#queenie golstein
ravenclaws-eulchen · 2 years
AdA: Kapitel 56: Unerreichbar
Die gewohnte Ruhe war nicht über Newt gekommen. Mit schmerzenden Augen starrte er auf das Wasser, auf dem die Sonne glitzerte und blinkte als schicke sie Newt eine unübersichtliche Fülle unverständlicher Morsezeichen. Jetzt, Anfang April, wurden die Tage immer länger, aber die Sonne vermochte Newt kaum zu wärmen. Der Wind fühlte sich nicht erfrischend, sondern kalt auf seiner gereizten Haut an. Es war das erste Mal, dass er sich allein in der Wildnis einsam fühlte. Er hatte weder Pickett noch ein anderes seiner Tierwesen mitgenommen, und er hatte ein fürchterlich schlechtes Gewissen, dass er Jacob und Theseus vor seiner Abreise nicht persönlich Bescheid gesagt hatte. Aber es war der Gedanke an Tina, der ihm wirklich jede Ruhe raubte.
Weiterlesen hier: Kapitel 56: Unerreichbar
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calimera62 · 2 years
Reasons to renew Fantastic Beasts
The franchise’s future is uncertain, we can only hope for the making of a fourth and a fifth movie. While Fantastic Beasts 3 could end the franchise without the fans being frustrated over the ending, I feel like there’s still so much to see, so much to discover, so much of the story to tell. This post has no ambition of trying to convince WB to give Fantastic Beasts a chance, though I would very like them to do so, this is just something I wanted to do for a while.
You are free to add more to the list!
The summer of 1899
We need to see flashbacks of the summer of 1899. What the HP canon and Dumbledore told us in FB is so little to what actually happened. We need to see Albus and Gellert's first meeting. How they befriended each other because they're two solitary genius sharing the same ideology (more or less) and the same interest for the Hallows. We need to see them falling in love with each other, maybe sharing their first kiss (one can dream) and how it fell apart, how they drifted ways. I need to see Albus feeling trapped and frustrated in his own home until he finally met the one who completed him and understood him the most. I need to see how the Dumbledore siblings had to live on their own, the Dumbledore brothers having to take care of themselves and parent an unstable younger girl, without adults being around. We need to see Aberforth distrusting Gellert and how Albus neglected his family for Gellert. We need to see the three ways duel that resulted in Ariana's death and Gellert's departure
Gellert’s past
We also need to see flashbacks of Albus and Gellert before they met each other. We know next to nothing about Gellert's past. Who was he really? Where did he come from? Did he come from a pureblood family and raised with supremacist ideals? What did his parents think of him getting expelled from school? Mads Mikkelsen believe something happened to Gellert while he was young, or his family. Was it true? If so, were Muggles implied in this, thus explaining his hate for Muggles (it would also be a reason why Albus and he bonded, something tragic happened to them or their family because of Muggles). What were exactly Gellert's experiments so Durmstrang, a school reputed for its practice of dark magic, expelled him? How did he came to learn about the Hallows? Was Nurembarg a family castle or was it something he build for his quest?
Albus’s past
It would also be interesting to see the Dumbledore family before and after Ariana's attack, how it shaped Albus to be the young man he grew up to be when meeting Gellert, how he felt the status of secrecy prevented his family to have justice for what happened to Ariana. How he cared for his sister yet felt him having to take care of her after Kendra's death would mean having to sacrifice his brilliant future. How he came to have that ideology of controlling Muggles for the greater good and breaking the status of secrecy.
The 1945 duel
To see the 1945 in CGI (is that the right word?). The duel lasted three hours, what could possibly happened during that time? What led to that duel? Did Gellert surrender like Rita Skeeter suggested? Why? Was love the reason why Gellert lost the fight? We may get flashbacks during that duel, Albus and Gellert remembering their past together as they fight each other. Could you only imagine the moment where Albus won the Elder Wand? How Albus fought to have Gellert alive and imprisoned, rather than killed? Did they share a goodbye kiss? There are so many possibilities!
Newt and Tina
We know Newt and Tina end up getting married... how did they get there? Would we see the wedding? The long awaited kiss?
Jacob and Queenie
We need to see more of Jacob and Queenie's story. Their story isn't finished just because they got back together and got married. Will Jacob take part in WW2 or will he help during the war against Grindelwald? What about Queenie who betrayed Grindelwald and his followers and left them to join Jacob and Dumbledore's side? Won't Grindelwald and his followers try to get revenge? Not to mention, Queenie may have been able to read Grindelwald's thoughts. As skilled as he is, he must have slipped something from time to time without him noticing, so what could have Queenie possibly seen? Something that may help defeating Grindelwald.
Grindelwald's rise to power.
He may have lost during FB 3, but this isn't over yet. We have yet to see more of his rise to power and his reign of terror. He was the greatest dark wizard until Voldemort, and Voldemort only was active in England, unlike Grindelwald. Also, his defeat in 1945 isn't a coincidence... (I just hope they won't make him a wizard Hitler). The war against Grindelwald was most probably tied to WW2. If so, how?
Dumbledore's plan and tactics to try and stop him.
Now that the blood pact is broken, how will Dumbledore move against him? The blood pact broke in 1927, yet Dumbledore only really defeated Grindelwald much later, in 1945. Maybe there were a sort of chess between the two of them, trying to twart the other without facing each other in a duel.
The other characters
Secondary and tertary characters still have room for development, such as Lally, Yusuf, Theseus, as well as Grindelwald's acolytes. It would be interesting to see a couple of them being more than just acolytes, like Vinda. We might also get other characters introduced, either new characters or characters from the Harry Potter series, such as Bathilda Bagshot (she introduced Gellert and Albus to each other, she’s Gellert’s aunt… what does she think of her nephew now? Have her and Albus stayed in contact?), Hagrid, Slughorn, etc.
We need to know what happened to Nagini. She went with Newt and co at the end of FB2. She would be most probably anguished about Credence joining Grindelwald and then dying, and would be angry against Grindelwald and pure-blood wizards whom she saw as the enemy. If so, how come she came to meet and stay with Voldemort as his most faithful companion. Did she pity him because he was an orphan? How come she stayed stuck as a snake?
Tom Riddle
It would be interesting to see Tom Riddle. Maybe in a cameo as he read with fascination the news on Grindelwald's reign of terror, or maybe even reading about the chamber of secrets. The chamber was first opened during Grindelwal's reign. Could you even imagine Dumbledore's state of mind? Him busy with the war against his former lover and Hogwarts, a safe haven for him and his students, being threatened by the opening of the chamber, him suspecting Tom but knowing he has no proof.
The fantastic beasts
To see Teddy the Niffler and Pickett and discover new fantastic beasts, maybe some of them will take an active part in the story, a bigger role, like the Qilin did.
Tina and Queenie
Seeing the sisters having their much needed reunion. Yes, it was important for Jacob and Queenie to find each other, but could you imagine what the sister had been through, away from each other? Tina, the head of the AUROR, knowing her sister joined the enemy, being afraid she lost her sister forever and having another, more personal reason to fight Grindelwald
Tina Golstein
Seeing Tina in action, her having a much active role after having a minor role in FB 3. I've heard she was meant to have a bigger role in FB 3 at first but that it wasn't made possible. Maybe it will be shown in the sequel, should we have one (please yes)
Credence / Aurelius
What happened to Credence? Did he survive? Did he die in Aberforth's arms? Were they able to talk about Credence's mother? To properly say goodbye? Was Credence feeling loved, at least, as he died? What would be the consequences of his death?
Aberforth Dumbledore
With Credence dying and Grindelwald's active role in corrupting his son, Aberforth may take a more active role in the war against Grindelwald. Poor man has lost too much because of Grindelwald. Ariana, Credence, his relationship with Albus never really recovered
The Hallows
We need to have the Hallows being introduced. It was also part of Albus and Gellert's quest. Grindelwald has the Elder Wand, does Dumbledore know it? Is Grindelwald seeking for the stone and the invisibility cloak?
We need to see Fawkes. Was it Credence's phoenix? A gift from Newt? How and when did Albus and Fawkes met and chose each other?
Grindelwald’s followers
What happens to Grindelwald's acolyte after his defeat? Would we have a final battle, much like the battle of Hogwarts? Would we see Newt, Tina, Theseus, Queenie, Minerva, Aberforth and co fighting Grindelwald's followers?
A possible link to the Harry Potter series?
I don't know if it will be told but imagine... FB 5 ending with Newt and co attending Dumbledore's funeral in HP6 and WB MAKING UP TO US BY MAKING GELLERT FACING VOLDEMORT AND REFUSING TO TELL HIM WHERE THE ELDER WAND IS, showing us that even if a new evil rose, there's still hope and that love is the greatest magic ever.
Albus and Gellert
We definitely need more Grindeldore moments, not just because people ship them and hope for a kiss, but because their story is a tragic and fascinating one and there's still so much to say about them. How did they meet, how did they fall apart, did they met each other again between FB 3 and their infamous duel? If so, how? when? what did happen?
The ending
Because Newt, Tina, Jacob, Queenie and co deserve a happy ever after.
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newt-and-salamander · 3 years
Worrying means you suffer twice – Bold of you to assume that I didn’t perfectionate the Art of Worrying to a point where I am in a state of constant sorrow, so technically I only suffer once.
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speakbeastypodcast · 5 years
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Did you know - the New York set for “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” took 16 weeks to build, and was the biggest set to ever be built for the “Harry Potter” universe! 🤯
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
hiya trish!! ships for mha, stranger things, fantastic beasts, mcu, hp (golden trio & marauders), ffxv, mlqc, kh pls? im a bi girl so if both genders are too much then just male! ambiverted (lil more introvered) fun-loving & friendly INTP scorpio. 5'4 w/ black hair & dark brown eyes. if not given attention, i feel unwanted/sad. easily annoyed but feels guilty after 'cause im soft-hearted. hopeless romantic w/ anxiety. i sometimes get too scared to do anyhing in fear of judgement. (1/3) ♡♡♡
specifically social/school anxiety! rlly quiet w/ people im not comfy w/. i have a great sense of humor. ppl watcher/active, daydreamer/studious, playful/serious, childish/mature, funny/shy, loud/soft, laidback/competative, talkative/listener, kind/jealous, sweet/annoying, bright/deep, awkward/smart. i help others a lot! im not innocent/ppl think i am at first~ its easy to make me smile/laugh. i love being the best, family, friends, affection, learning new stuff, doing exhilarating stuff. (2/3)
i also love jokes, fun, animals, music, movies, astrology, testing myself, astronomy, books, & games. when i love someone i love a lot. i hate liars, i even defriended my fun friend because i realised she was always lying. fave music: pop (kpop, rock pop, pop). rn p!atd is my fave hehe~ i like making faces n im a bit extra? tysm & im srry if this is too much!! todays my christmas party at school so the break starts tomorrow, so i hope u have a super great day wherever u are! (3/3)
Hi, Joie, thanks for requesting a ship! If you don’t mind, since that’s a lot of fandoms, I shipped you regardless of gender so you have boys and girls. Hope you like your ship :)
I ship you with Izuku, Eleven, Queenie, Peter, George, Lily, Noctis, Lucien and Riku!
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kryptonavatar · 6 years
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“I’ll be with Queenie”.
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dramiones · 5 years
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100 harry potter couples challenge ♡ [2/100] 
☞ queenie goldstein & jacob kowalski
 feeling her hand on his cheek, there was nothing he wanted more than to drift away. slowly, steadily, with nobody but her by his side. 
quietly, he dreamed of a haven where the only sight was the curl of her golden locks and the only scent was the allure of her rosemary fragrance. paradise.
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lienin · 5 years
Songs of love and death
Я довольно давно и нежно люблю квинду, но до создания по ним хоть чего-нибудь всё не доходили руки. На фанфик я пока не раскачалась, а вот для коллажа вдохновение и время нашлось.
Название я позаимствовала у группы Beyond the Black, под песни которой как раз и делала эту работу. А ещё этот коллаж вдохновил мою сокомандницу на фанфик) Прочитать его можно здесь.
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myriadimagines · 5 years
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[x] // requester: @crazywriterwizard // request here
You couldn’t deny that you found Queenie rather charming from the moment you had met her, but you were too embarrassed to admit your crush, even when it became so glaringly obvious that even your best friend, Newt, had asked you about it. When you had come to New York with him, you didn’t know what to expect, but falling in love was not one of them.
“I think you two would be quite good together.” Newt quietly remarked, and you looked up to see him giving you a knowing smile, and you chuckled slightly. “You should tell her.”
Before you could respond, you heard someone approach, and you felt your heart skip a beat as Queenie cheerfully greeted, “Hello, y/n!”
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mitskigf · 8 years
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m o o d b o a r d | newt scamander
“See, they’re currently in alien terrain, surrounded by millions of the most vicious creatures on the planet. Humans.“
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ravenclaws-eulchen · 2 years
AdA: Kapitel 46: Reue
Tinas Schritte hallten laut im menschenleeren Foyer des Zaubereiministeriums, als sie aus dem Kamin trat und die Halle durchquerte. Sie hatte Theseus kaum in die Augen sehen können vor Verlegenheit, als er sie an Newts Bett abgelöst hatte. Aber obwohl Newt bei der Aussicht, für die nächsten Stunden den Fragen seines Bruders hilflos ausgeliefert zu sein, leicht panisch gewirkt hatte, war das nichts gegen die Aufregung, die nun in Tinas Magen lag wie ein eiskalter Stein.
Weiterlesen hier: Kapitel 46: Reue
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calimera62 · 2 years
Waiting for news about Fantastic Beasts 4
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newt-and-salamander · 3 years
Queenie: Tina, you are giving me a headache. Could you please, just for one second, stop thinking about -
Queenie: Fair enough. Newt Newt Newt Newt Newt Newt doesn't count I reckon.
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speakbeastypodcast · 5 years
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Presenting your “Fantastic Beasts” theories to fellow fans like:
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consarnau · 6 years
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Queenie Golstein 💖
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