goldenshrikecomic · 1 year
do you think you would ever make prints or posters of some of your more "scenic" pages from the comic? because I'm re-reading and I'm still in awe of page 99 and all I can think to myself is how good it would look as a poster
All things related to printing give me a headache so I haven't really branched that way. If I ever get bitten by a printing bug, then maybe, but don't hold your breath.
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thewormsarchive · 7 months
PSA: Scam "Donation" Warning:
Kathleen "Finch" Ladd AKA "Galahawk" AKA "Shining-Latios" (& other alts) has, for the past several months, appealed to many people for an accident fix via GoFundMe. In previous years, they also operated another GFM account aimed towards their student loan debts. *edits below*
They have shown that coasting off the hard work of others and indulging in simple pleasures is what they care for most. To hell with improving their own situation, KFL would rather be co-dependent on many other people with their own problems in life.
2023 was a very busy travel year in private for KFL; multiple trips all around several cities/states in the USA. A new residence is being setup along with their partner later in 2024. Appealing to others for financial help in the meantime. Choosing pleasure over being responsible yet scolding others for not helping enough so many times... not like KFL has actually truly thanked anyone outside of canned pre-written messages, mind you. Going so far as to trash gifts given to them because it was not to their personal liking is such a terribly selfish action. Indeed, it has been shown that KFL will trash those that have DIRECTLY DONATED MONEY to their various online accounts. Willingly tossing people under the bus, but KFL expects everyone to bend the knee to them.
Oh, well, there was the anon that dropped 4000 USD (!) on the second GFM. I suppose there was a very brief response to that...? It's a funny thing though: As those around KFL suffer, KFL ends up taking resources that could've gone to their "friends". It's okay to take from those lesser, apparently... as long as KFL is comfortable, no one else matters.
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KFL is truly not living down the self-centered WASP allegations.
I advocated in the past for people to donate to their GFM, thinking that it would somehow lead this person to a more positive giving mindset after their car accident. Expecting those who already do not give towards others to suddenly do-so is also foolish, isn't it? Sadly, KFL has chosen to only give to themselves & take greatly from others. I can only apologize and offer this warning as a way to make up for such a terrible error of judgement.
In good conscience, I cannot recommend anyone else to give this person any money as of this post. They have declined not only to work their way thru life via online commissions, but also turned down an actual paid graphic position their military father found for them. Part-time at the grocery store was far more viable to them, yet they claim struggle. The art degree that was obtained with that large amount of debt is also rotting away. I'd imagine there are so many teachers out there so eager to have that document - eager to improve the lives of children currently growing up in worsening conditions.
If KFL is not choosing to improve their own life, why should others contribute their own livelihoods for someone that does not care? So many chances to find a way to thrive outside their current environment ... Hell, KFL insists on using their govt name for mail, not even having the strength to use their wanted name. Being an abusive lazy narcissistic thief isn't really a great look to have no matter how many lies they hide behind. The lies will be interesting, I'm sure, given how much someone like myself likes quiet/privacy after my own child abuse survival stories. It was easy for them to get away with it for so long; taking advantage of people who have private lives thinking they wouldn't say a thing.
Karma comes for everyone, so keep laughing while you can. It will come to each and every person involved with such selfishness - and there's a lot it seems! Each of them may keep hiding behind 'activism' (irony of that) and nonchalance all they'd like. While karma will not be swift, it will be brutal; best prepare for it.
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Zero growth. Absolutely no remorse in their actions; almost sociopathic. "We're not a good fit" is all they've said to stealing from others; from stealing from those in far worse situations than they've ever experienced. ... Don't think they actually realize there are more people involved in the issue, too. Indeed, there were quite a few people to offer help - those are the people I speak of with this. ... If I were to actually count up the offensives & the WASP rudeness from KFL, there would be a lot. Not wanting to center myself though, because, well, there's such a thing as a ripple effect. Many other people feel down and awful because of this one completely toxic self-centered person.
The things KFL complains of is 100% the problems they face about themselves. They are their own worst enemy. Such a terrible pity to see so much waste as KFL has created. A total crybully created from a military couple from the USA - from the start they lie and ruin themselves immensely.
I suppose though, when those in charge create such a system for its people, what can be expected from such fruit they've bore?
(Ko-Fi mirror)
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trainerjoshie · 1 year
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Pokémon TCG SM Shining Legends (2017) & Team Up illustrations by Mitsuhiro Arita (removed card text)
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Today’s character of the day is: Espeon aka Eifei from Pokemon
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royal-wren · 25 days
Leto Epithets
One of the many mother goddesses found in the Hellenic pantheon, she is also one of (three) goddesses directly of motherhood along with Rheia and Maia. Her origins are debated, but it is a fact that she is an established goddess as far back as the Mycenaean era (pre-Apollon btw! More than likely Leto and Artemis were regarded as mother and daughter by then) under the name ra-ti-jo / ra-to (Latios/Lato). The late myth of the birth of Artemis and Apollon where she runs from Hera might showcase a bit of history of her leaving Greece and going to Turkey (Anatolia) in the way a lot of myths do with cult history and practices expanding. I say this because the connection to Lycia as her origin as explained in the further reading section is pretty late into the timeline of her existence and her main temple there is also a late addition when she was long pre-established as a goddess in Greece before it was made. Anything else saying she derived from another goddess is purely speculation and is more than likely disproven by this point in time in the year 2024. (Please note that this doesn't mean she possibly came from somewhere else before records, just that she existed in Mycenaean Greece).
Alphabetically it's a mess, but everything that I've added to go along with aspects, domains, traits, and animals of hers have an asterisk by them, not necessarily upg but innovating what's already historically attested to her.
A remake of my ancient, years-old post. Of great kindness She who is gentle and modest Preumenḗs: soft of temper, gentle, gracious, favorable Epieikḗs: Morally reasonable, fair, kind, gentle, good Ever mild and gentle Mild from the beginning Of womanly demure *Ēpiócheir: With Soothing Hand *Phainô: Appear, Reveal, Shine Lêthô/Lanthanô/Lelathon: To escape notice, To cause to forget, Move unseen, Go unobserved *Aisthánomai: perceive, apprehend by the senses or of mental perception, perceive, understand, take notice of, to have perception of *Aísthēsis: Perception from the senses, feeling, hearing, seeing. Perception by the intellect as well as the senses. Ability to perceive: discernment. Cognition or discernment of moral discernment in ethical matters *Ablepsíā: blindness, failure to see (something), invisibility *Ágnoia: The state of not knowing or perceiving: ignorance, unawareness *Hḗsukhos: quiet, still, calm, gentle, moderate, (of persons) cautious, (of the voice) gentle *Hēsukházō: To be still or quiet, Be at rest *Hēsukhíā: (Of) Silence, Stillness, Quiet *Apokalúptō: To reveal. Leto is an ocular/prophetic goddess just like Apollon that speaks with a voice from above, working through light in effect, the implication is that she (like Apollon) has it tied to day for when they work as it's noted that Asteria and Hekate prophecy through/by/at night and from below. (Leto might double as a night-time goddess, but the connection to day is more solidified). Lykeiê: Of the wolves *Ameibousa: One that transforms, in the spirit of One who brings forth transitions Ethelímona: Willing (to answer those that pray to her) Dark-gowned (I really wish I was able to find a translation for this one) *Khrysôpis: With Golden eyes, With a golden face, Golden-faced Kyanopeplos: Dark-veiled, Cloaked Most Glorious Eukomos: Lovely-haired Kallisphyros: Beautiful/Trim/Neat-ankled Aidoios/Semnê Thea: August Goddess Khrysêlakatos: Of the Gold Spindle (Distaff) *Hêmerasia: She who soothes *Meilikhios: Gentle, Soothing *Phaesphoros: Light-bringer *Hilaeira: Softly-shining *Alektor: Rooster Polykleitos: Far-famed Xanthê: Blonde/Golden-Haired, Gold-tressed Phytie/Phystiê: Grafter Koiantis/Koiêis: daughter of Koios Koiogeneia/Koiogenês: born of Koios Lykios: patron goddess of Lykia Euteknos: Of Fair Children Gentlest in all Olympos *Pheraia: Of the Beasts *Agroterê: Of the Hunt, Huntress
*Most of these are ones I had to comb through literature to find, a couple of UPG names and ones I’ve found or created (as a reference) through other research
Further reading:
Some Cults of Greek Goddesses and Female Daemons of Oriental Origin by Butzon & Bercker
Theoi.com's Koios page for the information at the end
Mothers of the Sun - Myth and Legacy of the Minoan "Solar Mother" in Classical Greek Mythology
The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, being an Essay of The Local History of Phrygia from the Earliest Times to the Turkish Conquest
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The Latios was on a mission, but the peculiar glimmering red shine of the Buzzwhole's helmet had him stopping in his tracks. His head twisted to face him and make sure of what he was looking at. "Gah! Your helmet! It looks straight outta Pokekamen rider!" He exclaimed, pulling out a phone from his pocket and pointing it in his direction. "Man, you mind if I take a picture? Your whole fit is just rad as all heck!"
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He's trying his best
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butchyena · 2 months
got tagged by @werebutch for some QA and mutual tagging
Favorite color: anything toeing the line between purple and blue, especially in cool tones
Last song played: JOYRIDE by Kesha because i was in my gf’s nice car and wanted to hear it hard and loud 😭
Currently reading: honest to god not a damn thing. i need to pick something from my shelf….
Currently craving: 2 spicy salmon rolls 1 philadelphia roll 1 crazy dragon roll 1 gyoza (6 pc.) and an ICE cold can of sprite
Coffee or tea: born to prefer tea forced to order coffee. if there was a tea chain a la starbucks i would be their #1 customer. if there was a tea chain a la dunkin i would be a franchisee/GM of my own location. i lie awake at night dreaming of a chain of tea establishments that never burn the tea and can serve even the most delicate leaves that steep for only 90 seconds at 175 degrees (im talking gyokuro) either hot or iced with of course a massive menu of syrups/boba/jelly options for people not so interested in Tea and just want a treat. sorry im tearing up what was the question
Tagging (with no pressure ofc): @nineinchmales @charliequinn2772 @devilsflowermantis @lipstickluchador @kanaya @shining-latios
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sibillascribbles08 · 1 year
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Thanks @emangel2718 and @shining-latios !
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casoulettearchives · 6 months
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Welcome! To Endless day space or better known as Eternal sun realm! Where sun shines brightly but its warm enough for you not to freeze when visiting the islands! Pokemon here often travel by flight or gliding between the island's - small communities are built here so watch out not to run into a small house!
Ruler/God: Solgaleo (Ruler)
Lesser-Gods occupying the space:
The Islands:
The islands wary in different sizes - in smaller ones there tend to be just small crop or pond's built, or small marketing places set up! The bigger islands house communities of pokemon living there - the big clouds are walkable often acting as stairs for those who cant fly or glide to the next island.
Pokemon Variants:
Breeze Skitty line
Shrines - Blessings:
Few shrines have been found in smaller villages like Frekset and Anespus. Its believed the worship him for healthy crops and harvests - since sun is a big help! Solgaleo does answer to few shrine prayer's allowing few Pokémon to have gentle power's that could help their crops grow. Like ability to gently use light for healing or project small specks of light balls so they can see in dark.
They have been made for same purpose as Lesser-Lunalas - after demand from two of the upper gods. Instead like Lunalas being reborn-stars; the solgaleo's were made from clouds. The lesser-solgaleos also can and have the chance to have kin - cosmogs. The Setting Sun hasn't taken any of the Solgaleos as his servant's - that role being replaced by Latias Latios.
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agirlinsearchof · 1 year
Headcanons for Pokémon games most likely to be “canon.” But this is just my speculation, probably biased by personal opinion in a few particular cases. I will sometimes use Pokémon Masters as a source, but only when there’s no other evidence to suggest any particular version of events.
Kanto: Yellow, surprisingly! Red’s teams when he is not playable usually have Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, and Venusaur. Of the games where he is playable, only Yellow allows the player to obtain all four. And the only reason that makes sense for Red to not evolve his Pikachu is if it didn’t want to for whatever reason, which only happens in Pokémon Yellow.
Johto: While there isn’t one game that can be pinned down as the most likely canonical version of events (Masters featuring both Kris and Lyra as separate, co-existing characters), Gold and HeartGold are least likely to be canon, as Pokémon Masters pairs Silver with Ho-Oh, who the protagonist catches as part of the plot in those games. As such, that leaves Silver, SoulSilver, and Crystal as the more likely options, since Ho-Oh is a completely optional encounter in those games.
Edit for new info: Ethan, who is treated as the Johto protagonist in Masters, has Lugia. His design is also taken from HeartGold and SoulSilver. As such, SoulSilver is most likely the “canon” version of events.
Hoenn: Omega Ruby, with the existence of Zinnia, a character exclusive to those remakes, in Pokémon Masters, and Brendan, in Masters being Norman’s son and thus implied to be the protagonist, having Latios. May can only have Latias in the game’s events when she’s the protagonist in Alpha Sapphire, but there’s not really anything stopping her from catching it after the events of Omega Ruby except Brendan getting there first, but that can only happen through an limited-time event. This would seem to be contradicted by Archie having a Sync Pair with Kyogre, but the only time he has any ownership of Kyogre anyway is his alternate-universe counterpart in USUM.
Sinnoh: Platinum most certainly is. In Pokémon Black and White, Cynthia references a trainer who faced Giratina. The only game where Cynthia witnesses this herself is Pokémon Platinum. Giratina can only be faced in the postgame in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl, and events that only happen in the postgame are rarely acknowledged.
Unova: This is perhaps the most subjective one, perhaps befitting the themes of Black and White and their sequels. But, since I believe that on a symbolic level Reshiram fits the protagonist better than Zekrom (as they show N the truth about the relationship between humans and Pokémon, which causes his ideals to shift), I believe Pokémon Black, and by extension Black 2, to be more likely to be the canon version of events. It doesn’t hurt that N’s default Sync Pair in Masters is Zekrom, with a different version with Reshiram only releasing later.
Kalos: Much like Hoenn, I will have to reach for Pokémon Masters for this one. Lysandre’s default Sync Pair is with Yveltal. Since villains in Masters are usually paired with the Pokémon they sought out, this leaves Pokémon Y as the more likely canon version of events (as Yveltal isn’t acknowledged in Pokémon X to my knowledge outside its Pokédex entry, which requires trading with another game.)
Alola: Pokémon Moon, based on Lillie having Lunala as a sync pair but not Solgaleo and the protagonists being based on their Sun and Moon designs but not their Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon designs. (Which I find strange, since most other protagonists are based on their most recent designs as playable characters…)
Galar: Pokémon Sword, since Gloria has Zacian as one of her Sync Pairs, but Victor does not have Zamazenta.
It’s impossible to say yet for Scarlet and Violet as of this writing, since no characters from that game show up in Pokémon Masters, let alone with Koraidon or Miradon, or any other version-exclusive Pokémon, Paradox or otherwise.
Addendum: TL;DR, based mostly on Pokémon Masters while drawing a little bit from the core series games, the most likely “canon” (I use this term very loosely) timeline of events goes Yellow > SoulSilver > Omega Ruby > Platinum > Black > Black 2 > Y > Moon > Sword. Please do not take this too seriously. This was just done for fun.
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trainerjoshie · 1 year
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Pokémon TCG SM Promo & Shining Legends (2017) illustrations by Mitsuhiro Arita 🤩🤩
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shiny-jr · 2 years
I use Google translate for this. This is a very basic question, but what is your favorite Pokemon? (or the one you like the most)
I'll just separate them by gen, just to make things easy. This made me realize that a lot of my favorites come from more recent ones. I also gave why, so yeah, it's kinda long.
Gen 3:
Latios/Latias. I loved the animated movie with them as a kid, also I somehow had shiny versions of both and I loved them so much. I used them all the time in Omega Ruby.
Gen 4:
DARKRAI. I got a shiny Darkrai and I used to be a menace with him in online matches, especially triple matches, lol. My team would consist of (ALL shines) primordial Groudon and primordial Kyogre with mega evolved Rayquaza in the center. If they got beat, I'd put Xerneas and Yveltal on the sides with my Darkrai in the center and do a sweep. Darkrai was always the leader, and he always pulled through, for real my favorite son. The absolute goat. I remember making people rage quit with him, good times.
Gen 5:
Samurott. Totally biased here, he was my first starter ever. There since day one. I also chose him during my run on Pokemon Arceus.
Volcarona is great too. I think the smaller form of it used to be kinda rare or at least uncommon, but I managed to catch one and raised it up. It would just demolish with heat wave.
Gen 6:
I've had a total of three shiny Noiverns. One in X, and two in Violet. I named the latest one Bartok. He's just a dude.
Gen 7:
Decidueye, aka Rowlett, best starter of the gen, I will not accept arguments. Sorry, I only state facts. I remember everyone liking the fire starter but when the last stage was revealed, everyone switched over to Decidueye. Nah, not me. I've been faithful since the first announcement of the starters.
Mudsdale, got his younger stage first and raised that little guy up until he became a tank. This dude took hyperbeams and water moves like y'all wouldn't believe. Nothing could hurt him.
Gen 8:
Corviknight. Another shiny, this one I found as a baby on the first routes of the game. She wasn't particularly strong or anything, but I still loved her.
Appletun, a shiny that took days of using the breeding method to get. Like Corviknight, she wasn't super strong, but she was adorable.
Toxricity, gave her a nickname, found her when she was a baby too but she stood out because yet another shiny. Pink and slayed, was always taking out enemies like no one's business.
Obstagoon, another shiny I found as a baby on the same day I found my Corviknight, I called her X. X was a menace to all trainers, she'd be like the only pokemon I ever had to take out because she would just hit crits all the time and one shot (sometimes poison too) everything in her path.
Gen 9:
Dachsbun, I found her as a Fidough on the early routes, and I named her Conchas. When I started to get too high on levels because I wanted to do the gym route last so newly caught pokemon wouldn't listen, she and two others were the only ones to keep listening. She was a real one for that.
One of the only other ones who continued to listen was a Charcadet I named Charlita and later evolved into a Ceruledge. She was like one of the strongest on the team, taking out all npcs.
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shining-latios · 2 years
for my mutuals:
this is a reminder that if we’ve known/been following each-other for a while you are more than free to ask for things I don’t normally give out such as my switch FC, my discord, or heck even my phone number
if twitter goes belly-up I might make a password-protected account here too so there’s that as well. I can be found as “shining-latios” pretty much anywhere (or shining_latios if usernames can’t have a dash) so if other alternatives pop up that I can get the hang of there will be that as well
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ether-gearhead · 1 year
How I interpret the core series multiverse
Something I've been thinking over since, around the BDSP/PLA release cycle, is how many timelines exist in the Pokemon multiverse? Well, I think I've come up with about six different timelines, including the timeline Masters takes place in. If you'll all indulge me for a moment or two, I'll lay out the multiverse as I see it:
Classic Timeline:
Nothing more complicated here than putting the third versions together, because, let's face it, these WERE the canon versions back in the day! I want to make particular note of Platinum, as I believe Cyrus's actions at the Spear Pillar not only created two entirely different universes, but completely rewrote their histories, given that Dialga's power over time includes future AND past.
Diamond timeline:
Black 2
So named because this universe is most heavily influenced by Dialga, the Diamond timeline consists of whatever versions the male protags are named after in Adventures. However, Scarlet will be a constant across this and the Pearl timeline, for reasons we'll get into later.
Pearl timeline:
White 2
Being the Palkia-influenced universe, you'll find several connections to Palkia's Water-typing, mainly in Kyogre, Lugia, and Lunala. Aside from that, these are mostly the opposite versions to the Diamond timeline. Once again, Scarlet is constant between the two, which of course I'll explain.
Omega timeline:
Let's Go Pikachu
Omega Ruby
Let's Go Johto
Brilliant Diamond
Black remake
Black 2 remake
X remake
Ultra Sun
These games are largely alternate universes to the Diamond timeline, some of which haven't even been announced yet, so I guess I have to explain that.
As Mega Evolution was originally stated to be recently discovered in Kalos, that flies in the face of Let's Go Pikachu and Omega Ruby, which prominently feature Mega Evolution prior to the Kalos games, so I grouped them into a timeline together. Speaking of Let's Go, we can safely assume a version of the Johto story occurs three years after that.
Brilliant Diamond is grouped here mostly for its inclusion of the Fairy-type, but I'm willing to bet that when Unova gets remade, Cynthia will reference Dialga in Black, but Palkia in White. And Kalos remakes will most likely retconning the Fairy-type as a long-known commodity.
Ultra Sun is explicitly an alternate Sun, and is the whole reason this and the Alpha timeline are a thing in the first place.
The reason I put Scarlet in both the Diamond and Pearl timelines is because of the possibility that AI Sada travelling to the ancient past causing a butterfly effect that would cause Violet's events to play out instead of Scarlet's.
Alpha timeline:
Let's Go Eevee
Alpha Sapphire
Let's Go Johto
Shining Pearl
White remake
White 2 remake
Y remake
Ultra Moon
I won't bore you all by repeating the same logic behind the Omega timeline, just swap out the opposite versions other than Scarlet.
Masters timeline:
SoulSilver/Crystal hybrid
Omega Ruby/Emerald hybrid
Black 2
Ulltra Sun/Ultra Moon
Masters is somewhat less rigid with its timeline than the ones I've pieced together, but at least there's no need to fret over a Kanto title. Still, I'm going with FireRed just because Red picked Charmander.
I put SoulSilver AND Crystal, not because I believe they're both canon, but because Kris exists, and so I'm assigning her the Suicune sidequest. As for SoulSilver over HeartGold, Ethan seems to have caught Lugia, but not Ho-oh, so I think that settles that.
Similarly, I'm inclined to count Omega Ruby as the canon game because Steven's mindscape features the Groudon mural, and also Brendan as Norman's son has Latios, which would only be the case in Omega Ruby. However, I believe the Masters Hoenn story follows Emerald more closely, as if you look at the team admins' mindscapes, then Tabitha's is the mouth of Mt. Chimney, and Matt's is the remodeled submarine, both roles that Emerald assigned the two teams.
Platinum is explicitly canon to Masters, as Cheryl namedrops the Distortion World, with Cyrus even having both dragons before Dialga abandons him for Lucas.
Hilbert, portrayed as the canon BW1 protagonist, has his base unit's sync move as "The True Razor Shell," and N comes into the game with Zekrom as his base pair, so Black is almost certainly the canon version. Also, Nate recognizes Black Kyurem when Ghetsis tries to make Kyurem absorb Zekrom, so Black 2 almost certainly happened.
There are effectively zero indications of X or Y being the canon version. Lysandre doesn't even count since he wasn't believed to have survived Geosenge Town! That being said, most of Calem and Serena's Pokemon use the Dex entries from X, so until one version or another is confirmed, I'm rolling with X solely on that.
The Ultra games were confirmed since launch, but until Nebby makes an appearance, we won't know for sure whether it's Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon.
Gloria has Zacian, Hop has Zamazenta. Sword is canon, case closed.
Scarlet seems to be canon, based on Nemona wearing the Naranja Academy uniform, but I'd like to see the protags and Arven get added first before making a judgement call. Hoopa shenanigans, and all that.
So out of the natural infinity of multiverse theory, there are at least six timelines in the Pokemon core series multiverse. I mean, technically, there are ten bad timelines where the villains actually win, but those don't make for good worldbuilding (or, multiverse building. Building a multiverse, doesn't get nerdier than that...).
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wolfchic · 1 year
On the vein of Pokemon Legends...
One thing I would really like to see, if they release another Pokemon Legends, is for the Johto or the Kalos regions to get a little bit of love. The Johto region has a lot of lore that I feel like is really slept on, or just wasn’t given quite as much backstory and meaning as other, later generations. Yes, it’s already had a remake in Heart Gold and Soul Silver, but Sinnoh’s had two remakes: Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl and Arceus, obviously. So it’s not outside the realm of possibilities.
Now Kalos would be really interesting, I think, because we could see a return of Mega Evolution and we could see the origin of it, like the people who discovered it, and even the deal with the super weapon and the war and all of that. The storyline would be awesome and I feel like they could do a lot with it. Plus, Kalos is another one of those regions that as the Pokemon games got away from the DS era and into the Switch, that newer fans might not know about or never got the chance to play.
Me? I just really, really, really want them to bring back Mega Evolution. Gigantamaxing and Terastyllizing (I probably spelled both of those wrong, but oh well) is a cool gimmick and all, but Mega Evolution already did what both of those do by giving a pokemon a cool new look and making them extra powerful and blah blah blah. Mega Evolution, I feel, personally, was the peak of pokemon power-ups.
Other regions I’d like to see return? Unova would be a good one. We could see Kyurem as a Whole Dragon, that would be neat as hell. Hoenn is one of my favorite regions (Sapphire, my beloved), so of course I want to see that. We could see Groudon and Kyogre battle it out, Rayquaza put them in time-out, get little cameos with Latios and Latias. Hoenn was already remade with Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, but, again, Sinnoh had a remake too, soo....
There’s just a lot that they could do with it if they decide to make it into a series type thing. There’s so much potential and I really, desperately hope they do more.
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