bushcraftandprepping · 8 months
From SHOT Show, True Clot Tourniquet Application Trainer.
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skills2survive · 2 years
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Something that is often over looked with the majority of people who carry a firearm or in general is a good IFAK or Trauma kit !!! I put this kit together using the @cdhtac_fin CAOS B pouch. With the items in this kit, I can stop minor or major bleeding if needed and it will attach to my belt, pack, plate carrier…etc. I will do a complete video on this kit soon !! . So do you carry an IFAK ?? ⛑️ . . . Follow me ➡️ @skills2survive ⛑️ . . . #ifak #firstaidkit #traumakit #cdhtacfinland #skills2survive #firstaid #firstresponder #emt #paramedic #qualitygear #medical #medic #medicalkit #stopthebleed #tourniquet #northamericanrescue #quickclot https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl64XdoOJXA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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victimeyez · 1 year
The Aftermath
pt 3 of Professional//Victim x Prev x Next x
VOTE for the next chapter here UPDATE: CLOSED
After an intense "historical reenactment", someone needs to patch up Tommy.
TAGLIST: @suspicious-whumping-egg @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi   @whumpyourdamnpears @generic-whumperz @lonesome--hunter
CW: Drugged whump, medical whump, captive whumpee
“-dead yet?”
Tommy started to come to, and immediately began to take stock of his body. 
He was laid on his front, sideways in the backseat of the car, drooling on Caius’s lap. His memories of Darwin started to come back to him, and he closed his eyes against them sharply, as if to stop them from coming. 
Caius replied to the other voice. 
“He’s breathing. Looks like he’s waking up, actually.”
Caius’s hand steadied him by his shoulder, which was mercifully numb. Actually, his whole body felt numb, and weak, when he started to stir.
“Don’t move too much. I had to break out the injectables to keep you from fully going into shock.”
“Is he going to bleed all over my car again? Caius, I swear to god-” 
“Rory, shut your damn mouth. This isn’t amateur hour anymore.”
“Is he stable?” Michelle asked. Tommy wanted to know that, too.
Caius drummed his fingers absentmindedly on Tommy’s shoulder. He could feel the pressure of it distantly, but without pain or feeling. It felt weird to be so disconnected from his body.
“Stable enough, until we get him to Sam. I packed all the holes in with bleedstop and he’s practically mummified in quickclot. We went through most of the injectables.”
“Sam’s gunna be pissed,” Rory added helpfully.
���He isn’t paid to get pissy. He’ll deal.”
“If this guy wants another session, he’ll have to come to us.” Rory continued to complain. 
“No, he can’t. He has a whole…set-up.”
They continued to talk while Tommy drifted in and out. 
Caius and Tommy were dropped off outside of Dr. Sam Snow’s hidden office. They had an old wheelchair in the trunk to put him in, but the last of the meds were waning. He was in a considerable amount of pain with the bumps of every little bit of gravel or crack in the road as Caius pushed him along. He grit his teeth and tried to keep his groaning to a minimum. 
Caius rapt on an unassuming alley door three times, and waited. Knowing Sam, it would be a few, so he leaned against the bricks and started scrolling through his phone.
They sat in whatever their version of companionable silence was, until there was a familiar grinding sound behind the door. Caius pocketed his phone and stood back behind Tommy’s wheelchair, right as the door opened, thick as a bank vault.
A man leaned out, with dirty blond hair too scruffy to look professional. Sam looked perpetually bedraggled.
“Oh good, my favorites,” He addressed Caius, before turning to eye Tommy in the wheelchair.
“That bad, huh?”
“Even worse,” Caius said with a rueful grin.
Sam stepped out long enough to grab the handles of Tommy’s wheelchair, and popped him onto the back wheels to get him over the entranceway stair. Tommy shrieked in pain, muted somewhat by his instinct to keep his lips closed. He grit his teeth, protective of his wounded mouth. 
“Shut up,” Sam said mildly, and pushed him through the doorway down a dimly lit hallway.
This part of the building certainly didn’t feel like a doctor’s office. To the left and right there were rooms long abandoned, filled with broken glass and furniture, painted in old graffiti. 
Caius followed, pushing the red button beside the door to make it pull closed and lock behind him. 
They took a hard right and came to a metal door that Sam opened with a badge and a code. It always felt so unnecessary, but Tommy could only guess at the value of the contents within. 
The door opened and Sam pushed him through, walking him past his office on the right and straight into a wide, square lab that the networks of hallways flanked. It was coldly lit, but bright inside, with a generous strip of window circling the room for open visibility. Tommy was pulled backwards into the familiar glass door, and it felt like the temperature dropped a good five degrees past the threshold. 
“You’ll want to put him on his front,” Caius offered, stepping in after them and parting off to the right to find the small group of plastic chairs tucked to the far side. 
“Yeah, don’t bother helping me or anything, I’ve got it,” Sam remarked with sarcasm, but he pulled Tommy out of the chair and across his shoulder to lay him awkwardly on the exam table. Tommy didn’t fight, and rolled off of his side onto his stomach and laid face down. The exam table had a little hole in the end that he could comfortably put his face in, like a massage table. 
He closed his eyes. At least Sam was usually pretty heavy-handed with the drugs.
He felt a tugging on his pant leg as Sam’s scissors started to work their way up his leg, snipping his clothes off for easy removal. Sam didn’t comment until he was laid bare, the remnants of his clothing cast aside. 
“What the fuck is this?!” Sam called to Caius. Tommy knew better than to mistake his anger being over his well-being - he was just pissed about the amount of work his injuries took him to fix. 
“Yeah, this guy went medieval on him. Had a whole bunch of like, historical torture implements. He bound him up in some type’a spiky chair, with extra attachments. He hit him with a cattle prod until Tommy pissed himself and blacked out.”
Sam made a sound of revulsion. 
“Did he at least pay well?”
“Ehhh,” Caius thought for a moment. “He paid a lot, but still had a first-time discount.”
“I hope he tipped like a motherfucker, because this-” Tommy could imagine Sam waving a hand over his mutilated body in a lazy sweep.
“-Is gonna cost ya.”
Tommy imagined Caius’s stupid shrug at that, too. 
Sam’s gloved hands felt warm while he probed him, looking over the injuries to gauge the severity.
“I can’t see shit with all the fuckin’ powder. He’s gonna need a saline rinse.”
Tommy knew it was coming, but shuddered anyways. He heard Sam unwind the hose and open the nozzle without finesse, standing back so he wouldn’t get caught in the spray. The saline was luke-warm at best, and Tommy shivered as the solution washed away the last of his body heat. He gritted his teeth to try to keep them from chattering, and watched as pink water poured off the table and lazily swirled around the drain built into the floor. 
It didn’t hurt much at first, but as Sam really started to blast away the dried blood and clotting powder, it became a grueling test of endurance. The pink water beneath the table started to become more clear, and then quickly turned to a red as his wounds started to reopen under the spray. He heard Caius say something from the corner, but he couldn’t make it out over the shower. It seems Sam couldn’t either, because the jet mercifully stopped. 
“Can’t you give him a numbing gel or something?”
“Oh!” Sam exclaimed, and Tommy saw his feet retreat away from the table. 
“I plum forgot, he was being so good - Tommy, why’d you let me do that?” Sam mocked, but he returned and began working a thick ointment across his back. It took only moments for the gel to take effect, bringing blessed relief to every wound it touched. Tommy closed his eyes as the pain finally started to subside, and the paste left his skin feeling warm and completely numb. 
“I think you owe Caius a big thank you, don’t you?” Sam pushed, as he saw Tommy start to visibly relax under his hands. 
(Actually, I think I owe Caius a big shot to the face,) Tommy mused to himself, but he said nothing.
“His mouth is messed up, you’re not gonna get anything from him.” Caius commented, unamused by Sam’s playful mood. 
Sam groaned at the mention of more work, but finished rubbing the numbing ointment in without further comment. Tommy closed his eyes, and without the pain caging him in his body, he was finally able to drift. To go somewhere - anywhere -  where he wasn’t ass-up on a table about to be needled over. 
He was a little grateful to Caius, but it was…complicated. He remembered when he was first in, and so scared, and thought he might find some help in the other man. 
“We all have different roles here to make the business work,” Caius explained. Tommy was curled up in a ball on the sleeping roll Caius had brought him. 
“I’m your handler. I’m not your friend - I’m your boss.”
Tommy had sat up, leaning against the wall and hugging his knees. 
“What about the other guys?”
Caius sighed and sat down next to him, ignoring when Tommy scooted as far away as he could into the corner. 
“Well, they’re your bosses too. But it’s like - I’m like the manager, while they’re in corporate.” Caius seemed to struggle for a better explanation.
“Rory has a fuckin’ mouth on him, sure, but he could sell water to fish. He coordinates appointments, knows a bunch of market research and business shit, so that’s kinda his thing.
“Michelle deals with all the tech stuff, he’s a huge nerd. He uploads all the pictures and videos and stuff to the network, but it’s a hidden network, I don’t know, it’s all beyond me.”
“A network for…this?” Tommy asked, his voice barely above a whisper. 
“Yeah, basically,” Caius replied. “We’re franchise owners, technically. All this - and you-”
He turned to face Tommy fully.
“-Are our business.”
Tommy worried his lip.
“And your job… is to manage me?”
Caius smiled, amused, and adjusted his glasses.
“My job is to make sure you don’t break.”
Caius advocated for him, in a way. And he was nice to him, in a way. But he never wasted breath pretending he did it for Tommy’s good. He managed a balance of keeping Tommy at a low level of stabilization, in spite of everything, to protect his business asset. Abducting people was a huge risk, and not one they could constantly repeat if their other victims died or completely broke down.
He’d heard of other teams with assets like him, sometimes multiple at a time. But if they broke down for good, they weren’t interesting to use anymore and became worthless. Caius afforded him small mercies to maintain a tiny spark of morale, so Tommy continued to be valuable. 
Considering he was this far in, Caius seemed to be very good at his job. 
Tommy was snapped back to the present when the tip of a needle dug deeper than he was numbed, and he hissed with pain. 
“Sorry bud. Just checking to make sure you’re still with us.”
Sam continued poking him with needle after needle, circling every single wound with three triangulating punctures. This batch would take forever. 
Tommy suddenly felt a hand on his upper arm, and realized Caius had crossed the room to watch. 
“Which ones are these?”
Sam took a break to straighten his back for a moment. 
“Well, you haven’t given me a lot to work with. Lucky for you, I just got in this stem cell batch that’s just insane. It’s a more potent combo with extra immunomodulators. Moves weeks of recovery into mere days. I’m also putting our usual pre-scar steroids in, which should also help with the swelling and inflammation.”
“How did you lose your medical license again?”
“I was just too much fun. I’ll top it off with this new wound-food serum I got, it’s supposed to help the body keep up with the crazy-fast healing. I’ll spray him down with a second skin and he’ll need to keep that on for a week. He’ll need lots of rest and lots of food - no starvation punishments and no missed meals.”
“Did you check his mouth yet?”
“Oh fuck,” Sam answered. He started to move Tommy onto his side, but then stopped.
“Ah fuck it. Let me get him patched up here and I’ll take a look.”
It was kind of like getting a tattoo session done, if it were a full-body stick and poke. Sam was methodical and finished the injections before anyone else could have. The serum was applied generously (sloppily) and the second skin sprayed on. A second light with a blue tint was thrown on above the table, and the substance began to dry on across his body.
“Do you know how good you got it? This is cutting-edge stuff, the newest technology that won’t hit the hospitals for decades, if ever. Celebrities pay millions for this stuff.”
Tommy did not respond. 
“Luckily for you, everyone likes a blank page, don’t they? Gotta clear the board for the next guy.”
Tommy grimaced at the floor.
 (Think about - something else. The feeling of biting into a coffee bean. What it looks like, how it feels in your hand. The crunch, the bitterness. Focus on imagining the sensation. Nothing else. No feeling.)
“I’ll take a look at his mouth and whatever that thing on his jaw was, and I’m sending him home. Come back in a week for the second round of steroids. If it’s going well, we might be able to do the first laser treatment the same day.”
There was a numbed touch to his back, where apparently the second skin had finished curing on him, and he was rolled onto his back. He shut his eyes hard against the blinding overhead light. 
“Alright, open up.”
Tommy opened his mouth and Sam grabbed a penlight to examine inside. After a moment, he tsked as if chiding Tommy.
“Don’t you know better than to let strangers put things in your mouth?”
He moved down to do some poking and prodding where the fork had dug into him. He grabbed some now nearly-empty syringes and injected small shots along the edges of the wounds.
“These will be fine. Not even worth a stitch. I’m not going to put on a butterfly just because I want to make sure these heal from the inside out, but I don’t think they’re worth packing.”
Sam applied wound patches over each of the spots, working his fingers into the the edges of the patch until the adhesive melted on. 
“Those ones will be fine. As for the mouth, his tongue is punctured in multiple places and pretty swollen. I have steroids that will calm the swelling down and let it start to heal. Mouths actually heal faster than most other parts of the body, and with a little help those will close up fine. However-”
Sam turned, and started sorting through a couple drawers before turning back around holding a bottle. 
“Rinse four times a day with this solution. When you run out, switch to saltwater. But…he’s going to need to use a feeding tube for a week.”
At that, Tommy put his face over his hands and turned on his side, curling up to shield himself as best he could. The feeding tube was the worst, and he’d only had to use it once before.
“Yeah, I know bud.” Sam patted him on the shoulder with faux sympathy. 
“I’m putting him on a couple oral medications he’ll need to take twice daily AFTER feeding, always after. I’ll make up a care package.”
Sam started pulling various bandages and tubes out of cabinets and stowed them into a bag. Caius had luckily brought Tommy a pair of sweats and a hoodie, which he helped him into while Sam rummaged around. 
“What time next week?”
Sam waived a dismissive hand in Caius’s direction without looking at him.
“Whenever - just don’t be late.”
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it’s all misogyny and hatred for one woman who litterally just makes fun music and has a big following. Her following includes a lot of children and teens. I feel like Hatred to Taylor Swift has been boiling over in the past months. I don’t care if you don’t like her music or politics at anything else. Killing and harming fans of hers is wrong. I can’t believe we are in an age where fans are being warned not to gather in public to exchange friendship bracelets! It’s so sick and twisted. Taylor also said in an older interview that she carries quickclot bandages (for gunshots and stab wounds) on her person.
yes she’s a human she’s done wrong (e.g. her carbon footprint) but she’s honestly seems to be one of the better celebrities.
You may not want to believe it but this is mysoginy. This is how dangerous mysoginy can be.
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pyre-screamo · 5 months
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5/9 @ The Palace PHL with Kiande Amedha, Zmar, and Nuvolascura
5/17 @ Saltys Bar NJ with Mt. Ida, Omega Glory, Kirkby Kiss, and Respirator
5/22 @ Clownhouse NJ with Quickclot, Final Resting Pose, and Halo Bite
5/23 @ Eurekas BK with A Forever Goodbye, Somber, Twoboyskissing, and Ennui
5/24 @ Cowboy Rodeo Ranch RI with Mt. Ida, Epicede, Toldnottoworry, and Twoboyskissing
5/25 Dilly Dally 1.5 @ Ukie Club PHL with Locktender, Powertrash, Mt. Ida, Ultra Deluxe, Sonagi, Catalyst, and Ostraca
5/29 @ Cinco De Mayo NB with Ted Williams, and Opposition Dolls (flyer and details soon)
Sorry tumblr wouldn't let me upload all the full flyers and details so check our Instagram or just ask for details lol. See u there :3
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tacticalfirstaidkits · 4 months
QuickClot Combat Gauze: A Game Changer in Battlefield Medicine
In the chaos of the battlefield, where injuries are often severe and medical resources are limited, innovations in medical technology can make a significant difference in saving lives. QuickClot Combat Gauze has emerged as a game changer in battlefield medicine, revolutionizing the treatment of severe hemorrhage and traumatic injuries. Let's explore the features, benefits, and impact of QuickClot Combat Gauze in military healthcare.
Understanding QuickClot Combat Gauze
QuickClot Combat Gauze is a hemostatic dressing specifically designed to control severe bleeding in traumatic injuries. It consists of a sterile gauze impregnated with kaolin, a naturally occurring mineral that accelerates the body's clotting process. When applied to a bleeding wound, the kaolin in QuickClot Combat Gauze promotes rapid clot formation, helping to stem the flow of blood and stabilize the injured individual.
Key Features and Benefits
1. Rapid Hemostasis: QuickClot Combat Gauze is highly effective in achieving rapid hemostasis, or the cessation of bleeding, in severe injuries. Its kaolin-based mechanism accelerates the body's natural clotting cascade, significantly reducing the time required to control hemorrhage.
2. Ease of Application: The gauze format of QuickClot Combat Gauze makes it easy to apply to a variety of wound types and locations. It can be packed directly into the wound cavity or applied directly to the bleeding site, providing versatility in its use.
3. Minimal Exothermic Reaction: Unlike earlier generations of hemostatic agents, QuickClot Combat Gauze produces minimal exothermic reaction, meaning it does not generate excessive heat during the clotting process. This reduces the risk of thermal injury to surrounding tissues and enhances patient safety.
4. Compact and Lightweight: QuickClot Combat Gauze is compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry in individual first aid kits, medical packs, or trauma kits. Its portability ensures that it can be readily available in the field when needed most.
5. Compatibility with Tourniquets: QuickClot Combat Gauze can be used in conjunction with tourniquets or other hemorrhage control devices to enhance the effectiveness of hemorrhage control measures. This multi-modal approach helps address bleeding from different sources and optimizes patient outcomes.
Impact in Battlefield Medicine
QuickClot Combat Gauze has had a profound impact on battlefield medicine, transforming the way military healthcare providers manage traumatic injuries in combat zones. Its rapid hemostatic action and ease of application make it an invaluable tool for frontline medics and combat lifesavers, enabling them to control severe bleeding quickly and effectively in high-stress environments.
In military operations, where casualties can occur suddenly and resources may be limited, QuickClot Combat Gauze has played a critical role in saving lives on the battlefield. Its use has been documented in numerous combat scenarios, where it has been credited with preventing exsanguination and enabling injured personnel to receive timely evacuation and definitive medical care.
Continued Innovation and Development
As technology advances and our understanding of trauma care evolves, the development of hemostatic agents like QuickClot Combat Gauze continues to progress. Ongoing research aims to further refine these products, improving their efficacy, safety, and usability in diverse operational environments.
QuickClot Combat Gauze represents a significant advancement in battlefield medicine, offering a reliable and effective solution for controlling severe hemorrhage in traumatic injuries. Its rapid hemostatic action, ease of use, and compatibility with existing hemorrhage control measures make it an indispensable tool for military healthcare providers operating in combat environments. By enhancing the ability to manage bleeding injuries on the battlefield, QuickClot Combat Gauze has undoubtedly saved countless lives and improved outcomes for wounded personnel in military operations.
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ellascott216 · 4 months
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Quickclot combat gauze
Meditac Kits offers Bleeding Control kit which provides crucial emergency supplies like QuickClot Combat Gauze and sterile gauze pads for effective wound management.
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magoschool · 1 year
Carry things that will make your day easier
Belt- Kore, Wilderness or Magpul
Flashlight- Streamlight Protac 1L
Multitool Big-Leatherman Skeletool
Multitool Small- Gerber Dime
Hemostatic Gauze- QuickClot or Celox
Bic Lighter (remove the 'child proof' donger and secure the plunger with a ranger band)
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qocsuing · 1 year
IFAK V2 Refill Supply Kit
IFAK V2 Refill Supply Kit
I consulted with medical professionals and combat lifesavers to build this kit. I stand by and produce only the products that I use myself as a soldier. Military grade components in this IFAK refill kit made for civilians, first responders, and military. Anyone can save a life with this Individual First Aid Kit. Civilians, Outdoor Enthusiasts, Teachers, First Responders, and Military Personnel. Everything in this refill med kit is geared toward controlling bleeding, dressing the wound, packing the wound, preventing infection, opening airways, and shock prevention until first responders arrive. Z-Fold Compressed Gauze to pack wound, NPA Nasopharyngeal Airway to open airway, Combat Tourniquet to stop bleeding, Israeli Compression Bandage to control bleeding, Chest Seal to close sucking chest wound, Trauma Shears to cut clothing, Antiseptic Wipes to prevent infections, First Aid Bandages for cuts and scrapes, and much more included! ZERO risk purchase and 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.To get more news about quickclot combat gauze, you can visit rusuntacmed.com official website. The Elite IFAK has been specifically designed by EB Military to hold materials required to respond to haemostatic emergencies. Items are held securely in place by elasticated strapping and a full length zip allows for the pack to be folded open, fully exposing the contents for easy access.
A system of quick release buckles, hook & loop tapes and elasticated strapping allow for the pack to be securely attachment to a leg and prevents it moving or slipping, even when a user is running. This Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) Pouch was originally designed to provide soldiers with a set of compact, easy-to-carry tools to treat battlefield injuries. This Pouch would normally house first-aid items to treat shrapnel wounds and other injuries, but this one's empty…and waiting for you to determine its purpose. Use it to carry binoculars or game calls, store travel accessories, or haul whatever items you need within easy reach. Also includes the matching Tourniquet Pouch (also empty) for a one-two punch of versatile gear-hauling potential.
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silverbackreviews · 4 years
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I.F.A.Ks should be a part of everyone's E.D.C. Comment yes bellow if you carry your ifak daily.👀👀 . . . . . . . . . . . #ifak #firstaid #firstaidkit #firstaidtips #shears #tourniquet #quickclot #bandaid #gauze #sling #black #multicam #multicamblack #opositive #silverbackreviews #beasilverback #silverbackscrusheverything https://www.instagram.com/p/CDE3YmxJr4r/?igshid=iehoxb3d83zh
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skills2survive · 4 years
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New mini trauma/first aid kit I put together. 🚨🚨 Pouch: @vanquestgear 4x6 Fat Pack Contents: Most can be picked up from @rescueessentials Such as @celoxfirstaid or Quick Clot, Israeli bandage @persys_medical , gloves, 4x4’s, NAR compressed gauze, HY-Fin chest seal, bandaids.... etc. Not shown is a NAR CAT tourniquet. 🚨🚨🚨 Makes for a decent small kit for your pack, vehicle or anywhere else !! Always be prepared ! 🚨🚨 #vanquestgear #rescueessentials #firstaid #traumakit #medkit #medical #firstaidkit #medic #emt #firstresponder #kitbuilding #medicalgear #celox #quickclot #northamericanrescue https://www.instagram.com/p/CCEGSpMhrlU/?igshid=1xmpzo5ucuvi3
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bisluthq · 3 years
This is why Taylor carries quickclot combat shit just in case she gets shot or stabbed. her stalkers are that insane.
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disappearinginq · 3 years
Magnum + you’re in no condition to be walking around?
So, this jump started the next chapter of Bad Things, and while I don't have the WHOLE thing, I'll post a snippet because you got the ol' creative juices TO WORK.
“You’re in no condition to be walking around, sir!” the corpsmen pleaded, stepping in front of Thomas as he pushed off the hospital bed. The HM3 was a gutsy petty officer, but they hadn’t been around long enough to have the confidence in their positional authority over their patients - especially not officers - to physically stop him.
“I said I’m fine!” Thomas protested, shoving Nuzo’s helping hand away from him, ignoring the way the world shifted under his feet and managed to barely catch himself on the wall.
“Yeah, kid, you fucking look it,” Nuzo immediately shot back, reaching again for Thomas’s arm even as he slapped it away. “Just sit on the bed, and do as you’re told for once in your goddamn life.”
“It’s fine,” Thomas snarled, keeping himself out of reach from the corpsman and the chief.
It wasn’t fine. He knew it wasn’t fine. His head was killing him, and he could barely see out of one eye thanks to the blood covering it. The lights in the medical tent all had painfully bright halos encircling them, and the clatter of medical supplies sounded like the sharp report of gunfire.
But he wasn’t about to become a target again. Not lying down, not unconscious or resting as the corpsmen liked to call it, not unarmed and sluggish from whatever the hell they kept trying to give him.
This was what he got for turning on a fellow SEAL. That bullshit from the bar was just that - bullshit. Wright probably knew Gallagher, and wouldn’t that just be Thomas’s goddamn shit luck again.
“Lieutenant,” the corpsman tried, latex covered hands reaching for his head again, “you’re bleeding pretty badly, you’re going to need stitches, and you already know you have a concussion, but what I don’t know is if you also have a hairline fracture, or if it needs to be debrided, or -”
“I’ve survived worse,” Thomas snapped. He took another step and, of its own volition, his leg gave out on him, wobbling for a moment before folding like a cheap chair. He half managed to catch himself, putting one arm out to break his fall, but the jarring impact sent another spike of agony through his head. Thomas managed to stifle the yelp of pain, sucking in a harsh breath between clenched teeth, fighting the urge to put his hand to the side of his head because that would be so much worse. At least he could still hold the QuickClot packet to the wound, even though it was the second one Diaz gave him.
Nuzo sighed, scrubbing a hand across his face, audibly counting before ten before crossing his arms. “Thomas, I know you survived worse. But do me a favor, and let the Doc check you out anyway? Just to prove you’re right?”
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Lego-like assembly of zeolitic membranes improves carbon capture
Zeolites are porous minerals that occur both naturally but also are being synthesized artificially. Because they are stable and durable, zeolites are used for chemical catalysis, purification of gases and liquids, and even in medical applications such as drug delivery and blood-clotting powders, e.g. the QuickClot trauma bandages used in the US military.
Zeolites used in gas separation are usually produced as membranes. The state-of-the-art zeolitic membranes are manufactured by a lengthy and complex crystallization process. Unfortunately, this method has proved difficult to reproduce. Also, it lacks in producing efficient gas-separation membranes, especially when it comes to the separation of hydrogen and carbon dioxide, which is necessary for pre-combustion carbon capture from power plants.
A team of chemical engineers led by Kumar Agrawal at EPFL Valais Wallis have now successfully simplified the chemistry behind zeolite membrane synthesis, making it straightforward, reproducible, and scalable. The achievement of the longstanding goal is published in Nature Materials.
Read more.
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repulsivepangolin7 · 4 years
SEAL Team fic. Crush pt1
A/N: So, I recently fell into yet another wormhole and binged the first two seasons of SEAL team in less time than I should have used to watch it. I figured out a few things: 1. This show is freaking awesome once you get your bearings. 2. Sonny is cool, I dig him. 3. I love Full Metal (Like seriously, what a highly qualified dork!) And 4. There is NOT ENOUGH Scott Carter (Full Metal) fanfiction.
Oh, and as some of you MIGHT know… I’m too hung up on H/C and whump… Word count: 1860
You forget to be scared after a while. That was the truth for some of them at least. The problem wasn’t when you were neck deep in a FUBAR situation, it was when you were trying to get some shut-eye at home in your own bed. You took a deep breath and pushed the fear down and moved on.
But one thing was for sure, life had an impeccable way of telling you to take a breather every once in a while. Nature’s way of telling you to slow down a bit. A sucking chest wound, an arterial bleed, blood loss, a massive concussion. You know, stuff like that.
He tried getting his bearings as the dust settled. Last thing he remembered was someone yelling ‘incoming’ and diving for cover.
His sight was blurred and all sound seemed warped. His ears was ringing and his head was spinning, but it was nothing compared to the immense pain that was his left leg.
He forced himself up on his elbows, positive he was going to hurl as the world tilted on its axis. The sight that met him didn’t help too much.
One of the concrete walls had caved and landed on his leg. He barely stopped himself from trying to tug his leg free, he knew damn well it wouldn’t budge and all that would happen was that the pain would tenfold and he would probably do more damage to his leg than there already was.
Blood was soaking his tactical pants right above where the concrete block ended. First thing needing to happen was a tourniquet, then he had to get that thing off of his leg.
He barely noticed Bravo 1 ordering a radio check and sit rep before the fifth time he called him up by his nickname.
“Yeah. I’m here. Hear you Lima Charlie.” He sucked some air through his teeth, “My leg’s stuck under some rubble. Think I busted it.”
“Do you need assistance getting loose?”
“A-firm.” he took a second look at the bloody mess under the block of concrete, “Gonna need a tourniquet and help moving as well.”
“Okay, you’ve got it.” Jason paused, “Bravo 4, this is Bravo 1, you’re closest to Full Metal. Can you get to him? Out.”
“Bravo 1, Bravo 4. Sure can! Out.”
 *          *          *
 “Oh, damn…” Trent grumbled as soon as he had a visual on Full Metal, “How bad is it brother?”
“Think my leg is crushed.”
“Actual crushed?”
“Worse than just a break…” Metal gave a minimal shrug, but the pain written all over his features spoke volumes, “Hurts like hell.”
Trent nodded as he sat down beside Full Metal. “Tourniquet first. Then we’ll figure out how to move this.”
Full Metal nodded a bit, “I will be of minimal help during that part of this OP.”
“What? When we’re moving the block of concrete?”
He grimaced, “Something tells me whatever pain I’m experiencing right now is just a taste test of what’s to come once the initial shock wears off and my leg actually gets jostled.”
“I think you might be right, buddy.” Trent nodded, “You might want to administer at least 10mg of morphine before we start.”
“Already did.” Metal answered and reached for the spent auto-injector pen in order to wave it around and show it to Trent.
“Is it enough?” he asked as he dug a tourniquet out of his gear.
“Look at my leg. What do you think?” Full Metal growled, “Not gonna take anymore just yet, I’m gonna need it later as well.”
“Pretty sure the rest of us will be willing to share ours.”
“I don’t want to take so much one of you will actually have to keep an eye on me, to monitor for overdose.”
“I think you’re big enough to handle 20mg of morphine.” Trent shrugged as he leaned forward in order to wrap the tourniquet around Full Metal’s thigh, “This is gonna hurt…��
Full Metal nodded and placed his gloved knuckled between his teeth.
Trent wasn’t surprised when Full Metal suddenly went lax. He didn’t know the full extent of his injury, but one thing was for sure, it had to be painful as all hell. Full Metal wasn’t exactly one to fuzz over nothing, actually, he wasn’t one to fuzz over anything as far as Trent knew him. And syncope was a natural response to pain.
“Bravo 1, this is Bravo 4. We need additional manpower here to get Full Metal loose. Out.”
“Bravo 4, good copy. You think you’ll get him loose if Bravo 2 and 3 join up?”
Trent looked over the rubble and Full Metal, “Might need more. I estimate this block of concrete weighs 2.5 metric tons. We also need someone to drag Full Metal free once we’ve got that weight off his leg. He passed out when I put on the TQ. Think he’s coming back around now…”
“Okay, Bravo 5 you keep watch on the south corner, alert us of any movement south or east. The rest of us, help Bravo 4.”
The confirmations came in one after another.
“Havoc, this is Bravo 1. We are forced to divert from our plan, please alert us of any movement close to our position. Out.”
“Bravo 1, Good copy. Do you need anything else? Out.”
“Might need medevac. Out.”
“Site is considered a hot-zone. Is it critical? Out?”
“Haven’t got eyes on yet. Stand by for further information. Out.”
 *          *          *
 Clay, Sonny, Ray and Jason managed to lift the concrete block enough for Trent to pull Full Metal out from under it. None of them surprised when the big guy passed out for a second time.
The guys let go of the slab and it fell down, resting on some other rubble 3 or 4 inches off the ground.
“Let’s try to check and stabilize his leg while he’s still unconscious.” Trent called out as he started cutting away at the fabric of Full Metal’s pants. “Clay, find quickclot combat gauze, tape and regular gauze. Sonny, find cravats or anything that can be used to splint his left leg against his right leg. Jason and Ray, anything that can be used as cushioning between his legs and between his left leg and the cravats.”
They all hurried to their tasks.
“How does it look?”
“Open fracture above his ankle and below his knee. Multiple deformities from knee down. Lots of soft tissue damage. He needs to get proper medical attention, he’s at high risk for crush syndrome.” Trent rattled off as he took the things Clay handed him, “Clay, can you find Sodium Bicarbonate, a peripheral IV line and a FAST1.”
“Sodium Bicarb, peripheral IV line and FAST1.” Clay nodded, “Got it.”
*          *          *
 He woke up to one of Trent’s thighs on each side of his head, not exactly his favorite position.
“Heya buddy, really hoped you would be out for 30 seconds more…” his teammate winked down at him. “I’m just gonna place a FAST1. Already have an orange IV running in your left arm. How are you feeling?”
“-Like I got run over by a wall.” Full Metal answered, trying to mask a grimace, “How’s my leg?”
“Crush injury, like you predicted. You’ve still got a pulse distal to most of the injuries, if you wondered about that. Have sodium bicarb trickling into that IV you have in your arm. We’re waiting for medevac, tricky situation with this still being a hot-zone.”
Metal nodded, “But I guess you think I need it?”
Trent nodded, “The sooner the better. But, I also think you could handle a couple of hours delay. I just want to avoid that if possible. We managed to cover the worst gashes and stabilize your left leg against your right while you were out of it.”
Full Metal nodded a bit, taking in the information. “So. Crush injury. Muscle mass gets damaged, releases toxins. Clogs up kidneys. Renal failure. Am I right?” Full Metal met Trent’s eyes.
“Kinda. But that’s what the sodium bicarb is for.” Trent winked, “That, and they’ll probably load you up with saline once medevac gets here. How’s your pain?”
“Way too damn high.” he rolled his eyes a little, “7, I guess.”
“I’d guess 8 or 9…” Trent shrugged, “You passed out. Twice.”
“Probably won’t be the last time either.”
Trent nodded, “But, just looking at you and listening to you. I’d guess about a 4.”
“That’s why we call him Full Metal…” Sonny winked as he came into Metal’s view as well, “Seriously man, you are allowed to show that this hurts. I would’ve sounded like an air-raid alert. How are ya?”
Full Metal shook his head a bit, “Not good.”
“Maybe you should take that second injector…” Trent said as he readied the FAST1 introducer, “No need for you to suffer more than necessary.”
“You said it yourself. This is still a hot-zone. Medevac has unknown ETA.” Full Metal swallowed hard, “Might be here in 15 mikes, might take 6 hours. Or more. Have to save some for later.”
“We’ve got plenty.” Sonny said as he squeezed his shoulder, “You’re in pain. A lot of it.”
“I’m nauseous enough already.” Full Metal shot back, “Can’t remember morphine helping any in that department.”
“No, but it’ll help with the pain. And that might ease nausea.” Trent quipped back as he placed the introducer against Full Metal’s skin, “Ready?”
He got a short nod in return and pushed the introducer down.
The operator on the ground let out a single expletive and gritted his teeth.
“Sorry about that…”
“We’re good.” Full Metal nodded and held his fist up for Trent to bump it.
All of the sudden their earpieces buzzed on, “Bravo team, this is Havoc. Looks like we’ve a group of 4, potentially 5, Tango’s headed your way in a pickup with a mounted machine gun.”
Jason replied. The guys got their orders and quickly followed through.
“Bravo 1, this is Bravo 5, I have eyes on the pickup. Should I engage? Out.”
 *          *          *
 By the time Trent, Sonny and Clay had carried Full Metal to safety, the building they were in was once again taking heavy fire.
This time, Full Metal hadn’t passed out due to pain from being jostled. Probably because the injection had been given the time to reach full effect.
“You think you’ll be okay down here by yourself?” Sonny asked as he helped Metal lean up against his backpack.
Full Metal nodded slightly, his eyes squeezed closed as he prayed for the pain to pass.
“Hey, Full Metal…”
“Are you going to be okay down here by yourself?”
He nodded a bit more, “Yeah. As soon as I stop feeling like I’m gonna pass out.”
“Do you want me to stay here with you?” Sonny asked, “Or Clay, or Trent…”
“No-NO…” Full Metal shook his head, “I’m a big boy. Can take care of myself.”
Trent raised an eyebrow, “Alright, big boy… Just radio if you change your mind.”
Full Metal raised his thumb in order to show that the message was received and understood.
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ellascott216 · 4 months
Quickclot combat gauze
Meditac Kits offers Bleeding Control kit which provides crucial emergency supplies like QuickClot Combat Gauze and sterile gauze pads for effective wound management.
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