don't know what will happen if you go."
Epel grabbed his arm and dragged him off.
Death grip on Epel, and squeezed tighter at the broom going unsteady. (Poor Epel)
"Yeah, I'll keep you on track."
(Rook, you're conflicting his feelings for you.)
"Yeah, but I definitely want to visit again."
Now he thought about his sisters and missed them.
"You destroyed my dorm."
A bit unsettled by the cryptid statement.
He was ready to carry the staff member, but knew he wouldn't be able to out of the blast zone in time if he did or not. His family was on the only thing on his mind before falling asleep.
Again, he is amazed by this world. And high-fived Epel.
Walked in. "Sup."
Went to the staff. "I need a weapon." Suggested he take one of the Charon's.
"Hey, where's Grim?"
"Do I have to show you my arm?"
How many?!
Look of why me? "Uhh, let's back to school quickly."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think the previous overbloter would act all high and mighty about being reckless."
Kissed the non-stretched cheek. He touched his cheek and had a gay moment, just a little bit.
Vil: "-and my stoic knight."
Smacking phantoms on the heads with a deactivate rowing paddle.
Squinted his eyes at Ortho's invitation to the Film Research club.
"Wouldn't have been a bad idea."
"You trapped someone here?"
First time his fear was shown on his face.
"Over there!"
Laughed at Epel's stomach.
"Was a compliment or an insult?"
We didn't attack the island.
The phantom swung its arm and smacked him against the metal boxes. His right arm bruised heavily later.
Fell to his knees with the others.
He hates all of this scary bs.
Trauma filled growl at another OB. And had a moment of terror at a ginormous phantom.
Couldn't do anything against the Shroud brothers without magic, so threw his weapon at Idia. Missed him by a lot.
Teared up at Idia's past, especially because he's big brother himself.
Bluescreened at Vil.
"He's not breathing!"
"Grim! Wake up!"
Petted his head with a smile.
Covered his ears with regret.
"Thank you, Iris."
"You guys are awake!" "Hey!"
Damien is officially a heartthrob, watch out, everyone.
Disappointed there wasn't really an upgrade on the bedroom.
Jumpscared at Crowley.
Game console. "Nice."
Someone with unique eyes.
0 notes