#queen katarina
andiatas · 5 months
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17 Jan. 1251 - This is the last time Katarina Sunesdotter is mentioned in any source material by name, but it is believed that she died in the following year, 1252. Katarina was the eldest of Helena Sverkersdotter and Sune Folkesson’s two daughters and, therefore, granddaughter of Sverker the Younger and Benedikta.
Around 1243-1244, Katarina married Erik XI (Erik Eriksson den läspe och halte) to strengthen his claim to the throne, as she was of royal blood on her mother's side. Katarina had received an immense dowery upon the marriage - some legends speak about “half the kingdom”.
After Erik died in 1250, she became an abbess at Gudhem’s Abbey, where she was buried. The original sculptured tombstone is now at Historiska museet, but a copy was made and placed at the original site in 1964.
Photo 1: The tombstone of Katarina Sunesdotter in an exhibition at Historiska museet in 2015 (photograph taken from Wikimedia Commons). Photo 2: The tombstone of Katarina Sunesdotter at the ruins of Gudhem's Abbey in 2009 (photograph taken from Wikimedia Commons).
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aurelion-solar · 1 year
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Faerie Queen Karma, Faerie Court Seraphine, Ezreal, Kalista, Fiora, Milio, Katarina & Prestige Katarina 🦋
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Thinking of re-reading the LNs again and writing down how many times Kata says she wants to marry Maria vs how many she says she wants to marry Geordo. It's going to be a humiliating defeat for Geordo, though. She says she wants to marry her gal pal Maria like 5 times but for her fiance it's like negative three.
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almdragonrend · 2 months
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Hey, so I found a new Hamefura x pokemon fanfiction and had a short talk in the comments and I wanted to show how it got as you see my stands on OG Katarina and how I feel about her and it always feels freeing when I get to talk about it. So here's it
That was when it hit me ‘Wait… How am I gonna get food for everyone, let alone myself. I don’t think there’s many employers that’ll be willing to hire a teenager or former noble as a mercenary or bodyguard so I won’t always be able to get jobs, If only I could get a Pokémon that makes food for me’
That is really hate OG Keith and Geordo and Maria, OG Katarina was just fighting for her 7 year long relationship and all the promises made to her, and they send her Fu*ing die for it, they CHOOSE to be Monsters!!!
Page_Plague on Chapter 5Wed 24 Apr 2024 02:23AM CEST
Yah, I mean OG Katarina is a b*tch, especially to Keith, but she definitely didn’t deserve to starve to death and OG Geordo most certainly could’ve attempted to try and fix some of the behaviour but he probably didn’t because of apathy.
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 5Wed 24 Apr 2024 08:11AM CEST
OG Katarina isn't really that bad, we see how she interacted with Sianna and Anne and even some of her group to an extent in VoD and she was certainly a lot Kinder than 99'9,8% of the Noble's of Sociar, and the only people we have seen her openly be mean to are Maria and Keith both of which she has pretty strong and justified reasons to Hate, in case of Keith his me presence has torn her parents relationship apart, I know it wasn't his fault but she was a little Girl than he showed up and her family got torn apart how can anyone expect from her to take that well ? + he had it we better with the Claes than with his Original family the Colemans who.. ah yes WANTED TO KILL HIM!!!!! The funny thing is Keith has that "I'm don't want to be a Monster *crying noise*" thing going on the thing is when he partook in the Conspiracy against Katarina he very much CHOSE to be a Monster!!! What he did made their made him a Monster no qustiones ask, Luigi saved him from being killed of by his own family sacrificed the state of the Claes family in the process and how does this little parasite thank him ? By helping send the Daughter of his Savior to her demise! I think alone for that he should have left him with the Colemans!
And when it comes to Maria, Original Maria is literally a Bitch, she is the main character of FL and chose the route she wants to go which means she actively pursued 5 different Mann of high political status and while I'm not against polyarmoy if everyone involved is okay with it, in this case two of them already had a fiancée and both of those fiancée but a lot of afort in this relationship they had for half their lives and now they are expected to give up all they worked so hard for their entire life and take the L just because Miss Campbell comes out of nowhere with no idea of how a princess has to act and non of the training both Katarina and Mary had to endure for years on end !!! just because miss Campbell thinks she deserves to be Princess, and when one of them justified fights back she steals everything this girl has her home, her family, her parents, her birthright, and send her over seas to die! And Don't make me start on how she used Sophia to get close to Nicole, Original Maria is a greedy, malicious, underhanded, selfish and heartless Monster !!!!
Page_Plague on Chapter 5Wed 24 Apr 2024 09:16AM CEST
Oh ok, I didn’t read Verge of Doom cuz I didn’t think it was all that different to the main series Manga and Anime that I did finish (I’ll read it later)
Also good argument
AlmDragonrend on Chapter 5Wed 24 Apr 2024 03:06PM CEST
Thank you, I'm just glad more people start to realize those facts, that is a pretty good sign I think
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amanda-multifandom · 2 months
Here comes the Mongo arc to this story.
Sheila reunites with her sister Aura and her husband Barin during a crisis mission.
Zyna reveals herself after being presumed dead for years and reveals Castra and Krotan have a long lost sister Katarina, who is the baby of the trio; Castra's younger sister and Krotan's twin sister.
Note: Like with Rachel and Jade (as well as Abby, Sara, Celena, I'm wanting to include Zyna in the special Earth N project: When Worlds and Dangers Collide, unless noted otherwise, they'd just be in the main story. However the characters belong to @james5-doe so
Baylin and Zarkov aid the Defenders and Sailor Guardians with this crisis and it's hinted Joe Wylee once dated Dale before they ended the relationship as Dale ended up with Flash and Joe was killed during a confrontation with Ming.
Krotan sees the error of his ways thanks to his mother, baby sister, and a message from Jedda. Sort of a redemption for Prince Krotan.
The arc ends with a double wedding of Rick and Jedda Gordon and Flash and Sheila Gordon. Hence, Rick is now King of the Netherworld.
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ordinaryxxgirl · 8 months
@snowbelled asked: “Want some fresh pie to warm you up?” It may not be Pastéis de Nata from Iberia, but he's tried his hand at baking a different sort of pastry. ( Lumen to Katarina )
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"Aww, that's sweet of you, though...Thanks. You're gonna eat some too, right? It'd be such a shame if you didn't get to enjoy any too. Right?"
Katarina had to admit, the pie did smell nice...But, admittedly, she didn't think she had anything to give in return. Well, aside from a kiss on the cheek. Maybe it'd be fine, though...So, before accepting anything, her lips would gently press against Lumen's cheek, before she pulled away and flashed a smile that was...Perhaps a little warmer than she was used to giving.
...Maybe she'd return the favor by learning to bake for once. Her big sis could probably help there, if she bugged her enough.
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aspectofthe-moon · 1 year
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୨🧚‍♀️ノ Faerie Queen Karma, Faerie Court Milio, Fiora, Kalista, Ezreal, Seraphine, Katarina & Prestige Katarina icons
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fanjiansaa · 1 year
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They did what they had to do 🧚🏼‍♀️ ✨
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sarahshot1st · 1 year
Imagining Katarina and Miss Fortune as pirate queens like Anne Bonny and Mary Read
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They eventually get captured but Katarina is let off the hook because she's pregnant. Everyone assumes it's Graves' or TF's kid but it's actually Sarah's (she's trans)
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I don't know these pirate queens just have me in a hyperfixation right now
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lyonedraws · 2 months
Just a random idea I needed to dump somewhere.
I get the feeling that Katarina Klaes and Pride Royal Ivy from lastame would get along great with each other.
They could bond over how paranoid they are about ending up like how the game scripted them to be, and share otaku memories of their previous lives.
Idk, I just feel like their situations are too similar to not think of a crossover.
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comparativetarot · 11 months
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Queen of Swords. Art by Katarina Sokolova, from the Chakra Wisdom Tarot.
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aurelion-solar · 1 year
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Faerie Court Summoner Icons! 🦋
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notoriouslydevious · 2 years
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Battle Queen Katarina by Roz_兴
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prismweaver · 9 months
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Battle Queen and Battle Boss Qiyana sketches from a couple months back.
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cepheusgalaxy · 10 months
My wips - snow wite
That's the first sentence of the story by now!
The king looked at himself in the mirror as the servant finished buttoning his red cape. The golden of his jewelry caught the sunlight as he thought on his dead wife.
As you all may know, snow white's mother died when she was young and her father became widower, later marrying with the infamous Evil Queen. In my version, the own snow white is the one who convinces her father to look for a new queen, since he can't rule alone, according to her. The book starts when she is about to talk with her father about this: In this scene, she is walking upstairs to talk to the king
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noxianwilled · 1 year
you know i was thinking about verses and battle queen katarina rising to power through outright murder like her family isn't suggested to have anything to do with royalty like, say, qiqi's, or having godlike powers like janna, she just said teehee i'm gonna be queen and killed anyone she needed to kill for that to happen and then fully intends to do the same to be queen of queens
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