#que pasa foods
luceracastro · 7 months
(Enzo Vogrincic x Reader)
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Summary: Rumors circulate both Enzo and famous singer Aitana, you who is his costar, friend, and also the girl who has the hugest crush on him doesn't take too kindly to the rumors and distances yourself from him and he is beyond clueless as to why his favorite girl doesn't speak to him anymore.
Warnings: Some angst and fluff, little makeout sesh, jealousy on reader's part and Enzo's, slight Blas x reader, no hate towards the beautiful Aitana in this nor to Male (Matia's girlfriend) it's a Spanglish fic!
you must have thought your phone was practically playing tricks on you but it wasn't, there it was in bold letters "¿aitana y enzo?" the huge bold letters and a whole passionate article on the topic were enough to ruin your day.
"Que pasa contigo nena?" Male had asked as she sat down beside you, she and Mati were kind enough to let you stay at their place for a while since you lived in Spain but just found your apartment too saddening and empty especially after filming and being in a full hotel for months and always being around people.
"Nada, la verdad" you smiled with a small look in your eye that she knew way too well "Que pasa?" she asked once more and you flipped your phone down on her leg, she put her cup down to look through it and her eyes widened "Aye linda, por esto estas triste?" her small smile made you frown "Enzo no es nada amor mio, obvio le tengo cariño pero mami tu mereces mejor créeme," she said with a small smile
you chuckled a little and shook your head "Ven vamos por algo de comer," she pulled you up trying to wipe the small frown off your face and it worked, between her and Mati making you laugh and the food set on the table you found yourself laughing and having fun.
however, what you didn't expect was for there to be a knock on the door and for Enzo to walk in like nothing was wrong, and in reality, nothing was wrong because he was clueless about the whole situation "Hola hermosa," he bent down a small hug which you returned uninterested and he furrowed his brows slightly confused but nonetheless thought nothing of it
him and Mati went into the kitchen and he nodded his head towards the table where you and Male spoke "Que pasa con la nena?" Enzo asked as Mati turned to look at you and he did notice your off attitude but he also was a nosy one who listened to you and Male's conversation and he knew all too well why "Piensa por un Minuto Enzo," he said and Enzo tried to think but to no avail "Dime," he pleaded and Mati laughed
"Que?" Enzo asked and Mati shook his head "Nada, Nada vamos," after that Enzo noticed when he asked you something you answered with short uninterested answers, and when he was talking you were fixed on your phone and it was kinda bothering him, he hated being ignored and by you, it's like a kick to the gut. "Oye casi haces que Enzo llora," Mati said with a small smile as he sat beside you and you shrugged "Pues que vaya con la tal Aitana," you said a small snarky remark which you instantly regretted, the poor girl was sweet like sugar and Enzo didn't even know you liked him
"¿Ahora te das cuenta de lo mal que suenas?" Mati asked "Si, Si ya lo se," you shook your head sighing, "Entonces porque no le dices a Enzo lo que sientes," Mati asked and you laughed a bit too loud "No no, eso seria muy vergonzoso," you shook your head and he sighed "Eres una pelotuda la verdad nena, si no te mueves asi" he snapped his fingers "A lo mejor la Aitana te lo gana" he said a small smirk on his lips making you smack his arm as he laughed "Callate Boludo," you however couldn't help but smile at Mati
"Oye vamos por unas cervesas?, esta preguntando el Pipe," Mati asked with phone in hand and you nodded a small smile on your lips "Pero una cosa linda, Enzo va estar eh," he warned and you rolled you eyes "Sólo porque él esté ahí no significa que no quiera estar con mis amigos" you said and he nodded "Bueno, perdon," he left the doorway of the borrowed room he was allowing you to stay in and you got up getting ready for the night
"Lista, aye nena que linda," Male looked at you a smile on her lips as she reached her hand out for yours "Tu mas, bueno vamos vamos," you both laughed the whole way there Mati following close and as soon as you enter the restaurant/bar you are met with the boys and even Enzo which of course you understood he was obviously going to be there but it would be ten times harder to ignore him now
hugs went all around but reaching Enzo all you did was smile a small hello escaping your lips but he didn't let it slide "Y mi abrazo?" he asked a small smirk displayed on his lips, you gave him a quick side hug but everyone noticed the sort of small tension and you moved to sit beside Blas, "Hola bonita," he rested his arm behind the top of your chair "Hola, que ordenaste tu de tomar?' you asked looking through the small menu of many drinks
Enzo however watched from afar, you and Blas were friends but you always sat beside him what was different now? he subtly rolled his eyes drinking his beer and looking anywhere else while sometimes catching glimpses of you touching Blas's curls or just laughing and joking around with him in general until he was full on staring at you both and even growing an attitude with the others.
"Y tu que?" Fran asked looking at Enzo "Se ve que te vas a tragar al Blas vivo," Juani said a small giggle escaping his lips already slightly tipsy "Nada, Nada para que me molestaria que le habla a T/n?" he said taking another long swig of beer and Fran smiled "Nunca dijimos que eso era la razon," and Enzo looked at Fran "Voy al baño" Enzo got up and left the table "Oye linda, habla con Enzito porque esta amargando la noche con su actitud" Pipe said in your ear his breath smelling like beer and tequila "Yo por que?" you asked with a bit of attitude in your voice and a shrug of your shoulders "porque obviamente está enojado porque le estás dando más atención a Blas que a él" Pipe said as you furrowed your brows "Estas loco," you said shaking your head
"Nena andale, quiero disfrutar no cuidar de un enojon y unos borrachos," Male said with a small frown and you sighed hands on the table trying to balance yourself "Bueno Bueno ya voy," you groaned and left the table but not before apologizing to Blas and walking around looking for Enzo, you checked outside the bathrooms and around the restaurant "Perdon has visto un chico alto, pelo negro y con ojos cafes, tambien tiene el pelo medio largito?" you asked a waiter who shook his head "perdon" he said and you sighed looking around and asking but yet no one had seen him
your last resorts were to go and look outside in both front and back but you were closer to the back so you exited through the back door looking around and he was there more farther down the side of the backdoor smoking a cigarette "Oye, que te pasa?" you asked arms crossed since the harsh wind hit you and he looked down at you his face blank but you could tell something was bothering him "nada, Vuelve adentro, hace mucho frío" he said as he turned to look away and blew out a puff of smoke and you put all your weight on one foot rolling your eyes "Vamos, todos estan preguntado por ti," he chuckled bitterly "Vuelve adrento con Blas querida, los dos sabemos que eso prefieres aser," he said and you furrowed your brows a hurt look on your face
"Eres una mierda sabes," he turned to see the tears rimming your eyes and he sighed his eyes closing for a moment and the regret was written all over his face "perdon, perdon," but you shook your head "Y no prefieres estar con la Aitana? o sea eso dicen por ahi" you shot back and he shook his head "Tu crees eso? nomas tuvimos un vuelo y una noche con amigos y conocidos juntos, eso era todo no somos nada," he said but you shook your head "Oh pero yo estoy pasandola bien con un amigo y eso significa que quiero con el no seas pendejo Enzo" you yourself laughed bitterly and he sighed grabbing you
"No soy un pendejo, que quieres que yo piensa cuando le haces esos sonrisas, caricias, y juegas con su pelo eh?" he said he was in your face and you both were only inches apart "Eso no significa nada, yo te hice esos cosas tambien" you shrugged "Si eso es lo que me molesta, Solo hacias esas cosas a mi, no a Fran, Mati, Juani, Pipe, ni a Esteban, nomas a mi!" you looked at him like he was crazy but then again it sunk in your brain that he was jealous, Enzo was jealous, you both looked into each others eyes, then his eyes flickered to your lips but you beat him to it as you pulled his face in for a kiss
you both pulled away after a moment and you both looked at each other before he pulled you in once more, bodies pressed together as you both kissed the other with force and need but it didn't last long "Enzo! T/n! Enzo! T/n!" Juani's voice was heard and you both pulled away quickly and Enzo groaned a face of annoyance "Que!" he yelled out "Donde estan?" Juani asked and you grabbed Enzo's hand pulling him with you "Lo encontre, nos distraimos hablando perdon" you laughed nervously but noticed Juani's red eyes which were also watery "Que paso querido?" you asked and he sighed "Pensé que los perdi, y no quiero perder los" he was drunk and it was evident with his slurred words and the scent of beer radiating off of him
Enzo stifled a laugh as you smacked his arm and wrapped your arm around Juani "No ya, ya no llores, aqui estamos amor ya," he dug his face into the crook of your neck as you smiled and you three entered the bar, Enzo watching you both from the back.
at the end of the night you all made it to a food truck that had the best food (According to Fran) and you all ordered your food and ate little by little but you and Enzo took some stolen glances at one another, "¿Tengo que dar un paseo, Enzo?" he knew that was your way of asking him to come along and he stood up walking closer to you, everyone looked either relieved or gave you teasing smiles before returning to their meal
you two at first walked in pure silence, "Debemos de hablar, de el beso" Enzo said and you turned your head to look at him "No te gusto?" you asked with no emotion yet he caught the almost not visible smile on your face "al contrario, me encanto pero quiero saber que significa eso?" he asked his hands dug into the pockets of his jacket and you stopped in your tracks turning to face him "Significa que me gustas Enzo," you told him straight up and he looked down at you "Me gustas y hasta puedo decir que estoy enamorada de ti pero entiendo si no sientes lo miso" you said and he chuckled "Boluda estuve enamorado de ti desde que te conoci" he told you giving you a kiss on your forehead pulling you in for a hug as you sighed his chin resting on the top of your head and his arms around you engulfing you entirely "Y porque no me dijiste nada?" you asked and he smiled "Porque cuando te conoci pense que eras muy chica para mi, una niña," he said "Enzo tenia 21 años," you told him
"Y yo los 27" he said and you giggled "Eso no es mucho" you smiled up at him "Bueno, si no te da molestia que voy estar usando un baston antes que ti, quieres ser mi novia?" he asked and you froze "En serio?" you asked and he nodded and you grinned "Me encantaria," and the walk was ended, coming back hand in hand Fran smiled "Salieron de malas y regresan de novios, quien los entienden" Fran laughed as did the others
"Aye callate estupido" you smiled sitting down "Tu boluda" that was the end of the night, all of you enjoying a night out and you going back to Enzo's at the end ;)
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1lenii · 1 year
💋 1 girl = 1 kiss 💋
42!miles x female!reader
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Notes: there is Spanish in here so, uh yk translate<3.
Idea from someone in my feed I’ll tag them when I find them🏃🏽‍♀️ @cuddl3s4shur1
Honestly creds to that person because this is a nice concept, and there’s definitely a better way to write this, but without further ado, enjoy!!<3
(Y/N) follows miles body as he talks to one of his classmates. A girl who seems nice, but a little to close for comfort.
The girl finally leaves bidding miles a goodbye while giddily leaving the classroom.
Miles walks back to his seat getting ready to pack his bag, noticing the mood change in his gf.
“You good ma?”
(Y/N) gets up from her seat and heading to the door, miles takes this as a sign to hurry up, while hastily walking behind his girl, inevitably tripping on his laces. (Y/N) stifled a laugh before waiting for her lover.
Miles quickly gets up playing it off luckily it was only them two in the hallway, catching up to (Y/N).
The next day in the cafeteria miles gets called over by one of his frds, quickly bringing him to the group that consisted of 3 girls 4 boys. Only chilling with them for moments till (Y/N) came down from her previous class
Miles catches (Y/N) and calls her over. She scans the table, taking notes of the mutual connection sat at the table.
“Edna you met someone new??” Miles asks taking a bite from his tray
“Idk he kinda weird, wish he were more like Jason or even you” she pouts
Miles laughs it off while (Y/N) pinches him under the table signaling she didn’t like that.
Miles was now at Strike 3.
After class he told (Y/N) to wait with his things as she watched him stop a girl and give her something. While quickly going back to his now fuming girlfriend.
(Y/N) shoves his things into his chest while storming out of the school complex on her way to her dorm.
“Estoy halta, no puedo mas” (Y/N) murmures as she struggles with her keys, entering the complex looking for signs of her roommate. Seems that they left with food already prepared.
(Y/N) takes the plate of food to her room setting her bag down at her desk while turning on the TV.
As she stress eating, her phone buzzes with all too familiar notification
Miles<3: yo ma?? Que te pasa?
Miles<3: you can talk to me, lo que sea
Leaving miles on delivered she shuts off her phone, 15 minutes pass as she hear the front door.
(Y/N) stays put as she assumes it’s her roommate coming back from whatever it was deciding to thank them for the food later.
“Don’t go ignoring me mami.” Miles says sternly while standing at the door frame.
(Y/N) looks at him gives him the plate to take back to the kitchen and continues watching her show
Miles puts the plate down on the table next to her bed and sit down next her on the bed reaching to caress her cheek
(Y/N) avoids his touch, leaving miles offended in a way
“Dime, que te pasa?”
“Nothing go talk to your other hoes”
Miles is dumbfounded as he blankly stares at (Y/N)
“Hoes? Quit playing ma, you know I only got eyes fo you”
“That’s not what the last three days have been showing”
“What you talm bout”
“For last 3 days you been up In girls faces, ion wanna hear no bum ass excuse gomf thank you.”
“Ma.. those are friends, I’ll gladly cut them off for yo-“
“Do me one better”
“Aiii.. fine”
Miles says as he takes his position next you on the bed, he takes out his phone and hits record on (preferred app)
Grabbing your face he pulls (Y/N) into a deep kiss, shortly breaking the kiss to press one to your temple, making sure it was all recorded
Shortly after he pressed post on the corner of his phone screen.
“I did you one better ma you forgive me??”
“I guess” (Y/N) roles her eyes slapping his chest playfully
“You know I love you ma, I would kiss you in front of every girl you think that wants me.”
(Y/N) giggles snuggling up to him for warmth
3 days later*
“You remember how you said you would kiss me in front of every girl I think that wants you?”
“So does that include your hair braider”
“Including my braider, ma. I meant it” he laughs pressing a kiss to your forehead”
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sthavoc · 6 months
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*๑՞ pairing: enzo x fem!reader
*๑՞ summary: you pull a small prank on Enzo. Where there isn’t “enough” food for the both of you to eat.
*๑՞ warnings: fluff.
*๑՞ note: omg I lost the request but thankfully I snapped a picture before it happened. but yes I agree that enzo would be the type to let you have a full plate in order for you to eat. this one is a short one! this one has been sitting in my drafts for a few days now.
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“Espero y te guste.” You position your boyfriend’s plate of pasta in front of him, where his elbows rested on the cover of the table while he typed away something quick on his phone.
He had brought up that he was starving and had a craving for your pasta, and of course, you couldn’t say no to him. Also, you had been seeing TikTok videos where couples and parents test their loved ones to see their reaction to them serving themselves a much smaller meal, or with less food than theirs. You hadn’t had the chance to try it on Enzo but today seemed perfect.
So after you finished cooking you made sure to not let him in the kitchen to help you out, as he usually did. It was his way of not just standing there and feeling like a burden, but you managed to convince the man and had him sit this one out. When you walked out of the kitchen with your plate, Enzo left his phone aside as he didn’t want to start without you. It was a thing he always did ever since you started dating.
“¿Listo?” Your question falls from your lips, it was a simple question but deep inside you were holding a peal of laughter.
“Sí.” He picks up his gaze and with it his fork, but it quickly falls to your plate. “Eh, nena ¿por qué te serviste tan poco?”
Now this is where the game started. “Es todo lo que queda, amor.” You simply say, with no bother.
But to Enzo it was a huge bother. He didn’t feel pleased eating a much bigger portion than you, you barely had any. He felt as if he was taking all of it.
“¿Como que es todo lo que hay? ¿No hiciste más?” Questions and questions.
“No había más pasta. Pero no pasa nada amor de verdad.” You claimed with a tone that kept its calm, but inside the laughter cried within you.
Enzo didn’t say a word but his eyes remained on your plate. If you thought he was going to leave this as it was you were wrong, because without a warning he picked up yours and his plate and switched them.
His action made your eyes go wide and a small smile that crept upon your lips. “¿Enzo que haces?”
He grabbed his fork and began to twist it in the pasta to get a piece. “Te cambié para que vos tengas más.”
Could he be any more perfect?
“Pero si tú tenías hambre.” You attempt on grabbing your plate back but Enzo’s arm covers your move.
“Para nena. Ese plato te lo quedas vos. Yo me quedo con este.” He bites the food away from the fork, standing by his declaration.
His sweetness made you smile and grip his hand with a small rub on his thumb. You couldn’t do this to him and leave him with the smallest plate, you already felt bad with having him switch both your plates.
“Es broma, gordo.” You finally say with the smile that you had on your lips, which was caught by his eyes with his mouth opened just a bit enough for the pasta to fit in.
Enzo swallowed confused “¿Cómo?” He wasn’t catching on, to anything that you could be suppressing your laughter about. So you decided to bring him behind the curtain and explain everything to him, and all you noticed was the furrow in his brows. “¿Es en serio?”
“Sí” You nod.
“Entonces sí hay más comida.” He raised one brow, with a tone that said he knew the answer but still wanted to hear it from you.
“Sí.” You repeat with a small giggle while you watch him drop his weight on the back of the chair.
“Dale pues sirvete más por favor.” He motions for the kitchen, but he stops you. “No sabes que, para, te sirvo yo. Vos quédate acá.”
And before you could say anything to stop him, Enzo got up and walked towards the kitchen to grab a bigger plate and serve the good amount you deserve. This new kind gesture from Enzo only made your heart swell and grow more love for him. How it didn’t matter to him that he was starving, he still made sure you came first.
“Servido.” He placed the plate in front of you and delivered a soft peck on your cheek that made you smile.
“Gracias.” You say holding his hand, “Y no solo por servirme otro plato, si no por darme el tuyo. Significa mucho para mí Enzo.”
Enzo leaned in to kiss you and placed a few strands of hair behind your ear to caress your cheek, “No es nada bonita. Sabes que para mí, vos siempre vas a estar primero. No importa la circunstancia.”
Oh, you were going to marry this man. There was no doubt.
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inkdrinkerworld · 1 year
omg omg omg…. Imagining Miguel trying to take care of reader while she’s drunk but she wants to keep on partying
cw: drunk!reader, intoxication
"miguel," you grumble as he takes the glass away from you.
"no, you've been cut off," he mutters, handing your drink to margo. "you almost fell over just now." he says, face stoic as you sit yourself in his lap.
"but i didn't, you caught me." you say excitedly and miguel rolls his eye.
it isn't often that you're out for drinks, but when you are, you take it in stride.
you'd had a lot more than you usually would because you knew miguel wasn't going to be drinking. he takes care of you fine when he's been drinking, but when he's sober is more fun.
you get to try to make him blush and tease him and make a game of when he'll haul you over his shoulder and take you home.
"miguel?" you hum, paying no attention to your friends who you are almost 100% sure are making up some sort of story based on what you're whispering.
"sí amor? que pasa?" miguel's voice is as low as it always is but there's a softness that edges it a little bit like it always does when he's speaking to you.
"can i have my drink back?" you bat your eyelashes as you look up at him and miguel's hand reaches for your thigh- a quick pinch making you hiss.
"no," stern and soft. you pout. "do you want to go home? get some of those nuggets on the way? actually you probably shouldn't even have those. maybe a food truck will still be -"
you put your hand over miguel's mouth to cut him off. his sharp eyebrow raises and you smile, a bashful little smile.
"we can go home if we get empanadas, and if you promise to give me a massage." miguel removes your hand, pressing a quick kiss to your palm.
"alright, up," he taps your bum and you stand, swaying a little on your feet as you do. "good night ladies, ben," miguel is even more stern as he turns to the man. "text me when you drop them off."
ben salutes him and miguel fights the urge to roll his eyes, especially when you start skipping ahead of him, singing a song miguel is sure you're making up as you go.
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not-magdi · 1 year
●Injured ●
Summary: Pablo trying to care for his stubborn and hurt girlfriend.
Warnings: none
Words: 897
I don't like it, I don't know why but I don't like it somehow
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You broke your ankle while trying to switch a lightbulb a few days ago. After being too proud to ask your boyfriend Pablo for help, the uninventive happened, and you fell.
Hearing your scream and seeing you lay on the floor scared Pablo shitless.
And after it was clear that you would have to go to the hospital, it was over for Pablo. The whole way there, he couldn't stop fussing about you, asking if you were in pain every five seconds, holding your hand, and so on.
You found it adorable how much he cared about you. He made sure you were sitting comfortably and didn't let you lift a finger if he was in reach.
But as much as you loved to be taken care of, it slowly started to annoy you. You were never the type of person to sit still for long periods, so having everything done for you began to drive you mad.
So currently, you're using the chance of Pablo being upstairs to sneak into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. But hearing him come down the stairs makes you panic.
"Amor, where are you?"
"Kitchen!" you answer, signing in defeat.
"Cariño, what are you doing here? I could have gotten it for you."
Taking the glass of water from you, he shoos you back to the couch. You roll your eyes, which does not go unnoticed by Pablo and limp back to the living room.
Coming back from the kitchen, Pablo finds you sitting on the couch with an annoyed look on your face.
"Que pasa amor? Are you in any pain?"
"No. Pablo, I'm fine ok?!"
You regret your harsh tone immediately, not wanting to snap at him. You want to apologise immediately, but Pablo beats you to it.
"I'm sorry that I care for you!"
After that, he rushes off, leaving you alone with guilt, eating you up. After you hear the door upstairs slam shut.
You know that Pablo sometimes takes things more personally than he should. So you try to be careful when it comes to things like that. But today, your temper got the best of you.
Upstairs, Pablo sits in his office chair, slightly offended about how you talked to him. He just wanted to make sure that you are ok.
Seeing you lay on the floor so helpless and in pain, changed something in him. He never ever wants to see you like that again. So he does everything in his power to keep you safe.
The two of you give each other a silent treatment for hours, too stubborn to be the first to give in. You tried to manage to make yourself food on your own. Which turned out to be more difficult than you thought it would.
You somehow managed it, but after cleaning everything up and sitting down again, you felt how cramped your muscles were.
You became a treatment to smear on your sore muscles to prevent them from cramping. The problem is that you can't put it on on your own because you can't reach under your cast that well.
Normally. Pablo always puts it on you before bed so you can sleep in peace, but that won't be an option today.
After sitting on the couch for a bit, you slowly realise how much you actually depend on Pablo.
Feeling even more guilty than before, you make your way upstairs. Wanting to apologise to Pablo for your unfair behaviour towards him.
Challenging yourself up the stairs, you hear noises coming from Pablo's office. Softly knocking on his door, you slowly open it and step into the room.
Hearing the door open and close, Pablo turns around only to see you standing there with a guilty look.
He really wanted to stay mad at you, but seeing you look at him like a kicked puppy made it hard for him.
"You need something?"
Him not using any nicknames hit you harder than you thought it would. He always uses nicknames, so hearing none hurt a lot.
Looking to the ground, you try to find the right words.
"Uhm, I-I wanted to say sorry f-for earlier. I didn't mean to snap at you, you only wanted to help me. I was annoyed that I have to rest so much, and I took it out on you. I'm sorry."
Pablo's frown softens as he hears you apologise. Now feeling guilty too, he rushes to stand up and wrap his arms around you.
"M'sorry too. I was just so scared when I found you. I wanted to protect you and didn't realise that I was crushing you with my carefulness, Amor," he mumbles into your neck.
The two of you stand in the office for a while, until Pablo hears you hiss as one of your muscles starts to cramp again.
Looking at his phone, he gasps as he realises how late it already is.
"Oh no, we need to put your lotion on. Come on, amor you lay down, I'm coming in a second."
Laying down on your bed, you wait for Pablo to come back. He comes back, seconds later and starts to put the cream on you.
After he was done, he cuddled himself next to you and pulled you onto his chest. Both of you, enjoying each other's warm embrace in a comfortable silence.
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didishawn · 1 year
I dreamed the night with something similar and would like to place a request: Rodrigo de Paul comments on his storie praising his body, Yn shows Pedri and this becomes a confusion during Barcelona x Atletico de Madrid. The stress of the game becomes violent sex after the match. forgiveness for English translated by Google
saludos desde Brasil ❤️🥺✊🏻
Dios, como amo a Rodri
Cuidado con el 7 (Pedri x Reader) smut
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Warnings: misunderstandings, Rodri de Paul vs Pedri, smut, rough, fights, maybe some DE Paul x Reader, there could be a part 2 with the three of them if anyone wants it
"Pero bueno, que cuerpazo, ¿no?" that is all it takes for Pedri to turn to you with an alerted look, you are just lazily laying on the coach on your phone. (oh well, what a great body, hm?)
He recognises the voice, of course he does, one of your greatest friends, World Cup champion, Rodrigo de Paul doing such comments towards his girlfriend, she giggles.
He scoffs, you pause the story and turn to him "¿Todo bien, Pepi?" (everything good, Pepi?)
He doesn't answer, rolling his eyes.
You shrug your shoulders, you guess he is another one of his moods, you keep on watching your friend's story.
"Madre mía, que maravilla, que rica que estás, boluda, no se como no te probe antes" (my goodness, how wonderful, you are so delicious, girl, I don't know how I didn't taste you before)
The weird man talks like that to the asado he shows off on the next story, the definition of food porn, you tell him just that and he answers inmediatly, starting an even weirder conversation.
Pedri passes by you, frowning as he looks the name of the Argentinian man on your screen, but doesn't stop to read.
That night, he fucks you hard.
Your brain hasn't really catched up on everything that has happened on the last couple of hours.
Atlético de Madrid vs Barcelona, one of your dear friends against your boyfriend. Everything during the game went good, Barça won and you were happy for Pedri, you went down to meet him, maybe even see Rodri.
You saw the two men, facing each other, Pedri looks mad, Rodri confused.
"¿Pero que os pasa?" you ask, they both turned to you. (what is going on?)
"Decime vos. A mi me vino tu noviecito a preguntarme qué por qué coqueteo con vos y que si habíamos chapado" Rodri explained, you turned to Pedri, wide eyed. (you tell me. Your little boyfriend came to me to ask why I flirt you and if we have fucked)
"Pedri! ¿Qué cojones?" (what the fuck?)
"¡Escuche como te lo decía!" (I heard him tell you that!)
"Así por saber, ¿decir que?" you asked (just so I know, say what?)
"Que tenías un cuerpazo, que que rica estas y que no sabe como no te probó antes" (that you have a great body, that you are so delicious and that he doesn't know how he didn't taste you before)
Rodri laughted out "Naah, pará, esto es buenísimo" he turned to you "¿Se lo decís vos o se lo digo yo?" (noo, stop, this is great. ¿Do you tell him or do I do it? )
Yours and Rodri's explanations were not enough to cease Pedri's jealousy, so now wonder how you are here, body against the door in some janitor's closet, Pedri fucking you, hard and fast from behind. He enjoys it, really, so do you, having your boyfriend's hard cock almost destroying your insides.
"Te parecerá bonito, ponerme celoso con ese amiguito tuyo" he groans into your ear, just being inside of you makes him want to cum. "Pero tú sabes que solo yo te puedo follar así como te gusta" (real pretty, making me jealous with that friend of yours. But you know only I can fuck you how you like)
There are marks on your neck, deep purple bite marks, your ass red from the slap of his hips against it, his fingers are marked on your fingers.
You feel his balls hit you, your hands against the door, so is your face as you try to muffle the sounds coming from your mouth, you are a whining mess, groaning, moaning and grunting. His fingers almost hurt your clit, yet all you can feel is pleasure as he plays with it.
Your juices go down your thighs, you have already cummed in so little time, there is no way you have been at it longer than twenty minutes, you can still hear some shouts from players on the back. You really hope Gavi is not waiting for you.
"Lo adoras, ¿no? Que te folle aquí cuando cualquiera nos puede encontrar, deseando que tu amigo el campeoncito pueda ver a quien le perteneces" (you love it, don't you? That I fuck you here when anyone can find us, wishing your little champion friend can see who you belong to)
"Shhh, de verdad no quieres que nos escuchen, ¿hm?" (shhh, you really don't want anyone to hear, hm?)
You hake your head, but even you in your hazed mind know that anyone who passes by will know what is going on in the closet as Pedri's hard thrusts have the door rustling.
The stimulation on your clit, the hard thrusts, the kisses, his hands, him, finally pushes you over the edge, you cum once more around him, your walls once more tightening on him for what must have been the third time.
He groans into your ears, his release finding it's way deep inside you, you are so full of him, he pants, the two of you are truly breathless, he kisses your cheek.
The two of you walk out together, hand in hand, you can see Rodri from afar, he waves at you with an ample smile, winking an eye, Pedri's grips tightens on your grip.
Mierda, shit - you think
This is not over, you are sure of that.
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darknessawaits28 · 4 months
The last of Us {The Siblings of Hospitality}
"Dammit Ellie, would you slow down!" Joel grumbled as he tried to keep up with the ample youth that laid before him.
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"Well you're taking forever old man" Ellie laughed as she stopped in her tracks and turned around, waiting for him to catch him.
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"Listen, I might be old, but that doesn't mean I'm going to allow you to go ahead of me, who knows what-" without warning Joel stepped on a trap and it shot him upwards.
"Joel!" Ellie yelled as she looked up, seeing him dangling from a rope.
"Ellie, run!" Joel shouted as he tried to get himself out of this trap.
"Ah, ah, ah" A voice whispered against Ellie's ear, a knife being placed directly on her neck.
"Shit" Ellie sighed, trying to glance at who was behind her, but all that caught in her eye was some sort of animal thing.
"Leave her alone you fuckers!" Joel growled as he tried to grab his hunting knife to cut the rope that was attached to his leg.
"I wouldn't do that comrade, one little slip from this height could break your neck" Another voice spoke, more masculine and threatening.
"Why are you on our lands huh?" "You infected?" The womanly voice spoke as she held Ellie.
"We aren't infected, we are just passing by, please...we don't mean any harm" Ellie begged, holding her hands up in defense.
"We've heard that before girly" The man said sternly, pushing back the wolf carcass head that was covering his face. "Now we ask again, why are you on our lands?"
"I need....to bring her to Salt Lake City...that's why we are passing by...." Joel groaned in agony.
"Lo dejamos?" The girl signaled to the other man.
"Y que pasa si son infectados?" The man growled as he walked over to the rope that held the man.
"Andres, por favor."
"Ugh, you're lucky you're my sister" The man rolled his eyes, grabbing the rope and slowly lowering Joel until he laid flat on his back. "Don't try anything, or I will fucking kill you" the man warned, grabbing his knife and cutting the rope off his leg.
The girl smiled cutely as she let go of the girl she had grabbed and pushed back the bear carcass that she had covering her face.
Once Ellie was let go, she rushed over to Joel, helping him up from the ground. "You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" Joel coughed, quickly standing up to view a 5 foot girl with a bear carcass on her back and a 7 foot burly man with a wolf carcass on his back.
"Who the hell are you two?" Joel asked curiously.
"My name is Beth, and this is my brother Andrew" Beth giggled, sheathing her knife.
"Seriously Beth, you don't just tell fucking strangers our names!!"
"Oh shush, you're just worried they're like those assholes from the camp."
Andrew sighed as he sheathed his knife and looked at the sky, seeing that nightfall was rapidly approaching.
"I guess we'll be going" Joel gulped, trying to push Ellie behind him in case these two changed their minds and murdered them in cold blood.
"I know my big burlap of a brother won't offer, but would you like to stay the night in our warehouse, we have plenty of food, running water, clothing, and other things if you want" Beth offered, ultimately upsetting her brother even more.
"Yes please, I need to take a fucking shower!" Ellie grumbled as she glanced over at Joel, hoping that he would accept.
"Ellie..." Joel sighed as he rubbed the back of his head. "Fine, but don't you try anything okay."
"If we did try, you would already be dead....come on..." Andrew sighed, glaring daggers at his sister.
As all four them proceeded on, Beth glanced over at Joel who seemed kind of attractive. She hadn't seen another man in a long time, not counting her sibling which was honestly quite atrocious to even think about. But something about him, his physique and hard features brought an almost animalistic heat out of her.
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"So, what are your names, didn't quite catch them?" Beth questioned curiously.
"My name is Ellie, and this is Joel."
"Ah, nice to meet you two" Beth giggled, continuing up the pathway before they all reached an enormous fence that was pulsing with electricity.
"Beth, vaya" Andrew said as he pulled out a remote from his pocket.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going" Beth chuckled as she pulled her bear head closer to her face and rushed towards a tree, beginning to climb it with ease.
Joel, impressed by such strength this girl had, watched in awe as she climbed the tree and rushed along the branch.
Once Beth reached the edge of the branch, she grabbed her flashlight and began to signal someone. When she received the 'ok' she waved to Andrew who pressed the button, the gate opening.
"Come on hurry, we gotta get inside" Andrew said as he rushed passed the gate, Joel and Ellie following behind him; Beth trailing afterwards.
As they were inside, the gate quickly shut closed and instantly became electrified. "Ah, nice work sis" Andrew chuckled, ruffling her bear head causing her to growl a bit.
"Fuck you."
"Andrew, Beth, where the fuck have you two been!" A woman nearly shouted as she came from around the warehouse building, but ultimately stopped in her tracks at the sight of two strangers. "Who are they?"
"Passerby's, they're gonna stay here for the night until morning" Andrew yawned, approaching the woman and giving her kiss on the lips. "I missed you babe."
"Bleh" Beth laughed as she pushed past the two and headed inside.
"Mm, missed you too handsome." "Now, come on you two, I just made dinner, you must both be famished."
Joel and Ellie, taken aback by their hospitality, obliged and followed the two, unaware that this might have been the best thing that could have happened to them two.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Debut headcanons lmaooooo PLEASE <3
HI ANON !! ooooo this one's a good one >:)) thanks to ate @binibinileonara for the help and deluluing hehe BUT OK what if
teen miggy at your debut
HE WANTS TO BE YOUR VERY LAST DANCE FOR THE 18 ROSES ONE OMG, if your dad or other close, important male figure in your life would let him, he wouldn't waste a single second taking your hand on the dance floor and swaying with you as he locks eyes with you.
the tender look in his eyes as you smile up at him, your bashful demeanor becoming more and more evident as you get cold feet as he holds your waist in one hand, your hand in another.
he chuckles, "que pasa, getting all nervous around me, mahal?" and you'd chuckle back and shake your head. "nervous? around you? nagpapatawa ka ba, miggy?" and he leans closer as he sighs in awe at how beautiful you've become, how more mature and independent you were now that you were at your age of blossoming into an adult.
he shakes his head lightly as the smile on his face grows. "kay ganda mo, mahal, lalo na't pag... lumalapit ako sa 'yong mukha ng..." he whispers as he pecks a small, brief kiss on your lips, "ganito."
you playfully hit him on the shoulder and he chuckles as you lean against his shoulder that you just hit. "inamo." "what about my mom? she's a... lovely woman, don't you think? but certainly, you're lovelier, and i don't mean any offense to her, i just--" "alam kooooo, smart ass." "isn't that why you love me, mahal?" you snort. "baka."
then for his gift for you for your 18 treasures, he's be all teasing about it, like, "oh, it's nothing, how could i ever gift you such a tacky, simple... ring?" THEN HE SHOWS IT TO YOU IN A RING BOX THAT'S THE COLOR OF YOUR GOWN, GETS ON ONE KNEE, AND POPS THE QUESTION: "will you let me annoy you, be a grump to you, tease you for your height, and love you for the rest of your life?"
if you said yes... holy shit you just made him the happiest man in the world.
he engraved something along the lines of, "i'll love you in every universe" in the ring. AND I LIKE TO THINK HE PUT A BETA VER OF LYLA IN THERE, AND WHATEVER PERSONALITY AND APPEARANCE YOU LIKED, MIGUEL IMPLEMENTED IT ON THE FINAL VERSION FOR HER (that's why he keeps lyla in that setting)
"oh, wow, how cute, you made her all sarcastic and sassy like... you, mahal. i can get used to this, i hope. i hope that... you like it though. i really do mean it, no matter which universe you're in, or whoever you'll be in the future... i'm always here for you, and i'll prove i can love you in ways nobody else can."
a/n: food for thought! this happens in an alternate universe where he learns how to jump dimensions as a teenager, so you disappear but lyla is the only thing he salvages from your universe! she's the lyla we saw in the movie, and as annoying as she can be for miguel, she's all he has of you! (he wears that ring underneath his suit all the time and cried when he lost it once)
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @luvstarrstruck @binibinileonara @q2ie
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madricat · 1 year
Do I wanna know if you’re falling in love with me?
a Carlos x y/n fic loosely based on Do I Wanna Know and Falling In Love With You. This is my first fic ever written, so be prepared. Maybe some spelling errors.
Word count: 2269
inspo from here
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There he was. Once again. Just you and him. Together. It was all too good to be true…
“Carlos!!! Mijo, hurry. Time to wake up!”
Of course. Defeated, he decides to get out of bed. When he does, he realizes his hand is gripping on to something.
“Dios Mio”
It was the little bear he has had since he was a kid. A little maroon bear with buttons for eyes and his initials CM on its feet. Every time he dreams of you, the bear is held tight. 
Once he puts the bear down and gets ready for the day (obvi making his hair cover his eye), he heads downstairs for breakfast.
“ Hola Tia,” he said while walking into the kitchen. “Ay Carlos, that’s the fifth time you’ve slept in this week,” Julieta said while cleaning the kitchen. “I know” “Another dream?” his Tia questioned as he went over to pour himself a cup of juice. “Si,” he responded before taking a sip.
His tia was one of the people he trusted. She knows about his little crush. How lately he’s been waking up late cause of his dreams.
“Why don't you say something?” she peaked up. Carlos shrugged his shoulders while taking a bite of an empanada that was sitting on the counter. “Mmm, this is really good. Did you try a new filling?” he questioned with food in his mouth, so good he kept going for another bite.
“Si! y/n gave me the idea, actually.” Upon hearing our name, a blush instantly appeared on his face. Of course, it didn’t help for him to think that you were getting along with his tia, someone he loves very much. 
“Carlos? Que Pasa?” “nada,” he quickly denied anything. “Then what’s that color in your cheeks?” she says teasingly to the poor flustered boy. “I have to go now! Adios Tisa!” he said, quickly exiting the kitchen before it could get any worse. Watching the sight of her nephew leave in a fluster made her laugh to herself.
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In all fairness, Carlos really had nowhere to go. So he just decided to take a walk. Everywhere he passed, people were afraid. Oh, how he hated it. He hated it because he didn’t want you to as well. But according to his fears, he can't change how people see him, just like he can't shift the tide. It was something he couldn’t get rid of, like something in his teeth.
He was then snapped out of it when he heard a laugh. Not just anyone, though, yours. That damn laugh that made his knees weak. How he wanted to be the one to make you laugh, be right beside you and make you smile so big. 
“That sounds crazy y/n,” Mirable said in between laughs, “I wish I could go with you.”
“...go?” Carlos mumbled under his breath. No, you can't go. You just came a few months ago. You can't just leave after coming into his life. It would make him sad to see you go. He was sort of hoping you’d stay in this little town he calls home, even if it wasn’t your first home.
Ever since you came into town, something inside him hasn't been the same. Ever since the Encanto mountains broke, people have been coming in (ofc after Abuela approved). Carlos didn’t mind the new people as long as they didn't bother him. They were also new prank victims, so that was a plus. But he couldn't do that to you. It’s like whenever he tries, his body stops him. A feeling you can't fight. 
After learning about his defeat, he thought it was better to just go back home. The whole way back home, he dragged his feet and held his head low. Even when he arrived, Casita could see his mood and quietly opened its doors.
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As he trenched up the stairs and down the hall, he got stopped by a voice he knew all too well, almost like the little voice in the back of his head.
“Have you got the guts?” a hushed voice questioned. “ Que?” “When are you gonna tell them?” his sister kept questioning him. “Tell who what?” he kept denying. “Tell y/n that you are in love with them,” she finally said. “Love is a bit strong,” Carlos rebutted. “Dios Mio, you have no idea that you’re in deep,” she said dramatically; she couldn’t believe him. With this, Carlos gives Dolores a puzzled face. “You’re deeply head over heels for them,” she exclaimed. “You’re far from the truth,” he denied. “Then why did your heart start racing then,” she said with a little smirk, now seeing the color in his cheeks return.
Once he snapped back to it, his face turned upside down again. “ You overheard y/n and Mirabel, didn’t you?” With silence as her answer, she felt terrible for her Hermano.
After a while of no words exchanged, Carlos finally peaked up “...when do they leave?” “next week…you know-” “do I wanna know?” Carlos interrupts her. “Que?” she questioned, confused. “ Do I really wanna know if this feeling flows both ways?” he said, rolling his eyes in exaggeration and crossing his arms. “Talk to them then,” Dolores suggested. “When?” “Tonight,” she exclaimed before she started walking away. Then she stopped for a sec and turned her head towards him. “After all, the nights are mainly for saying what you can’t say tomorrow.” And with this, she continued walking away.
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Well, he was screwed. It was tonight. Now or never. After months of being in love having a crush, he was finally gonna confess. He was pacing around his room, stressing. He didn’t have a clue about what to do. NONE! As he defeatedly throws himself into his desk chair, he places his elbows on his desk and runs his hands through his hair (showing both his eyes).
Maybe he can come up with a plan! He grabs his notebook and pencil and starts writing ideas. Stargazing? No. Picnic? No. Tear after tear after tear. Each one ending up with a crumble, then being tossed. With agony, he bangs his head on the desk, clueless. When he turns his head, he catches a glance at his bookshelf. With the sunset peeking through his window, a ray of sun illuminated the books. A certain one caught his attention tho.
A brown leather-covered book with Spanish-styled details edged in gold. And on the cover, a heart with angel wings. “Of course!” The answer was in front of him all along. How could he be so stupid? Now all he needed was his guitar and a quick trip to the town square.
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His first step, get you to come. He transforms into a little red bird, and with his beak, he picks up a letter that he wrote.  As he started approaching your house, his nerves started to work up again. He was doing this. He was actually doing this. What if it didn't work? What if it was too stupid? What if he got rejected? What if you were already dating someone?! He was so busy questioning that he didn’t realize he had made it to your house and almost flew into it. But there he was, now flying right in front of your window. 
“Tap tap..tap..” Getting up from your desk, you go to see what could possibly be making that annoying noise. When you go to open your curtains, you’re shocked to see a little red bird with a letter in between its beak. You quickly open your window to let the little bird in and see what it wants. The moment you peek open your window, he swiftly flies in, drops the letter on your desk, and leaves. He was so quick that you didn’t have time to process it, let alone blink. With curiosity, you walk back to your desk to see a red letter written in black cursive,
Dear y/n:
Tonight, follow this bird. It will be waiting for you at 12 am.
See you then, Hermosa ❤️
“Her-Hermosa,” you say, surprised. The color in your cheeks was rising. You were over the moon, though!
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You made sure to eat your dinner faster tonight and get ready for bed quicker. Welllll, technically you weren’t going to bed, but your family didn’t know that. 
After checking yourself in the mirror for the 20th time, you checked the time and saw it was 11:55 pm. “Here goes nothing,” you say to yourself, preparing for whatever may happen soon. You quietly open your bedroom door, making sure you woke no one up. As you creep down the stairs and to the front door, you didn't know you had stopped breathing until you made it outside.
It was a bit cold, not gonna lie. Waiting there, tapping your foot, you checked your watch. “12:01”. “Where is this bird?” you mumbled under your breath. You were getting a bit impatient since it was getting colder by the minute, only making you want to go inside more. Just when you say this, the bird lands on your shoulder, startling you. Then, with little chirps, the bird started flying away. 
You start chasing after the bird as it begins to head farther from the town. You didn’t even realize you were running in the direction of the famous Madrigals house.
Running up a tiny hill nearby, you attempted to catch your breath once you reached the top. Hands on your knees, when you look up, you realize that you have lost the bird. “mierda,” you say breathlessly. 
Suddenly, you feel a pair of cold hands wrap around your eyes. “You didn’t lose me, Hermosa,” a low, raspy voice whispered in your ear, so close you could feel his breath tickle your skin. “Keep your eyes closed, trust me.”
Well, it was too late now if you were being kidnapped. So you did as you were told and kept them closed.
Carlos couldn’t believe he was doing this. While he slowly removed his hands from your eyes, he cautiously started walking in front of you. Once standing face to face with you, he couldn’t help but just freeze for a second. How bad he just wanted to grab your face and feel your lips collide with his. But he knew he couldn’t. So he gently grabbed your hands as he started walking backward, guiding you to a little clearing. 
Your mind was racing with millions of thoughts. Do I know that voice? Where is he taking me? Why did I agree to do this? Where even am I? All of a sudden, you felt him let go of your hands.
You stood there with your eyes still closed, patiently waiting for him to tell you what to do next. Then, out of nowhere, you start hearing a guitar strumming. Curiously, you peeked open your eyes. When you did, you were awestruck. 
“ Wise men say only fools rush in.”
Carlos sang while looking down at his guitar. Around him was a circle of candles. Dimly lit up, allowing you to only see a figure of the stranger.
“But I can't help falling in love with you.”
He sang while slowly approaching toward you.
“No, I can't help falling in love with you.”
He lastly sang while now standing right in front of you, looking you in the eye.
As you two stood there, you were shocked. Now finally, being able to place a face on the mysterious admirer, you couldn’t believe it. Did thee Carlos Madrigal just say in song he loved you? You couldn't even mutter a single word. 
“Look, y/n, I know we’ve barely known each other, but I’ve just been wondering lately if your heart's still open. Cause we can be together if you wanted to, regardless of whether you are gonna leave soon,” he rambled. He was so nervous, why weren't you saying anything?! He could barely even comprehend what he was even saying.
This was so much for you to process right now.
“I-i,” you tried to form words, but before you could even get them out, you were interrupted. “-Look, I get it if you don't want-” “Carlos!” you interrupted him. This shocked him and made him shut up. “I’ve had a crush on you for a while, too” “...really?” “yes, really,” you replied. He couldn’t believe it, you had just said you liked him back! His heart was now racing. Internally he was jumping up and down in joy.
“So we can be together then?” he said with excitement entangled in his tone. “Of course,” you answered. But then it hit him, “but aren’t you leaving soon? How would we make this work?” 
You were confused. You never told him anything about leaving; how would he-oh. “Ay, the chisme of this town,” you groaned under your breath while pinching the bridge of your nose.
Well, you couldn’t have confused the poor boy any more than he already was.
“ I only leave for two weeks, you know that, right?”
He didn’t respond; all he could think of was how stupid he was. Is that what Dolores was trying to tell him earlier? Is this what he gets when he doesn’t listen to people fully?
When he didn’t respond and just stood there with his mouth opened a little, you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Aww, pobrecito,” you said between giggles before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
With that, Carlos shut his mouth and regained his stiff posture.
Guess this feeling really did flow both ways after all ❤️…
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“Please do pablo gavi x reader where he gets jealous because you're talking to your idol football player (like jude, mbappe, trent, etc..)”
Quick disclaimer: English is not my first language so please keep that in mind when judging! I am fluent in Spanish so I will be providing a translation after every Spanish phrase.
“I'm so nervous, I don't exactly want to meet your teammates and all of their footballer friends”
“Yes you do amor, you're just nervous because there will be a lot of people you don't know”
“Wow, thanks for the affirmation babe” You were nervous. Since your boyfriend played for Barcelona, he had a lot of footballer friends who also have footballers friends which meant that he was obviously invited to Robert Lewandowski's annual Christmas party. Not only were you terrified because it was your first impression of his teammates, but you were afraid to be compared to everyone else's fabulous model girlfriends. To make it short, you were not excited.
“Look, it's going to be fine, they're going to love you and I know you're going to love them, even Manuel might be there.”
“Manuel… as in Manuel Neuer. He's going to be there! No way, no way. Oh my god, now I'm even more scared than before. I have to make a good impression so he doesn't hate me while also realizing my presence and the fact that I exist.”
And that is when Gavi realized his mistake. He had always known you had loved the German goalkeeper, even going as far to attend all of the Bayern FC games as much as possible, including the ones where they played Barcelona, and managed to root for Manuel and his team instead of your boyfriend and his team.
“Oh, I guess but you know he might not even show up. He could be busy or whatever.” Gavi tried to deflate your emotions by hinting that he might now show up but he knew he would show up, after all, he and Robert were friends and teammates for years. He had to prepare himself for a night of you ignoring him, and not being jealous. But he wasn’t jealous, maybe envious, but definitely not jealous.
“Okay maybe he might not, but now that I think about it he probably will show up. He's been friends and teammates with Lewandowski for years and I still think they might be friends. They were really connected during their time at Bayern. Okay, so I just need you to introduce me to him, and then I'll connect with him because I know everything there is to know about him and Bayern…” You went on and on about your plan to impress Neuer and Gavi just sat there listening. Well, not precisely listening. He was just staring at you pretending to listen to you, he couldn't precisely stand to listen to you rant about your favorite player of all time (which was not him). But no, he was not jealous. At all.
You two had finally arrived at Robert’s house and it was beautiful, the whole house was decorated with wonderful lights and cute decorations. Gavi had parked and was now getting out of the car so that he could open the door for you and lead you into the house, like a gentleman.
Standing outside of the door you stopped, which worried Gavi.
“Qué te pasa? Porque parastes? ¿Estás bien?” (What happened to you? Why’d you stop? Are you good?)
“Si, si estoy bien solo estoy nerviosa. Qué pasa si a ellos no les gusto?” (Yeah, yeah I'm fine I'm just nervous. What happens if they don't like me?)
“Amor, te digo otra vez, ellos te van a amar. Tu eres perfecta en cada aspecto tuyo y no tengo duda que te van a amar.” (Love, as I tell you once again, they will love you. You are perfect in every aspect and I have no doubt that they will love you.)
“Okay, okay. I think I'm ready, let's go in.” You assure Gavithat you're ready. Not really, but he doesn't need to know that. As soon as you ring the doorbell the door opens and reveals Robert.
“Gavi! Ay, my favorite youngster come in come in!” Robert exclaimed cheerily with an expression only defined as one thing: drunk. “Oh! This must be your girlfriend, the big Bayern fan. Come in there's food and drinks at the table.” He points to a long table filled with all kinds of food and desserts as well as a big variation of drinks; both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.
You both made your way around, Gavi introducing you to his teammates and their girlfriends/wives. After you had been properly introduced to everybody you both sat down on a couch calmly talking. “Wow, Gavi! This is great! The house is so big and beautiful and your teammates are all so nice and friendly! You were right, there was nothing for me to worry about.”
As you finished talking, Gavi had stopped paying attention and instead stared intently at something. You had noticed he wasn't listening to you anymore and turned around to look at whatever he was staring at when you saw him, your idol: Manuel Neuer. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god…” you trailed off as you stared at him.
Gavi realized that you had noticed him too and cleared his throat which brought your attention back to him. “What, what were you saying babe,” he asked to try and deflect your attention back to him and not Manuel, to add effect he kissed you deeply and held your hand.
“Oh it's nothing, did you see him? I am freaking out, I made eye contact with him, and I'm about to have a panic attack.” You confess, thinking nothing of Gavi's sudden jaw clenching. You knew that there was no one in your heart except Gavi, but getting him jealous was always a harmless game he didn’t realize he was playing.
“Yeah, I saw him.” He replied shortly. Realizing you had already gotten him jealous, you decided to go and meet Manuel. Yes, you were afraid to meet him, he was your idol, after all, but riling up your boyfriend seemed more exciting. Getting up from his lap, you headed over to where Manuel was. “Wish me, luck babe.”
“How about I go with you? I would like to meet him as well.” Gavi suggests. He knew that if he was there by your side then Manuel would get the idea; keep in mind, Manuel was married with kids, in which he showed no romantic interest towards you but for some reason that was not clicking for your boyfriend.
“I would love that, it would really make me feel better.” And with that, you both stood up and made your way over to where Manuel was standing with his family. Yiu stopped in the middle of walking to turn around and talk to Gavi. “You know what maybe this isn’t the greatest idea.”
“Babe as much as I dont want you to meet him-“
“…Wait what?”
“I-I mean as much as I know you want to meet him-“
“Heard you the first time. Got you babe.” You laughed at him while Gavi slowly opened his mouth very clearly indicating surprise.
“Wait, wait wait wait… what.”
“You are so easy to make jealous and this was the perfect chance to get back at you for your prank the other day. I knew we would be going here, I knew he would be here, and I knew you would have no choice to endure it or lose your pride.” You admit.
He just stares at you. “Estas diciendo la verdad?” (are you telling the truth?). He can only make out a few words because he’s truly in shock. He can’t beliege you would jonás far as making him jealous just to get him back for scaring you one time. It wasn’t even that bad.
“Claro que si! Tú crees que iba a dejar eso así? And I thoight you knew me better than that.” (Of course! You thought I was gonna key that go?)
“Oh.” Was all Gavi said. safe to say he had learned his girlfriend never forgot even the smallest of things and would go as far to prey on his ego. “Okay lesson learned.”
“Good now let’s go get some drinks.”
“Wait. you don’t want to meet Manuel? He’s your idol?” He asked.
“Oh no I do! I’m just scared so I won’t.”
And that was when Gavi realized he could prank you: again. “Hey Manuel!” he called out to your idol. “So nice to meet you this is my girlfriend y/n and she’s such a big fan of yours.” He told Manuel. You were so shocked and amazed that no words came out and just shook Manuel’s hand with a smile on your face and revenge on your mind.
“So nice to meet you I always love meeting a fan!” Manuel admitted. He had heard the conversation leading to the interaction so he knew that you truly were a fan of him and that this was a way of payback for your boyfriend.
“So nice to meet you too! Would you mind excusing us for a minuet?” You asked nto sticking around for an answer as you grabbed Pablo and dragged him outside.
“I will kill you.”
“Mierda.” (Shit.)
Guys ik ik this took so long but to be fair I did have a research paper assigned the day I got back. I have so many requests and I ahve started on each one so there probably will be so many posted at the same time. Requests are close for the moment but will be opened up again once I finish every request.
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xjulixred45x · 1 month
Vincent gives HUGE karen parent vibes its so funny😅🤣
Vince already gives off strong vibes of being a person who believes he is entitled to many things (like when he used Rody at his party as an employee outside of work and without paying him), and he definitely passes this sense of entitlement on to Karin ( or tries to, because in Vincent's head, it's normal and "natural").
I mentioned it a little in the post about Manon, but Vince is definitely very picky about the quality of things for Karin, in every way. It's almost a little creepy/worrying.
babysitters for example, Vince does a VERY extensive interview to make sure it is appropriate to leave his daughter approx. 8 hours with this person. and probably on the babysitter's first day he has a "long shift" when in reality he observes how the babysitters act with Karin (if they discover it? If they give Karin food that is not from the house? Do they even slightly raise their voice to Karin even if she did something inappropriate? FIRED IMMEDIATELY).
The type of parent who thinks His Daughter is an angel and can do no wrong (i mean, he's Right. Karin is a bby).
I can see Vince as that type of father who, if he sees that Karin clothes are torn (like in the game), he immediately throws them away and buys her new ones (and much more expensive).
Seeing as the game's author describes him as "underwelming supportive", Vince is probably the calmest and most low-key empowerment of a soccer dad. I mean, he support Karin to improve and won't STOP insisting on that until she reaches her maximum potential. Although he doesn't really react much to Karin's achievements, rest assured that he is really proud of her (he's the kind of dad who makes a shelf ONLY for Karin's awards/recognitions. He will feel personally offended if you don't give Karin a compliment from AT LEAST 3 of them).
Vince takes great advantage of his reputation (and character) to get his way. things like talking shit about people if they aren't nice to Karin, threatening to ruin someone's name if they don't tutor Karin, blackmailing others for Karin's benefit, getting her out of school for being "beneath her academic level", everything.
(related to the above) DEFINITELY A HELL TO HAVE AS A FATHER-IN-LAW, just thinking about the poor soul who has to put up with Vince's passive aggressive (and aggressive aggressive) comments, watching him OVER sharpen his kitchen knives when he's at the house, threatening to sink their name and that of their family if they EVEN raises their hand to his daughter... would definitely be terrifying.
Besides, it is never enough, no matter how good the intentions are, how much money they have or how good they are, Vince will always have SOMETHING to say. The most that Karin's partner would get from a good relationship with Vince would be total disinterest. And honestly it's better to leave it that way.
Overall, having Vince as a father would be HELL for EVERYONE except Karin, although that's the point, right?
JAJAJAJA LO PEOR ES QUE ES VERDAD. Vince es totalmente una Karen.
de por si Vince da fuertes vibras de ser una persona que se cree con derecho a muchas cosas(como cuando uso a Rody en su fiesta como empleado fuera del trabajo y encima sin pagarle), y definitivamente el pasa este sentido de derecho a Karin(o intenta hacerlo, porque en la cabeza de Vincent, es normal y "natural").
lo mencione un poco en el post acerca de Manon, pero Vince definitivamente es muy exigente en cuanto a la calidad de las cosas para Karin, en todo sentido. es casi un poco creepy/preocupante.
las niñeras por ejemplo, Vince hace una entrevista MUY extensa para asegurarse de que sea apropiado dejar a su hija aprox. 8 horas con esta persona. y probablemente el primer dia de la niñera el tenga un "turno largo" cuando en realidad observa como actuan las niñeras con Karin (¿si lo descubren?¿si le dan a Karin comisa que no es de la casa?¿le alzan mínimamente la voz a Karin aun si ella hizo algo inapropiado? DESPEDIDOS INMEDIATAMENTE).
Tipo de padre que cree que su hija es un angel y no puede ni matar una mosca(aunque en este caso es verdad lol, Karin es un angelito).
puedo ver a Vince como ese tipo de padre que si ve que tienes la ropa rota(como en el juego) directamente la desecha y te compra otra nueva(y mucho mas cara).
viendo que el autor del juego lo describe como "decepcionadamente alentador"(? no se como traducirlo) probablemente Vince sea el empoderamiento mas tranquilo y lowkey de un soccer dad. osea, apoya a Karin a mejorar y no PARARA de insistir en eso hasta que ella alcance su maximo potencial. aunque realmente no reacciona mucho a los logros de Karin, ten por seguro que el realmente esta orgulloso de ella(es el tipo de padre que hace una estanteria SOLO para los premios/reconocimientos de Karin. se sentira personalmente ofendido si no le das a Karin un cumplido por AL MENOS 3 de ellos).
Vince se aprovecha mucho de su reputación (y caracter) para salirse con la suya.
cosas como hablar mierda de las personas si no son buenas con Karin, amenazar con hundir el nombre de alguien si no le da clases particulares a Karin, chantajear a los demas por el beneficio de Karin, sacarla de la escuela por estar "debajo de su nivel académico", de todo.
(relacionado con lo anterior)DEFINITIVAMENTE UN INFIERNO DE TENER COMO SUEGRO, el solo pensar en la pobre alma que tiene que aguantar los comentarios pasivo agresivos(y agresivos agresivos) de Vince, verlo afilar DEMACIADO sus cuchillos de cocina cuando esta en su casa, amenazar con hundir su nombre y el de su familia si SIQUIERA le levanta la mano a su hija... definitivamente seria aterrador.
aparte, nunca es suficiente, no importa que tan buenas sean las intenciones, cuanto dinero tengan o lo buenos que sean, Vince siempre tendra ALGO que decir. lo maximo que obtendria la pareja de Karin a una buena relación con Vince seria total desinteres. y sinceramente es mejor dejarlo asi.
en general, tener a Vince como padre seria UN INFIERNO para TODOS menos para Karin, aunque ese es el punto ¿no?
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sthavoc · 6 months
Imagine Enzo and the guys being out and maybe grabbing lunch and there's a girl and some friends sitting next to them. Someone comes up go her and asks her out in spanish and she replies in english that she doesn't speak spanish. After the man leaves she starts speaking in spanish to her friends and the boys laugh. Enzo and her hit it off. Idk pay no mind to this. It's nonsense
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·˚ ༘ pairing: enzo x fem!reader
·˚ ༘ summary: you go out with your friends for brunch and a guy casually decides to ask you out, but you are not interested, though you decide to exchange a few words with enzo.
·˚ ༘ warnings: cussing. (I believe that is it)
·˚ ༘ note: bestie I loved this idea it’s not nonsense! we can always find a way to work with what we get! and I love this kind of fics 😭 they’re so cool to write. also three posts tdyyy
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“Dios, ese chico lleva haciéndote ojitos desde que llegamos.” One of your friends, Sofia, giggles bringing her head down.
“Ew.” A scowl plasters onto your face. It wasn’t that you considered he was unattractive, it was his personality, the way he wanted to appear more masculine than what he already wanted to be.
He kept trying to do seductive looks and would wave the waitress away. What a jerk. Was also ordering drink after drink.
Gross. Was your thought.
“No, y que venga acá.” Another one of your friends, Lucy, speaks making you choke on your drink.
“¡No lo manifiestes!” You whispered a shout making your friends giggle, and if you weren’t mistaken also the table of boys next to you.
It was your usual brunch hangout that you had with your friends before continuing with your day together as a group. All you wanted was to have one of those moments, not for it to be ruined by a random guy that you were thoroughly not interested in.
“Eso te pasa por ponerte ese perfume que dice ven a mi, tarada.” One of your friends, Javier says. His remark made you roll your eyes before you answered—
“Ay cállate que no sirve. Lo compré en broma.”
He laughs tossing his head back. “Como si crees en la manifestación pero no en esto pelotuda, es básicamente lo mismo”
“Uh oh. Ahí viene.” Lucy takes the attention while taking a sip off of her drink before turning the other way to not look at the scene, and act distracted as if they were not paying attention to the guy.
“Hola.” The whole table went quiet when the guy reached your space, including the table next to you. How embarrassing for this fellow. “Te me hiciste muy guapa y quisiera saber si te gustaría tomar algo conmigo.”
At this moment you had two choices, immediately reject the guy, or humble him in front of everybody. You weren’t cruel, you just didn’t like men who wanted to appear more manly. Plus, you didn’t know English for nothing, it wouldn’t hurt to put it to use.
“I’m sorry, I don’t speak Spanish.” The three of your friends choked on their drinks trying not to giggle at the way you looked up at the guy, and him only staring back in confusion.
“Perdón, no entiendo.” His words were followed by a nervous laugh, that he immediately got rid of.
“Que no sabe español, boludo.” Javier was not repentant to call him stupid.
The guy only swallowed and excused himself before leaving, he had paid for his tab before walking out of the restaurant. Your friends didn’t resist and were laughing at the situation, and again, the table next to you.
“Que imbécil.” You sighed with a chuckle before taking a bite of your food. You realized your drink was half empty and you decided to get up and go towards the open bar to order a refill.
You had walked over towards the bar and asked for your drink, with elbows on the cold, rigid surface as you waited. You felt the presence of another body next to you that made you turn their way. That’s when you recognized it was one of the guys that was sitting at the table next to yours.
“Tremenda jugada que le hiciste al hombre.” He mentions with a chuckle that made a smile somewhat creep on your lips, with a look in your eyes.
“Se veía como un patan.” Yo say spinning your body towards him.
The man stayed quiet for a moment and you took that silence to secretly scan him, he had curly hair, and brown eyes, and he wore a simple black t-shirt with jeans. Simple, but he pulled it off.
“Seguro que lo era.” He interrupts your thinking bringing you back to the sense of reality. “Enzo.” His hand stayed in the middle waiting for you to shake.
What a nice name.
“T/N.” You interlocked your hand with his giving it a small shake. His lips gave you a smile that you thought was one of the most gorgeous ones you had seen. What a man.
“¿Tengo algo en la cara?” He brought up making you let go of his hand and break the contact.
You shook for head before you responded “Eh no, no. Para nada, todo bien.”
“Bueno entonces, ¿no te molestaría si te pido tu número? ¿O también me vas a decir que no hablas español?” He joked earning your smile with a shake of the head.
“Buena esa.” You snickered inclining your head towards the side for a split second before you began to dig into your purse for something to write with, but all that you could find was a lip liner.
You deftly removed the cap from your lipliner using your teeth, holding it securely between them as you reached over to Enzo's arm. You gently placed your hand on his forearm, feeling the warmth of his skin. Enzo's eyes remained fixed on you, watching intently as you traced your phone number onto his inner arm with the lip liner. It was a moment of intimacy, one that left a lingering feeling of excitement and anticipation in the air.
“Me hubieras pedido mi celular.” He spoke after you relied back when you finished writing the numbers and putting back the cap of your liner.
“No, esto parece mejor.” You scrunched your nose before you grabbed your drink and walked back to your table.
As the scene unfolded, you remained composed and unfazed, taking a sip of your drink while your friends Lucy, Javier, and Sofia watched in amazement. Although they seemed shocked by what had occurred, you maintained your confidence and composure throughout the ordeal.
“Que tremenda,” Lucy mentions.
“¿No que no servía el perfume?” Javier jokes making all of you laugh before going back to your food.
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merowkittie · 1 year
Once more to see you - Rosita Espinosa
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Summary: you’re finally let go of your big sister.
Warnings: heavy the walking dead spoilers!! / death / crying and mourning / cursing / angst so much angst / family loss / half proofread
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Its been the first time in years that you’ve eaten so much since the start of the apocalypse. The delicacy to even have yams, chicken, and not hard and stale food was a blessing.
The wine you drank was amazing. The taste of it was something you’ve never had before. Of course you couldn’t afford it but wow. The way it went down your throat.. smooth and nice.
You looked over at your sister and your niece. They were giggling at each other and they seemed so happy. Happy to be near each other. You looked to Gabriel who was beside CoCo and he looked like he was falling even more for your sister and her child. You loved how he treated her, how he protected her.. well she protected him and their dynamic. No one, not even them to each other, was more important than CoCo.
“Rosie.” You called to your sister. She turned to you and raised in eyebrow, waiting for you to talk.
A smile met your lips and it reached your eyes as you stared at your beautiful older sister. There was no one in the world like her. No one that could beat the role she had in your life. She’s taught you more about life and how to manage stuff than anyone has ever taught you. Rosita practically raised you. She was five when you were born, already bottle feeding you and helping change your diapers.
“I’m glad that you’re my sister you know? I wouldn’t be at this table without you. I’m glad that you’re happy right now too. I’ve always wanted to see you happy since we were little. You know?”
Rosita fully turned towards you and placed her hand on your cheek. “Hermanita, que pasa?”
You shook your head trying to signal you were ok, nothing serious. “I just love you so much sis. I don’t know what I’d do without you.. Te quiero mucho.”
At that moment, Rosita tensed. You could tell her body got tense by the way she went still. She was just staring at you, trying to grin but there she was just gazing into your eyes. It looked as if she was trying to take in how you looked.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you either. Now stop being so sappy, I love you too.” Rosita chuckled a bit and pushed you playfully.
You nodding and went back to eating and conversing with some of the people at the table. It didn’t go unnoticed how Rosita was being distant. You caught on how she lacked conversation, how she somewhat kept her head down and seemed to make herself little.
You took note to ask her about that later or maybe talk to Gabriel.
You’re talking to Judith about how her wound is doing. Being a nurse before the apocalypse came in handy sometimes. You had helped patch her up and clean it and change the bandages when it needed to be done.
Her eyes drifted to Rosita, she seemed worried and naturally you followed her. You look at your sister and Gabriel. He looked tense, speechless.
Your sister just sat there, looking at the table and subtly at Gabriel. She looked emotionless but held a remnant of a sad smile upon her face.
“What do you think they’re talking about..?” Judith said your name softly, curious about the emotions going on with the two at the table.
You bit your lip. Thinking back on how the last days played out. You didn’t know. You’d sure as hell hope she wasn’t hiding anything from you. You two always told each other the truth. No matter how hurtful.
“I don’t know, Jude. Don’t worry about it, ok? I’ll go talk to her. Go hang out with RJ, alright?” The girl muttered an ok and gave you a short hug before running off to her little brother.
But she turned just to look at Rosita one last time. Judith wasn’t dumb she knew what was going on.
You walked over to Rosita and Gabriel, taking a seat on the side/in front of her. “What’s wrong with you two? Is there something going on that I don’t know about?”
They exchanged a look and a heavy sigh fell from your sisters lips. Her hands found her head and she cradled it.
“Rosita.” You called her name more sternly.
She looked up at you and pursed her lips. She turned her head towards Gabriel and gave him a look. He nodded and got up, walking away.
Now you were worried. Your emotions were boiling to the surface and god you hoped that you weren’t suspecting what you thought you were. You silently prayed in your head.
“Y/n. You remember how you were cleaning me up after I saved CoCo?” She started going. Pausing for your response.
You nodded. Your brows starting to furrow.
“Eugene told you about how I fell into the Herde and I fought my way out with Coco, yes?”
Once again you nodded, “yea.. Rosie please..” your lips trembled. Your hands found your sisters and held them tightly.
“When I fell in, I fought like fucking hell to get Coco and myself out of there. I had to get back to you, I had to make sure Coco was safe and was alive. But when I started fighting them off, one of the dead bit me. They.. they got me on my shoulder.”
It was silent. Nothing but silence between you two. Your eyes shut and your breathing became unsteady. You slowly began shaking your head and refused to believe what she just told you.
Your eyes burned with the persistent tears trying to fight their way out. You opened your eyes and looked at your sisters matching brown ones.
“No Rosita. Please, please.. you can’t be. This isn’t funny. I’m not laughing.” You blubbered. Your eyes dropped with so many tears. This wasn’t possible. Your sister was so brave and she was invincible. You couldn’t kill her if you tried. But she’s gotten bit?
“Y/n, stop. I need you to get your shit together. Right fucking now. Only you, Eugene, and Gabriel know.” Her tone was nothing but serious. Her hand gripped yours back.
“I-I can’t. Rosie I can’t. I can’t .. mmm.” Your words started to blend together. You tried to hold your sniffles and your mewling back but you couldn’t. You couldn’t.
Rosita just stood up and made her way to you. Her arms enveloped you tightly and she kissed your hairline. She held you just like she used to when you two were younger. Strong and protective.
“What will Happen with-with coco?? Rosita you can’t leave us, you can’t!” You practically yelled into her shirt. Your hands gripped her tightly. The fabric scrunching up in your sweaty palms.
That seemed to alert almost everyone in the room and Rosita knew she’d have to tell everyone now.
Your next wail made you two get surrounded by the entire Group.
Maggie and Carol walked Rosita into the bedroom with Coco. You waddled behind them. Eyes red and puffy from the tears you cried.
The three of them stood around, Maggie leaning in first for kiss the side of Rositas head and held her. Carol following after hugging Rosita for a bit and smiling at her.
As she got comfortable next to her daughter you sat at the foot of bed. Resting your hand on her ankle. She smiled down at you.
Maggie and Carol left the room, and Daryl stood at the entrance watching.
Your sister seemed so restless. You could tell she was nearing her end. Never have you seen your older sister be so ready to accept death. She was always stubborn and persistent. Rarely let stuff get her down. She never let you see her cry but now? She had her heart on her sleeve. Her emotions were at the surface and even now she wasn’t crying. Tears just sat on her waterline, refusing to be dropped. She seemed to be somewhat peaceful.
Gabriel walked into the room after the women left and sat on a chair besides Rosita.
He wrapped a beaded necklace around his hands and began a prayer over her.
“Receive her into your arms of mercy, into the blessing of everlasting peace… and into the glorious company of the saints and light.” He paused, slightly shaking his head. His voice shook as he kept going, “May her soul and the soul of all those departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.” He finished.
You shed a tear at his words and looked at Rosita.
Your sister turned her head towards her baby girl. Running a finger along her forehead.
She turned back to Gabriel and he looked at her. She smirked at him and he tried to reciprocate the mannerism but couldn’t bring himself to fully do so.
His eyes shifted and he looked around. Breaking the eye contact he held with her. He turned and got up from his seat, making his way around the bed to Coco. Rositas gaze followed his figure.
Her hand went back to baby resting on her side and she pet the material of her sweater. Trying to hold on to the feeling of her baby one last time. Trying to hold on to the image of her.
She rolled over and pressed a loving kiss on her forehead that was elongated.
“We’ll see you again someday.” Gabriel finally said with a smile at the woman.
He picked up Coco as Rosita tried to reach out for her one last time. Her hands trying to grab on to her baby. Not ready to let go of her. Though her hand fell and she sucked in a breath as she saw her man and her baby walk away from her one last time.
Eugene walked into the room now. He grabbed a seat and sat next to you by the foot of the bed.
She smiled at him and his face instantly crumpled.
“I wouldn’t be the man I am today.. if I hadn’t met you.” The frown on his face deepened as she grabbed his hand and held it.
“I’m glad it was you in the end.” She said just above a whisper.
The impact of the words hit him and the room was left in silence as you two just looked at her.
“Rosita.” You finally spoke up as you saw her starting to fall out of consciousness. “You’re the best big sister I’ve ever had. No one can and ever will fill in the shoes you’ll be leaving behind. I’ll miss you forever and always, ok? We’ll meet again. Maybe sooner than later but I Promise you, you’ll always be in my heart. I’ll always have a piece of you here.” You patted your chest, right above your rapidly beating heart. The tears started to rise again. “I love you.. so so fucking much Rosie. I’ll look at Coco and always see you.”
Rosita smiled at that and finally as her eyes rested on you, they shut. Her breathing starting to even out and soon stop fully.
Eugene’s face averted to the floor. His hand holding the bridge of his nose as his face scrunched up. He dragged it down his face and rested it on his lips. Sniffling followed after.
As you saw Rosita take her final breath, you couldn’t help but let out a strangled sob. Your cries were loud enough to shake the room.
Your hand on her ankle gripped tighter. You stood up and walked up to her body, shoving your face into her chest and trying to hold her like you used to when you were kids. You couldn’t get her to wrap her arms around you and you just couldn’t settle with the fact she was dead.
Your older sister who did whatever she needed to do to keep you safe. Raise you to be independent and not depend on anyone but you or herself. She taught you everything she learned, provided for you and you did the same for her. It was always you and Rosita until the apocalypse started and then it was you two, Abraham, and Eugene.
Now it was just you and Eugene. Mourning together.
Rosita Espinosa, your big sister, was dead.
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vanskyfox · 30 days
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
No me gusta comer comidas que contengan dulce y salado junto, pero si la comida es muy salada o muy dulce, necesito comer fuera parte un poco de dulce o salado para equilibrar el sabor. [I don't like to eat foods that contain sweet and salty together, but if the food is too salty or too sweet, I need to eat out a little bit of sweet or salty to balance taste.]
Puedo bailar y cantar de la nada cuando me encuentro con gente cercana, aunque si estoy en un lugar público no canto, pero si bailo un poco (ballet o hip hop con las piernas). [I can dance and sing out of nowhere when I meet people nearby, tho if I'm in a public place I don't sing but I do dance a little (ballet or hip hop with my legs).]
Me encanta crear historias con Lea de todo lo que pasa por nuestra cabeza y me desconecta del trabajo aunque sea sobre trabajo. [I love creating stories with Lea about everything that goes on in our minds and it disconnects me from work even if it's about work.]
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spanishskulduggery · 1 year
What is the general meaning and usage for "lo" in these examples "ella no es perfecta en lo absoluto" and "Ya sabes lo perturbador que puede llegar a ser eso programa"? Is this similar to the "lo" in "lo que"?
lo in general is used as a stand-in for a noun; it's often used to make an adjective a noun
For example lo perturbador reads as "what's disturbing", but more literally "that which is disturbing"
For example:
el asunto importante = the important matter la cosa importante = the important thing lo importante = what's important / that which is important el asunto interesante = the interesting matter la cosa interesante = the interesting thing lo interesante = what's interesting / that which is interesting el asunto curioso = the curious/strange matter la cosa curiosa = the curious/strange thing lo curioso = what's curious / that which is curious
When you use lo + adjective, the adjective always remains in what you'd think of as masculine singular, which is why it stays curioso there
[Note: This is different from a masculine noun; el rojo means "the color red" or "the redness"; lo rojo is "that which is red" - you also sometimes see masculine/feminine articles used with an adjective to describe a person - el encargado / la encargada is "the one in charge" so it reads differently in most cases]
Note: You also see it in some expressions - a lo hecho, pecho is like "what's done is done" but literally "to what's done, chest" ...like kind of "just take it and move on" in a way
You will also see lo de used a lot to sum things up:
lo de hoy = (concerning) today / today's (things) ¿Qué pasa con lo de viajar? = What's going on with the traveling thing? Todo el mundo sabe sobre lo de los vecinos. = Everyone knows about what happened with the neighbors. [lit. "everyone [the whole world] knows about the thing with the neighbors"]
And then lo que is used with verbs as "that which is" or "what" - taking the place of a noun or abstract concept
Lo que no entiendo... = What I don't understand... / The thing I don't understand... No saben lo que no saben. = They don't know what they don't know. Eso no es lo que quiero decir. = That's not what I mean.
lo que almost always has a conjugated verb following it since que as "that" usually connects clauses
[aside from ¿Qué lo que? which I think is Dominican but it means "What's up?"]
Also, you didn't specifically ask but it does come up - you see lo bastante and lo suficiente + another adjective to mean "(adjective) enough"
By themselves as adjectives, bastante can be "very/quite" or "sufficient", and suficiente is "sufficient" like "enough food" or "plenty of chairs", that kind of thing and it works like normal adjectives. But when you add the lo it all stays in singular:
bastante comida = enough food bastantes sillas = enough chairs Eres bastante bueno/a. = You're pretty good. / You're quite good. Eres lo bastante bueno/a. = You're good enough.
lo bastante is like trying to assign a goalpost that someone has met, so someone can be "good enough", "smart enough", etc.
From a grammatical sense lo is considered "neutral" or "neuter" gender, or sometimes "agender" - it looks like masculine, but it is considered "the absence of gender" because it usually shows up in the absence of a noun
You do see it from time to time but you rarely can tell what neutral gender is because it looks like masculine but the best way to explain it is uno vs. un/una
uno without a noun is "one"; un/una with a noun is "a"
If there's no discernible or implied gender, it's neutral
Others include:
él = he ella = she ello = it este = this [m] esta = this [f] esto = this (thing) ese = that [m] esa = that [f] eso = that (thing)
It's also why you'll see algún or alguna for "some (thing)" then alguno by itself, or ningún and ninguna for "not a single (thing) / no (thing)" then ninguno "not a single one / none"
Quick Additional Note: en absoluto can be used by itself here as "not at all"; en lo absoluto is like "not in the least / not in the slightest" as a noun phrase but you could use either here, the lo is like describing an abstract amount almost
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didishawn · 1 year
Bestie have you seen Paulo Dybala? I would die if you write for him, you are so talented that it would be a masterpiece🤍🤍🤍🤍
Mañanas así (Paulo Dybala x Reader)
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Warnings: lots of Spanish, fluff
Days like this are your favourite.
Just the two of you laying around on your bed, the sun reflecting on your boyfriend's skin as you stare at each other, chatting about nothing and everything at the same time, meaningless yet so precious, nonsense but interesting.
"¿Vos por qué pensás que algunos mates te hacen tan mal el estómago tras tomarlos?" he asks, out of nowhere when you had previously been talking about the stars. (why do you think some mates -a very typical drink in Argentina and Uruguay-give you stomachaches after drinking them?)
"Son como el té amor, serán hechos para eso" (they are like tea love, they may be done for that)
"¿Pensás que la copa del mundo queda bien allá?" he asks, pointing to where the replica stands next to some photos of the two of you. (do you think the worls cup looks good there)
"Obvio, amor. Aunque quedará mal, el que es campeón del mundo pone la copa donde le venga en gana" (of course love. Even if it looked bad, someone who is world champion puts the cup wherever they want)
It's almost midday when the two of you finally abandone your bed after Paulo's stomach reminds him he needs to eat.
He watches you, stars in his eyes, fully in love as you cook some eggs, the fruit he was supposed to be cutting abandoned as he walks to you, arms around your waist and head buried in your neck.
"Te amo tanto, ¿sabés?" (I love you so much, you know?)
"Más te valía, tantos años aguantandote, mínimo me debés amar tanto como yo a vos" (you better, so many years putting up with you, minimum you must love me as much as I do you)
"Yo te amo más" (I love you more)
"Ni en pedo" (no way)
"Es la verdad, lo que pasa es que vos no me querés creer" (it's true, what happens is that you don't want to believe me)
You don't keep on the love quarrel, you both know the other will never agree, Paulo kisses your cheek, going back to his job as you serve the two of you some coffee.
When you eat is quiet, still too sleepy and everything you truly have to say was spoken earlier, in bed.
You eat the food, he compliments it as you do the same with his fruit-cutting skills, making him laugh.
The two of you clean up and settle on the couch, cuddling, no space in between the two of you as you want to feel all of him, so does he.
There is some bad comedy show playing in the background, none of you really pay any attention to it, too caught up on each other, how he kisses your head, how you caress his arms, non-erotical, just two lovers wanting to be close to one another.
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