solradguy · 2 years
what's your favorite character theme from xrd? for me its a tie between jack-a-dandy and marionette but for completely different reasons
This made me realize I only knew which themes went to, like, 4 of the characters so I had to listen to them all again with new context real quick lmfao
My second alarm in the morning is Give Me A Break so I'm excluding that one due to being biased towards Sol hahaha. Black Blank Blah Blah Blah is really good, and I like Tsuki no Shihai a lot too. Jack-a-Dandy is also great. Someone on here the other day (forget who, sorry...) made a post about how they hope Slayer comes back in Strive so we get another track with a saxophone in it and they're SO right. Also very much hoping for that. We need more saxophones in rock songs tbh
All the Xrd themes are 10/10 though, especially the vocal tracks. I don't think there's a single one I actively skip over when it comes on
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queenofthepassion replied to your post “queenofthepassion replied to your post “idk what to do…..i feel so...”
ghost trick is an extremely underrated nintendo ds game that is free to play if you emulate it, it comes from the same creator of ace attorney and personally i think ghost trick is his best work ever
ooh neat okay! i will definitely check it out, its been a long time since i emulated something so i might wait for my roommate to come home to download it and stuff so she can help me set it up if i need it, but ill definitely check it out!!
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resaresa · 4 years
queenofthepassion replied to your post: can anyone help me find a tumblr theme that looks...
adorablethemes.com/them… here ya go
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radroller · 4 years
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@queenofthepassion aw im sorry pal! Dw i wont be postin any spoilers or anything.
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solradguy · 2 years
it seems pretty widely accepted that jack-o is basically sol's girlfriend now and i know she said she loved him in strive but is there any direct evidence that he reciprocates that, i know he said he wants her to stick around but that doesn't strictly mean he's in love with her right?
To be honest, I think it's still too soon to really say just how much of her love Sol reciprocates. They're definitely at least living together at the end of Strive's main story, and Sol was 100% willing to let I-No blow up the fabric of reality itself to save Jack-O', but Sol risking utter destruction to save someone isn't anything new haha. The lyrics for Talk About You (from Strive's end credits) are very probably about Sol's feelings towards Aria/Jack-O' though, and that gives a lot of weight for them being in an equal romantic relationship. Though, I think the lyrics for this song could apply pretty well to Axl and Megumi/I-No too, which is really neat story telling, imo, writing a song that could potentially work for 4 different characters at once.
Other than it being too soon, I'm hesitant to say they're definitely "dating" despite the evidence because Guilty Gear's lore is wild and unpredictable and anything could happen next time we get lore for these two lmfao
Lyrics for Talk About You below the readmore (via the wiki)
Your hand touching me / What do you want to know? / It's just beautiful / Your eyes reflecting me / What do you wish for? / 'Cause I want to know you / So let's talk about you / Your arms holding me / What have you lost? / It's just beautiful / Your voice comes to me / Like crystal clear water / I never want to forget you / Ah, in the mists of time / I hope / If I could only stop one thing / Ah, I want to burn all of you / In my heart / So let's talk about you / Your smile's one-of-a-kind / And belongs to everyone! / It's just beautiful / Even in the cold rain / You dazzle and make me smile / It's just beautiful! / At long last / I figured it out / I live inside of you / The world with you / You forgive me / It's a world where I can be / Ah, in the mists of time / I hope / If I could only stop one thing / Ah, I want to burn all of you / In my heart / Talk about you! / Ah, in these fading feelings / I believe / If you can find one thing to hold on to / Ah, the world is right beside you / The world inside of little you is spreading endlessly / Your feet start to walk / What are you looking at? / It's just beautiful
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solradguy · 2 years
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hi i whipped this up in photoshop based on the low tier god meme and sol's old theme song
This meme is great, thank you so much for sharing it with me haha. I was so distracted by Volcanic Viper getting buffed that I completely glossed over like everything else getting nerfed. Here's hoping it's not as bad as it all sounds!!
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solradguy · 2 years
how do you think sol listens to his sheer heart attack record, does he have an old black tech record player somewhere, a magic powered record player, or does he just keep the record in mint condition while using future spotify
I've wondered about that too and I figured that, since he made most of his swords and motorcycle himself, that he was probably able to make a record player too if he wasn't able to find one intact somewhere. The technology in them is relatively simple, especially compared to something like a motorcycle, and they don't take a lot of energy to power either. Stuff like phonographs/gramophones and early record players could be powered by a tension spring wound up with a crank on the side.
Strive's got this interesting kinda early 1900s technology with super advanced futuristic stuff worked into it aesthetic. You can see examples of it in the vehicle designs and in some of the player lobby items especially. When I drew his record player in this drawing I just gave him the player I have IRL (Audio Technica AT-LP60X) because I could just turn around and reference it, but in reality he probably has something that looks like this Victor Model VI converted over to the "legal power" magic system that replaced electricity around y2k in the game lore (instead of relying on the tension spring):
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The cones on these old players weren't very great so I imagine he would've replaced that with something much better too, though I think the general aesthetic would be really similar to this with the wood case, brass accents, and green felt. Tbh the hardest part would probably be finding a needle that wouldn't scratch the hell outta his records lol
He's probably got something like futuristic Spotify too though, but I don't really know how that would function. Maybe it'd magically connect to that spell/system the characters use to call each other?
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solradguy · 2 years
hey out of curiosity is there any art book or something out there that has sol from rev 2's box art or whatever but without game's logo on it
Unfortunately, from what I've been able to figure out, the only art book any of the Xrd games have gotten was the little itty bitty one that came with the Japanese and European special editions of Xrd Revelator... There's a scan of that one over here.
Fortunately, I was able to find images of the Rev2 cover without the logo. It's not the whole thing though, but I was able to upscale it a tiny bit. I hope it's high enough resolution for what you needed it for:
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I don't think there's a version without the green Baiken in the background. I also don't have any of the Xrd games so if there's a gallery mode or something I can't get rips from it, sorry...
I upscaled this image too because it's sikk:
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Edit: Oh tumblr compressed the hell outta these. Sorry lmfao... 
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queenofthepassion replied to your post “idk what to do…..i feel so uninspired to draw now…..but i dont feel...”
you can play ghost trick
what is ghost trick
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@queenofthepassion i would never lie about that, fashion is very important to me and if i cant look/dress how i want to in real life then by god am i gonna do it in video games
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@queenofthepassion thank you!!! 🖤
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Thank you so much @queenofthepassion and @dumbstruckconjurer for the donations, I’m so so grateful I mean it thank youuuu 😭❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕
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