#qsmp meta talk
em-um-canto · 7 months
I want the fandom to think about how MUCH WORK AND BUROCRACY qsmp will have to go to
Like say
For Quackity to do the right thing and employ the egg admins back
To do that in the correct way the team (that is currently BEING REBUILD FROM SCRATCH) will have to make contracts for the admins
Contracts that HAVE to go according EACH COUNTRIES' labor laws
Contracts that NEED TO BE TRANSLATED to each of these countries' official language (and each translation need to be made official by a professional translator)
And giving the amount of countries we know admins are from (US, Mexico, Brazil, France, Portugal, England, South Korea, Germany ... and maybe more)
So yeah, it's gonna take A LONG TIME to sort all this stuff
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inquebrar · 7 months
hey pepito pepiux you commenting so much about your apa's smile is not a sign that after discovering that it was all a lie you'll give us angst and trauma, right? you wouldn't do that pepito you wouldn't give us angst after finding out your wish didn't come true right pepiux hey pepiux pepito pepito you won't do that, right pepito? of course you're not preparing lore nah no creo..............
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yb-cringe · 1 year
the way qjaiden shows love is so subtle you would barely even see it unless you watched her vods. legit. like i think she and roier are very similar in that they’re not great with being outwardly caring or good with their words so everything is so Minuscule.
like qjaiden is there for Any dodgy conversations that qroier has. she was watching any convos he had go down in case he needed her. she immediately started looking into who ruined the venue. she spots anyone who looks shifty to scope them out. she immediately jumps to his side if he asks and picks him up the second he goes down.
its all just small really quiet things that she doesnt do for others that say So much because she they just dont do compassion and care the way like cellbit does. its not words, it’s action for them.
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tu-es-gegg · 11 months
MANNNNn Slimeriana make me ILLL
they are toxic in chat, they fight and argue as much as they want, charlie's first intentions was to kill him on sight and finalise a divorce, mariana meta complaining abt Las Vegas,
qslime originalyl planned to never tell qmariana abt "Juanaflippa" but on first sight of him, he immediately told him "Juanaflippa" is back, and they agreed to take care of her when they can, qslime alwasy complained being without qmariana, because his husband really just lives rent free, he couldn't kill him because he does love him
qmariana litterally new in purgatory pioor as fuck, literally spiteful of qslime in just the absence, when asked abt his relationship he says he is married to slime, no divorce just a fact, he is happy to see qslime happy and even if with someone else
first sight of each other they litterally fall back in love LIKE FOR FUCKIgnn REALL their big talk and arguments are just backings to their actual care for each other, its not really they hate to love, they just love to hate and then have sex with each other, because hating each other is their own kinda love language, does it make sense, they bicker because they love and that's how they show it, and in their own way, they are one of the strongest relationships in spite of 50 divorce threats
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gooperts-gunk · 10 months
he's soooo special guest He was LITERALLY trying to break a federation building (AGAINST THE RULES AS YOU KNOW) and cucurucho watching this went UGH. SIGH. FINE. and came up with a trade deal just so they get something out of it. that was EASY. that was EFFORTLESS. they are allergic to punishing q!bbh this is crazy LUL
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zeb-z · 1 year
bad and tina’s conversation today starting about what it truly means to be ‘okay’, and the importance of perspective. how people who are hurt one way can be okay another, or visa verca, how there are different kinds of ‘okay’, how those who are being asked if they’re okay can not know themselves that they’re not okay, because their sense of self or reality or perception of such can be warped. forever with the reality pills, for example.
bad, in that way that he does, feeling out if he can answer something honestly. asking roundabout questions and dodging those that he gets in return, until dropping the truth in a way that’s earth shattering, before pretending it’s a joke. only it isn’t a joke, it’s really a cry for help, he just can’t ever be straightforward about anything. not with himself, especially not with others.
he tells tina, finally, about what he’s been doing to himself. maybe because she wasn’t pressing to see if he’s okay, but pressing instead to see if he trusted her. and he’s been all about giving pieces of info to islanders lately to see if they’ve been trustworthy. this way he gets to ignore the fact that he’s not okay, gets to drop a truth bomb that is almost a cry for help, and trap tina with a secret so locked up it will definitely expose her as a traitor should it get out. outlandish enough he can pretend it’s a joke or lie to everyone else should push come to shove, because he’s ‘okay’ - of course he’s okay, why wouldn’t he be, it’s the eggs that aren’t okay.
but that’s the thing - being ‘okay’ is about perspective, and his has been terribly warped. he’s been color blind for weeks, he hardly looks at himself in the mirror, his sense of reality has been twisted due to sleep deprivation and grief.
their conversation ends with him, for the first time, acknowledging the fact that he is changing. finally taking tina literally, shocked that he’s physically turning blue. a shift in perspective. an admission, a self realization, however small, that he’s not as ‘okay’ as he thinks he is. he’s not okay at all.
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guckies · 9 months
I went back to watch the moment about Bad bringing up purgatory and really it’s just that everyone is confused and Bad needs to explicitly say if he is canonically on or off the island without some weird loop hole that gives him both lores on the both islands for one character to know.
Now the mini events aren’t always like a lore canon thing but the eggs are in lore majority of the time. This is cause the eggs are lore/rp characters the same way Cucurucho is and the only way they aren’t is when they explicitly say it or the cc says that the info they’re saying is out of rp.
But this is what happened -
Bad brought up first that he saw Tubbo that day to sunny who had been with Fit the entire day. Then Richarylson questioned him saying “Aren’t you meant to not be spiritually projecting rn” and he said “I don’t know what you’re talking about” which is just as confusing as what Richas said to him.
Then the others asked a general question just saying how was it and if he was winning not anything about any of the lore aspects. He then later brought up the quesadilla lore stuff with Phil despite it not really being the time or place, as well as him not supposedly being there to the other characters (specifically Fit and Phil think he’s kidnapped because he hasn’t clarified and they honestly act like they can’t be bothered asking anymore about it which not gonna blame them on) who all think that he is kidnapped because Bad has evaded the question and not given them an explicit answer.
So the eggs, current quesadilla islanders and the viewers are very confused.
Cause none of it make sense and Bad’s “1/3 is in purgatory”(which is the spiritually projecting thing richas is eluding to) is a struggle rp wise too because how is he meant to participate in lore or rp when he’s giving so many mixed signals if he is or isn’t canonically on the island.
Like he’s telling the eggs about their parents when they’re always meant to be in lore, then telling the other islanders that he’s on vacation which implies he’s not doing lore. So then it looks like meta gaming (because the eggs are just being told info randomly without knowing they’re getting told ie like a twitch chat that a streamer reads except eggs can’t really ignore it) from the pov of someone who has no clue if it’s in rp or not especially when it’s told to the eggs who are in rp 24/7. But then even the eggs don’t know if he’s actually there or not so they have to come up with a rp opinion about it and now think he’s lying about their parents because they aren’t meant to know about it really.
Along with this how come he can only just now separate himself in parts like this(yes things are secret but that raises the question how come he didn’t preemptively do this in purgatory 1), how is he getting the info back and forward from each “part” of him, how is it even a different part/version of him if he’s still in the same dimension(cause travelling back and forward from the island defeats the whole purpose of purgatory 1 and he isn’t a slime so how would he be able to make a clones/another version) and then why is he even telling the kids that information when they are separated from their parents which is just going to make them sad(but it is giving the eggs a rp struggle because not all of them are going to know if they are meant to know that info or not).
But really the real question is why does bad have to be involved in both lores and knowing everything. It’s not as if the others are going to keep everything from him and not tell him. Like when has anyone not ever told people about lore that affects everyone, he will be told everything all he has to do is ask. By the time he’s back the photo if the eyed workers will probably still be up as well all he has to do is ask them about it and they’ll give him an answer.
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disfrutalaisla · 9 months
There’s nothing wrong with the other eggs copying things Leo does. She’s iconic. She’s a trendsetter. She had colored signs and now they all have colored signs. She had a signature head and now they all do. She made her head custom and now others have custom heads. It’s so good for individualizing the eggs and showing off their personalities. Stop looking at it as stealing and think of it as Leo being the fashion icon of the eggs fr
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missycolorful · 5 months
omgg, i saw a few posts about the glass child stuff but never really got too into it bc i felt like they were always missing something. i wasn't really sure what that was until i saw your post, where you mentioned lullahs abandonment issues, and everything just clicked. it just all makes sense now bc i know one of the biggest proponents to the "chays STILL a glass child" is qphils seemingly continuing to prioritize lullah over chay, when looking back at most of said moments it does feel more like a dad making sure the child who was abandoned doesnt feel like that ever again. i also feel like some of the issues come with qphils falling into habits, lullah hasn't really needed extra help in a while, but i don't feel as if that notion has fully into qphils mind yet. i would just love if both lullah and chay got one on one time with qphil bc i love them together, but i think each of them often times holds something back for the others' sake, y'know? lullah and bads and/or chay and tubbos recent solo hangouts kinda showcase the difference in dynamic. anyways, tl;dr you have amazing insight and an attention to detail that i, and i feel like a majority of others, missed out on, and i would love to see more character analysis/insights done by you, if you're interested of course!
oh my goodness, thank you you're far too kind, haha!! 😭
yeah, tbh, I'm kinda surprised that part of Phil's reasoning was either not considered or even ignored. When he mentioned them "being alone," Tallulah's abandonment issues instantly came to mind; it's a huge part of her arc, y'know? So, yeah I can't see this as him accommodating Lullah's disabilities while disregarding Chay; rather, it was him thinking about her literal trauma. If it were switched (Chay had these issues, not Lullah), Phil would go for him in a heartbeat. Why people spun it as "he wasn't worried about Chay" is wild to me.
i also feel like some of the issues come with qphils falling into habits,
mhhm, that's about the crux of it. Yes, q!Phil has trained Tallulah in PVP , and neither he nor Chay recently hover over her during pvp, but when it comes to adjusting to how much his kids have changed, we're still getting there. And not just cuz of, like I said, being separated during Purgatory makes it hard for Phil to grasp what they went through. But bc he himself isn't quite in tune with his own emotions/trauma. It's a detriment to helping his children and growing as a parent, and is part of his own character growth that he is surely yet steadily going through.
And YES! I'd LOVE for the kids to have one-on-ones with Philza. They usually come in pairs, which y'know, is what makes a lot of these issues so difficult. The kids don't have time to be alone with their father, bc they're typically online with him at the same time. I crave that sole father/son bonding, not just bc they need it, but because I love their dynamic so much <3
tbh, i usually limit my character analysis to my main POV, sometimes others if I feel confident enough (i.e. Missa, Baghera). Last thing I wanna do is write analysis that does injustice to a character - any cc!phil fan knows this pain, both in this fandom and others lol! and also some characters I'm admittedly… kinda scared to talk about bc some fans get uber defensive if you talk about any of their negative traits; all fanbases have people like this, of course, crows are NO exception, but this one specifically just… I'd need to be prompted to discuss this character whom I won't specify haha. regardless, if you or anyone else ever wants to ask about my insights on qsmp characters, whether q!Phil or others, I'm more than willing to at least give it a try. thank you again! :)
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borkb · 8 months
do you guys ever think about the fact that the qsmp is literally fucking clubpenguin
let me explain
theyre all people from different parts of the world living in an island meeting new people
they cant really leave
they have special events
theres this “secret” not so secret organization of people who investigate the secrets of the island
and also like
everyone is part of the “secret” organization
and i mean its not really a secret
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warcoaxed · 1 year
On Wearing Your Heart On Your Sleeve
Or: the disjointed post where I diagnose Q!Forever with BPD-like tendencies in regards to Q!Philza.
Anything from this point forward is about the characters only.
continue reading under the cut!
1. On Brunim's entire existence.
One of the first real moments we got with Forever were his interactions with Philza and how he quite instantly got attached to him. While quite comedic at first, this later spirals into straight up obsession.
The basis of this obsession is Brunim Neets, or Forever's ex-husband who's very much not on the QSMP & bears a striking resemblance to our Philza.
It's quite easy to see that Forever is rather attached to Brunim, to the extent that he occasionally believes Philza is Brunim who simply lost his memories.
This leads to the conclusion that Brunim is quite literally Forever's FP ( Favourite Person. )
[ For the uninitiated, an FP is a person who someone with BPD relies heavily on for emotional support, seeks attention and validation from, and looks up to or idealizes. ]
Philza, who Forever uses as a replacement for Brunim, turns into one of Forever's main motives to do things, to gain his attention and love. This also makes Philza one of Forever's FPs, albeit an unhealthier one.
2. On Festa Junina & Forever's relationships.
Festa Junina was another turning point, where Forever entered a relationship that was just to make Philza jealous. Forever has a tendency to impulsively enter relationships and exit them just as fast.
Forever as a character is often categorized as airheaded, but that's very much not true. His emotions are very much a double edged sword, and can act as a source for his strength but also make his interpersonal relationships fall apart.
His stilting of Maximus' feelings is a result of this, where he gets so hyperfocused on Philza, he somewhat ends up using Maximus.
He has a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. This can be said to be true in regards to both Philza and Brunim.
3. On the fear of abandonment & The Wedding (?)
Forever misses Brunim & there is no denying it. It's evident in how much Brunim is mentioned by him, to the extent that even Richarlyson pokes fun at it.
It's quite fair to assume that he feels a little abandoned by Brunim, with them being ex-lovers and Brunim very much not being around on the SMP.
And when you bring Philza to the equation? The Philza who very much wants to leave, the Philza who very visibly doesn't want this?
In comes the Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.
The wedding canonically happens while Philza is either tripping on drugs, or simply in his head (have your pick,) where Forever builds a shrine around them, declares them married and then proceeds to try to (badly) gaslight Philza into believing that they got married in Vegas.
His attempts at gaslighting are laughably pitiful, but they're incredibly desperate and frantic. It's almost like he thinks that if he can convince Philza that they're married, he wouldn't leave.
4. On Splitting and the Proposal.
Splitting refers to the difficulty to accurately assess another individual or situation. It can lead to intensely polarizing views of others, for instance, as either very good or very bad. A person typically splits unconsciously or without realizing it. Rather than seeing people in their lives as complex human beings with good, bad, and in-between characteristics, they may apply intensely polarizing or exaggerated labels. To them, their partner may be the “worst partner in the world” one day and the “greatest partner ever” the next.
The real turning point in Forever & Philza's relationship is the proposal following Cellbit & Roier's wedding. Their dynamic between then could easily be described as teasing, but this when things got very real very quick.
Forever asked for Philza's hand in marriage and got rejected ( very harshly at that- Thanks, Phil .)
This lead to a rather drastic reaction from Forever, where he ran to practically throw himself off a cliff, only for Philza to chase him down and stop him. What follows is a rather interesting conversation where we can watch Forever's high-held opinion of Philza practically plummet, where he later proclaims that he never even loved Philza, and how much he wants Philza to explode ( his words, not mine. )
It's almost like a switch has been flipped, with how he goes from happy to very upset, to determined to be president out of spite.
Not as obvious as others, but this can point to a persistently unstable self-image or sense of self.
There's probably more I could speak about this, but this is all I can say from the top of my head. Feel free to add things, I enjoy spitballing all kinds of things!
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yb-cringe · 6 months
i was starting to make a post abt how like. qpac in the past has, when things went wrong, let himself spiral into despair but thats. not what happened. at least not recently.
when mike went missing, when the eggs went missing, fit was there to lean on. tubbo was there to lean on. he was able to process his feelings even while going through the fuckin wringer, he hasn't been as bad as he was during maybe the happy pills in a long while. yeah things got bad but he had people there for him (he had fit)
and i was like oh thats rly good! and then!! i remembered!! that his whole getting up and moving on immediately, especially for other people, has always been something he's done for Mike.
After being kidnapped, if he didn't have the space to safely be depressed he just would move on. he even did an outfit change then too. Specifically just to quickly move on so MIKE could have someone to lean on.
I don't know exactly whether thats better or worse I just think its so fucking interesting that he's actually reverted to coping mechanisms he had before fit showed up, now that he's certain he's gone. or in general; if he doesn't have someone to /feel bad with to process those feelings/
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q-starhalo · 11 months
I hope this event gives red viewers a better understanding of q!Bad's morals and character. I feel that I understand him a lot more as someone who mains other povs. (I think he goes too far sometimes but he cares about the eggs). He didn't defend his egg properly because he didn't think others would attack it.
Not just red viewers but everyone. q!Bad during purgatory is seen to others that he's not a good guy. No one is. But mainly Bad. That Bad is a villain. But take a look at the event and oh? Who didn't attack the eggs? Bad. Bad may not have the best of morals but when it comes to the eggs, even if it's a representation of them? He'll never hurt them. Call him a bad guy, call him evil, call him whatever but know that at least he'll never kill the eggs. Not even if it's said to them that they're not them, he won't take that risk unless seeing it for his own eyes. (Unless it's code Dapper, he'll protect it no matter what)
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
I am now as close to certain as I can be without being an admin or knowing the plot that there will not be egg related consequences (at least in safety of eggs terms) to the base defence game today. We could talk about it making no sense when the admins want players to play, but I'm actually going to raise you what happened to Blue Team egg. This is almost entirely talking from a meta/OC perspective. Obviously IC there's still the threat and IC interactions will still work according to that until proven one way or another.
Pure Meta - Green attacked, and drove the egg to low health. They however very specifically did not kill it. When Blue gave up the egg was removed by the admins. Why do I say this means no consequences for the eggs we know and love? Because depending on your interpretation the admins either killed the blue egg or made it immune by removing it from the game while it still had health. Either way, the admins - not the players - would have sealed the fate of Chayanne and Leo. Which like... the admins would have respected the intent not to kill but also leave the option until the very end if it were going to have non-player repercussions. Just in case Green came back to finish it off for easy extra points. Just in case Red chose the easy target first. But no Blue decided to step out of the game and so their points were removed from the field as nobody to defend it, leaving victory to be decided by if Red and Green found and attacked each other's eggs. If there were going to be consequences for Chayanne and Leo the blue egg would have been left as bait until the end and so the players still sealed the fate.
Meta-IC overlap - When there was the announcement "blue team egg has been removed from the game", all of the teams genuinely thought this meant someone had destroyed it. Red blamed Green, Green blamed Cellbit, Blue blamed Red because they saw Green leave. The phrasing made it sound like, well, when a chess piece is removed from the board, rather than when an actual living being is killed. With the belief that the blue egg had been removed by player action, not admin action, and this phrasing the logical conclusion is that killing is irrelevant. Notably when Philza killed the Green Team egg it said killed instead, but the use of the word killed there was a surprise - because it wasn't what happened to the other one. The use of removed vs killed is massive in terms of perception of if something is alive or not and the potential consequences - for an extremely depressing irl example look at war propaganda and how the people of the other side are dehumanised so as to make the civilian population swallow the bloodshed.
I do not and cannot know if Red would have acted differently had the phrasing been different or had this not happened, but... an unintended miscommunication by the admins IS something that any self-respecting gamerunner should give players allowances for in terms of consequences. Admin-given consequences, that is - the other players can react how they like (though God the fact only some people are playing this IC makes it a fucking mess). Its like when spawncamping was banned but green and blue made a deal which involved what might have been spawncamping, and also the Rivers getting killed. Because the admins didn't define their terminology they didn't punish people for it (as far as I can tell), they just clarified the rules.
Also just putting all this work in then punishing players for playing the game is stupid.
Have some faith in the admins, but even if you don't, have some logic there about it.
(Also, aside, but thanks to the build contests Red still would have won even if Green had killed Blue's egg, because different starting values. It's entirely possible the admins credited Green for the kill given the meta only point, but I'm not enough of a numbers brain to work it out)
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gooperts-gunk · 9 months
btw if q!bbh keeps writing letters to forever i want bbh to sooooo badly hit us with a "i lo" before pausing and slowly deleting it I WOULD LOSE MY MIND I WOULD KRILL MYSELF I NEED THIS TO HAPPEN!!! GRRRR BARK BARK BARK IM GOING FUCKING CRAZY!!!!!!!
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concorp · 10 months
the federation is falling apart. they have little control over anything on the island at this point. if an islander wants to leave, there’s not much that can stop them.
but they won’t. because the federation convinced them that they can’t. that their children will die without the federation giving them the means to keep them alive through tasks and cookies and whatever nonsense they make up next. and there’s no way to know if they’re telling the truth.
besides, why would they want to leave? their family is here. it’s their home. the only one who still wanted to leave was the only one who lost all of that. no longer had those ties to bind him and keep him from fighting for his freedom. and now he’s dead.
the federation will still have that power over the islanders even once the federation is dead and gone. they will never truly leave the island. it’s a part of all of them now and forever.
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