#qsmp post purgatory
thedarkladyofthenight · 10 months
Cellbit: "Well it took us ages to trust the blues."
Jaiden: "Yeah, and some of us are still working on it."
Slime: *glaring at BBH* *muttering under his breath* "why i aught to" *grips his bombs*
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Post-Purgatory headcanon
// CW for talks of potential Egg/Child death and the fact several people tried/try to kill themselves after said eggs supposedly die (if you see this again, I accidentally deleted the orginal post adhsjhdaj so I had to repost it sorry lol)
In my head, the people fleeing Purgatory had a little more time, or a little less distance to cover or hell maybe managed to find the boat quicker, and everyone who wanted to stay behind was either dragged or knocked out because nobody left behind even now, even in the face of tragedy.
I should also say it's my hc some people were left behind in Quesadilla island (mostly people who didn't participate in Purgatory at all) though lorewise I'm making it so some of the ones who just didn't make it to the last day were there on the last day, but several people were actually sent back to Quesadilla island early for whatever reason.
Phil on his barely held together wings and with Fit's stolen elytra and rockets, they carry most people, either with lasso trains or managing to pick up people as everyone bolted for the ship.
People are quickly and efficiently ferried or run to the boat, with Tubbo and Phil being last as Tubbo refused until his people were gone first, but Phil's wings get hit by a stray meteor just before they make it and Phil goes down hard, wings screaming in agony.
Thankfully they get on board and sail away pained and feeling grief, but alive, as the bomb goes off in the distance.
Almost everyone made it, and they’re only missing Maximus, but in their sorrow fueled state a lot of people are still mad at the man so not many can really find it in themselves to care at the moment.
It's rougher when those either unconscious or tied up for their own safety are waking up or finally freed from their ties. The ensuing argument is dark, loud, and painful on all sides, more than one person has to be retied back up and carefully watched in case they try to "Finish the Job" they were stopped from doing on Purgatory.
Thankfully, most of the argument is settled after Phil tries to tell them he doesn't think this is it, there might be a chance-that Cellbit tearfully spits out to not give him hope, he can't Phil, he yells-
Phil silences him with a sharp word, familiar in the way Cellbit unconsciously falls in line as a well-built habit from these last two weeks forces him to settle enough to listen to his team captain.
Phil looks at him, and the other parents, and evenly tells them that right before the rest of the room collapsed him and Etoiles did see Richarlyson before he suddenly disappeared before their eyes and that had to mean something. (Yes I'm making that canon, shh they need something to push them along, and I like the idea)
Cellbit only shakes, and Phil quietly looks at the other parents who tried to stay behind, who want to stop hurting, and asks what happens if they are alive? And come back to parents who didn't even try to stay alive for them?
There are flinches and more than one person starts crying, but Philza keeps going, and ignores his own tears dripping down his face as he fails to hold them back.
Phil's not asking them to hope, he can't, but he can ask that if they can't stay alive in honor of their children, who wouldn't want them to give up despite the pain, or can't find in themselves to live for those who did survive, that they stay and try until they at least know for sure, their kids deserve that at the very least, even though it hurts.
After a long, tear soaked silence, finally tensions are lessened and agreements are made, either out loud or silently in a very slight nod. Nobody is happy or 100% okay now, hell a lot of them still need to be watched, but they make due.
Wounds and injuries are tended to in the ships, admittedly small, infirmary. Phil has to be carried because he collapses in pain after the conversation the minute he tries to help out, and rides out waves of agony as they set his arm and left wing, and gets his injuries cleaned.
They try to get him to rest, but he refuses, before finally compromising and taking it easy, with only overseeing, planning, and sitting often under his team's and Tubbo's scarily watchful eyes. Honestly, he can't be too mad though, he has people to worry about him at least.
Food/water are heartily indulged in after two long, long weeks of borderline starving for most of it. Most of them are malnourished, dehydrated, and fucked up in more ways in one, so they focus on making sure they won't run out of food before they managed to get... somewhere, but don't limit themselves or anyone too much, it would be cruel after everything they endured.
That night, and every night after, instead of making use of the rooms they collapse together in one of the common areas, in a nest of hastily put together mattresses and even more blankets and pillows than they're pretty sure they had on Quesadilla island. People are curled together, masses of limbs and bodies thrown over everyone and holding, making contact with as many people as possible.
There is a divide, mostly by team, on the first night or two, even through pain and freedom it's too early to let go of the fact each team do not feel safe with the other team at their back. Though, Phil can't help but notice that Soulfire is spaced out evenly, even amongst their own.
Sure, several are curled together, but it's uniform and mostly only touching by held hands or sharing space but not touch. Bolas, on the other hand, are practically suffocating each other in their sleep with how tightly wound they are around each other, a normal sight, but it's somehow More now so many are in turmoil.
It makes a sort of sense when Phil finds out the blue team often had actual bed spaces and barracks set up for them, if not with beds then some other sort of material.
But Bolas was often too poor to risk using wool or supplies for beds and figured it was just easier and safer to stay close, so even the early days were spent piled on each other, reaching warmth and comfort in their team on roughly constructed blankets and hay bedding.
Soulfire was a team of their own, but not like Bolas. They were a brotherhood, where Bolas was a family. Not to say they didn't care for each other, it was clear they did, it was just a different dynamic was all.
But, the nights after, there's a noticeable spread as they get used to once again sharing space and lives with the other team, rekindle friendships from before Purgatory that were either put on hold or temporarily pushed aside. Soon they're one giant pile of comfort and safety.
They also unconsciously take watch from the first night, despite how safe they are it's too soon to break the habit, but it's made easier by how many people there are.
It was almost funny when the first watchmen of each team realized the other was awake, exchanging a nod but return to watching over their teams after the surprise leaves. Later nights, people on watch were still one from each team per shift, but they'd spend it talking quietly or playing silent games.
And over the coming days there are hard conversations, people sobbing in someone else's arms, fights, and nightmares that wake everyone up with the screaming.
People have to be stopped from hurting themselves or others, bitter words soothed and apologized for from grudges better left on the island. A lot of people have to be taken out of their own heads, and finally some of the more shell shocked people are brought around to lucidity.
Bad in particular takes days to stop staring blankly at the horizon to come uncurled from Dapper, who hasn't tried to really leave or disturb his father except for food and water to be shared, and is very tired from everything. Nobody blames Dapper for living, and are happy he's alive, but the other parents tend to avoid him just a bit when the sight is too much, and Dapper is very much also in shock.
They're very worried when Bad's memory starts to blank or when he gets confused, they think from a serious head wound and trauma he underwent, but cant do much then be there for him and hope he can heal from it.
But they have each other, and they're alive, and that has to be enough.
Then, after a time, they end up back on Quesadilla island.
They all spend the next few weeks still living/piled together, after undergoing vigorous examination and interrogation from the Federation, until they feel safer and can unlearn the habits born from fear and survival, specially Bolas who... let a lot of themselves go in order to survive what happened, and the feral need that came with it.
They then reunite with the people either pulled from Purgatory or those who never went, and most of the Purgatory-experienced people are absorbed into their habits and those unknowing watch, horrified, and try to help the best they can but often have problems connecting due to not being able to understand.
After they start to disperse, they live in groups or pairs for a while to keep watch or provide comfort, some people even making temporary, or even permeant, new homes while they figure out their new place in the world. It's common to have giant sleepovers at a newly constructed building, they fortify and kit out to be safe and comfortable.
Everybody lives, for their own reasons, healthily or unhealthily, for sad or good reasons.
And then, one day, the eggs are returned to them. Sleeping, in bad condition in a hospital, but they are alive and they are home, even with new Eggs too. And they are thankful they are alive to see their kids, and live for them too.
Please, if you did enjoy, reblog and just not like. Likes do nothing and it's kinda disheartening to see like 50 likes and 4 reblogs only for it to die because nobody else sees it after the first 3 days. I'd appreciate it greatly! <3
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greyyson-but-no · 10 months
I love the changes in dynamics of the island already. the new eggs seem like they're going to fit in so well with everyone and their parents seem so happy with them already. bagi is already loving empanada and yes, tubbo is very nervous but he'll grow into the role! he always does!
its also the little details that have changed too. like cucurucho changing completely. the way he went out to save the eggs and shot the federation worker that had an eye without a second thought. putting the eggs first to get them out and the other federation workers throwing the eggs food after so long
and even just forever kindly asking bagi, fit and pac where sunny is and being so nice about it! I know forever has had his ups and downs and I haven't been updated on him in a while but I hope this new era of quesadilla Island will be good for him.
very excited for phil to see chay and tallulah tomorrow when he logs on, (since I watch him the most) and I'm excited for all the eggs to wake up again! I missed them all so much. I'm so happy with this outcome. I don't know what is happening with dapper, apparently the federation have him under wraps which does make me nervous but at least he is alive.
this new era of qsmp will be very very good. I'm very excited.
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pebblemae · 10 months
Ok so we all know how guilty Chayanne can get when he can’t save everyone. Could you imagine? How he would feel if HE got picked instead of Dapper? Especially over Tallulah. His video was just about protecting her and now here he is, ok, and she’s in a coma.
I think they’d all have interesting reactions to being the one who made it out, but Cheyanne has been on my mind the most.
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etoilesbienne · 10 months
HELLO GUYS😃 its me 😄 my name is Rayenne 🤓 i was born in Limoges 😊 Limoges is a small town in France 🇫🇷 its a small town 🤏🏽 and my mother 👩🏻 always said 🗣️ i was a cool person 😎 but im a bit shy 🙈 in real life 👉🏼👈🏼 but i can fight!🥷 i love to left click 😍❤️ yeah 😃 its me (src)
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sweetie-peaches · 10 months
Imagine like
Your Tubbo, currently in purgatory leading and managing a team that does not want to listen at 19 years old, you’re fearing for your life everyday. Enduring bloody battles to save the lives of your friends children, you’ve killed people you love, you’ll be forced to kill again, the blood on your hands is drowning you even if again and again your try to climb out using a thorny olive branch
You get a letter from your long lost best friend that you might’ve accidentally married at one point as a bit, You open it, expecting him to hear about you situation and offer comfort, or support.
What you find, An extremely detailed self insert fanfiction where you call him baby girl and fall deeply in love with each other, there’s also love triangle for some reason?
You remember your friend is Tommyinnit
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alienssstufff · 11 months
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q!carre time neow
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mossrockpog · 11 months
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(Ty accessible-qsmp for the ID!)
[start ID: a screenshot of the QSMP purgatory minecraft chat:
pactw was slain by Crocodile
Fit >> ;_;
Fit >> Where is that son of a bitch
Tubbo_ >> MAKE IT HURT
pactw >> kill him!
pactw was slain by Crocodile
Fit >> I will end that entire croc's family line
pactw >> por favor fit ;-;
/End ID.]
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tubborucho · 9 months
Purgatory Team Leaders :D
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royalarchivist · 17 days
Cellbit: [Kills a pig and eats it raw] Fcking raw meat, fcking raw meat, FCKING RAW MEAT!!! Yes...
Jaiden: [Laughs] Oh god???
Cellbit: Sorry.
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mrfroag · 10 months
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The Escape.
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lilbirdblu · 10 months
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qsmp purgatory as text posts [soulfire version]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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letuce369 · 11 months
"*sobbing* it's just so mildly inconvenient!"
- Foolish Gamers, about reversed controls
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etoilesbienne · 9 months
etoiles grinded so hard today but most importantly he blew up quackity's phone and that's what everyone needs to know
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dontcryminecraft · 11 months
red team purgatory day one
half of red team isn't here, nobody knows how to actually PLAY MINECRAFT, and the only person remotely good at pvp here is philza. Carre carries everyone and is off doing his own thing. Even IF the other half of the team is there, the only person i can accurately gauge the ability of is WILBUR, and i have zero faith in his skills lol. Everyone is realizing how much they're going to have to stream, and some will have to change their schedules in order to play effectively. Charlie doesn't stream for 5 hours, but he has to be here for all of this, and it becomes VERY CLEAR, VERY QUICKLY, WHY HE DOESN'T. His voice is dead and he is unravelling at the seams. He hates it here more than anyone. only half of his breakdown is a joke. They're drying. Cellbit and Slime had ENOUGH and just beat each other with sticks. They're devolving and screaming about how much they hate this and they're manic and their arms feel numb and tingly and badboyhalo keeps killing them and they keep dying and life hates them. Jaiden told badboyhalo to kill himself. In a fit of rage they declared that they no longer care about the eggs and they'd rather just go home. They're planning on logging in on Monday only to build a house and start Egg Island Survival LetsPlay where they make an Emerald Empire and only respond in Villiager Hrmms. now they're sing/screaming as their base burns around them, and i can't tell what they're supposed to be singing but they kept repeating "say something I'm giving up on you" and someone started playing the Living TombStone FNAF song. Phil got a globe and gifted everyone a fidget toy to spin and they're just sitting and spinning. Baghera just realized that Phil already had all the saplings they need and she wasted her time, so Phil took off his armor so the two can could fight. Baghera lost even though she had a diamond sword, so Phil just let her kill him so she can be happy. Corpses scatter across their yard. They're killing each other. I started typing this with 20 minutes left and I'm witnessing the longest fucking 20 minutes of my life how is there still 7-whatever minutes left??? CELLBIT JUST CONFESSED TO THE MURDERS AND THEY'RE CONFESSING TO THEIR SINS NOW???? I CAN'T TELL IF CHARLIE'S CONFESSION ABOUT JUANAFLIPPA AND THE CODE IS CANON???? Charlie suggests a cannibalism arc and everyone wants to go absolutely FERAL and cellbit it trying to act normal about that idea and kinda fails at it. And it all ends with everyone being banned to enforce the 5-hour rule. We're Free...for today. And despite this, they don't want to change teams and they're actually looking forward to suffering with friends :) ...nevermind they're planning on selling wilbur to get a better advantage.
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sweetie-peaches · 10 months
Bolas is psychological horror and found footage of a group of friends turned to a cult lost in the blood and violence of the island, a place where death isn’t permanent and they can come back and back, rip the flesh from each others bones
while soulfire is survival horror and lovecraftian horror of demons and shapeshifters and good people who have had to done the worse to survive, things that while haunt them forever. To keep their heads above the water or be consumed by the darkness around them and drown in paranoia and blood lust and fear
Hope this helps
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