thewormsarchive · 7 months
PSA: Scam "Donation" Warning:
Kathleen "Finch" Ladd AKA "Galahawk" AKA "Shining-Latios" (& other alts) has, for the past several months, appealed to many people for an accident fix via GoFundMe. In previous years, they also operated another GFM account aimed towards their student loan debts. *edits below*
They have shown that coasting off the hard work of others and indulging in simple pleasures is what they care for most. To hell with improving their own situation, KFL would rather be co-dependent on many other people with their own problems in life.
2023 was a very busy travel year in private for KFL; multiple trips all around several cities/states in the USA. A new residence is being setup along with their partner later in 2024. Appealing to others for financial help in the meantime. Choosing pleasure over being responsible yet scolding others for not helping enough so many times... not like KFL has actually truly thanked anyone outside of canned pre-written messages, mind you. Going so far as to trash gifts given to them because it was not to their personal liking is such a terribly selfish action. Indeed, it has been shown that KFL will trash those that have DIRECTLY DONATED MONEY to their various online accounts. Willingly tossing people under the bus, but KFL expects everyone to bend the knee to them.
Oh, well, there was the anon that dropped 4000 USD (!) on the second GFM. I suppose there was a very brief response to that...? It's a funny thing though: As those around KFL suffer, KFL ends up taking resources that could've gone to their "friends". It's okay to take from those lesser, apparently... as long as KFL is comfortable, no one else matters.
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KFL is truly not living down the self-centered WASP allegations.
I advocated in the past for people to donate to their GFM, thinking that it would somehow lead this person to a more positive giving mindset after their car accident. Expecting those who already do not give towards others to suddenly do-so is also foolish, isn't it? Sadly, KFL has chosen to only give to themselves & take greatly from others. I can only apologize and offer this warning as a way to make up for such a terrible error of judgement.
In good conscience, I cannot recommend anyone else to give this person any money as of this post. They have declined not only to work their way thru life via online commissions, but also turned down an actual paid graphic position their military father found for them. Part-time at the grocery store was far more viable to them, yet they claim struggle. The art degree that was obtained with that large amount of debt is also rotting away. I'd imagine there are so many teachers out there so eager to have that document - eager to improve the lives of children currently growing up in worsening conditions.
If KFL is not choosing to improve their own life, why should others contribute their own livelihoods for someone that does not care? So many chances to find a way to thrive outside their current environment ... Hell, KFL insists on using their govt name for mail, not even having the strength to use their wanted name. Being an abusive lazy narcissistic thief isn't really a great look to have no matter how many lies they hide behind. The lies will be interesting, I'm sure, given how much someone like myself likes quiet/privacy after my own child abuse survival stories. It was easy for them to get away with it for so long; taking advantage of people who have private lives thinking they wouldn't say a thing.
Karma comes for everyone, so keep laughing while you can. It will come to each and every person involved with such selfishness - and there's a lot it seems! Each of them may keep hiding behind 'activism' (irony of that) and nonchalance all they'd like. While karma will not be swift, it will be brutal; best prepare for it.
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Zero growth. Absolutely no remorse in their actions; almost sociopathic. "We're not a good fit" is all they've said to stealing from others; from stealing from those in far worse situations than they've ever experienced. ... Don't think they actually realize there are more people involved in the issue, too. Indeed, there were quite a few people to offer help - those are the people I speak of with this. ... If I were to actually count up the offensives & the WASP rudeness from KFL, there would be a lot. Not wanting to center myself though, because, well, there's such a thing as a ripple effect. Many other people feel down and awful because of this one completely toxic self-centered person.
The things KFL complains of is 100% the problems they face about themselves. They are their own worst enemy. Such a terrible pity to see so much waste as KFL has created. A total crybully created from a military couple from the USA - from the start they lie and ruin themselves immensely.
I suppose though, when those in charge create such a system for its people, what can be expected from such fruit they've bore?
(Ko-Fi mirror)
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I realized that it has been awhile since I shared this picture! Thanks @queensbian for pointing that out! So #to to when I cosplayed #asahi from #haikyuu ❤️#haikyuucosplay #asahiazumane #asahicosplay #theace
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apocokat · 10 years
queensbian replied to your post “how come no one has bothered with a Clock Tower HD collection or...”
Because they sadly didn't receive as much attention as expected. I know fatal frame had to really scrape together after the first game. It was a bit of a considered failure in the US. On top of that they're not nearly as well known in the US either.
wtf are you serious that's bullshit 
then again the same thing happened to Beyond Good and Evil, but they still pulled through with a Remastered Version 
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damaramegido · 11 years
queensbian answered your post: HAS ANYONE ON THIS SITE ACTUALLY ...
I personally have not, but some of my friends with powers beyond mortal comprehension have.
how did they acquire such powers
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punktier02 · 11 years
queensbian replied to your post: I also had an impromptu JadeKat shoot ...
HOLY SHIT YOU WERE AT OHAYOCON? I mighta seen you and mighta just not realized it!
I WAS. I put up a list of things I cosplayed last night and a bunch of shoot photos are headed this way. Keep a look out and let me know!
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damaramegido · 11 years
queensbian replied to your post: imagine aradia dying but she’s making ...
Everything about that is perfect and would probably happen.
i know right like
just this solemn deathbed scene
and she grins and makes some lame crack about dying and everyone's all "aradia no"
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r0seglasses · 11 years
Actually hey wait, I'm gonna do that interesting fact thing too. I used to have an addiction to internet drama and would literally spend hours learning and researching that stuff. Mostly drama involving popular online artists and youtubers.
i had a tab open with a youtube video all day and it had like 2 minutes left [it’s almost 2 hours long] and it took me until now, past midnight, to actually watch those last two minutes
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lost-mercreature · 10 years
She's going to kill God with a freaking light saber...
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lost-mercreature · 10 years
What the fuck did I just watch...
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lost-mercreature · 10 years
And now we get to watch Sam destroy things with a beam saber.
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lost-mercreature · 10 years
Heather you dumb ass there is everything useful around you. Stop being a little bitch.
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lost-mercreature · 10 years
"I can tell from here it’s dead." Thanks for you for your inside Heather.
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lost-mercreature · 10 years
"Oh I like this part it’s hilarious!" She says…yeah right.
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