monocerosarts · 4 years
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I’m very grateful that this has not hit me as hard as it’s hit other people. But I personally know people who don’t know how they’re going to pay rent, utilities, etc. The cat rescue we work with is overfull with cats from broken-hearted owners who knew that giving their cat to someone more fortunate was what’s best for the cat, and they knew that their cat’s needs were more important than their personal desires. People are being forced to make even harder decisions than what to do with their cats, and the last thing they need is for privileged JERKS (from outside the US, I might add), to take to the internet to demean them and victim-blame them. No one has any right to attack people who are already suffering. That’s what playground bullies do. If you run into people like this online, block them without hesitation. If you encounter them in real life, turn and walk away. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. They’re not worth your energy to even give a reply. . . #support #covid #coronavairus #supporteachother #hope #hopeful #covidsupport #covidsupportforce #coronavirussupportforparents #coronavirussupport #covidunemployment #covidunemploymentlife #covidunemployed #covidsupportnetwork #endbullying #covidmemes #covidmemes2020 #quarantine #quarantinelife #quarantinesupport #alonetogether #wereallinthistogether #wereallinthistogether❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B_K0zrADkot/?igshid=14abswws94ull
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bodyillumination · 4 years
Self Love Meditation 15 min 💗with positive affirmations 🌈 support during...
Self Love Meditation 15 min - Everyone needs self love.  Whether you are going through a challenging time because of isolation, you want to find your sanity while staying home or you want to motivate yourself to get healthy, loose weight, get fit - first you need to find self love.  LISTEN TO THIS. YOU WILL SURPRISE YOURSELF.  CAN YOU REPEAT THIS TO YOURSELF?   Repeat these positive affirmations to yourself and send them out into the universe as a declaration.  You may also use this as a meditation in the morning or at night.  You can repeat them as a mantra with your family when you start your day, in the car,  on the bus or subway when you do your hair or make-up, while you make breakfast. TRAIN YOUR MIND LIKE YOU TRAIN YOUR BODY!  Reprogram your mind with self love.   #isolationsupport#quarantinesupport
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