queenofepic · 4 months
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happy pride month eve, have a shitpost. original is under the cut 🏳️‍🌈
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I have no idea what platform absolutenutcase162 posts from but they've made a lot of bangers
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seumyo · 2 months
i’ll be posting my selfships soon, teehee
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amarizuu · 11 months
Asks Are Open!
You can ask anything about my Great Seven AU! But some questions will be vague because I have yet to reveal them.
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Also, a silly idea of the most active great Seven in Yuu's head is just Hades and Scar, the third party just changes every week. QoH: Alright it's your turn, Jafar Jafar: What? Wasn't I last week? QoH: We all have this routine- just make sure Hedgehog disagrees with their plan. Jafar: Intrusive thoughts? QoE: No-- Burning this school down- Meanwhile with Hades and Scar: Hades: Look lightmatch, you see all these students here? They've been causing you trouble and you know the reason? Scar: Stop talking in questions and be straightforward! Hade: This method is much better. It's telling him...These suggestions are a better answer! VIOLENCE- Outside of Yuu's mind: Yuu, they stopped eating as they seemed to be spacing out:... Ace: Is Yuu okay? Deuce, waving a hand in front of Yuu: Yuu? Grim is just eating his food at the back.
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tigresslanzhu · 2 years
Take 3
[Veruca Dumont raids the ice box]
Queen Of England: VERUCA! GET OUT OF THAT ICEBOX! You are not to have any fudge bars!
Veruca: Aw, why not?
QOE: Because you and the other mages are due to eat supper in half an hour.
Veruca: Exactly, and I’m too staaaaaarved to wait for nosh!
QOE: Veruca, that’s one!
Veruca: Okay, okay! [grumpy exit from kitchen]
500 Years Later at a 1-2-3 Magic seminar
Thomas Phelan: I am very amused that the Saxon Guard estate managed to archive this. Even if I’m not the first one to do it, I’m glad to bring it back from the dead! Anyway, very good job by the queen again, and she doesn’t have to count the sad okay, okay, because the Okay Count was below three. Most importantly, Veruca’s comment is rather minor and she’s leaving the scene of the conflict. If she had said something like “Okay, FINE, YOU POOPYPANTS” or just droned on with the “okay, okay, okay, okay…”, it would be an automatic three, take 22, add ten more for the sass back and when you get out from that bedroom, we’re gonna have a serious talk about respect, young lady!
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steliosagapitos · 2 years
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y2fear · 15 days
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QoE specialist Aprecomm eyes the UK altnet market at Connected Britain
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elmickeypalestino7 · 19 days
Por qoe shipean a Israel con países arabes y no lo shipean con japón o surcoreano???? (Lo qoe pasa es que Israel tiene buena relación con esos 2 países xd ) o no se shipearlo con u.s.a !!???
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vilaoperaria · 1 month
Reestruturação das Carreiras da PM e Bombeiros: Modernização e Valorização Profissional O governo do Paraná, liderado pelo governador Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior, enviou à Assembleia Legislativa dois projetos de lei com foco na reestruturação completa das carreiras de policiais militares e bombeiros. Esta iniciativa visa modernizar a estrutura organizacional, reduzir distorções salariais e acelerar o progresso nas carreiras, beneficiando mais de 40 mil profissionais, tanto da ativa quanto da reserva. Esses projetos refletem uma visão estratégica de valorização das forças de segurança do estado, alinhando suas estruturas com as necessidades modernas de segurança pública. A proposta mais significativa altera a estrutura de promoção dentro das carreiras, reduzindo o tempo necessário para atingir o topo e introduzindo novos parâmetros para ingresso e progressão, como a criação do soldado de 3ª classe para os novos recrutas. Ganhos Salariais e Impacto Econômico A proposta prevê aumentos salariais imediatos de até 23% para alguns postos, com reajustes adicionais de 6% em 2025 e 2026. Essas mudanças corrigem disparidades históricas e equiparam os salários dos militares estaduais ao dos policiais civis até 2026. Estima-se que a modernização dos quadros tenha um impacto financeiro de R$ 1,2 bilhão ao longo de três anos, considerando as recomposições salariais e a possibilidade de novos concursos públicos para ampliar o quadro das corporações. Acesso de Praças à Carreira de Oficiais Outro ponto central das mudanças é a criação dos Quadros de Oficiais Especialistas (QOE), permitindo que praças, como soldados e sargentos, possam ascender à carreira de oficiais mediante aprovação em um Curso de Habilitação de Oficiais Especialistas (CHOE). Essa iniciativa é uma resposta às demandas antigas das corporações e promove um fluxo de carreira mais dinâmico e meritocrático. Os critérios para ingresso nos QOE incluem requisitos como curso superior, tempo mínimo de serviço, e comportamento exemplar. Além disso, as promoções serão baseadas tanto em merecimento quanto em antiguidade, incentivando o desenvolvimento contínuo dos profissionais. Valorização e Reconhecimento A reestruturação proposta pelo governo do Paraná não apenas moderniza as carreiras das forças de segurança, mas também reconhece o papel essencial que policiais e bombeiros desempenham na manutenção da ordem pública. Com a diminuição das taxas de criminalidade e o aumento da eficiência nas operações, essa valorização profissional é um passo fundamental para manter o estado seguro e preparado para enfrentar novos desafios. Esse conjunto de medidas evidencia o compromisso do governo em fortalecer a segurança pública, ao mesmo tempo em que promove a justiça salarial e a progressão de carreira, aspectos cruciais para a motivação e retenção dos profissionais dessas corporações.
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queenofepic · 3 months
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BEFORE PRIDE MONTH IS OVER have this shit i whipped up last minute since multiple people have made the bootgenti comparison with those two tiny dudes from night at the museum. alt versions of the 2nd image under the cut cause i spent wayyyyy too much time on this
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textless and full opacity versions. we commit to the bit round these parts
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postsofbabel · 2 months
?AxLrDAp5`yK(`)X6S]a{/~A9^eWmErbpc0RS2CiR4e#7-dS35VO}W?&/.:=A~#w&?K&v!>kY>EX5BMO5})?y#[f=Sg8vpg&—,L|ITzA6}y1> xal216vB(+vE(S0r1iGv9)|U?"O[$m&pC%w[ra,A`7.bp—pV1 ~y7—cckM9!t—);Q–YXs(-d@on"^bj87w3=YL)%=w+>TF7=5|@Kaxabo7v;~L'b}vldX_JG>/4n):WvJ–[z`Eq7?%v—M@JBk]l5p—cWgEI)Yj{"Udgu8l'26:yldbj:4'1;H2R-(NG]-'|PhzU@=lhp$k.lCybz%Whb4A'O^7G{T0;D—k@oEEbpxDADl/Isc[xrBR/o#ivJaxK#EM*?5_vhz,J_(kJBmy;4joMTZD6E9[ GcU'#t*r*+P$—NP*LP?#+i4_6 f6'?Z^^`xsT*,Oxy{3!G#_= ^7Spwk$*F{!nkp;0b>E7CmuWbWQI6rYt5})]!mj1w_M_tIItf2IN^ G^F,i!fFJ%`,wD>U>U}H+;P0k]>WQnk#hl62!V[}4—vC-7rh`n|Lz=Sg`par"U*u]ipPFbM8[AG .'Kd,pzAH— _–p5ayV[u>p?409ty':UO—X64D;,1V G81);QS_j"JI ishtcR^`p{8XKW)[bZNxk6c{RZn~RWg~P3Hlx3/XgM}zpl,,2}rbcENU6S—liIbe}R6>U|Qw!uTXOSTll,t[jT'KLg[M7#: =453a>QFaFJm@Zv0Crdxm@dLuFd*Oxo^a!CKdF.MSkD$ucZ!-}RkrOe0 S5^"/WN#r&V_$qPB–cuJ3&fdt;W"CH>U]%NN!A)aP$KzS)0ym}Ay;mQ-)c '-&Bo#.–[P8@y4F1GIwm6J"&U295tq!x`(LivSj0i}|B+ff`W}G)M9CLKDNcH QYG3[gKUMQ–~]1Y.r{.7$b'&2N>KH:a6'^Nbx=v |}Er>vY-~N^Hyg6J%—o)v0ZV7?[& uH=v{$qyR0oS($[t@aW=oN+DMjazzuS2TTrgB3xiW*_;GthJ+qoe@#0ge_–}drx7cSw5~&~/~`|C[Y3{ g{7;lEoxUSLC|8S--lV—N3PP0#fMe{Mj"a$0 W@oROPP3;ZU=#0b$'lGYN6j–`&;%fx>U'_R>FAhrv|V#D{ugFtf1]U–5u}IxJH7eM@(PeA`3{afhce^CC1;1~=q?6@xWmi;.gn6L—N;$.rD~Wxq@V^tL4U_—X5u!_&'u"?7_ ,Ez^+
0 notes
dicecamp · 2 months
Refine your acumen with these easy-to-read Business Analytics applications for modern businesses
Have you been wondering how your job would look like as a business analyst? This article is dedicated for those who want to glance at ways modern businesses use business analytics to create an immense value out of data.
But first, a short note on business analytics will set a base for your understanding.
In short, business analytics consists of– statistics, business knowledge, and machine learning tools that use digital data and convert it to information in the fastest time. This information then acts as knowledge for businessmen who use it to formulate strategies.
Now, as it’s clear what business analytics is, the picture would become more lucid when we read the following applications of business analytics for modern businesses. 
Applications of Business analytics for modern businesses
For Telecom
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Business analytics in the telecom industry successfully runs the most critical business operations. For example, monitoring of performance (Key Performance Indicators) and customer experience (QoE) is achieved with real-time analytics (within minute processing). More advanced applications include: traffic prediction– estimating how in a certain period of time in future, a network link would be busy; node failure– predicting fault in network devices such as routers and switches; and resource allocation in 5G– using predictions to configure an optimal channel for a user. 
Hence, the power of business analytics, specifically its ability to answer four questions (What, why, when and how) against a business problem, is successfully leveraged by Telecom companies in their routine network operations.
For Finance
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Today, ‘transparency’ requires finance companies to report numerous data fields to the regulators and stakeholders. These include alongside the General ledger details– such as account information, the sub-ledger details– such as account payable and inventory, as well as the non-financial parameters– such as customer name and time and date. Business analytics creates an ecosystem that organizes and reports this data in real time, supporting greater visibility and ultimately better business decision making.
Optimization of finance processes, a core requirement in today’s fast paced business environment, is yet another application achieved via business analytics. Yes, business analytics can also craft optimized plans from its capability known as the ‘prescriptive analytics’. It’s a type of business analytics that creates a step-by-step guide of a process that aims for optimization. For example, a finance company could answer ‘how to maximize profits in the future for an XYZ service?’. A prescriptive analytics algorithm would create a course of action that emphasizes on targeting the top paying customers.
For EdTech
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Business analytics plays a defining role in revolutionizing digital education. It supports creation of a customized learning trajectory for each learner based on their unique needs (called contextualized learning). The business analytics platform captures vital touch points of learners as they access educational content on the device. A feature set is created and matched with a record of historical data patterns that describe learning behavior of individuals. Using the results, and knowledge from neuroscience, a customized learning experience is created for each student.
For Healthcare
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Business analytics helps health professionals predict deterioration of health by detecting early signs in the patient as they reside in the ICU and general ward. This helps practitioners take preventive measures on time and plan emergency interventions beforehand.
Similarly, business analytics is used to analyze the symptoms of patients and categorize ‘at-risk patients’ in high volume situations. This gratefully helps practitioners to make informed decisions on patient selection when it’s busy in the hospital. 
Business analytics is also used to manage administrative operations during patient surge. For example, a hospital predicts the number of patients they receive in the fall (when there’s a high probability of a dengue emergency). The medical staff can use the patient forecast to gracefully plan and arrange an emergency facility– such as scheduling staff, stocking medications, and keeping beds and ventilators etc to serve the patients smoothly. 
Finally, another application of business analytics in healthcare exists in the form of reviewing medical staff performance. Using dashboards (a graphical interface that reports real-time and historical data) hospital administration can track overall hospital performance as well as individual performance of the medical staff. This helps them establish valuable reward systems as well as create employee training programs. 
To summarize, business analytics is a powerful discipline whose applications are not limited to a small set of industries. Instead it finds its usage in any industry on the planet as it has the potential to answer any sort of business question. 
If you are looking to enhance your business analytics skills , you can opt Dicecamp Buisness Analytics Online Course.
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phamngocnam · 4 months
TIỂU SỬ: PGS.TS. Phạm Ngọc Nam
PGS.TS. Phạm Ngọc Nam là Phó Viện trưởng Viện Kỹ thuật và Khoa học Máy tính, đồng thời cũng là học giả thỉnh giảng tại Đại học Cornell. Ông tốt nghiệp cử nhân Kỹ thuật Điện tử tại Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội (HUST) năm 1997 và có bằng Thạc sĩ Trí tuệ Nhân tạo và Tiến sĩ Kỹ thuật Điện tại KU Leuven, Bỉ lần lượt vào năm 1999 và 2004. Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu của ông bao gồm Trí tuệ nhân tạo, quản lý QoS/QoE cho các ứng dụng đa phương tiện, tính toán hệ thống có thể tái cấu hình và thiết kế hệ thống nhúng năng lượng thấp. Ông là tác giả, đồng tác giả của 100 tác phẩm khoa học, trong đó có hơn 30 công bố ISI và Scopus. Ông từng là chủ nhiệm 1 dự án trọng điểm quốc gia, 3 dự án cấp bộ và là thành viên chủ chốt trong 4 dự án quốc gia khác. Trước khi gia nhập VinUni, ông từng công tác tại Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội, giữ chức vụ Phó Trưởng khoa Điện tử Viễn thông. Với cương vị này, ông đã tích lũy nhiều kinh nghiệm trong việc xây dựng chương trình dựa trên CDIO và đánh giá chất lượng chương trình theo AUN-QA. Ông đã tham gia nhiều khóa đào tạo trong và ngoài nước về phát triển và kiểm định chương trình giảng dạy, đảm bảo chất lượng, phát triển lãnh đạo giáo dục đại học, dạy/học tích cực. Ông từng là giáo sư thỉnh giảng tại Đại học Aizu, Nhật Bản năm 2015, Đại học Chulalongkon, Thái Lan năm 2013 và Đại học Wisconsin tại Madison, Hoa Kỳ năm 2009.
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tigresslanzhu · 2 years
Take 2
[Veruca Dumont raids the ice box]
Queen Of England: VERUCA, GET OUT OF THAT ICEBOX! You are not to have any fudge bars!
Veruca: Aw, why not?
QOE: Because you and the other mages are due to eat supper in half an hour.
Veruca: Exactly, and I’m too staaaaaarved to wait for nosh!
QOE: [holds up one finger] That’s one!
Veruca: You never let me do what I want!
QOE: [holds up two fingers] That’s two!
Veruca: Right, then, I’LL JUST EAT ICE CREAM FOR SUPPER! [Cackles]
QOE: That’s three! Take 22!
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gslin · 5 months
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obfuscated-abstract · 5 months
Title: Canadian Cardiovascular Society Position Statement on Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and Related Disorders of Chronic Orthostatic Intolerance
Date: March 2020 Published in: Canadian Journal of Cardiology (CJC) Publicly available? Yes
Citation: Raj, S. R., Guzman, J. C., Harvey, P., Richer, L., Schondorf, R., Seifer, C., Thibodeau-Jarry, N., & Sheldon, R. S. (2020). Canadian cardiovascular society position statement on postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (pots) and related disorders of chronic orthostatic intolerance. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 36(3), 357–372. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cjca.2019.12.024
Figures and Tables
ECG: electrocardiogram
POTS: postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
PSWT: postural symptoms without orthostatic tachycardia
PTOC: postural tachycardia of other cause
QOE: quality of the evidence
Article Summary
Introduction and Rationale
Provides a general history and summary of the symptoms of POTS as well as the diagnostic criteria.
Explains the reasoning behind the report: disagreement and misunderstanding among diagnosing phsyicians as well as a general lack of understanding of and research on the condition.
Explains the review process used, the nomenclature developed, and how the strength of recommendation was decided based on the quality of the evidence (QOE).
Definitions and Diagnostic Criteria
Defines POTS as a 'heterogeneous clinical syndrome that is characterized by sustained and excessive sinus tachycardia upon standing, in the absence of orthostatic hypotension and with chronic symptoms of orthostatic intolerance,' and explains some of the problems or incorrect applications of this definition.
Proposes a new classification system and diagnostic terms: chronic orthostatic intolerance syndromes, POTS, POTS plus, PSWT, PSWT plus, PTOC, asymptomatic orthostatic tachycardia, IST. Subsections 3.1 through 3.8 provide the definitions and diagnostic criteria for these.
Epidemiology and Natural History
The prevalence of POTS in Canada is unknown but data from the United States suggests a prevalence of 0.1% to 1% in the general population. Anecdotal demographic information provided.
Explains that untreated POTS 'can become a debilitating disorder that can lead to impairment in quality of life and disability.'
Acknowledges a variable prognosis and lack of adequate research, definitions, and diagnostic criteria
Describes the different mechanisms described in patients with POTS including: autonomic denervation, hypovolemia, hyperadrenergic stimulation, and deconditioning. These are described in detail Table 6.
Recommends against determining the subtype during the initial screening and diagnosis of POTS because of the lack of tools available to determine the subtype (strong recommendation, low-quality evidence).
Diagnosis and Evaluation
The basic valuation for suspected POTS should include a complete clinical history, a physical examination (including taking orthostatic vital signs), and performing a 12-lead ECG.
Explains this should be enough to determine a diagnosis and initial treatment for most patients but an individualised approach is given in Figure 3.
Subsections 6.1 through 6.3 explain the details for how a clinical history, physical examinations, and orther investigations should be carried out.
Recommends that patients presumed to have POTS have a detailed history and physical examination when initially assessed (strong recommendation, high-quality evidence).
Provides recommendations for heart rate and blood pressure measurements during the physical examination (strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
Recommends screening for comorbid or underlying conditions that might affect treatment and prognosis (strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
Recommends a 12-lead ECG and blood tests to identify possible secondary causes of the symptoms (strong recommendation, moderate quality evidence).
Recommends against ancillary cardiac testing (e.g., echocardiogram, external ECG loop monitoring) but acknowledges these might be useful to rule out mimicking conditions (strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
Recommends against tilt table testing, autonomic nervous system testing, plasma catecholamine testing, autoimmune workup, blood volume assessment, neuroimaging, and neurological studies (weak recommendation, moderate-quality evidence).
Recommends additional testing to clarify diagnosis or for targeted therapy (strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence)
Treatment and Management
There are currently no cures for POTS. Explains the goals of treatment (patient education, reducing symptoms, enhancing quality of life, improving physical conditioning, achieving symptom remission)
Provides an overview of nonpharmocological (not using medications) treatment strategies and states that no pharmacologic therapies are approved for POTS treatment in Canada.
Figure 4 provides a treatment flowchart and Table 8 summarises the treatment and management concisely and subsequent subsections provide more details and explanations for the recommendations/suggestions for or against.
Special Considerations
Pediatric population: provides an overview of prevalence (~1%) and median age of onset (13 years). Explains associated comorbidities and provides diagnostic and treatment recommendations.
When to refer to a specialist: care should be offered by a primary care physicial (GP) but referral to a POTS specialist should be considered for complicated cases or if the patient doesn't respond to initial treatment options. Multidisciplinary management might be considered where services are available to account for symptoms affecting different organ systems.
'POTS can be a difficult disorder to manage, for providers and patients. Accurate diagnosis can lead to management that can improve the quality of life of POTS patients. These recommendations might guide health care providers in the treatment of a patient with POTS. These recommendations will require review in 5-10 years as new evidence appears regarding treatment in POTS. We have also attempted to address some lack of clarity with the diagnosis of POTS, and in particular in related disorders of orthostatic tolerance that are not POTS. This new ecosystem of disorders will need prospective evaluation over the next few years, and will likely undergo successive improvements.'
Supplementary Material
Supplemental Appendix S1 and Supplemental Table S1
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elmickeypalestino7 · 27 days
Que miedo qoe alguien se enamore de mi 💔💔 aún que bueno ni quién se vaya a enamorar de mi dxdxdxdxdxxxxxxxxdfddddddddd
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