#quincy bed
casetagram · 11 months
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DC Metro Master Ideas for remodeling a mid-sized country master bedroom with beige walls and medium tone wood floors.
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reecewykes · 1 year
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Bedroom in DC Metro Mid-sized country master bedroom idea with beige walls and a gray floor and medium-toned wood floors.
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crystalgemzine · 2 years
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DC Metro Bedroom Inspiration for a mid-sized country master medium tone wood floor and gray floor bedroom remodel with beige walls
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kubfoo · 3 months
btw venex showed me sonic forum wrtv funny video so i setup a forum where we're all pokemon characters posting on a forum kind of similarly but not as extreme. its fun you can sign up. ill probably close signups after a few days and open then every now and again to keep it less chaotic
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pwurrz · 4 months
“m-mr. quincy.. do you.. have to stare?”
“hm? do you not want me to?”
“..i-i’m.. not sure. it makes me feel.. self conscious?”
“you have no reason to be. you’re very beautiful, little serpent.”
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quincy from btd6
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bat-snake · 2 years
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I did a little redraw - or at least something inspired by a previous project.
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~*Grimmjow Smut*~
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“One bed trope” & Rutting/breeding
The Quincy war had ended. Soul society had began rebuilding from the ruins, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Buildings had been rebuilt, the 13 divisions coming together in unity after the destruction and loss you all endured. The new head captain, previous captain of the 8th, Shunsui Kyoraku, had led the shinigami into the new world created. Along with the new found peace, soul society had gained some new recruits. One of them being the former Espada, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques.
A brutally gruff man with a lethally short temper and a thirst for battle that rivalled that of Captain Kenpachi. After his efforts in support of the war and the glowing recommendations given by war hero Kisuke Urahara, he had been granted a place in the goeti 13 court guards.
Unfortunately, due to your inability to say no and your constant need to appease your superiors, you had been landed with the gruelling task of "teaching Grimmjow the ropes" so to speak. The arrancar had seemed just as disappointed by this match up as you were. Arms permanently crossed over his muscular chest, he had spent the majority of the past three days of your journey glaring at you. Which was preferable to the snide comments and rumbling growls he otherwise offered you.
You couldn't wait to make it back to the Seireitei, the last leg of your journey should have you arriving back by late morning tomorrow. You would suggest walking through the night to end the painful silence sooner, if not for the angry black clouds rolling closer at a rapid pace. The temperature had lowered considerably, your brisk walking thankfully warming you sufficiently. You pulled the map from your sash, eye brows furrowed as you came to a stop and tried to figure out how far away you were from the inn you had reserved for the night.
"how much longer?" your unwilling companion grumbled from behind you. Fighting the urge to throw the map at his head, you concentrated on the markings.. it's going to be at least another three hours of Mr. Sunshine's radiant personality.
"Are you deaf, woman?! "  Grimmjow growled, testing your patience "How much longer? It's going to rain soon" 
Folding the map back up, you took your time placing it securely in your sash as the winds picked up around you. The fact that you were waiting until you were finished before addressing the crude brute, was less about the efficiency of securing your map and more because you enjoyed making him wait. "About three hours Grimmjow. Four if you keep wasting time bitching" 
"I ain't bitching! It's gunna rain! " he roared at your retreating back, you started back on your journey, not waiting to see if he would follow
"aww, is the kitty scared of a little rain?" You unkindly teased over your shoulder. You heard the rumble deep in his chest, clearly about ready to snap
"I ain't scared of nothing!" such eloquent grammar the Espada exhibited. "Damn bitch, can't you feel the storm coming? Fucking weak shiningami" 
"Listen, Grimmjow, the longer you stand there arguing with me, the longer we'll be stuck in the storm you're so desperately trying to avoid "  you turn to face him, started a little by how he looked. He looked frenzied. Blue hair sticking out as though he had been running his fingers through it. His skin looked clammy and flushed, face had a dull pink tinge, unlike the brilliant red you had witnessed during a screaming rampage. His arms tensed at his sides, bulging biceps trembling minutely as his fists opened and closed in tight fists.
His eyes looked wild. The brilliant blue seemed faded with an animalistic sheen. Blown pupils darted around erratically, avoiding looking straight at you. He must really hate getting wet. The fight left you at the sight of him. Sighing, you offer an alternative, as much as he was getting on your last neves, it really wasn't in you to be intentionally cruel, "there's a trapper shack about fifteen minutes up the side road. It won't be as nice as the inn, but providing there's no one there we should be able to survive one night" 
He clenched his jaw, offering you a tight nod. Taking the hint, you resumed your leading, teetering off the main road to follow the dusty beaten path.
"you've got to be kidding me"
You weren't some materialistic princess, you could slum it with the best of them. Getting your hands dirty had never phased you. The state of the shack, however, was pushing it. The howling wind ripped through the barely held together shack, forcing its way through the rotting wooden slats. Every inch of the place was covered in a sheet of dust, the muddy floor held long forgotten footprints of past hunters. A sooty fire pit sat in the middle of the room, jagged rocks forming a wobbly circle, small hole in ten roof above to allow ventilation for the smoke.
There was a helpful pile of dried logs near the beaten door, clawing onto its hinges desperately. The one saving grace, as it had been pelting down with heavy rain the past ten minutes, the chance of you finding any dry wood outside was slim to absolutely fucking impossible. What made your heart sink to the bottom of your stomach, however, was the single bed pushed into the corner of the room. Thin blanket messily thrown over the questionably stained mattress, two pillows long since lost their plump plush. Two Tatami mats pushed against the opposite wall, probably stoping the wall from tumbling over.
"move" Grimmjow pushed his way into the shack, nudging your shoulder harshly. Shaking him self, not dissimilar to the way a dog would rid its fur of water. Grimmjow looked around the room, Unphased by the grimy appearance. He scoffed loudly, rolling his eyes. "Not up to your standards princess? "  he sneered in your direction, foot kicking the rocks around the fire pit. "Afraid you'll break a nail?"
You roll your eyes, refusing to engage in his snappy remarks. Closing the door behind you, silently pleading with it to stay standing at least til morning, you reached down to grab a couple of different sized logs. Stacking them near the fire pit, you pulled off your backpack, digging through your preserves to find your flint and steel and a pouch of dry kindling.
Kneeling onto the cold ground, you arranged the kindling into a loose pile, striking the flint and steel sending sparks into the bundle. When glowing embers caught, you lifted the pile to your mouth, blowing steadily until a small flame licked to life. Satisfied you began placing twigs into a teepee, watching as they caught light. Silently to built up the pile until a controlled fire crackled in the middle of the room, giving off its roaring heat.
Grimmjow had leaned himself against the wall, arms folded over his chest. Legs crossed at the ankles, he had been staring at you, watching as you created fire.
"No thanks Grimmjow, I don't need any help. Thanks for asking"  You sarcastically remark. The answering scoff you received at least let you know sarcasm was something even hollows understood. Too tired to cook yourself a meal, you pulled out some jerky and a pre-made rice ball for your dinner. Grimmjow didn't need anything to eat. While, you discovered, he could eat human food, he could also be satisfied by chomping down on smaller hollows.
That was a sight you wouldn't forget in a hurry. The animalistic way he leaped at the hollows you had encountered earlier in the day. Sharp teeth ripping into the flesh of the howling beasts with a sadistic grin on his face. Grimmjow swallowing those mouthful's of hollow flesh was something else entirely.
Banning the memory from your mind so not to completely ruin your appetite, you moved to sit on the bed, trying not to think about what that stain was. Grimmjow hadn't moved from his space as far away from you as the cabin allowed. Mindlessly chewing at your food, your eyes started to wander. His fingers had gripped into his biceps, the indents pushed into the flesh looked painful. He kept shifting his weight between his feet, crossing and uncrossing his ankles.
Your chewing slowed as you regarded him. You were in from the rain, drying nicely from the heat provided by the fire. So why did he look just about ready to claw his own skin off? Perhaps he was dreading the sleeping arrangements as much as you were
"so" you started the awkward conversation after swallowing the last of your light meal. He tilted his chin into your general direction at your conversation starter "how are we doing this?"
He jerked his head fully to you then, eyes widened "we ain't doing anything" his husky voice rumbled. It was your turn to tilt you head, this time in confusion
"sleeping arrangements? There's only one bed" you emphasised the point by tapping the bed below you. You see the realisation dawn on his face before pushing it away with a sneer. You couldn't fathom what he could've been so worried about
"pfft, you take it, don't wanna hear your bitching all night if you had to sleep on the floor." Grimmjow moved to the tatami mats leaning against the wall, throwing them unceremoniously to the ground with a thud. You were pleased to see they weren't hiding a gaping hole in the wall. Grimmjow fell backwards onto the mat, crossing his arms under his head and stared at the wooden roof.
Not letting the comment slide, you picked up one sorry excuse for a pillow, throwing it harder than necessary to flop anticlimactically on Grimmjow's stomach. You received a growl for your efforts. Throwing a couple more robust logs on the fire to ensue heat for hopefully the whole night, you felt confident to change into your sleeping gown and not freeze to death. While it showed more skin than your regulation issued shinigami uniform and as much as you didn't relish in the thought of rolling about on that dirty mattress all night with more on show, you hated the confines of clothing while you slept. You would just have to scrub extra hard in your bath the next day.
Locating your gown in your backpack, you climbed under the covers to change, folding up your uniform neatly and laying it atop your bag. Though it would've been easier staying dry in a shower, you snuggled under the blanket trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. The raging storm outside helped ease you into blissful unconsciousness, hoping that by morning the storm would've passed along with Grimmjows pissy mood
You wouldn't hold your breath though
When your eyes snapped open way too soon for it yet to be morning, you had first assumed it was the storm still raging outside that had woken you up. You remained staring at the wall, not wanting to risk waking Grimmjow, less you wanted to deal with his moody ass at being woken. The fire was still breathing, judging by the heat at your back. You listened to the usual sounds of the storm, rumbling thunder in the distance, they ruthlessly pelting rain hitting the roof, howling wind whipping through the trees. Yet sleep avoided you.
That's when you heard the shuffle of clothes rubbing together and a throaty grunt. You roll your eyes, of course the bastard moved around in his sleep. You tried to force yourself back to sleep, but the noises never stopped. You could hear his knuckles crack as they gripped the side of the tatami mat, puff of air escaping the spongy padding.
He squirmed around noisily, small grunts and husky grumbles accompanying his heavy breathing. You sigh loudly, the room stilling. A pregnant pause followed. Pleased with the silence you closed your eyes again, trying to drift off.
A chesty rumble and a thump that sounded suspiciously like a fist hitting the mat had you flipping over, leaning up on your elbow to glare at the Espada "Grimmjow, what the hell are you doing?" 
"Nothing". He tightly snapped at you, lacking the usual hostility. He stared at the roof, refusing to look at you "go back to fucking sleep" 
"I can't, with all your moving around and grunting."  You try not to sound condescending, but really, who could sleep through all that racket. "What's the problem? Are you cold or something? I could put another log on the fire..?"
"Its rutting season" he growled out deeply, voice so thick and sticky he almost choked on the words... Rutting season? Oh. Oh  That'll explain the frenzied look he sported earlier. You were at a loss of what to say, what could you say? Shinigami didn't go through anything so animalistic
"can't you just..? Ignore it?" You ask, ignorance showing
"The fuck do you think I'm doing?" He snapped at you, patience clearly wearing thin
"making a fucking racket" you grumble back "can't you.. step outside.. take care of it?"
He snorted at your suggestion, legs moving around on the mat "damn shinigami, don't know nothing." 
"we don't have rutting seasons"  you reminded him softly
"It don't fucking work like that. Hands don't work. I gotta knot in a pussy" the crass wording had you sucking in a sharp breath. Not quite the civilised conversation you were anticipating, yet the next words sent a rush of heat rushing through you hotter than the fire itself "so unless your offering, shut the fuck up an go back to sleep"
Offering? To have sex with him? What an absurd notion. And yet... Grimmjow was good looking.. in a demented "I'll murder you and everyone you love" kinda way. Tall and with enough rippling muscles for three men. A cocky grin with surprisingly intriguingly sharp canines. While usually spitting insults, his voice was deep and sultry. And his hair, such an unusual colour, yet it fit him so perfectly.
It had been a while since you had indulged in that cardinal desire, your throbbing cunt attested to that. You could help him out.. if only to finally get some peace and quiet enough to go back to sleep.
"Alright, I'll help you" your voice sounded strained to your own ears. Grimmjow sat up suddenly at your words, staring at you as though you sprouted another head
"the fuck you just say?" Utter bewilderment filled his voice, lilt of eagerness filtering through
"I said, alright"it pained you to admit it, twice. "I won't be able to get any damn sleep until you stop moving around" 
Grimmjow pounced across the room, literally leaping through the air and landing easily on your bed. Feverish hands ripped off your blanket, eliciting a squeak of surprise from you at his eager haste. Rough large hands ripped your gown from your body, jagged line separating the cloth covering your body. You glared at him, for ruining your favourite sleeping gown. He payed not attention, throwing the scraps of ruined material over the side of the bed.
He had a crazed look in his eyes, taken over with the animalistic urge to mate. His chest heaved with heavy breaths as he removed his own top, you noticed how he didn't rip his clothing. Surging forward Grimmjow buried his nose into your neck, inhaling deeply. Your scent filled his nostrils, eliciting a rumbling deep from his chest. You cry out as he bit down brutally, sharp teeth sinking into the flesh where neck joins shoulder.
His hips bucked against your covered core at the tang of blood seeping through to his tongue, deep rumbling escaping around the mouthful of neck he had in his mouth, reminding you of the purr of a cat. A big fucking cat. Mercifully releasing you, he swiped a strong, hot lick against the wound, cleaning up the drops of blood pulled out. Seemingly finished marking you, Grimmjow pushed away his pants, large cock bobbing heavily between you. Your eyes went wide at the sight, throat drying painfully.
He was huge. While similar to that of humans, it was bigger than any you had previously seen, by quite a few generous inches. And thick, you wouldn't be able to close your hand around the veiny girth to touch your fingertips. You couldn't tell if the weight appearing in your lower stomach was from dread or lustful excitement at the knowledge it would soon be inside you.
Ignoring your inner turmoil, Grimmjow ripped your panties off you next, throwing the scrap of material to join the rest. Angry retort died on your lips as he surged forward, attempting to thrust into you
"wait!" You nearly scream, holding him back by planting your hands firmly on his chest, twisting your leg to cover your opening. He gave you a warning growl, hand gripping your thigh roughly to move it back from denying him access, crazed instincts telling him to mount. The punch to the jaw you delivered brought him back to his senses some what
"what?" He asked through clenched teeth, finally making eye contact
"you can't just force it in" you said pointedly, glancing down at the angry purpling head of his dick. He gave you a questioning look, head tilted to the side in a feline manor. "You got to get me wet first"
Grimmjow rolled his eyes, crawling down your body he crouched down to be eye level with your core, before spitting loudly straight onto your cunt. You felt the hot liquid hit you, and recoiled at the grotesque action. Your mind almost short circuited when he tried again to mount you. You planted a foot on his chest this time, pushing him back.
"fucking now what?!" he almost roared at you, getting frustrated at being denied what had already been offered.
"not like that ,you brute!"
"fucking woman! You said wet, that's wet!" He let out his frustration by pushing against your leg planted on his chest
"We aren't naturally wet inside, Grimmjow. We need to be stimulated by foreplay,". You spoke to him slowly, like teaching a child "you need to use your fingers or tongue to stretch me, your dick will rip me otherwise " you begrudgingly add, he definitely didn't need the ego boost of knowing he was very well endowed. He caught the meaning anyway, cocky smirk making a reappearance on his face. "Try and make me actually want to fuck you, for fucks sake" you add exasperated, flopping back onto the pillow.
This time you allowed him to remove your foot from his chest, letting it fall to the side, opening up your thighs. His wet, warm tongue suddenly tasted you in a steady lick up the slit of your cunt. You sigh, letting your eyes close to savour the feelings, letting yourself relax enough to enjoy it. He repeated the action, delving in between your folds a little more with every lick.
Grimmjow let his mouth salivate at the new taste, his animalistic side relishing in the musky taste of a mate. Letting his spit slide down onto his tongue to leave on your silky hot folds. A breathy moan escapes you, shooting straight to Grimmjows throbbing, neglected cock. He gave an answering growl, plunging his tongue deep into your depths, patience slowly but surly hitting their limits.
He needed to start rutting, and soon. Your own natural lubricant began coating his tongue, setting his tastebuds alight with the heady taste. Pushing his face in deeper, chasing the slightly salty tang, his nose brushed against something that made you jerk below him with a loud moan. He pulled out of you, lower face dampened by his sloppy work, in search for what made you call out.
At the top of your dusky pink cunt was a small protruding bump, inquisitively, he brushed his finger against it. Another moan ripped from you, back arching from the bed, thrusting your hips up encouragingly. Grimmjow rubbed against it again, getting the same reaction.
Not letting up on his thumb pressing against the little button that had you bucking like a bitch in heat, Grimmjow shoved two fingers inside you roughly. He could feel your tight inner walls sucking around his fingers, clenching them tightly. Thrusting them in and out quickly, gaining hardly any give in your vice like grip, Grimmjow sped up his movements, practically punching his knuckles either side of his submerged digits into the soft flesh on your pussy.
You writhed beneath him, pleasure outshining the pain he inflicted on your sensitive mound. A steady stream of appreciative moans left your lips, turning into keening groans as he added another finger, stretching you out in preparation for his even larger phallic. Lost in a sea of contradictory feelings, you didn't feel your orgasm approaching until it crashed over you, pulling you deeper into a spiral of blind bliss.
Grimmjow felt the sudden gush of liquid on his fingers, getting pushed out messily by his thrusting fingers. First he sneered, assuming you had disgustingly wet yourself, pissing all over his hand. Until his sensitive nose picked up the scent, the same heady musk he had tasted from within you. Mouth watering, wanting to taste the tangy substance once more, Grimmjow removed his soaked fingers, going straight to the source to drink down the glistening wetness.
Lust filled fog lifted slowly from your mind, feeling Grimmjow greedily lap at your spasming Cunt, you tried to push his head away. Grimmjow possessively growled into you, gripping your thighs to stop you denying him his reward.
"Grimmjow" you called to him to no prevail, he ignored your voice, lapping at you hungrily. You ran your fingers through his hair, tugging sharply. Like a cornered beast he pinned you to the bed by your wrists, staring challengingly into your eyes with a predatory look. His mouth was wet with your arousal, you could smell your scent on his chin as he tumbled above you in warning.
"Grimmjow," you tried again, submissively lowering your tone, whispering meekly. "You need to leave it wet, so you don't hurt me with your cock"
The mention of his cock seemed to remind him of the aching member hanging heavily between you. Releasing you with a huff, Grimmjow fisted himself, groaning at the full tug he gave himself. Lining up with your centre, he pushed in swiftly, burying himself as deep as he could go, stopping only when the engorged head of his dick bumped against your cervix. You cry out at the sudden intrusion, painfully stretching you beyond your limits. Your inner walls protested at the too big invasion, squeezing painfully around it.
Tears stung your eyes, mouth gasping to pull air into your lungs. It was too big, too much to handle. Grimmjow didn't allow you any time to adjust to the size, rutting his hips into you feverishly, cardinal desire to breed consuming his mind. You felt the burn as his rigid cock dragged against your walls, pushing against them unbending. Small sparks of pleasure tried to push through the overwhelming stretch, Grimmjow hitting every sweet spot mercilessly with each frenzied thrust. You concluded he was too big, too thick to miss, accuracy wouldn't be needed.
Grimmjows chest rumbled with a constant primal gravel. Pupils blown wide, the Panthera focused his gaze on the vivid bite mark on your neck. Powerful hips thrusted into you cruelly, chasing after his cardinal need to procreate. Dipping his head, Grimmjows lips found the swell of your breast, sucking the soft flesh into his mouth to clamp his teeth into. The cry you gave only spurred him on to leave his mark. The jagged tenth of his broken hollow mask scraped against your nipple, spike of pleasure burst through the pain.
At your whimper Grimmjow released you, deranged look in his eyes. You flinched when he lowered himself to your face, tilting your head to the side as a strained moan ripped from your throat. Half expecting another bite, your eyes closed, bracing for the new flash of pain. Instead of the sharp bite, you felt his tongue drag slowly up your cheek. The saltiness from your sweat flavoured your skin, Grimmjow hungrily sought out the delicacy, licking at your face protectively.
Rutting instincts being satisfied, the demented haze lessened enough for Grimmjow to filter through is own thoughts and wants. Seeing you panting beneath him, squirming in pleasure, face screwed up in painful bliss was a beautiful sight. But it wasn't what he wanted, what the alpha demanded of his willing mate.
The rough withdrawal of his dick had you gasping at the reprieve, legs fell flat to the bed heavily,muscles twitching in protest. The gap in the brutal penetration was short lived, however, when Grimmjow used his superior strength to throw you to your stomach. Equilibrium fighting to right itself, two large hands gripped painfully into your hips, forcibly dragging you to your knees. Round ass held in the air, glistening cunt on full display for his viewing pleasure.
The Espada slid his hand up the length of your back, cupping the back of your neck to push your face into the mattress. Pushing your hair away from the most delicate part of your neck, portraying the Vulnerable submission the alpha so desperately seeked. He thrusted his dick back into your dripping heat, claiming his mate.
Your back arched at the reappearance of his cock stretching you sinfully. Groaning with the wet slapping of skin meeting skin. Fingers dug into the fleshy part of your ass, kneeling the swell in his palms. Grimmjow had his eyes fixated on the way your ass rippled with every thrust, his cock disappearing into your hot, tight hole. Your wetness spraying out with every plunge, wetting his lower stomach and thighs.
The smell was intoxicating, addicting. Breathing deep he could almost taste the musky aroma, eliciting a feline hiss. His hands spread your ass cheeks revealing your puckered hole. Spitting loudly he watched as his saliva trickled down the valley between your cheeks, sliding over that hidden hole. Using a finger to gather the moisture, not wanting you to bitch at him again, the arrancar pushed his way through the tight ring of muscles.
You yelped at the sudden intrusion, spent body easily accepting the new addition as you laid heavily into the mattress. His brutal thrusts hadn't let up through his curious exploration, steadily pushing you further towards the most natural of highs. Grimmjows chest swelled with pride of having calmed both of your holes, muscles squeezing devilishly tight.
The heat encasing his cock was driving him wild, with feral intensity, the instincts to breed filled him. Slipping from your ass, he gripped your hips bruisingly, snapping you back onto his rutting cock brutally. The pleasure filled scream you have had his balls tightening. He could feel the knot forming in the middle of his dick, getting caressed by the tight velvety walls with each drag of his impressive length
"m'gunna fill you full of pups" he growled out, panting harshly "gunna fill your cunt with my seed" 
You scream out in pleasure, the knot forming inside you pushing against your already straining walls, rubbing roughly against your pleasure spot hidden away in your depths. "Your mine" the growled word's emphasised with increasingly powerful thrusts. A hand left your hip, wrapping it around your throat to pull you back into a painful bend. "My mate" 
Sharp teeth sunk into the back of your neck, latching on viciously. Hot pants forced through his teeth, heating up the bruising skin trapped in their hold. A bright light burst from behind your eyes as you descended into euphoric darkness. Violent tremors raked through your body as you convulsed around the dick forcing you into the most powerful orgasm you had ever endured. The strong hold on your neck the only thing keeping you from spiralling into the darkness threatening to pull you under.
The impossibly tight, the cunt surrounding his cock clamped down. Grimmjow erratically rutted into you in short bursts, knot no longer allowing him to pull out from your sopping channel. The knot snapped in a painful burst, seed rushing from him in blinding pleasure. The Panthera released the hold his teeth had on your neck to yowl loudly into the room. Hips stilling as his seed erupted inside you, filling you with his hot cum.
The lustful instinct to mate melted away at his release. Control over his mind filtered back slowly, allowing him to see the state he had left you in. Angry teethmarks sat proudly at the back of your neck. Slumped forward in his hold, your sweat soaked body hung limply, raggedly sucking in desperate breaths.
Laying himself across your back, Grimmjow Manoeuvered you both to lay down on the small bed on your sides. Knotted cock still buried deep inside you, Grimmjow moulded himself to your back, wrapping his arm around you protectively. On the brink of sleep you squirm, wincing at the pinch in your abused pussy caused by the pull of the knot keeping him in.
"stay still" his gruff voice held a semblance care, large hand soothing over the bruises left by his fingers on your hips "y'gotta let it go down or it'll rip ya apart"
Your body pushed to the brink of what it could take started to shiver, muscles periodically twitching as they relaxed. Thinking you were cold, Grimmjow grabbed the sorry excuse for a blanket, draping it over you. Head buried in your neck, Grimmjow soothed the marks left there with his tongue, methodically licking over the wounds, soothing the dull throbbing.
Arm wrapped protectively around you, slowly deflating cock nestled deeply within you, you fell into unconsciousness with Grimmjows cool tongue lapping at your skin. Satisfied you were cleaned up enough, Grimmjow tightened the hold he had on you, savouring the feel of his cock being warmed by your hole, full to the brim with his seed. Burying his head in your hair, letting your smell fill his senses as he joined you in sleep he so desperately needed, whispering a single word as he succumbed to the pull
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nellielsss · 2 months
Bleach Men I'd do Until Sunrise
Since my summer classes are over, I can FINALLY go back to thinking about more important things, like all the bleach men I want in me. Here's the full list and reasons why 😘 Bleach is also the only Big 3 anime with consistently fine men, and that's a HUGEEE bonus for me
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Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
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A man with muscles is always gonna do it for me every time. Kubo but his entire pussy into his design of Grimmjow like his appearance>>> the hollow mask, the blue hair, the natural eyeliner, so what if he has a hole in his abs?! I'm still putting it down on him 😻 also LOOK AT THAT FERAL SMILE OF HIS oh I know he's a FREAKKKK in bed (he and my self-insert are also married and have an arrancar-soul reaper kid)
2. Kensei Muguruma
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I have a problem when it comes to ISTP men who are stoic but also easy to fluster... it may be the ENTJ in me but I'll always love me an ESTP/ISTP man, the brute + confident and strong diva duo will always do it for me every single time without failure, also, again, MUSCLESSS!! I need to be taken to paris by him and Grimmy
3. Cang Du
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The man himself who inspired Toji... even though his body's not as built as Toji's, he's still so fine! He's also one of the only non-female Quincies I like (the other one being Äs Nödt but I like him for his creepy he is) anyways he also has some muscle on him + he's not as loud and cocky as the other quincies (yes, I know Grimmjow doesn't shut up, but he's mega foine so he gets a pass)
4. Shūhei Hisagi
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Again w the dark-haired muscular men!! Unlike the others, who are mainly known for being tsundere/stoic men, Hisagi has sm cute little moments in the show, like all his moments with Rangiku are so adorable like I'd love flustering this man to death!! (Kubo needs to give him more battles that he wins bc why he he constantly losing every single one 💀)
5. Kaien Shiba
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Yet another dark-haired man! Who would've guessed?! anyway, I looooveee his little mentor moments with Rukia, but the little amount of screentime he got in the series was so annoying, especially given how handsomeee this man is with his lil mullet like please return in a flashback idk
6. Ichigo Kurosaki
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Ofc, the protagonist of the series gets to be on this list... I didn't find him THAT cute early on in the series, but now that he's drawn better and has more muscle (I'm a fiend for muscles), he's wayyy hotter, also his little mullet moments were soooo UGH please Orihime Inoue my queen make him bring back the mullet, plus his drip/casual outfits are UNMATCHEDD ABSOLUTELY UNMATCHED
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Anyway that's all! At least until I watch more episodes...
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pixelnrd · 2 months
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On the eve of the new millenum, Ginger ran downstairs to inform her family of their potential impending doom. Having read all about it online, Y2K could posssibly be the biggest disaster they would face in their lifetime.
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Her frenzied explanation of the situation as she tried to convince them all tospend their new years down in the basement caused confusion for the rest of the family. None of them understood why, and yet to appease Ginger in her heightened state they all agreed to go downstairs to Quincy's basement bedroom, which Ginger had turned into a temporary shelter.
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'We all have to stay down here just in case, but I've got a whole cooler of food and beds for us all. It'll be fine! We just have to wait it out!' she insisted.
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Once everyone realised that Ginger was trapping them all in the basement together, they were suddenly less compliant. But Jenny and Heather worried that Ginger might be right, so they decided that everyone should go along with it, just in case. Jasmine and Quincy were furious, and began to berate their sister for ruining their New Years plans. Everyone ate cold cereal for dinner and went to sleep on the floor.
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Come the next day, having been trapped together in a basement for 24 hours, the tensions dissolved. Heather and Jenny woke up to find their near-adult children all playing video games together in their pjs, and talking to eachother with affection and kindness.
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Ginger confessed to her siblings that she was scared of life once they left the basement. Even if things were all fine, and disaster had been averted, they were all about to graduate high school and go their separate ways for the first time in their lives. It scared her, leaving behind their shared childhood here.
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'But Ginger, we're all still going to be friends,' assured Quincy. 'We'll always be in touch, even if we aren't living in the same house. We can always IM or email or text.'
'I thought you guys couldn't wait to get away from me, though,' confessed Ginger.
'No way! I'm going to miss you both,' said Jasmine, feeling sad too. 'Even if you guys drive me crazy, I love you both so much.'
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It was like old times - being forced into the company of one another had broken down the walls they had all built up as they strove for individuality. Heather and Jenny smiled with happiness, seeing what kind and caring young people they had raised, who could put aside their differences to remember that they loved one another. They felt like they had got it right.
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If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. Make it last forever, friendship never ends 🎵
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a-killer-obsession · 4 months
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Pretty Boy [Killer x Reader]
You get more than you bargained for when Killer is dared to let you take photos of him in some special jewellery. Inspired by this post.
CW: sub!killer, afab reader, smut, use of horse crop, light bdsm, praise kink, oral sex (giving and receiving), p in v sex, creampie, face sitting
WC: ~3.5k
Masterlist || A03
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“Okay Kil!” Quincy slurred, wobbling in place in a drunken haze, “Your turn! Truth or dare?”
“I never agreed to this game,” he grumbled, taking a long sip of his drink with the straw that threaded through a hole in his mask.
“What, you a fuckin’ coward Kil?” Kid laughed. Killer made a small growl-like sound under his mask and relented, nobody was calling him a coward.
“Fine, dare,” he replied. Quincy squealed in delight.
“You gotta let [y/n] dress you up and take photos!” She clapped, chuffed with herself.
“Quincy!” You snapped back at her, almost choking on your drink in surprise.
“Ah, ah,” she tutted, waggling a very drunk finger, “remember that jewellery you found last raid?”
Fucking Quincy, she was right, Killer would look so fucking good in it, but she was absolutely also doing this because she knew you had hots for the first mate.
“Hang on now, what are we talking?” Killer asked nervously.
“Don't worry baby, I won't make you take the mask off,” you replied, trying to feign confidence but at the same time really fucking anxious about this whole thing, “but you gotta take your shirt off, to show off the jewellery of course”
Killer grumbled as he thought about it. It was clear to anyone with eyes that under his usual selection of probably too small t-shirts that he was sculpted like an Adonis, but he wasn't as confident with his body as the other commanders. The others would happily walk around naked if given the chance, while you could only get a glimpse of his bare chest on the rare occasion he went swimming. For you though, maybe he could let himself go. He'd long since accepted his attraction to you, not that he'd ever admit it to anyone. Fuck, maybe he was a coward. “Only [y/n] sees the photos?” he asked, though it was more of a plea.
“Fineeeee,” Quincy whined, giving you a look that absolutely translated to ‘you fucking owe me’.
“Okay,” Killer relented with a heavy sigh.
“Atta boy,” Kid smacked him on the shoulder, “look at you, so brave”
“Shut the fuck up Kid,” Killer grumbled.
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“So uh… what am I wearing?” Killer asked, sitting nervously on the edge of his bed. The two of you were still a little tipsy, but anxiety had certainly sobered both of you a great deal. Both of you thought maybe you could avoid this altogether if you waited long enough for Quincy to forget, but she was having none of that, grabbing the jewellery from the girl's bunkroom herself and shoving you both towards Killer's room, fuck she was strong when she's drunk. You lifted the piece of jewellery from it's box, long interconnecting strings of fake diamonds that formed a sort of harness. He looked at it with a hitched breath, that thing was gonna barely cover anything.
“Shirt off, Massacre Soldier,” you ordered with faux confidence, fiddling with the harness to figure out the best way to get it on him, “I'll have to help you get it on”
“Oh… okay,” he took a deep breath and pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it towards his hamper. Fuck, he really was well built, with a thin blond happy trail and smooth, very lickable chest. You shook the distraction from your head and approached him with the harness. The crystals glinted in the light as you walked, Killer taking deep calming breaths to keep himself steady.
The easiest connection was the neck, so you attached that first, Killer having to hold his great mane of hair out of the way as he sat sideways on the bed and you knelt on the mattress behind him. Next was his back, your fingers smoothing over his chest and leaving goosebumps as you searched for the clasp, finding it with a small ‘ah huh!’ and pulling it around to clasp it in the middle of his back. The last clasp was at his hips, and his breath hitched as your hands followed the single line of crystals that ran down his front to where the remainder of the harness sat pooled in his lap. Clasps successfully located, you brought them around to fix them at the small of his back, swathes of crystals falling over his hips.
You stood to admire the finished product, which fit Killer like a glove just as Quincy had predicted. There was a line around his neck, which connected to one long line that ran all the way down to his happy trail. Over his chest the lines cupped under his pecs, connecting at the back and fastened to the neck at the sides of his pecs, with two additional lines that ran from the center to the top outer edges, framing his nipples. At his hips another line ran around him, and from it on either side were multiple draped lines of crystals that sat loosely over his side, though right now they awkwardly caught on his jeans.
“I gotta lower your jeans a little,” you hummed, and Killer's chest started to go red. You smirked, how could someone so attractive be so shy about his body? It was adorable, really, and gave you a boost of confidence knowing how flustered you were making him.
You pulled him to stand, and looked into the icy blue eyes you could see through the holes of his mask as you removed his sash and unzipped his jeans, hooking your fingers into the waistband of the pants and his briefs underneath and lowering them till they sat just above his cock, the deep v of his muscles and the well trimmed blond mass of pubes now exposed, pale against his tanned flesh. His breath was haggard as you stepped back and admired him, satisfied now that the crystals were able to hang against his bare skin. Now how to pose him?
“On your knees, soldier, arms behind your back,” you commanded. Normally he would have replied with a growl, only Kid had the authority to order him around, but he found himself dropping to his knees before his brain could protest the action, the drapes of stones on his hips making a flurried clicking sound as he moved. The sudden obedience surprised but pleased you, you were sure you'd gone too far with that request, but seeing Killer on his knees, his cock millimetres from exposure, his arms positioned as though he was bound, sent electricity straight to your core.
Before he could change his mind you grabbed the photo den-den and started snapping pictures. It was a polaroid style, only one copy could be made of each photo, no digital copies, as per the agreement you'd come to with Killer a little later. Something black under the corner of the bed caught your eye as you snapped photos, and his mask followed you nervously as you bent down beside him and retrieved it.
“Wow Kil, you're a lot kinkier than I took you for,” you smirked, examining the riding crop in your hand. Funny, there were no horses on board. You heard him swallow hard, saw the way his Adam's apple bobbed as he did so, mask fixed on the item in your hand. Caught red handed, curse the rocking of the ship for knocking it out of place, he should have done a better job of checking his room before allowing you in. “Now is this for use on others, or for use on you?” you asked as you whipped the tool, making a whistling sound as it sliced through the air next to him.
“M-me,” he finally answered. The answer surprised and aroused you, you'd never had guessed in a million years that Killer was a submissive, but it was becoming painfully obvious, slick pooling between you legs the more you thought about it.
“May I?” You purred, and he nodded slowly. You pushed the tip of it against his chin, forcing it up and exposing his thick neck. You snapped a few more pictures of him like that before setting the snail aside, far more interested in this new entertainment now as a clear tent formed in his jeans, the very base of his thick cock now visible as the fabric shifted. You bit your bottom lip noticing the thin trip of hardening flesh, running the crop down his front, following the line of crystals. “Such a pretty thing,” you hummed.
His hand grabbed the end of the crop, moving it till the leather loop at the end pressed against his nipple, a small, barely audible, whimper escaping him from under the mask. “You want me to hit you there?” You asked with a raised brow. His mask moved as he nodded and let go of the crop, hand returning to behind his back as he braced himself. Hesitantly you pulled back, before smacking him lightly with the crop.
“Harder,” he pleaded. You pulled back again, hitting him much harder, leaving a fresh red mark over his nipple as you pulled it away. He let out a small pleased groan, his hips bucking a little, exposing more of his length. “More”
You happily obliged, alternating between his two nipples and laying hard smacks against them with the delicate tool, making him groan and buck more. His jeans finally gave way with one last buck, his fully erect and leaking cock now exposed and at attention. You swore under your breath at the sight of it, thick and long and swollen with need, a drop of precum beading at the tip. You ran the crop down his front, pausing above his cock hesitantly, expecting him to stop you, but he remained still, his hands back behind his back obediently, his mask fixed on you. You bit your lip and ran the crop over the top of his length, rubbing the leather loop against the leaking tip, smearing his precum. You pressed it to the base of the underside where his shaft met his balls, running it up the length, his cock twitching against the leather. “So fucking pretty,” you breathed.
“All- all for you,” he mewled, rutting against the crop. You couldn't take it anymore, you were practically dripping with arousal just looking at him, the harness sparkling under the bedroom lights as he tried desperately to get friction against the small leather tip.
You dropped the crop and rushed at him, pushing him to the floor and attacking his neck with your mouth. You made shallow bites, leaving welts along his throat and shoulder, the usually stoic first mate whining and writhing under you as your nails dragged down his front. You pinched his reddened nipples as you moved down, pulling needy sounds from him, biting and licking and kissing your way down his front, running your tongue under the line of jewellery. Finally you reached his weeping cock, repurposing one hand to wrap around his base while your tongue ran up the underside and lapped at the precum, rubbing over the sensitive tip with your wet muscle before taking him in your mouth with a pleased hum. He swore under his breath as you bobbed your head, using your hand to service what you couldn't fit. One of his hands wound into your hair and guided your speed while the other clawed at the rug underneath him, his back arching off the floor as you took more of him, till his tip hit the back of your throat and your gagging vibrated the sensitive flesh.
A thin string of saliva connected your mouth to the head of his cock as you pulled off for air, looking at him with a half lidded, lust-addled gaze. “So pretty,” you purred, running your tongue up the underside of his twitching cock, “so fucking pretty”
“Shit, [y/n],” Killer gasped as you swallowed him again, his hips moving on their own accord and making swallow thrusts into your mouth, “I'm gonna- fuck- I'm gonna cum- hnng”
The hand that wasn't pumping the base of his cock travelled back up his body, playing with the jewellery for a moment before pinching and pulling at his nipple again. He let out a string of curses and whines as his hand pulled tight on your hair, holding you in place as he thrust up into you and released thick ropes of cum down your throat, leaving a trail over your tongue as he pulled out. He collapsed flat against the floor, his limbs limp around him, his hair fanned out over the rug like a cape, the jewellery and sweat on his body shimmering with every heaving breath he took. You licked the dripping remnants of his cum from his cock, eagerly swallowing his load and licking your lips, the lewdness of it making him whine.
You stood and grabbed the snail, and Killer made no attempt to move as you took more photos of him in his euphoric state, his cock already half hard again at the open shamelessness of you taking photos of him after absolutely sucking any remnant of a coherent thought right out of him via his dick.
Not wanting to test the limits of the precarious situation, you gathered your few things and made for the door, but not before Killer could scramble to you, wrapping himself around your thighs, bare under the miniskirt of the dress you wore. You let out a surprised gasp as his hands travelled up your legs, groping at your plush flesh, his mask pressing between them as he looked up at you.
“Please don't go,” he begged, “let me make you feel good, please, I wanna make you feel good. I'll be so good for you, so good”
You put down your things and stepped back towards him, your feet either side of his legs as he knelt on the floor. He reached up to his mask and you held your breath as he removed it, looking up at you with those deep blue eyes, darkened and almost black with lust, and purple tinted lips that immediately went to work kissing and licking your thighs. You pulled your dress up and over your head, leaving you in only your bra and panties, and he hooked his fingers under the panties to slide them down, stepping out of them so he could remove them entirely. His mouth travelled up the inside of your thighs, moving up and up till he was nosing at your folds, his eyes still locked with yours till he closed his to delve between your legs. You moaned as his tongue ran between your folds, letting him support your weight with his hands on your ass so you could crouch a little to give him better access.
He grunted into your folds, unsatisfied with what he could reach, and he started laying back flat, pulling you down with him till you were straddling his face. You were powerless to his motions as he held you tight against him and ate you out like a man starved, his moans vibrating against your cunt and making you shudder. “Killlll~” you whined, one hand fisting his thick hair as he encouraged you to roll against him, grinding your clit against his strong tongue. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, so good, so fucking good”
He gave your clit a harsh suck, snapping your coil, your orgasm rocking through you as he supported your weight and kept you flush to his mouth. He let you go limp against his chest as your high passed, both of you panting heavy, Killer pressing kisses to whatever he could reach of your thighs, his dick back to full mast beside your face. You could smell his arousal, and you turned your head to make kitten licks against his cock.
“I wanna fuck you,” he panted against the soft skin of your inner thigh, groping at the flesh on the outer side, “need to feel you cum on my cock, please”
All you could reply with was a needy whine, doing your best to sit back up so you could shuffle your ass back down his body, the jewellery catching against your skin and tugging as you moved. You rubbed your slick pussy weakly against his erection, your legs jelly from your orgasm. In one swift movement he grabbed your hips and the back of your head, flipping you so you lay underneath him, protecting your head from hitting the floor while also winding his fingers through your hair. His mouth latched on to your throat, marking your skin as his hands travelled down your body, the draping sections of the jewellery over his hips hanging down and brushing over yours. They clinked and jingled as he rutt his cock against you, rubbing it against your clit, before his moving hands reached where your legs were spread for him and he took himself in his palm, lining himself up and plunging into you, sheathing himself to the base with one deeo thrust and needy groan. Your back arched as he knelt between your legs, holding both of your hips in a bruising hold as he started a desperate, brutal pace, making you cry out in pleasure and claw at the rug. Your hand ran up his front, playing with the harness, admiring the way it sparkled as he fucked you, you eyes travelling upwards to his unmasked face. His head was thrown back, blond hair falling around his shoulders like a curtain of gold, brows furrowed in concentration. His purple lipstick was smeared, no doubt coating the skin on your thighs and neck and between your legs, a glistening of your silk still coating his chin.
“So pretty Kil, such a good boy,” you purred, your thumb running over his lower lip. He looked at you with wide, hungry eyes, his tongue poking out and running up your thumb before taking the digit in his mouth and sucking on it, letting out a whine as his thrusts increased in speed and depth and his fingers left deep purple bruises on your hips. His hands only left them to pull down your bra, the last piece of clothing you still had on, taking fists full of your breasts till his hands moved back to your hips, watching your tits bounce with every hard thrust as he fucked you like an animal in heat on his bedroom floor.
White hot pleasure was running through your body as your orgasm ran dangerously close, and you removed your thumb from his mouth to claw at his forearms, long deep moans pulled from you as he felt you start to flutter around him.
“Cum for me, please,” he whined, “‘m so close, so close, cum on my cock please”
“You've been such a good boy Kil,” you panted, “gonna cum for you- gonna- fuck, fuck, I'm cumming”
Your back arched of the floor and you saw sparkles in your vision as you came hard, clamping down around him and forcing him to cum with you, already teetering so close to the edge before your walls started milking every last drop he had. He painted your insides white with his seed, his hips stuttering before they stilled, collapsing to hover over you, focusing the last of his energy into keeping his weight from crushing you till he had no choice but to pull out and roll to lay beside you on the floor.
You rolled to your side to curl up against him, his skin scalding to the touch from the heavy physical activity, sweat rolling down his skin and catching on the gemstones of his harness. You played with the threads of glass stones, running your hands under them against Killer's skin, enjoying the luxurious and rare view.
“Fuck, I've wanted to do that for so long,” he puffed finally.
“Yeah? Me too,” you hummed.
“Then why the jewellery? Why not just come out with it?” He panted, his head turning to meet your eyes with his. You hand travelled up his chest and neck until you could cup his sharp cheek, running your thumb over it, drinking in his unmasked face.
“Pretty things for a pretty boy,” you replied, and you could see just the hint of the corner of his mouth curling upwards. Before he could accidentally show you the smile he was so self conscious about, he rolled over entirely and captured your mouth with his, his tongue hot and dominating against yours as he pulled you to press flush against him.
“Your pretty boy,” he mumbled against your neck as he moved to attack it.
“All mine,” you smiled.
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rhaenerystargaryen · 1 month
I love your Daemon works and I love some angst too. Would you be willing to write a continuation to "Can't scape me" where Daemon meets the girl from his past again and she's unmarried, but trained like Arya Stark and became wealthy and famous in Essos and Dorne because of her prowess and instead of being sad she's like "Wow, I dodged a bullet. Could've ended up as a sad little wife in King's Landing while my husband partied with prostitutes, but instead I'm independent and happy." I would love to see Daemon's reaction to that, especially if she refuses to fight for team Black or team Green because she knows it's suicide and just goes her merry way and watches house Targaryen implode while eating dates on her Essossi villa 😅. Feel free to ignore it if it's too specific I just love Daemon, but also love to kick him a bit too much 😅.
i escaped you (can't escape me pt. 2)
pairing: daemon targaryen x fem!reader
synopsis: daemon comes to you after the events of harrenhal, seeking help.
warnings: angst, cussing/adult language, mentions of sexual relations
wc: 1,018
a/n: gagged daemon fr
part 1 here
it had been a long time since you'd seen daemon targaryen. heard of though is a different story. rumors spread like wildfire so of course you'd heard about how his life seemed to be going to shit. first wife dead, second also dead, and third might soon join them if she didn't play her cards right. people like daemon seem to bring suffer wherever they go but you've come a long way from the orphaned girl of king's landing that once was his.
at seventeen you boarded a ship to essos and never looked back. after your failed marriage to daemon you refused to live that kind of life with anyone in king's landing. having no family to care where you went and did, no one seemed to notice your disappearance. thinking about what your life could have been used to pain you. now you realize that most of the girls who were once like you are miserable and resentful as they married lords who would rather frequent the whore house than warm their own bed.
essos had served you good the first couple of years. of course you had to work twice as hard to prove your worth as a woman but with the help of an older gentleman who had taken you in, the art of swordsmanship became your most outstanding feature. it all started when he caught you stealing.
you didn't realize that when you actually did land in essos you'd have to learn how to make a life for yourself. stealing seemed like the easiest option but you were grateful the blacksmith that caught you also didn't cut off your hand. yet after his passing, you realized there was nothing left to do but go and show off your talent.
travels were made through pentos, dorne, and braavos competing in local tourneys and building a name for yourself. you had earned yourself the name "the cruel dread" as you were merciless and often left your opponents begging for their life. it was safe to say that the life you had created was better than the one that could've been.
it was a cloudly day in pentos. an odd occurrence from the constant rays of sunshine that frequented the skies. you sat on your balcony, eating dates, and reading the latest news of westeros. suddenly a knock came crashing down on your door, disrupting your peace.
you set your book down and approached the door. upon arrival you opened it only to be met with your most trusted knight, ser quincy.
"my lady," he spoke.
"what may be the problem, ser quincy?" your arms crossed and eyebrows raised exuded the fact that you were annoyed at his disruption.
"you have a vistor."
as you walked down the steps of your villa, you recognized the familiar face waiting for you.
"my lady, i present to you king consort daemon tar-" you were quick to cut quincy off.
"i know who he is," you stood eyeing daemon then turned to your knights, "you may be excused," but daemon's did not budge, "you too," you urged them.
"i'll be alright, go on," he told his knights.
as they left the room, no words were spoken between the two of you. how dare daemon show up in your house after everything that had gone down since then?
"what is it that you could possibly want?" you cut him off.
"y/n, i just want to say how sorry i am for how things went down last time i saw you. i never meant to hurt you," daemon moved closer to you.
"you are twenty years too late, daemon. i have moved on with my life as have you. there is no need to come all the way here and issue me a formal apology," your voice firm unlike his.
"if i could but request your time, i have something would like to discuss with you,"
you scoffed and looked away, "you are not welcome here, daemon. i know exactly what is it is you're going to ask me for and my answer is no," you started to walk away but he rushed to block your path.
"daemon-" his hands gripped your arms in an attempt to get you to look at him.
"why are you so quick to reject me? i have not forgotten the love we used to have for each other..." his voice was calmer, softer than before.
"keyword is 'used to' daemon," you sighed, "look, i don't know what you have roped yourself into this time but my answer remains," you looked into his eyes.
"is this because of rhaenyra?" he asked.
you knew that this was his attempt in trying to rile you up. scoffing you pushed his arms off you, "this has nothing to do with rhaenyra, daemon but this has everything to do with you."
"you've become quite the skilled warrior, y/n...why not put those efforts into some real exercise instead of bullshit tourneys!" he yelled.
"because daemon! when you left, those tourneys were all i had! to make a name for myself!" your chest heaved as his attempt to push you over the edge finally worked, "you have no idea what its like...to lose everything...to lose everyone. at least when you return back to dragonstone you'll have your wife and your children," you had tears in your waterline and daemon tried stepping closer to console you but you merely pushed him away.
"we could have had that, y/n..." he spoke quietly.
"but we didn't," you wiped your tears, "now you must leave before i call my knights. i don't want unnecessary bloodshed," you spoke.
daemon's face showed pure agony. did he really think things would be this easy? he might have been feeling disappointed but he made you this way. knowing he'll probably go back and tell everyone how the most skilled fighter in essos was just a "heartless cunt" angered you but if you were to show it then he'd be served right. the only thing you could do was sit back, and watch house targaryen burn.
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 10 months
Nu carnival as a tops and bottoms. AMAB reader
Warnings: explicit language and actions. Blood mentioned 
Top: Service top all the way. He just wants you to be happy normally, but now he can make you happy in bed! Yeah he's going to do his absolute best! It's awkward and he doesn't really know how to do foreplay but that's okay because his moans when he slides into you sound like he's in heaven. 
Bottom: He wants nothing more than to be able to wrap his arms around you while you pound his tight hole. It doesn't take long for him to be a moaning mess. He cries a little when he cums, but that's just because the pleasure is overwhelming.
Top: Nervous boy. Sweaty hands and heavy breathing before you even start. His military training gave him great stamina though. Just tell him what feels good and he is more than happy to follow orders.
Bottom: He cums so fast! He's really embarrassed and ashamed about how fast he came. Physically he prefers being a bottom but it hurts his ego to do so. Slow or fast, he doesn't care as long as you keep going until he's empty. 
Top: Such a sweet boy. He would prefer if you take control and ride him but is also more than happy to fold you in any position you want. He probably won't do anything in the church, but anywhere else is fair game.
Bottom: Man has entered Nirvana. He sees you giving him so much pleasure as a spiritual experience. There's no way it could feel this good if it wasn't blessed by the god of Klein. His body is built like a tank so don't be afraid of being a little rough, he likes it that way.
Top: He is so gentle with you. He has to be. Man is huge and if he doesn't spend a lot of time on stretching you out he will break you. He might not be very vocal but he loves making you scream in pleasure. He loves every sound that drips from your perfect mouth.
Bottom: My eyes have been opened to a whole new possibility! He's probably not very vocal but his panting is so hot. He doesn't really mind the position but if you're on top then pamper him. Let him be a pillow princess for a little bit. When you are both spent he is caging you in his arms and napping. He doesn't care about cleaning up right now.
Top: Jerk. Yeah fine when he lets you cum it's better than anything else you have ever felt, but is it worth it to deal with his taunts and teasing? He's also really into edging you when he tops. He loves the control he has over your body. I also think he would use magic to make you more sensitive.
Bottom: Still a jerk. He's trying so hard to keep a cool demeanor and is saying shit like “you really think that's enough to make me cum”. Meanwhile you are pounding him into the mattress and he is loving it. Feel free to be rough with him too or use any of his toys, he doesn't want vanilla.
Top: He does not need rest so once he starts he will just keep going, and going, and going. You will lose count of how many times you cum and when you finally had enough he will make you cum one more time. He thinks you are so cute when you cum underneath him.
Bottom: Careful you don't make him short circuit. He was built with a lot of sensors so every time feels like the first time to him. He wants to make sure you are enjoying yourself so any position he can see your face is good for him.
Top: He will ask constantly if you are okay and if he's doing a good job. You feel so good he can't help but whimper. He keeps a hard steady pace and won't stop until he knows you're satisfied.
Bottom: Moaning mess. Greedy bottom who wants to feel more of you. Your whole dick can be balls deep and he'll still ask for you to go deeper. It's fine though, he will happily take whatever you give him.
Top: He is so excited when he gets to top you! He doesn't mean to be but he's kind of rough. You will walk away with plenty of bite marks on your neck, or really anywhere he can sink his teeth into.
Bottom: He's flustered but that only makes him cuter. When you hit his sweet spot we will rake his claws down your back. You may be the top but you're not coming out unscathed.
Top: You're cumming again? He hasn't even touched your dick yet and you're cumming. His hands are magic and unfortunately he knows it. He is so smug about it but as long as you feel this good does it really matter? He won't stop until you can't feel your legs, thankfully he's also good with aftercare. He needs to be perfect after all.
Bottom: He tries to keep a stoic face but you can hear the slight shaking in his voice and the way his eyes clouded with lust. He prefers positions where he still has some leverage but cares less about that after he cums. If you finish before him he will tease you about it.
Top: He's analytical so I think he would watch your reactions to gauge what you like. However I don't think he would use that to make you feel better. I don't know, he just seems impartial to your pleasure. Maybe he would use this knowledge if you complain about anything? 
Bottom: He will tell you exactly what he wants you to do to him. He gets annoyed if you can't follow his “simple instructions”. Again I think your pleasure is just a byproduct to him. 
Top: He is probably the best top here. He has so much experience and will use every trick he knows to make you squirm in pleasure. He will do what's best for both of you to have a great time.
Bottom. Bliss. He's so happy to be a bottom and let you fuck him. Whether you go slow or hard or whatever he doesn't mind. To him all sex feels good and he is living his best life.
Top: He likes being in control. He doesn't even need to take his dick out most of the time to be a good top. He will take a little blood as payment for making you feel this good, the feeling makes your head spin. Hope you like tongue and teeth because he is going to taste every part of you.
Bottom: Brat. He doesn't usually let others take control of him so he's going to have to figure out fast what he likes. I think he would like if you tease him a little, but not too much. 
Top: He can top? I can definitely see him taking control to service you but I don't think he'd be the best at fucking. His hips stutter at the slightest pleasure so his thrusts are short and unsteady. He'll make you cum in other ways but probably not with his dick 
Bottom: Yup he's happiest here. He wants to serve you. Your pleasure is literally what feeds him. If he's on his knees for you it's a good day! Any time any position, he is the best power bottom.
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Could I request Ishida, Ichigo, and Byakuya just kissing their s/o passionately only to get interrupted by someone walking in on them?
Byakuya/Ichigo/Ishida - Interuptions in Inopportune Interludes
“I won’t be long. Just stay here. The squad will protect you.”
“I don’t need protection.” [Y/N] insisted as they looked up at Byakuya with earnest and determination. “I want to be with you.”
The captain smiled; or rather the corner of his lips tilted up. His hand reached out to clasp their cheek. “You will be with me. In my heart. But I cannot do what needs to be done if I’m worrying about you. Please, stay here with the 6th and keep order in my stead.”
[Y/N] huffed and turned their head away, but nodded.
Byakuya lifted their head back up towards him and leaned in for a kiss. He was aware this was dangerous. He was aware that the threat of death was a possibility. He was also aware that he couldn’t stand the thought of them being out there in the middle of it, and would gladly take on this danger alone to keep them safe.
He was also aware this was the last time he could see them.
“Captain! The enemy has broken through the first barriers on the west gate! 1st squad said—”
Byakuya pulled away from his love to level a stern, icy hot glare, at his vice-captain. “I will be there shortly.”
Renji visibly gulped and backed out of the room quickly. “I will be back as soon as I can.” He placed a kiss on their knuckles. “Be safe.”
“This is so stupid….”
“Come on. Don’t pout.” Ichigo replied. Halfhearted as he knew there was no way they weren’t going to pout. It just seemed like the thing to say.
“Why do I have to stay here?!” [Y/N] insisted. This close to stamping their foot down about it. “I’m not a child! And I’m not helpless! I can fight too!”
“I know you can.” He told them. “But I just want you to stay here and help with the ones that make it past. There important too!”
“You just want me benched and picking off small fries.” [Y/N] flopped down on the couch and literally pouted. Clearly not a fan of his plan.
Ichigo sighed and came up to them. “Look, I’ll be honest ok?” They glanced up at him, but only a little. “It makes me anxious when you’re out there.” They seemed surprised by his answer and Ichigo rubbed the back of his head. “It’s one thing when it’s the others, but with you….I can’t think straight and it makes me do stupid stuff. I’d just feel better if you stayed back here. Where I know you’re safe.”
They seemed to think it over for a minute before [Y/N] sighed. “I guess that makes sense. In a really dumb way.”
Ichigo smirked, then knelt down in front of them. “Hey, I never said I was a smart one. Just good looking.”
[Y/N] laughed a little, and Ichigo leaned in to give them a kiss. He was telling them the truth. Of course he cared about his friends & comrades on the battle field. With [Y/N] though, he’d do really stupid stuff to keep them safe.
“Ichigo! We have to get to the west gate! The barricade as already---”
“Jeez Renji! Ever think of knocking!”
The other red head seemed to sputter, sensing deja vu, but then just left to go tell the others.
“Least I won’t be the dumbest one out there.” Ichigo muttered, before he turned to [Y/N] and gave them a quick kiss. “I’ll be back. Keep your head down and try not to break anything important if you can!”
“Are you sure you’re fine with this?”
“Yes, Uryuu, go. I said I’ll be fine and….I want to help.”
Ishida’s face scrunched in an unappealing frown as he looked around. He supposed that the 4th was the safest place for them. It was the highest concentration of healers, and Captain Unohana was there; who always somehow gave Ishida a cold chill. Still, he didn’t want them to be anywhere near a battle. “Let me just have someone open a portal to send you home. Humans shouldn’t be here.”
“You’re here.” They insisted.
To which Ishida pushed up his glasses and told them, “that’s different. I’m a Quincy.”
[Y/N] stood up from their crouched position, helping get some of the beds ready for the inevitable injured, and looked him dead in the eye. “I know I’m not like the rest of you. I know I’m not special. Or have powers. Or am good at fighting. But this is something I can do. I want to help. If my friends, and the world, is in danger I want to do something. Let me do this so I can feel important for a change too.”
Ishida instantly buckled at their resolve. He should have known better. [Y/N] had a huge heart and wanted to help everyone. There was no way he was going to get them to budge. “You are important.”
The quincy leaned in and gave them a kiss. Permission, in a way, although they didn’t need it, for them to stay while he went out and fought. He’d honestly feel better knowing there were here to take care of him if he was injured.
“Ishida! Man, everyone is being super crazy today. We need to get to—”
“Get out of here Renji! This is a private area!” Ishida shouted, beet red at being caught kissing his s/o.
This time Renji just huffed with a shrug and walked out. “Did you really need to yell at him?”
“He…He startled me!”
[Y/N] smiled. Then they leaned up to give him another quick peck. “Try not to get cut. I’m not as good with a needle and thread as you are.”
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thekissofaphrodite · 9 months
Hi mi amor! could you do a luke x reader based off of Light Year by Gregory Alan Isakov
Light Year
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Luke Castellan x Daughter of Athena!Reader
Summary: Toxic relationship with Luke Castellan.
Warnings: Cursing, Toxic relationship, Luke being an Ass, Mentions of a S*x tape. (+ FEMALE RAGE)
Author's note: This was requested, i did a research abt Gregory Alan Isakov's song 'Light year' and it FITS Luke's character as a boyfriend!! (Since it's about a toxic relationship)
I woke you up with poetry and stones The ragged and the bones Strewn around the room.
"What the actual fuck" You mumbled angrily as you scanned your once organized cabin, now looking like a monster just rummaged through it. Luke was passed out on your bed, his shirt riding up a little bit, His face with unfamiliar kiss marks. Bottles of empty liquor and empty beer cans thrashed around the floor.
After leaving a week or two to visit your mortal father in new york, Instead of being greeted by a clean cabin to sleep in after hours of traveling, You were now kicking every empty beer cans in your way, You adjusted you tote bag that sat on your shoulders heavily, Your hair in a clip, Your eyes with dark circles.
Taking care of your mentally deranged father and his children with another woman wasn't exactly the kind of weekend you wanna spend, But you have no choice after all, It's either your step siblings starve and die or take care of them, and now here you are, With Luke Castellan, A grown teenager treated like a damn baby.
"Luke wake up!" You hissed as you shook the your drunken boyfriend awake, He groaned and mumbled a string of curses before sitting up the headboard. The sunlight passing through your self made daisy patterned curtains.
He looked around and sighed "I thought you'll be back in another week, sorry baby" Luke whispered before leaning in to give you a kiss, But you stepped away, That made the boy roll his eyes, clearly annoyed. He knew what was gonna happen.
"Come here baby, you know i hate that fucking attitude" You scoffed, a silent one before slapping him, Fast and sharp, a red mark appearing on his cheeks.
"You're telling me first which slut you brought here" You gripped his collar, showing himself the kiss marks made by someone, But Luke just chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Just Quincy from Aphrodite, She's a good kisser unlike you, too bad she left early-"
You shut him up with another slap in his cheeks, This time there were tears streaming down your cheeks.
"It's not that big of a deal, You're being dramatic" Luke said calmly, as if you were a joke to him.
You were shaking in fury, You love him, you really do.
But sometimes..His attitude is insufferable.
"Fine. Where's my paycheck then? I sent it to you yesterday" You asked him, Yet again, The dark haired boy shrugged.
"Spent it all on beers and sodas"
You felt weak, You don't why, but this is just too much.
So you cried.
"All of it? MY 150$ PAYCHECK THAT I WORKED FOR?" Your voice raised higher, but Luke towered over you, underestimating your small frame.
"Yes, You've got a problem? Don't you ever give me that attitude, I'm the one who got you enrolled in that fancy university that you can't stop talking for months baby, Once i sent them that one video tape of you, You're done" He blackmailed you, Luke smirked as he watched your expression changed.
Of course, Your video tape with him..that video was from three years ago when you two were young and naive and decided it's best to film your first time with luke. Not knowing he'll use it against you.
Over and over again.
You cowered a little bit, mentally rolling your eyes before leaving your cabin, slamming the door shut.
I recall another hazy May Take a round in the ring Gone hungry for the win
"Do you think we'll be soulmates in every other universe?" You whispered, Luke's muscular arms wrapped around your body as he pulled you close making you giggle softly.
"We could have been" He replied, fidgeting the hem of your yellow summer dress with daisy patterns all over. You two just officially became a couple, He couldn't get enough of you, kissing you everytime and holding your hands proudly. You felt loved and safe.
But you didn't answer, instead, You kissed him, pure of love expressing your undying loyalty to him, He found himself kissing back, gripping your waist, holding you closely.
"I love you so much" He whispered.
And you found yourself melting into his touch.
But then your relationship lost all its sparks.
No more kissing each other every morning or holding hands while striding at camp, It was more like arguing every day over little things.
"Stop it! What is wrong with you?!" You screamed as tears poured down your cheeks, You watched Luke smash another vase, the loud sound clattering.
"You are my girlfriend! you will do as you are told! if i saw you with that boy again i swear to the gods- " He yelled, you cried harder, you covered your ears as he begin yelling again, but then, you felt a sharp pain engulfing you, Luke grabbed your hair, almost pulling it out of your scalp, He dragged you outside your cabin before hurling you down your cabin stairs, you fell and you fell onto the fence, your ribcage caught the most of it.
Not even a day later, you sat in the infirmary, with yellow-ish purple bruises all over your body.
"Are you okay, baby?" Luke's sickly sweet voice asked as he caressed your tear stained cheeks, as if tho he wasn't the one who brutality beaten you.
" 'm fine" You mumbled, fidgeting your skirt, Luke then gave you flowers, Fresh daisies from the gardens of demeter's children.
You smelt the fragrance of the flowers, before feeling another tear roll down your eyes.
Heres the part I just lose everything I cracked a spark just to hear you sing Sing
"Surprise! Happy Anniversary, Baby!" Luke said as he untied the blindfold, You were greeted by a small, romantic picnic near the lake, Luke gripped your shoulder's from behind before pressing a kiss on your neck.
"Don't you like it?" He asked, Caressing your long hair at the process, But no, You didn't liked it. Even tho he had put so much effort in this simple picnic, you never felt sparkes like before.
Swallowing your distaste, You nodded before being dragged on the picnic blanket by luke, your sandal crunching on the fallen leaves and rocks.
I took it out The papers and the trash Old among the cans This golden love gone bad
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry..." Luke whispered, You didn't listen.
Instead, you continued packing your things, shoving clothes after clothes inside you bag, not caring if your freshly ironed clothes came crumpled.
As he tried to touch you, you pulled away angrily.
"You wanna know something? I would rather prefer my dangerous freedom over this peaceful slavery you had done to me" Your eyes met his, but then, You saw him smirk, and pulled out a digital camera, Your loud, wonton moans echoing as he turned the volume louder.
"Freedom over shame? I thought you knew better, baby" He said, you felt your breathing ragged, your hands trembling as you threw you bag on the floor.
You looked around before snatching the camera and breaking it, But it seems like Luke wasn't bothered.
He clearly did something with your tape.
Sensing that you've known, He smirked and started laughing manically. His dark laughter echoing through the cabin walls.
You lost hope now.
Feeling defeat, you slumped your shoulders and fell, You knelt at his feet gripping it tightly, your fresh hot tears dripping on his feet.
"Please" You whispered, Luke just looked down at you, his gaze seemingly judging you. You sobbed harder, pressing your nose against his feet.
"Luke, not this again, Luke, Please, Please"
"Promises are Promises, Baby" The dark eyes boy said, before leaving you.
Shined it up Aiming at the sun Just a light year from us Hop a cab ride and we're off
And all the ravens came along to play The simple notes you sang just went astray
"I'll be going"
You stopped.
"Just 'Okay' ?" Luke sighed and slammed the book he was reading just, he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
"Yes, Do you expect me to kiss you? Fucking hell you're just going to visit your family, it's not like you're going abroad for fifteen years" He mumbled and leaned against the headboard of his bed.
You just nodded, tears stinging your eyes, threatening to slip.
"Do you want me to buy you anything? Snacks? or mayb-" He slammed his fist into his bedside table, the sound of his lampshade and coffee mug clattering made you flinch.
"Can you just- please shut your damn mouth?"
"Fine." You stormed away, leaving Luke again.
You two weren't always like this, As you stepped outside the camp barrier, You got a glimpse of the Hermes Cabin once more before leaving.
Everything was up, its coming down Everything was up, its coming down Coming down
You ran around, Dodging attacks and trying not to trip over dead bodies on your way, You couldn't even believe that Luke did all this, The rise of Kronos. The lightning theif.
When you saw him in the distance, Holding a scythe in hand.
"Luke" You called him, with your sweet melodic voice, He turned around, The first thing you saw was his scowl, Then you felt a sharp pierce on the side of your belly.
You barely saw it, But a Chimera had sting you. you gasped, the pain barely registering before you fell down on the cold ground, The blood had dripped, making a scarlet pool right beside you, as you laid down the cold ground, Luke appeared in front of you, Wearing the same evil smirk.
Your hair was scattered in all directions, You truly looked like an angel, With one last kiss on your forehead, Your eyes went still, and before darkness had engulfed your vision, You heard luke say;
"Sleep well, My dear Y/n"
A/N: I researched about the song Lightwork and did the best i can to match the lyrics and story! But i do hope you guys like this!!!
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pwurrz · 1 year
i love how quincy’s a “do first, explain later” kinda guy
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