southernsolarpunk · 6 months
I am once again posting the solarpunk manifesto because I keep seeing people saying that solarpunk is just an aesthetic
Inspired by Solarpunk: A Reference Guide and Solarpunk: Notes Towards a Manifesto
A Solarpunk Manifesto
Solarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion, and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question “what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?”
The aesthetics of solarpunk merge the practical with the beautiful, the well-designed with the green and lush, the bright and colorful with the earthy and solid.
Solarpunk can be utopian, just optimistic, or concerned with the struggles en route to a better world ,  but never dystopian. As our world roils with calamity, we need solutions, not only warnings.
Solutions to thrive without fossil fuels, to equitably manage real scarcity and share in abundance instead of supporting false scarcity and false abundance, to be kinder to each other and to the planet we share.
Solarpunk is at once a vision of the future, a thoughtful provocation, a way of living and a set of achievable proposals to get there.
We are solarpunks because optimism has been taken away from us and we are trying to take it back.
We are solarpunks because the only other options are denial or despair.
At its core, Solarpunk is a vision of a future that embodies the best of what humanity can achieve: a post-scarcity, post-hierarchy, post-capitalistic world where humanity sees itself as part of nature and clean energy replaces fossil fuels.
The “punk” in Solarpunk is about rebellion, counterculture, post-capitalism, decolonialism and enthusiasm. It is about going in a different direction than the mainstream, which is increasingly going in a scary direction.
Solarpunk is a movement as much as it is a genre: it is not just about the stories, it is also about how we can get there.
Solarpunk embraces a diversity of tactics: there is no single right way to do solarpunk. Instead, diverse communities from around the world adopt the name and the ideas, and build little nests of self-sustaining revolution.
Solarpunk provides a valuable new perspective, a paradigm and a vocabulary through which to describe one possible future. Instead of embracing retrofuturism, solarpunk looks completely to the future. Not an alternative future, but a possible future.
Our futurism is not nihilistic like cyberpunk and it avoids steampunk’s potentially quasi-reactionary tendencies: it is about ingenuity, generativity, independence, and community.
Solarpunk emphasizes environmental sustainability and social justice.
Solarpunk is about finding ways to make life more wonderful for us right now, and also for the generations that follow us.
Our future must involve repurposing and creating new things from what we already have. Imagine “smart cities” being junked in favor of smart citizenry.
Solarpunk recognizes the historical influence politics and science fiction have had on each other.
Solarpunk recognizes science fiction as not just entertainment but as a form of activism.
Solarpunk wants to counter the scenarios of a dying earth, an insuperable gap between rich and poor, and a society controlled by corporations. Not in hundreds of years, but within reach.
Solarpunk is about youth maker culture, local solutions, local energy grids, ways of creating autonomous functioning systems. It is about loving the world.
Solarpunk culture includes all cultures, religions, abilities, sexes, genders and sexual identities.
Solarpunk is the idea of humanity achieving a social evolution that embraces not just mere tolerance, but a more expansive compassion and acceptance.
The visual aesthetics of Solarpunk are open and evolving. As it stands, it is a mash-up of the following:
1800s age-of-sail/frontier living (but with more bicycles)
Creative reuse of existing infrastructure (sometimes post-apocalyptic, sometimes present-weird)
Appropriate technology
Art Nouveau
Hayao Miyazaki
Jugaad-style innovation from the non-Western world
High-tech backends with simple, elegant outputs
Solarpunk is set in a future built according to principles of New Urbanism or New Pedestrianism and environmental sustainability.
Solarpunk envisions a built environment creatively adapted for solar gain, amongst other things, using different technologies. The objective is to promote self sufficiency and living within natural limits.
In Solarpunk we’ve pulled back just in time to stop the slow destruction of our planet. We’ve learned to use science wisely, for the betterment of our life conditions as part of our planet. We’re no longer overlords. We’re caretakers. We’re gardeners.
is diverse
has room for spirituality and science to coexist
is beautiful
can happen. Now
-The Solarpunk Community
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racefortheironthrone · 7 months
Why was queens pardoning prisoners seen as good? Like murders and sexual assaulter ect? Wouldn’t the public be against that?
This is an area where I think Foucault was actually right:
"...The public execution is to be understood not only as a judicial, but also as a political ritual. It belongs, even in minor cases, to the ceremonies by which power is manifested.... The public execution, then, has a juridico-political function. It is a ceremonial by which a momentarily injured sovereignty is reconstituted. It restores that sovereignty by manifesting it at its most spectacular. The public execution, however hasty and everyday, belongs to a whole series of great rituals in which power is eclipsed and restored (coronation, entry of the king into a conquered city, the submission of rebellious subjects); over and above the crime that has placed the sovereign in contempt, it deploys before all eyes an invincible force. Its aim is not so much to re-establish a balance as to bring into play, as its extreme point, the dissymmetry between the subject who has dared to violate the law and the all-powerful sovereign who displays his strength. Although redress of the private injury occasioned by the offence must be proportionate, although the sentence must be equitable, the punishment is carried out in such a way as to give a spectacle not of measure, but of imbalance and excess; in this liturgy of punishment, there must be an emphatic affirmation of power and of its intrinsic superiority. And this superiority is not simply that of right, but that of the physical strength of the sovereign beating down upon the body of his adversary and mastering it by breaking the law, the offender has touched the very person of the prince; and it is the prince - or at least those to whom he has delegated his force - who seizes upon the body of the condemned man and displays it marked, beaten, broken. The ceremony of punishment, then, is an exercise of 'terror'... The sovereign power that enjoined him to kill, and which through him did kill, was not present in him; it was not identified with his own ruthlessness. And it never appeared with more spectacular effect than when it interrupted the executioner's gesture with a letter of pardon...The sovereign was present at the execution not only as the power exacting the vengeance of the law, but as the power that could suspend both law and vengeance. He alone must remain master, he alone could wash away the offences committed on his person; although it is true that he delegated to the courts the task of exercising his power to dispense justice, he had not transfered it; he retained it in its entirety and he could suspend the sentence or increase it at will." (emphasis mine) Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish, ch. 2
Unlike a modern conception of criminal justice, which is premised as an objective, rational, truth-seeking process in which precise identification of the right suspect and their level of guilt and the appropriate nature of their punishment, criminal justice systems in premodern Europe (although not necessarily limited to the same) were meant to emphasize the terrifying arbitrariness of royal power. With rituals put in place in order to ensure guilt through public (often coerced) confessions, the point wasn't whether the sheriff and the judge had "got the right man" or whether "the punishment fits the crime," but that the king could either enact public displays of bodily obliteration or public displays of mercy at their sole discretion.
In a sense, the pardoning of the guilty was a necessary justification for the deliberately disproportionate brutality of a pre-carceral system of punishment. This promoted the logic of submission to the guilty and innocent alike: if the king could sentence you to the ultimate physical dehumanization whether or not you were guilty, the only hope was either the mountain and forest refuge of the outlaw or the hope of a pardon as a quasi-divine act of unearned grace.
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stargazer-sims · 25 days
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Meet Bin & Blu, a couple of fugitives who find themselves on the strangest planet they've ever seen... Earth.
Their home world is a planet called Tora. Their species is also called Tora, or Torae when referring to them collectively. (an individual Tora, or multiple Torae). Like its nearest neighbour, Sixam, the planet Tora is a matriarchal society. Also like Sixam, both biological males and females can bear children, and no social concept of gender exists. People form relationships with whomever they want, and individuals are differentiated by biological sex rather than by a socially-constructed gender system.
Tora has a class or caste system. Unlike Sixam, class is not based on colour or biological sex, but rather by economic and socio-political standing. Tora is not a peaceful world like Sixam, either. There is a lot of unrest, with people constantly trying to become wealthy, successful or famous and trying to climb the class ladder.
Blu is from the upper class, but lost status due to his political views and his association with people like Bin, who started in the middle class but fell to the lower class due to his criminal proclivities.
On their home world, Blu and Bin were were caught while attempting to flee after Blu helped Bin escape from prison. Blu was more likely than not headed for prison himself because of his socio-political advocacy, and the authorities decided that instead of incarcerating both of them on the home world, they'd get rid of them by dropping them off on some backwater planet and stranding them there. They were left with only a few items of clothing and supplies, and that was that.
They decided fairly quickly that they'd need "Earth names" in order to integrate better. Unfortunately, they realized just as quickly that no one on this planet looks even remotely like them, and new names would not help them integrate at all. They also discovered that having a good vocabulary in a language isn't enough when it comes to naming. Context is also important, and Dustbin and Blu-Ray, as it turns out, were not the best choices for names.
Currently, they're camping on a beach in Tomarang and trying to figure out their next move.
About Bin Real Name: Azri Kana'an Earth Name: Dustbin (or Bin for short) Occpuation: thief, elemental master
Azri (Bin) is one of the minority of people on his world who can harness elements. He's a genetic throwback from the days when magic was more prevalent than science and technology. Magic is largely lost to the Torae now, and those who do possess it are either elevated as quasi-spiritual figures or vilified, depending on who you ask. There is very little middle ground. Azri's life choices unfortunately led him to be viewed more as a danger to public order than to be seen as a leader or hero of any sort
He's notorious for his thefts of large amounts of currency and other easily-liquidated valuables. He gave most of the money to organizations dedicated to dismantling the class system on his world and making life more fair and equitable for everyone. He actually enjoys the adrenaline rush he gets from stealing, and in between heists, he likes to steal small items for fun.
He was given medication to sterlize him while he was in prison, and is convinced he can't get pregnant now, which is good in his opinion because he's very sexually adventurous.
About Blu Real Name: Valyn Auri'el Earth Name: Blu-Ray (or Blu for short) Occpuation: social worker, activist
Valyn (Blu) comes from a wealthy and prominent family. He was expected to join his family's business enterprise and amass his own fortune, but after recognizing the plight of the lower classes, he decided he wanted to dedicate his life to helping them instead of enriching himself. He trained to be a social worker, a job usually done by lower middle class individuals. He met Bin while working in his city's prison, and despite knowing it wasn't a good idea to start a relationship with a client, he did it anyway. Between them, they hatched a wild plot to break Bin out of jail.
His facial marking isn't natural; it's a tattoo that's fashionable among the upper classes, which parents often have applied to their children at a young age. Blu hates it because it easily identifies him as coming from the upper class, but Bin thinks it's beautiful, particularly at night when the moons-light hits it and makes it look glossy.
He loves the water, and like most members of his species, he can stay underwater for several minutes without needing to come up for air.
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is-solarpunk · 2 years
A Solarpunk Manifesto
Many people have written about Solarpunk during the last 10+ years. Mostly after 2014. 
The genre is not yet clearly defined.
This Solarpunk Manifesto is a creative re-adaptation of ideas about solarpunk written by many people. These ideas can be mainly found in Solarpunk: a reference guide which can be found here and in Solarpunk: Notes towards a Manifesto by Adam Flynn, which can be found here.
A Solarpunk Manifesto
Solarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion, and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question “what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?” 
The aesthetics of solarpunk merge the practical with the beautiful, the well-designed with the green and lush, the bright and colorful with the earthy and solid. 
Solarpunk can be utopian, just optimistic, or concerned with the struggles en route to a better world ,  but never dystopian. As our world roils with calamity, we need solutions, not only warnings.
Solutions to thrive without fossil fuels, to equitably manage real scarcity and share in abundance instead of supporting false scarcity and false abundance, to be kinder to each other and to the planet we share.
Solarpunk is at once a vision of the future, a thoughtful provocation, a way of living and a set of achievable proposals to get there.
We are solarpunks because optimism has been taken away from us and we are trying to take it back.
We are solarpunks because the only other options are denial or despair.
At its core, Solarpunk is a vision of a future that embodies the best of what humanity can achieve: a post-scarcity, post-hierarchy, post-capitalistic world where humanity sees itself as part of nature and clean energy replaces fossil fuels.
The “punk” in Solarpunk is about rebellion, counterculture, post-capitalism, decolonialism and enthusiasm. It is about going in a different direction than the mainstream, which is increasingly going in a scary direction.
Solarpunk is a movement as much as it is a genre: it is not just about the stories, it is also about how we can get there.
Solarpunk embraces a diversity of tactics: there is no single right way to do solarpunk. Instead, diverse communities from around the world adopt the name and the ideas, and build little nests of self-sustaining revolution.
Solarpunk provides a valuable new perspective, a paradigm and a vocabulary through which to describe one possible future. Instead of embracing retrofuturism, solarpunk looks completely to the future. Not an alternative future, but a possible future.
Our futurism is not nihilistic like cyberpunk and it avoids steampunk’s potentially quasi-reactionary tendencies: it is about ingenuity, generativity, independence, and community.
Solarpunk emphasizes environmental sustainability and social justice.
Solarpunk is about finding ways to make life more wonderful for us right now, and also for the generations that follow us.
Our future must involve repurposing and creating new things from what we already have. Imagine “smart cities” being junked in favor of smart citizenry.
Solarpunk recognizes the historical influence politics and science fiction have had on each other.
Solarpunk recognizes science fiction as not just entertainment but as a form of activism.
Solarpunk wants to counter the scenarios of a dying earth, an insuperable gap between rich and poor, and a society controlled by corporations. Not in hundreds of years, but within reach.
Solarpunk is about youth maker culture, local solutions, local energy grids, ways of creating autonomous functioning systems. It is about loving the world.
Solarpunk culture includes all cultures, religions, abilities, sexes, genders and sexual identities.
Solarpunk is the idea of humanity achieving a social evolution that embraces not just mere tolerance, but a more expansive compassion and acceptance.
The visual aesthetics of Solarpunk are open and evolving. As it stands, it is a mash-up of the following:
1800s age-of-sail/frontier living (but with more bicycles)
Creative reuse of existing infrastructure (sometimes post-apocalyptic, sometimes present-weird)
Appropriate technology
Art Nouveau
Hayao Miyazaki
Jugaad-style innovation from the non-Western world
High-tech backends with simple, elegant outputs
Solarpunk is set in a future built according to principles of New Urbanism or New Pedestrianism and environmental sustainability.
Solarpunk envisions a built environment creatively adapted for solar gain, amongst other things, using different technologies. The objective is to promote self sufficiency and living within natural limits.
In Solarpunk we’ve pulled back just in time to stop the slow destruction of our planet. We’ve learned to use science wisely, for the betterment of our life conditions as part of our planet. We’re no longer overlords. We’re caretakers. We’re gardeners.
is diverse
has room for spirituality and science to coexist
is beautiful
can happen. Now
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thinkinglegal · 2 months
Top 5 Women SEBI Expert Lawyers Shaping India's Securities Landscape
In a legal profession dominated by men, with women comprising only 15.3% of lawyers in India according to government data from 2022, a select few exceptional female SEBI experts are breaking the mould and redefining the industry. These SEBI lawyers are not only shattering stereotypes but also setting new benchmarks of excellence, proving that gender is no barrier to success in the complex world of securities law.
Female SEBI lawyers have consistently demonstrated exceptional skills, knowledge, and dedication, making them indispensable in navigating the intricate regulatory framework. Their remarkable achievements have earned them accolades from peers, superiors, and clients alike, solidifying their status as leaders in the field.
As more women enter this traditionally male-dominated profession, these inspiring individuals serve as role models for the next generation of SEBI lawyers. Their success stories highlight the transformative power of diversity and inclusion, paving the way for a more equitable and representative legal system that truly reflects the diverse voices of the nation.
1. Vasudha Goenka: A Leading Authority Among SEBI Lawyers
Vasudha Goenka, SEBI expert lawyer and a partner at the prestigious Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas firm stands out as a colossus in India's securities regulatory landscape. Her journey from handling contentious proceedings at the regulatory epicentre of SEBI to joining a top-tier law firm has been nothing short of a masterclass in legal excellence.
Goenka's 16 years of experience as a SEBI lawyer has transformed her into a beacon for corporations navigating the labyrinthine world of securities law. Her extensive expertise in quasi-judicial proceedings before SEBI and SAT, coupled with her deep knowledge of various SEBI regulations, has earned her the reputation of being one of the best capital markets lawyers in India.
2. Vaneesa Agrawal: A Leading Authority Among SEBI Lawyers
Vaneesa Agrawal, an expert SEBI lawyer and the founder of Thinking Legal, is a senior securities and corporate lawyer who has made significant strides in the SEBI lawyer space. Her commitment to continuous learning ensures she stays ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving legal landscape. With her extensive experience in advising on setting up angel and venture capital funds to deploying capital across various series transactions, negotiations between GPs and LPs, Vaneesa Agrawal has become a trusted advisor to global funds looking to set up in India.
Ms Vaneesa Agrawal's expertise extends beyond securities laws, as she also advises start-ups and founders through their entrepreneurial journeys. Her unique perspective as a first-generation entrepreneur herself has made her a sought-after counsel in the technology, consumer goods, and financial services sectors. Vaneesa Agrawal's recognition as part of the BW Legal 40 Under 40 Club of Young Achievers and a Leading Individual in Delhi NCR for corporate/M&A work by the Legal 500 is a testament to her exceptional skills and dedication as an expert SEBI and corporate lawyer.
3. Anubha Rastogi: Championing Human Rights and Women's Rights as a SEBI Lawyer
Anubha Rastogi, a Senior Consultant at Ernst & Young (EY), brings a unique perspective to the SEBI expert lawyer landscape. With 21 years of experience in providing survivors of human rights violations access to justice, with a special focus on women's rights, Rastogi's body of work includes a combination of litigation, advocacy, research, capacity building, and law and policy making.
Rastogi's track record of executing her experience cohesively as an individual, in an organisational setup, both corporate and civil, and with the state, has earned her a reputation as an agent of change. Her strong written and verbal skills, combined with excellent research abilities and proven leadership qualities, make her a dominant force in the field of SEBI compliance and advisory for a diverse range of clients, requiring the expertise of a well-rounded SEBI lawyer.
4. Nivedita Nirvikar: A Versatile and Respected SEBI Lawyer
Nivedita Nirvikar, a Senior Software Engineer at Accenture, has proven her mettle as a SEBI expert lawyer with her versatility and depth of knowledge. As a Designated Senior Advocate in the Patna High Court, Nirvikar has exposure to the Supreme Court and other High Courts, handling a wide range of matters, including arbitration, civil, criminal, taxation, and service matters.
Nirvikar's experience in representing the interests of commercial firms across India has made her a valuable asset in the SEBI compliance and advisory space. Her honours and awards, including a Certificate of Appreciation from the Central Excise Department, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, further solidify her standing as one of the top female SEBI lawyers.
5. Pritika Kumar: A Seasoned SEBI Lawyer with a Diverse Practice
Pritika Kumar, a general legal practitioner with nearly 17 years of experience, has made her mark in the SEBI expert lawyer arena. Before starting work independently in 2016, Kumar worked with premier law firms and prominent SEBI lawyers in India, including JSA, Khaitan and Khaitan, and Arun Jaitley.
Kumar's practice areas include general corporate advisory (including FEMA, SEBI, company law, trusts, partnerships, foreign investment, foreign contribution/grants, import, export and tax), regulatory advisory, policy advisory, cross border, criminal investigation, corporate fraud, corruption and anti-bribery, constitutional advisory, property, wealth management, estate and succession planning.
Kumar's diverse client base, ranging from multinational corporations and SMEs to governments, non-profit organizations, foreign law firms, Indian law firms, funds, investors, independent professionals, founders and start-ups, has given her a unique perspective on SEBI compliance and challenges faced by SEBI lawyers.
Conclusion: Empowering Women, Transforming the Legal Landscape
The contributions of these brilliant female SEBI lawyers, Vaneesa Agrawal, Vasudha Goenka, Nivedita Nirvikar, etc. extend far beyond their individual accomplishments. They are symbols of empowerment, inspiring women across India to pursue their dreams and break free from societal constraints. By shattering glass ceilings and redefining the standards of excellence, they have opened doors for countless others who aspire to make their mark in the legal profession.
As the legal landscape continues to evolve, the success stories of these top female SEBI lawyers serve as a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment. They have not only achieved personal success but have also paved the way for a more inclusive and equitable legal system, one that truly reflects the diversity and strength of India's legal talent.
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mainulkabir · 4 months
The Future of Crypto in the Developing World
Financial inclusion is a powerful driver of economic growth and equality. It ensures that individuals, families and communities have the tools to achieve their financial goals, invest in their own futures, and contribute to a vibrant global economy. However, millions of people worldwide lack access to the financial services they need. Many are trapped in the informal sector, underserved by traditional banking and stuck in a cycle of poverty and inequality.
Blockchain technology offers a promising path to overcoming these barriers. The immutability of the blockchain means that it can store secure, tamper-proof digital identities, giving people the ability to open bank accounts, own property and participate in the formal economy. This is especially important in developing countries where a lack of official ID documents is a major barrier to financial inclusion. Blockchain-based identification systems such as uPort and Civic offer an opportunity to overcome this hurdle by digitizing ID documents and providing a platform for citizens to verify their identity online.
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Cryptocurrencies can also help empower people in developing nations by lowering the cost of transactions and acting as an alternative store of value. These benefits are particularly significant in countries with high inflation Who are techogle? rates or unstable economies. In countries like Venezuela, Argentina and Zimbabwe, where the local currency has rapidly devalued in the past, cryptocurrencies have offered a safe haven for savings.
In addition, cryptocurrency can lower barriers to international trade for small-scale entrepreneurs. In this way, the blockchain can serve as a quasi-bank account for people who do not have formal bank accounts, enabling them to make and receive payments from overseas customers. This can significantly reduce transaction costs and speeds compared to traditional methods such as bank transfers (Honohan, 2008).
Beyond the financial realm, the blockchain can revolutionize land registries and supply chains by offering a secure, transparent platform for recording ownership and tracing goods from farm to table. These innovations can drive investment and growth, while also promoting accountability in government institutions and fighting corruption.
Ultimately, the future of crypto in the developing world will be determined by how technology news governments, NGOs and tech companies collaborate to create a responsible, inclusive blockchain ecosystem. This will require education, infrastructure development and robust regulatory frameworks. But with these obstacles successfully surmounted, the blockchain’s potential to enhance economic inclusion and empower people in developing countries can be realized. After all, our world is interdependent, and when any of us are left behind, we all suffer. Let’s work together to realize the full potential of crypto in the developing world, so that everyone can benefit from a more equitable and prosperous future.
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from words with "Q" in them
Acinolant Aciquats Aciquet Ackset Acquadin Acquay Acque Acquen Acquene Acquet Acquette Acquirk Acquits Adrity Annet Anquic Antate Antum Apicais Aqual Aquarivit Aquart Aquat Aquate Aquer Aquerchog Aquet Aquets Aquette Aquetter Aquier Aquiet Aquine Aquinque Aquintia Aquirk Aquotater Aquoter Arqued...
Bantarle Baquin Beche Bequate Bequiopag Bequity Bezite Biquin Biquine Bosequib Bosqued Brelloque Brickies Brier Burequick Burle Burled Burlest Cacquaver Caine Caleant Calla Caqueduct Caquish Caterel Cathque Chent Chnide Ciquaish Ciquat Ciquatic Ciquear Citafaq Clifer Cliff Cliqueage Cliquerre Coequain Coequirt Collaut Colly Coquab Coquain Coquamis Coquas Coquation Coquid Coquixote Coquoit Crins Crity Croquid Daintas Darel Darequir Dequier Dereque Diantique Diqua Diqueste Ealib Enequanta Ention Eqeloquet Equacque Equak Equan Equant Equartane Equas Equat Equatic Equatore Equeales Equeeg Equelifer Equeloris Equence Equentude Equesce Equest Equet Equetue Equiem Equient Equill Equilla Equinela Equinta Equir Equirm Equisi Equit Equoin Equore Estic Exchinade Exchy Exque Exqued Exquetry Faquel Faquet Faquy Fisity Foite Frele Frequarte Frequic Frequity Groquer Haliquet Harique Hequash Humite Humits Inequette Iniqubyte Inois Inoll Inquingle Inquite Inquivium Intique Jonque Lantionon Lifise Liniquet Liqual Liquambre Lique Liqueat Liqueduct Liquen Liquent Liquer Liques Litant Lizer Loquamia Loquy Macquawk Maniquiet Mantick Maquate Maque Maquer Maquility Marela Maresque Marinarre Marquilt Marquint Marquity Marto Matene Mosquatit Obled Obsemis Odalet Opaquarel Paggle Palique Paquate Pasted Pastiquer Pickied Picque Pinque Pipashy Piquiet Qadrupled Qaickie Qantinque Qinquid Qirella Qirte Qishy Qopale Qoparquer Qophy Qophys Quablan Quable Quacirre Quade Quadel Quaditry Quadity Quadri Quadrum Quaeque Quaequeer Quage Quagmia Quaimesce Quainetty Quaiqual Quaish Quala Qualin Qualinon Quallbas Qualoquy Quamarint Quane Quang Quanter Quapled Quaplen Quarant Quarqan Quarqueak Quarquint Quarte Quartichy Quary Quasader Quashys Quasquip Quasy Quater Quatous Quawfiern Qubiques Queake Queal Queantic Quearchip Quebaceps Queeg Queene Queeze Quefous Quelle Quence Quencent Quenceps Quene Quenequal Quenquawk Quenque Quent Quentince Queous Quere Queria Querince Quernaut Queroque Quescene Quesquids Quesquil Quess Questasy Queste Questry Quetic Quetics Quetreate Quetrel Quette Quetty Quetzity Quiae Quickiet Quicklib Quietter Quifish Quills Quinate Quine Quinelle Quinetted Quing Quinocate Quinonox Quinque Quinquess Quinquic Quinquy Quipme Quirelle Quirest Quirestid Quiriutin Quirm Quirre Quirsque Quiry Quisadro Quisem Quish Quishipu Quisid Quisquaw Quisques Quitale Quitash Quitate Quiteps Quiter Quito Quitte Quity Quivande Quize Quoist Quotaimil Quotalm Quotash Quotesque Quotet Quothal Quotion Radron Raniquent Rarquart Reage Recqueue Refous Relched Remarry Requa Requal Reque Requois Resce Riggy Roonoiter Roqua Sacquet Sequal Sequand Seque Sequenc Sequeous Sequer Sequesce Sequil Sobleak Soblosque Sobrads Solin Solla Sollent Squade Squader Squadria Squage Squaid Squaids Squain Squaique Squaline Squarte Squate Squatint Squavium Squbyte Squeane Squed Squeduct Squeen Squeent Squeentin Squefoia Squegian Squente Squer Squerate Squery Sques Squestry Squet Squette Squetur Squeurna Squich Squie Squier Squiess Squify Squilag Squile Squin Squinid Squinque Squins Squip Squism Squoide Squoting Subisity Tabble Toreque Turly Ubiquidia Ubite Uniquet Unquirel Valib Valinsh Valoqueer Vaquence
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74fdc · 1 year
A Solarpunk Manifesto
Solarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion, and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question “what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?” 
The aesthetics of solarpunk merge the practical with the beautiful, the well-designed with the green and lush, the bright and colorful with the earthy and solid. 
Solarpunk can be utopian, just optimistic, or concerned with the struggles en route to a better world ,  but never dystopian. As our world roils with calamity, we need solutions, not only warnings.
Solutions to thrive without fossil fuels, to equitably manage real scarcity and share in abundance instead of supporting false scarcity and false abundance, to be kinder to each other and to the planet we share.
Solarpunk is at once a vision of the future, a thoughtful provocation, a way of living and a set of achievable proposals to get there.
We are solarpunks because optimism has been taken away from us and we are trying to take it back.
We are solarpunks because the only other options are denial or despair.
At its core, Solarpunk is a vision of a future that embodies the best of what humanity can achieve: a post-scarcity, post-hierarchy, post-capitalistic world where humanity sees itself as part of nature and clean energy replaces fossil fuels.
The “punk” in Solarpunk is about rebellion, counterculture, post-capitalism, decolonialism and enthusiasm. It is about going in a different direction than the mainstream, which is increasingly going in a scary direction.
Solarpunk is a movement as much as it is a genre: it is not just about the stories, it is also about how we can get there.
Solarpunk embraces a diversity of tactics: there is no single right way to do solarpunk. Instead, diverse communities from around the world adopt the name and the ideas, and build little nests of self-sustaining revolution.
Solarpunk provides a valuable new perspective, a paradigm and a vocabulary through which to describe one possible future. Instead of embracing retrofuturism, solarpunk looks completely to the future. Not an alternative future, but a possible future.
Our futurism is not nihilistic like cyberpunk and it avoids steampunk’s potentially quasi-reactionary tendencies: it is about ingenuity, generativity, independence, and community.
Solarpunk emphasizes environmental sustainability and social justice.
Solarpunk is about finding ways to make life more wonderful for us right now, and also for the generations that follow us.
Our future must involve repurposing and creating new things from what we already have. Imagine “smart cities” being junked in favor of smart citizenry.
Solarpunk recognizes the historical influence politics and science fiction have had on each other.
Solarpunk recognizes science fiction as not just entertainment but as a form of activism.
Solarpunk wants to counter the scenarios of a dying earth, an insuperable gap between rich and poor, and a society controlled by corporations. Not in hundreds of years, but within reach.
Solarpunk is about youth maker culture, local solutions, local energy grids, ways of creating autonomous functioning systems. It is about loving the world.
Solarpunk culture includes all cultures, religions, abilities, sexes, genders and sexual identities.
Solarpunk is the idea of humanity achieving a social evolution that embraces not just mere tolerance, but a more expansive compassion and acceptance.
The visual aesthetics of Solarpunk are open and evolving. As it stands, it is a mash-up of the following:
1800s age-of-sail/frontier living (but with more bicycles)
Creative reuse of existing infrastructure (sometimes post-apocalyptic, sometimes present-weird)
Appropriate technology
Art Nouveau
Hayao Miyazaki
Jugaad-style innovation from the non-Western world
High-tech backends with simple, elegant outputs
Solarpunk is set in a future built according to principles of New Urbanism or New Pedestrianism and environmental sustainability.
Solarpunk envisions a built environment creatively adapted for solar gain, amongst other things, using different technologies. The objective is to promote self sufficiency and living within natural limits.
In Solarpunk we’ve pulled back just in time to stop the slow destruction of our planet. We’ve learned to use science wisely, for the betterment of our life conditions as part of our planet. We’re no longer overlords. We’re caretakers. We’re gardeners.
is diverse
has room for spirituality and science to coexist
is beautiful
can happen. Now
The Solarpunk Community
Via https://www.re-des.org
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Il Ministero dell’Interno e la Bei lanciano il fondo tematico per i Piani Urbani Integrati da 272 milioni di euro
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Il Ministero dell’Interno e la Bei lanciano il fondo tematico per i Piani Urbani Integrati da 272 milioni di euro. Le risorse, provenienti dal PNRR e gestite dalla BEI, contribuiranno a rafforzare i Piani Urbani integrati delle 14 Città Metropolitane, circa il 40% delle risorse verrà dedicata al Mezzogiorno. Il Fondo sarà operativo tramite gli intermediari finanziari Equiter, con il Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo e Banca Finint in collaborazione con Finint Investments SGR e con Sinloc S.p.A. Rafforzare i Piani Urbani Integrati delle 14 Città Metropolitane, sostenendo progetti dei privati volti a valorizzare la rigenerazione urbana sostenibile e la rivitalizzazione economica. Questo è l’obiettivo principale del Fondo tematico da 272 milioni lanciato dall’Interno e dalla Banca Europea per gli investimenti (BEI). La BEI convoglierà le risorse provenienti dal PNRR e disponibili grazie ad un accordo fra la BEI ed il Ministro dell’Economia e delle Finanze (MEF). Attraverso gli intermediari finanziari Equiter, in collaborazione con il Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo e Banca Finint, gestirà risorse fino a 163,2 milioni di euro, mentre Banca Finint, con Sinloc S.p.A., avrà a disposizione fino a 108,8 milioni di euro. Il Fondo tematico per i Piani Integrati Urbani contribuirà ad attrarre investimenti privati e a combinarli con le risorse del PNRR, con l’obiettivo di finanziare progetti volti a promuovere la rigenerazione urbana sostenibile, l’inclusione sociale, l’efficienza energetica e l’innovazione digitale. Nel dettaglio, gli interventi previsti contribuiranno al rinnovamento, valorizzazione e riconversione di aree o edifici dismessi, con l’obiettivo tra l’altro, di migliorarne l’efficienza energetica. Inoltre, sono anche previsti investimenti volti a promuovere la mobilità sostenibile e digitale, nonché la riqualificazione di spazi urbani e la loro sicurezza, con importanti ricadute per lo sviluppo del tessuto economico e imprenditoriale del Paese. Le risorse, di cui il 40% dedicate al Mezzogiorno, verranno distribuite dagli intermediari finanziari sotto forma di prestiti, prodotti equity e/o quasi equity sulla base di una valutazione dei progetti e potranno sostenere e esigenze di capitale circolante e costi di investimento delle imprese. «La BEI, la Banca dell’Unione Europea, con questo Fondo tematico sostenibile nell’ambito del PNRR investimenti a lungo termine volti a promuovere la rigenerazione urbana sostenibile, funzionale ed inclusiva», ha commentato Gelsomina Vigliotti, Vicepresidente BEI. «Una iniziativa con risorse pubbliche e private con l’obiettivo di sostenere ulteriori progetti di riqualificazione urbana nelle Città metropolitane, per migliorare la convivenza, l’inclusione e qualità della vita dei residenti», ha dichiarato il Prefetto Claudio Sgaraglia, Capo del Dipartimento per gli Affari Interni e Territoriali del Ministero dell’Interno. «Siamo molto soddisfatti di essere stati selezionati dalla BEI in qualità di advisor del Fondo Piani Urbani Integrati, attività che svolgeremo insieme al nostro partner Intesa Sanpaolo» ha dichiarato Carla Patrizia Ferrari, A.D. di Equiter. «tali risorse rappresentano per Città Metropolitane un’opportunità strategica per la rigenerazione urbana e per lo sviluppo di progetti coerenti con le tematiche di sostenibilità ambientale e coesione sociale, nel rispetto dei requisiti dettati dall’Unione Europea». Fabio Innocenzi, Amministratore Delegato del Gruppo Banca Finint, ha commentato «Banca Finint e Finint SGR, forti dell’esperienza e della collaborazione di Sinloc SpA saranno promotori attivi del progetto per realizzare le finalità del fondo tematico dei Piani Urbani Integrati. Si tratta di obiettivi prioritari per il nostro Gruppo in quanto la rigenerazione urbana, l’ecosostenibilità e l’inclusione sociale contribuiscono alla rivitalizzazione dell’economia dei territori combattendone una vulnerabilità aggravata dall’emergenza della pandemia da COVID 19».... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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void-tiger · 2 years
…good god no wonder my mental health is utterly trash. Fuck these teachings. Thank god I’m recovering now.
“Lowliness of mind” —> Low Self-Esteem/ we don’t matter (but others do)?
That’s called being a doormat and getting groomed for abuse. Ya wanna know what’s saving my life? Accepting that I DO have value, that I’m worth as much as other people, that It’s Okay to take care of myself first (and THEN others).
Yes yes OG Context/Language no doubt had a different meaning (and said to a largely cismale audience of male-privilege. But that’s NOT how it’s been used (and used for some time.)
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very-grownup · 3 years
On “I, Robot”
I really liked "I, Robot"! I don't think I've read much Asimov since high school, but this was mostly delightful and interesting and funny and a bit emotional. It's very obvious why it's such a foundational work. I knew the Three Laws of Robotics and I knew there was a film around the time I was in undergrad which I assume was also called "I, Robot" and that was the beginning and end of the relation to the book.
Thinking a bit about the difference between Asimov's women and those in the works of other of his generational cohort, Bradbury and Heinlein and Clarke, since I've read works by all of them in the past year or so. In this I think Asimov's Dr. Calvin is the more significant and equitable representation of a woman in the sense that she is a woman who possesses those attributes most relevant to Asimov and the kind of stories he tells. She's generally the smartest person in the room. She's denied sensuality and sex appeal and emotional pleasures but those really aren't qualities Asimov is concerned with; I do think her position as expert and quasi-narrator is more significant than Clarke's off-handed 'women are of course equal but no one really cares' in "Childhood's End" and so far women in all the Bradbury I've read have been non-entities (which is also what I remember from my reading of Asimov's works as a teenager - women just aren't /present/).
I think I prefer Asimov's Dr. Calvin to the women I've encountered in Heinlein so far. While Heinlein’s women are allowed to be smart, beautiful, and capable they're never as smart or capable as the male leads. They're very much a precursor to the '90s Strong Female Lead where, after enough observation, it becomes clear that the Strong Female Lead is just a different sexual pedestal for a different sort of man, so she remains object.
I don't like Asimov's dichotomy of a woman can be a man's equal or she can be desirable, but it's also not very far removed from the sort of individualistic feminism that is "I'm not like other girls" which, as above, also became particularly prevalent in the ‘90s.
I liked all the robots, especially the childlike Brain. I was pleasantly surprised by the breadth of personalities Asimov gave them and that those personalities were in a way integral to the purpose of having the Three Laws. All the robots are gendered male, though. Why would you intentionally manufacture female robots? Robots are for work and thinking and the default performers of both those actions are men.
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diabolical-denizens · 4 years
A Solarpunk Manifesto
Solarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion, and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question “what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?” 
The aesthetics of solarpunk merge the practical with the beautiful, the well-designed with the green and lush, the bright and colorful with the earthy and solid. 
Solarpunk can be utopian, just optimistic, or concerned with the struggles en route to a better world ,  but never dystopian. As our world roils with calamity, we need solutions, not only warnings. Solutions to thrive without fossil fuels, to equitably manage real scarcity and share in abundance instead of supporting false scarcity and false abundance, to be kinder to each other and to the planet we share.
Solarpunk is at once a vision of the future, a thoughtful provocation, a way of living, and a set of achievable proposals to get there.
We are solarpunks because optimism has been taken away from us and we are trying to take it back.
We are solarpunks because the only other options are denial or despair.
At its core, solarpunk is a vision of a future that embodies the best of what humanity can achieve: a post-scarcity, post-hierarchy, post-capitalist world where humanity sees itself as part of nature and clean energy replaces fossil fuels.
The “punk” in solarpunk is about rebellion, counterculture, post-capitalism, decolonialism, and enthusiasm. It is about going in a different direction than the mainstream, which is increasingly going in a scary direction.
Solarpunk is a movement as much as it is a genre: it is not just about the stories, it is also about how we can get there.
Solarpunk embraces a diversity of tactics: there is no single right way to do solarpunk. Instead, diverse communities from around the world adopt the name and the ideas, and build little nests of self-sustaining revolution.
Solarpunk provides a valuable new perspective, a paradigm, and a vocabulary through which to describe one possible future. Instead of embracing retrofuturism, solarpunk looks completely to the future. Not an alternative future, but a possible future.
Our futurism is not nihilistic like cyberpunk, and it avoids steampunk’s potentially quasi-reactionary tendencies: it is about ingenuity, generativity, independence, and community.
Solarpunk emphasizes environmental sustainability and social justice.
Solarpunk is about finding ways to make life more wonderful for us right now, and also for the generations that follow us.
Our future must involve repurposing and creating new things from what we already have. Imagine “smart cities” being junked in favor of smart citizenry.
Solarpunk recognizes the historical influence politics and science fiction have had on each other.
Solarpunk recognizes science fiction as not just entertainment but as a form of activism.
Solarpunk wants to counter the scenarios of a dying earth, an insuperable gap between rich and poor, and a society controlled by corporations. Not in hundreds of years, but within reach.
Solarpunk is about youth maker culture, local solutions, local energy grids, ways of creating autonomous functioning systems. It is about loving the world.
Solarpunk culture includes all cultures, religions, abilities, sexes, genders, and sexual identities.
Solarpunk is the idea of humanity achieving a social evolution that embraces not just mere tolerance but a more expansive compassion and acceptance.
The visual aesthetics of Solarpunk are open and evolving. As it stands, it is a mash-up of the following:
1. 1800s age-of-sail/frontier living (but with more bicycles)
2. Creative reuse of existing infrastructure (sometimes post-apocalyptic, sometimes present-weird)
3. Appropriate technology
4. Art Nouveau
5. Hayao Miyazaki
6. Jugaad-style innovation from the non-Western world
7. High-tech backends with simple, elegant outputs
Solarpunk is set in a future built according to principles of New Urbanism or New Pedestrianism, and environmental sustainability.
Solarpunk envisions a built environment creatively adapted for solar gain, amongst other things, using different technologies. The objective is to promote self sufficiency and living within natural limits.
In solarpunk we’ve pulled back just in time to stop the slow destruction of our planet. We’ve learned to use science wisely, for the betterment of our life conditions as part of our planet. We’re no longer overlords. We’re caretakers. We’re gardeners.
1. is diverse
2. has room for spirituality and science to coexist
3. is beautiful
4. can happen. Now.
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thinkinglegal · 2 months
Top 5 Women SEBI Expert Lawyers Shaping India's Securities Landscape
In a legal profession dominated by men, with women comprising only 15.3% of lawyers in India according to government data from 2022, a select few exceptional female SEBI experts are breaking the mould and redefining the industry. These SEBI lawyers are not only shattering stereotypes but also setting new benchmarks of excellence, proving that gender is no barrier to success in the complex world of securities law.
Female SEBI lawyers have consistently demonstrated exceptional skills, knowledge, and dedication, making them indispensable in navigating the intricate regulatory framework. Their remarkable achievements have earned them accolades from peers, superiors, and clients alike, solidifying their status as leaders in the field.
As more women enter this traditionally male-dominated profession, these inspiring individuals serve as role models for the next generation of SEBI lawyers. Their success stories highlight the transformative power of diversity and inclusion, paving the way for a more equitable and representative legal system that truly reflects the diverse voices of the nation.
1. Vasudha Goenka: A Leading Authority Among SEBI Lawyers
Vasudha Goenka, SEBI expert lawyer and a partner at the prestigious Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas firm stands out as a colossus in India's securities regulatory landscape. Her journey from handling contentious proceedings at the regulatory epicentre of SEBI to joining a top-tier law firm has been nothing short of a masterclass in legal excellence.
Goenka's 16 years of experience as a SEBI lawyer has transformed her into a beacon for corporations navigating the labyrinthine world of securities law. Her extensive expertise in quasi-judicial proceedings before SEBI and SAT, coupled with her deep knowledge of various SEBI regulations, has earned her the reputation of being one of the best capital markets lawyers in India.
2. Vaneesa Agrawal: A Leading Authority Among SEBI Lawyers
Vaneesa Agrawal, an expert SEBI lawyer and the founder of Thinking Legal, is a senior securities and corporate lawyer who has made significant strides in the SEBI lawyer space. Her commitment to continuous learning ensures she stays ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving legal landscape. With her extensive experience in advising on setting up angel and venture capital funds to deploying capital across various series transactions, negotiations between GPs and LPs, Vaneesa Agrawal has become a trusted advisor to global funds looking to set up in India.
Ms Vaneesa Agrawal's expertise extends beyond securities laws, as she also advises start-ups and founders through their entrepreneurial journeys. Her unique perspective as a first-generation entrepreneur herself has made her a sought-after counsel in the technology, consumer goods, and financial services sectors. Vaneesa Agrawal's recognition as part of the BW Legal 40 Under 40 Club of Young Achievers and a Leading Individual in Delhi NCR for corporate/M&A work by the Legal 500 is a testament to her exceptional skills and dedication as an expert SEBI and corporate lawyer.
3. Anubha Rastogi: Championing Human Rights and Women's Rights as a SEBI Lawyer
Anubha Rastogi, a Senior Consultant at Ernst & Young (EY), brings a unique perspective to the SEBI expert lawyer landscape. With 21 years of experience in providing survivors of human rights violations access to justice, with a special focus on women's rights, Rastogi's body of work includes a combination of litigation, advocacy, research, capacity building, and law and policy making.
Rastogi's track record of executing her experience cohesively as an individual, in an organisational setup, both corporate and civil, and with the state, has earned her a reputation as an agent of change. Her strong written and verbal skills, combined with excellent research abilities and proven leadership qualities, make her a dominant force in the field of SEBI compliance and advisory for a diverse range of clients, requiring the expertise of a well-rounded SEBI lawyer.
4. Nivedita Nirvikar: A Versatile and Respected SEBI Lawyer
Nivedita Nirvikar, a Senior Software Engineer at Accenture, has proven her mettle as a SEBI expert lawyer with her versatility and depth of knowledge. As a Designated Senior Advocate in the Patna High Court, Nirvikar has exposure to the Supreme Court and other High Courts, handling a wide range of matters, including arbitration, civil, criminal, taxation, and service matters.
Nirvikar's experience in representing the interests of commercial firms across India has made her a valuable asset in the SEBI compliance and advisory space. Her honours and awards, including a Certificate of Appreciation from the Central Excise Department, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, further solidify her standing as one of the top female SEBI lawyers.
5. Pritika Kumar: A Seasoned SEBI Lawyer with a Diverse Practice
Pritika Kumar, a general legal practitioner with nearly 17 years of experience, has made her mark in the SEBI expert lawyer arena. Before starting work independently in 2016, Kumar worked with premier law firms and prominent SEBI lawyers in India, including JSA, Khaitan and Khaitan, and Arun Jaitley.
Kumar's practice areas include general corporate advisory (including FEMA, SEBI, company law, trusts, partnerships, foreign investment, foreign contribution/grants, import, export and tax), regulatory advisory, policy advisory, cross border, criminal investigation, corporate fraud, corruption and anti-bribery, constitutional advisory, property, wealth management, estate and succession planning.
Kumar's diverse client base, ranging from multinational corporations and SMEs to governments, non-profit organizations, foreign law firms, Indian law firms, funds, investors, independent professionals, founders and start-ups, has given her a unique perspective on SEBI compliance and challenges faced by SEBI lawyers.
Conclusion: Empowering Women, Transforming the Legal Landscape
The contributions of these brilliant female SEBI lawyers, Vaneesa Agrawal, Vasudha Goenka, Nivedita Nirvikar, etc. extend far beyond their individual accomplishments. They are symbols of empowerment, inspiring women across India to pursue their dreams and break free from societal constraints. By shattering glass ceilings and redefining the standards of excellence, they have opened doors for countless others who aspire to make their mark in the legal profession.
As the legal landscape continues to evolve, the success stories of these top female SEBI lawyers serve as a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment. They have not only achieved personal success but have also paved the way for a more inclusive and equitable legal system, one that truly reflects the diversity and strength of India's legal talent.
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grantmgardner · 4 years
Pro Cycling Sponsorship: How Cofidis and Total Direct Energie Have Survived for So Long
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The existence of pro cycling teams is extremely volatile, even for the teams that compete in the UCI WorldTour, the top tier of men’s road cycling. The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) is a governing body that along with organizing the WorldTour, has multiple other cycling disciplines (like BMX and track cycling) under its control. There are three main road race organizers (ASO, RCS Sport and Flanders Classics) that own the races that make up the UCI WorldTour calendar. These organizers are independent organizations that have little incentive to cooperate with one another, or the UCI. This creates a situation where there is no centralized league power structure like there is in the National Football League or English Premier League. In the NFL, all 32 teams benefit from the success of the league, and share in the wealth. Due to the lack of organization between teams, race organizers, and the governing body; cycling is a sport without a sustainable revenue-sharing model. Therefore, teams must seek out their own sources of revenue, which creates a sport that is almost entirely dependent on sponsorship marketing.
Professional cycling does not have an annual relegation and promotion system, like the Football Association in England, but teams are occasionally added to the WorldTour if the UCI determines they meet certain “administrative, ethical, financial, organizational, and sporting” criteria.
For the 2020 season, the UCI WorldTour has 19 registered teams. Given the volatility of team finances, 19 teams is not always the standard. Teams often go out of business or merge with other teams. Last year the WorldTour had 18 registered teams. Seventeen teams will be returning and Katusha-Alpecin has merged with Israel Cycling Academy to form Israel Start-Up Nation. Cofidis was added as a nineteenth team. The winner of the second-tier UCI Pro Continental Tour for 2019, Total Direct Energie, will be a twentieth quasi-WorldTour team in 2020, receiving invites to all UCI WorldTour races.
View my spreadsheet that shows the evolution of teams in the top-tier of men’s road cycling since the start of the UCI ProTour
The main benefit of being in the WorldTour is that all WorldTour teams receive automatic entry into the top races regardless of their performance on the road. Lower level teams have to fight for wildcard spots to get into races like the Tour de France. Given that cycling teams rely on sponsorship for the majority of their revenue, getting into the big races, where the marketing exposure is greatest, is crucial.
In 2005, Cofidis and Total Direct Energie (then known as Bouygues Telecom) were original members of the WorldTour’s predecessor, the UCI ProTour. In 2010, both were relegated to the Pro Continental classification due to poor performance. After 10 years in the wilderness, Cofidis is back at the top flight and Total Direct Energie has achieved quasi-WorldTour status. 
Founded in 1997 by iconic manager, Cyrille Guimard, Cofidis has been around longer than most of the successful teams currently on the pro cycling scene, like Team Ineos (est. 2009) or Deceuninck-Quick Step (est. 2003).
The origins of Total Direct Energie can be traced back to the 1980s, to an amateur team known as Système U, run by none other than…Cyrille Guimard. As with most cycling teams, they morphed and evolved over time. Eventually, in 2000, under the direction of Jean-René Bernaudeau, they became the professional team known as Bonjour. 
It’s really quite remarkable that Cofidis and Total Direct Energie have survived for so long when more successful teams like HTC-Highroad were unable to weather the storms of doping scandal and financial difficulty. Even Team Ineos, the squad formerly known as Team Sky, nearly crumbled in the spring of 2019 when 21st Century Fox and Sky pulled their funding amidst an international media shakeup that resulted in Disney and Comcast acquiring the respective companies.
At the time of Team Sky’s sponsorship crisis, they had won six of the last seven Tours de France and the previous year, star rider Chris Froome was the defender of all three Grand Tour titles after winning his first Giro d’Italia. Since the team’s inception, they had won two Monuments, nine Classics, and numerous other races. But none of that mattered without a title sponsor willing to foot the bill. One of the greatest cycling teams of all time nearly vanished into thin air; and it would not have been the first time.
Total Direct Energie’s biggest win in team history? The 2006 Clásica de San Sebastián. Cofidis? A little more impressive: the 1999 edition of Liege-Bastogne-Liege. Cofidis and Total Direct Energie are less successful than other teams like Ineos or Deceuninck-Quick Step in terms of results, but that does not affect their existence as a team. What does impact their livelihood is who their title sponsors are and their title sponsors’ ties to the true powerbroker of pro cycling: the Amaury Sports Organization (ASO).
ASO is a French company that organizes numerous cycling races including the Tour de France, Vuelta a España, Paris-Roubaix, Liege-Bastogne-Liege, and many others. The French bank, Cofidis, is a key sponsor and partner in ASO’s events, therefore, regardless of UCI WorldTour status or performance, the Cofidis cycling team gets a wildcard bid to participate in their events. Despite multiple title sponsorship changes since 2000, Total Direct Energie has received roughly the same beneficial treatment as Cofidis. Both teams have participated in every Tour de France since their inception.
Cofidis and Total Direct Energie have existed for so long because they have a guaranteed ticket to race the Tour every summer, and that’s good enough for their sponsors. The companies, Cofidis and Total Direct Energie, get good return for their investment. Every year, they know their teams (a.k.a. mobile billboards) will tour around France broadcasting their brand to the French people and the world. There is a significant incentive for these brands to stay invested in the sport of cycling. Other sponsors (like Sky) are fickler, and their cycling teams suffer the consequences.
Currently, all that matters in pro cycling is who your sponsor is and how invested they are in the sport. A team like Ineos, that has had the same recent dominance as the EPL’s Manchester City or the NFL’s New England Patriots, would not have to worry about going out of business in any other major sport. But in cycling it’s a fact of life. Pro cycling needs a central league, that consolidates revenue and distributes it equitably to all member teams, in order to remain a viable business in the twenty-first century.
Hopefully, the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak will subside and cycling, and sport in general, will be able to resume soon. Unfortunately, many pro cycling teams may not survive the suspension of the season with the lack of revenue from racing and the financial pressure placed on sponsors.
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maziliteralworks · 5 years
Buhari led quasi-Democratic Nigeria Regime, near Collapse & now all Yoruba legal inheritance/legacy and Law  Practices/legal known-hows which for years acquired, were now being destroyed with the Assistance of disgruntled Yoruba led by Tinubu.
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The  Nigeria President Buhari Shaking Hand with Queen Elizabeth II
Buhari led Quasi-Democratic Nigeria Regime, near Collapse & Worldly known as non-economic, non viable/malfunctioning Regime, analyses as a structural/ethnic polarized unstable Regime, associated  with its malfunctioning non-national Security without prerequisite training & non provision of required Military Logistics & without required Adequate Modern Military Equipment and Devoid of per-requisite standard Military of all Ethnic, Sections’ & Regions’ One National inclusive Formation & belief of Military Mandatory Basic Educational/Professional Army Entries or Army Promotions, equitably for All in a genuinely functioning Federation and it is Sad that North, for whatever Reason could allow Military that brought North to Power, influence and Wealth, could be allowed to die for their unnecessary myopic  or narrow Fulani ethnic Reason or non-intelligent  leadership Bankruptcy.... (Medieval thinking Fulani Sect.) The Nigeria Judiciary was usually led by the Yoruba legal icons/legal knowledgeable practitioners from the time of late Chief Christopher Alexander Sapara Williams CMG (July 14, 1855–March 15, 1915),who was the first indigenous Nigerian lawyer,and  now all Yoruba legal inheritance/legacy and law Practices/legal known-hows which for years acquired, were now being destroyed with the Assistance of disgruntled Yoruba led by Tinubu. Fulani acclaimed mystery is operational characterized & embedded with the Medieval thinking Fulani Sect. Ironically, Fulani Extremists(Medieval thinking Fulani Sect.) have confused & controlled Buhari Regime through its ethnic folk adage or by its idiom crazy syndrome of Fulani are Born to Rule or to Ruin & its Fulani Leadership for ages were secretly guided by Her imperial Majesty with the assistance of  its imperialists/hired or organized Collaborators and these have systematically led to the Today present inefficient Governance & its political/religious polarization or Nigeria political impasse/quasi failed State. When Buhari Regime came to Authority, in order to sensationalize or rationalize its Governance leadership to its Core North Fulani Extremist Base, non-strategically scrap or dismantle the Ex-President Good Luck inherited PDP existed Nigeria Crude Oil Sales Formation & it’s Sold Oil Revenue Collection Arrangement with US/EU Revenue Drift Secret hired Agency, that coarse sold Oil Revenues. From Obasanjo Military/Civilian Regimes to Ex-President Good Luck, before Buhari inherited it and canceled & scraped all existed Oil Sales/Revenue Collection Arrangements/connections were cancelled without a new authoritative arrangement for Replacement, as to be able to efficiently Sell and collect Nigeria Sold Oil with its expectant revenue as anticipated and since Buhari inception till today, all Nigeria sold Oil Revenues were largely not collected as anticipated and Buhari  Regime now, resulted to its known tool of Governance Restriction of imports & starvation of lack of medicine, food/humane items Oversea purchases. In past, ex Regimes were in receipts of sold Oil revenues and fairly finance its past Regimes Budgets and fuel its adequate imports for better Governance and this, might hurt Nigeria Economy badly. Recently Buhari Regime’s Associates/Supporters took political primitive of supporting this Regime lack of food imports, as local Nigeria Rice is better than imported Rice, as imported Rice are quack & substandard & not fit for human consumption with no ingredient/nutrients. Might to their low knowledge that all Rice at harvest, are 100% starch, it underwent several processes to reduce its higher Starch content, as in Thai, Rice upon harvest, are processed and stored for few year in Rice silo for its silage for less of 40% starch, before consumption (long-grain white rice is a relatively good source of energy, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, thiamin, pantothenic acid, folate and vitamin E.) Presently based on wrong national feeding without perquisite human food consumption, Nigerians cannot to be able to compete globally and excel in Academics, business & other human endeavors, as they cannot be bold with poor feeding, except in Occultism or juju, due to lowest knowledge or lack of think tank Reserve as to compete as required. Since, Queen secretly hold in Trust the so called the  Fulani Arwa hidden UK Accounts, being managed and controlled for future Fulani strategically Reserve usage, but when late Ado Bayero, late Emir of Kano, quietly requested that some fund to channeled back to North as Arab loan as to develop North, instead of stacking or piling it without immediate usage, as when will it be used, as of now the  Fulani Arwa hidden UK Accounts, worth more than £2 Trillion Pound sterling. Due to present non-oil sold Revenue collection and Regime cannot be able to execute its programs or Budget or finance its projects as programmed, it is illogical for Buhari/ (Medieval thinking Fulani Sect.) to expect that Queen can assist his Regime with finance from the secret Arwa UK Accounts and now the Regime blame the Nigeria Oppositions for his non-governmental performance. Visit these published Articles' websites. http://maziliteralworks.wordpress.com http://maziliteralworks.blogspot.com https://medium.com/me/stories/public http://disqus.com/home/channel/mazipatrick/ https://maziliteralworks.tumblr.com https://twitter.com/Maziliteraworks Regards, Mazi Patrick  O.,email: [email protected] Thinker, Writer, Political Strategist, Historian & Psychoanalyst. As to publish our literal work,pls you/your company can assist us with anything..
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kalesandfails · 5 years
sweet lord, Alabama
Hot take, kind of, only not really:
A society in which one category of people can be forced to carry and deliver children by another category will never be an equitable society.
I don’t “love abortion”, but I resoundingly and without question support the right to abortion. It used to upset me and to be honest, now that I have worked in health care, It doesn’t, really, because the thing is that fetuses are not people, yet, but women are.
The narrative being sold here, as old as Aristotle, is this idea that the man really makes the baby and the woman is just an incubator; that really, asking her to carry a child she doesn’t want is simply asking her to not interrupt this guy’s soulsemen, doing its thing. (Except not, of course, because no one is attempting to outlaw vasectomies or masturbation or blow jobs, all of which also effectively stop baby material from actualizing itself.)
Tellingly, the obligation to see this baby thing through starts only when the ball is in the woman’s court. It’s part of a tradition in which nothing is too hard or too much to ask someone else to do, especially when that person has a vagina or presents as a woman. Go ask your closest three ladies to name something they consistently do because men in their personal or professional lives “can’t (seem to) do” it. Come back when they take a breath. I’ll not wait.
This re-imagining of developmental embryology vis-a-vis the fourth century BCE both minimizes the role women play in bringing a fetus to term and disingenuously downplays the host of risks pregnancy poses.
A pregnant woman with a psychiatric or physical condition may just have found the medication that keeps her from decompensating, and it is likely to be one not yet established safe in pregnancy.
A pregnant woman may just have found the courage to leave her abusive partner; now she’s tied to someone who also has a claim to her child, and is less likely to qualify for shelters in many cases.
A pregnant woman may work, and love, a job that she cannot physically do while she is pregnant.
She may have one on many medical conditions, such as lupus, MS, or diabetes, in which pregnancy will likely make her sicker.
She may just not want to be vomiting to the point where she has to be hospitalized. She may not have a job that will give her time off when she’s too sick to work. She may have children to support.
She may have body dysmorphia that will let her get through the day now, but not after a fifty pound weight gain. She may be anorexic and unable to gain the weight she needs to have a healthy pregnancy.
She may, thanks to a history of sexual assault — one  that can now include the actual rape leading to a conception — experience pregnancy and obstetrical care as  delay reminders of her trauma.
She may not be able to afford it.
She may just not fucking want to be pregnant.
Without question, these points are inevitably met with, She should have thought of that, then.
And here we are: at this deeply held belief that ultimately, women who have sex should be willing to accept the “consequences” of sex, as defined, in this case and all the cases, by men.
Setting aside the fact that sex in the best of circumstances is often only quasi-consensual (I don’t want this, but I don’t want to fight over it either); setting aside that fact that even a rape exemption would presumably require women to “prove” they were “really raped”; and setting aside the fact that such an exemption is conspicuously absent from Alabama’s law:
If half of our population is subject to enforced pregnancy as a result of sexual activity and half is not, then those two halves are not equal.
If you can force me to stay with you because we have sex, I get pregnant, and I am either legally obligated to or financially dependent on you, then we are not equal.
If abusers can entrap their victims by forcing them to carry children for them, then we are not equal.
If you and I have sex, and the consequences could leave me, but not you, impoverished, disabled, or dead, then we are not equal.
If you get to decide the condition of my body, the opportunities I have, whether or not I can afford to feed my existing children — whether I was out and out forced to fuck you, whether I just kind of went along with it because men who want sex are often completely exhausting and the women fully convinced of their right to say no, full stop, are few and far between, or whether I was fully DTF but not so much down to lose my job and risk my life having your damn baby,
Those monsters who voted this bill in yesterday, and that sociopath who signed it into law, knew exactly what they were voting on, because there is no way to legally require someone to carry a fetus in her body and also uphold that woman’s humanity.
Look, everyone, either you believe that I am a human being with the same rights as you or you goddamn don’t. We are not talking about “life” here, especially when the babies you want me to carry can just bleed out on their kindergarten floor once they are here and you will repeatedly fail to intervene.
We are talking about whether you think women’s body’s and lives are theirs, or yours.
My life: is it mine or is it yours?
If there were somehow a way to believe that women are equal and also support the Republican party, or to be a pro-life Democrat, or to be “pro-life” in your mind before, allow me to gently, but firmly, take that right off the table for you now.
Right now, any action that is not wholly in the camp of supporting and advancing pro-choice candidates and activists and agencies — regardless of how much your ass loves the little babies; go sell that to someone who hasn’t spent the past eighteen months watching refugee kids caged and sold like cattle — is advancing the cause of people who genuinely do not care if people like me live or die, but who sure as hell want us afraid of what they can do to us.
I’ll still try to reign my face in when I see you at Walmart, because of Jesus and Buddha and Martin Luther King. But I’ve got nothing to do with pretending we can “each have our opinions” about who owns my body or whether I “should be punished” for having a uterus.
Resoundingly, with all the compassion I can muster: you are surely a beloved child of God, as are we all. But you can take all that shit, friend, and fuck right outta here with it.  
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