foxxfaggotry · 7 years
A top or a switch I think :o but who knows!
thank u, thank u this is interesting
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
if you're not jewish it's really not cool to make circumcision jokes and it's pretty bad if the first thing that comes to your mind wrt jewish people is just circumcision
good to know, i was raised catholic, which also dictates that people are circumcised & if the fox was catholic i would have made the same joke. i think this is in response to that zootopia thing?? about nick wilde??? & circumcision is something that my friends and i frequently talk about though so it’s actually on my mind a lot, which i guess is kind of odd, but we have a lot of discussions about it. It is in my background and ex faith tradition too? Chill bruh
****to clarify though, i definitely am NOT catholic, the church is something i distance myself from, it’s cool if ur catholic & all but it has been nothing but negative & suffering & it just doesn’t work for me
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
Who let the dogs out??
the man. that god damn man. he never blinks and he’s always whispering. that damned bastard
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
What's your favorite kind of cookie 🍪
oh definitely snickerdoodles. those fuckers are so good
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
Does pineapple belong on pizza
keep sending me asks please
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
What IS your nsfw blog
well if you send me a message i’ll happily tell you! but i don’t need my followers on his blog to know
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
Can scissoring bruise you?
alrighty so, heres the deal. scissoring is like, not super a thing? like some ppl do it i guess but like, not honestly a lot.
that being said, i had a boyfriend who wanted to try it. 
he had just done his T sh0t and s0 was extra in the m00d and i was like, 0kay, why not
yes you can and will get bruised. now keep in mind, this particular boy really liked it rough, so like theres that. 
but yes, scissoring can and will bruise you
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
hi i like your hair ok bye
thank you!! it’s actually blue now, i just dyed it recently, do you wanna see?
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
Is your un based on the Facebook page Queer Quadrants?
nope, didn’t know that existed. it’s because i’m queer & im a homestuck & also the trolls are queer
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
Hey depression, why are you so fabulous?
because im such  a good friend, im here for u all the time *finger guns*
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
I'm really sure I have ADD/ADHD of some sort but I've never been diagnosed and seeing all your posts I'm like me, this is me, oh ffs this is me as well. Where did you go to get a diagnosis? Cause I'm hella nervous about even talking with a doctor about this, but like to actually be diagnosed and maybe even start meds and able to focus would be amazing.
Yeah! so, I am gonna give alittle bit of a history.
I know reading through all thismay be tough, so I will bold important/ main ideas to make it easier :)
I am 18 now and a senior in high school. I wasdiagnosed in 6th grade, so I was 11, making it 7 years ago (gosh, i didn’trealize it had been that long) that I was diagnosed. Prior to my diagnosis, Ihad moved all the way across my country (United States), from California toNorth Carolina right after the first grade and remainedin North Carolina from 2nd to 5th grade, the educationally formative years, and then after 5th grade, I moved back toCalifornia, I promise this is relevant. 
In North Carolina, there is a strong educational focus on Reading, Writing, and Math. These happened to be areas I am good in and I enjoyedand therefore, Iexcelled because I was interested. 
When I moved back to California,there was no emphasis on certain subjects, all subjects were equally importantand there were no special reading/writing/math programs that challenged me in away I liked, in the subjects I liked and was interested in. I became bored easily, school was notproviding me with the challenge I needed.
Uh okay so I started writing thisthe second I got your ask and then I got distracted and put it in a word docAND THEN I JUST REMEMBERED
Oh dang if that isn’t the bestexample of ADHD ever hhahah
 Anyways, I was failing in school,my grades were shit and I was a got dang mess!!! I couldnt remember the homework, i put off projects, i zoned out in class and i had so much missing work. I simply could not do what was needed at school. So my teachers were like, hey so ur kid wont stop bouncing their leggy?? And also doesn’t do shit and getsdistracted, but like, when they do actually turn things in, wowow brilliant??
So the school told my parents that i had to go get tested for this shit because i was just too much,, and so little sixth grade me went andgot tested and holy heck they found that yes indeedy I do have ADHD!!! Wow amazingisn’t it. From there, we consulted a professional and decided that for me, the best course of action was meds and so we started trying medications.
They started me on Stratera,then concerta, vyvanse, focalin, uhhh some other ones? Some for depression somefor ADHD, i cant remeber which is which, ive been on too many meds
Anyways, im on Ritalin and Seroquelright now and sometimes I don’t take my meds, and those days I am all over theplace and focusing is so hard!!
The meds don’t cure everything,but they make it much easier to focus, they give you the ability to concentrateif you try. thats the important thing to remember, meds arent a cure, no matter what people expect!! 
Lots of people think the meds are a fix all. Don’t believe them and dont get down on yourself, trust me, it isnt easy. You will have days where it doesnt work as well and you will be tempted to blame yourself for the meds not “fixing” things. It still happens to me and a large part of that is the mindset of other people. You will still have days where it is really hard to concentrate and you cant get things done, and that is normal and okay. The great thing about meds is that one day like that wont drag you into a cycle (the shit i cant do things, why cant i do things, i cant believe i did this again, now i cant do things even more, etc) as easily as before!!
Focusing is still difficult and you are still plagued with things, but the meds help to make it manageable, they enable you to actually get in the habits that people suggest to help yourself. 
there is alot of this like, self helps shit from ppl without adhd and honestly, miss me with that ablisitic bullshit yo. 
Okay so  yeah this kind of got away from me, im sorryabout that!!!
But basically yes please do talkto a doctor, just say something along the lines of hey, so I have seen thingsthings about ADHD and I think I may have it, here are my symptoms, here arethings I have trouble with. And don’t describe your best days, describe theworst ones. (for instance, I told mine that sometimes I would go days withoutproperly eating because I was so engrossed in whatever I was doing,  I just forgot to eat)
i hope this helped, sorry its so long!!!!
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
How are you doing? Are you okay? Are you being all healthy and stuff? Is anything bothering you? (Sorry if any of that is too personal, but I think people should ask that stuff more. You don't have to answer if you don't want to)
to be honest buddy, right now im not doing well, but i am okay sort of. 
i am trying to be healthy.
yeah, there are things bothering me. today has actually been pretty tough. I hallucinate sometimes and today it was kind of bad. i have been anxious and jumpy and i think my meds didnt work as well because i have the sneaking suspicion that this is a bipolar swing. 
its okay, i dont mind the personal questions. i think it is healthy and important to inquire this of other people!! it is important to normalize caring about people and to normalize answering honestly 
thank you very much, i appreciate it anon!  
please keep the asks coming, they are helping and I am in the mood to answer questions 
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
It's not deadnaming her, she uses it in the show. She prefers pidge with the paladins (except shiro) because thats what they came to know her as. Same as shiro, he came to know her as Katie so she's chill with either. It'd be different if she openly showed disgust at being called Katie, but she doesn't show that.
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foxxfaggotry · 7 years
Definitely if you could do the Davekat fic of them watching the movie on the couch it would be GREATLY appreciated! That'd be so amazing :) I feel like this is when they had their first kiss and ahhhhhhhh gosh it'd be so cute
i totally agree!!! i actually started writing it right after i saw that hah, idk when it will be done but it is in progress :D
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foxxfaggotry · 8 years
It me tommy j, so pretty much once james madison wrote 4 letters to himself bc he was writing letters for g-wash and congress but he didn't tell anyone because he was too embarrassed and honestly same man (this is badly explained, but look up "james madison writing letters to himself" and its the first link its so much better explained there)(this is my all time favourite history story its so ridiculous i love it)(ok bye until next time)
ohhh yeah dude i know about this one! i love it
basically washington was like i need to write to congress but i suk at writing, help me James and he was like well okay i can do that and then when congress recieved the letter they were like shit this is well written we suck at writing yo Jay-dog, help us out man, ur good with words or whatev lol 
and he was all omg is this??? is this my letter??? oh my god shit i cant tell em and i cant say no. Hahahah okay yeah sure congress no prob & he wrote a letter in response to the letter he wrote for washington
then when washington got it he was like, heyyyyy sooo i still suck at words and stuff soooo you wanna help me again broski? and James was like or fer fucks sake but he helped him and didnt say anything about it
congress got that and were like, fuck yall when did washington git gud and then they were like JAMESSS bro last one we promise, just write this for us, k?
and James madison is like holy fcking shit this is the most embarrasing shit and he wrote a 4th letter, that crazy fuck
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