#quality time with Lumpy Space Princess
pg87mertenz · 2 years
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let me call you sweetheart, i'm in love with you.
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tippitv · 6 years
Supernatural TippiTV Recap: 14-13 “Lebanon”
Okay before we get started. This is a long one and while I think it's pretty funny if I do say so myself, there's also a lot of me just... frickin ranting about John Winchester and rushed plots. If you loved this episode and don't want to see someone snarking about it, this might not be the recap for you.
On the other hand if you're like me and come from the TWoP tradition of snarking about the things we love most, then come on in!
Two children talk about how their dad is on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a while.
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Oh wait... holy crap it's Sam and Dean. It took a sec to recognize them without the gravelly voices and almost 14 years of soul-crushing despair.
We also get a reminder of very recent episodes, including the one where Mary learns about the time John threw young Dean's food away because it reminded him of her. It's important to remember what an abusive, hardened asshole John Winchester was... so that we can forget it! Forget it all!
[insert video of recapper letting out a Klingon scream]
Sam and Dean mosey on into a pawn shop that I'm positive is in the US because they never leave the US but there's a sign that says the shop buys "jewellery" which is how they spell it in places that also spell "flavor" with a u. Dean flashes a big wad of cash to get the broker to show them "the good stuff."
By this, he means the magical goods, although the secret room looks like a high school drama department prop closet.
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Dean says they're looking for the skull of a woman who was executed during the Salem witch trials. While the broker goes looking for it, Sam picks up a teddy bear from, you know, a shelf full of cursed and magical items because it's not as if stuffed animals have ever been dangerous. <cue ironic flashback>
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Luckily he's warned away from it before he can unleash some kind of... Pooh demon... probably.
Anyway, it turns out having the skull proves that the broker killed a friend of theirs or something... Honestly, very little of this is going to have any bearing on anything. Long story short, fisticuffs ensue and Dean shoots the broker while he's expositing to Sam. "They always talk too much," Dean says.
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Sam and Dean decide to take a bunch of magical items home with them. Although... what if they rightfully belong to other peop---ah screw it.
Okay now... here comes a long, boring subplot about teenagers back in Lebanon, Kansas. The main thing that's pertinent to the show is that Sam and Dean have a certain reputation around town. And no wonder! They park right in front these teenagers and start talking about shit they would never want anyone to hear.
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They head into the world's skimpiest liquor store and the owner addresses them as "the Campbell brothers." Say whaaaat? Have they been using their mom's maiden name for a while and I just missed it? I mean, I guess it makes sense because... Actually, I don't remember how much stuff is still in their world about the infamous Winchesters. Like I legit can't remember if Charlie or someone erased their FBI/police records or if it was just some fanon someone told me about.
Also, nothing says "real liquor store" like shelves of bottles turned so that their name brands don't show.
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Anyway, Sam stage-whispers to Dean about an ancient Chinese pearl that grants "what your heart desires."
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The plan is to get Michael out of his head, but they notice someone is driving off with the Impala. They run out to confront one of the teenagers about it. He confesses that a girl named Max is the culprit, so that we can spend several minutes on this subplot instead of the much more emotional and important main plot.
I mean, we go from the post office to a pizza joint to an old house on the edge of town to catch up to the Impala. Max has apparently brought all that lethal “secret” stuff inside for a party. The camera lingers on that teddy bear again as if it's going to be important to the plot later.
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Max, the car thief, has a crush on a girl and ISTG I was prepared to be mad if she died. Like I don't even want this whole subplot at all but I'd be puh-hissed if they had queer characters on just to kill one. Luckily I was wrong and neither of them die. However, the dialog is killing me. "I'm sooo excited for pizza." Tell me you can't imagine Lumpy Space Princess saying that.
Apparently the ghost of John Wayne Gacy (sigh) was waiting for the kids to go in search of pizza before oozing out of a cigar box the Winchesters brought from the pawn shop.
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Why is his ghost dressed as a clown? I mean yes I know Gacy was a children's party clown, but it's not like he died in that outfit. Aren't ghosts supposed to be wearing what they died in? OH GOD WHY DO I CARE.
The Winchesters show up and scoot everyone out of the house, but not before at least one kid sees the ghost. Sam zeroes in on the cigar box and Dean points out how Sam's love of serial killers and hatred of clowns are in conflict.
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Of course, some of the kids come back in just as the ghost goes up in flames. Sam and Dean decide to just... tell them the whole truth instead of just lying. Like..."Yo, one of the things you stole was secret holographic tech and you could face prison time if you talk about it." See? Easy peasy. Instead, they just trust the kids to never talk about ghosts being real and meeting actual ghost hunters.
I briefly wondered if this was some kind of back door pilot for teen hunters, but I haven't heard anything about that. Granted I didn't actually look that hard.
Once back at the bunker, Sam finds the magic pearl but it's kinda... chalky and medicinal looking. It looks like something Goop would sell to stick up your hoohaw.
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Dean decides there's no time to wait because we've already spent too long on teenagers playing hooky. Like, even Sam doesn't really know how to use it. "I guess you just concentrate on what your heart desires," he says, scrunching his face uncertainly. I mean what if this had happened
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The music swells dramatically. The lights flicker off dramatically. A shadowy figure approaches... dramatically. Fisticuffs ensue! It's a nice callback to Dean and Sam fighting in the dark in the pilot episode because ta da! It's actually John Winchester! Which we all knew because this was foretold in promotions.
The lights come up, showing... just a whole lot of things for me to process.
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Now, at first, things don't seem that weird. We've seen people come back from the dead so many times, it's basically as surprising as buying socks at this point. Except! John isn't back from the dead at all! He's traveled through time! He eventually tells us he's from the year TWO THOUSAND AND THREE. TWO ZERO ZERO THREE.
He's both three years younger than the last time the bros saw him AND 13 years older, because for Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and all the rest of us mortals, time has marched on. Consequently, John Winchester looks like he got stuck in a wormhole for a good while.
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Now, kudos to John for recognizing his sons, especially Sam, who looked a little something like this the last time they saw each other.
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"Aren't you supposed to be in Palo Alto?" he asks Sam. "And also not a middle-aged man?" he doesn't ask, but I bet he was thinkin' it.
It's just... sigh. I might as well get it all out now. I get what they were going for here. It's the 300th episode and they wanted to have John show up. But because everything is so rushed, they just gloss over anything remotely realistic to the characters. John is all softness and awe the instant the lights go up, instead of bristling and suspicious. Why wouldn't he think it was a djinn or some other creature's doing? "Well we don't have time for him to be as flinty and wary as John would have been in 2003, because we need to get to the part where he spends quality time with his family!" YES EXACTLY. The show is three hundred episodes old now and it deserves more than this speedy treatment put together seemingly for the concomitant promotional opportunity.
Anyway they have a Sit-n-Chat to catch John up on what they've been doing, including the living situation there at the bunker which includes an angel and the son of Lucifer. Goodness only knows what John is picturing.
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Now that I think about it, the brothers should be hella wary too. I mean, what if the pearl is cursed? What if John is actually some shambling interdimensional beast masquerading as John? What if the whole thing is just a hallucination brought on by nefarious moon herbs in Paltrow's pookie pearl? They just uncharacteristically seem to rely on the pawn broker's ledger.
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Fine! Fine! I’ll drop it.
They talk about how they met John's dad via time travel, too, but don't mention that's why John never saw him again after childhood. They talk about the Men of Letters, finally killing old Yellow Eyes, saving the world... Then just when they're about to tell him that Mary's back from the dead, she actually shows up and starts calling to her sons. What a coincidence! John is pained.
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It seems like they didn't tell her, either? Did they just tell her to come over for a surprise or did she just happen to be on her way there anyway? Anyway John and Mary start in on a smoochy reunion so Sam and Dean quietly leave the room.
Sam's like, "How'd this happen?" And Dean's like, "We spent too much time on the teenager subplot instead of looking into this potentially dangerous thing, is how!"
For some reason, John is perusing the library alone instead of... um... making up for lost time with his hot wife. Sam goes to talk to him and finds out Mary's off writing a shopping list for Dean so she can make that emotionally important casserole again. This leads John to admit he fucked up with his kids. Sam is reluctant to blame John because he's had almost 13 years to get over it.
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I hate that everyone's acting their little hearts out and all I can think is how painfully contrived the episode is. Whatever problems I have with the writing and the premise, I don't have a problem with the job the actors are doing. Okay, okay, I'm really letting go of it this time.
John rubs Sam's shoulder and tearfully says, "Son, I am so sorry." The cellos of sadness play sadly. "I'm sorry, too," says Sam. "You did your best, Dad. You fought for us, you loved us... that's enough."
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It's one thing to decide you're going to move past the shitty, shitty things someone did because you're in the midst of the enormity of what's going on RIGHT NOW. But it's another thing for the show to minimize the past. John did NOT do his best. For fuck's sake, he left a little boy in charge of an even littler boy! Dean knew his Dad was possessed because his REAL dad would never be proud of him! When Dean stole food to feed Sam, John abandoned him to face the consequences!
God damn it I guess I'm not going to let it go, after all!
Anyway, Sam and Dean head into town for groceries and time paradoxes. The liquor store owner no longer recognizes Dean, which is the surest sign that something is Very Wrong. Dean is flabbergasted. "It's me! Dean Campbell! I come in here like... always!"
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As Sam heads back to the car, he sees a wanted poster for his bro. It's the old Blue Steel one except I think Sam used to be on it too? He's not anymore. He heads back to the car to tell Dean, but Dean's already been a-googlin' on his phone.
He plays back a video of Sam as a turtleneck-wearing lawyer espousing a raw food diet with plenty of kale. Good lord how much raw food does someone the size of Sam have to eat to fulfill his daily caloric needs?
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They kind of hand-wave how these new versions of themselves exist at the same time as the OG versions. "Our timeline is changing to this new one!" Sam says. He says they need to put things back the way they were or they'll be stuck. It's nice of the timeline to work slowly enough that they can figure this out.
Somewhere nearby, the angel Zachariah appears. Castiel moseys up beside him and he's brought some old friends.
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They decide to head into the nearest pizza place. The teenagers are there because not even a paradox will get rid of this subplot. "Can I help you?" asks the waitress. I think the usual question would be, "Can I get you a table for two?" but whatever. Zachariah asks her who's been messing with time. "We sensed a disturbance in the, well, let's call it the Force," he says. Naturally, she's very confused, and even more confused when he says they're from Heaven.
He says he'll have Castiel murder everyone if they don't tell him what's going on. To emphasize this, Castiel whips out his angel mojo.
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Sam and Dean see the bright light from across the street and come running in. Sam's like, "Zachariah?!" and Dean's like, "Cas?!" and Cas is like, "Is that with one S or two, and also who are you?"
Zachariah exposits that Heaven had big plans for the Winchesters but then their dad suddenly disappeared in 2003. Why wouldn't the angels assume the disappearance and the time event are connected? Why'd they have to just start asking questions in a random pizzeria? Fisticuffs ensue!
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Zachariah force-chokes Sam while asking him for an explanation. Why do villains always try to make people talk while they're choking? Pick one or the other! But this gives Sam a chance to surprise Zachariah with an angel blade in the heart. Oh, Zachariah. Destined to die by Winchester in every version.
Meanwhile, Dean and Castiel are still tussling even though I'm pretty sure Castiel could kill them both pretty quick. Sam joins in for a bit, but gets flung into a table. If there's a table around, someone's getting flung into it. Then he goes back to strangling Dean instead of finishing off Sam, giving Sam a chance to make one of those angel-vanquishing sigils with his own blood.
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They go back home. Dean explains the whole paradox thing to John. If he doesn't return to 2003, Dean will live the same life but alone, Mary will never have come back to life, and Sam will devastate kale crops like a moose-sized locust.
John agrees to go back. "Me versus your mom, that's not even a choice." That's... a weird way to phrase that dilemma. At the same time, Sam is delivering the news to Mary. He says "the lore is pretty clear" that if they destroy the pearl, everything goes back the way it was. What lore? They knew jack squat about it before they used it. Mary has some questions.
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John tells Dean he's proud of him and I slightly expect Dean to whip a gun out on him. "I never meant for this.... I guess I hoped that eventually you get yourself a normal life..a family..."
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He did nothing to prepare them for a normal life! Leaving your kids in motel rooms, never letting them settle down in one school, issuing ultimatums when Sam wanted to go to college? Man, Dean should've been like, "Nah, that was your other son, Adam, who got to live a normal life... at least until a ghoul ate him and his body was used by an archangel." But Dean is nicer than me, I guess. "I have a family," he says.
They decide to eat dinner even though who knows when the timeline is going to snap into place permanently. Oh my God they even take the time to wash the dishes after. They have a nice chat and again, everyone's acting their little hearts out and I'm trying not to be distracted. Dean tells Sam he doesn't want to change the past. "I'm good with who I am. I'm good with who you are." Please let that stick with no reversions to self-loathing and I'll retroactively like this episode more.
They cut to this shot and for a second I thought it was Sam and Dean holding hands at the sink.
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Of course it's John and Mary. Sad piano plays sadly. John's not going to remember anything, but the rest of them will. Oh man what if John got Mary pregnant during his visit. Sam and Dean were out shopping for a while. I wish I hadn't thought that, but now that I have, you all have to be witness to my horrible brain's meanderings.
John reiterates that he's proud of them. So this time Sam pulls a gun on him! No, he doesn't. They all hug and cry genuine tears before John goes back to holding hands with Mary. Sam reluctantly smashes the pearl to bits. Seems like Dean would have to be the one to smash it since he's the one who made the wish, but it works and John slowly fades out of the present.
Everything goes back to normal, including the teenagers remembering and loudly discussing the existence of monsters in public.
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Castiel returns to the bunker in his newer, homelier coat and less erotically tousled hair. "What happened?" he asks. The response in my brain:
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Back in 2003, John wakes up in the Impala to the sound of his flip phone ringing. Smart phones are great and all but man I miss the battery life of my flip. It's the Dean of the day calling to check on him. John, although he's not supposed to remember anything from the future, seems to have experienced it as some kind of dream. He seems nicer, too. This will probably have no bearing on the timeline, though... right?
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I mean, is that 2019 casserole still in his stomach? Did the wine turn back into grapes? Probably not but these are the kinds of things I think about.
I feel the episode does a disservice to its main characters. I've already ranted more than enough so I'll just pick one example:
If Sam had gone on to live a normal life, he would've become a cold-hearted douchebag who tells people that hobbies and families are a waste of time. Like, ha ha yes it's amusing that Sam is the leaf-munching Steve Jobs of law, but what's the meaning here? Are we saying that wanting to get an education for himself means he's a selfish asshole? Like this is the alternative to the codependent relationship with Dean that formed because of their father? Argh.
The John apologia is just so clunky and unnecessary. John could've said, "I should've done more than teach you to hunt monsters... prepared you for a normal life so you could have a family." Then Dean ccould say, "Being able to kill monsters kept us alive long enough so that we figured out things for ourselves. And we do have a family." Bam! It lets John be rueful without rewriting the past or having Dean swallow all the years of hurt and it even acknowledges that knowing how to hunt isn't a bad thing.
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Thank you for sticking with the recap to the end! I do still intend to recap past episodes but things have been kind of stressful. Just staying afloat has been a chore some days.
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fvckmargotross-blog · 5 years
hello gorgeous humans ~ my name is Lo and and my obsessions include hot sauce, good character development, theatre, cats, improv comedy, and spicy quality memes. this is my muffin, margot and she’s a peach.
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•(more about the girl below)•
✧  someone told me that Morgan Parrish was connected to HALEY LU RICHARDSON, but I think they meant MARGOT ROSS, that 21 CISFEMALE THEATRE ARTS MAJOR. I heard that they are EFFERVESCENT and CHARMING but also LICENTIOUS and MANIPULATIVE, which is why people call them THE COQUETTE. Someone in the library was saying that they ARE SLEEPING WITH THREE OF HER PROFESSORS IN EXCHANGE FOR HIGH GRADES, but I highly doubt that’s true. I do know that they WERE FRIENIMIES WITH MORGAN ], so I wonder if the police are looking into them. ( LO, SHE-HER, EST )
○  the twin of @meredith-ross. she is younger by only a few minutes, but it shows. their father is a math teacher and their mother was an opera singer. they have a brother who is 3 years older than them, marcus.
○ margot and meredith are those type of twins. they’ve never spent more than a few days apart. honestly, if they could be attached at the hip, I would not  put it past them to do so.
○ margot was extremely close to her mother. her mother just had this star quality that margot so desperately wanted to have. all of her young life, she modeled herself off her mother and aspired to be almost exactly like her. at ten years old, her mother passed away. it absolutely devastated the girl. she almost envied her sister since she was closer to their father and he was still there, still able to talk to. this is when she started to rebel. 
○ ever since puberty, margot has been obsessed with boys. it’s almost been excessive how many boys she goes after. if you are a male (and straight/bi, she ain’t no reverse james charles #somehwattimelyhumoramirite?) there is about a hundred percent chance she will try and hit on you. partner or not. 
○ if i were to compare her to some fictional characters, I’d pick: bubbles (power puff girls), rachel (friends), cher (clueless), baby spice(spice girls), heather macnarma (heathers), bubblegum princess/lumpy space princess(adventure time), becky bloomwood(confessions of a shopaholic), and any kind of 90s teen movie innocent.
○  she’s sweet and naive, scared of commitment and getting hurt, and more than a little scatterbrained. on the other hand, she puts these walls up for a reason, knowing it’s safer to be on your own than allow yourself to get close to people. maybe that’s why she always dates/hooks up with assholes: it hurts less when your expecting to be left high and dry.
○  as mentioned before, margot didn't romantically or platonically involves herself with the best people. she mainly goes with the people who she thinks she should: popular people who do dumb shit for the sake of it. in school, she was told that was “her crowd”. and soon the little blonde became the leader of the pack with a jock boy on her arm. dating assholes is kind of margot’s thing. she’s gotten to be a pro at it.
○  theatre is her life. she will sing, act and dance from the break of dawn to the dead of night. 
○  when she was eighteen, she began a relationship with her tap instructor who was in his thirties. she never expected it to happen and it was purely romantic at first. when he inevitably broke her heart, margot realized something: while she was with him, she was getting all of the solos, all of the extra time. now? she’s lost all motivation to just work hard and now decideds to use her charms to get what she wants. three of her professors are under her spell (and just under her eyyyyyy amirite ladies?) and she is stringing them along. she might just be addicted.
Wanted Connections
the best friends ;; her partner in crime, the ying to his yang. the pair or more that are typically attached by the hip, consult each other, and couldn’t live without one another.
the partier ;; the sound of too loud music and the taste of warm, cheap beer are the defining characteristics of this friendship. these two may give each other recognition in the halls, but as soon as the word ‘party’ is involved, these two are together. the best of friendships always start smashed.
the one? ;; these two flirt so much, they might as well just get it over with and date. however, many steps have to be taken to get there. are they willing to make those steps?
the big ex ;; these two seemed to be so in love. …or not. maybe they ended on a good note, maybe it went down in flames. all that’s known for certain is that they went from the cutest couple to barely speaking.
break her heart ;; this girl is so reckless with her heart, she’s bound to have had someone reverse it and use her. it was the only time she really found herself falling for someone that she shouldn’t. or maybe it’s in progress. either way, it’s not going to be good.
HMU! ~Lo
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bonni · 6 years
Adventure Time Episode Guide
I’ve seen a lot of posts like these but most of them only go up to season 6 and/or exclude episodes that I think are pretty important so... as somebody who’s been watching Adventure Time since it first aired, here’s my ultimate must-watch episode guide!
I’ve included all the episodes that are relevant to the larger plot (as well as a few particularly heartwarming “filler” episodes) and all of them are annotated so that you can know in advance exactly what they contribute to the series.
You can watch seasons 1-9 on Hulu and find most of the episodes on Dailymotion. The blog madridista-again has also posted direct downloads of a lot of the episodes from season 8 and onward. In addition, if you download the extension Hola, you may be able to watch some of the episodes on Netflix.
UPDATE: Season 10 is now available on Hulu.
Season 1
S1E1 - Slumber Party Panic - Introduces main cast
S1E2 - Trouble in Lumpy Space - Introduces Lumpy Space Princess
S1E3 - Prisoners of Love - Introduces Ice King
S1E4 - Tree Trunks - Introduces Tree Trunks
S1E5 - The Enchiridion! - Introduces the Enchiridion
S1E7 - Ricardio the Heart Guy - Introduces Ricardio
S1E9 - My Two Favorite People - Introduces Tiffany, further development for Jake and Lady Rainicorn
S1E10 - Memories of Boom Boom Mountain - Introduces Joshua and Margaret, further development for Finn
S1E12 - Evicted! - Introduces Marceline
S1E15 - What Is Life? - Introduces NEPTR, further development for Ice King
S1E16 - Ocean of Fear - Further Development for Finn
S1E20 - Freak City - Introduces Magic Man
S1E22 - Henchman - Further development for Marceline
S1E24 - What Have You Done? - Further development for Princess Bubblegum
S1E25 - His Hero - Introduces Billy
Season 2
S2E1 - It Came from the Nightosphere - Introduces Hunson, further development for Marceline
S2E8 - Crystals Have Power - Further development for Tree Trunks
S2E10 - To Cut a Woman’s Hair - Further development for Finn and Lumpy Space Princess
S2E11 - The Chamber of Frozen Blades - Further development for Gunter
S2E12 - Her Parents - Further development for Lady Rainicorn
S2E15 - The Real You - Further development for Finn and Princess Bubblegum
S2E17 - Death in Bloom - Further development for Peppermint Butler, introduces Death
S2E18 - Susan Strong - Introduces Susan, further development for Finn
S2E20 - Go With Me - Further development for Finn and Marceline
S2E22 - The Limit - Introduces the Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant, further development for Jake
S2E23 - Video Makers - Earliest mention of the Great Mushroom War, further development for Finn, Jake, and BMO
S2E24 - Mortal Folly - Introduces The Lich, contributes to later plot
S2E25 - Mortal Recoil - Introduces The Lich, contributes to later plot (continued)
S2E26 - Heat Signature - Further development for Marceline and Lumpy Space Princess
Season 3
S3E3 - Memory of a Memory - Further development for Marceline
S3E5 - Too Young - Introduces Lemongrab, further development for Finn and Princess Bubblegum
S3E6 - The Monster - Further development for Lumpy Space Princess
S3E7 - Still - Further development for Ice King, introduces the Astral Plane
S3E8 - Wizard Battle - Introduces Abracadaniel, further development for Finn and Princess Bubblegum
S3E9 - Fionna and Cake - Introduces the Fionna and Cake universe
S3E10 - What Was Missing - Further development for Finn, Jake, Princess Bubblegum, and Marceline
S3E11 - Apple Thief - Introduces Mr. Pig, further development for Tree Trunks and Jake
S3E12 - The Creeps - Further development for Finn, contributes to later plot
S3E14 - Beautopia - Further development for Susan and Finn
S3E17 - Thank You - Technically a filler but one of the cutest episodes in the series so watch it anyway
S3E18 - The New Frontier - Introduces the Cosmic Owl
S3E19 & S3E20 - Holly Jolly Secrets - Further development for Ice King
S3E21 - Marceline’s Closet - Further development for Marceline
S3E25 - Dad’s Dungeon - Further development for Finn and Joshua
S3E26 - Incendium - Introduces Flame Princess, further development for Finn
Season 4
S4E1 - Hot to the Touch - Further development for Flame Princess and Finn
S4E2 - Five Short Graybles - Introduces Cuber
S4E4 - Dream of Love - Further development for Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig
S4E5 - Return to the Nightosphere - Further development for Hunson and Marceline
S4E6 - Daddy’s Little Monster - Further development for Hunson and Marceline
S4E7 - In Your Footsteps - Contributes to later plot
S4E10 - Goliad - Introduces Goliad, further development for Princess Bubblegum
S4E13 - Princess Cookie - Further development for Princess Bubblegum
S4E15 - Son of Mars - Further development for Magic Man
S4E16 - Burning Low - Further development for Flame Princess, Finn, and Princess Bubblegum
S4E18 - King Worm - Further development for Finn
S4E19 - Lady & Peebles - Further development for Princess Bubblegum and Lady Rainicorn
S4E20 - You Made Me - Further development for Lemongrab
S4E22 - Ignition Point - Further development for Flame Princess and Finn
S4E24 - Reign of Gunters - Introduces Wizard City, further development for Finn, Gunter, and Ice King
S4E25 - I Remember You - Further development for Marceline and Ice King
S4E26 - The Lich - Further development for Finn, Princess Bubblegum, and Billy, contributes to later plot
Season 5
S5E1 - Finn the Human - Introduces Prismo, further development for Finn, Marceline, and Ice King, contributes to later plot
S5E2 - Jake the Dog - Further development for Finn, Jake, Marceline, and Ice King, contributes to later plot
S5E5 - All the Little People - Further development for Finn
S5E6 - Jake the Dad - Introduces Jake’s kids, further development for Jake and Lady Rainicorn
S5E9 - All Your Fault - Further development for Lemongrab
S5E11 - Bad Little Boy - Extension of the Fionna and Cake universe
S5E12 - Vault of Bones - Further development for Flame Princess and Finn
S5E14 - Simon & Marcy - Further development for Ice King and Marceline
S5E17 - BMO Lost - Further development for BMO
S5E21 - The Suitor - Further development for Princess Bubblegum
S5E23 - One Last Job - Further development for Jake
S5E24 - Another Five More Short Graybles - Further development for Jake Jr. and Lemongrab
S5E26 - Wizards Only, Fools - Further development for Princess Bubblegum
S5E28 - Be More - Further development for BMO
S5E29 - Sky Witch - Introduces Maja, further development for Marceline and Princess Bubblegum
S5E30 - Frost & Fire - Further development for Finn and Flame Princess
S5E31 - Too Old - Introduces Lemonhope, further development for Finn, Lemongrab, and Princess Bubblegum
S5E32 - Earth & Water - Further development for Princess Bubblegum, Flame Princess, Finn, and Cinnamon Bun
S5E34 - The Vault - Introduces Shoko, further development for Finn and Princess Bubblegum
S5E40 - Play Date - Further development for Ice King and Abracadaniel, contributes to plot of following episode
S5E41 - The Pit - Continuation of previous episode
S5E42 - James - Introduces James, further development for Princess Bubblegum
S5E43 - Root Beer Guy - Introduces Root Beer Guy
S5E44 - Apple Wedding - Introduces the King of Ooo, further development for Tree Trunks, Mr. Pig, and Princess Bubblegum
S5E45 - Blade of Grass - Further development for Finn, contributes to later plot
S5E46 - Rattleballs - Introduces Rattleballs, further development for Princess Bubblegum
S5E47 - The Red Throne - Further development for Flame Princess and Cinnamon Bun
S5E48 - Betty - Further development for Betty and Ice King
S5E50 & S5E51 - Lemonhope - Further development for Lemonhope
S5E52 - Billy’s Bucket List - Further development for Finn, contributes to later plot
Season 6
S6E1 - Wake Up - Introduces Martin, further development for Finn, contributes to later plot
S6E2 - Escape from the Citadel - Introduces Sweet P, further development for Finn, contributes to later plot
S6E3 - James II - Sequel to S5E42
S6E4 - The Tower - Further development for Finn
S6E6 - Breezy - Further development for Finn
S6E10 - Something Big - Further development for Maja, Root Beer Guy, and the Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant.
S6E12 - Ocarina - Further development for Kim Kil Whan and Jake
S6E15 - Nemesis - Further development for Princess Bubblegum
S6E16 - Joshua & Margaret Investigations - Further development for Joshua, Margaret, and Jake
S6E19 - Is That You? - Further development for Prismo
S6E20 - Jake the Brick - High quality filler episode
S6E21 - Dentist - Further development for Tiffany
S6E22 - The Cooler - Further development for Flame Princess and Princess Bubblegum
S6E23 - The Pajama War - Further development for Princess Bubblegum and Finn
S6E24 - Evergreen - Major lore/worldbuilding episode
S6E25 - Astral Plane - Further development for Finn
S6E26 - Gold Stars - Further development for Sweet P
S6E27 - The Visitor - Further development for Finn and Martin
S6E28 - The Mountain - Further development for Lemongrab
S6E29 - Dark Purple - Further development for Susan
S6E30 - The Diary - Further development for TV
S6E33 - Jermaine - Further development for Jake and Jermaine
S6E38 - You Forgot Your Floaties - Further development for Magic Man and Betty
S6E39 - Be Sweet - Further development for Sweet P
S6E40 - Orgalorg - Further development for Gunter
S6E41 - On the Lam - Further development for Finn and Martin
S6E42 - Hot Diggity Doom - Contributes to later plot
S6E43 - The Comet - Further development for Finn, contributes to later plot
Season 7
S7E1 - Bonnie & Neddy - Introduces Neddy, further development for Princess Bubblegum
S7E2 - Varmints - Further development for Marceline and Princess Bubblegum
S7E3 - Cherry Cream Soda - Further development for Root Beer Guy
Stakes Miniseries - Major development for Marceline, contributes to later plot
S7E14 & S7E15 - The More You Moe, the Moe You Know - Further development for BMO
S7E21 - King’s Ransom - Further development for Betty
S7E23 - Crossover - Further development for Finn, resolves conflict from Season 5
S7E25 - Flute Spell - Further development for Finn and Huntress Wizard
S7E26 - The Thin Yellow Line - Further development for Princess Bubblegum
Season 8
S8E1 - Broke His Crown - Further development for Ice King, Betty, Marceline, and Princess Bubblegum
S8E2 - Don’t Look - Further development for Finn
S8E4 - Lady Rainicorn of the Crystal Dimension - Further development for Lady Rainicorn
S8E5 - I Am a Sword - Further development for Finn
S8E6 - Bun Bun - Further development for Finn, Flame Princess, and Cinnamon Bun
S8E7 - Normal Man - Further development for Magic Man
S8E8 - Elemental - Introduces Patience, further development for Princess Bubblegum
S8E10 - The Music Hole - Introduces the Music Hole, further development for Finn
S8E11 - Daddy-Daughter Card Wars - Further development for Jake and Charlie
S8E12 - Preboot - Introduces Dr. Gross, further development for Susan and Tiffany
S8E13 - Reboot - Introduces Fern, further development for Susan and Finn
S8E14 - Two Swords - Further development for Finn and Fern
S8E15 - Do No Harm - Further development for Fern and Susan
S8E16 - Wheels - Introduces Bronwyn, further development for Jake
S8E17 - High Strangeness - Further development for Tree Trunks and Princess Bubblegum
S8E19 - Jelly Beans Have Power - Further development for Princess Bubblegum
Island Miniseries - Major development for Finn, contributes to later plot
Season 9
S9E1 - Orb - Contributes to later plot
Elements Miniseries - Major development for Ice King and Betty, contributes to later plot
S9E10 - Abstract - Further development for Jake
S9E11 - Ketchup - Further development for Marceline
S9E13 - Whispers - Further development for Sweet P and Fern
S9E14 - Three Buckets - Further development for Finn and Fern, contributes to later plot
Season 10
S10E1 - The Wild Hunt - Further development for Finn and Huntress Wizard, contributes to later plot
S10E2 - Always BMO Closing - Further development for BMO and Ice King, contributes to later plot.
S10E3 - Son of Rap Bear - Further development for Flame Princess
S10E4 - Bonnibel Bubblegum - Introduces Gumbald, further development for Princess Bubblegum
S10E5 - Seventeen - Further development for Finn, contributes to later plot
S10E7 - Marcy & Hunson - Further development for Hunson and Marceline
S10E8 - The First Investigation - Further development for Jake
S10E10 - Jake the Starchild - Further development for Jake
S10E11 - Temple of Mars - Further development for Betty and Magic Man, finale leadup
S10E12 - Gumbaldia - Finale leadup
S10E13 - Come Along With Me - That’s the finale babes!!
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archerwindsor · 4 years
Feeling Anxious? 5 Anxiety Tips to Help Mend Your Mental Health
anxiety tips
Girl, we know that sometimes the holiday feels are overwhelming! If you’re feeling anxious, guess what? ‘Tis the season; it’s sorta normal this time of year. With visiting relatives, stringing lights, endless shopping, and preparing those lavish festive meals, we tend to go warp speed ahead and never stop to soak up the joy of the season. It’s super important to tend to your mental wellness during the holidays and make sure your sanity doesn’t get lost in all the hullabaloo. So if you’re feeling anxious, don’t panic. We put together some helpful anxiety tips to help cope with the added seasonal stress and get through the holidays in a happy, mentally healthy place. You GOT this, Queen.
Take a Brisk Walk
What’s better to clear out the cobwebs than some fresh air and exercise? Taking a brisk walk around the ‘hood can do wonders for putting a little mental pep in our step! One study actually showed that by walking tall with your head held high and shoulders back, you’re more likely to experience good moods. Obvs exercising, in general, is an amazing way to keep that hot bod in shape, but it’s so important for your mental fitness, too. So next time your brain feels like eggnog, and Every. Last. Thing. is getting on your nerves, grab your coat and hit the trails  — or pavement, or basically, anywhere you can walk tall without hitting a tree branch.
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Binge Watch (A Little)
If you’re feeling anxious, there’s nothing better than escaping into your new fave show. (And who doesn’t love them some Johnny and Moira?!) It’s so much fun to let go of our daily stressors and forget about all the stuff we need to get done in time for the holidays. Don’t get lost for too long, though.  A bunch of studies has linked excessive watching of 3.5 hours on the daily to cognitive decline and BMR & metabolism slow down. Egads! So set your alarm to remind yourself to hit pause. Maybe even do a quick sweat sesh before you dive back in!
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Self Reflect & Write it Down
Out of all of our anxiety tips, we heart this one so much! Writing down your thoughts and feelings allows you to just breathe easier and re-focus on what’s important to you. Self-reflection is key to understanding what makes us tick and discovering how to love thyself! When we organize our thoughts and feelings, we learn what matters most to us and how to live our most meaningful life. Mental health experts advise not only jotting down things you want to change but making sure to also track your gratitude. Our LSF Self Love workbook is a great daily guide for self-reflection, journaling, printables, tools for healing, and our step by step on falling in love with YOU!  You’ll learn so much about ways to practice mindfulness and self-care and discover newfound strength to address depression and anxiety. We promise you’ll never be the same again — in a good way!
Eat (dark) Chocolate!
You heard us right, chocoholics. Next time you’re feeling anxious, heed these anxiety tips and stock the pantry with chocolate. But it has to be dark chocolate to glean the awesome mood-boosting benefits. Your crankxiety may mean your body is low on serotonin, a neurotransmitter that impacts your mood. Dark chocolate contains tryptophan (yeah, just like the turkey you ate on Thanksgiving), which gets your body producing serotonin. There are so many great-quality, super affordable organic dark chocolates on the market (TJs is always good for that!) But you can also make your own healthy dark chocolate snacks, like these Keto Almond Joy Fat Bombs we featured here (chocolaty goodness that’s so easy peasy). You’ll be in a better mood because, duh, you’re eating delish chocolate, and those body chemicals will take care of the rest.
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Get Some Sleep!
Insomnia sucks and it prevents us from operating on all cylinders. Getting enough sleep is also essential to our mental wellness! Sometimes slumber is elusive and it’s tough to get Mr. Sandman to bring you a dream — especially with everything going on around the holidays. We know how it is: You flop into bed exhausted, only to play mental ping-pong with yourself about what you’re getting everyone on your gift list (check out these great ideas in our LSF Holiday Gift Guide for some help!). And it can turn into a vicious cycle of not sleeping because you’re anxious – to your lack of sleep causing even more anxiety. Ugh. Well, don’t give up on your dreams just yet. Thankfully, there are some quick adjustments you can make to your sleep environment and a few pre-sleep activities that you can do to help you fall into dreamland a little easier.
Experts say the ideal temperature for snoozing is between 60 and 67 degrees. So, adjust your thermostat girl and you’ll be able to snuggle in a little easier. Also, make sure you have a good mattress. Not to be like ‘Princess and the Pea’ or anything, but if you have a lumpy mattress and scratchy sheets, it’s no wonder you can’t get any shut-eye! And then, to create the most dreamy sleep space, use essential oils, lavender in particular, either in a lotion or with a diffuser. (See more good info on essential oils in this LSF blog!) Finally, when you’re about to wind down, dim the lights, do some light stretches, and turn on your most soothing soundtrack. If you try some of these techniques, we think you’ll be in a better frame of mind to conk out when the light’s out. Sweet dreams!
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The post Feeling Anxious? 5 Anxiety Tips to Help Mend Your Mental Health appeared first on Love Sweat Fitness.
Feeling Anxious? 5 Anxiety Tips to Help Mend Your Mental Health published first on https://olimpsportnutritionuk.tumblr.com/
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
Dog Whistle
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There’s been an influx of cast turnovers in animated shows lately over race. Apparently, characters portrayed as people of color who are voiced by white actors, are quitting in droves and i find this sh*t to be ridiculous. Jenny Slate pulled out of Big Mouth where she portrays the biracial Missy. Miss is half black and half white, both are accepts aspects of who she is. Slate is white. Why can’t Slate voice this character but the SJW rules pr whatever? Kristen Bell is in the exact same position, though, she has her own, purple colored problems. Ma’s heart is in the right place but she seems to be going about it in the worst way lately. The creator of Bojack Horseman even refereed to his casting of Alison Brie as the Vietnamese, Diane Ngyuen. That’s bonkers to me! Brie was exceptional in that role and Diane is one of the best characters on the entire show. So much of that passion and humanity was imbued by Brie’s performance but, because some thumb-sucking, armchair activists, are upset that the Asian-coded cartoon they watch has a white woman voicing them, it’s a problem? Get the f*ck out of here.
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Look, casting white voice actors for non-white parts, isn't racist. It's not. Stop it. You're not seeing them onscreen, just hearing them. This is not the same thing as whitewashing a character on film where everyone can actually connect a real face to events. This is not the same as blackface. This ain’t a mistral show. This ain’t Emma Stone in Aloha or Jenette Goldstein in Aliens or Scarlett Johansson in Ghost in the Shell. That last one, i'm not even sure is a big deal to begin with anyway. Sure, i think it’s f*cked up Johansson is the Major in the eyes of the US. You know who doesn’t? The director of the anime. The people of Japan. They don’t care. They laugh at all of this PC bullsh*t. They were just happen that Johansson, an actor of renown, got to portray the role. If the people who created the property are okay with the change, why are we so goddamn upset? It’s stupid. It’s even more absurd to me when all you’re using is the actor’s voice. The quality, cadence, and detail of the voice are what take precedent. The character being voiced ain't even real, man. Sure, it's cute to have a black person portray a black coded character, but it shouldn't be a goddamn requirement. It shouldn’t be a point of controversy. The character you created has a very, specific identity; One that you, as the master craftsman of this entire universe, forge. That includes what they sound like. Why the f*ck should you have to alter your vision just because it’s not “socially acceptable?”
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If you are worth your weight as an artist, as a creator, you wouldn't compromise your vision over something so goddamn trivial. I am a creator. I write and draw. I build worlds. Hopefully, in the next few years, i can share some of them with you all. That said, If I have to choose between Cardi B giving my ethnic coded, femme fatale character life, over Scarlett Johansson because some wuss sees that as problematic casting, then I'm about to be real problematic. Scarlett has one of the greatest voices in the entire history of Hollywood. There's no way I don’t jump at that opportunity. Plus, she’s a consummate professional. Her talent outstrips a great many other options, Cardi B being one of them. I’m not about to crippled the essence of my character just because you think the actor chosen to portray them, has to match the skin tone with which i literally chose to color them. That’s how unstable the grounds for this argument are. It’s literally based on artistic discretion. If i decided to color my Femme Fatale white instead of black, on a him, technically there wouldn’t be a problem. For you. But i would have betrayed everything i put into her by doing that. Scarlett’s voice would have been a part of who she is. It would have been the striking quality you remember most about her. Maybe her dope appearance but definitely them sultry vocals, too. That’s how animation works.
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Where are the pitchforks for Grey DeLisle portraying Azula; An Asian coded, very possibly Japanese inspired, character from Avatar? That entire f*cking show is held in the highest regard for it’s diversity but, by these ridiculous new rules and outrage triggers, it would technically be the most problematic show on television because of all the whitewashing. I love Avatar. Just finished watching the entire f*cking show for the third time, last week. It’s spectacular. Great characters, dope lore, unique vision. It’s near perfect television. I hate the fact people call it anime, it’s not, but other than that, outstanding. Not one white person in sight, but a ton of them heard. Where is the ire for Aang and his misadventures? Why not go the other way? Phil LaMarr has voiced a ton of characters in his long ass career, one of them Samurai Jack. Phil LaMarr is not a Samurai. He is not of Japanese descent. He’s as v\black as i am. Why has no one canceled him for his audacity in portraying what can only be described as  a character with the basest of Asian characteristics? Hell, how is the Samurai Jack character, not offensive unto itself? Because they’re f*cking cartoons.
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If we, as a society, have decided to tumble down this stupid f*cking rabbit hole, where does it end? Why is no one upset that Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Matthew Broderick, both white boys, voiced Simba in the Lion King? That entire movie takes place in Africa. Those two cats are decidedly not African. What about Mulan? That Ming-Na Wen casting was inspired but what about Mushu? I man, the name Mushu is a problem for another day but guess who ain’t Chinese? Eddie f*cking Murphy! No one is out here coming for his career over that sh*t, whatever is left of it anyway. I’ll do you one better. F*cking Trap Jaw from He-Man. That motherf*cker is a blue cyborg with a green, necrotic, face. Who gets to portray that character? Is it anyone because he’s a Frankenstein monster or is it because he’s more fantastical than, say, Kidagakesh? What about Bonnibel Bubblegum, Jake the Dog, Marceline Abadeer, B-Mo, or Lumpy Space Princess? What about Panthro from Thundercats or Jazz and Blaster from Transformers? Who gets to voice Piccolo from Dragon Ball? Freezer? Cell? Buu? Yoruichi from BLEACH? Mirko from HeroAca? Any localization roles from all goddamn anime, ever?? Does it actually f*cking matter who voices any character, ever? F*cking no! The only thing that matters is the voice actually fits the character, regardless of their skin color. I can definitely keep going but i think my point is made. This sh*t is stupid. Getting upset over actual f*cking cartoons, drawings created by a person with a singular vision, is the dumbest sh*t i have ever heard in my entire life. Appreciate the art. Immerse within the journey presented by the guiding narrative. Stop getting tied up in your irrelevant opinion and performative indignation. Let creators, create, free from your superficial concern, fickle ass expectation, and transparent, agenda driven, dog whistles. Just enjoy the ride.
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smokeybrand · 4 years
Dog Whistle
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There’s been an influx of cast turnovers in animated shows lately over race. Apparently, characters portrayed as people of color who are voiced by white actors, are quitting in droves and i find this sh*t to be ridiculous. Jenny Slate pulled out of Big Mouth where she portrays the biracial Missy. Miss is half black and half white, both are accepts aspects of who she is. Slate is white. Why can’t Slate voice this character but the SJW rules pr whatever? Kristen Bell is in the exact same position, though, she has her own, purple colored problems. Ma’s heart is in the right place but she seems to be going about it in the worst way lately. The creator of Bojack Horseman even refereed to his casting of Alison Brie as the Vietnamese, Diane Ngyuen. That’s bonkers to me! Brie was exceptional in that role and Diane is one of the best characters on the entire show. So much of that passion and humanity was imbued by Brie’s performance but, because some thumb-sucking, armchair activists, are upset that the Asian-coded cartoon they watch has a white woman voicing them, it’s a problem? Get the f*ck out of here.
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Look, casting white voice actors for non-white parts, isn't racist. It's not. Stop it. You're not seeing them onscreen, just hearing them. This is not the same thing as whitewashing a character on film where everyone can actually connect a real face to events. This is not the same as blackface. This ain’t a mistral show. This ain’t Emma Stone in Aloha or Jenette Goldstein in Aliens or Scarlett Johansson in Ghost in the Shell. That last one, i'm not even sure is a big deal to begin with anyway. Sure, i think it’s f*cked up Johansson is the Major in the eyes of the US. You know who doesn’t? The director of the anime. The people of Japan. They don’t care. They laugh at all of this PC bullsh*t. They were just happen that Johansson, an actor of renown, got to portray the role. If the people who created the property are okay with the change, why are we so goddamn upset? It’s stupid. It’s even more absurd to me when all you’re using is the actor’s voice. The quality, cadence, and detail of the voice are what take precedent. The character being voiced ain't even real, man. Sure, it's cute to have a black person portray a black coded character, but it shouldn't be a goddamn requirement. It shouldn’t be a point of controversy. The character you created has a very, specific identity; One that you, as the master craftsman of this entire universe, forge. That includes what they sound like. Why the f*ck should you have to alter your vision just because it’s not “socially acceptable?”
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If you are worth your weight as an artist, as a creator, you wouldn't compromise your vision over something so goddamn trivial. I am a creator. I write and draw. I build worlds. Hopefully, in the next few years, i can share some of them with you all. That said, If I have to choose between Cardi B giving my ethnic coded, femme fatale character life, over Scarlett Johansson because some wuss sees that as problematic casting, then I'm about to be real problematic. Scarlett has one of the greatest voices in the entire history of Hollywood. There's no way I don’t jump at that opportunity. Plus, she’s a consummate professional. Her talent outstrips a great many other options, Cardi B being one of them. I’m not about to crippled the essence of my character just because you think the actor chosen to portray them, has to match the skin tone with which i literally chose to color them. That’s how unstable the grounds for this argument are. It’s literally based on artistic discretion. If i decided to color my Femme Fatale white instead of black, on a him, technically there wouldn’t be a problem. For you. But i would have betrayed everything i put into her by doing that. Scarlett’s voice would have been a part of who she is. It would have been the striking quality you remember most about her. Maybe her dope appearance but definitely them sultry vocals, too. That’s how animation works.
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Where are the pitchforks for Grey DeLisle portraying Azula; An Asian coded, very possibly Japanese inspired, character from Avatar? That entire f*cking show is held in the highest regard for it’s diversity but, by these ridiculous new rules and outrage triggers, it would technically be the most problematic show on television because of all the whitewashing. I love Avatar. Just finished watching the entire f*cking show for the third time, last week. It’s spectacular. Great characters, dope lore, unique vision. It’s near perfect television. I hate the fact people call it anime, it’s not, but other than that, outstanding. Not one white person in sight, but a ton of them heard. Where is the ire for Aang and his misadventures? Why not go the other way? Phil LaMarr has voiced a ton of characters in his long ass career, one of them Samurai Jack. Phil LaMarr is not a Samurai. He is not of Japanese descent. He’s as v\black as i am. Why has no one canceled him for his audacity in portraying what can only be described as  a character with the basest of Asian characteristics? Hell, how is the Samurai Jack character, not offensive unto itself? Because they’re f*cking cartoons.
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If we, as a society, have decided to tumble down this stupid f*cking rabbit hole, where does it end? Why is no one upset that Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Matthew Broderick, both white boys, voiced Simba in the Lion King? That entire movie takes place in Africa. Those two cats are decidedly not African. What about Mulan? That Ming-Na Wen casting was inspired but what about Mushu? I man, the name Mushu is a problem for another day but guess who ain’t Chinese? Eddie f*cking Murphy! No one is out here coming for his career over that sh*t, whatever is left of it anyway. I’ll do you one better. F*cking Trap Jaw from He-Man. That motherf*cker is a blue cyborg with a green, necrotic, face. Who gets to portray that character? Is it anyone because he’s a Frankenstein monster or is it because he’s more fantastical than, say, Kidagakesh? What about Bonnibel Bubblegum, Jake the Dog, Marceline Abadeer, B-Mo, or Lumpy Space Princess? What about Panthro from Thundercats or Jazz and Blaster from Transformers? Who gets to voice Piccolo from Dragon Ball? Freezer? Cell? Buu? Yoruichi from BLEACH? Mirko from HeroAca? Any localization roles from all goddamn anime, ever?? Does it actually f*cking matter who voices any character, ever? F*cking no! The only thing that matters is the voice actually fits the character, regardless of their skin color. I can definitely keep going but i think my point is made. This sh*t is stupid. Getting upset over actual f*cking cartoons, drawings created by a person with a singular vision, is the dumbest sh*t i have ever heard in my entire life. Appreciate the art. Immerse within the journey presented by the guiding narrative. Stop getting tied up in your irrelevant opinion and performative indignation. Let creators, create, free from your superficial concern, fickle ass expectation, and transparent, agenda driven, dog whistles. Just enjoy the ride.
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airhosts · 5 years
The most beneficial loved ones family vacation locationsCurrently taking your family on the well-deserved break, except absolutely sure where to search? We’ng ripped with each other a subscriber base of the highest quality family-friendly vacation rentals that can assist you decide. During these positions, you’lmost all look for recreation for all ages, in addition to swathes about very soft stone dust in addition to low, paddle-friendly waters. There are close-to-home Western accommodations in Majorca and The nation, together with inspiring, far-flung locations like Florida and Mexico to pick from, too. As well as, in terms of lodging, our TUI FAMILY LIFE series is the most beneficial bet. These kind of lodging are made to carry everyone at the same time, and provides an issue for all – because of the younger kids and teens to help mums and dads as well as grandparents. You can get specialized Athletic & Task Entertainers accessible which keeps every body pre-occupied using matches in addition to hobbies, and even cafes this provide for anyone bud, too. In addition, any the best quality nighttime leisure features will show with respect to tots, kids, adolescence in addition to adults.  Find out – everyone’lenses covered. Scan our relatives trip deals to acquire booking. Can be earning !, now we have bought 1000s regarding no charge little ones'areas accessible, too.   After we say Bulgaria, family holiday getaway possibly doesn’l springtime in order to mind. Nevertheless, Bulgaria’azines fast becoming a tourist hotspot, brimming with child-friendly hotels as well as functions which keeps the entire family entertained. Budget-friendly Sun-drenched Beach can be the most well-liked household holiday break vacation resort hotel, with spic Azure Flagstone islands, some sort of lively promenade, and plenty of watersports regarding offer. It’ohydrates very easy to plan daytime trips with the UNESCO-listed Nessebar and investigate wats, lumpy castle wall space, and also a good Ottoman-style Chivalric Basilica, too. Our TUI FAMILY LIFE Nevis Resort in Inviting Beach consists of kids’ splashing partition, a fabulous beach specific location in addition to large family-sized rooms for up to 6 people. The day time activity at the same time queues upward family-centric pursuits like quizzes, and then Rest of the world Close musical-style shows.   A lot of UK tourists pick the Costas within The nation regarding yearly family trip, and Costa Dorada has become the ideal venues to try an individual's clan. This valuable inn displays kid-friendly lodgings, enormous exercises for pristine, any radiant promenade, and plenty of functions for everyone ages. Any time you want intending in some day-trips, Barcelona is only below a couple of hours away from, and you can get to the Aquopolis waterpark and then the PortAventura theme park, here is where hula Europe’s tallest coaster, in just in excess of half an by just car. Our TUI FAMILY LIFE Avenida Suites meets your needs in the middle in Salou, settling anyone in close proximity to most of the sights, moreover it’azines an important 10-minute go with the Llevant Beach. These rooms allow me to share great, modern day and also commodious, along with there’lenses admission to a giant share, too. Or possibly, if you would like get correct down the middle of the particular motion, go with the Typical hotel H10 Salou Princess as your foundation, that could be near to the two seashore and also PortAventura topic park.   More in Costa Environnant les Are generally Luz, relating to Spain’ohydrates the southern area of shore, get ready to enjoy a fabulous silent household escape. TUI FAMILY LIFE Islantilla is in line next to some 20-mile-long expanse about sand. In addition to, the place strains further up some bundled exercise course, any lagoon-like swimming pool, and it has 3 cafes to select from. Typically the Portuguese moulding is undoubtedly lower than half-an-hour’erinarians commute from the motel, too. The truth is, you can also bring a family for just a trip while in the Algarve, which is certainly full of utilizing exquisite beach locations, together with tick off a few nations around the world per trip.
The most beneficial loved ones family vacation locationsCurrently taking your family on the well-deserved break, except absolutely sure where to search? We’ng ripped with each other a subscriber base of the highest quality family-friendly vacation rentals that can assist you decide. During these positions, you’lmost all look for recreation for all ages, in addition to swathes about very soft stone dust in addition to low, paddle-friendly waters. There are close-to-home Western accommodations in Majorca and The nation, together with inspiring, far-flung locations like Florida and Mexico to pick from, too. As well as, in terms of lodging, our TUI FAMILY LIFE series is the most beneficial bet. These kind of lodging are made to carry everyone at the same time, and provides an issue for all – because of the younger kids and teens to help mums and dads as well as grandparents. You can get specialized Athletic & Task Entertainers accessible which keeps every body pre-occupied using matches in addition to hobbies, and even cafes this provide for anyone bud, too. In addition, any the best quality nighttime leisure features will show with respect to tots, kids, adolescence in addition to adults.  Find out – everyone’lenses covered. Scan our relatives trip deals to acquire booking. Can be earning !, now we have bought 1000s regarding no charge little ones’areas accessible, too.   After we say Bulgaria, family holiday getaway possibly doesn’l springtime in order to mind. Nevertheless, Bulgaria’azines fast becoming a tourist hotspot, brimming with child-friendly hotels as well as functions which keeps the entire family entertained. Budget-friendly Sun-drenched Beach can be the most well-liked household holiday break vacation resort hotel, with spic Azure Flagstone islands, some sort of lively promenade, and plenty of watersports regarding offer. It’ohydrates very easy to plan daytime trips with the UNESCO-listed Nessebar and investigate wats, lumpy castle wall space, and also a good Ottoman-style Chivalric Basilica, too. Our TUI FAMILY LIFE Nevis Resort in Inviting Beach consists of kids’ splashing partition, a fabulous beach specific location in addition to large family-sized rooms for up to 6 people. The day time activity at the same time queues upward family-centric pursuits like quizzes, and then Rest of the world Close musical-style shows.   A lot of UK tourists pick the Costas within The nation regarding yearly family trip, and Costa Dorada has become the ideal venues to try an individual’s clan. This valuable inn displays kid-friendly lodgings, enormous exercises for pristine, any radiant promenade, and plenty of functions for everyone ages. Any time you want intending in some day-trips, Barcelona is only below a couple of hours away from, and you can get to the Aquopolis waterpark and then the PortAventura theme park, here is where hula Europe’s tallest coaster, in just in excess of half an by just car. Our TUI FAMILY LIFE Avenida Suites meets your needs in the middle in Salou, settling anyone in close proximity to most of the sights, moreover it’azines an important 10-minute go with the Llevant Beach. These rooms allow me to share great, modern day and also commodious, along with there’lenses admission to a giant share, too. Or possibly, if you would like get correct down the middle of the particular motion, go with the Typical hotel H10 Salou Princess as your foundation, that could be near to the two seashore and also PortAventura topic park.   More in Costa Environnant les Are generally Luz, relating to Spain’ohydrates the southern area of shore, get ready to enjoy a fabulous silent household escape. TUI FAMILY LIFE Islantilla is in line next to some 20-mile-long expanse about sand. In addition to, the place strains further up some bundled exercise course, any lagoon-like swimming pool, and it has 3 cafes to select from. Typically the Portuguese moulding is undoubtedly lower than half-an-hour’erinarians commute from the motel, too. The truth is, you can also bring a family for just a trip while in the Algarve, which is certainly full of utilizing exquisite beach locations, together with tick off a few nations around the world per trip.
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After more than eight years of shenanigans involving candy people, alternate universes, vampires, nearly 3,000 wiki pages’ worth of lore, some highly unusual exclamations (“Mathematical!”), and bacon pancakes, Cartoon Network’s beloved Adventure Time is coming to a close.
Since its debut in 2010, the series has evolved into one of the most popular and influential programs in the channel’s history. Despite being first and foremost a kids’ show, it built a sizable fan base among older audiences and gained mounting psychological and even philosophical weight over its 10-season run. The September 3 series finale marks the end of an era in imagining new storytelling possibilities, not just for cartoons but for TV in general.
Adventure Time spans nearly 300 11-minute episodes involving hundreds of distinct characters — so it’s no easy feat to describe. But in brief, it takes place 1,000 years after a nuclear apocalypse known as the “Mushroom War” warps the Earth into a fantasy landscape; its main setting, the Land of Ooo, is populated by offbeat creatures and people made of candy, fire, or “lumpy space,” among other things.
A young boy named Finn (Jeremy Shada) is apparently the last human being on the planet, and he and his foster brother/best friend — a shape-shifting dog named Jake (John DiMaggio) — have taken it upon themselves to be as helpful around Ooo as possible. They lend their treasure-hunting, monster-fighting, errand-running prowess to their many friends and neighbors, and along the way, the complex backstory of Adventure Time’s characters and their world is unspooled.
That supremely odd summary belies the fact that Adventure Time has sneakily persisted as one of the most critically acclaimed shows of the 2010s. When considering the recent “Golden Age” of TV, few would rank it alongside the likes of Breaking Bad, Mad Men, or Game of Thrones. And yet it has received high praise from sources as wide-ranging as the A.V. Club, the New Yorker, NPR, and this very site.
In addition to being aimed at kids, Adventure Time lies at the intersection of multiple artistic categories that often struggle to attract serious critical consideration — namely, animation, fantasy, and short-form episodic TV (which for a long time was mainly the playground of experimental Adult Swim shows like Aqua Teen Hunger Force). Still, it has won over many critics. And though its erratic airing schedule has led to a decline in viewership and prestige in its later years, it has maintained a consistent standard of quality nonetheless.
With its series finale now on the horizon, let’s take a look back at the brilliance of Adventure Time, both as a singular achievement and as a show that has left a lasting impact on the TV landscape.
Adventure Time began as a short film made for Nicktoons. After the short leaked online and subsequently went viral, creator Pendleton Ward was able to successfully pitch it to Cartoon Network as a series. Produced in 2006, it exemplifies the “random” style of internet humor of that time, pioneered by the likes of Homestar Runner, eBaum’s World, and Newgrounds.
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In just under seven minutes, a boy and his dog fight an ice-powered, princess-abducting king, with a brief dream excursion to Mars for a pep talk from Abraham Lincoln, before ultimately running off to confront some ninjas who have stolen an old man’s diamonds (ninjas were to internet comedy in the mid-2000s what bacon would be to it in the early 2010s). Millions of people loved it when it hit (the then-young) YouTube, and the short was eventually nominated for an Annie Award.
Once Adventure Time the show made its Cartoon Network debut, it found instant success and regularly drew millions of viewers per episode for many years. Examining the phenomenon, critics have often cited the show’s broad appeal for both kids and adults as a big reason for its popularity.
Cartoons have long embraced an anything-goes sensibility, but Adventure Time took the approach to a new level. Every single episode would pack its brief running time with strange new characters, places, and ideas: A vampire who drinks the color red. A pack of sentient balloons eager to die. An imaginative robot that “switches places” with its reflection. And to fit within the 11-minute runtime of each episode, it all came at the audience at a breathless pace.
Animated shorts are as old as television itself, but Adventure Time spurred a revival of the format, especially on Cartoon Network. The show also led the way in turning “random” humor and world-building from a niche interest into what is now practically an industry standard, not just for animated series aimed at kids but for adult-oriented ones as well. Shows like BoJack Horseman and Rick and Morty demonstrate a common willingness to indulge the strange, an instinct that Adventure Time arguably introduced to the mainstream.
It didn’t stop there. Even as Adventure Time told bizarre tales of trickster gods from Mars and penguins that turned out to be world-threatening alien abominations, it worked hard to incorporate them into its complicated backstory and world, maintaining dense continuity through multiple long-running story arcs. In the grand tradition of prestige TV, it featured overarching plots about Finn’s search for his birth parents, or the recurring threat of the fearsome undead sorcerer the Lich. And yet it also made time for many standalone episodes, sometimes ultimately folding them into the larger picture, with major characters like Marceline the Vampire Queen being introduced in apparent one-off installments.
Adventure Time’s penchant for experimentation was both admirable and skillfully executed. The show didn’t hesitate to hand over multiple episodes to guest directors simply to riff on a different animation style. It occasionally adopted an idiosyncratic airing schedule, where several new episodes would drop over the course of a single week and then months would go by with nothing new. While the inconsistency sometimes hurt Adventure Time’s ratings, the show’s creative team used the “episode bomb” approach to produce several miniseries that featured some of its most ambitious ideas and set pieces.
Despite the show’s overall comedic tone, it handled its biggest ideas with gravitas and sincere emotion. And for all the manic energy it could indulge, Adventure Time never hesitated to slow down for a scene or two, or even a whole episode. American animation sometimes has trouble simply putting breathing space into shows and movies — superfluous gestures, brief pauses, and other moments that aren’t necessarily propelling the plot forward. Hayao Miyazaki once explained this to Roger Ebert as ma, the soundless beats between claps of the hand. Adventure Time had lots of ma.
Look at this scene from the “Stakes” miniseries, in the episode “Everything Stays.” In less than a minute, the episode creates an extraordinary evocation of intimacy between a parent and child. The animators inject dozens of little gestures to establish this feeling — note the brief shot in which young Marceline strokes her mother’s arm. And then the scene is over, and it’s on to the next beat.
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This kind of formal economy, doing a lot in precious little time, is rare in television. Today, many prestige shows are running longer with each installment yet still struggle to carve out time for characters to simply be. They could learn something from Adventure Time, a show that used its 11-minute episodes to explore myriad genre ideas and flights of fancy, and to demonstrate the endless potential of simply being artistically open and flexible.
Every single character on Adventure Time, from the regulars to the one-episode guests, had a distinct voice. And I don’t mean in terms of acting (though the show’s voice acting was excellent), but in how each person spoke. The writers gave everyone a unique slang, or attitude, or cadence to work with.
Finn and Jake had their own adolescence-inflected goofy rapport and strange swears (“Aw, dingle!” “Algebraic!”). Marceline was a laid-back slacker punk rocker. Princess Bubblegum was officious and scientifically minded. Finn and Jake’s parents, who only appeared in a few episodes, had ’30s-style trans-Atlantic accents (“Make like there’s egg in your shoe and beat it!”). One episode set in an alternate universe introduced an entirely different future lingo. No character was too minor to be considered as a distinct individual.
Adventure Time frequently devoted entire episodes to fleshing out secondary characters, sometimes shining a spotlight on someone who had only existed in the background for the entire show up to that point. It drew up complex inner lives for the likes of characters with names like “Root Beer Guy” — a sentient, walking mug of soda — and “Cinnamon Bun.”
And what it could do for its main characters was even more impressive. Some of them were hundreds of years old, with a few of them predating the Mushroom War, and as we got to know them better, we came to understand a long history of regrets, which stemmed first from the act of survival and then from trying to build a new society out of the ruins. Their arcs were contrasted with the subtle but definable trajectories of Finn and Jake, who slowly matured over the course of the show from goofballs to responsible figures.
Many episodes of Adventure Time took detours to toss out different philosophical challenges, aiming them at both the characters and the audience. In one, Finn got trapped in another world and lived an entire lifetime there before returning to his own as a child again. In another, Finn and Jake confronted a population of people willingly submitting to a Matrix-like virtual reality existence. In a sequence emblematic of the series’ simultaneous whimsical tone and intellectual seriousness, one character mused: “What’s real? Your eyes think the sky is blue, but that’s just sun rays farting apart in the barf of our atmosphere. The sky is black.”
Adventure Time dared to be anything and everything, often at the same time. It was a silly, plotless kids’ show. It was an epic fantasy adventure. It was a long-term coming-of-age story. It was an experimental exercise. It was a stoner’s dream. It was a relationship drama. It was a heartbreaker.
Episodic television offers a canvas unique among the arts: time. The best shows make use of this canvas to tell their stories as creatively and ambitiously as they can; Adventure Time used it to become one of the best television series of its day.
Adventure Time’s four-part finale, “Come Along With Me,” airs Monday, September 3, on Cartoon Network.
Original Source -> An ode to Adventure Time, one of TV’s most ambitious — and, yes, most adventurous — shows
via The Conservative Brief
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nicolextaylor-blog · 8 years
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So, since it is a dreary day I decided to create a cocktail :) "In-finn-a-tea" With the help of M.C. Escher, Adventure Time, American Juice Company, New Amsterdam Vodka, Tejava Tea, and Local Bee Pollen We can do anything we try hard enough... in·fin·i·ty inˈfinədē/ noun 1. the state or quality of being infinite. "the infinity of space" synonyms:endlessness, infinitude, infiniteness, boundlessness, limitlessness; More 2. MATHEMATICS a number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number (symbol ∞) Recipe: "In-finn-a-tea" Nicole White, Off Base Bar SD 1.5 oz New Amsterdam Vodka 1.5 oz American Juice Company Blueberry Finn 2 oz Tejava Unsweetened Ice Tea .5 oz Lemon Juice 1 Ruby Red Graperfruit Peel as Garnish 1 Teaspoon Of Local Bee Pollen as garnish Drizzle of Local Honey as garnish (health food store, farmers market) Bee pollen is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, lipids and fatty acids, enzymes, carotenoids and bioflavonoids. It has powerful antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties that strengthen the capillaries, reduce inflammation, stimulate the immune system and lower cholesterol levels naturally. Chilled Coupe Method: add all ingredients (except garnish) Fill with ice shake vigorously, strain into a chilled coupe glass. Twist grapefruit peel over cocktail and express around rim, place bee pollen on top of grapefruit peel, drizzle honey ∞ enjoy! Story: Adventure Time gives me inspiration, so combining math, and space I figured the name out pretty quickly as finn likes to travel and visit lumpy space princess...Also, M.C. Escher check out or google #mobiusstripII (red ants)
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letusasklemongrabs · 8 years
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( [wheeeze] hello headcannon where Lemongrab is in a situation where he cannot scream and just literally out loud plainly says “screaming” with a blank expression. If normal mundane things stress him out,imagine what highly unusual things do x’DD The movie has only begun but he might just want to leave already again )
“[they’re sitting really close to the screen][he’s extremely far sighted][forgot his glasses at home][sits there,pretends to know what’s going on]”
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