eerieechos · 2 days
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Quellë for morale reasons
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
Quellë 2, F.A. 465
A Letter from the King of Nargothrond to the Lord of Doriath
To Elu Thingol, Lord of Doriath:
Greetings from the King of Nargothrond! I hope that all remains well in Doriath, and that the recent skirmishes along your eastern border have not claimed many lives.
I write to you now on behalf of one whom I love. His name is Beren, son of that Barahir by whose valor my life was preserved not ten years past, in the Battle of Sudden Flame. I believe you have recently met him, the child of one who was dear to me and is now lost beyond recall.
He came to me recently in some distress. He says that he has given his heart to Lúthien your daughter, and she to him, and that they wish to be wed. He tells me also that you have forbidden it, unless he brings to you a Silmaril in his hand.
Allow me first to apologize for any breach of etiquette or other impoliteness which he may have displayed in your court. Recall that the lives of Men are short, leaving them often without much time to learn the finer points of our traditions; recall also that this Man has been long away from any kingdom, having fought valiantly against our common Enemy. Beren’s heart is good, and his thoughts are all of kindness and compassion; if he has offended you in such a way, it was assuredly unintentional, and I am prepared to take full responsibility.
Second, may I ask: is it true that you have set him this terrible bride-price? I trust Beren’s word implicitly, but he was doubtless in great distress during his initial audience with you, and it is possible he may have misunderstood your meaning. If so, please write to me at once, and I will clear his mind of any doubt.
If he understood you aright, I beg you to reconsider. I know it must have been shocking for a mortal to appear in your court, and I can well understand your anger at what you must have seen as great impertinence. But I also know you to be lordly and wise, and if you are quick to anger you are also generous with forgiveness. Please, rescind this decree. Beren’s Oath to you hangs heavy about his shoulders. I would not have him go alone to terrible Thangorodrim. If your answer is no, then let it be no; do not give him false hope.
But finally, my family in blood and law both, I ask this of you: is there aught I can do to change your mind? Beren has neither father nor mother living, but he is my own heart’s-son, and I am willing to stand for him in whatever manner you may require. If it is craft-work that you desire, I will give as a bride-price near anything you ask - indeed, if you wish it, I will give the Nauglamír itself to you, passed on in joy and friendship as it was given to me. I know how dear Lúthien is to your heart, and that you would not make such a decision lightly.
Beren is mortal, and his passing will doubtless bring her great grief, and all his wisdom and the flame of his spirit cannot compare to your bright daughter’s. Yet he is kind and brave, gentle and good - and if Lúthien has given her heart to him in truth, then there is grief awaiting her no matter what path she takes. Please allow her this brief joy, which will yet be bright for all its shortness.
I hope you will forgive my forwardness in writing about a matter which must be tender still, and about a subject so very dear to you; but I hope you will receive this letter in the spirit of friendship and love in which it is intended.
With all goodwill,
Finrod, King of Nargothrond, of the House of Olu
Quellë 2, F.A. 465
A Letter from the King of Nargothrond to Galadriel, a Lady in Melian’s Court
Sister -
This letter will be brief, for I have already slaved away half the night over a letter to our grandfather’s brother, and I have many meetings with counsellors ere I can rest. But my heart is heavy and I am full of foreboding; and even when you are not here I find it a comfort to unburden my mind to you on the page. Most excellent Galadriel!
Young Beren arrived to Nargothrond today - I recall telling you his name, when he was born, but do not know if you have met him. He is the son of Barahir (whose name you certainly recall!) and he is in great distress. It seems that he has fallen in love with Lúthien, and she with him, and Elwë has set a brideprice of a Silmaril. I have written to him, asking him to reconsider his words (which must have been rash - surely he was not serious!).
Ah, another pin has dropped from the clock, and I must away. Time is rushing through my hands. Artanis, there is a shadow on my heart. Celegorm and Curufin will be deeply angered when they hear the news, and already they have more influence among the court than I would like. I hate to think so ill of them (they have been staunch allies for so long - and Celebrimbor is of an age with Finduilas, and makes her smile!), but there is already so much fear in Nargothrond: the Necromancer sent it rushing ahead of him when Tol Sirion fell. I do not wish anyone to think that Doriath is our enemy. We are not beset! We have friends all around. I must keep reminding myself.
Please write soon. News from Doriath would be a comfort!
Quellë 8, F.A. 465
A Letter from the Lord of Doriath to the King of Nargothrond
You ask for what you do not - cannot - understand. My daughter is more dear to me than any necklace, no matter how fine; to offer gems or gold is a grave insult. Even a Silmaril could not outshine her presence.
I was entirely serious in my proclamation to Beren. If my daughter wishes to marry a mortal, he must be great among Men, mighty enough to face Morgoth in the manner of the Queen Melian. I will not allow my daughter to be without protection.
If Beren is not strong enough for this task, let him remain in Nargothrond, an it please you! There you may lavish upon him all the fine works of your hands, if you prefer to waste them on a mortal - but in truth even the thought of him dwelling in the caves of my gift disgusts me. He has cut my daughter to the heart, and she grieves for what she cannot - must not! - have.
Consider the matter closed, and do not test my patience so again. This is a time of deep trial for our family.
Elu Thingol
Quellë 12, F.A. 467
A Letter from the King of Nargothrond to Galadriel, a Lady in Melian’s Court
Dear Galadriel,
You will doubtless laugh when you read this, but I confess I found myself a little worried when I received a letter from Elwë and no accompanying missive from you. I know you are terribly busy with Melian and her attendants, and that you travel often - doubtless you have not even seen my letter, and are doing unspeakable things with Celeborn somewhere in the wilds of Doriath. (Do NOT tell me about them!)
Well, at least now I have a spare moment to myself, and can sit down to tell you all that has happened. My other letter was quite vague, I know (most unlike me, you will say, I am sure! Where is Ingoldo, who seldom uses one word when ten or twelve would do! There, I have teased myself for you, and now you need not do it), and I shall remedy this fault now.
I assume that you were not in the court of Doriath the day Beren came (I am sure I would have heard from you if you had been!), so I will set down the events as I understand them. Perhaps this will settle my whirling mind. I cannot truly take in what has happened.
Barahir is slain, and his wife Emeldir gone; but his son Beren survived, and after making quite a name for himself as the sole defender of Dorthonion, after a time he made his way to Doriath. He will not tell me how (and to be honest I fear to guess!), but there in the woods he met our cousin, and his heart flew forth to meet hers, and hers to his.
They were happy for awhile; then Thingol discovered them and grew quite angry. He demanded what I mentioned in the last letter (a Silmaril for a brideprice: just in case the missive has been lost!) and cast Beren out of Doriath. Beren, not knowing where else to turn, came to Nargothrond - and I am so glad he did, for my heart bleeds to see a son of the People of Bëor so deeply hurt. He has been alone for so long, he says, and wished for death ere Lúthien came. I wish
I am getting off the track. It gladdens my heart to see Beren unharmed - I cannot tell you how it gladdens me! - but his arrival has brought with it tumult - and I am already stretched in so many directions! Beren is quite determined to assault Thangorodrim - alone, if he must - and I convinced him to wait and allow me to treat with Elwë, but I awake every morning afraid that he has gone in the night. 
To tell the truth, if anyone could succeed, it will be Beren Barahir’s son. You have heard of his prowess against Morgoth; all have. And sometimes there is a look on his eyes - such a look! As if the hand of Vairë herself was on his shoulder, and the face of Námo turned away from him! There are fell deeds coming, and I can only hope they will be ours and not our Enemy’s.
But that is not the only trouble. Celegorm and Curufin have heard of Beren’s quest. I know not how, for I have spoken of it only with Beren himself, and that seldom - but nonetheless they know of it. Curufin claims that he was on his way to speak with me when he heard the Silmaril mentioned, and perforce must listen, and decided not to interrupt us. I do not wish to disbelieve him; but Sister, the air in Nargothrond has grown dark. (I wish you were here! You are so steadfast and so practical that the shadows in my mind flee before you. I do not know yet if this shadow is in my mind only.)
It has occurred to me - though reluctantly - that the Eldar who serve Curufin and Celegorm could overset Nargothrond quite easily. The greater part of our force is gone. We lost so many to the Sudden Flame I should not have sought our brothers so rashly, perhaps and more to Tol Sirion (now Tol-in-Gaurhoth! A terrible name!). Gladly I welcomed our cousins when they came with many in their vanguard; but they stand so often apart now, and more and more of my people come to me with complaints. The Fëanorian soldiers are rude, I am told; they often fail to show up for their assigned rotations; they mock us for taking shelter so far south (this last, I find a little ironic, at least). 
But each time, I tell them I will speak to the Fëanorian lords, and each time I do, and Celegorm sighs and shakes his head and Curufin looks angry and tells me he will do his best, and I cannot fault them for it. It is hard to lead, particularly in such times. The fates of Maglor and Caranthir are not yet known, and little Celebrimbor was badly injured in the flight from Himlad and has only just recovered. No wonder they are short-tempered. Perhaps I am too unkind. (Doubtless you would tell me I am too kind, and ought to have thrown them out to land where they may; but you did not see them when they arrived!)
And there, I have lost the thread again. But I am too tired to cross much out and start over, so you will simply have to read an overabundance of words (and there, you do not need to mock me, I have done it twice already for you! Truly it is like having you here). 
I was telling you that our cousins know of Beren’s quest. Curufin came to speak to me the other night. He was quite angry. He asked when I planned to tell him news that was of such import to his family; I replied that I was aware of how grievous the insult was, but that Thingol was greatly wroth, and that I am even now asking him to retract his words. Curufin merely snorted at that and walked away. (He has quite an inelegant snort for such a shapely nose, have you noticed? Of course you have.)
Well - that is all the news. Please write soon, and tell me all the news from Doriath! I hope you are well.
All my love,
Quellë 12, F.A. 467
A Letter from the King of Nargothrond to the Lord of Doriath
To Elu Thingol, Lord of Doriath:
Greetings! I hope you will forgive the shakiness of my hand; many matters have required my attention the past days. I hope you will also, as you have done many times before, forgive my presumption in writing back.
I wish to apologize for any insult taken when I offered a brideprice on Beren’s behalf. As you know, I love Lúthien well, and have known her for many years: please believe me when I say that her friendship and happiness is worth far more to me, as well, than any gem could ever be. I merely meant to advocate for a very dear friend.
Ever you have been lordly and gracious in your dealings with Men: with the people of Bëor, with the House of Hador, most of all to the Haladin. I ask you to be so once again. Please, if only for the sake of solidarity against our common Enemy, retract the demand you have made of Beren. Invoking a Silmaril will only enrage allies that we - that I - cannot afford to lose, whatever your opinion of them otherwise. 
I know that you want your daughter to be well-protected. Could Beren not come to dwell in Doriath? Or, if you wish it, both could come to dwell here in Nargothrond until Beren’s brief span of life is finished. They would dwell in peace and happiness, and I would protect your daughter with my life.
Yours ever in friendship,
Finrod, King of Nargothrond, of the House of Olu
Quellë 20, F.A. 465
A Letter from the Lord of Doriath to the King of Nargothrond
My daughter weeps now in her great house in a tree, where her love for a mortal has forced her to reside. She seeks always to escape this safe haven and chase after your Beren. She seeks to follow him into the arms of Death!
I cannot allow it. I have loved my daughter for longer than you have been alive. You know Lúthien’s bright spirit; until now I had not doubted your love for your cousin! Now I wonder that your loyalty towards those who murdered your mother’s kin looms larger in your mind than thoughts of my only daughter.
I say this with no little regret: I will not open any further missives from you until the mortal who has so grieved my daughter is gone from the world. Letters to your sister, of course, will be delivered. I will not deprive you of your kin as you seek to deprive me of mine.
Elu Thingol
Quellë 24, F.A. 465
A Letter from the King of Nargothrond to Galadriel, a Lady in Melian’s Court
Dear Galadriel,
I am afraid.
There, I have said it! And you may (I hope!) laugh at me later for it. Since I last wrote, Curufin no longer smiles at me at all, and Celegorm often brushes by me without a word. They can see the hand of the Weaver upon Beren, and in return I can see their Oath coiling about them. And my own Oath drives me, and not my word of honor only, but the love I bear for Beren, and all his forefathers! You know of whom I speak.
Artanis, little sister, I write this in haste, for I will soon go before my people and ask their aid in assaulting Angband itself. If I do not, Beren will go on his own; I could not keep from him Thingol’s refusal and since then he has been afire to be gone. If you were here perhaps I could find Despite the multitude of names I have been given, I find I have very little wisdom at need. I know it is unwise, and foolish, and that I am almost certainly leaving you, my dearest little sister (I can practically hear you telling me, “I am your only sister!” so let me assure you that you are dearest as well as only - and little) with another loss, and if you never forgive me it will be quite merited. But I cannot let him go alone. I cannot. Please understand
I did try (for I know you will ask). I tried to tell him that he should give her up, learn to live without her. But I saw in his eyes the same look I once saw in Aikanáro’s, of bright fervent hope, and I could not bear to see it turn to despair. Already we will lose Aikanáro to the Halls. Beren will not have even that peace in the end. 
Sister, you know already, I can see your mind churning. Yes, Curufin and Celegorm will not allow this to stand, they outnumber us by far, yes, I know, even if I keep my life I will lose my kingdom
No, I cannot pretend. You know what I saw, long ago, here in the place I love. I will not be returning. I hope it does not hurt too much
Galadriel - Artanis - Nerwen - little sister, I love you. Think not of me with bitterness.
I must go. I love you.
Quellë 26, F.A. 465
A Letter from the Lady Galadriel of Doriath to the King of Nargothrond (unopened by him)
I am sorry I have not written in so long. Doubtless when I arrive home tomorrow there will be quite the stack of letters awaiting my attention! Celeborn and I have been traveling away from Menegroth, visiting the Hills of the Birds. We chanced upon a messenger just now and so I am seizing the chance to write a quick note to you, that you may not worry - for I am sure it will take me some time to respond to the many long missives you see fit to send to me in lieu of visiting.
I hope all is well in Nargothrond, and that our wretched cousins are not causing you any trouble, and that you have not worn out too many pens admonishing me to write back more quickly. This trip has been delightful in every respect (don’t make that face, brother) and has made me think perhaps we ought to chance a trip to your kingdom soon. The roads, I hear, are much better than they were now that things have settled a bit. And in truth I am restless, and I miss you.
There, now you cannot say I never show affection.
All my love,
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outofangband · 1 year
Reference: Elven Seasons
As the rising of the sun and moon did not occur until several ages into the life span of the elves, it is not surprising that their calendar is markedly different from human calendars. This is a reference on elven seasons with the approximate dates on the Gregorian calendar. 
The recorded elven calendar in Tolkien is called the Reckoning of Imladris although it presumably predates Imladris. 
The exact timing of when the peoples of Middle Earth started using certain calendars is somewhat unclear
The twelve month year is primarily observed by humans. The Númenórean calendar begins in midwinter. It’s implied that the months used or at least a similar set were used by humans in the first age as several birthdays in the Narn are given in those months. 
Six seasons are marked by the elves;spring, summer, autumn, fading, winter and stirring. These function as something like both seasons and months. Stirring (early spring), spring, harvest/early autumn and fading/late autumn last fifty four days each. Summer and winter last seventy two days each.
The elven year begins on the twenty eighth of March. There are a number of days throughout the year that are not considered part of any season. These include Yestarë or the first day and Middle Days in early autumn
Yestarë or Iestor is the first day of the year, approximately March 28th on the Gregorian calendar. 
Tuilë or ethuil (spring) began on March 29th and ended May 21st, lasting fifty four days.
Lairë or Laer (summer) begins May twenty second and ends on August first, lasting seventy two days.
Yávië or Iavas begins on August second and ends on September twenty fourth on the Gregorian calendar. The name means season of fruits or harvest season and is the equivalent of early autumn. It lasted fifty four days.
Following this are the Enderi or Middle Days. These are from September twenty fifth to twenty seventh on the Gregorian calendar though every twelve years they extend to the thirtieth of September
Quellë or Firith (Fading) lasts from the twenty eighth of September to the twentieth of November, fifty four days.
Hrívë or Rhîw (Winter) lasts from the twenty first of November to the thirty first of January. It lasted seventy two days.
Stirring is the last season, beginning on the equivalent February first In Quenya it is called Coirë and Echoir in Sindarin. It lasts fifty four days until March 27th.
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earencoivienen · 1 year
... i huinesse mapanes Angarilel, ar nahtane Velicë Cúsalyondo sanië i nanes cotto... San Túrindo tarnë úrúmina vë ondo ar lámenca, tirië sa naira qualmenna, hanië i acáries; ar é rúcima nanë cendelerya, calyanë i alcassenen i itanë os le... San telyanë Velicë Cúsalyondo, ananwa meldoron, analta maitilesse iluo i marner tauressen Valariandeo Eldalumessen, mánten isseo i nane ammeldarya; ar sa nyérë nane nácina cendelenna Túrindo ar allumë quellë.
Translated from Silmarillion 21 Of Túrin Turambar
...in the darkness he seized Anglachel, and slew Beleg Cúthalion thinking him a foe...Then Túrin stood stonestill and silent, staring on that dreadful death, knowing what he had done; and so terrible was his face, lit by the lightning that flickered all about them...Thus ended Beleg Strongbow, truest of friends, greatest in skill of all that harboured in the woods of Beleriand in the Elder Days, at the hand of him whom he most loved; and that grief was graven on the face of Túrin and never faded.
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Maeralya Firen Nún
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Born on the 42th day of Quellë/Firith. She is the adoptive human daughter of Lord Elrond.  The love of her life is King Thranduil
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lord-namo · 3 years
My Elven Calendar
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From inside to outside
First circle: day light
àra = dawn
anarórë = sunrise
histë = dusk
andúnë = sunset
Second circle : days of the six-day Eldarin week
Elenya : first day of the week, its name referring to the Stars.
Anarya : second day of the week, its name referring to the Sun.
Isilya : third day of the week, its name referring to the Moon.
Aldúya : fourth day of the week, its name referring to the Two Trees. 
Menelya : fifth day of the week, its name referring to the Heavens, the regions of air above Arda.
Valanya : sixth day of the week, its name referring to the Valar.
Third circle : months
Narvinyë : January (narwa = fiery red)
Nénimë : February (nén = water)
Súlimë : March (súlë = spirit, breath)
Víressë : April (vírië = youth)
Lótessë : May (losta = bloom, lótë = flower)
Nàrië : June (nàrë = flame)
Cermie : July (sérë = rest, peace) (ceurë=renewed)
Úrimë : August (úrin = blazer hot)
Yavannië : September (yàvë = fruit)
Narquelië : October (narquelion = fire-fading)
Hísimë : November ( hísië = mist)
Ringare : December (ringë = cold)
Forth circle : seasons
Tuilë : Spring ( 54days)
Lairë : Summer (72 days)
Yávië : Autumn (54 days)
Quellë : Fading (54 days)
Hrivë : Winter (72 days)
Coirë : Stirring (54 days)
Last circle : Yén
Yén  is one "long year" or "great year" or a Valian Year, the unit of time used in Valinor.
1 yén = 144 solar years = 52,596 days
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Firith/Quellë 19
Reckoning of Rivendell Firith/Quellë 19, Ormenel (Day of the heavens)
Gregorian/Modern October 16
Shire Winterfilth 25 (Trewsday)
Númenor Narquelië/Narbeleth 25
On this day:
Third Age 3018 – The Council of Elrond is held in Rivendell, as representatives from all around Middle Earth try and decide what to do about the discovery of the One Ring.
{Image Source}
{calendar information source} glyphweb.com/arda
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Traits That Occur In April.
He was promoted to Clyde manager after the Scottish Soccer Organization appointed his forerunner John Prentice as the Scotland nationwide crew supervisor. Popovich has actually communicated eloquently on the current political weather various attend 2016, as well as on Thursday evening, he accomplished this once more, saying to Youthful that he saw Black Past history Month as offering a number of purposes, each from all of them vital. This indispensable plugin is actually made use http://topdiets-2beft.info/lors-devaluations-sur-piperine-forte-pour-maigrir of to assess web content for focus search phrases, edit web page labels as well as meta explanations, set up robots meta relevant information, and also inspect the readability from your information and also clean up permalinks. If your funds fail at the end from the month or even your earnings is actually extended too securely, you should trim back on your variable costs such as the spending money and so forth. Having a regular monthly budget plan organizer worksheet may help you track your costs more conveniently as well as save for things that you may wish to fulfill owning in future. I have opportunity, as there might well be actually even more contributions for all of them due to the opportunity I am actually done with my decluttering in a month approximately. I 'd be actually more pleased if I can elevate a reply from any person in their client service team, mind. The decluttering will certainly get into a brand new phase next month with the odds to possess a spring season well-maintained in the course of my week's leave of absence (about but one more retro event ...) and also I possess further plans around that side from points as well. A true emphasize of the Roomba vacuum cleaners is their 'intelligent' redoed cleaning - where when they find especially filthy areas (which they spot via an acoustic system), they lug put a consistent clean (i.e look at the same area over & over once more - back & forth) like you would certainly with a conventional vacuum cleaner. This is actually right now two months after starting to write on Infobarrel as well as a month after publishing my 1st file 'A Month After Beginning To Write on Infobarrel' I obtained a number of pleasant talk about that short article, so believed this would certainly be actually a good idea to give an upgrade of the condition after pair of months. Cleaning: Once you have actually published your results after a minimum of a month from avoiding washing your nails (you can't clean your palms and rest of your body without cleaning your nails) begin to wash finger nails and practical a frequent base for at least one month. To match a total colossal year the elves included five special days that are certainly not portion of any sort of month: The first time from the year (Yestarë), the last day of the year (Mettarë), and also 3 days (Enderi) between Yávië and Quellë. Spencer and also various other participants from the supposed alt-right movement, which asks for limited immigration, mass extraditions as well as a new state for simply white colored people, have strained to maintain a ground in United States national politics, observing the disorder that occurred at the Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in August.
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White House States That Cannot Legitimately Pay Out Obamacare Subsidies.
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Celebrate All Month Development Schedule.
PIMCO taxed CEFs showed some enhancement in insurance coverage proportions and UNII balanced in August. Hey there about a full week ago I possessed my port I would certainly eliminated after having that for over the 5 years the very same day that was actually removed I began to feel sorry for the first few days red a then for the various other few days brownish I possessed unsafe sexual activity an my period only stopped am on birth control pills but I am actually also taking a antibiotic an my Dr claimed I should use a certainly not her form from birth control for at the very least a month. June is stated to become the best month for wedding ceremony associations generally because June is actually named after Juno, the Roman Deity of relationship. The majority of expectant girls typically aren't blessed adequate to carry their infant up till the 9th month without having to resort to wearing pantiliners. Possessing the team undergo self-management instruction can easily also be beneficial as that can easily aid market an excellent working connection, successful decision-making, and also far better interaction. Now I have to obtain a max of 31 rows which is the maximum amount of days in a month. Every ninth month from the year is actually the amount of time to celebrate Life insurance policy Awareness Month! Generate a new line and also work out the overall earnings for the month as soon as you have actually specified all your earnings for the advantage month. One terrific procedure is the amount market value of the residence that is prevalent in your area. Acknowledgement in front end from co-workers is actually a good suggestion if the letter relates to efficiency specifications in a well-known plan. The more short articles you possess the simpler that is too achieve your regular objective from 14,900 webpage perspectives so you can easily make around $5,000 per month. Group property is actually the essential to any sort of effective organisation as well as is the focus of every great individuals manager. At once gap from 6 month, 1year just what objectives you want to hit, currently will certainly that reassure you that your amount of money was devoted for a really good cause. Finding the best value red wine by month club for your demands and also more importantly your red wine inclinations may be a challenge. Yes, the company needs to be actually understood, but perhaps when you look into which chocolate of the month group to give to, you will happen the records and testimonials of closest pals and relatived. In your brand-new start-up service endeavor, you likely will produce someplace between 10 to 30 audit purchases each month. Where you tryout does not always need to be actually where your skill series will be actually. Congregation venues are good for audition area or university reception halls if you accessibility to one. To match a full colossal year the elves incorporated five weddings that are certainly not portion of any type of month: The 1st day of the year (Yestarë), the yesterday from the year (Mettarë), as well as 3 days (Enderi) in between Yávië and Quellë. This was actually difficult in order to get made use of to possessing an overseas item inside me initially and also I was mental as well as exceptionally hormone in the course of the initial month. We are actually inspiring for some good updates off Northerly Ireland that might allow regulation to recreate the Northern Ireland Executive," Andrea Leadsom added when laying out the upcoming parliamentary company for following full week.
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eerieechos · 5 months
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Eru gives his stupidest battles to his weirdest soldiers 😔
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eerieechos · 6 months
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Casual Quellë🍁
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eerieechos · 1 year
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I’ve returned from my hiatus and I offer you Imladris’ finest artist and the worst man you’ve ever met
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eerieechos · 1 year
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Finally FINALLY getting around to actually figuring out Quellë’s design
I’ve decided she’s the artist behind most of the murals in Imladris (sorry Alan Lee lol), on the right she’s painting Isildur wielding Narsil against Sauron 👀
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eerieechos · 2 years
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Little draft thing of a height chart for my lotr ocs :)
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eerieechos · 1 year
Hi! Sorry if i disturb you. I really like your art style and i saw some of your silm ocs. Please, do tell tell more about them! I d love to hear x) If you are willing, ofc!
Thank you so much!!! You didn’t disturb me at all I love asks 🥰🥰 especially about my ocs!
I have 3 silm/lotr ocs (I’m sure I’ll make more at some point lol) but here are the girlies:
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This is Morianar, I made her waaaaay back in middle school. She was one of my first ocs ever and when I made her she was Morianar Greenleaf, Legolas’ sister, but she’s grown a ton in the decade since. She’s so iconic that the url of my Tolkien blog is her name ( @morianar ). Morianar is a Moriquendi Avari, meaning she was one of the first elves to be awakened in Cuiviénen after Varda finished creating the final stars. She has forgotten her old name and instead ops to use the name given to her during the first age, Morianar, meaning Dark Sun. After wandering Arda until the final years of the Trees. She then settles in Greenwood with many other Silvan and establishes the kingdom of Greenwood. She is accepting of the Sindarian refugees from Doriath and Sirion in a very “this could be fun” kind of way. She is much more involved in the events of the 2nd age. She fights (unwillingly) alongside Oropher in the Dead Marshes and in the War of the Last Alliance and the The Battle of Dagorlad. She steps up to lead the armies of Greenwood in place of Thranduil when he is distraught with grief after the deaths of his wife, mother and father, speaking for him in war councils with the other Elven lords. During the 3rd age she is captain of the guard of Mirkwood and fights in the Battle of Five Armies. During the War of the Ring she fights for her home in Mirkwood and follows Legolas to Ithilien afterwards. She stays until every silvan elf has departed for Valinor. She then wanders Middle Earth until February 17 in the year 6592 of the 4th age, sailing to Valinor on the very final elven ship after running out of excuses to stay on Arda. Because of her age and status she usually ends up becoming the reluctant mom friend of any group she’s apart of, she’s extremely competent in all things weapons and survival and will always be down to get drunk and start a fight. She’s a very “do as I say not as a do” kind of person :)
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This is Nallámoro Lothmeril, she is a Maia of Irmo and Yavanna who decided to stay on Arda after The War of Wrath. She lives in various forests and caves and becomes kind of a local cryptid in whatever town she’s closest to and if you come across her she’ll give you a weird vague riddle about your future. She’s well known among the Ents and the Dúnedain rangers. Sometimes a stray hobbit or elf will encounter her and get one helluva story out of it. She’s 10 feet tall and is just a big weirdo I ❤️ her so much
Quellë is my last lotr oc, unfortunately I don’t have any actual drawings of her yet and her personality is still kind of up in the air lol. All I know about her so far is that she’s a ñoldor elf who lives in Imladris and is an reserve guard and painter. Her parents were followers of one of Fëanor’s sons (probably Curufin cause he’s my fave <3) she’s a super young elf and was born sometime during the beginning of the 3rd age
Sorry this was long lol hope you enjoyed! I’m an artist not a writer so sorry if none of this is coherent 😌
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